Matt's Perfect Dark Times
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Matt's Perfect Dark Times

Nick Name - Trunks10K
Real Name - Matt Lee

Ok, well, my times suck. I need to play PD more than I have, so, that's what I am doing, hopfully my times will get better! And when I said my times were bad, I mean REALLY BAD, most of the levels I just fooled around, and tried to see how many bullet holes I could put in someone's head before they hit the groud, hehe... I WILL BE THE BEST IN THE ELITE, someday...


Last Update - August 10

Stage Agent Special Agent Perfect Agent
dataDyne Central - Defection 0:52 N/A N/A
dataDyne Research - Investigation 2:22 N/A N/A
dataDyne Central - Extraction 8:15 N/A N/A
Carrington Villa - Hostage One 3:40 N/A N/A
Chicago - Stealth 2:15 N/A N/A
G5 Building - Reconnaissance 14:26 N/A N/A
Area 51 - Infiltration 9:22 N/A N/A
Area 51 - Rescue 12:39 N/A N/A
Area 51 - Escape 12:27 N/A N/A
Air Base - Espionage 8:02 N/A N/A
Air Force One - Antiterrorism 5:49 N/A N/A
Crash Site - Confrontation 15:14 N/A N/A
Pelagic II - Exploration 7:53 N/A N/A
Deep Sea - Nullify Threat 10:19 N/A N/A
Carrington Institute - Defense 3:06 N/A N/A
Attack Ship - Covert Assault 9:45 N/A N/A
Skedar Ruins - Battle Shrine N/A N/A N/A
Mr. Blonde's Revenge N/A N/A N/A
Maian SOS N/A N/A N/A
The Duel 0:04 0:11 N/A
Total Time ??