Have a passion for Art, Sketching or Telescopes? Does the Science of Film Astrophotography or Double Star Observing pique your interests? Then Check Out Cloudy Nights Telescope Reviews, one of the best forums around the net, with test reports on telescopes, binoculars, eyepieces and filters, a special beginners equipment forum, major articles on observing, astronomy for kids and a whole lot more.
Celebrate the Year of Astronomy — 2009 with Universe Awareness for Young Children
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the European homepage for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
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I hope all who visit this site will find it helpful, educational, provocative and interesting — it's creation has certainly been all that and more for me — Ken Pinkela
Howdy folks! Well, Historical Bytes have been fully updated and posted. I hope they are a worthy read. The news feed right has been an excellent addition (I now use it myself!) and so will remain. I am currently in the process of a End of the Year page and after that is completed, will take some time off for the holidays. I will return to positing at this site in Jan 2010 with part two of Art and Artists of the Universe. So as usual ... Happy Holidays, Be Good and Take Care Everyone, Everywhere ... Ciao!
Cieli liberi ed osservazione felice! Ясные небеса и счастливый просмотр! Σαφείς ουρανοί και ευτυχής εξέταση! ¡Cielos claros y visión feliz! Freie Himmel und glückliche Betrachtung! Clear skies and happy viewing!
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