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Welcome! This is the home of Order of the Flaming Knight!

Order of the Flaming Knight is an Ultima Online guild currently located on the Napa Valley shard.

Members of the Order of the Flaming Knight pride ourselves in being Napa Valley's premier role-playing guild, as well

as one that is seeking after Honor. To learn exactly what we are all about, click the two links below. The first one,

our mission statement, will tell you briefly but clearly what the Order of the Flaming Knight's intentions and expectations are, while

the code more explicitly goes into what we require from our members and what our laws are.

Click on Legends to learn of the rebirth of the Order, and the tragic tale

of David Orcslayer and his doomed village of South Cove.

Also below are several more portals, through which one may access our message boards (all are welcome!), view

screenshots of our adventures, see the current guild roster, read about current guild quests and events, and find links to other Ultima Online related sites.





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