Two player Card Game based on the Games Workshop Epic Warhammer 40,000 Universe.

Card Sets for WH40KARDS by Zak are available here

Warhammer is a licenced, trademarked property.
This is merely a Fansite.

Each player uses a separate deck.
For example: Imperial Deck vs Ork Deck.
Each deck has 1 of each card in its list.

Dice, paper, pencils, tokens.

The first player to have 30 hits worth of his own units destroyed breaks and 
leaves the field.
Or 40 if you have a Command unit deployed.
50 if you have a Leader unit deployed.
If a player loses 3 turns in a row (has all his units in 3 turns destroyed) he 
breaks and routs.

Each turn has 10 phases:
Logistics Phase
Scout Phase
Deploy Phase
Maneuver Phase
Titan Phase
Insertion Phase
Ranged Combat Phase
Close Combat Phase
End Phase

Each player fills his hand to 6 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the Discard & Casualty piles together, and draw from it.

Players may discard up to 2 cards to their Reserve pile and draw replacement cards.
A player may discard 3 cards if he has a Command unit deployed.

Each player must have 3 Unit cards deployed. (Left, Right, and Center)
Deployed cards are placed face up on the table.
Deployed units may be survivors from previous turns or just now deployed.
If you already have 3 or more units deployed you may not deploy more.

Add up the Move scores of your 3 deployed units.
The player with the most Skimmer & Jump Jet units gets +2D6 to their Move score.
The player with the higher score outflanks his opponent and may 
deploy an extra unit card of any type from his hand.    

If you deployed a Titan this turn you must roll on the corresponding systems tables.
For example: A Great Gargant gets 4 rolls on the Gargant system table.
These are the weapon systems the Titan has until it is destroyed.
A Titan can only have 1 of any type of system.
Chaos Infantry roll once on the Chaos Gift Table when Deployed.
Use scrap paper to keep track of Titan Systems & Gifts.

You may deploy any “Digger” or “Pod” or "Stealth" or "Teleport" units in your hand.
For each unit with the “Carry” trait you may deploy an Infantry unit from your hand.

Psychic units get to roll once on the appropriate table to see what Power they 
can use this turn.

In order of decreasing range units may attack 
An attack targets any one deployed enemy unit.
Roll XD6. X = the attacking units Attack Rating.
Every roll of 1 causes 1 hit on the target.
Use tokens placed on the damaged unit to represent hits.
Any unit reduced to 0 hits is destroyed.
Destroyed units are discarded to the owners casualty pile.
Some units have a secondary attack: This is indicated by the notation of: 
(X/Y) in the Notes column where Range = X and Attack = Y.
Some attacks will automatically destroy a target* on a roll of 1-Z on 1D6:
This is indicated by the notation of: (Z) in the Attack Column.
* = Titans are not automatically destroyed: they take 1D6 hits.
Units with the “Split” trait may divide up their attack rolls against 2 targets.
Units making Barrage attacks only cannot be attacked except by other Barrage units.
All your units get +1 to their Attack score if a Command unit is deployed.
All your units get +2 to their Attack score if a Leader unit is deployed.

All Close Combat attacks are simultaneous.
An attack targets any one deployed enemy unit.
Roll XD6. X = the attacking units Close Combat Rating.
Every roll of 1 causes 1 hit on the target.
Use tokens placed on the damaged unit to represent hits
Any unit reduced to 0 hits is destroyed.
Destroyed units are discarded to the owners casualty pile.
Repeat the Close Combat Phase until one side is wiped out.
All your units get +1 to their Close Combat Rating if a Command unit is deployed.
All your units get +2 to their Close Combat Rating if a Leader unit is deployed.

All units with the Regeneration ability repair 1 Hit of Damage to themselves.

I = Infantry
V = Vehicle
C = Command
S = Skimmer
D = Digger
T = Titan
L = Leader
R = Regenerates 
Br = Barrage
x = Split: Unit may divide attack rolls against 2 targets. 
Carry = Unit has carry Ability
Psychic = Attack is psychic in nature.
Barrage = Indirect Fire
(X/Y) = Secondary attack of Range = X and Attack = Y.
(Z) = Attack automatically destroys target on a roll of 1-Z on 1D6.
GS = Gargant System
ITS = Imperial Titan System
ES = Eldar Titan System
STS = Squat Titan system
CTS = Chaos Titan System
BTS = Tyranid Bio-Titan System

1D20	System:			Range	Attack	Close	Notes
1	Battle Cannon Head	15	5	-	
2	Battle Cannon Turret	15	4	-	
3	Cluster Buster		15	5x	-	
4	Deth Kanon		20	6	-	Attack +2 vs Titans
5	Gatling Cannon		10	9x	-	
6	Gork Head		-	-	-	Command
7	Mork Head		7	5	-	Command
8	Gutbuster: Ball		20	7	-	Mega Cannon	
9	Ripper Fist		-	-	+6	
10	Scorcher Turret		7	5	-	
11	Slasha Attack Gun	10	8	-	
12	Snapper			3	3	+5	Steam Blast
13	Gutbuster: Chain	15	0	-	Attack +10 vs Titans	
14	Gutbuster: Barrage	20	8	-	Barrage
15	Super Lifta Droppa Arm	15	(3)	-	(1)
16	Kustom Force Field 	-	-	-	+1D6 Hits this turn
17	Buzz Saw Arm		-	-	+6	
18	Krusher Arm		-	-	+6	
19	Deluxe Custom Kannon	10	2D6	-	
20	Pick one	
Note: A Gargant can only have 1 head: Reroll extra heads.		

1D8	System:			Range	Attack	Close	Notes
1	Multi-Launcher		20	8	-	Barrage
2	Plasma Blastgun		10	8	-
3	Vulcan Megabolter	15	7	-	
4	Turbo-Laser Destructor	15	6x	-	
5	Powerfist		-	-	+6	
6	Chainfist		-	-	+6	
7	Inferno Gun		7	9	-	
8	Void Shields		-	-	-	+1D6 Hits this turn

1D8	System:			Range	Attack	Close	Notes
1	Holo-Fields		-	-	-	+1D6 Hits this turn
2	Pulsar			20	7	-
3	Heat Lance		15	9	-	
4	Powerfist		-	-	+6	
5	Psychic Lance		10	(4)	-	
6	Distortion Cannon	15	(3)	-	
7	Tremor Cannon		20	(2)	-	
8	Pick one		-	-	-	
*	Wing Laser Cannon	15	6x	-	
*	Wing Missile Launcher	20	2	-	Barrage
Notes: Eldar Titans also get to pick 2 Wing weapons

1D12	System:			Range	Attack	Close	Notes
1	Doomsday Cannon		40	6	-	Barrage	
2	Siege Mortar		30	6	-	Barrage
3	Battle Cannon		15	7	-	
4	Fire Thrower		6	9	-	
5	Autocannon		10	3	-	
6	Rad Bomb		60	10	-	Barrage/One use
7	Void Shields		-	-	-	+1D6 Hits this turn
8	Thunderer		10	6	-
9	Missiles		20	6	-	Barrage
10	Carry			-	-	-	
11-12	Bolters			3	4	-	Split

1D20	System:			Range	Attack	Close	Notes
1	Multi-Launcher		20	3	-	Barrage
2	Plasma Blastgun		10	8	-
3	Vulcan Megabolter	15	7	-	
4	Turbo-Laser Destructor	15	6x	-	
5	Powerfist		-	-	+6	
6	Chainfist		-	-	+6	
7	Inferno Gun		7	9	-	
8	Void Shields		-	-	-	+1D6 Hits this turn
9	Head Cannon		10	4	-	
10	Hull Firethrowers	3	7x	-
11	Hell Blade		-	-	+6	
12	Death Storm		15	5	-	Barrage
13	Doom Burner		15	6	-	+3 vs Titans
14	Bloodletter Battlehead	5	4	-
15	Havoc Missiles		15	8	-	Barrage, One Use
16	Hellstrike Cannon	10	6	-	Barrage
17	Doomfist		5	6	+3	
18	Titan Tail		10	3	+2	
19-20	Reroll

1D10	System:			Range	Attack	Close	Notes
1	Cluster Spines		10	8	-	Barrage
2	Pyro-Acid Spray		4	9	-	-
3	Stinger Salvo		5	8	-	-
4	Bio-Cannon		15	6	-	Attack +1 vs Titans
5	Bile Launcher		20	6	-	-
6	Bile Splatter		20	4	-	Barrage
7	Spore Pods		5	12	-	Split, Barrage
8	Razor Claw 		-	-	+6	Attack +3 vs Titans 
9	Frag Spines		5	8	-	Barrage
10	Ripper Tentacles	-	-	+6	Split, +1 Hit

1D6	Power			Range	Attack	Notes:
1	Mind Blast		5	6	-
2	Psychic Lock		15	-	Target cannot attack for rest of turn
3	Eldritch Storm		-	-	Gain 3D6 Move points for next turn
4	Doom			10	-	All Attacks vs target are +2
5	Witch Sight		50	-	Gain 1D6 Hits this turn
6	Mind Shout		5	-	Send target to reserve pile	

1D6	Power			Range	Attack	Notes:
1	Brainburster Stream	15	3	-
2	Psychic Cannon		10	6	-
3	Death Wave		5	9	-
4-5	Weird Chant		-	-	Roll again & Attack +1 & Range +1
6	Overload		-	-	Weirdboy's head explodes

1D5	Power			Range	Attack	Notes:
1	Heal			-	-	Remove 1D6 Damage Counters from your units
2	Experience		-	-	All units get +2 Attack this turn
3	Force Dome		-	-	Gain 1D6 Hits this turn
4	Psychic Shield		-	-	All units gain 2 Hits this turn
5	Precognition		-	-	Look at opponents Hand

1D5	Power			Range	Attack	Notes:
1	Warp Field		-	-	Gain 1D6 Hits this turn
2	Energy Pulse		20	7	
3	The Horror		-	-	Enemy units are Close -3
4	Psychic Scream		8	(3)	
5	Psychic Barrage		15	6	Barrage

Card Name:		Move	Hits	Close	Range	Attack	Type	Notes:
Bad Moonz Ork Boyz	2	1	2	10	3	I	Bolters
Death Skulls Ork Boyz	2	1	2	10	1	I	Bolters
Snakebites Ork Boyz	2	1	3	10	1	I	Bolters
Goffs Ork Boyz		2	1	4	5	2	I	Bolters
Blood Axes Ork Boyz	2	1	2	10	1	I	Bolters
Evil Sunz Ork Boyz	2	1	2	10	1	I	Bolters
Bikeboyz		6	1	4	3	1	I	Bolters
Boarboyz		4	1	5	3	1	I	Bolters
Wildboyz		2	1	4	-	-	I	Axes
Stormboyz		2	1	2	10	1	I	Bolters
Madboyz			2	1	2	10	1	I	Bolters
Nobz			2	1	5	10	4	IC	Bolters
Warboss			2	1	6	10	4	IC	Bolters
Warlord			2	1	8	10	5	IC	Bolters
Ghazghkull Thraka	2	3	9	5	5	IL	Kustom Kombis
Gretchin		2	1	0	3	2	I	Shotguns
Ork Freeboterz		2	1	2	10	1	I 	Bolters
Battlewagon		5	3	2	10	1	V	Autocannon
War Buggy		6	2	3	5	1	V	Autocannon
Traktor Kannon		3	1	1	10	(3)	V	(1)
Lungbursta		4	3	2	10	3	V	Battlecannon
Gutrippa		4	3	5	10	3	V	Battlecannon
Giblet Grinda BF	3	4	9	10	6	V	Autocannon
Skullhamma BF		3	4	5	15	5	V	Battlecannon
Bonecruncher		4	3	5	10	3	V	Autocannon
Bonebreaker		4	3	5	15	4	V	Battlecannon
Braincrusha		3	3	1	20	6	V	Crushacannon
Evil Sunz Bowel Burna	6	2	2	3	3	V	Scorcher
Evil Sunz Gobsmasha	5	2	1	10	1	V	Autocannon
Mekboy Speedstas	7	2	4	15	6Br	V	Rokkits & Cannon
Mekboy Dragster 	8	4	3	-	-	V	Deflektor Shield
Nobz Warbike    	6	2	6	5	4	VC	Bolters
Evil Sunz Spleenrippa	6	2	1	15	4	V	Battlecannon
Wartrack		6	2	2	10	1	V	Autocannon
Bubble Chukka Speedsta	6	2	3	10	*	V	Bubbles
Mekboy Tinbotz		2	3	5	5	3	I	Autocannon
Evil Sunz Scorcher	6	2	2	3	3	V	Scorcher
Ork Dreadnaughts	2	2	4	10	2	I	Autocannon
Squig Katapult		3	3	2	10	2D6	V	Squig Swarm
Mekboy Pulsa Rokkit	1	3	0	15	10	V	Barrage
Snakebite Squiggoth	2	4	6	10	3	V	(5/3)
Hop Splat Gun		2	1	0	10	3	V	Barrage
Shokk Attack Gun	2	1	1	40	(3)	V	
Stompers		2	4	9	10	7	V	AC,B(3/3)
Weirdboy Battle Tower	5	3	2	-	-	V	Psychic
Great Gargant		2	15	16	-	-	T	6 GS
Slasher Gargant		3	10	13	-	-	T	4 GS
Mekboy Gargant		4	7	11	-	-	T	4 GS
* = Target cannot attack for rest of turn on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
GS = Gargant Systems, B = Bolters, AC = Autocannon, BF = Battle Fortress

Card Name:		Move	Hits	Close	Range	Attack	Type	Notes:
Land Raider		4	4	4	15	4	V	LC,B(3/1)Carry
Rhino			5	3	1	3	1	V	B,Carry
Predator Tank		5	3	1	15	5x	V	AC,LC
Vindicator		4	4	3	10	6	V	Thunderer
Whirlwind		4	3	5	30	2	V	MUL,Barrage
Land Speeder		6S	1	4	5	5	V	Multi-melta
Leman Russ Tank		4	3	3	15	5	V	BC,LC,B(3/1)
Basilisk		3	2	1	30	2	V	ES,Barrage
Bombard			2	2	1	30	3	V	SM,Barrage
Manticore		3	2	1	40	6	V	RK,Barrage
Deathstrike		2	1	0	50	4	V	MI,Barrage
Shadow Sword SHT	2	4	7	20	8	V	VC,LC,B(15/3)(5/5)
Bane Blade SHT		2	4	9	15	8x	V	BC,LC,B(5/9)
Storm Blade SHT		2	4	7	10	25x*	V	BC,HK,HL,PB,B(5/5)
Termite			3D	3	2	-	-	V	Carry
Mole			3D	3	4	-	-	V	Carry
Hellbore		3D	4	6	-	-	V	Carry
Hellhound Firethrower	2	2	3	5	6	V	
Assault Landing Pod	0	3	1	-	-	V	Pod/Carry
Support Landing Pod	0	3	1	15	3	V	Pod,PC
Deathwind Pod		0	3	0	2	1	V	BM,Pod
Gorgon SHT		2	3	5	3	8x	V	MT,B,Carry
Capitol Imperialis	1	5	4	15	3	VC	PC,B,(3/8)Carry
Tactical Marines	2	2	3	10	1	I	Bolters
Assault Marines		3	2	4	5	1	I	PS,Jump Packs
Devastator Marines	2	2	3	15	3x	I	Hvy Wpns
Marine Scouts		2	1	3	10	1	I	Bolt pistol
Ultramarines 		2	2	5	10	1	I	Bolters
Space Wolf Marines	2	2	5	10	1	I	Bolters
Blood Angel Marines	2	2	5	10	1	I	Bolters
Terminators		2	3	7	5	4	I	B,Teleport
Space Marine HQ		2	2	5	5	2	IC	Bolters
Space Marine Chaplain	2	2	5	5	2	IC	Pistol
Space Marine Librarian	2	2	5	5	1D6	IC	Pistol/Psychic
Imperial Troops		2	1	1	10	1	I	Lasguns
Imperial Assault Troops	3	1	2	5	1	I	PS/Jump Packs
Imperial Support Troops	2	1	1	15	3x	I	Hvy Wpns
Imperial Bike		6	1	4	3	1	V	Bolters
Imperial Assassin	3	2	6	5	3	I	Stealth
Ogryns			2	2	7	2	3	I	Ripper Gun
Ratling Snipers		2	1	1	10	2	I	+2 vs Comnd units
Rough Riders		4	1	4	5	1	I	Lances
Commissar		2	1	5	5	2	IC	Pistol
Commissar Yarrick	2	4	9	5	3x	IL	Evil Eye, PS
Dreadnaughts		2	2	3	15	1	V	AC
Robots			2	2	3	15	1	V	AC
Rapier			2	1	0	10	2	V	LC
Tarantula		2	1	0	15	3	V	LC
Mole Mortar		1	1	0	30	1	V	Barrage
Thudd Gun		1	1	0	15	2	V	Barrage
Sentinel		5	2	3	10	2	V	AC
Knight Paladin 		8K	4	9	12	3	V	BC,SL
Knight Lancer 		10K	4	6	12	6x	V	SL,LC,ML
Knight Warden 		5K	4	3	12	6x	V	BC,ML
Warlord Titan 		3	12R	15	-	-	T	4 ITS
Reaver Titan 		4	10R	12	-	-	T	3 ITS
Warhound Scout Titan	5	8R	9	-	-	T	2 ITS
* = Attack = 12 on 2nd and consecutive turns.
AC = Autocannon, BC = Battle Cannon, SL = Shock Lance, ML = Multi-Lasers
MUL = Multi-Launcher, LC = Lascannon, B = Bolters, PB = Plasma Blast Gun
HL = Hellion Missile, HK = Hunter/Killer Missiles, VC = Volcano Cannon
MT = Mine Thrower, ITS = Imperial Titan System, RK = Rockets, MI = Missile Launcher
ES = Earth Shaker Artillery Cannon, SM = Siege Mortar, PC = Plasma Cannon
BM = Bombs, PS = Pistols & Swords, SHT = Super Heavy Tank, K = Knight

Card Name:		Move	Hits	Close	Range	Attack	Type	Notes:
Guardians		2	1	1	10	1	I	Shuriken
Ulthwe Black Guardians	2	1	1	10	1	I	Shuriken
Scouts			2	1	4	10	2	I	Shuriken,Stealth
Alaitoc Scouts		2	1	4	10	2	I	Shuriken,Stealth
Swooping Hawks		4	1	3	5	1	IA	Lasguns
Dire Avengers		2	1	3	10	1	IA	Shuriken
Biel-Tan Avengers	2	1	3	10	1	IA	Shuriken
Dark Reapers		1	2	2	15	4	IA	Missiles
Fire Dragons		2	1	3	5	3	IA	Thermalgun
Howling Banshees	2	1	7(3)	-	-	IA	Power sword
Striking Scorpions	2	1	10	-	-	IA	Mandi-blaster
Warlock			2	1	3	3	1	IC	Psychic
Exarch			4	2	9	15	5	IC	Artifacts
Avatar			3	5	11	3	7	IL	Spear
Harlequin		3	2	7	5	1	I	Shuriken
Eldar Jet Bike		7S	1	4	3	2	V	SC
Saim-Hann Wild Riders	7S	1	4	3	2	V	SC
Vyper Jet Bike		7S	1	4	5	3	V	SC
Falcon Grav Tank	5S	3	2	15	4	V	Carry
Wave Serpent		5S	3	2	15	(3)	V	Carry
Warp Hunter		5S	3	2	25	(3)	V	Warp Generator
Deathstalker		5S	3	2	25	5	V	Prism Cannon
Tempest			5	4	5	20	6	V	(3/3)
Doomweaver		4	3	2	40	(3)	V	Web Spinner
War Walker		4	2	4	15	3	V	LC,SL(5/3)
Dreadnaught		3	2	3	15	3	V	LC
Fire Gale 		8K	4	6	15	3	V	PL,LC,SL(10/(3))
Bright Stallion 	10K	5	6	12	4	V	PL,PU,SL(10/(3))
Towering Destroyer	8K	5	12	15	3	V	PL,LC,SL(10/(3))
Wraithguard		2	2	3	10	2	V	
Iyanden Ghost Warriors	2	2	3	10	2	V	
Vibrocannon		2	1	0	15	(3)	V	
Antigrav Lascannon	2	1	0	15	4	V	LC
Warlock Titan		4	11R	9	-	-	T	2ES/Psychic
Phantom Titan		4	13R	11	-	-	T	2ES
Revenant Scout Titan	9	7R	7	-	-	T	2ES
LC = Lascannon, SL = Scatter Laser, PL = Psychic Lance, SC = Shuriken Cannon
PU = Pulse Laser, K = Knight, A = Aspect Warriors

Card Name:		Move	Hits	Close	Range	Attack	Type	Notes:
Berserker Assault Squad	2	1	3	5	1	I	Bolt Pistol 
Warrior Combat Squad	2	1	1	10	1	I	Lasguns
Thunderer Heavy Squad	2	1	2	15	4x	I	Hvy Bolters
Warlord			2	2	7	10	3	IC	Bolters
Grand Warlord		2	3	8	10	3	IL	Bolters
Hearthguard		2	2	7	10	3	IC	Bolters
Living Ancestor		2	3	1	5	1	IC	Psychic
Ancestor Lord		2	4	1	5	1	IC	Psychic
Mech-Priest		2	1	3	5	1	I	Repair
Squat Rhino		5	3	1	3	1	V	Bolters
Squat Land Raider	4	4	4	15	4	V	LC,B(3/1)Carry
Guild Bikers		6	1	5	3	1	V	Bolters
Guild Trike		6	1	5	5	5	V	Multi-melta
Guildmasters		6	2	6	10	2	VC	Lascannon
Iron Shield APC		4	4	2	10	2	V	AC,B(5/4)Carry
Iron Hammer MBT		4	4	3	15	5	V	MT,B(5/2)
Retributor Assault Tank	4	4	3	15	3	V	BC,B(5/4)LC(10/4)
Hearthlord SHT		3	5	7	20	7	V	PL,B(5/6)
Hellfury SHT		3	5	4	10	3	V	AC,B(5/4)Carry
Rapier			1	1	0	10	3	V	Laser Destroyer
Robots			2	2	3	15	1	V	Autocannon
Goliath Mega-Cannon	2	2	1	50	7	V	SHH,Barrage
Tarantula		2	1	0	15	6	V	Lascannon 
Thudd Gun		1	1	0	15	2	V	Barrage	
Grudgekeeper		1	1	0	15	17x*	V	HHM
Mole Mortar		1D	1	0	30	1	V	Barrage
Mole			3D	3	4	-	-	V	Carry
Termite			3D	3	2	-	-	V	Carry
Overlord Airship	4S	4	6	15	10x	V	BC,AC,MB(3/5)(1/8)
Iron Eagle Gyrocopter	8S	3	4	10	5x	V	AC,BC
War Hawk Gyrocopter	8S	3	4	10	5	V	Ms,B(3/1)
Steel Hawk Gyrocopter	8S	3	4	5	4Br	V	RK,MM(5/5)
Land Train		2	12	14	-	-	T	4 STS, Carry
Colossus		2	9	13	-	-	T	4 STS, Carry
Leviathan		2	6	13	-	-	T	4 STS, Carry 
Orbital Barrage		-	-	-	-	8**	-	
AC = Autocannon, BC = Battle Cannon, B = Bolters, MB = Melta Bombs
SHH = Super Heavy Howitzer, DM = Doomsday Cannon, LC = Lascannon
MT = Mega Thunderer, HHM = Hunter & Helion Missiles, PL = Plasma Laser
* = Attack becomes 9 on 2nd and later turns. SHT = Super Heavy Tank
Repair = Remove 1D3 Damage counters from Vehicles in End Phase.
MM = Multimelta, RK = Rockets, Ms = Missiles
** = Remove from play when used.

Card Name:		Move	Hits	Close	Range	Attack	Type	Notes:
Thousand Sons 		2	2Tz	4	10	1	I	CSM
Death Guard 		2	2Nu	4	10	1	I	CSM
Emperors Children 	2	2Sl	4	10	1	I	CSM
World Eaters		2	2Kh	4	10	1	I	CSM
Chaos Marine Support	2	2	4	15	3	I	ML
Traitor Terminators	2	3	8	5	4	I	Storm Bolters
Terminator Support	2	3	5	10	6	I	AC
Chaos Beastmen		3	1	3	-	-	I	S&S
Chaos Squats		2	1	3	10	1	I	B
Chaos Squat Support	2	1	3	15	3	I	HB
Trolls			3	2R	7	-	-	I	Clubs
Minotaurs		3	2	6	-	-	I	Axes
Chaos Spawn		3	3	8	-	-	I	-
Chaos Hounds		5	1	4	-	-	I	-
Chaos Champion		2	2	9	10	1	IC	B
Tzeentch Disc Riders	7S	1Tz	8	10	1	I
Tzeentch Pink Horror	2	2Tz	5	-	-	I	Regenerates
Tzeentch Blue Horror 	2	1Tz	2	-	-	I	
Flamer of Tzeentch	3	1Tz	2	5	2	I	Magical Flame
Plaguebearer of Nurgle	2	2Nu	7	-	-	I	Cloud of Flies
Beast of Nurgle		2	3Nu	8	-	-	I	Cloud of Flies
Nurglings		1	1Nu	3	-	-	I	
Slaaneshi Beast Riders	7	3Sl	10	10	1	I
Fiends of Slaanesh	3	1Sl	3	-	-	I	Soporific Must
Daemonette of Slaanesh	2	2Sl	7	-	-	I	Euphoric Must
Bloodthirster of Khorne	2	4Kh	13	-	-	I	Axe & Whip
Great Unclean One	1	5Nu	8	3	(3)	I	SOC
Keeper of Secrets	2	4Sl	11	5	(3)	I	Aura of Slaanesh
Lord of Change		3	4Tz	9	7	(3)	I	Bolt of Change	
Angron 			2P	4Kh	11	3	(3)	IL	Mighty Roar
Magnus the Red		3P	4Tz	7	5	(3)	IL	Beam of Power
Fulgrim			2P	4Sl	9	2	(3)	IL	Soporific Must
Mortarion		1P	5Nu	6	3	(3)	IL	Plague Wind
Juggernaut Riders	4	4Kh	10	10	1	I	B
Cultist Tactical	2	1	2	10	1	I	Lasguns
Cultist Support		2	1	2	15	3	I	Hvy Wpns
Cultist Assault		2	1	3	5	1	I	S&P
Mounted Cultists	4	1	4	5	1	I	Lances	
Cult Bikers		6	1	4	3	1	V	B
Chaos Androids		2	2	3	10	2	I	B
Chaos Dreadnaughts	2	2	3	15	1	V	Autocannon
Chaos Robots		2	2	3	15	1	V	Autocannon
Bloodletters of Khorne	2	3Kh	6	-	-	I	Regenerates
Fleshhounds of Khorne	4	1Kh	3	-	-	I	
Brass Scorpion		4	3Kh	8	10	4	V	JG,SK(5/6)
Doom Blaster		3	4Kh	5	15	6	V	DM,B(3/3)
Blood Reaper		3	4Kh	5	10	9x	V	TG,SC
Death Dealer		3	4Kh	9	10	3	V	GC(5/6),TG,B(3/3)
Tower of Skulls		3	4Kh	7	10	6	V	CN,B(3/5)
Cauldron of Blood 	3	4Kh	7	5	8	V	BC
Cannon of Khorne	2	2Kh	2	20	3	V	Barrage
Silver Towers		4S	5Tz	4	10	6	V	CN,BP(15/6)
Doom Wing		15S	3Tz	4	4	4	V	FC
Fire Lord		12S	4Tz	4	10	5	V	LC,FC(4/4)FB(1/8)
Lord of Battle		3	9Kh	12	-	-	T	4CTS,Carry
Banelord		3	12Kh	16	-	-	T	5CTS
Chaos Titan		-	-	-	-	-	Roll on Conversion Table
Chaos Vehicle		-	-	-	-	-	Roll on Conversion Table
GC = Gatling Cannon, TG = Tower Gun, B = Bolters, CN = Cannon, BC = Blood Cannon
AC = Assault Cannons, ML = Missile Launchers, HB = Heavy Bolters, S&S = Swords & Spears
SC = Skull Cannon, SK = Scorpion Cannon, JG = Jaw Guns, DM = Doom Mortar
S&P = Swords & Pistols, P = Primarch, CTS = Chaos Titan System
SOC = Stream of Corruption, CSM = Chaos Space Marines, FB = Firestorm Bombs
BP = Beam of Power, LC = Lascannon, CN = Cannon, FC = Flame Cannon
Unit Types: Nu = Nurgle, Kh = Khorne, Tz = Tzeentch, Sl = Slaaaneshi
Primarch unit bonuses only apply to units of the same type.

1D6	Titan:		Move	Hits	Close	CTS
1	Nemesis 	3	12	15	4 
2	Deathbringer 	3	11	14	4 				
3	Goth 		4	10	12	3 
4	Hun 		4	9	10	3 			
5-6	Warhound 	5	8	9	2 

1D10	Vehicle:
1	Chaos Land Raider	
2	Chaos Rhino		
3	Chaos Rapier		
4	Chaos Tarantula		
5	Chaos Mole Mortar	
6	Chaos Thudd Gun		
7	Chaos Sentinel		
8	Chaos Basilisk		
9	Chaos Bombard		
10	Chaos Manticore		

1D100	Gift:				Notes:
1-2	Horns				Close +1
3-4	Multiple Arms			Close +1
5-6	Plague Bearer			Close +1
7-8	Poisonous Bite			Close +1
9-10	Razor-sharp Claws		Close +1
11-12	Transparent Skin		Close +1
13-14	Iron Hard Skin			Hits +1	
15-16	Regeneration			Regeneration
17-18	Resilient			Hits +1
19-20	Rotting Flesh			Close +1
21-22	Scaly Skin			Hits +1
23-24	Warty Skin			Hits +1
25-26	Wings				Move +5
27-28	Mace Tail			Close +1
29-30	Scorpion Tail			Close +1
31-32	Skull Face			Close +1
33-34	Spits Acid			(3/2)
35-36	Telekinesis			(3/2)
37-38	Uncontrollable Flatulence	Close +1
39-40	Warp Frenzy			Roll Twice more
41-42	Beaked				Close +1
43-44	Beweaponed Extremities		Close +1
45-46	Blood Rage			Close +1
47-48	Breathes Fire			(3/2)
49-50	Fangs				Close +1
51-52	Flaming Skull Face		Close +1
53-54	Growth				Close +1
55-56	Brightly Patterned Skin		Hits +1
57-58	Burning Body			Close +1
59-60	Tentacles			Close +1
61-62	Cloven Hooves			Move +5
63-64	Horrible Stench			Close +1
65-66	Hypnotic Gaze			(3/(3))
67-68	Invisibility			Hits +1
69-70	Crystalline Body		Hits +1
71-72	Duplication			Carry
73-74	Enormously Fat			Hits +1
75-76	Eyestalks			Hits +1
77-78	Levitation			Move +5
79-80	Long Legs			Move +5
81-82	Long Spines			Close +1
83-00	Nothing
Notes: Chaos Infantry roll once on this table when deployed.

Card Name:		Move	Hits	Close	Range	Attack	Type	Notes:
Genestealer Cultists	2	1	1	10	1	I	Lasguns
Hybrid Genestealers	2	1	3	5	1	I	S&P
Genestealers		3	2	7	-	-	I	Claws
Genestealer Magus	2	1	2	-	-	I	Psychic
Devourer Swarm		2	1	3	-	-	I	
Biovore			2	3	2	20	7	V	SM; Barrage
Carniflex		2	3R	8	10	4	I	BP
Dactylis		3	4	5	15	3Br	V	BiP,SC(3/1)
Dominatrix		2	8R	11	15	9	VL	BC,SC(3/11)Psychic
Exocrine		3	4	5	15	5	V	BC, SC(3/1)
Gargoyles		8S	1	2	5	1	I	Flame Spurt
Harridan		10S	4	6	1	12Br	VC	SpC,BC(10/7)Carry
Haruspex		3	4	9	5	3Br	V	AJ,FS
Hive Tyrant		2	5R	11	10	4	IL	VC, Psychic
Hormagaunt		6	1	3	-	-	I	Claws
Lictor			9	3	5	5	2	I	Flesh Hooks
Zoats			3	2	6	10	2	I	Barbed Stranglers
Malefactor		4	4	7	5	4Br	V	FS,SC(3/2)Carry
Mycetic Spore		-	3	4*	-	-	V	Carry, Pod
Termagants		2	1	2	5	1	I	Flesh Borers
Trygon			4	5	9	8	8	V	Bio-Shock
Tyranid Warriors	2	2	6	10	3	IC	Deathspitters
Zoanthrope		2	2	2	10	7	V	Warp Blast
Hierophant Bio-Titan	5	12R	14	-	-	T	3BTS
Hierodule Bio-Titan	5	10R	10	-	-	T	2BTS
Notes: R = Regenerates, Br = Barrage
SM = Spore Mines, BP = Bio Plasma, BiP = Bile Pods, Br = Barrage, SC = Spore Cysts
BC = Bio Cannon, SpC = Spore Cloud, AJ – Acid Jet, FS = Frag Spines
VC = Venom Cannon, S&P = Swords & Pistols, BTS = Tyranid Bio-Titan Systems
* = This unit destroyed at end of turn.

1D10	Result			Notes:
1	Acid Blood		One Unit gets Close +2 this turn
2	Hallucinogens		Take control of Target enemy unit this turn
3	Pathogenic Slime	One Unit gets Attack +2 this turn
4	Energy Immunity		One Unit gets Hits +2 this turn
5	Overrun Assault		All Units get Close +2 this turn
6	Bio-Assassin		Target enemy unit gets 1 Damage Token
7	Regenerate		Remove 1D3 Damage Tokens
8	Adrenalin Surge		One unit gets Move +2 and Close +2 this turn
9	Chameleon		One Unit gets Hits +1 and Close +1 this turn
10	Overdrive		All Units get Move +2 this turn this turn
Notes: Roll once on this table at the end of Deploy Phase.

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I had to tone down the Titans a little bit (But not much!)
Let me know about good Epic Links especially with stats I can convert.

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