
Icon Skill Description
Item Repair This is the skill that the Warrior gets. It basically repairs your weapons and armor (like at Griswold's Blacksmith), but with a price. Each time you use it, the item's total durability goes down by 1.
Trap Disarm This is the skill the Rogue gets. This is probably the best skill. It allows you to disarm trapped chests, doors, etc. Although not 100% effective, it's better than the other two skills.
Staff Recharge This is the skill that the Sorcerer gets. This skill is alright, but don't use it on your good staves as it reduces the maximum charges by 1. It will also ruin Bountiful Staves.

Icon Spell Description
Apocalypse This is probably the deadliest spell in Diablo. It creates massive explosions that severely hurt the enemy. You won't find this in book form, only in scrolls and staves.
Bone Spirit This is a cool spell. Skeleton Spirits attack your enemies and take off 1/3 of their hit points. Unfortunately, this spell takes of a lot of mana.
Blood Star This spell is great! It's a star shaped blast that your character shoots which will damage an enemy no matter what immunities they have. It's the same spell that HellSpawns and similar enemies use.
Charged Bolt This is a pretty dull spell. It shoots out a few charges that seek out an enemy and hit him. It's slow, it's weak, it's not worth it.
Chain Lightning This spell rocks! If you cast it right, it will send out bolts of lightning at all enemies in range. It helps if you are close to the enemy and if it is at a high level.
Elemental This spell is cool. It sends out a Fire Elemental which will run into it's target. The only problem is you usually don't get this spell until late (like in hell) and then most of the enemies are immune to fire.
Fireball This is a pretty basic spell. It sends out a fireball that explodes on impact. It can be pretty strong if at a high level however.
Fire Wall This has got to be one of the best spells! It creates a wall of fire that damages all who stand on it. Good for attacking large groups of enemies.
Flame Wave This spell kind of sucks. It is basically a moving fire wall. The bad this is, it only hits the enemy once, and it isn't as strong as fire wall.
Firebolt This will probably be the first spell you get. It is basically just a weak fireball (it doesn't explode on impact). It's pretty weak, even at high levels.
Flash This spell is neat. It creates a ring around the character which expands a little and hurts enemies around you.
Guardian This spell creates a 3 headed hydra type thing which come out of the ground and fires firebolts at all enemies within range. Although it's immobile, it works great!
Golem It creates a Golem (a creature made out of rock) which will attack your enemies. It has it's own hit points, and is pretty strong, but it takes a LOT of Mana.
Heal-Others This is basically what it says. It heals other players in multi-player games. It is only available in multi-player games (of course!).
Healing No need for a description here. It basically heals you. Not a bad spell when you're out of life potions.
Holybolt This is a good spell, but it has it's downfalls. It's like a fireball, but it only hurts undead enemies (skeletons, zombies, etc.). It's a good spell against the Skeleton King and Diablo.
Identify This will tell you the magical properties of those items with the blue text. It only comes in scrolls, but Cain can also identify items.
Inferno This spell is O.K. It makes a mini-explosion/flame blast in front of you that damages enemies. I don't use it a lot.
Infravision This is a cool spell. It lets you see the body heat monsters put off, thus letting you see enemies around corners (they appear in red). The bad thing is, it is only found in scroll form.
Lightning This spell is cool. It makes a lightning bolt that moves though enemies, and will damage anyone in it's path. It's a simpler version of Chain Lightning.
Mana Shield This is Great for Sorcerers. It creates a ball over your character which will transfer any damage and take off mana instead of health. Good if you have a lot of mana and mana potions.
Nova This is a neat spell. It is basically a better version of flash. It creates a ring of lightning around the character which extends out far and causes a lot of damage. Too bad it's only in scroll form.
Phasing This is an O.K. spell. It basically transports your character to other places. The bad thing is it doesn't always take you to the place you click. It can take a few tries to get where you want.
Resurrect This spell will bring back dead characters with 10% health. Obviously, it's only found in multi-player games.
Stone Curse This is a cool spell. It turns whoever it is cast on to stone. It has a limited duration. It takes a lot of mana though, so have some mana potions handy.
Telekinesis This spell has a few uses. First off, it allows you to open chests and doors from a distance. It also lets you pick up items far away. At high levels, you can even push enemies away.
Teleport This is basically the same as Phasing, but better. This spell is more accurate in getting you to the exact location that you click on.
Town Portal This spell is extremely helpful! Whenever you need to heal, repair items, or buy supplies, you can just create a Town Portal and go back to the town. It disappears after you go back through it.
