PREFACE This comes after playing with my 4 year old son. I have a torn up copy of Hero Quest. We got his army men mixed in and voila! INTRODUCTION Plastic Army men vs plastic Fantasy Figs. Tactical combat rule system. FIG STATS Name Hits Move Range Attack Notes Army man with Pistol 1 3 8 1-2 Army man with Rifle 1 3 20 1-3 Army man with Sub-MG 1 3 12 1-2 2 attacks/turn Army man with Grenade 1 3 6 1-3 3x3 square Army man with Flame thrower 1 2 6 1-5 5 uses Army man with Bazooka 1 2 24 1-3 Does 1D6 damage Army man with MG 1 2 24 1-2 3 attacks/turn Army man Sniper 1 3 32 1-4 Army man hand-to-hand 1 3 1 1-2 Goblin with Hand Weapon 1 3 1 1-2 Goblin with Bow 1 3 8 1-2 Orc with Hand Weapon 1 3 1 1-3 Skeleton with Sword 1 3 1 1-2 Zombies 2 2 1 1-2 Regenerate 1 hit/turn Mummy 3 2 1 1-3 Regenerate 1 hit/turn Chaos Warrior 2 3 1 1-4 Ogre with Hand Weapon 4 3 1 1-4 Gargoyle 3 6 1 1-5 Flying Chaos Warlock 2 3 1 1-3 Spells Attack = chance to hit on 1D6. Range = range of weapon TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. Fantasy creatures go first. Each turn has 3 phases: Move Phase Attack Phase Rally Phase MOVE Move units up to their movement allowance. ATTACK Roll on 1D6 to see if an attack hits. If an attack hits it does one point of damage. RALLY PHASE Army men only. On a roll of 4-6 on 1D6 the man will stop fleeing. Add 1 to the roll if a sergeant is within 12 spaces. VICTORY Annihilate the opposing side. NOTES MG and Bazooka cannot move and attack in the same turn. The Bazooka has 6 rockets and requires a turn to load in between shots. Regenerators cannot regenerate damage from the Flame thrower. Army men will Flee on a roll of 1-4 on 1D6 if they start the turn next to an opponent. Army men will Flee on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6 if they start within 7 spaces of a mummy. Each Army man will start with 2 grenades. WARLOCK SPELLS The warlock starts with 2D6 spells. 1D6 Spell 1 Fireball: Like Grenade but range = 18. 2 Earthbind: Range = 10. 4x4 area. 1D6 Targets cannot move or attack for 1D6 turns. 3 Magic Missiles: Range = 10. 1D6 attacks. Hit on 1-4 on 1D6. 4 Magic Shield: Negate one attack made against a target within 16 spaces. 5 Fear: Affects all army men within 10 spaces. Targets flee on a roll of 1-4 on 1D6. 6 Control: Range = 16. Gain control of target man for 1D6 turns.

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