Card game for 2 players.
One player takes the role of the Dragon
The other player takes the role of the Slayer
(The adventuring party trying to slay the dragon)
There are 2 decks:
The Dragon Deck
The Slayer Deck
Six-sided dice are needed.
Pen & paper are needed.
If the Dragon is reduced to 0 or less Hit Points the Slayers win.
If all party members are killed, the Dragon wins.
The Dragon has 10 hit points.
Party Members (Slayers: Heroes & Men-at-Arms) have 1 hit point each.
Each unblocked attack by the Dragon will kill one party member.
Unblocked attacks by Slayers cause 1 or more hit points of damage to the Dragon.
The Slayer rolls 8 times on the Recruitment table:
The Slayer records on a piece of paper the composition of the party.
Artifacts must be assigned to a hero that can use the artifact.
1D6 Recruit: Notes:
1 Wizard Hero, Spell Attacks only
2 Warrior Hero, Sword Attacks only (that do +1 Damage)
3 Archer Hero, Arrow Attacks only
4 Artifact Roll on the Artifact Table
5 2 Men-at-Arms Sword Attacks only
6 Pick one
1D6 Recruit: Notes:
1 Magic Sword Sword Attacks do +1 Damage
2 Magic Arrows Arrow Attacks do +1 Damage (Can be used 3 times)
3 Magic Staff Spell Attacks do +1 Damage
4 Magic Potion Bring back killed Hero (Can be used 2 times) in Draw Phase
5 Magic Armor Attacks against Warrior negated on a roll of 1-4 on 1D6
6 Magic Scrolls Make a Spell attk w/o discarding a Spell Attk card (Use 3 times)
Note: the Scroll attack is a 1 point attack.
If the owner of an artifact is killed another hero that can use it gets it in Draw Phase.
The turn is divided into 3 Phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Slayer Phase
3. Dragon Phase
The Slayer player draws 3 cards from the Slayer Deck.
The Dragon player draws 3 cards from the Dragon Deck.
If a deck runs out shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Maximum hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards.
The party may attack the Dragon.
To make an attack, an attack card must be discarded from the players hand.
The party may make multiple attacks.
There must also be one party member alive who can make the attack.
For example: To make a spell attack the party must have at least one Wizard.
Both Warriors & Men-at-Arms may make Sword Attacks.
A party member may make only one attack per turn.
For example: If you have 2 Wizards you could make 2 spell attacks per turn.
Each attack does a base of 1 point of damage to the Dragon.
Some cards indicate they do a base 2 points of damage.
Warriors inflict an additional point of damage when they attack.
Some artifacts increase the amount of damage done by an attack.
The Dragon player may block an attack by discarding a Blocking
Card that targets the attack type.
For example: The Dragon player may discard a ‘Magic Resistance’ card to
negate a spell attack.
The Dragon may attack the party.
To make an attack, an attack card must be discarded from the players hand.
The Dragon may make multiple attacks.
The Dragon may only use one attack type once per turn.
For example: The Dragon may not make 2 Firebreath attacks in one turn.
The Dragon may only use one body part to make one attack type once per turn.
For example: The Bite and Firebreath attacks are both ‘Mouth’ attacks so
only one may be used.
The Slayer player may block an attack by discarding a Blocking Card that
matches the target type.
For example: The Slayer may discard a ‘Shield’ card to negate an attack vs a
Warrior or a Man-at-Arms.
Each attack targets one party member.
Dragons must attack Men-at-Arms first.
After all the Men-at-Arms are killed the Dragon may attack Warriors next.
After all the Warriors are killed the Dragon may attack Archers & Wizards.
Card Name: # Notes:
Bite 2 Mouth Attack
Fangs 2 Mouth Attack
Firebreath 2 Mouth Attack
Claws 2 Limbs Attack
Talons 2 Limbs Attack
Crush 2 Limbs Attack
Wing Buffet 2 Wings Attack
Tail Sweep 2 Tail Attack
Magic Resistnce 2 Negates one Spell Attack
Scale Plates 2 Negates one Arrow Attack
Hover 2 Negates one Sword Attack
Dragon Armor 2 Negates one Spell or Sword Attack
Melee 2 Negates one Spell or Arrow Attack
Tough Hide 2 Negates one Sword or Arrow Attack
Dragon Blood 2 Regenerate 1 Hit point
Dragon Rage 2 Discard to draw 3 cards
Swoop Attack 2 Slayer draws 2 less cards next turn
Single Out 1 Dragon may attack any Hero this turn
# = Number of that type of card in the Deck.
Card Name: # Notes:
Sword 6 Sword Attack for 1 point of Damage
Mighty Blow 1 Sword Attack for 2 points of Damage
Arrow 4 Arrow Attack for 1 point of Damage
Missing Scale 1 Arrow Attack for 2 points of Damage
Lightning Bolt 2 Spell Attack for 1 point of Damage
Fireball 2 Spell Attack for 2 points of Damage
Dodge 2 Negates one Attack made by Dragon
Armor 2 Negates one Attack vs Warrior or Man-at-arms
Out of Range 2 Negates one Attack vs Wizard or Archer
Skill 2 Negates one Attack vs Warrior
Luck 2 Negates one Attack vs Man-at-arms
Retreat 2 Negates one Attack vs Archer
Magic Shield 2 Negates one Attack vs Wizard
Teamwork 2 Discard to draw 3 cards
Grievous Wound 2 Dragon draws 2 less cards next turn
Recovery 1 Return one 'killed' hero to play
Thanks Zak for this amazing cardset:
Click here to get it.
Pregenerated Parties for Dragonslayer
by Rich Pizor
Party 1 (Pure Brawn)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Archers |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
None |
Party 2 (Swords & Arrows)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Archers |
Artifacts: |
3 Magic Arrows
Magic Sword |
Party 3 (Magic Avengers)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
3 Magic Scrolls:
Magic Staff |
Party 4 (Balanced)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Archers |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
1 Magic Staff
2 Potions: |
Party 5 (Offense)
Warriors |
Archers |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
1 Magic Staff
3 Magic Arrows: |
Party 6 (Rejuvinators)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Archers |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
2 Potions: |
Party 7 (Magicly Enhanced)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
1 Magic Armor
1 Magic Sword
1 Magic Staff
3 Magic Scrolls: |
Party 8 (Symmetry)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Archers |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
None |
Party 9 (Ranged Attacks)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Archers |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
3 Magic Arrows: |
Party 10 (Balanced, part 2)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Archers |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
None |
Party 11 (Nothing Special)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Archers |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
1 Magic Staff
3 Scrolls: |
Party 12 (Swords Ho!)
Men-At Arms |
Warriors |
Wizards |
Artifacts: |
2 Magic Potions:
3 Magic Scrolls: |
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