INTRODUCTION Mad Max style post-apocalyptic gang-warfare road combat. GANGS Each player starts with a gang of 6 Vehicles. Roll on the Vehicle Table to see what each vehicle is. Use a separate index card to keep tract of each vehicle. Each vehicle will have a number of pieces of Equipment equal to its size. Roll on the Equipment Table to see what each piece of Equipment is. Roll to see how many times each piece of equipment can be used. THE ROAD The road is a track divided into 100 segments. The first square is the Start square. Add 1D6 obstacle counters to random spaces on the Map VICTORY Look at the opposing vehicles. Designate one player as the Slow Gang. The other player is the Fast Gang. The Slow gang wins if he gets 3+ his vehicles to the end of the tract, Otherwise the Fast gang wins. DESTROYING VEHICLES If all the crew of a vehicle are killed, the vehicle is abandoned. Ramming and Fire may destroy vehicles outright. SETUP All vehicles of the Slow gang start in the Start space. The Fast gang player may place his vehicles on any spaces. The slow gang goes first. TURN SEQUENCE Each vehicle gets a turn. Players alternate. Each turn has 5 phases: Drop Phase Ride Phase Missile Phase Ram Phase HTH Phase DROP PHASE If a vehicle has Tacks or Oil it may drop one load. Place a counter of the appropriate type in the vehicles current space. RIDE PHASE Each of your vehicles may move 2D6 spaces forwards or backwards. If a vehicle has a negative speed modifier, you must reduce the roll by that amount. If a vehicle has a positive speed modifier, you may increase the roll by that amount. If you moved past or landed on a Tacks or Obstacle, or Oil counter roll 2D6 and add your Maneuverability modifier. If the modified roll is 7+ you evade the counter. Add +1 to the roll if the counter is one of yours. If you fail a Tacks counter your speed becomes –2 permanently. If you fail an Oil or Obstacle counter your vehicle cannot move next turn. If you occupy the same space as an abandoned vehicle, instead of moving, you may transfer 1 or more crew to the abandoned vehicle and take control of it. If you occupy the same space as a friendly vehicle, instead of moving, you may transfer 1 or more crew to the friendly vehicle. MISSILE PHASE If you are in range (forwards or backwards) with one or more of your weapons with a Range score of 1+ you may attack a target vehicle. Each weapon rolls 1D6 and adds its To Hit Modifier. (+1 if Range = 1) Each target vehicle rolls 1D6 and adds its Armor Modifier. If the Weapon roll is higher the Vehicle loses 1 crew. If the weapon is a Fire weapon there is a further 1 in 6 chance the vehicle goes up in a Ball of Flame (Destroyed & all crew killed) Instead of aiming at the crew you may aim at the tires: If you hit, the speed of the target becomes –2 permanently. RAM PHASE If you share the same space as an enemy vehicle you may ram it. Each vehicle rolls 1D6 and adds their Size & Ram Modifiers. The Higher roll wins. The loser cannot move next turn and has speed –1 permanently. If the target has a better speed or maneuverability than the rammer he may avoid the Ram contest on a roll of 4-6 on 1D6. If you lose a ram contest roll 1D6: On a roll of 5-6 your vehicle is destroyed and all crew are killed (Flipped, smashed, rolled over, crushed, go over cliff) HTH PHASE If you share the same space as an enemy vehicle you may attack it in HTH (Hand-to-Hand) combat. Each vehicle rolls 1D6 and adds their Crew and HTH Modifiers. The Higher roll wins. The loser loses 1D3 Crew permanently. If the target has a better speed or maneuverability than you he may avoid the HTH contest on a roll of 4-6 on 1D6. VEHICLE TABLE 1D12 Type Speed Mnvr Armor Size Crew 1 Motorcycle +1 +3 0 1 1 2 Dune Buggy +1 +2 0 2 3 3 Sportscar +2 +1 1 2 2 4 SUV -- -- 2 3 4 5 Van -1 -- 2 3 4 6 Bus -1 -2 3 4 6 7 Pickup Truck -- -- 2 3 4 8 18 Wheeler -1 -2 3 6 8 9 Muscle Car +1 +1 2 2 3 10 Dragster +3 -1 1 2 2 11 Jeep -1 +2 0 2 3 12 Compact -1 +1 1 2 3 EQUIPMENT TABLE 1D20 Type: Notes: 1 Pneumatic Dart gun Range = 4 (2D6 uses only) 2 Nitros Speed +4 (1D3 uses only) 3 Armor Plates Armor +1 4 Drag Chutes Maneuver +4 (1D3 uses only) 5 Flame Thrower Range = 2 (To Hit +2) (1D6 uses only) Fire 6 Rockets Range = 6 (1D3 uses only) (lose 1D3 crew) 7 Ramming Spar Ram +1 8 Buzz Saw Ram +1 9 Tin Tacks (1D3 uses only) 10 Oil Dropper (1D3 uses only) 11 Bows & Arrows Range = 2 (HTH +1) 12 Modified Engine Speed +1 13 Passenger Crew +1 14 Shotgun Range = 2 (To Hit +1) (1D6 uses only) HTH +2 15 Spiked Wheels Ram +1 16 Molotov Cocktails Range = 2 (1D6 uses only) Fire 17 Crossbows Range = 3 (HTH +2) 18 Grappling Hooks Range = 2 (1D3 uses only) HTH +1 19 Harpoons Range = 2 (1D3 uses only) HTH +1 20 Pistol Range = 1 (1D6 uses only) HTH +2 ZAKS ARMORED TRAIN VARIANT Special Vehicle: Armored Train Speed -2 Manoeuvre -3 Armor 5 Size 10 Crew 12 Special Stats: Ram +2, has a standard Pneumatic Dart Gun and cannot use the Armor Plates equipment (reroll). Special movement rule: the train moves always 1D3+1D3 spaces forward (no reverse move is possible) The Slow Gang can pick the train instead of two standard vehicles: in alternative a special scenario can be created for it. GYROCOPTER VARIANT Special Vehicle: Gyrocopter Speed +5 Manuver +3 Armor 3 (Not armor but difficulty to hit) Size 2 Crew 1 Notes: Cannot ram or be rammed. Cannot attack or be attacked in HTH. Can only attack or be attacked in missile phase. One of its Equipment choices is automatically Molotov Cocktails with 2D6 uses.

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