Forum Guidelines

Welcome to the Guidelines of Pantheon, where we address more of the Mundane issue of interacting in a Role Playing Forum.
Sadly enough, Online RP has went thru alot of changes, where common sense no longer prevails as well as the governing laws of such material. So these guidelines are places her to encourage proper role play within the spectrum of one own creativity.

1 No OOC in rooms- Now this is a basic thing that most people don't want to hear ooc issues in the room while their combat going on or general RP. It ruins the fun and mood. But it happens at times, so we say keep it to a bare minimum and if there must be a convo, take it to IMs(Instant messages)

2 NO Rape or Child Molestation SL's- This is a sad thing as it is and many people that do rp, don't care for it as they know someone or been effected by these issue themselves. Thus, it is encourage that if you so desire to rp this type, do so in a Pr(private Room) and keep it between those involved and not make it a general Forum SL.

3 People make mistakes in scoring the matches, and some people will intentionally try to cheat by messing up the scoring. Thus, thru expereinces, all scoring of the matches will be corrected and validated. The end result attained.

4 The room feature of Punting- Will not be used for any reason beside room disruption by non forum members.

5 The rules are set, if it on the web, it the rule. At time we find conflicts or something that need to be more clarified. It shall be address.

6 You are the player, the forum is supposed to be fun, exciting and a challenge. If you have a suggestion, email me. Then we address the rule, or new rule and see what other players say. Compatability and fun is the main theme, to boost the rp of the forum.

7 Punishments- generally i dislike doing these, but there comes a time when these actions must take place. So i going to leave it open more for a tribunal of Players as they are your peers, but generally there a 3 strike rule. This is to say that one can not learn the basis of the rules, they may never grasp it.

8 Faders & Scrollers- These can be detected and they have a set pattern when rolling, it easy to follow if one watches for them. While not they can not be 100% stopped, they are discourage from use. Too many fights usuing them, the people judge you and may remove you from the forum.

9 Lost logs- This has become an issue lately that those who strike, and they must log, looses them as they lose the fight. If this happens to much, i call a tribunal of players and let them decide if they want to rp with you anymore. It your reputation, keep it clean. 11 Signiture Charcters- Everybody love the movies, Comic books, and video games. And there comes a time when they think a character be cool to role play. While their nothing really set against it, it does tend to cause issue when some tried to rp these signiture character. Thus it is discourage that none rp thems.

12 SN Copy cats- If someone make a Sn like yours, report them to AOL ToS. There a program that floats about that can ping a sn and give the account other sn. iF if it found you copied another Sn, AOL may not doing anything about it, but the player will be removed.

13 Character copy Cats- Is not wanted nor desired. Thus, do not copy another player Character. Be creative on your own, and don't harrass player in this fashion.

14 Forum Bashing- If you dislike the forum, please remove yourself, rather then bash the forum like a 3rd grader.
Do not recruit from another forum by bashing it to that forum players. Invite players to expand their expierences.

15 Forum crossing- IS not wanted not desire since most forum structures are not compatable. What happens in one forum has no bearing here.

16 IRL comes first- Those who sick family members, medical problems, fincial problems, all that comes first. It more important then the game. If you are involved in a SL and can't devote the time, then withdrawl, email me and we work out an IC solution.

17 The Game- Is important to the contuinity and fun for the members. The game will go on in some fashion rather then holding it up. It be here if you have irl problems, when you return.

18 Perosnal Feelings- People have feelings and so, please be considerate for them. We all have emotions that affect us, but also we need to make sure these emotions don't get in the ic Game.

19 Have fun!- That what role playing is about, to have fun, to get away from irl stress for a few hours. This is the player forum and i encourage you to let me know what we can do to improve it. I like to be seen more as the mun that willing to do the work rather then it my forum, cause i see it as our forum, as we rp in it the same.