MARIO GAME ENDINGS FOR GAMEBOY AND VIRTUAL BOY 1. Mario Picross 2. Mario Bros. Deluxe 3. Super Mario Land 1 4. Super Mario Land 2 5. Super Mario Land 3 6. Tetris 7. Wario Blast 8. Wario Land 2 1. Mario Clash 2. Mario Tennis 3. Wario Land GAMEBOY 1. Mario Picross Author: After beating all the puzzles in Yoshi, Mushroom, and Star you get the time trial mode which is a mode without mistakes only numbers and you're ranked for time but it is harder because without mistakes your never sure if your right unless it is 15. 2. Mario Bros. Deluxe Author: First Peach kisses Mario (Duh!!!) and then it shows a peaceful place and Peach giving Mario a medal. It goes to the sky and shows the medal. It's the Mario Award for beating Original 1989. Bowser for beating the Star Courses. 3. Super Mario Land 1 Author: After defeating Tatanga in the Sky Pop, the walls will start shaking and will disappear. You'll automatically fly forward were the REAL Princess Daisy is. They'll walk forward and do the mushy stuff then get into another bigger airplane with the clouds zooming by. Then THE END appears on the screen and you'll get a harder, more challenging game. 4. Super Mario Land 2 Author: Wario will turn small and start crying like a baby he'll leave shoe-like thing and Mario picks before jumping down the castle walls. The castle will turn white and the W sign will flip over to form a M. A little flag appears on top of the castle and the credits will appear at the bottom along with a few pictures. 5. Super Mario Land 3 Author: After you beat the genie, the Princess will hit the lamp a couple times then run out of the room. She'll throw a bomb in the room just as Wario escapes down Mount Syrup or whatever with the lamp. On the ground, Wario wakes the genie and he comes out. The genie tells him he's got one wish. These thought clouds come out of Wario's head and he sees a castle. So he wants the genie to build him a castle with his money that he's collected through the game. (And trust me, without the treasures, it's nothing.) So he walks to the screen with the machine that tells you how much money you have. It'll add up the last of the money, ncluding the treasures, and then it will rack up the last of it, giving you money bags. You go and give the money bags to the genie. He'll wave his hands and point to the side of the screen. Wario walks to the right side of the screen. Here's the tricky part. 1 money bag gets you a bird-house. Wario will frown and walk from side to side as the credits roll. 2 money bags gets you a little house out of small tree. He'll do the same ending as 1 money bag gets you. Three money bags gets a motel-like mansion. He'll smile and do flips or something. Four money bags gets you a huge castle. He'll smile, do backflips and walk from side to side. In any case, a W sign(meaning Wario) will float down from the sky and land on the building he has been made. And from what I've heard, if you get all the treasures, you get to go to a bonus level. 6. Tetris Author: On Game B, set it on Level 9 height 5 and if you pass it you will see some people playing the fiddle then a rocket will go off into space. If that's too hard set the height on a lower level, you won't see the rocket or as many fiddlers but it's still worth it. 7. Wario Blast Author: After you beat Wario Blast, it shows a picture of the boss stage blowing up. Then it goes through the credits while the person you used to beat the game rides through a desert on his motorcycle. After the credits are over the it shows Wario chasing Bomberman or vice versa on the motorcycles and keeps doing that till you reset the game. 8. Wario Land 2 Author: The credits always roll at the same time as Wario swimming, running or flying with his treasure and getting back home, but before that there is always a little thing which is different depending on which level youcompleted. If you complete "The final battle!!" then the ending shows the castle blowing up, and Wario getting away with his treasure. If you complete "Kick 'em out!!" then the ending shows the baddies flying out of Wario Castle, and Wario going back to sleep. If you complete "Captured Syrup" then Captain Syrup and the three pirates fall from the sky, and Wario punches them away, gets his treasure and is happy. If you complete"Awaiting Syrup" then you see the regular town scene, as Captain Syrup and the three pirates fly out from underground, and Wario gets the treasure. And if you complete "Capture the ghost!!" then it shows Wariopunching away Captain Syrup and the three pirates, then a trap door opens beneath him, he falls for ages, and then you see him in his bed, falling out of bed, waking up and thinking "...." 9. Yoshi's Cookie Author: After you beat Level 10, it shows Yoshi and Mario, they catch that bouncing ball it keeps showing, and then it shows credits, shows every cookie, and then the ball bounces back and forth across the screen while music is played. If you wait long enough, you get a code on how to get to Levels 11 through 99! VIRTUAL BOY: 1. Mario Clash Author: After you complete the last level for Mario Clash on the hardest level there will be a very brief bonus edition of the level from the regular NES version. 2. Mario Tennis Author: If you win the tournament on hard mode, when you win, it plays a special song and shows the credits in the foreground while two characters play tennis in the back. Yippee. At the end of the credits, it tells you the code to get to the super hard mode, which you have posted on your page already. 3. Wario Land Author: CARENZA@EARTHLINK.NET There are many different endings. If you beat the game with a Rank A, you fly away in a space ship. With Rank C, you ride a flying bike and with Rank D, you make wings and fly home. If you beat it with all of the treasures, you get all of the treasure from the beginning vault along with a flying carpet and a Genie Bottle. Then you ride the carpet with the bottle and treasure. Also you get to play a harder version of the game. In the harder version, everything is the same, but if you beat it with all the treasures, the Genie rows you home on the carpet! TO RETURN TO THE MARIO ARCHIVE, PLEASE USE THE BACK BUTTON OF YOUR BROWSER, OR GO TO