2 player Card game of Martial Arts combat.
Role-playing elements.

The Deck contains 8 of each of the following 7 card types:

Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 Phases:
Maneuver Phase
Out-Maneuver Phase
Action Phase

Both players fill their hands to 8 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
If an attack effect says: Opponent discards X cards next turn, then 
discard the cards at end of this phase.

Players may discard up to half their current cards and draw replacements.

The Active player may only make Attack Maneuvers.
The Defending player may only make Defense Maneuvers.
The Active player may play 1 Punch card to make a Simple Punch. 
The Active player may play 1 Kick card to make a Simple Kick.
The Active player may play 1 Grab card to make a Simple Grab.
Simple Attacks do one point of damage.
The Defending player may play a Block card to negate 1 point of damage from a 
Punch or Block Attack.
The Defending player may play a Move card to negate 1 point of damage from a 
Kick or Move Attack.
The Defending player may play a Zen card to negate 1 point of damage from a 
Grab or Zen Attack.
Instead of making a simple attack, the attacker may make a Power Attack.
Power Attacks require a combination of 2 or more cards to be discarded.
A Power Attack will do 2+ points of damage, as indicated in the Maneuver Lists.
Likewise, the defender can make power defenses that can negate 2+ damage of any
type, unless otherwise specified.
A combatant can only make a special Attack or Defense he knows as 
determined in Character generation.
A player may only make 1 attack or defense per turn.
A player may discard a Combo card to make an extra attack or defense during the phase.
(A player may make multiple Combos in a single turn)
All played cards are discarded.
Simple one card defenses CAN be used to negate 1 point of 
damage from a Power Attack of the proper type.
A Power Defense can be used against a simple attack if you lack the 
correct simple defense (or simply choose to use the bigger hammer).

Reduce your opponent to 0 or fewer Hit Points.

Before fighting, each player must create a fighter.
All fighters have a base 10 hit points.
To create a fighter roll 10 times on the Master Maneuver Table.
Record what Maneuvers the fighter knows.
Reroll duplicate Maneuvers.

1D10	Result
1	Roll on the Minor Punch special maneuver table
2	Roll on the Minor Kick special maneuver table
3	Roll on the Minor Block special maneuver table
4	Roll on the Minor Grab special maneuver table
5	Roll on the Minor Move special maneuver table
6	Roll on the Minor Zen special maneuver table or reroll
7	Gain 2 Hit points or reroll
8-10	Roll on any Major special maneuver table* or reroll
* You must have at least one Minor special maneuver before you 
get a Major one of the same type.
For example: You must know a Minor Punch Maneuver before you can 
get a Major Punch Maneuver.

P = Punch
M = Move
G = Grab
Z = Zen
K = Kick
CX = Causes X Points of Damage (Attack Maneuver)
NX = Negate X Points of damage (Defense Maneuver)
ODX = Opponent discards X cards next turn (Attack Maneuver)
Negate = (Defense Maneuver)

1D12	Ability		  Cost		 Notes
1	Upper Cut	  2P		 C2 
2	Fast Punch	  1P 2M	         C2 & Combo
3	Karate Chop	  1P 1Z  	 C2 
4	Right Cross	  2P 1G  	 C3 
5	Knife Hand	  1P 2Z  	 C3 
6	Left Hook    	  2P 1Z  	 C3 
7	Open Palm	  3P		 C2 or N2
8	Hammer Fist	  3P		 C3
9  	Spear Hand	  1P 1M 1Z	 C3
10	Reverse Punch	  1P 1M  	 C2
11	Drop Jab	  1P 1K  	 C2
12	Elbow Smash	  2P 1M  	 C3

1D12	Ability			Cost	 Notes
1	Spinning Backfist	2P 2M	 C4 
2	Mighty Slap		4P	 C4 
3	Death Touch		3P 2Z	 C5 
4	Dragon Punch		5P	 C5 
5	Nerve Strike		2P 2Z	 OD4
6	Righteous Demon Fist	4P 2Z	 C6 
8	Fists of Fury		4P	 C1D6 
9	Ear Pop		        3P 1M    C4 
10	Iron Fist	        3P 1Z  	 C4 
11	Tiger Claw	        3P 1G  	 C4
12	Reroll

1D12	Ability		      Cost		Notes
1	Foot Sweep	      1K 1G     	C2 
2	Knee Thrust	      1K 1G 1B   	C3 
3	Heel Stomp	      2K		C2 
4	Leaping Kick	      1K 2M     	C3 
5	Circle Kick	      2K 1M     	C3 
6	Double-Hit Kick	      3K		C3 
7	Trip		      2K		OD2
8	Spinning Round Kick   1K 1Z 1M		C3
9	Side Kick	      1K 1M		C2 
10	Front Kick            1K 1B		C2 
11	Back Kick             1K 1Z		C2 
12	Reroll
1D11	Ability		   Cost		Notes
1	Back Flip Kick	   2K 2M 	C4 
2	Whirlwind Kick	   4K		C4 
3	Hurricane Kick	   3K 1M 1Z	C5 
4	Dragon Kick	   5K		C5 
5	Beijing Blitz	   2K 2P 1M	C4 & Combo
6	Crusher's Wheel	   3K 1M 	C4
7	Jump Hook Kick	   2K 1M 1Z	C4
8	Drop Spin Kick	   3K 1M 	C2 & OD2
9	Leaping Ax Kick	   4K 1M 	C5
10	Crescent Kick	   3K 1Z	C4
11	Flying Scissors	   2K 2M	C3 & Combo
12	Reroll

1D10	Ability		   Cost    	Notes
1	Parry		   2B      	N2
2	Cross Block	   2B 1M   	N3
3	Break		   2B 1G   	Negate any Grab attack
4	Counterpunch	   2B 1P   	C2 (Attack) or N2 (Defense)
5	Leg Catch	   2B 1G   	Negate any Kick attack 
6	Clinch		   1B 1G   	N2
7	Hammer Block	   3B      	N3 
8	Inside Block	   1B 1Z     	N2
9	Outside Block	   1B 1P     	N2
10	Knife Hand Block   1B 1G     	N2

1D10	Ability		    Cost	Notes
1	Reflection	    6B  	Redirect attack back at attacker (Defense) 
2	Steel Skin	    4B  	N4 
3	Invulnerability	    4B 1Z  	N5
4	Wall of Motion	    5B  	N4 (Defense) or OD4 (Attack)
5	Mountain Block	    3B 1G	N4
6	Turtle Shell        5B      	N5 
7	Guillotene Block    2B 2P 	N2 & C2 (Defense that does Damage!)
8-10	Reroll

1D12	Ability		Cost		Notes
1	Grapple		2G		C2
2	Judo Throw	1G 1P		C2 
3	Leg Lock	1G 1K		C2 
4	Thigh Press	1G 1K 1M	C2 & OD1 
5	Back Flip	2G 1M		C3 
6	Bear Hug	3G		C3 
7	Bite		3G		C1D6-1
8	Arm Lock	2G 1P		C3
8	Wrist Lock	1G 1M 1P	C3
10	Hair Grab	1G 2P		C3
11	Head Lock	1G 1M   	C2
12	Tackle  	2G 1K   	C2 & OD1

1D10	Ability	        	Cost		Notes
1	Finger Lock     	3G 1Z   	C4 
2	Choke Hold      	3G 1P   	C4 
3	Suplex	        	4G 1P   	C5 
4	Pile Driver     	5G		C5 
5	Death Grip      	3G 2P   	C5 
6	Figure 4 Lock   	3G 2P   	OD5
7	Barrel Roll     	2G 2M   	C4
8	Full Nelson     	2G 2P   	C2 & OD2
9	Atlas Body Throw	2G 2P   	C2 
10	Reroll

1D10	Ability		Cost		Notes
1	Feint		2M		Draw +1 card next turn (Attack)
2	Dodge		1M 1Z   	N2 
3	Jump		1M 1K   	N2 
4	Duck		2M 1G   	N3 
5	Slip		3M		N3 
6	Roll		2M 1K   	N3 
7	Withdraw	3M		N1D6-1
8	Toss		2M		C2
9	Katas		2M		Same as Combo card 
10	Push		2M 1B   	OD3
1D6	Ability		Cost		Notes
1	Tumble		4M		N4 
2	Back Flip	2M 2K   	N4 
3	Somersault	5M		N5 
4	Wall Spring	4M 1K   	N5 
5	Body Slam	2M 1K 1G   	C4 
6	Reroll

1D10	Ability		   Cost		Notes
1	Fighting Spirit	   2Z  		Gain back 1 lost Hit Point (Defense)
2	Read Minds	   1Z      	Look at opponents Hand (Attack)
3	Kai!		   2Z		+2 Damage to another attack (Attack)
4	Mesmerize	   3Z		OD4
5	Ying Defense	   XZ		NX-1  
6	Fighting Trance	   XZ		Draw X-1 cards (Attack)
7	Intimidation	   2Z		OD3
8	Yang Attack	   XZ		CX-1 
9	Head Butt	   1Z 1B   	C2 
10	Reroll

1D10	Ability		    Cost	Effect
1	I Ching Hexagram    4Z		C4
2	Great Leap	    3Z 1M	N4  
3	Zen No Mind	    5Z		Draw 5 cards (Attack)
4	Spirit Form	    5Z		Negate all attacks this phase (Defense)
5	Mystic Fireball	    5Z		C5
6	Wire-Fu		    2Z 2M	C3 (Attack) or N3 (Defense)
7	I Ching Trigram	    6Z		C1D10
8	Extending Limbs	    1Z 1P	Same as Combo card 
9-10	Reroll

Rank:		    Hand Size:	Hits:	Maneuvers:	Notes:
Noncombatant		3	5	0	
White Belt		4	5	1	
Yellow Belt		4	6	2
Green Belt		5	6	3
Blue Belt		5	7	4
Brown Belt		6	7	5
1st Degree BB   	6	8	6		Major Maneuvers Allowed
Second Degree BB	7	8	7		Zen Maneuvers Allowed
Third Degree BB		7	9	8
Fourth Degree BB	8	9	9		Major Zen Maneuvers Allowed
Fifth Degree BB		8	10	10		Basic Characters in Kung Fusion
Sixth Degree BB		9	10	11
Seventh Degree BB	9	11	12
Grand Master		10	12	13		Secret Special Maneuvers	

Style:		        Minimum Maneuvers known at Fifth degree Black Belt level:
Karate 			4 Punch, 2 Kick, 4 others 
Tae Kwon Do 		4 Kick, 2 Move, 4 others 
Jujitsu 		4 Grab, 2 Block, 4 others
Akido			2 Grab, 2 Block, 2 Move, 4 others
Shaolin Kung Fu		2 Block, 2 Punch, 2 Kick, 4 others
Jeet Kune Do		2 Punch, 2 Kick, 2 Move, 4 others

Bruce Lee Pics! Thanks Zak, they really kick ass.
Click here for card set.

- How is it decided who gets to be the active player on the first turn?
(We assumed that the passive player on one turn is always the active
player the next.)

- What happens when a power attack/defense goes below 2 points? Bite
(C1d6-1) is an example where this can happen. Does it still cause 2
points? Or is it a reroll? Or does the rule that says that all power
maneuvers score 2 minimum refer to the average?

- Do Zen special maneuvers always count as defenses, or does that depend
on their application? In the former case, the Kai! (typo for "Kiai!", I
assume) maneuver makes very little sense. In the latter, the correct
application should be clearly indicated for each maneuver. If Zen
maneuvers can be used as attacks, does that mean that simple defenses are
useless against them?

- In the Master Maneuver Table, is the 8-10 reroll an option or does it
apply only when a Major special maneuver roll is not possible?

- When a combo attack is made, does the score of a single defense apply to
both attacks combined, or only to one of them? On a similar note, can a
combo defense be made to a single attack, or must each maneuver in the
combo defense be directed towards a specific maneuver in a combo attack?
Suppose that the active player makes a combo simple kick and power grab
and the defensive player reacts with a combo of two simple move defenses.
Could the score from the defense apply to the damage from the grab as
well, even though simple moves are normally not applicable to grabs?

(I do not actually expect you to answer any of these questions. I just
want to point out where the rules may need to be clarified.)

Once we got past the rule ambiguities, we found that there was just one
major problem with the game. It is way too slow. The card design is one
reason for that. Another is all the cards that have to be discarded all
the time. We made a house rule that players may opt to keep cards at the
end of the action phase. I would now like to amend that to read thus:
"Players may not discard any cards at the end of action phase." I would
further like to suggest that only two cards may be discarded in the
out-maneuver phase. This means that the deck will have to be reshuffled
much more rarely. It also means that more strategy must be used when the
cards are played in the action phase.

Another way we found to speed up the game was to allow one attack and one
counter-attack during each action phase. The active player goes first with
his attack and the passive player (after having defended himself) may
optionally follow up with an attack using whatever cards he/she has left.

The rolling of new characters also took too long. An easy way to solve
this would be to provide a number of pre-rolled characters as an option to
get started more quickly. These should not be randomised, but should be
carefully constructed to be well balanced and should of course have some
cool names and each a special profile.

As a minor quibble, I also found that some attacks are unbalanced with
regard to card cost and effect. In particular, maneuvers which cost 5 or 6
cards of the same type are almost impossible to carry out, even when you
are allowed to retain cards after the action phase. As an example,
Hurricane Kick and Dragon Kick both cost 5 cards and both cause 5 damage,
but Hurricane is much easier to score, since gathering five Kick cards is
very unlikely. Even at four similar cards, this effect starts to show. I
have no ready solution to this problem. Extensive play testing or advanced
probability calculations may be necessary to balance the game properly.

Here's another free Kung Fu card game:  
Kung Fu Heroes

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