Board & card game for 2 players.
Battle between two Fantasy Armies. 
Abstract skirmish level combat.
Each figure represents a single hero, monster, or unit. 

You win if you kill all opposing units with Leadership Skill.

Use an 8x8 chessboard.

Use chits or miniatures to represent units.

Pick which type of army you want.
Currently available choices include: Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Elves, Feudals.
Future additional lists may include: Barbarians, Undead, Hobgoblins

Each Figure has a cost value. 
A standard army will be worth 150 points.
An Army must include a Leader.
A standard army must have 16 figs. 

Each player places one unit on each square of his back two rows.
Units may not stack. 

Players share a 90 card common deck. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 3 phases:
Fate Phase
Move Phase
Attack Phase

Draw 3 cards. 
Max hand size = 5 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Discard excess cards.

Play (discard) a Move card to move one of your units.
The move card has a number. 
This is the number of spaces the unit moves.
Moves can be diagonal or orthogonal. 
Units cannot move through other units. 
“Knight” type move cards allow a unit to move like a knight in chess.
The Knight move cards can only be used by units with a Move stat of 3+. 
Instead of moving just one unit in any direction, you have the 
option of moving up to three units forward the indicated number of 
spaces using a single move card.

Play (discard) an Attack card to have a unit attack.
The attack card has a number. 
The unit must have a Strength value equal to or greater than the value of 
the Attack card in order to use it. 
Attacks can be diagonal or orthogonal. 
The attack can be at a range equal to or less than the range stat of the attacking unit.
Units with ranged attacks cannot attack over (through) other units.
Each attack does one point of damage.
A unit reduced to zero Hits is killed and removed from the board.
Your opponent may play Defense cards to negate your attack.
A unit that becomes immobilized cannot move, attack, defend or use SA's. 

Most units have one special ability (SA).
Discard a SA card to have a unit use its special ability.
Some SA’s do not require a SA card to be discarded. 

A unit as its special ability may know one or more spells.
Before the game starts, pick which spells the unit knows.
Spells must be picked from that races Spellbook list. 
To cast a spell, just discard a SA card. 

M = Movement
A = Attack
D = Defense
N = Negate Move
SA = Special Ability 
Str = Strength
# = Number of that card in the deck
Type = Purpose of card

Card Name:	#	Type	Notes 
Move 1		10	M	move unit exactly 1 space
Move 2		8	M	move unit exactly 2 spaces
Move 3		6	M	move unit exactly 3 spaces
Move 4		4	M	move unit exactly 4 spaces
Move K		2	M	move unit as a Knight 
Attack 1	8	A	unit with Strength 1+ may attack
Attack 2	7	A	unit with Strength 2+ may attack
Attack 3	6	A	unit with Strength 3+ may attack
Attack 4	5	A	unit with Strength 4+ may attack
Attack 5	4	A	unit with Strength 5+ may attack
SA		20	SA	Unit may use its Special Ability
Defend		5	D	Negate Attack card played by opponent
Negate		5	N	Negate Move card played by opponent

Attack = The unit may discard a SA card (instead of an Attack card) to make an attack.
Shield = The unit may discard a SA card (instead of a Defense card) to 
negate an attack on itself.
Martyr = The unit may discard a SA card to take the damage directed at an adjacent unit.
Slay = The unit does 2 points of damage instead of one.
Leadership = All adjacent units get a Strength value of +1.
Berserk = The unit may make an additional attack each turn. 
Spells (X) = The unit knows X number of spells.
Throw = The unit may discard a SA card to make an attack of a range of exactly = 2. 
Explode = The unit may discard a SA card to kill itself and 
do 1 damage to all adjacent units.
Regeneration = The unit may discard a SA card to regain one lost hit.
Scout = If adjacent to an enemy unit, the unit may discard a SA card to 
look at your opponents hand.
Indirect Fire = The unit may make ranged attacks over other units.
Trample = The unit may continue to move after attacking. 
Ride = The Unit may move twice per turn
Net = Target of range = 2 is Immobilized for 3 turns.

Cost	Unit Name	Move	Hits	Range	Str	Special Ability
9	Troll Slayer	2	2	1	3	Slay
11	Giant Slayer	2	3	1	4	Slay
8	Crossbows	2	1	3	2	None
10	Gunners		2	1	3	3	Attack
7	Clansmen	2	1	1	2	Shield
7	Axers		2	1	1	2	Throw
8	Berserkers	2	1	1	3	Berserk
7	Runner		3	1	1	1	Scout
9	Longbeards	2	1	1	2	Leadership
7	Hammers		2	1	1	2	Attack
8	Shield Bearers	2	2	1	1	Shield, Martyr
12	Champion	2	3	1	4	Attack
12	Dwarf Lord	2	3	1	3	Leadership
10	Rune Lord	2	2	1	2	Spells (3)
14	War Machine	4	4	1	4	Trample
7	Powder Keg	3	1	1	1	Explode
6	Adept		2	1	1	1	Spells (1)
11	Steam Cannon	1	1	5	3	Indirect Fire

Spell		Notes:
Thunder		Attack with range of exactly = 4
Stone Skin	Self or adjacent unit gets Shield Ability for 4 turns
Mend		Restore one lost hit to self or adjacent unit
Sharpness	Self or adjacent unit gets Attack Ability for 4 turns
Lore		Look at next 7 cards in the deck
Petrify		Range = 4. Target immobilized for 4 turns
Stone Rain	Indirect Attack with range of exactly = 4

Cost	Unit Name	Move	Hits	Range	Str	Special Ability
9	Assassin	3	2	1	2	Slay
9	Archers		3	1	3	1	Attack
7	Scimitars	2	1	1	2	Attack
9	Spy		4	1	1	2	Scout
15	Chieftain	3	3	1	4	Leadership
10	Shaman		2	2	1	3	Spells (3)
6	Hedge Wizard	1	1	1	1	Spells (2)
11	Boar Riders	4	2	1	2	Ride
7	Spears		2	1	1	2	Throw
6	Clubbers	2	1	1	1	Martyr
16	Ogre		3	4	1	5	Throw
13	Troll		3	3	1	4	Regenerate
10	Catapult	1	1	5	2	Indirect Fire
10	Black Orcs	3	2	1	3	None
11	Champion	3	3	1	3	Berserk
10	Half Orcs	3	1	3	2	None
7	Guards		2	1	1	2	Shield
8	War Drums	1	1	1	1	Leadership

Spell		Notes:
Blood Rage	Self or adjacent unit gets Berserk Ability for 4 turns
Fire Ball	Attack with range = 4
Reattach	Self or adjacent unit gets Regenerate Ability for 4 turns
Curse		Range = 3. Target cannot use SA’s and is –1 to Move stat for 8 turns
Poison		Self or adjacent unit gets Slay Ability for 4 turns

Cost	Unit Name	Move	Hits	Range	Str	Special Ability
8	Raiders		3	1	1	2	Attack
9	Grenadiers	2	1	2	3	Explode
6	Irregulars	2	1	1	1	Martyr
9	Witchdoctor	2	1	1	1	Spell (3)
9	Alchemist	2	1	2	1	Spell (2)
7	Spearchuckers	2	1	1	2	Throw
8	Fanatics	2	1	2	2	Berserk
9	Shortbows	3	1	3	1	Indirect
10	Gob Lobber	1	1	5	2	Indirect
12	Wolf Riders	4	2	3	2	Ride
10	Hero		3	2	1	3	Attack
11	King		2	2	1	2	Leadership
7	Cut Throat	3	1	1	1	Slay
11	Rocket Launcher	1	1	5	3	Explode
11	Bugbears	3	3	1	3	Attack
6	Net Casters	2	1	1	1	Net
7	Infantry	2	1	1	2	Attack
7	Scouts		3	1	1	1	Scout

Spell		Notes:
Summon Goblin	Put an irregular into play adjacent to caster
Poisons		Self or adjacent unit gets Slay Ability for 4 turns
Instability	Self or adjacent unit gets Explode Ability for 3 turns
Evil Eye	Attack with range of exactly = 3
Hex		No unit may enter target empty square for 5 turns
Amulets		Self or adjacent unit gets Shield Ability for 4 turns
Warflame	Self or adjacent unit gets Leadership Ability for 3 turns

Cost	Unit Name	Move	Hits	Range	Str	Special Ability
13	Rangers		3	2	4	3	Slay
10	Warriors	3	2	1	3	Attack
10	Unicorn		4	1	1	3	Ride
13	Elf Lord	4	2	1	2	Leadership
10	Arch Mage	2	1	1	1	Spell (4)
7	Mage		2	1	1	1	Spell (2)
12	Arch Druid	3	2	1	2	Spell (3)
6	Druid		2	1	1	1	Spell (1)
9	Riders		4	1	1	2	Ride
9	Guardians	2	2	1	3	Shield & Martyr
11	Hunters		3	1	3	2	Indirect & Scout
11	Archers		2	1	4	3	Indirect
7	Spears		2	1	1	2	Throw
9	Scout		3	1	3	1	Scout
7	Swords		2	1	1	2	Attack
10	Ballista	1	1	5	3	None
11	Warrior Maiden	3	1	1	2	Leadership
13	Treant		2	4	1	5	Shield
11	Great Eagle	4	1	1	2	Fly, Ride, & Scout

Spell		Notes:
Tangle Roots	Range = 4. Target immobilized for 4 turns
Healing Ways	Restore one lost hit to self or adjacent unit
Energize	Self or adjacent unit gets Berserk Ability for 4 turns
Tree Meld	Self or adjacent unit gets Shield Ability for 4 turns
True Aim	Self or adjacent unit gets Attack Ability for 4 turns
Wild Winds	Negate Attack made against self or adjacent unit
Vision Pool	Look at next 7 cards in deck

Cost	Unit Name	Move	Hits	Range	Str	Special Ability
7	Footmen		3	1	1	1	Martyr
6	Squire		3	1	1	1	None
14	Knights		4	3	1	4	Ride & Shield
10	Longbowmen	2	1	4	2	Indirect
8	Archers		2	1	3	1	Indirect
9	Crossbowmen	2	1	3	2	None
11	Trebuchet	1	1	5	3	Indirect
10	Catapult	1	1	5	2	Indirect
13	King		4	2	1	2	Leadership
15	Nobles		4	2	1	4	Leadership
9	Wizard		2	1	1	1	Spells (4)
7	Magician	2	1	1	1	Spells (2)
8	Priest		2	1	1	1	Spells (3)
8	Halberdiers	2	1	1	3	Attack
7	Swordsmen	2	1	1	2	Attack
8	Shieldmen	2	2	1	1	Shield & Martyr
8	Pikemen		1	1	1	4	None
8	Rogue		3	1	1	1	Scout & Slay

Spell		Notes:
Crystal Ball	Look at opponents hand
Blessing	Self or adjacent unit gets Attack Ability for 4 turns
Holy Armor	Self or adjacent unit gets Shield Ability for 4 turns
Smite		Self or adjacent unit gets Slay Ability for 4 turns
Teleport	Self or adjacent unit transported to any empty Square
Lightning Bolt	Attack with range of exactly = 4
Haste		Self or adjacent unit gets Move +1 & Berserk Ability for 3 turns
Sanctuary	Negate Attack made against self or adjacent unit
Dispell		Negate Spell cast by opposing unit

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