Pantheon Combat

Combat set in the World Of Pantheon is different then most. It being structured differently, is much easier then trying to remember what number score equals what. The Rank system is used to determine hit or miss as well as using special abilities , in which charcters develope and use.

Each type of combat will be describe here as well as giving you an example to read and follow. Rules for AA's, MPC(Multiple Player Combat).

Basic Rules
All Training Matches & Honor matches are to 10
All other matches are to 13
No MPC after the 5th round
Using wrong dice in any match is consider removal from the game for cheating.
May use lower dice to help train

Types of matches within Pantheon

Training Matches:(TM or Spar)These Matches are designated to learn the combat system of the forum. They show that one has learned when tested as well be able to teach others.

Banish Matches: (BM) Banish matches are designed to banish a being from the world of pantheon for a certain amount of time. The minimum for this is 1 week, the maximum for this is 1 month.

Slave Matches:(SM) Slave Matches deal with a term of the loser being a slave to the winner. The terms for such is 1 week. During war time, one who loses a SM, is consider a slave till freed by an HM, or is in the terms of surrender.Basic Slave Terms

Honor Matches:(HM)This match deals with agreements that are made between two combatives.

Death Matches:(DM) These are matches that results in the lost of life, if the charcter that dies has rezzs options, then they can be rezzed.However, every charcter has a certain amount of rezzes and so they are precious.

Assasination Attempt:(AA) This type of match is the one one most feared, for the chances of it being successful are good. The attacker strikes without warning, and inflict heavy damage at times,

Power Matches:(PM)This is the Deity match. When challenging to attain the status of Deity, it falls under this type, for power is trying to be obtained. This is a one to one match, no AA's or MPC are allowed in this match, No outside healing of any source. However items can be used that are worn by the combatives.

Multi Player Combat:(MPC) This match type is when there then 3 players fighting, usuaully 2 vs 1. The odds are tough, but when one opponent is strong, a friend may leap in to help. None may join in after the 5th round of combat. No more then two on one may ever occur in a match. MPC are allowed in TM,SM,DM only.

DR/AR Dice Set
Being pretty much set by Rank which determines dice and power of the charcter, this is easier to understand, and the combat side is simple subraction. However, there are those who still can not grasp that concept, since it not really direct to score points as the EXP system is.


Example of combat

Axoth: ::claws pop out as he swipes across Zak face::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 39 13
Zakaram Soul: :: leaps back, drawing blade and slicing in front of him::
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 9 5
Axoth: RD1 z1 a0
Axoth: ::ducking under the blade and swiping at knees::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 17 7
Zakaram Soul: ::getting hit, he turns and rolls, lashing out again::
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 12 21
Axoth: RD2 z1 a0
Axoth: ::as he rolls, he swipe along his legs::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 30 37
Zakaram Soul: ::leaping towards the target, the hilt of his blade, crash on the head::(KO1)
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 21 18
Axoth: RD3 z2 a0
Axoth: ::side steps and slash his ribs::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 35 5
Zakaram Soul: ::The wings buffeted, him off balance as he kicks to chest::
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 21 27
Axoth: RD4 z2 a0
Axoth: ::the air throws him off balance as he swipes across zak chest::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 15 33
Zakaram Soul: :: get hit hard he falls back, grabbing to a rock he throws it at Axoth head::(KO2)
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 7 11
Axoth: RD5 z4 a1(no mpc)
Axoth: ::moves out of the way, raking his chest,then throwing him::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 23 18
Zakaram Soul: ::getting thrown, he slices at Axoth again as he let go::
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 7 2
Axoth: RD6 z5 a1
Axoth: ::leaps on Zak, grasping his throat, then ripping away::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 2 44
Zakaram Soul: :: growls as he ripped into, he kicks at Axoth knees::
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 22 23
Axoth: RD7 z9 a1
Axoth: ::jumps up, drawing blade and slicing down::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 28 26
Zakaram Soul: :: the staff raise up to slam into Axoth throat::
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 14 12
Axoth: RD8 z10 a1
Axoth: ::leaping back, summons fire and hurls it at him::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 30 14
Zakaram Soul: ::a beam leaps forth from the staff as it flies towards Axoth::
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 5 4
Axoth: RD9 z11 a1
Axoth: ::Leaps at Zak, setting him on fire as he calls it forth::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 29 30
Zakaram Soul: ::getting burned, he swings the staff::
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 27 6
Axoth: RD10 z12 a1
Axoth: :: slicing across zak throat with the blade::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 2 44-sided dice: 10 42
Zakaram Soul: ::getting burned, he swings the staff::
OnlineHost: Zakaram Soul rolled 2 30-sided dice: 5 11
Axoth: RD11 z15 a1
Axoth: :;defends::
OnlineHost: Axoth rolled 1 44-sided dice: 27
Axoth: Final in Rd11 Zak 15 Axoth 1