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Staves is possibly one of the most versitile skills in Iridine. With excessive defencive capabilitys it can protect even the least agile person. Also it has many offencive moves that can inflict a major ammount of damage to a target. Snapstrike, Jab and Longarm strike are probably the 3 most effective staves skills in the game. This is a recent development because jab used to not work correctly and it was worthless and swat was king. Its to bad for us veterans that this happened because suddenly newbies could actually hit some of us(me cause i suck). (this is turning into a complaining article, oh well...) But it turns out that simple block protects you from this jabbing strike, so its not too bad since Altenes start with a simple block of rank 5. Below is a chart describing what blocks block what:
Staves Swat Cross block
Staves Jab Simple Block
Staves Simple Strike Overhead Block
Staves Snapstrike Overhead Block
Staves Side Strike Cross Block
Staves Pivot Smash Simple Block?
Staves Longarm Strike E-mail me if you know:)
Staves Triple Strike Simple block