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Bonnie Annerson was born in the now-forgotten settlement known as Sin-Sin Alley. She was a surprisingly beautiful child - (surprisingly because her parents were hard-working but slightly mutated sporeminers). All was peaceful and the settlement was thriving. . . . Then the Spyrers came. A hunting party of six uphivers came searching for trophies and they tore throught the settlement like a buzzsaw through raw meat (gruesome isn't it?). Bonnie watched in horror as a pair of Malcadons dropped from the rafters and eviscerated Spyrers hide-out to serve as bait. Webbed up by her head, the sadistic uphivers waited for a worthy target. It was then that a Bounty Hunter drifter known only as "the Squint" strolled into the Spyrers camp and calmly picked them off one by one. He managed to free the girl from the steely threads that bound here, but her face was permanently disfigured. As Bonnie had no parents or settlement to return to, the Bounty Hunter raised the girl himself, teaching the vengeful youth his trade.

Since her mentor has passed on, Bonnie has matured into a driven woman who prowls the Underhive behind a mask of vengeance. Righting wrongs, punishing the lawless, and dispatching any Spyrer that dares cross her path, Bonnie uses her income and contacts with the Guilders to equip herself with awesome wargear to carry on her quest.

One day, Bonnie hopes to use here deadly talents and her amassed fortune to cross the Wall and punish the uphivers that set her on this lonesome path.


Bonnie is a steely-hearted avenger, bent on punishing the guilty and earning credits to wage her war on Spyrers. She has all the Special Bounty Hunter Rules (found on page 63 of Necromunda's Sourcebook).

Bonnie Annerson445342528

Weapons: Boltgun, lasgun with Hot Shot Pack.

Armor: None. Note all shots directed at Bonnie are -1 to hit (see special rules).

Skills: Killer Reputation, Fast Shot, Parry

Wargear: Photo Contacts, Filter Plugs, a skin-tight Electoo Body Suit, a supply of Spyrer Seeking Ammo.

Psychology: Bonnie hates all Spyrers!

Allegiance: Bonnie Annerson will work for any law-abiding gang that will pay her fee. She may not be hired by Scavvies, Ratskins, Redemptionists, Spyrers, or any Outlaws.

Rating: Bonnie increases a gang's rating by +275.

Payment: Bonnie's services may be hired for a modest d6 x 10 creds. If the opposing gang are Spyrers she will lower her fee to d6 x 5 creds, so long as any Spyrers (including hunting rigs) are turned over to her, so she can "ask 'em a few questions!"

Although desperate for creds, Bonnie will still offer her services as a Mentor. Especially if it entails taking down a gang of the hated Spyrers. If the opposition are Spyrers, the underdog may modify the Mentor roll by +1.


Electoo Body Suit: Bonnie strides into battle clad in a skintight, iridescent body suit. This body suit is made of an interwoven mesh of crystal-stack polymers, also known as electoos. Before the shooting starts, Bonnie can trigger the electoos to radiate stored energy as a glittering halo of light. Along with dazzling opponents into slack-jawed inaction, the suit also mean that any enemy firing at Bonnie must take a minus one penalty due to the constant shimmering. Note, with the constant glowing and sparkling of her Electoo Body Suit, Bonnie cannot hide.

Trigger Happy: This ability allows Bonnie to fire up to two basic weapons at the same time. As each weapon normally requires both hands, each shot suffers a minus one penalty. Note this skill can be combined with Fast Shot, for a total of four shots per turn (yikes!).

Rigorous Interrogation: Any Juve that is captured by Bonnie and survives the ordeal will gain an addition d6 Experience points. This represents the battle knowledge and wisdom that can be gleaned from Bonnie as she tries to interrogate Juves and instill in them a burning hatred for all Spyrers.

Spyrer Seeking Ammo: These specially modified bolt shells incorporate a tiny robotic brain which "locks on" to signals given off by Spyrer hunting rigs. When Bonnie fires her boltgun at Spyrers you may ignore any cover modifiers. (Note: line of sight is still necessary to the target, Bonnie won't fire at hidden targets or targets that she otherwise cannot see.)