War and politics in ancient Greece.

Six and Ten sided dice are required.

Use a map of the Aegean circa 430 B.C.
Divide the map into spaces, either hexagonal or irregular shaped.
Make sure to include cities that existed at the time.

Control the most city states at the end of 36 turns.

Have the map be geographically inaccurate collection of islands and small land masses.
Include the following city states: Athens (Athenians), Sparta (Spartans), Troy (Trojans), 
Archea (Archeans), Ionia (Ionians), Thebes (Thebians), Corinth (Corinthians), 
Thrace (Tracians), Crete (Cretans), Doria (Dorians), Amazonia (Amazonians), 
Macedonia (Macedonians)

There are several types of spaces:
Type		Move Cost	Stack	Defense	Notes
Water (Sea)	1		4	-	Fleets only
Clear 		1		5	-
Farms		1		4	-
Fishng Villages	1		4	-	Fleets may dock
Mountainous	X		X	-	Impassable
Mountain Pass	2		1	+7
Forest		2		2	+3
Swamp		2		2	-2
Hills		2		3	+4
Cities		2		4	+5	Fleets may dock
Sandy Coast	1		4	-	Fleets may beach
Rocky Coast	2		3	-1
Move Cost = Move cost of unit to enter the space.
Stack = Maximum number of Armies or fleets that may occupy the space.
Defense = Modifier a Defending unit gets to its Defense roll. 
(Attackers do not get the modification!)

Each space = 400 square miles.
Each turn is = 1 Month.
An army unit is composed of 5000 men of various troop types.
Most troops were heavily armed hoplites, supported by light infantry, and 
some cavalry/chariots.
A Fleet unit is composed of 25 Triremes (Each carries 170 rowers and 30 marines/officers).

Each player chooses one city on the map to be their home city.
Players should not choose adjacent cities.
Shuffle the deck.
Each player is dealt a hand of 5 cards.
Each home city starts with 2 Armies, 2 Rowers and 2 Fleets. (Or 4 Armies if landlocked)
Each home city starts with a treasury containing 10 Gold.
Each home city starts with 3 Leaders.
Each home city starts with 6 City Traits.
Roll on charts to determine Hero Traits and City Traits.
Players roll high on 1D10 to determine turn order.
All minor cities are considered to be neutral.

Home cities have a base income = 7 Gold per turn.
Home cities have Defense Modifier = +8

Any city not chosen to be a Home city is a minor city.
Minor cities have a base income = 1D6 Gold per turn.
Roll once at the beginning of the game. 
This base income is fixed for the remainder of the game.
The map may have base incomes of cities written onto it.

There are 6 types of units: Armies, Rowers, Fleets, Transports, Baggage, and Leaders.
Armies and Rowers have a recruitment cost of 2 gold.
Armies and Rowers have an upkeep cost of 1 gold per turn each.
Baggage has a recruitment cost = 1 and no upkeep.
Transports has a recruitment cost = 2 and no upkeep.
Fleets have a recruitment cost = 4 and no upkeep.
Leaders have no recruitment cost or upkeep.
Transports are merchant round ships, whereas Fleets are composed of 
Trireme long boats (warships). 

Each terrain type has a stacking limit.
Stacking limits apply only to Armies, Fleets and Transports.
Leaders and Baggage do not count against stacking limits.
A Fleet can carry one unit of Rowers and 2 Baggage units.
An Army (Not on a transport at sea) can carry up to 4 Baggage units.
A Transport can carry one Army unit or 8 Baggage units.
An Army or Fleet can carry any number of Leaders.

Use counters or chits to represent units.
Each player has a set of counters of a unique color.
Armies, baggage, rowers, transports, and Fleets are non-unique.
Leaders are unique so each counter must be numbered or named.
Use counters to represent gold
Additional unit status counters are necessary to identify the following conditions:
Razed, Hostile, Starvation

Players share a common deck.
The deck contains one of each of the cards in the card list.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 9 phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Revenue Phase
3. Upkeep Phase
4. Recruit Phase
5. Diplomacy Phase
6. First Move Phase
7. Sea Battle Phase
8. Land Battle Phase
9. Second Move Phase

Draw 2 cards from the deck.
Maximum hand size = 7 cards.
Discard excess cards.
If the deck runs out shuffle the discard and draw from it.

Collect revenue from your Home City, and all Minor cities you control.
Revenue is in “Gold”.
Cities under siege cannot produce revenue.
A city is considered to be under siege if there is an enemy 
army (or rowers) or fleet adjacent to it.
Hostile minor cities generate only half revenue (rounding up).
Razed cities produce no income.
Each city with Razed counters on it may remove 1 counter this phase.

An Army or Rowers must be in or adjacent to a friendly city to receive upkeep.
Razed cities and Cities under siege cannot provide upkeep.
Pay 1 gold to upkeep each such Army and Rowers you control.
Units completely surrounded by enemy units cannot receive 
upkeep, but they can use baggage counters.
If a unit receives upkeep or uses up a baggage counter remove any starvation counters on it.
Leaders and ships do not require upkeep.
If a Baggage unit is used up discard it.
If a unit does not receive upkeep or baggage roll 1D6 (The upkeep roll):
1-5 Nothing. Put a starvation counter on the unit.
6+ The unit disbands or surrenders.
Add 1 to the roll for every starvation counter on the unit.
Subtract 1 from the roll if the unit is in farmland or fishing village terrain.

Each city may recruit 1 Army or Rowers or Fleet or Transport.
To recruit (Build) a Fleet or transport, the city must be adjacent to the sea.
Each city may recruit up to 6 baggage units per turn.
Newly recruited units are placed in the city space.
Pay the Recruitment cost of the unit.
The unit starts in the City.
Each Home City state may also make one 1D10 ‘Experience Roll’ per turn.
1-9	Nothing happens
10	Gain 1 Leader 50% or Gain 1 Random City Trait 50%
Razed, besieged, and hostile cities may not recruit.

Every player gets one free diplomacy roll per turn.
Leader Traits, City Traits, and Cards allow additional diplomacy rolls.
When making a diplomacy roll, target any hostile, neutral, or enemy controlled 
minor city state.
Roll 1D6 (The Diplomacy Roll):
1-5	Nothing Happens
6+	Remove Hostility counter or Gain control of Neutral city state or Enemy city state revolts.
Add one to the Diplomacy roll if the city is hostile.
If there is a revolt, place 1D3 Rebel units in the City. 
They will attack any Enemy units in the city.
If a city contains no enemy units and only rebel units, it becomes neutral.
Discard rebel units from a neutral city.
Place a control marker on any city you control.

Units have a certain number of Move points they can use per turn.
Armies and Rowers can move 4 spaces on land. 
Leaders can move 6 spaces on land.
Armies “use up” 2 movement points to enter Forest & Hill spaces.
Manned Fleets can move 10 spaces by sea.
Transports can move 8 spaces by sea.
A Fleet requires rowers aboard to move and fight.
Transports may carry rowers, but do not require them to move.
Fleets and Transports can enter city, sandy, and fishing village coastal hexes.
Baggage that is not carried cannot move by itself.
Leaders move with Armies and Fleets or independently.
Your units may not enter Neutral or enemy cities.
Your units cannot enter spaces occupied by enemy Armies, Rowers, or manned Fleets.
If your Armies, Rowers, or manned Fleets enter a space containing only enemy 
Leaders, Baggage, Transports, or unmanned Fleets you capture them.
Captured Baggage & Transports change to your color.
Captured Leaders may be ransomed or put to death.
Units may pick up/ drop off baggage freely.

Your units at sea may attack enemy units in an adjacent sea space.
You may combine the attacks of all of your units adjacent to an enemy stack.
For every Fleet unit attacking roll 1D10 (Attack Roll) and add any City 
Trait bonuses to get the Attack Total.
The opponent rolls 1D10 (Defense Roll) + bonuses for every defending 
Fleet in the stack to get the Defense Total.
Leader Traits can modify Battle rolls. 
Both players may play cards to increase or modify these Battle totals.
The side with the higher Battle total is the winner. 
The loser must roll 1D6 (Casualty Roll) for each of his Fleets/Transports in the battle:
1-4 the unit was destroyed/captured (And any Leaders/Armies/Rowers/Baggage onboard)
5-6 the unit retreats to an adjacent space containing no enemies 
(If this move is not possible the unit is destroyed)
Transports with Armies get a battle roll of 1D6.
Ships in coastal spaces are considered to be beached. They may be attacked this turn.

Your units may attack enemy units in an adjacent space.
You may combine the attacks of all of your units adjacent to an enemy stack.
For every Army unit attacking roll 1D10 (Attack Roll) and add any City 
Trait bonuses to get the Attack Total.
The opponent rolls 1D10 (Defense Roll) + bonuses for every defending 
Army in the stack to get the Defense Total.
Leader Traits can modify Battle rolls.
Both players may play cards to increase or modify these Battle totals.
The side with the higher Battle total is the winner. 
The loser must roll 1D6 (Casualty Roll) for each of his units in the battle:
1-4 the unit was destroyed/captured. 
5-6 the unit retreats to an adjacent space containing no enemies 
(If this move is not possible the unit is destroyed)
Rowers get a battle roll of 1D6.
Cities get a Defense roll of 1D6. There is always a garrison present. 
(This is in addition to any armies present)
Attackers get +1 to their rolls if they are attacking a hostile city.
Terrain defense modifiers only apply to a unit if it is Defending.
You may attack a neutral city.  A neutral city will have 1 Army present.
If you defeat the defending army of the neutral city immediately move an 
attacking unit into the city.
You gain control of the captured city, but it is hostile. 
Put a control marker and a hostility counter on the city.
If you capture a city you may also plunder it for 3D6 Gold. Put 3 Razed counters on the city.
If you plunder a city you may also destroy it: Put a total of 6 Razed Counters on it.
Ships in coastal spaces are considered to be beached. They may be attacked this turn.

All of your units may move again.
Your Fleets and transports must end their move in city, sandy, and fishing 
village coastal hexes.
If a Fleets or transport is unable to do this roll 1D6 (Navigation Roll):
1-4	Nothing
5-6	Storms sink the unit.
Note: Beached Ships do not get terrain defense modifiers.

For each newly recruited leader roll 1D6 (Leader Roll):
1-3	1 Skill
4-5	2 Skills
6	3 Skills
Roll on the Leader skills table to determine what these skills are.
Record the Leaders skills, name, and chit identification.

1D100	Skill		Effect
01-04	Heroism		Stack gets + 1D6 added to Battle Total
05-08	Strategist	All units in stack get +1 to Battle Rolls
09-12	Oratory		Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn.
13-16	Courage		All units in stack get +2 to Defense Rolls
17-20	Leadership	All units in stack get +1 to Battle Rolls
21-24	Judgment   	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn.
25-28	Brilliance	Stack gets + 1D6 added to Battle Total 
29-32	Adventurous	All units in stack get +1 to Attack rolls
33-36	Ambitious	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn.
37-40	Charisma	All units in stack get +1 to Battle Rolls
41-44	Admiral		Fleets in stack get +2 to Battle Rolls
45-48	General		Armies in stack get +2 to Battle Rolls
49-52	Honorable	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn.
53-56	Organization	Nearest friendly city may recruit 1 extra unit per turn. 
57-60	Logistics	Units in stack get –1 to starvation rolls & +1 Move point/turn. 
61-64	Politician	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn.
65-68	Intellectual	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn.
69-72	Intrigue  	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn.
73-76	Siegecraft	Units in stack get +2 Force when attacking or defending cities.
77-80	Benevolent	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn.
81-84	Diplomacy	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn.
85-88	Statecraft	Maximum hand size +1
89-92	Resolve		All units in stack get +1 to Battle Rolls
93-96	Economics	Income of Home city +1
97-00	Historian	Hero counts as 1 city for victory conditions at end of game.

These include technology, resources, superior unit types, and cultural attributes 
associated with the city.
D6D6	Trait		Effect
11	Stoicism  	Units get –1 to starvation rolls
12	Greek Fire	All Fleets get +1 to Battle Rolls
13	Seamanship	All Fleets & Transports get +1 Movement Points
14	Slavery		Home City Income +1
15	High Culture	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn
16	Code of Laws	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn
21	Siegecraft	Units get +2 to attack cities
22	Fortifications	Units get +2 when defending cities
23	Trade		Home City Income +1	
24	Mining		Home City Income +1	
25	Shipbuilding	All Fleets get +1 to Battle Rolls 
26	Bronze Panoply	All Armies get +1 to Battle Rolls
31	Democracy	Get 1 extra Diplomacy roll per turn
32	Hoplites	All Armies get +1 to Battle Rolls
33	Peltasts  	All Armies get +1 to Battle Rolls
34	Cavalry		Opponent gets –1 to Casualty rolls
35	Triremes  	All Fleets get +1 to Battle Rolls
36	Phalanx		All Armies get +1 to Battle Rolls
41	Chariots  	All Armies get +1 to Attack Rolls
42	Discipline	All Armies get +1 to Battle Rolls
43	Archers		All Armies get +1 to Battle Rolls
44	Rowers		All Fleets get +1 to Battle Rolls
45	Courage		All Units get +1 to Defense Rolls
46	Militaristic	All Units get +1 to Attack Rolls
51	Naval Tactics	All Fleets get +1 to Battle Rolls
52	Training  	All Armies get +1 to Battle Rolls
53	Ram & Prong	All Fleets get +1 to Battle Rolls
54	Wine		Home City Income +1	
55	Sea Worthy	Fleets get –1 to Navigation Rolls
56	Athletic  	All Armies get +1 Move points.	
61	Long Walls	Units defending Home City get +4 	
62	Profsnl Army	All Armies get +1 to Battle Rolls
63	Silver Mines	Get +3D10 gold one time only
65	Olive Oil	Home City Income +1
66	Pottery		Home City Income +1

Card Name:		Effect:
Break Formation		Add 1D10 to your battle total.
Treasure  		If you capture a city get 1D10 gold.
Savage Fighting		Add 1D6 to your battle total.
Determined Resistance	Add 1D10 to your defense total.
Allies Leave		Opponent gets –1D10 to his battle total.
Forced March		Army Stack gets +2 Movement points this turn.
Disorganization		Opponent gets –1D10 to his battle total.
Starvation		Put a starvation counter on all units in target besieged city.
Withdrawal		All your units in battle get +1 to casualty roll.
Strong Position		All your Armies in battle get +3 to defense roll.
Boarding Actions  	All your Fleets in battle get +3 to battle roll.
Strong Garrison		Add 1D10 to your defense total when defending a city.
Diekplus Circle		All your Fleets in battle get +3 to defense roll.
Threatened		Opponent gets one less Diplomacy roll this turn.
Superior Numbers  	All your units in battle get +2 to battle roll.
Economic Blockade	Opposing city generates no income next turn.
Storms			All ships in target square must make a navigation roll.
Marathon	        Army Stack gets +2 Movement points this turn.
Night Raid		Add 1D10 to your attack total.
Contributions		Gain 2D6 Gold.
Narrow Channel		Add 2D10 to your defense total in sea battle.
Coercion	        Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Short supplies		Remove 1D6 Baggage units from target stack.
Defiance	        Opponent gets one less Diplomacy roll this turn.
Natural Allies		Gain control of target neutral city
Formal Agreement  	Gain control of target neutral city 
For the Common Defense	Gain control of target neutral city
Intrigue	        Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Alliance   		Gain control of target neutral city
Political Ties		Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Hesitation		Target stack may not attack this turn.
Delaying Action		All your units in battle get +1 to casualty roll.
Racial Ties		Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Narrow Defile		Add 2D10 to your defense total in land battle.
Colonial Ties		Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Reconnaissance		Add 1D10 to your battle total.
Bribes			Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Elite Units		Add 1D6 to your battle total.
Artful Diplomacy   	Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Outflank  		Add 1D10 to your battle total.
Failure			Target Leader that lost a battle is discarded.
Revolt			Target enemy controlled minor city revolts.
Exiled			Target Leader is removed from game for 2D6 turns.
Election	        Discard one leader and Gain one new Leader
Political Rivalry	Opponents units cannot move or attack on his next turn.
Reinforce Wings		Add 2D6 to your defense total in land battle.
Ideological Ties  	Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Relieving Force		Stack gets +2 Movement points if in aid of a city.
Grand Strategy		Draw 1D6 cards.
Spy			Look at opponents hand.
Assassination		Kill target leader.
Intervene		Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Pitched Battle		All your units in battle get +2 to battle roll.
Plague			All units in city make an upkeep roll at +2.
Desertions		All units in stack make an upkeep roll.
Treachery		Add 1D10 to your battle total.
Atrocities		Opponent gets one less Diplomacy roll this turn.
Brutality		Opponent gets one less Diplomacy roll this turn.
Massacre  		Opponent gets one less Diplomacy roll this turn.
Enslavement		Opponent gets one less Diplomacy roll this turn.
Executions		Negate a revolt.
Promise of Clemency	Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Suspicious		Opponent gets one less Diplomacy roll this turn.
Liberators		Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Attack Beached Ships	Add 2D10 to your attack total vs. Fleets/Transports.
Ransom Prisoners  	Gain 1D6 Gold.
Truce			No one may attack until the end of your next turn.
Ambassador		Gain control of target neutral city.
Exact Tribute		Target enemy controlled minor city revolts.
Install Governments	Target enemy controlled minor city revolts.
Install Garrisons	Target enemy controlled minor city revolts.
Negotiations		Gain 1 extra Diplomacy roll this turn.
Coup			Opponents Home city gets 1D6 Razed Counters. 
Social Division		Opponents units cannot move or attack on his next turn.
Internal Jealousies	Opponent loses 2D6 Gold.
Escape			All your units in battle get +1 to casualty roll.
Disaffected		Opponent gets one less Diplomacy roll this turn.
Skirmish	        All your units in battle get +1 to casualty roll.
Raids			Target city produces no income next turn.
Surprise Attack		Add 2D10 to your attack total.
Tactical Ruse		Add 2D6 to your defense total.
Military Blunder  	Opponent gets –2D10 to his battle total.
Right Flank Drift	Add 1D6 to your battle total in land battle.
Sapping			Add 1D10 to your attack total vs. city.
Siege Works		Add 1D6 to your attack total vs. city.
Siege Artillery		Add 1D6 to your battle total at siege.
Block Escape		Opponents units in battle get -1 to casualty roll.
Cavalry Pursuit		Opponents units in battle get -1 to casualty roll.

Roll a city trait for each minor city state.
As long as a player controls that city, his home city also gets that trait.

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