Badgers Watch Guildhouse

Organization:The guild is a subdivision of the Shadow Hand thieves guild. However it has become quite large and gaining more power. The guild itself is ran by two individuals a human-size halfling named Ozmo and his older human friend Josef. Ozmo controls three fifths of the activity while Josef runs the rest. The guild mostly performs highway robberies outside of cities to finance the guild and avoid much of the law. This has been very successful due to the much traveled roads near by. Most of the financing goes towards the marketing of illegal substances and the training of new members. A small religious group of clerics dedicated to brandroboris also reside at badgers watch to aid the rogues.

Guild Rules: The most important rule is to keep the location of the guild a secret. This rule is very strict. Anyone that is even suspected of speaking the location to an outsider is swifly eliminated by assassins. The final rule is no one is to harm a priest of brandroboris without permission and this can only be done if the important rule is violated.

Advancement Opportunities: There is plenty of room for advancement as there is five guild ranks that each recieve a greater amount of pay. New comers start at the lowest rank earning only 1% of the guilds profits. 2nd ranks recieve 2%, 3rd ranks recieve 3%, 4th rank recieves 4% and fifth ranks recieve 5% of the guild earnings.

Assets: The guild keeps special members that keep low profile to listen to talk and search for big hold ups in several different towns, cities and villages across the Dales. The guild also has contacts with dwarves of Glen an old mining village. They often trade stolen goods with the dwarves. In Ashabenford a small town not to far away is where the guild gets most of its recruits. They don't steal with in the town limits. This is due to the fact that the guild offers defensive support to the town in times of need when they are being raided. In return however any members of the guild caught and found guilty in Ashabenford are pardoned and turned over to the guild for punishment which is said to be a worse punishment. The guild also offers out to other traveling merchants who are willing to pay the fee of having them raid other competiters on the surrounding roads and trails. These fees vary and usually depend on how much the other party is willing to offer to do the same. Sometimes they even hire out to both sides. Ozmo is an established adventure who has more than enough savings and his own contacts in high power to keep things moving.

Location: Badgers Watch is a tree house located near Galath's Roost a ruined bandits keep that is often mistaken for Badgers Watch. Since it is nestled within the tree tops it is not easy to find unless you are given correct directions. Even then the area is always under watch and unless you can easily be recognized most never see badgers watch without getting sniped to death by deadly silent archers.

Goals: Although they spend most of their time pulling routine highway robberies these guys love to pull off the big heist even if means moving into a city controlled by other guilds. Since they are small it is easy to sneak past even most other guilds.

Conflicts: This group of bandits although sneaky often times gets in conflicts with other guilds while invading territory. At the same time they are in conflict with rangers, druids, and law enforcement pursuing them into their own territory. The guild itself is eagerly trying to gain new territoy with some success. Other conflicts arise with other guilds trespassing into the area between Ashabenford, The Standing Stone and Essembra.

Hooks: The guild often hires itself out to steal items for people. This seems to be almost a specialty. As their reputation goes once paid the job is basically considered done. Characters interested in joining this guild should have their work cut out for them. As the rules go one must not tell where the location is so a possible recruit must take special precautions to join or they could end up dead.