
The Butcher

The Butcher quest always seem to show up in multiplayer games. This quest is presented to you by a wounded townsman outside the church. He orders you out on a quest to kill the Butcher who has destroyed him and his friends in a trap set by Lazarus. Your mission is to give this mans soul peace by avenging him and his friends. This is of course accomplished by finding and killing the Butcher.

The Butcher is in a meat locker somewhere on level 2. You know that you have found him when you see a room full of mutilated corpses and body parts. Do not engage the Butcher until you are prepared for it, he is quite though and hits quite fast. You must have full health before opening his door. CAUTION: The Butcher is much tougher in the full game than in the demo.

To kill the Butcher:

As a warrior, use a fast weapon, and make sure you have a lot of healing potions in the belt. Also using a shield is good, since the Butcher is fast you have to keep the initiative, i.e not get hit by him. This is where the shield comes in. As a sorcerer or rouge, if you are lucky you can use this method: Find a room with a door that isn't blocked and that has portcullis beside the door. Open up the Butcher's meat locker and run for the door when he follows you. Run into the room and close the door behind you, this is quite hard but you can do it. Now you just walk up to the portcullis and start firing arrows/spells through it. This will kill the Butcher with no problem.

Multiplayer: It is hard to find the time to close the door, but in multiplayer games you can simply use one player as a bait. He lures the Butcher to the portcullis room where the other player(s) are waiting behind a close door and fires all their arrows and spells on the Butcher. If the bait dies, simply resurrect him. If you don't have any suitable rooms on the level with the Butcher, you're in for some problems as a sorcerer or rouge. As a sorcerer I have managed to take the Butcher out using only firebolts, but I had like 2 HP left when he died. Stonecurse him might be a good idea.

When you kill the Butcher you get his cleaver (unique item):

The Butcher's Cleaver

+10 to Strength

Unusual Item Damage

Altered Durabiltiy

It can be a good two-hand weapon for a warrior, but I usually sell it if I get it.

In multiplayer games you are awarded with a random magic item.

Poisoned Water Supply

This quest is presented to you by Pepin the Healer. He tells you that the wells of the town have been poisoned, and asks your help in restoring them.

By asking around a bit you find out that the wells take their water from an underground river, and that you have to clean it. The witch tells you that the evil of the demons has poisoned the wells - You just have to find the river and kill the demons near it :).

The river is found on a sub-level of level 2. (Enter 'To a dark passage', and you'll get to a level called 'Poisoned Water Supply'). On that level you find a yellow river - the poisoned water source. By killing the Demons there (monsters called 'Flesh clan' that dies easily, but can cause you a lot of damage) you clean the river up - It turns blue. The quest is solved.

When you return to Pepin, he gives you an unique item out of gratitude:

The Ring of Truth

Hit Points +10

-1 Damage from Enemies

Resist All +10%

The Curse of King Leoric

The Curse of King Leoric always seem to show up in multiplayer games. This quest is presented to you by the Tavern Owner, he tells you about the curse of King Leoric, that he has now become the Skeleton King. Your quest is to kill the Skeleton king, and so bring peace both to king Leorics's soul and the haunted people.

The Skeleton king is at the third level of the dungeon, and not in a closed room as the Butcher, so beware. He is best killed with a bunch of Holy Bolts (get a staff if you don't know the spell).

When you kill him you get the unique item :

The Undead Crown

Armor Class 8

Life Stealing

In multiplayer games you are awarded with an random magical item from him.

Ogdens Sign

This quest is presented to you by the Tavern Owner, Ogden. He tells you that small evil creatures stole his Tavern sign. Your mission is then of course to recover this sign.

The sign is view as magic by the Fallen Ones. When you get to level 4 you meet a Fallen One leader who asks you to bring him the sign (which is guarded by a lot of monsters). Don't do this, they will attack you in devastating numbers and Ogden won't get his sign back.

Instead, kill the monsters that guards the sign and bring the sign to Ogden. This will solve the quest. Strangely enough Ogden doesn't get that happy to see his sign

but he rewards you with a unique item:

Harlequin Crest

Armor Class -3

-1 Damage from Enemies

+2 to All Attributes

Health Points +7

Mana +7

Now you will be attacked by a large number of disappointed Fallen Ones when you get back to level 4, but the all come from a small corridor attacking you, so it is really no problem.

The Magic Rock

This quest is presented to you by the Griswold the blacksmith. He tells you about a trade caravan that was in town some time ago. They brought a rock which was said to have fallen from heaven and posses strange powers. The caravan was attacked and the stone lost, if you can find it Griswold promises to make something useful out of it for you.

The Skyrock is found on level 5, guarded by a bunch of Stone Clan guys (easily killed by firebolts). When you return it to Griswold he forges this unique item of it:

Empyrean Band

+2 to All Attributes

+20 % Light Radius

Fast Hit Recovery

Absorbs Half Trap Damage


This quest is initiated by reading a Book of Blood on level 5.

"... and so, locked beyond the gateway of blood and past the hall of fire, Valor awaits for the hero of light to awaken ..."

Your mission is to find the long lost armor called Valor.

You have to find two Blood stone to unlock the storing place of this armor. The stone is guarded by a couple of Horned Demons (dies easily, can give you a lot of damage) on level 5.

Reading the Book of Blood will open a room with a few Horned Beasts that has Blood stone number one, place this stone the Pedestal of Blood (found in a room in the back of the room with the book).

This will open a second room, also with a few Horned Beasts guarding the second Blood stone. When you place this stone on the Pedestal of Blood, a room is opened in the Pedestal room. In there some more Horned Beasts guards the armor of Valor.

Arkaine's Valor

Armor Class 25

+10 Vitality

-3 Damage from Enemies

Fast Hit Recovery

Gharibald the Weak

This is a Blue and Red goatman on Lvl 3. When you talk to him, he tells you: "No hurt...No kill...Me give you things...No kill..."

If you ignore him for about a minute, he gives you things. The first thing he gave me was a normal staff of Holy Bolt. I accidentally hit him with a Fire Bolt, and the next time I talked to him, he said: "Me no like you..You break promise..No me hurt you!!!" and he attacked me. I beat the crap out of him(they don't call him weak for nothing) and I got a Flail of Maiming, Dmg 2-12, +2 to Damage.

Halls of the Blind

This quest is initiated by reading "The Book of the Blind" on Lvl 7. You eventually find a series of halls, shaped like a spiral, that are CRAWLING with Hiddens. Upon reaching the center of the spiral, You receive an:

Optical Amulet

+20% to Light Radius

Res. Lightning +20%

-1 Damage from Enemies

+5 to Magic

The Chamber of Bone

This quest is initiated by reading a Mythical Book on level 6.

"Beyond the hall of heroes lies the chamber of bone. Eternal death awaits any who would seek to steal the treasures secured within this room. So speaks the lord of terror, and so it is written."

The entrance to the chamber is also located on level 6. In the chamber you find two skull levers which should be pulled to open two rooms. There you find some magic weapons.

Don't open any doors on this level until you have cleaned the open area. The room there is full of skeletons (as many as around 40 maybe). Make sure you have full health & mana and a lot of potions ready before opening this room.

Once you have cleaned out all skeletons you get to a room with a Ancient Tomb. Reading that tomb will give you the Guardian Spell. Then the quest is solved, your reward is the spell + all the magical weaponry you found.

The Anvil of Fury

This quest is given by Griswold. He tells you that if you could find The Anvil of Fury, then he could create a weapon of imence power and magical properties.

The Anvil is found on level 10, guarded by a mixed group of spitting terrors, ice chargers, and overlords. The ice chargers and overlords aren't too bad by themselves, but the hoards (and I mean a lot!) of spitting terrors can really cause problems, I suggest trying to take them out first. I really don't know of an easy way to do this but here are some suggestions:

If you have the mana shield spell, use it; but make sure you have a belt full of Full Mana Potions first.

If you don't have mana shield then make sure you have a belt full of Full Health Potions.

Don't try to beat all of the monsters in one try. If you have too much of a problem fighting them use a Town Portal spell or scroll. If you do this, don't go back into the caves through the portal, as you will end up in the middle of a hoard of monsters and almost certainly die before you can say "oops!"

Once you have obtained the Anvil, Griswold will give you a unique item:

Griswold's Edge

Damage: 4-12 Durability: 40

Required: STR 40 Unique Item

Fire Hit Damage: 1-10

Chance to Hit: +25%

Fast Attack Knocks Target Back

Mana: +20 Hit Points: -20

This can be a very useful item for the Warrior, especially if you have another item that counter acts the hit point penalty (even with the penalty, I believe that this sword could very well be one of the most useful weapons you can find.) This sword is also useful for the Rougue and the Mana benefit is helpful for a Sorcerer, but there are other staffs that I prefer to have the Sorcerer use.

Black Mushroom

This quest is presented to you by the Adria the which. The quest is initiated when you bring her a book called Fungal Tome (found on level 9). Then she asks you to bring her some black mushrooms that she will use in a potion. These mushrooms are also found on level 9.

The quest isn't over when Adria gets the mushrooms though. She tells you that Pepin needs a brain of a demon to make an antidote elixir. You should get this brain for Pepin and the bring Adria the elixir.

You get the brain from a demon on level 9, this is hard to spot.

Adria and Pepin makes the elixir without your help every time, but you are awarded with the elixir for your efforts. The elixir gives you +3 on all stats.


This quest is presented to you by the ghost of Lachdanana on Level 14, one of the King's most devoted knights. He was put under a curse to guard the caves when he and his fellow knights turned against the mad King and the Archbishop.

He asks you to bring him a Golden Elixir that can rid him of the curse and give him his peace. This elixir is found on the next level, and when you bring it back to Lachdanan he gives you a helmet:

Veil of Steel

Resist All +50 %

-20 % Light Radius

+60 % Armor

Mana -30

+15 to Strength

+15 to Vitality

Archbishop Lazarus

This quest is present in every game. On level 15 you find Staff of Lazarus. When you show this to Cain, he tells you that he is the last of the Horadrim. In multiplayer games this quest is started the first time you talk to Cain after entering level 14.

He also tells you that Lazarus must have kidnapped prince Albrecht, to use him for his dark purposes. You must quickly save the boy.

At level 15 there is a portal to Unholy Altar which takes you to Lazarus. He is on his own level, guarded by a lot of monsters. After you have cleared this level and used two portals, you walk back to where you started ,and are then teleported right in front of Lazarus. You find out that it is to late to save the boy, you have to avenge him instead by killing Lazarus.

Run for it when Lazarus has finished talking and they are attacking you from all ways!! Up in a corridor so that you are not surrounded, then it should be simple to take the monsters and Lazarus out.

The reward for this a few magical items and you get access down to the last level of the game


This quest is started by talking to Cain after you have finished the Archbishop Lazarus quest. Your mission is to kill Diablo.

You enter Diablo's lair through a pentagram on level 15. Clean this level of monsters before pulling any of the skull levers, then pull them one at the time killing all monsters that appears before pulling the next lever.

At last there is two levers in the same room, pulling both of them will release Diablo and a lot of other monsters.

Try to trick out the monsters in small groups, so that you don't have to take all of them at once. Finally, when you face Diablo - Make sure you have a full belt, and that you attack him fast. Diablo uses a lot of spells and hand combat.

Killing Diablo brings the end sequence, so make sure that you have all the items you want in your backpack.
