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The second Zelda on Gameboy

No one really knows what the name of this game will be. Suggestions include Mysterious Fruit,Mysterious Acorn, and Acorn of the Mysterious Tree.We only have a basic idea of how the story will go, so here it is-

The trilogy will start the same way most Zelda games start, with Princess Zelda. Princess Zelda used the Rod of the Four Seasons to control the seasons in Hyrule. Ganon steals the Rod of Four Seasons, as well as the Triforce of Power. When Ganon learns of Link's quest to retrieve the items, be breaks up the Triforce into eight parts, and hides them throughout Hyrule. Then he esacpes into another dimension with the Rod, and throws Hyrule into chaos, as seasons are no longer in the proper order. Link must recover the eight pieces of the Triforce, and travel between dimensions to recover the Rod of Four Seasons as well.

Until more details are released, I would advise visiting this site:

Suggest a site. Please!
