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Sorry I haven't updated... New link! I may be moving to a new server soon, because this one is really inconveniant, and I just don't have enough time. Also, since I am sort of a beginner at HTML, could anyone tell me how to add music or downloadable files? Thanks! New Music!!!!!!!!!!!!
Updated by Ninjakirby, recorder of Popstar history, and teacher of the kirby ninja arts.


New link! And... that's about all...
Updated by Ninjakirby, recorder of Popstar history, and teacher of the kirby ninja arts.


Haven't updated in a long time... Anyway, we have confirmed that ChuChu is an octopus. In Nintendo Power, it said that ChuChu is an octupus. Thank you to all those who gave me information!

2 new links...
Kirby's House of Stars from Kirbystar 56
Kirby's Cloud from Sleepykirby
Check out the new links page!
JTSky63 has informed me of a new Kirby Game called Kirby Tilt 'n Tumble. I'm not sure when it's coming out, but you can check the Nintendo website. It's on the links page.
I have a new email address, so don't email me at the old one. I still check it, just not as often.
Also, if there are any broken links, then please email me and tell me.
Updated by Ninjakirby, recorder of Popstar history, and teacher of the kirby ninja arts.


Hello Everyone! Nothing much, just that I tried to add a Mr. Madame email link on the games tip page, but it didn't work out very well. Algrugrats has brought up an interesting topic: what is chuchu? I personally think it's a pink blob. Algrugrats thinks its an octopus. I would put up a poll, but the last time I tried it it didn't work, so you just have to email me instead. :)
Updated by Ninjakirby, recorder of Popstar history, and teacher of the kirby ninja arts.


I know somebody out there has fan art or fan fiction and is willing to contribute it to my page.
Added the next stage in Kirby's Dreamland 3.
Well, that's all.
Updated by Ninjakirby, recorder of Popstar history, and teacher of the kirby ninja arts.


Updated Game tips, and added more baddies to the list. If you have any fan files (fan fics, fan art, etc.), email them to me and I'll put them up. I would post my own, but I don't have a scanner.
Updated by Ninjakirby, recorder of Popstar history, and teacher of the kirby ninja arts.

This is a website completely dedicated to Kirby and its video games. This page is currently under construction.

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