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Hello and welcome to **BRIGS**. We are a Delta Force 1 squad. We play for fun but we also play to WIN we do not play with cheaters or let former cheaters join brigs.  Most people think we cheat because we have never been defeated ( Outside the DF Counsel ), but we don't cheat, we are just GOOD.  Our squad is made up primarly of 50. cal snipers.  We have one or two elite assaulters, we also do not like to play with saw's but if we must we ask that you use only one saw per team.  We will play to any kill limit, most Squad VS Squad play is played to 30. If you would like to set up a game or if you have any questions or comments please e-mail me
( **ROCKY**BRIGS ), leader of **BRIGS**.
Other wise choose where you want to go from the linkz below.

Thank you for stopping by.