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Player characters (past campaigns)

PCs in "A Work of Art"

Kristina Giovanni (Kathleene)

Krisitna Giovanni was in every sense of the word, a deviant. Ignoring the rest of the family for personal reasons, she followed up on the misions in "A Work of Art" out of morbid curiosity and the chance to cause other things pain.


Batman (Yevla)

A character yevla played once and only once for lack of anything better to make, Batman was a rich Malkavian who thought he was..well, obviously, Batman. Vampiric disciplines were put to good use as Batman scared the daylights out of common criminals (Prescence-Awe), and cut them down with lightning quick karate (Celerity), then dissapeared into the shadows when it was all over (Obfuscate). It was fun for a quest, but Yevla decided to make something more serious for the next time.


Pogo (Yevla)

And thus Yevlas' next creation was Pogo, fully intended to show everyone else the power of ghouls (inside one here likes playing ghouls..not even yevla). Pogo was Krisitinas' faithful servant, and allowed Kathleene to act out those S&M fantasies she'd been dreaming of in Rt on her poor lover/fellow player.


Clark (Murphy)

A Nosferatu that was a friend to the poor misguided Malk who thought he was Batman, "Clark" had a lot of Potence, so naturally Batman thought he was his good friend "clark". Clark helped out Batman in sweeping the streets, but dissapeared as the campaign moved along.


Do (Trent)

Do was a mage of the Akashiac Brotherhood, and did his best to protect the innocents in the campaign from what he percieved as dangerous vampires (which...I suppose they were).


Sabbat pack-Hellraiders

The Hellraiders was a Sabbat Pack that picked up other memebers along the way (Camarilla, and others) after a few death tolls and need for reinforcements in the fight against the Giovanni-Baali alliance of January 2000.

Marcella Carlos (Kathleene)

Marcella Carlos was a vagrant who lived on the Streets of Northwestern Africa, living from day to day and doing whatever it took to survive until she was 'rescued' by a mysterious man named Justin Latona one day. Justin gave her everything she could need, and brought her up in fine soceity from then on. He also made her a vampire, teaching her the finer points of clan Ventrue. All was well, and Marcella was happy with her new existence.

Then one day Justin tossed her into a pit of dirt, covered it up, and smoked a cigarette as she clawed her way out for dear life. She arose hours later, pissed off and wondering what the hell happened. Justin informed her she was not a Ventrue after all, but a Lasombra...and now she had a new mission..


Kyia (Thomas,deceased)

Kyia was a newborn Assamite, birthed when the Sabbat needed some assualt fodder against the giovanni of New York during the Manhatten in Hell seige. Possessing a fiery temper and the inabilty to play nice with the other members of the pack, Kyia met an untimely end while trying to go toe-to-toe with a Werewolf. The wolfman broke her spine in half with a billy club, then carried her body off to be torn apart in one of NYCs' meat processing plants.


James Scott Reynolds (Trent)

JSR is a Salubri antitribu, one of those rare warrior spirits awoken in the new millenium by a pissed off Salubri leader. Reynolds has his own agenda differing from his sires', however, and carries out the 'mercy' killings of several mortals he has deemed unfit to use their power while he cheerfully goes along with the packs' plans...for now.


Lena and Lana Pantara (Thomas)

Although never officially a member of the Sabbat or the Hellraiders, the Pantara twins joined them in their campaign against the Giovanni when the italian vampires where interfering with their clubs in NYC. The Tremre twins are quite the magical duo, and are not above using anything - be it sorcery or a flash of ass - to get what they want.


  Adiea (Kimmy)

A victim of a Sabbat attack/recruitment drive, Adiea no longer knows her real name, as she was abandoned a newborn on the side of the highway. Although born a Sabbat, she was found by the Pantara twins and blood bound to them after a few days. The twins have taught her how to behave in vampiric society, ND not to get killed. She is having better luck with the former lesson than the latter so far...


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