Based on the Resident Evil Franchise. 
8 X 8 Skirmish Miniature and Card rules. 
2 Player Game. One player is the Heroes. The other is the Umbrella Corporation. 

Resident Evil is a licensed copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Completely eliminate all enemy Units. 

Use an 8 X 8 Chessboard for a basic game. 

Use figurines or counters to represent Units. 

Players share a common deck. 

For a typical 8 X 8 game, each side should have about 20 Hit points worth of units. 
Units are placed on a players back 2 rows. 

Name:			Hits	Notes:
Alice			7	Psychic, Operative, Superhuman, Shotgun, 2 Pistols
K-Mart			1	Survivor, Lucky
Jill Valentine 		4	Operative, 2 Pistols		
Carlos Olivera 		3	Merc, Double Tap
Rebecca Chambers 	4	Operative, Medic
Rain Ocampo 		2	Operative, Pistol and Knife	
Luther West 		2	Survivor, Shotgun		
Chris Redfield 		3	Operative, Assault Rifle	
Barry Burton 		3	Operative, Shotgun
Leon Kennedy 		2	Merc, Shotgun
Ada Wong 		4	Operative, Pistol and Knife		
Nicholai Ginovaef 	2	Merc, Assault Rifle
Mikhail Victor 		2	Merc, Machine Gun
Peyton Wells		2	Operative, Assault Rifle
Security Specialist	3	Operative, Double Tap		
Civilian 		1	Civilian 
Scientist Defector	1	Civilian, First Aid
Alpha Team Member	3	Operative, Sniper Rifle
Paramilitary Member	2	Merc, Flamethrower 
Freelancer 		2	Merc, Sniper Rifle

Name:			Hits	Notes:
Tyrant			9	Monster, Tough
Nemesis 		8	Monster, Mutable
Super Mutant		8	Monster, Claws
G-Mutation		10	Monster, Mutable, Slow
Licker			1	Monster, Tongue
Uber Licker		3	Monster, Tongue
Mutant Ravens		1	Monster, Swarm
Commando		3	Merc, Double Tap
Soldier			2	Merc, Assault Rifle
Guard			1	Merc, Assault Rifle
Scientist		1	Civilian, Mutable
Executive		1	Civilian, Mutable
Agent			4	Operative, Double Tap
Test Subject		1	Zombie, Mutable
Bio-Weapon		4	Zombie, Claws
Zombie Dog		1	Zombie, Fast
Undead  		1	Zombie, Slow
Super Zombie		3	Zombie, Fast
Supersoldier		4	Zombie, Assault Rifle
Crimson Head		2	Zombie, Fast
Chainsaw Zombie 	3	Zombie, Rend
Hunter  		4	Monster, Tough
Regenerador		4	Zombie, Quick Heal

Trait:			Use:
Fast			Charge: M = 2 then A = 1
Slow			Opponent can play a Special card to negate this units Movement.
Zombie			Regenerate: Regain 1 Lost Hit
Mutable 		Transform: Gain 2 Hit Points. Unit becomes a Monster. One time only. 
Survivor		Hide: Defense
Civilian		Run Away: Move = 1 away from enemy unit. 
Merc			Firepower: A = 2 or 3
Operative		Martial Arts: A = 1 or Defense
Swarm			Too Many to Kill: Defense or M = 1
Psychic			Telekinesis: A = 3 for 3 Damage. This unit suffers 1 Damage. 

Trait:			Use:
Tongue			Tongue Whip: A = 2
Shotgun 		A = 3 for 2 Damage
2 Pistols		A = 2 and A = 3
Pistol & Knife		A = 1 and A = 2
Assault Rifle		A = 3 and A = 4 to Adjacent Targets
Sniper Rifle		A = 4 or 5 for 2 Damage
Double Tap		A = 2 for 2 Damage
Lucky			Defense
Medic			Restore 1 Lost Hit to Adjacent Friendly Unit
Tough			Thick Skinned: Defense
Claws			A = 1 and A = 1 to different Targets
Rend			A = 1 for 2 Damage
Flame Thrower		A = 1 and A = 2 and A = 2 for 2 Damage to Adjacent Targets
Machine Gun		A = 3 and A = 3 and A = 3 for 2 Damage to Adjacent Targets
Quick Heal		Regenerate: Regain 1 Lost Hit
First Aid		Adjacent Unit Regains 1 Lost Hit
Superhuman		Defense or M = K

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 3 Phases: 
1. Draw Phase
2. Action Phase
3. End Phase

Draw 5 Cards. 
If the Deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Play cards from your hand to have your units Move and Attack. 
Move and Attack cards have an associated Range value that determines 
The exact distance in spaces in which a Unit moves or is hit by an attack from its source. 
Attacks do one hit point worth of damage unless otherwise stated. 
You opponent may play Defense cards to negate Attacks.
All played cards are discarded. 
Units can only use one move card per turn. 
Exception: Fast units and Superhuman units can move twice per turn. 
Units can only use one attack card per turn. 
Exception: Monsters and Operatives can attack twice per turn. 

Max hand size is 5 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

A = Attack
D = Defense
M = Move
K = As a Knight in chess
X = Other
Z = Extra Damage
Elite = Mercs and Operatives

Card:			#	Type	Range	Notes
Special			4	X	-	Per Unit Trait
Weapon  		4	X	-	Per Unit Trait
Head Shot		1	Z	-	Elite Damage +2
Knife			2	A	1	Elite and Survivors
Pistol			2	A	2	Elite
Aimed Shot		1	A	3	Elite 
Body Armor		1	D	-	Elite 
Grenade 		1	A	K	Elite
Narrow Escape		1	D	-	Good Guys
Hand to Hand		4	A	1	- 
Bite			4	A	1	Monsters and Zombies
Tear to Pieces		2	Z	-	Monsters and Zombies Damage +1
Feel no Pain		2	D	-	Monsters and Zombies 
Gather the Horde	2	X	-	Bad Guys. Draw 2 cards
Walk			6	M	1	Can be used to move up to 3 Friendly units
Jog			5	M	2	Can be used to move up to 3 Friendly units 
Run			4	M	3	Not useable by Slow Units
Sprint 			2	M	4	Fast Units
Reload			1	X	-	Good Guys. Draw 2 cards


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