Board Game for 2 Players. 
Biblical Theme. 
One player is David. 
The other player is Goliath. 

Smite your Foe. 

Use a regular 8 X 8 chessboard. 

Use a figurine to represent David on the board. 

Use a figurine to represent Goliath on the board. 

Players share a common deck. 

Goliath gets 1 Spear Token. 

David gets 5 Stone Tokens. 

There are 2 Rock Tokens and 2 Tree Tokens 
Figures cannot move into or through Rock Tokens, but they can 
sling or throw through them. 
Figures cannot move or attack into or through Tree Tokens. 

Players share a common set of 4 Wound Tokens. 
For each Wound your max hand size is decreased by one. 
Three wounds is death. 

First drop the terrain tokens onto the board and move them into the nearest space. 
Each player draws a hand of 7 cards.   
Players each place their figurine on opposite back rows of the board. 
Goliath is placed first. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 7 Phases: 
Draw Phase
Event Phase
Goliath Move Phase
David Move Phase
Goliath Attack Phase
David Attack Phase
End Phase

Each player draws 1 card from the deck and adds it to their hand. 
David draws first. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Each player may play one Event card in this Phase. 
David has first play. 

The Goliath player may Move his figurine on the board. 
Discard a move card to move exactly the indicated number of spaces. 
Cards will indicate if the move can be orthogonal, diagonal, or both. 
The David player may discard a Negate card to end a move at any point 
during its progression. 
Goliath cannot move into or through the space occupied by David. 

The David player may Move his figurine on the board. 
Discard a move card to move exactly the indicated number of spaces. 
Cards will indicate if the move can be orthogonal, diagonal, or both. 
The Goliath player may discard a Negate card to end a move at any point 
during its progression. 
David cannot move into or through the space occupied by Goliath. 

The Goliath player may make a Spear Attack or a Sword Attack.
The Goliath player starts play in possession of the Spear Token.  
As Long as the Goliath player has his Spear he must make a Spear Attack. 
To make a Sword Attack discard a Sword card to attack David if he is 
in an Adjacent space. 
The card will indicate if the sword attack is orthogonal or diagonal.
The Sword attack will be one of three types: Thrust, Slash, or Chop
The David player may discard a Defense card to block a sword attack. 
Some defense cards will not work against a certain type of sword attack. 
If a Defense card is not successfully played, David is killed. 
To make a Spear attack, the Goliath player must discard a 
Sword card or a Throw card. 
If a Sword card is used, the attack is treated exactly like a Thrust Sword 
Attack (even if the card says Slash or Cut). 
If a Throw card is used the spear will hit exactly at the range 
indicated on the Throw card. 
Once thrown, if the Spear misses (A Defense card is successfully played) place 
the spear Token in the space occupied by David. Goliath is then without his 
spear. He can retrieve it simply by entering the space where it landed. 
If a Defense card is not successfully played, David is killed. 

David may only make a Sling Stone Attack. 
To make such an attack, both a Sling card, and a Stone card must be discarded. 
The Sling card determines the range. All Sling cards can be used for 
Orthogonal or Diagonal attacks. 
The Stone card is of 3 types: Fast, Curved, and Sinker.
The Goliath player may discard a Defense card to block a sling attack. 
Some defense cards will not work against a certain type of sling attack. 
If a Defense card is not successfully played, Goliath is killed. 
Once slung, if a Stone misses (A Defense card is successfully played) place 
a Stone Token in the space occupied by Goliath. 
David can retrieve it simply by entering the space where it landed. 

Max hand size is 7 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

D = David only
G = Goliath only
B = Both Players may use this card
# = Copies of this card in the deck
K = Like a Knight moves in Chess
TS = Thrown Spear

Name				#	User	Notes
Sling/Throw Close		3	B	Range = 2
Sling/Throw Short		3	B	Range = 3
Sling/Throw Medium		2	B	Range = 4
Sling/Throw Long       		2	B	Range = K
Sling/Throw Far			2	B	Range = 5
Stone Fast			4	D	-
Stone Curved			4	D	-
Stone Sinker			4	D	-
Sword Thrust			2	G	Orthogonal
Sword Lunge Thrust		2	G	Diagonal
Sword Slash			2	G	Orthogonal
Sword Hack & Slash		2	G	Diagonal
Sword Chop			2	G	Orthogonal
Sword Overhead Chop		2	G	Diagonal
Walk				4	B	Move = 1 Orthogonal
Step				4	B	Move = 1 Diagonal
Jog				3	B	Move = 2 Orthogonal
Trot				3	B	Move = 2 Diagonal
Run				3	B	Move = 3 Orthogonal
Swift				3	B	Move = 3 Diagonal
Fleet				2	D	Move = K Orthogonal
Chase				2	B	Move = 5 Orthogonal
Sprint				2	B	Move = 5 Diagonal
Shield				4	G	Defense vs. Fast & Sinker 
Block				4	G	Defense vs. Curve & Sinker
Guard				4	G	Defense vs. Fast & Curve
Dodge				4	D	Defense vs. Thrust & Chop & TS
Jump Back			4	D	Defense vs. Thrust & Slash 
Duck				4	D	Defense vs. Slash & Chop & TS
Trip				1	B	Negate Move
Fall				1	B	Negate Move
Gods of The Philistines		1	G	Event: Draw 2 Cards
God of the Israelites		1	D	Event: Draw 2 Cards
Future King			1	D	Event: Draw 3 Cards
Pagan Warrior			1	G	Event: Draw 3 Cards
Armor				1	G	Defense vs. All
Staff Parry			1	D	Defense vs. all Sword Attacks
Champion of Yahweh		1	D	Event: Draw 4 Cards
Champion of Dagon		1	G	Event: Draw 4 Cards
Single Combat			1	B	Event: Opponent discards 1 Random Card
Divine Aid			1	D	Event: Draw 7 cards and discard 6
Challenge			1	G	Event: Draw 3 cards and keep 2
Wounded             		2	B	Defense vs. All. Gain 1 Wound Token
Four Cubits & a Span		1	G	Move = 1 or 2 Orthogonally
The Bigger They are…		1	D	Sling Range = 3 or Stone = Fast


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