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AGI and SCI Tools
This is the place to get the latest versions of my AGI and SCI programs.
ARVO version 0.9.2b
Source distribution
Win32 binary distribution
Version history:
0.9.0b - Quick hack version. Not based on a compiler-like frontend. Fully functional for all intents and purposes.
0.9.1b - Added basic user manual and updated "readme" file.
0.9.2b - Completed user manual.
ARVOXML version 1.1.0b
Source distribution
Win32 binary distribution
Version history:
1.0.0b - Version of ARVO that works on XML-based files. Done because Python libraries made it easy.
1.0.1b - Added a DTD and XSL to the distribution.
1.1.0b - Added option to use Windows-friendly newlines (CR-LF) in output, and changed user interface.
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