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Friday the 4 of February:Well here in New Zealand Gran Turismo 2 has been here for two days or so
and at the moment I think its abit to early to comment on the pro's and con's of the game . But having
said that , of what I have seen it looks pretty dam good both graphic wise and game play.Well thats my
first update of many got to get back to the game and get me some more liecenses .
Need help ??? Ask me I'll give it a go

Saturday , 12 February:Ok then things are moving along at snails pace I must admit (It's because of the game I swear)
, my status is on line now ,as will the reords went I see more stats from you all !!!! REMEMBER if I get them they will come !!!

Wednesday , 16 February:Things are really slowing up here but I WILL get things going soon as work eases off ,
have changed page form too THANKS PENNYWISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay I'm trying to setup this page in geocities it is not ready yet and being new to these frame thangs is not helping
, but I will get there oh and by the way thanx ^Jazzman for your settings and thangs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cool


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