INTRODUCTION Board, Dice and Card game. Simulation of warfare on the Iberian Peninsula 1050-1450. The map is designed for 5 players. Each player selects one Identity: -Leon (Orange) -Castile (Red) -Portugal (Green) -Aragon (Yellow) -Muslims (Purple) THE MAP Since I couldn’t find anything else suitable, We are using a very nice Diplomacy variant Map developed and drawn by Macario Reyes © 1999. The land sections of the map are referred to as Provinces. Any Province that has a City symbol in it is referred to as a Rich Province. All other Provinces are Poor Provinces.

VICTORY At the end of your turn, control 15 Rich Provinces. THE DECKS Players share 2 Common Decks: The Event Deck and the Battle Deck The Decks contain one copy of each card listed. COUNTERS Each player has a set of counters of a Unique color. Each Counter represents 1 Army. COUNTER SET COMPOSITION Name # King 1 General 5 Infantry 18 Cavalry 18 TOKENS Use Tokens to represent Gold. MARKERS Markers are used to indicate Provinces that have been Razed. DICE Six-sided dice are needed. STACKING RULES Any number of units may stack in a space. SETUP Each player starts with a King and 4 other random counters in one of his provinces. Roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first. Reroll ties. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. Each turn has 8 Phases: Event Phase Revenue Phase Tribute Phase Upkeep Phase Recruit Phase Expedition Phase Battle Phase Conquest Phase EVENT PHASE Roll 1D6: on a roll of 5+ draw a card from the Event Deck EVENT DECK CARD LIST Civil War, Revolt, Rebellion, Famine, Drought, Plague, Foreign Mercenaries, Holy War, Peace, King Killed, Prosperity, Epidemic, Crusade/Jihad, Unification, War of Succession, Internal Strife, Great Raid, Politically Weak, Vassalage, Short of Money, Population Expansion, Cabalgada, Fragmentation, Alliance, Exchange of Prisoners, Block Trade, Destroy Agriculture, Cattle Rustling, Decline, Depopulation, Exodus, Tax Jews, Powerful Nobles, Guerrilla War, Assassination, Conscription, Volunteers, Colonization, Poor Finances, Private Wars, Truce, Destruction, Ransoms, Loss of Favor CIVIL WAR & WAR OF SUCCESSION Roll 1D6 for each of your provinces except the one with your King: On a roll 5+ a Province, and all of its Units becomes neutral. POWERFUL NOBLES & FRAGMENTATION Roll 1D6 for each of your provinces except the one with your King: On a roll 4+ a Province, and all of its Units becomes neutral. REVOLT, REBELLION, GUERRILLA WAR Roll 1D6 for each of your Provinces: 1-2 No Rebel Activity 3-5 Put 1 Rebel Unit in the Province 6 Put 2 Rebel Units in the Province Treat Rebels as Neutral Infantry. Rebels must be fought in Battle Phase as if they were defenders. FAMINE & DROUGHT Roll 1D6 for each of your Provinces: 1-3 Province unaffected 5-6 Province is Razed PLAGUE & EPIDEMIC Roll 1D6 for each of your Units: 1-4 Unit is unaffected 5-6 Unit is destroyed HOLY WAR & CRUSADE/JIHAD Gain 1D6 random new Units for free in Recruit Phase. INTERNAL STRIFE, PRIVATE WARS, POLITICALLY WEAK You may not attack any Provinces this turn. PEACE, TRUCE, EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS Target Opponent cannot attack any Provinces on his next Turn. DESTRUCTION, BLOCK TRADE, DESTROY AGRICULTURE Raids: Each of target opponents Provinces produces 1 less Gold in Revenue Phase. CATTLE RUSTLING & RANSOMS Raid: Gain 1D6 Gold. Target Opponent produces this much less in his next Revenuse Phase. PROSPERITY & TAX JEWS Each of your un-razed Provinces produces +1 Gold in Revenue Phase. VASSALAGE, FOREIGN MERCENARIES, VOLUNTEERS Gain 1D6 Units for Free in Recruit Phase. POPULATION EXPANSION & CONSCRIPTION You may buy Units for 1 Gold each instead of 2 in Recruit Phase. KING KILLED & ASSASSINATION A New King Unit must be placed in any Province you control. Roll 1D6: 1-2 Peaceful Transfer of Power 3-4 War of Succession: As card 5-6 Revolt: As card LOSS OF FAVOR Opponent loses Target General. You gain a General. GREAT RAID & CABALGADA In raid phase you may target a Province that is 2 Provinces distant. SHORT OF MONEY, DECLINE, POOR FINANCES Each of your Provinces produces 1 less Gold in Revenue Phase. UNIFICATION, ALLIANCE, COLONIZATION Take control of target adjacent neutral State. Move 1 of your units to occupy it. DEPOPULATION & EXODUS New units cost 3 Gold each to recruit this turn. REVENUE PHASE Gain 4 Gold for each Rich Province you control. Gain 2 Gold for each Poor Province you control. A Razed Province provides half as much Gold. TRIBUTE PHASE Each of your Cavalry Units may raid/extract tribute from an Adjacent province you do not control. Roll 1D6 1 Raid Fails: Cavalry Unit is destroyed 2 Raid Fails 3+ Raid Succeeds: Gain 1 Gold if the Province is Neutral, or If the Province belongs to an enemy, put a Raze marker on it. A Province can only be Raided once per turn. A Province may only have 1 Raze counter on it. UPKEEP PHASE Pay 1 Gold for each Infantry and Cavalry Unit you have in play. Discard units you cannot pay for. RECRUIT PHASE Pay 2 Gold to draw a random counter from your Counter Pile. The Unit may start in any Province you control (occupy). EXPEDITION PHASE You may move each of your units one space. For a stack to enter a Province you do not control, the Stack must contain a King or General. Cavalry that raided this turn may not move. You may pay 4 Gold to Move a Stack by sea from a Coastal Province to any Coastal Province up to 4 spaces distant. BATTLE PHASE A Battle takes place in every province in which the current player has moved in units but does not control the Province. A Rich Neutral Province will defend itself with 2 Infantry & 2 Cavalry. A Poor Neutral Province will defend itself with 1 Infantry & 1 Cavalry. The current player is always the Attacker. The other side is the Defender. The player to the attackers left gets to control Neutral Defenders for the Battle. The Battle is resolved in two hands: A Open Battle hand and then a Siege hand. OPEN BATTLE HAND Each Player (Attacker & Defender) draws 7 cards from the Battle Deck. Players may discard 4 cards and draw replacements. The Attacker may play in Open Battle: Infantry Cavalry Tactics Weapon and Morale Cards The Defender may play in Open Battle: Defense Infantry Cavalry Weapon Tactics and Morale Cards Each player determines his Battle Total (BT): BT = 1D6 for each Unit + Card Modifiers One random enemy unit is destroyed for each roll of 5+. The side with the higher BT wins. Roll 1D6: 1-3 Victory: The losing side may retreat 4-6 Great Victory: All Units of the losing side are destroyed If the Defender won, the Battle is over and surviving Attacker Units retreat to an adjacent friendly Province. If the Attacker won the Battle continues with the Siege Hand: SIEGE HAND Each Player (Attacker & Defender) draws 7 cards from the Battle Deck. Players may discard 4 cards and draw replacements. The Attacker may play in Siege: Besieger Infantry Weapon and Morale Cards The Defender may play in Siege: Fortification Infantry Weapon and Morale Cards Each player determines his Battle Total (ST): ST = 1D6 for each Unit + Card Modifiers One random enemy unit is destroyed for each roll of 5+. The side with the higher ST wins. Roll 1D6: 1-3 Victory: The losing side may retreat 4-6 Great Victory: All Units of the losing side are destroyed If the Defender won, the Siege is over and surviving Attacker Units retreat back to the Province they attacked from. If the Attacker wins the Siege, surviving Defender Units retreat to an adjacent friendly Province. Units unable to retreat are destroyed. Spoils of War: The winner of a Great Victory gets 1D6 Gold from Ransoms. Sack City: If the Attacker wins a Siege he plunders 1D6 Gold. CONQUEST PHASE You gain control of every Province you won a Siege in. To maintain control of a Province, you must have at least one Unit in it. If you move your last unit out of a Province, it reverts to Neutral status. Remove all Raze counters from Provinces you control. LOSS OF THE KING If your King Unit is killed in Battle/Siege, treat this as a King Killed Event on your next turn. BATTLE DECK CARD LIST B = Besieger Card F = Fortification Card D = Defense Card T = Tactics Card I = Infantry Card C = Cavalry Card M = Morale Card W = Weapon Card CU = Cavalry Unit IU = Infantry Unit A = All your Units AC = All your Cavalry AI = All your Infantry ACI = All your Cavalry or Infantry Units G = General (and/or King) ST = Siege Total BT = Battle Total CPO = Christian Player only may play this card MPO = Muslim Player only may play this card AO = Attacker only may play this card BATTLE DECK CARD LIST Card Name: Type Notes: Feudal Knights C CU +5 CPO Swords W ACI +2 Rally M G +5 Attack Rear T G +5 Counter Attack T AC +3 Siege Artillery B ST+5 Siege Guns B ST+5 Halberds I AI +3 Refuge F ST+5 Mangonels F ST+5 Ambush D G +5 Frontier Guard D AI +3 Urban Militias I AI +3 Cantador M A +1 CPO Siege Engineers B ST +5 Maces W ACI +2 Seize City B ST +5 Fortifications F ST +5 Starve Them Out B ST +5 Reputation M G +5 Scouts T G +5 Major Campaign T G +5 All-Out Assault B ST +5 Spears W ACI +2 Castle F ST +5 Fighting Spirit M A +1 Arm of Decision C AC +3 Long Hard Siege B ST +5 Relief Force F ST +5 Capture Town B ST +5 Pitched Battle T A +1 Single Combat M A +1 Champion M G +5 Revenge M A +1 Base Camp T BT +5 AO Outposts F ST +5 Fortified Towns F ST +5 Garrison F ST +5 River D BT +5 Espionage T G +5 AO Local Militias D AI +3 Defensible Frontier D BT +5 Drive out Invaders D BT +5 Defend Pass D BT +5 Defend Bridge D BT +5 Mountains D BT +5 Camels M AC +3 MPO Mobile Force C AC +3 Well Trained M A +1 Pursuit T AC +3 Reconnaissance T G +5 Massed Drums M A +1 MPO Unusual Weapons W A +1 MPO Jihad M A +1 MPO Sortie T AC +3 Javelins W ACI +2 Armored Cavalry C AC +3 Archery I AI +3 Crossbowmen I IU +5 Mounted Crossbows C CU +5 Will to Resist D A +1 Slingers I AI +3 Refined Tactics T BT +5 Decisive Battle M BT +5 Religious Leader M G +5 Guides T G +5 Hermandadas I AI +3 CPO Lances C CU +5 Great Cistern F ST +5 Elite Troops C CU +5 Crusade M A +1 CPO Phalanx T AI +3 Peasant Levy I AI +3 Composite Bows W AI +3 Caballeros C CU +5 CPO Peons I AI +3 CPO Turkish Archers I IU +5 MPO Norman Crusaders I IU +5 CPO French Adventurers C CU +5 CPO Italian Mercenaries I IU +5 Basque Mercenaries I IU +5 CPO Almugavars I IU +5 CPO Black Africans M A +1 MPO Jinete Light Cavalry C CU +5 CPO Berber Horsemen C CU +5 MPO Saharan Cavalry C CU +5 MPO Almoravid Bodyguard I IU +5 MPO Monk-Soldiers D IU +5 MPO Order of Clatrava C CU +5 CPO Order of Santiago C CU +5 CPO Order of Alcantara C CU +5 CPO Grenadine Jinete C CU +5 Almohade Foot I AI +3 MPO Marinid Cavalry C AC +3 MPO OPTIONAL RULES INDEPENDENT POWERS Anyone that has been completely wiped out may restart on a following turn in a Neutral Province.

LINKS Iberian Diplomacy Wikipedia Spain Maps

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