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Removed the NiGHTS music gallery. Youtube it! ~ 4-15-12

Due to all the spam I'm getting in the guestbook I've disabled it. Email me if you wish to leave a comment. ~11-12-05

Now that I'm seeing dozens of sites with the NiGHTS ads that I scanned and uploaded (I can tell they're mine, b/c the left side of the pages are ripped from when I tore them out of the Gamepro), I wish I had have put my name on the original images, just so that people know I did my part to help the NiGHTS cause. If anyone reads this and gets the NiGHTS ad image, please credit me for the scan! ~5-31-04

Yes Yes I'm still here. You may be wondering why I have not uploaded the NiGHTS Remix soundtrack. I will tell you why; Because already has all the songs I have up, plus the ones from the Remix CD. So go there for all your NiGHTS soundtrack needs (that is if this one is down due to bandwidth consumption ;) ). Lastly, that site is a lot more refined than mine haha!~9-17-03

NiGHTS Into Dreams... was created by the Sonic Team.

NiGHTS Image Gallery - takes a long while to load, many many pics :).


NiGHTS desktop theme - A must for any NiGHTS fan!

Email me