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NFL Blitz '99

If you like football you will love this game.

Good Points:

It has amazing 3D graphics. It allows you to do most stuff that the real NFL does. You can spin to get a guy off of you, you can jump out of the reach of someone's grab. Some options you have are... You can take the game play timer off, adjust the game playing time to 2,4 or 6 minutes, you can set the difficulty level from easy,medium or hard. I would recomend easy for beginners,medium for a little bit more then a beginner and hard for the extremely advanced player. You can adjust the screen size, gameplay sound. Game play sound includes... The anouncer,stadium and player's sound. This game is a 1-4 player game.

Bad Points:

You have to go 30 yards to get a first down. That isn't that hard to do if you are playing under the easy difficulty setting. You have to line up the field goal just right or you will miss. I have had this game for a year and I still can't line it up right. It is easier for some then it is for others. If you spin twice in a row, you are most likely to fumble and lose the ball. If you are winning by at least 20pts the game will cheat in a way. What I mean by that is, you will start to fumble alot and the opposite team will intercept the ball alot. You will usaully get sacked. You can't play on the same team as a buddy. You have to play against each other.

Graphics: 7/10

Sound: 6/10

genre: Sports

overall rating: 7.5/10

This review was written by Brandon

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