XWF: LEAP OF FAITH 2003 – July 27, 2003
If CHAMBERS loses, he's out of the XWF forever.

X-Treme Rules

Elimination Match

Last Man Standing Match

Elimination Tag Match


LEAP OF FAITH Rafter Match

Pin To Win



The show opens with JONATHYN sitting in his office. He hears a cough and looks up. GOLDEN BOY is standing over him, flanked by MIKE X and RICK LACEY.

JONATHYN: What the hell do you guys want?

GOLDEN BOY: I want you to do something for me Jonny boy.

JONATHYN: And why would I help the likes of you? Do you realize how much trouble you three have been causing lately? And could we drop the “Jonny Boy” please?

The three look at each other. GOLDEN BOY turns to MIKE X and nods. MIKE X steps forward and slings a bag on JONATHYN's desk.

JONATHYN: What the hell do you think you're doing?

GOLDEN BOY: Open it.

JONATHYN frowns. Cautiously he unzips the bag and his jaw drops open. We see the bag is filled with money.

JONATHYN: Th-there must be...must be...

GOLDEN BOY: 1.4 million dollars. Cash. Now how about doing that favor?

JONATHYN is still looking at the money, drool beginning to form at the tip of his tongue.


JONATHYN: Sorry, yes. What is it? What can I do for you gentlemen? Anything at all! You name it!

GOLDEN BOY puts his hands on JONATHYN's desk and leans in close.

GOLDEN BOY: Make it so no members of New Wave or The Millionaire's Club can interfere in my match tonight. Anyone who does is fired.

JONATHYN looks confused.

JONATHYN: Wait...why would you want to do that?

GOLDEN BOY stands up straight, assuming somewhat of a noble stance.

GOLDEN BOY: This title means more to me than anything JONATHYN. But only if I win it fair and square. I'll keep MIKE, RICK and GIBSON away from that ring, but only you can ensure New Wave don't interfere. I know it's a Cell Match but come on. Nothing a pair of bolt cutters can't fix...or unfix as it were. We'll leave you to think over our offer.

The Millionaire's Club walk out leaving JONATHYN still staring into the bag full of money..

After a massive pyro display, LEAP OF FAITH 2003 is officially underway!

If CHAMBERS loses, he's out of the XWF forever.

CHAMBERS and GREY circle in the ring. GREY spears CHAMBERS then mounts him and starts beating him in the face. The ref breaks it up but GREY just starts stomping on CHAMBERS over and over again until CHAMBERS crawls to the ropes. GREY quickly pulls CHAMBERS away from the rope and goes up top but CHAMBERS gets up and runs towards the turnbuckle to mess GREY up but GREY leaps out and nail a blockbuster on CHAMBERS! GREY crawls over to CHAMBERS and pins him. 1…2…THREE!!!


After PVT GREY finishes his match with Brent CHAMBERS, he starts waving to the crowd! But it’s a different kind of wave.. Like he’s DONE with wrestling! He picks up a microphone.

GREY: Well. What can I say. It’s been a great trip, but all good things must come to an end. To all my fans, thank you. This is the last time you’ll see PRIVATE GREY in the XWF. He waves and then rolls out of the ring and looks around. The fans are cheering and chanting, but GREY just stands there and looks. Finally, instead of going up the ramp, he dives UNDER IT, leaving everyone wondering what this crazy fool is up to.

Meanwhile, in the back, STEVE SAYORS is talking to Women’s Champ JEN JETSON about her upcoming title defense.

SAYORS: JEN JETSON, this is certainly an amazing story. You have overcome so much recently, and you’ve managed to bounce back better than ever. If I recall, it was this time last year when you actually WON the LEAP OF FAITH match!

JEN: That’s right, Steve! It was an ugly match, and went at it just as ugly as I could!


JEN: Steve, let’s face it.. I’m a good looking woman, right? But I can’t walk into an XWF ring thinking like a good looking woman. I have to think ANGRY, I have to think DIRTY. I have to be the ugliest version of me that I can be! That’s what gets me through tough matches like that Leap Of Faith rafter match, and this match tonight. Well, that’s PART of it, at least.

SAYORS: Part of it?

JEN: Yeah.. There’s also this.

JEN reaches into her blouse and pulls out a lovely Dragon Medallion.

JEN: This was given to me by my mother when I was a baby. It’s the only one of it’s kind. That’s what mom told me. It’s always close to my heart when I’;m out there, and it gives me the spirit I need to win. I guess you could call it a good luck charm, but it’s a lot more than that. It carries a lot of magic, and it’s never let me down..

SAYORS: Well let’s hope that continues tonight, Jen! Good luck!

JEN: Thanks Steve!

JEN trots out to the ring with energy and enthusiasm..

X-Treme Rules

JEN and COURTNEY circle one another. Each has a weapon already, JEN has a chair and COURTNEY has a kendo stick but doesn’t quite look like she wants to use it. JEN charges at he and COURTNEY drops the weapon and throws her hands up to stop the chair from hitting her face. COURTNEY flies down to the matt and JEN swings the chair for her face again but COURTNEY rolls out of the ring. She gets up and walks slowly around the ring with a look of pain and a hand on her head. JEN throws down the chair and does a suicide dive through the ropes and nails COURTNEY with it. JEN gets up and grabs COURTNEY by her hair and picks her up. JEN slings her into the stairs but doesn’t let go of her hair. As COURTNEY slams into the stairs a massive amount of hair rips from her scalp making a huge bald spot. JEN grabs the chair from the ring as COURTNEY sees her hair fall to the ground. The enraged COURTNEY tackles JEN and starts swing at JEN’s face while crying over her poor hair. With each hit to the face JEN smiles then head butts COURTNEY then rolls her over and starts beating her in the face. A small trail of blood spouts from COURTNEY’s lip. JEN gets up and walks back over for her chair as COURTNEY checks her mouth and sees the blood on her hand. COURTNEY gets to her feet just as JEN charges with the chair COURTNEY superkicks the chair into JEN’s face. COURTNEY grabs the chair and starts hitting JEN as hard as she can. COURTNEY connects with a good shot to the head and cuts JEN open. The audience cannot believe how hardcore this match is! They chant loudly! HOLY S**T! HOLY S**T! HOLY S**T! COURTNEY picks JEN up and then slaps her to the ground then picks her up again and kicks her in the stomach and goes for a DDT but JEN throws her to the ground. Blood from her cut trickles down JEN’s face and to her lips, JEN simply smiles and licks her lips then starts picks up COURTNEY and throws her into a ring post face first causing COURTNEY’s nose to start bleeding. JEN picks up COURTNEY and bashes her head up against the ring post until COURTNEY has a gapping cut across her forehead. JEN slides COURTNEY into the ring and then climbs the turnbuckles and nails COURTNEY with a moonsault and pins her. 1…2… KICK OUT! COURTNEY grabs a chair in desperation and hits JEN square in the mouth with the side of it! JEN may have just lost a tooth! And she’s out cold! COURTNEY is about to cover!

Suddenly. THE LIGHTS GO OUT!! It's completely pitch dark. When the lights return, we see XWF Newcomer JeM standing in the ring with a kendo stick in his hand. JEN walks up to him and stares him down. He rears the stick back but JEN ducks and JeM takes out COURTNEY! JEN turns and covers COURTNEY for the 1...2.. THREE. She stands up and sees that JeM has a mic.

JeM: I've been looking for you for a long time... Sis.

He pulls out the necklace he is wearing revealing a Dragon Medallion. JEN pulls the same exact one her mother had given her. She examines the two identical medallions and looks at JeM oddly. They hug. He remains in the ring and she gets out and walks up the ramp by herself....a blank look on her face. JeM's solemn face splits into a devious grin. He heads out into the crowd to make his exit. Are these two brother and sister?


COURTNEY slowly gets to her feet and sees herself on the X-Tron! She can’t believe it! She’s a MESS! She starts screaming and stomping her feet like a little girl! Suddenly, Cherry Pie by Warrant blasts across the arena! Who uses THAT music! WAIT A MINUTE!! It’s HER!! IT’S KITTEN!! KITTEN is here from XCW! She holds up a microphone.

KITTEN: PATHETIC. Absolutely pathetic. When I got tired of walking through the competition at XCW, I headed here to the XWF in search of a challenge. I guess I’m not going to find it here. I thought you had a powerful Women’s division here. But if this is what a title match looks like, I guess I was wrong.. If this is all the XWF has to offer, I can just go back to the superior fed, the XCW, and forget about this joke called the XWF.

KITTEN smirks at COURTNEY, then turns to leave, only to be met by a CLOTHESLINE! It’s JAYDE!! JAYDE IS BACK! She picks KITTEN up and smacks her across the face! KITTEN retaliates with a huge shot to the body and a scoop slam on the steel grate! JAYDE reels in pain, and here comes CRYSTAL ENSAYNE! CRYSTAL SPEARS KITTEN! KITTEN is down, and JAYDE and CRYSTAL get up to double team her, but KITTEN is up like a spring! She grabs both women by the throat! DOUBLE CHOKESLAM OFF THE STAGE! NO!! CRYSTAL and JAYDE are OUT COLD ten feet down! KITTEN spits on them and walks out to the back.

JONATHYN heads back to his office with KORE, and sees a note on his door. He tears it off and reads it aloud.

Hate to rain on your parade, but
when I left the XWF, I forgot to bring
something that belonged to me. No
offense, but I’m here tonight to take
it back. No hard feelings I hope.



JONATHYN: Oh, that idiot CASH.

KORE: What makes you so sure it’s CASH?

JONATHYN: Who else would sign a note with a dollar sign?

KORE: So what’s his? What does he think is his? The UNIVERSAL TITLE?

JONATHYN: Oh my god, he’s a dead man. We have to find him.

KORE: I’m on it!

JONATHYN and KORE take off in separate directions to find CASH, who is far too injured to even attempt an attack on CYREN or GOLDEN BOY.

Meanwhile, in the back, CENTURION is warming up for his match against his brother, the WARRIOR. STEVE SAYORS catches up to him..

SAYORS: CENTURION! The world wants to know.. How do you feel about having to face your own brother, one month after you nearly took his life?

CENTURION: Steve, it’s really simple. I am a man of few words, so I will say this. My brother is a LOSER. He’s always been a loser and he will continue to be a loser, Tonight is my chance to finally prove it to everyone. Sure, he’s had the Cruiserweight belt since day one, and sure, he rose from the dead. BIG DEAL! I’m sure I could rise from the dead too if I wanted to. I’m the best thing to ever happen to the XWF, and the fans know it! My brother knows it! EXTREME WARRIOR, DARK WARRIOR, TOLIET WARRIOR, whatever the hell you’re calling yourself this week, you may as well call yourself WASHED UP WARRIOR after tonight, because it will be CENTUR..

KITTEN walks right in front of the camera on her way to the exit. CENTURION looks completely perturbed!

CENTURION: Hey, you stupid bitch! I’m doing an interview over here! Stay the hell out of MY shot before I slap the XCW s**t out of your mouth!

KITTEN stops dead in her tracks and walks right up to CENTURION. She gets right in his face with no fear.


CENTURION: I said stay out of my way, ya dumb SKANK! I know all about you. I saw you over at XCW with all the other lowlife idiots. What are you, some sort of witch or something? WHATEVER! What are you gonna do, turn me into a frog or something? Give me a damn break! You are nothing but XCW TRASH, and that’s all you’ll ever be!

KITTEN: I can’t believe you’re this ignorant.

CENTURION: I can’t believe I haven’t put you over my knee and smacked your ass yet! Why don’t you turn your little keester around and walk your little high priestess ass out of my camera shot before I hit ya where the good lord split ya!

KITTEN: Listen to me, you pathetic excuse for a man. I am not intimidated by your petty machismo, nor am i affected by your poor knowledge of the Wiccan lifestyle. I do have to admit, it will be interesting to see how big and strong you act after I’ve completely humiliated you.

CENTURION: YOU are going to humiliate ME? And how do you plan to do that?

KITTEN: In a way that you’ve never thought of.. I’m going to use my BRAIN. Farewell, CENTURION.. Cherish each day as if it were your last. You never know..

KITTEN turns and walks away, leaving CENTURION alone in the shot.

CENTURION: Stupid bitch..

CENTURION turns back to STEVE to continue the interview, but KITTEN comes flying out of nowhere and pounds him in the skull with a trash can! CENTURION goes down! KITTEN dumps the remains of the trash can on his head.

KITTEN: Who’s the trash now, BITCH?

CENTURION spits out a gum wrapper and stares at KITTEN as she walks away..

The WARRIOR is handed the belt by the ring official, and he stands in the center of the parking lot, holding it proudly. He begins to walk toward the door, but WAIT A MINUTE!! A car comes speeding out of the darkness! It’s headed right toward EXTREME WARRIOR! CRASH!! WARRIOR’s BODY GOES FLYING OVER THE ROOF OF THE CAR AND ROLLS TO A STOP AGAINST A WALL! The cars screeches to make the corner, but slams into the wall! CRASH! OH MY GOD!! EXTREME WARRIOR WAS HIT BY A CAR! HE NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION!! OH NO!! The camera gets a shot of the driver, but the airbag is covering his face! The camera moves back to see that WARRIOR is in serious trouble. He isn’t moving, and he’s bleeding badly. As EMT’s rush to his side , the camera darts around again to see someone getting out of the car! OH MY GOD!! It’s CENTURION!! CENTURION HAS RUN DOWN HIS OWN BROTHER! This is unforgivable! The EMT’s stay huddled around the lifeless body of the WARRIOR as CENTURION walks away, completely emotionless.

Before the match begins, an announcement is made..


The shot cuts to GOLDEN BOY, MIKE X and RICK LACEY in the back, looking very happy.

Elimination Match

As CENTURION’s music hits, ZUELSDORF gets out of the ring and pulls the ring steps around to the ring announcers side of the table. As he is dragging them, CENTURION runs down and hits ZUELSDORF from behind and almost knocks him over the barricade! ZUELSDORF turns around and sweeps out the leg of CENTURION. ZUELSDORF tries to pick up the steps but CENTURION wont let go.The crowd erupts as WARRIOR comes running down the ramp. He jumps in the ring and runs to the side that ZUELSDORF and CENTURION are fighting on. He leans over and grabs CENTURION by the hair. CENTURION turns around and grabs the head of WARRIOR and pulls is hard against the ropes, choking him. With CENTURION and WARRIOR fighting ZUELSDORF is finally free to drag the steps over near the announcers. Then he runs in where CENTURION is still choking WARRIOR. ZUELSDORF goes up behind and delivers a back body drop on WARRIOR and CENTURION’s lock is released. CENTURION jumps in the ring and starts kicking ZUELSDORF in the gut when WARRIOR grabs the leg of CENTURION and pulls hard, knocking him down. WARRIOR gets up and punches ZUELSDORF a few hard times before Irish whipping him, so close to the ropes, that ZUELSDORF goes outside the ropes and lands on the ground. WARRIOR turns to pick up CENTURION and CENTURION low blows him! ZUELSDORF gets up from the outside and looks around for something. He goes and grabs the heavy ring steps, but decides at the last minute to grab a chair! ZUELSDORF jumps into the ring brandishing the chair and looks at CENTURION. CENTURION looks up just in time to see a chair going at his head. He gets hit straight in the face and goes down. ZUELSDORF turns towards WARRIOR and instead gets a fist straight through the chair! WARRIOR raises his hands in victory. ZUELSDORF stumbles to his feet and falls in the arms of WARRIOR. Where WARRIOR proceeds to deliver a huge chokeslam. WARRIOR looks around while everyone is still knocked out. He bends over and picks up ZUELSDORF and goes for the pin to eliminate him! WARRIOR is right about to pin him when CENTURION gets up and runs and dropkicks the knee of WARRIOR. ZUELSDORF is dropped inside the ring and roles to the side. WARRIOR turns around and CENTURION punches him in the face a few times. He grabs WARRIOR and Irish whips him into the ropes and powerslams him when he comes back! ZUELSDORF gets up and starts messing with the steps again, he almost tries to bring them into the ring but instead sets them up right outside the ring. ZUELSDORF gets in the ring and looks at CENTURION, who looks at WARRIOR, and they both nod their heads. The each grab the arms of WARRIOR and pick him up. They each punch him a bit and then Irish whip him towards the other side of the ropes. As WARRIOR comes back CENTURION and ZUELSDORF lower and grab WARRIOR, giving him a back body drop over the ropes and NITO THE STEEL STEPS! BANG!! WARRIOR IS HURT! ZUELSDORF and CENTURION jump out and they each go for the cover. Medical personnel start looking over WARRIOR. ZUELSDORF goes to grab the steps to finish him off when CENTURION stops him and they start to argue. They start throwing punches when ZUELSDORF picks up CENTURION in a body slam and walks towards the announce table. He rears back and throws CENTURION through the table, busting it up! ZUELSDORF grabs the steps and makes his way towards the knocked out WARRIOR. ZUELSDORF takes the steps and places them on top of WARRIOR and is about to drop downon top of it when WARRIOR’s hand shoots up and pushes them away! ZUELSDORF jumps on WARRIOR, but is met with a fist to the mouth! ZUELSDORF hits the floor hard. WARRIOR gets up and looks, once again, the knocked out bodies of ZUELSDORF and CENTURION. WARRIOR grabs ZUELSDORF who is still squirming and headbutts him. He grabs ZUELSDORF and tosses him into the ring. He leaps in behind him and rolls him up, almost folding him in two! ONE.. TWO.. THREE!! ZUELSDORF is OUT! Then WARRIOR walks over to CENTURION and push presses him over his head. He takes CENTURION to the ring and tosses him in as well. CENTURION isn’t going out without a fight, and he LOW-BLOWS his own brother! WARRIOR falls on the mat in tremendous pain! CENTURION with the cover! ONE.. TWO.. CLANG! STEEL STEPS just came flying into the ring and hit CENTURION right in the head! He’s out cold! WARRIOR covers!! ONE... TWO.... THREE!! THE WARRIOR HAS DONE IT AGAIN!! He stands up, and looks for his belt. He sees it.. in the hands of KITTEN!!! KITTEN rolls into the ring and hands WARRIOR his title, then boots CENTURION in the gut one more time. She walks up the ramp to a pretty impressive cheer as THE WARRIOR holds his title high over his head..


With WARRIOR still in the ring and CENTURION still out cold, the fans are chocked to hear the music of.. ANDREW GIBSON! GIBSON is back! He walks out to the ramp, looking leaner and more fit that before! He lifts the mic to his mouth.

GIBSON: Hey WARRIOR! Nice job getting a GIRL to help you win! Too bad she doesn’t like guys! Anyway, enough about you. I’m here to talk about ME! ANDREW GIBSON! You see, I’ve been doing a lot of training recently, because I just haven’t been cutting it in the XWF.. Sure, I’m outstanding, but maybe I’m setting my sights too high! I mean, look who we have in the HEAVYWEIGHT division right now! RICK LACEY? I can’t TOUCH the guy! MIKE X? Unstoppable! Let’s face it, those guys are the best! I can’t win a title from them! So I’ve decided to set my sights a LOT lower. I’ve set my sights on the CRUISERWEIGHT BELT. You see, I’ve been trimming down and pumping up, and I’m glad to say I’m now tipping the scales at a lean 234! That puts me in the CRUISERWEIGHT FIELD! I’m going to bring some CRUISERWEIGHT GOLD to the MILLIONAIRE’S CLUB, and you’re my ticket to the title!

Just then, TYKE MISON steps out to the ramp and stands next to GIBSON.

TYKE: That’s just DANDY, Gibbon! Because I myself have been bulking down and trimming up, because I want to bring some HEAVYWEIGHT gold to the CLOWNS! This is PERFECT! I am happy to say I know way 237 pounds! Thank you Ultra Slim Slow!

GIBSON just looks at MISON and storms off, as TYKE goes down to help his buddy ZUELS.

In the back, BIGG RIGG is fuming mad. He’s sitting next to SHANK and punching the table.

RIGG: That SON OF A BITCH! I can’t BELIEVE FUZZ did that to ME! I showed him RESPECT when I beat his ass! I took that title away from him, but I did it with RESPECT! FUZZ totally went OVER THE LINE, and now I’m not cleared to fight for two weeks! DAMN HIM!!

SHANK: Hey! You want me to kick his ass? I’m cleared to fight, and I got nothing going on here!

RIGG: Yeah.. Sorry about that. I forgot to tell you that when you get hooked up with me, JONATHYN immediately forgets you’re even IN the XWF. He’s been ignoring me for weeks. The only way I got a title shot is because of DOMINATOR.

SHANK: Well I’m going to make JONATHYN recognize me. I’m not going to be ignored!!

Last Man Standing Match

The three men gather in the ring and look around to see who will pounce first. SYRUS steps forward and looks towards CRUNCH and then toward GENESIS. GENESIS immediately lunges forward and is taken down by a clothesline from SYRUS. CRUNCH runs forward and spears SYRUS to the canvas as GENESIS jumps to his feet. GENESIS runs towards SYRUSand dropkicks him over the top rope. CRUNCH and GENESIS look at one an other, then at SYRUS who is lying on the concrete floor next to the ring. GENESIS signals for them to leave the ring and get SYRUS. CRUNCH nods as GENESIS holds the rope up for him to climb through. CRUNCH climbs out of the ring, and begins pounding on SYRUS. Meanwhile he doesn’t notice GENESIS climb the turnbuckle behind him. CRUNCH leads forwards to pick up SYRUS… but is knocked to the ground by a superb flying Guillotine Leg Drop from GENESIS! As CRUNCH slumps to the floor, he collapses on SYRUS. The ref starts to count both men out! 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. SYRUS gets up! GENESIS picks up CRUNCH and hurls him towards the guardrails. CRUNCH smashes into them and staggers backwards a few steps before falling over. GENESIS lifts SYRUS off the ground, but SYRUS throws a punch into GENESIS’s gut. SYRUS then stands up tall and delivers a brilliant Big Boot which makes GENESIS’s head snap backwards before his body catches up and falls to the ground. SYRUS lifts up his victim, and walks around the outside of the ring. SYRUS then delivers a spine-shattering Back-Breaker which forces GENESIS to scream in pain… except no sound comes out his mouth. As this happens CRUNCH has already pulled himself to his feet and is clambering over the guardrail. He pushes a fan out of his seat, and grabs thee steel chair that the boy was sitting on. He waves it at a few security guards and fans forcing them to back away. Meanwhile SYRUS piledrives GENESIS’ head into the concrete floor. SYRUS kneels up next to GENESIS’ body and lets out a cry of victory, as the crowd boos loudly. He gets ready to finish off GENESIS, suddenly… SMACK! SYRUS drops to the floor. The crowd cheers as they see CRUNCH attack SYRUS from behind with a steel chair. CRUNCH drags SYRUS’s body off GENESIS, and the ref counts… 1… 2… 3.... 4.... 5.... 6.. GENESIS gets up in time! CRUNCH picks up GENESIS, then picks up the dazed SYRUS. He puts them on either side of him… DOUBLE DDT! He picks up the chair again and waits by the side of them, calling them to their feet. SYRUS is unwisely up first, and taken back down to the ground by the steel chair. GENESIS dives up and leaps forwards attempting a Spear, but is tamed with the Chair before he can grab CRUNCH. CRUNCH then pulls SYRUS onto his knees in front of him. CRUNCH swings the chair and smashes it across the side of SYRUS’ head. GENESIS takes something out of his trunks! It looks like a small pouch or something. CRUNCH sees this and runs over, but GENESIS moves around in time and blows something out of the pouch… a white dust billows out and covers CRUNCH’s face. His face is completely white now with this dust, and he covers his eyes, and moves about blindly frantically searching for things as his chair drops to the floor. SYRUS quickly grabs the steel chair and throws it to GENESIS, who almost decapitates CRUNCH with it. SYRUS spins around and shoulder barges CRUNCH into the side of the ring. He charges with malicious intent towards GENESIS. GENESIS realizes his fate, so instead throws the chair straight at SYRUS’s head, something completely unexpected. This shocks SYRUS and slows him down for a second… as this happens GENESIS runs towards the guardrails and hurls himself over them, he begins running up the stairs as the crowd part for him. SYRUS jumps over the rails and begins chasing him, forgetting about CRUNCH. He charges up the stairs, his eyes set on GENESIS. They climb a few rows, until GENESIS reaches the first exit platform. He stands there trying to decide what to do, run or fight. Suddenly SYRUS is a few steps away from him, GENESIS runs straight at him… and dives off the top step arms out… and Rugby Tackles SYRUS! The two begin falling at great speed down the steps, as they begin rolling down the steps in a tight ball. The ref counts for CRUNCH! 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. UP! CRUNCH IS ON HIS FEET! After stopping the two men just lie semi if not unconscious on the floor. The crowd tries moving nearer to try and be near to these superstars. At this point CRUNCH has his full vision back. He climbs over the guardrail and tackles SYRUS, who flees as far away as possible. He begins running around the ring as CRUNCH chases him. The two go round and round, changing directions, with CRUNCH gaining on him. SYRUS quickly slides into the ring as CRUNCH gets near. He waits near the ropes as CRUNCH tries to climb in, but kicks him off the ropes. CRUNCH manages to grab hold of SYRUS’s foot and pulls him onto the floor. As SYRUS is being dragged out, CRUNCH puts SYRUS’s legs on his shoulders, SYRUS grabs onto the ropes trying to escape. But is eventually pulled off, and placed in a Powerbomb position… CRUNCH strolls over to the steel steps with him… POWERBOMB! Onto the steps! At this point GENESIS begins to get up. GENESIS picks up SYRUS and once again begins climbing the stairs as CRUNCH follows. They go through the crowds entrance for that tier of the arena and walks down some corridors. Eventually they reach the crowd car park, full of cars and taxis. CRUNCH runs forwards and delivers a big kick into GENESIS’s back, making him drop SYRUS on the floor. GENESIS turns around enraged and begins grappling with CRUNCH. The two move around in circles as they fight for dominace… the move towards a black car… CRUNCH manages to take advantage and throws GENESIS onto the car. His back hits the windscreen, and creates cracks in the center. CRUNCH grabs GENESIS once more and lifts him slightly and actually hurls him through the windscreen. Luckily GENESIS reduces the impacts as his back goes first. A cameraman follows SYRUS as he gets up and runs along the car park to where a taxi is parked. The driver is in the driving seat waiting for the party of fans to come back from the show. SYRUS storms into the taxi and throws the driver out of it! The cameraman is obliged to follow and gets into the taxi. SYRUS starts up the engine and begins accelerating as the driver runs after him. The camera switches to behind the windshield, looking onto the road in front, and onto CRUNCH's face as the taxi draws nearer. CRUNCH dives to his right and onto the garage floor in order to dodge the taxi, as the taxi smashes into the car containing GENESIS! The windshield smashes and shards of glass go everywhere, as several EMTs who had been on standby rush towards the scene. SYRUS leaves the driver’s seat and steps out of the front of the taxi through the smashed windscreen and stand on the roof of the heavily damaged car containing GENESIS. He walks over the roof and puts his hand through the smashed window and begins to drag GENESIS's bloody and battered body out. He fails to notice CRUNCH has got up and he is angry. CRUNCH runs across and up the car and dropkicks SYRUS in the chest. SYRUS falls backwards onto the frame of the windscreen, onto some broken glass slicing his arms. EMTs rush over and try and check GENESIS's pulse, but an enraged CRUNCH wards them off. The camera zooms in as CRUNCH beats down on SYRUS. GENESIS lies motionless beside them. CRUNCH picks up SYRUS and hurls him off the car onto the tarmac. A large thud is heard followed by a cry of pain as he hits the floor. CRUNCH then gets down on his knees and collapses next to GENESIS as the EMTs watch in horror… An EMT gets back into the ambulance, and he starts driving forward! He runs over GENESIS and CRUNCH!! NO! The EMT gets out of the ambulance, and it’s JUSTIN GREENWOOD dressed in an EMT's uniform!! SYRUS lunges at the car and JUSTIN pushes the exhausted man off. He jumps onto his chest and begins a series of mounted punches, each getting harder then the last. He is about to get off, but it looks as if something seizes him as he begins to let loose, he repeatedly rams his fist into SYRUS' face, over and over and over like scene with Ed Norton from 'Fight Club'. As he progresses it becomes apparent that his fists now have blood on them, blood from SYRUS’ face. JUSTIN gets to his feet and counts out loud with the crowd! ONE.. TWO.. THREE.. FOUR.. FIVE.. SIX.. SEVEN.. EIGHT.. NINE.. TEN!! DING DING DING!! GREENWOOD heads back into the arena! He grabs the belt from the officials! Can this be! Is JUSTIN GREENWOOD back in the XWF? Is he really the X-TREME CHAMPION?


BOA's music hits as the Tag Team Champions make their way down to the ring, belts in hand. They play to the crowd a little bit, then throw their belts aside as they prepare for their competition. "Send in the Clowns" hits and the crowd goes crazy! This tag match has been much anticipated, and is about to begin!! But wait, where are the Clowns? JANDRO and SPOOK have yet to appear! Suddenly, the X-Tron lights up, and JANDRO and SPOOK appear on it! But where are they?

JANDRO: Hi STEEL! Hi BLADE! You are probably wondering where we are... huh?

The camera pans out, and shows the Clowns standing in a ring, in the middle of a cornfield!! They are in the ring the Clowns built!**

SPOOK: We have been called to do this BOA. And if you two want a match today, you are going to have to come out here to fight us.

BOA begin laughing in the middle of the ring. The Clowns don't have a referee, they are going to get counted out!! SPOOK again begins speaking to the camera...

SPOOK: And don't think we are that stupid.

The camera zooms out again, and there is senior official DAVID REES standing in the ring with the Clowns!! What the hell is going on?

REES: BOA, you have 10 minutes to get out here or you are disqualified and you will lose those belts!

BOA can't believe it!! This can't be happening! STEEL and BLADE pick up their belts and hightail it up the ramp. They have to head out to the cornfield!


The match started quickly, as both KORE and MIKE X had yet to make it to the ring. They were battling on the top of the stage, as while KORE was making his way out MIKE X jumped. MIKE X had the clear advantage and was pounding on the head of KORE. MIKE X brings KORE to his feet, and signals for a suplex. However KORE is able to counter, sending MIKE X crashing to the steel ramp. MIKE X cries out in pain, and grabs his back, however KORE takes control of his weaken state, and grabs MIKE X's legs and whips MIKE X over his head sending MIKE X's head crashing into the X-Tron. KORE follows up by sending hard rights and lefts into the forehead of MIKE X. Blood is shown falling out of his face. KORE stands up and taunts the crowd, slowly awaiting MIKE X to get to his feet. While MIKE X gets on his hands and knees, KORE gets ready and attempts a kick to the ribs, however MIKE X rolls out of the way, straight into KORE's legs. KORE stumbles backwards, starting to go down the steel ramp, when he is met with a huge standing spear knocking KORE down, causing him to roll down the ramp a little bit. The match has yet to began as the referee tries to convince the two to enter the ring in order to began the match. However they ignore him and keep battling, with MIKE X once again with the advantage. He signals for a DDT and sure enough follows through, with KORE's head bouncing off the steel ramp. Blood can now be seen dripping down KORE's face as well. These two superstars were stopping at nothing to get an advantage before the match. MIKE X hopes to put the final deal on it too. He signaled for the pedigree! KORE stumbles around and is met with a toe kick, he bends over and MIKE X sets him up for the pedigree... KORE KORE counters! He sends MIKE X flying with a back body drop, and now signals for his own finishing maneuver. KORE follows through hitting a huge KORE control. However the impact took out him as well. Both men are lying on the ramp, tired. KORE finally gets enough energy to get MIKE X up and into the ring. The bell goes, and the match has finally begun. However as it appears MIKE X was playing dead, and mustered enough to clothesline himself and KORE over the top rope. But here comes.. TYKE MISON??!! It’s looks like TYKE MISON is slowly making his way down to the ring, holding THE BIG RED BAG. He seems to have caught KORE’S eye. MIKE X grapples KORE from behind delivering a belly to back suplex. TYKE rolls into the ring. KORE is down, MIKE has no clue he’s there. TYKE’S reaching into the bag. What’s he got? ..It’s Baking Soda! He’s got a container of Baking Soda!! EXTREMER turns around and POOF!! MIKE stumbles back holding his eyes. TYKE drops the container and reaches back into the bag. Vinegar? He’s got a cup of vinegar. MIKE stumbles forward, SLASH! TYKE just hosed X in vinegar! His face is boiling! TYKE turns and delivers a kick to the gut of KORE! A quick roundhouse brings him down. TYKE smiles and reaches back into the bag. A scissors?! What can he do with a... TYKE’S cutting the flesh webbing in between KORE’S fingers! OH MY GOD!! KORE is thrashing in pain. TYKE is sadistic! He’s reaching into the bag again.! Salt water?? TYKE pours the water all down KORE’S hands. Salt in the wounds!!! Salt in the wounds!! TYKE is crazy! Packing his things he is gone. What a mess he has left! KORE struggles to get to his feet, and he sees that MIKE is down as well! KORE tosses MIKE into the ring post! CLANG! Full impact on the blinded MIKE X! KORE throws him into the ring and COVERS!! ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! KORE wins, but what condition is his hand in after the SCISSOR attack by the newest member of the HEAVYWEIGHT DIVISION,. TYKE MISON!!?


LEAP OF FAITH – 6/23/2002
..JETSON grabs ANINKAN and tosses him into SLEZY D knocking both men off of the platform onto the announcer table. JETSON sets up a ladder and begins to climb to the Hart Championship. BLACK CAT kicks the ladder from underneath of JETSON sending her flying off of the platform as well. JETSON lands right beside the ring as the final men battle it out. CURSE crawls to his feet and starts trying to figure out how to get back up to the platform. As CURSE is about to go backstage the PLATFORM GIVES OUT! ALL OF THE WRESTLERS FALL! SUICIDE HAS THE TITLE BUT DROPS IT! The Hart Championship lands inside of the ring but no one eles does! SLEZY gets to his feet as does JETSON. The two go for the ring but BONEKEEPER comes running down to the ring and attacks JETSON! BONEKEEPER tosses JETSON into the ring and picks up the title. BK swings the belt at JETSON but she ducks and turns to BK. BK turns around and JETSON yanks the title out of his hands. JETSON smacks BK for interfering in her match then she realizes, SHE WON! JEN JETSON WON!

The spotlights all turn to point to the ceiling, where an extra durable set of rafters has been assembled 20 feet above the ring. A single chain begins to lower into the ring as HART CHAMP TYKE MISON heads out to the center of the ring. He has his belt over his shoulder, and reluctantly snaps it onto the chain. The chain rises upwards to the roof as the spotlights follow. The fans see two ladders up there, and about enough room to set one up with an inch to spare on either side. The rules are simple. With the exception of the champ, all the participants start on the rafters. They need to get the belt and bring it to the ring to win. At any time, they can be eliminated with a pin or submission, but the belt can only be won when the belt holder is in the ring with the belt successfully strapped on their waist.. Nobody is looking forward to this match.

LEAP OF FAITH Rafter Match

CONFUSION is weary as he climbs up the ladder to the rafters. He gets to the top and does nothing as he keeps his eyes on GECKO. Some cheers are heard as GUKAS and FOBYN come out to the ring, tossing T-Shirts to the crowd. They climb the ladder to the top as well, and GECKO immediately pounces on GUKAS! FOBYN tries to help, but almost loses his balance. The bell rings, signaling the start of the match. GECKO goes after GUKAS, but FOBYN is there to grab his leg and almost drop him! JESSE SCHOCK and JON NASH tie up and have NO IDEA what they’ve gotten themselves into! SCHOCK tries to slam NASH, but loses his footing and stumbles backward, bumping MENACE! MENACE dominoes into GUKAS, who turns and Monkey flips MENACE right over him and on his back on the thin rafter! TWISTER slaps CONFUSION in the face. CONFUSION then slaps TWISTER in the face. TWISTER then sends out a punch, but CONFUSION counters, and pushes TWISTER down. CONFUSION laughs, but is caught off guard by a punch from the back, courtesy of GUKAS. CONFUSION is pushed a few inches, but turns around to face GUKAS. The two look each other right in the face. A massive exchange then begins with the two, with blow after blow being delivered. GECKO steps back and watches the two, smiling. FOBYN heads over to GECKO and GECKO drops for a low blow! FOBYN crumbles to the rafter! JESSE SCHOCK and NASH have had enough, and they decide to climb back down and leave, but the ladder is gone! The only way out is by falling! JESSE turns and tries to push NASH, but NASH braces himself and doesn’t budge! From out of nowhere, and idiot MENACE dives into both men with a spear! NO!! ALL THREE MEN GO FLYING OFF THE RAFTER!! MENACE, NASH and SCHOCK have all been thrown for the 20 foot rafters! The impact in the creates a DENT in the ring! The crowd goes NUTS! TYKE heads over and looks at all three men! He leans down and puts his arms and legs over all three of them! ONE.. TWO.. THREE! TYKE has eliminated THREE competitors! Meanwhile, in the rafters, CONFUSION blocks a punch from GUKAS, picks him up, and scoop slams him onto the hard steel rafter. The crowd groans at this. CONFUSION then turns, and puts his attention onto GECKO. GECKO smiles and shakes his head, and starts pointing at GUKAS. CONFUSION points at GUKAS as well, and then points at the edge of the scaffold. The two then make their way towards GUKAS as FOBYN gets ready for the double team with his partner..

Down below, TYKE MISON just looks up and watches, covering his head every so often when somebody stumbles and looks like they’re going to fall. In an effort to make things interesting, he gets out of the ring and starts throwing tables in! He sets them up randomly around the ring!

Back in the rafters, as GECKO and CONFUSION get near GUKAS, GUKAS jumps up and starts fighting off both men. FOBYN goes to help, but TWISTER grabs him! TWISTER and FOBYN struggle in the rafters as GUKAS fights off two men! A punch to the head of CONFUSION, a kick to the gut of GECKO, a headbutt to CONFUSION, and then a chop onto the chest of GECKO that's heard echoing across the arena. GUKAS then grabs GECKO and sets him up for a DDT, but is stopped when CONFUSION grabs GUKAS from the back. GUKAS is helpless as he is held by CONFUSION. GECKO then throws a punch to the face of GUKAS, but hits CONFUSION when GUKAS rolls out of the way. GUKAS then hits a leg sweep onto GECKO, putting him onto the scaffold. CONFUSION is still up. He goes after GUKAS, and locks in a bearhug. GUKAS yells in pain. GECKO just watches. After 30 seconds of this hold, CONFUSION breaks it. GUKAS falls to the rafters, exhausted. CONFUSION then starts kicking at GUKAS, pushing him close to the edge. As he's about to kick GUKAS off the top, GECKO runs at CONFUSION, and delivers a dropkick to the back of CONFUSION. CONFUSION is pushed forward, nearly going over, and then GUKAS hits a low blow, and pushes CONFUSION down, falling over 20 feet off the scaffold. CONFUSION lands on one of the tables provided by TYKE, shattering it into splinters. He just lays there, motionless.. Medics rush to the ring to assist CONFUSION. GECKO and GUKAS are still on top of the scaffold, looking down and catching their breath. They look at each other for a moment, then GUKAS reaches into his pocket. He pulls out.. A GUKAS and FOBYN T-SHIRT! The nerve! GECKO goes to snatch the shirt away, just as TWISTER turns and strikes him hard in the back! GECKO loses his footing! He falls, but grabs the shirt! GECKO is hanging off the rafter, but GUKAS is holding him up by the shirt the both have a grip on! All GUKAS has to do is let go, and GECKO will fall into a pile of shattered wood and steel! TYKE runs for cover.. But GUKAS doesn’t let go! He asks FOBYN to help him, and the two of them PULL GECKO back up! They SAVED HIM! GUKAS & FOBYN’s T-SHIRT saved GECKO! GECKO looks at the two men, but TWISTER goes to knock FOBYN off! GECKO sees this and MONKEY FLIPS TWISTER right off the scaffold! NO WAY!! TWISTER flies through the air and lands on his back hard in the center of the ring!! TYKE with the cover! ONE.. TWO.. THREE!! The three men left, GUKAS, FOBYN and GECKO, all look at each other, then up to the belt on the chain above them... but it’s GONE!! They all look around, and even TYKE looks concerned from below.. The spotlights start to roll around wildly, until they spot a glimmer of gold in the corner of the rafters on the far end of the arena near the entrance ramp! The cameras zoom in. Who is it? Is it JASON CASH? He sees he’s been spotted as he tries to escape wit the belt, so he heads out where all can see! It’s..

KID MONEY!! Former XWF Hart Champ KID MONEY is back to claim what he believes is rightfully his! It was KID MONEY that left the note on JONATHYN’s DOOR!

GUKAS, FOBYN and GECKO decide that they need to stop him, because without a belt, there can be no winner! The three men look for a way to get to where MONEY is, and they try to set up the ladder, but it only gets to the bottom of the chain! MONEY came from higher up! TYKE MISON springs into action and sets up a ladder to get the men down to the ring, where they can follow him from below! The three men climb down the ladder and run up the ramp, while TYKE stays in the ring, calling the drink guy in stands and ordering a lemonade..


JONATHYN finally makes it to the dressing room, and there, with a few other XWF stars, is JASON CASH! JASON reaches for some Fritos. JONATHYN, who has no idea that KID MONEY is back, starts yelling at CASH!

JONATHYN: CASH! Don’t do it!

CASH: What? I like Fritos!

JONATHYN: NO! Don’t do anything stupid! I know what you want, but just let me handle it! I don’t want to see you get hurt! You aren’t READY! Look! I’ve decided what I need to do to get you back up to speed!

CASH: Up to speed?

JONATHYN: I don’t even want you hanging around these heavyweight contenders!

CASH: So what does that mean? I’m suspended?

JONATHYN: No. You’re going to be wrestling on our NEW SHOW!

CASH: A new show?

JONATHYN: Saturday nights! IMPACT! And YOU will be a main eventer!

CASH: Really? Great! When do I start?

JONATHYN: Next Saturday, you’ve got a match against MIKE WOLF!

CASH: MIKE WOLF? But he’s like a jo.. Oh.. I get it.. Okay, boss. I’ll see you Saturday.

JONATHYN: No you won’t. I’m not hosting the show.


The shot heads back to STEEL and BLADE arriving at the "Ring of Dreams" site. SPOOK and JANDRO are waiting for them in the ring.

STEEL: Little pansies better be ready to get your asses handed to yourselves!!

JANDRO: Bring it on big boy!!

Elimination Tag Match

The bell rings and the match begins! STEEL is out there first against JANDROMYTE. JANDRO ducks under a punch attempt and grabs STEEL from behind, reverse neckbreaker! JANDRO is up and delivers a leg drop across the throat of STEEL!! JANDRO turns and runs off the ropes, but BLADE reaches over and clokcs him, falling JANDRO to the mat. STEEL picks up the clowns, inverted suplex!! STEEL rushes to the corner and scales the turnbuckle, he leaps high into the air, Monster Splash onto JANDRO!! JANDROMYTE is hurt! STEEL goes for the quick pin... 1...2....kickout! JANDRO gets a shoulder up!! STEEL picks JANDRO up and irish whips him into the ropes, SPOOK makes a blind tag on JANDRO and climbs the ropes!! JANDRO ducks under a clothesline attempt from STEEL, then ducks under another! STEEL turns around, missile dropkick from SPOOK!! SPOOK picks up STEEL and delivers a body slam, but here comes BLADE! BLADE is in the ring and he clotheslines SPOOK down to the mat!! BLADE turns around, and is met with a right hand from JANDRO!! All 4 men are in the ring!! Chaos has broken out!! STEEL is up as he grabs Spook, and delivers a powerbomb!! STEEL runs over and helps out BLADE as they double team JANDRO!! Rapid punches are being thrown into JANDRO's gut!! BLADE turns around and picks up SPOOK.. BLADERUNNER!!!!!!! BLADE just hit the Bladerunner on SPOOK! DAVID REES comes in to break up the Melee, and pushes both JANDRO and BLADE out of the ring. STEEL goes for the pin on SPOOK!! 1....2.....THREE!!!! SPOOK has been eliminated!! JANDRO can't believe it!! STEEL turns around and high fives BLADE as JANDRO steps into the ring. He circles a bit before him and STEEL hook up. STEEL gains the advantage as he whips JANDRO into the corner and delivers a shoulder block on JANDRO, sending him sprawling down to the mat.

All of a sudden, there is a change in wind. The blue sky turns a dark red and orange color. Again, the clouds separate, and a cold whisper ignites the sky...


STEEL and BLADE are in shock!! JANDRO grabs STEEL and whips him into the corner, right into DAVID REES!! REES is knocked out!!! SPOOK is looking all around, searching. But wait!!!!... BLADE is pulled off the ring side, and into the corn!! BLADE is gone!! STEEL turns to run after him, but is met by a clothesline from SPOOK!! SPOOK is back in the ring!! JANDRO and SPOOK double team STEEL!! JANDRO picks him up... JANDROBUSTER!! Then, SPOOK flips him around... SPOOK signals to JANDRO... CRAYOLA MAGIC!!!! STEEL isn't moving!! 1.. 2... THREE!! ELIMINATED!


Where is that coming from?!? The corn is rustling... here comes BLADE!! His clothes are torn, his face is bleeding. He looks in rough shape!! BLADE is exhausted, he gets in the ring and is wobbling around. Then, the Clowns turn and look out in the corn... a smaller figure comes leaping out of the corn...

Right on top of BLADE....

He applies the MONKEY WRENCH!!!

BLAIR IS BACK!!!! It's BLAIR!! The Clown's pet monkey!! SPOOK and JANDRO can't believe it! SPOOK turns and sees DAVID REES slowly shaking the cobwebs, he runs over and grabs BLAIR off of BLADE and slides out of the ring... REES gets up, as JANDRO whips BLADE to the ropes and comes back with a huge boot to the face! Can this be it? ONE.. TWO.. THREE!! BLAIR’s hold was enough to beat the champ! SPOOK AND JANDRO WIN BACK THE BELTS!


SPOOK and JANDRO are in the ring with BLAIR, savoring his return. Suddenly SPOOK gets a confused look on his face as he turns to BLAIR...

SPOOK: Hey! "If you build it, he will come"... You can't speak English! How did you do that????

Just then, a shooting star sails across the night sky. From off in the distance ... you can hear a faint... "NYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH". SPOOK and JANDRO just smile into the heavens...

SPOOK: Rest in Peace buddy.


In the back, GUKAS, FOBYN and GECKO are still searching for KID MONEY.. They are out in the garage area, and here comes a speeding car! LOOK OUT! GECKO and GUKAS fly out of the way and check themselves out afterward. They’re fine, but WHERE IS FOBYN? The car screeches to a halt, and FOBYN falls off the hood! NO!! FOBYN is hurt! The car is stopped, and KID MONEY gets out! GUKAS attacks him as GECKO runs to his new friend FOBYN’s aid. The camera zooms in.

GECKO: Are you alright?

FOBYN: I’ll be alright.. you.. You just get that belt. Don’t let MOEY win.. You get him.. Get him for me..

GECKO: I’ve got to get you help. I can’t leave you like this..

FOBYN: GO! I’ll be fine!

GECKO stands up and runs to the building to get medical help as GUKAS and KID MONEY fight over the belt! GUKAS grabs it and runs top speed toward the entrance!! KID MONEY follows!

Back in the arena, the crowd sees GUKAS running tot he ring, but KID MONEY stops him with a diving tackle on the ramp! The belt goes flying! It lands in the ring, and GUKAS and KID MONEY continue to beat the hell out of each other outside! As the battling continues, TYKE MISON sneaks into the ring though the back! NO!! He grabs the belt!! He straps it on! The bell rings!!


GUKAS hears the bell, and he looks up to see TYKE MISON wearing the belt! He gets ready to go after him,. But KID MONEY takes him down with a huge dropkick into the ring post! This battle is just beginning for these men!!

Pin To Win

STEVE, MAVERICK and LACEY are all ready in the ring circling each other. All three men charge at each other but just as LACEY and MAVERICK begin to hit STEVE jumps back and double clothes-lines them both. MAVERICK rolls out of the ring and LACEY jumps to his feet. LACEY and STEVE begin to fight like to animals in the middle of the ring. STEVE quickly gains the upper-hand and begins to toss LACEY around like a rag-doll. STEVE power-bombs LACEY onto the mat with real force! STEVE uses the rope for leverage to help him choke LACEY his his boot. STEVE rolls LACEY over and goes for a pin. NO PIN ALLOWED! MAVERICK stomps STEVE and picks him up. He throws him to the ropes and charges him at the same time. MAVERICK drives his knee into a running STEVE and STEVE flips over holding his gut. MAVERICK drags him up, and lifts him for a Samoan drop. MAVERICK goes for a cover. 1.. 2.. KICKOUT!! MAVERICK grabs STEVE's legs instead and puts him in the Texas Cloverleaf! STEVE struggles in pain but won't give up! MAVERICK applies more pressure but still STEVE will not quit! LACEY charges MAVERICK and knocks him down allowing STEVE to escape the pressure. LACEY picks up STEVE and begins chopping him across the chest. LACEY pushes him to the ropes, and catches STEVE with a big spine buster hurting STEVE's back even more! LACEY picks him up again, but STEVE counters with a low blow. MAVERICK now recovered approaches STEVE. STEVE throws a punch to MAVERICK’s mid-section, followed by another, stunning MAVERICK. STEVE rises to his feet, and puts MAVERICK in a power bomb set-up. He immediately lifts MAVERICK and drills him to the mat with a big power bomb! STEVE jumps up and drops the leg. STEVE with the cover. 1.. 2.. MAVERICK kicks out, and rolls out of the ring as fast as he can. He holds himself up on the apron, with the other hand on his back. STEVE grabs MAVERICK by the hair and pulls him up onto the apron. MAVERICK grabs him by the neck and hangs him over top rope. MAVERICK slides back in while STEVE’s on the ground. He gets to the second rope measuring him. MAVERICK leaps off the second rope with a big knee drop to STEVE’s face. MAVERICK with another cover! 1.. 2.. Kickout by the champ! STEVE gets up and begins to exchange lefts and rights with MAVERICK. MAVERICK body slams STEVE. STEVE stays down while LACEY gets up. LACEY runs up behind MAVERICK and punches him in the back of the head hard enough to send him over the top rope. STEVE sneaks up on LACEY and rolls him up into school-boy. 1. .2.. Kickout! LACEY kicks out of the pin combo at the last second. He regains the advantage as he clotheslines STEVE down to the ground. LACEY starts stomping STEVE in the stomach. He picks him up and tosses him to the ropes. STEVE comes back and LACEY hit’s a tilt-a-whirl back breaker on him. 1.… 2. NO! STEVE almost goes down for the three, and LACEY methodically continues, ready to finish off STEVE. LACEY drags STEVE up, and locks him in a full-nelson. He puts one foot in front, and slams STEVE’s face into the mat with a breakdown! LACEY with another cover! 1. . 2.. Kickout! LACEY kicks-out of the pin and catches STEVE in a Cross-Face-Chicken-Wing! MAVERICK slides into the ring to break the hold but it is too late, STEVE TAPS! RICK LACEY WINS! NEW CHAMPION!


RICK LACEY holds the belt up high, and heads up the ramp to the cheers of the fans. He gets about halfway up, when a big fan wearing an XWF basball cap jumps the barrier! HEY! GET THAT GUY before he does something! HE HUGS LACEY! LACEY seems a bit confused, but he moves away from the fan and shakes his hand. The black man asks his friend to take a picture as he pushes his long dreads out of his eyes. His friend quickly snaps a photo as the man shuts his eyes! The flash is UNBELIEVABLY BRIGHT, and it temporarily BLINDS LACEY! Suddenly, the fan grabs LACEY and hits a cradle piledriver! NO!! LACEY is DOWN! The fan’s cap falls off, then his WIG falls off!! The camera whips around to see..

The crowd screams at the return of SEWASIDE! Officials come running down to grab him, and SEWASIDE heads up the ramp, escorted by several of them...

TYKE MISON sits in the back, looking at his HART belt. Without a word, CONFUSION stumbles in and grabs MISON’s head and smashes it against the water cooler! MISON fights back and pushes CONFUSION away and heads for the door, but standing in the doorway, blocking his path.. It’s GRAVY! GRAVY grabs MISON by the throat, and throws him at CONFUSION! The two men hit TYKE MISON with a double powerslam!! MISON is out cold! CONFUSION takes the belt off MISON and looks at it. He puts a sticker across the front of the belt! The camera zooms in on the belt after CONFUSION drops it across TYKE’s chest. The sticker says POWERPLAYERS! What does that mean? Are GRAVY and CONFUSION a tag team now?


CYREN and GOLDEN BOY both enter the cell as it’s lowered from the rafters! The two men don't wait for the cell to stop moving before the action begins.. CYREN runs at GOLDEN BOY attempting a clothesline, but to CYREN’s surprise GOLDEN BOY ducks, and nails CYREN with a uppercut.. GOLDEN BOY grabs CYREN by the hair tossing him into the cell, as it begins to rock back and fourth in the air.. The fans go nuts as the two men lock up CYREN hits reverse DDT. GOLDEN BOY shakes off the cobwebs and jumps back to his feet, as he in met with an Irish whip into the ropes, GOLDEN BOY bounces back, as CYREN goes for a dropkick, with GOLDEN BOY barley moving out of the way CYREN misses his target landing on his ass. GOLDEN BOY takes advantage of the situation, by drop kicking CYREN in the back on the head.. As CYREN’s head bounces off the cell, GOLDEN BOY helps CYREN up and goes for a suplex, but CYREN turns the move into a powerbomb on GOLDEN BOY.. GOLDEN BOY quickly gets back to his feet as he staggers around the ring for a moment giving CYREN enough time to climb the turn buckle and nail a devastating bulldog.. GOLDEN BOY is seeing starts by now, but CYREN shows no mercy as he rolls GOLDEN BOY up for a pin NO.. KICK OUT! CYREN becomes aggravated as GOLDEN BOY escapes the pin, so he give GOLDEN BOY a stiff elbow to the face! Blood starts to drain from the nose of GOLDEN BOY, but GOLDEN BOY manages to make it back to his feet.. GOLDEN BOY comes up from behind on CYREN hitting a nicely executed brainbuster.. CYREN goes down with authority, but doesn’t stay down long as GOLDEN BOY helps him back to him feet before nailing a dragon suplex. Soon after CYREN stumbles around the ring trying to figure out where he is, just then GOLDEN BOY grabs CYREN by the right arm and whips him into the ropes, but CYREN comes back with a swift kick the mid-section. GOLDEN BOY falls down in tremendous pain holding his nuts.. CYREN recovers from the brutal moves executed earlier in the match.. Both men are back on there feet now, as they lock up testing each others strength. GOLDEN BOY wins at that game as he knees CYREN in the guts, then hits a vertical suplex! CYREN is down, but GOLDEN BOY jumps on top of CYREN giving his few punches to the face. GOLDEN BOY gets up, and kicks the door of the cell open! The fans start to cheer in anticipation of what’s going to happen next.. CYREN finally makes it back to his feet but doesn't notice the cell door has been kicked open.. CYREN charges at GOLDEN BOY buts GOLDEN BOY catches CYREN by the neck hitting a swinging neck breaker which shakes the cell as CYREN hits the mat hard! GOLDEN BOY helps CYREN back to his feet, as he whips CYREN into the ropes CYREN bounces off coming right towards GOLDEN BOY and the open door of the cell! GOLDEN BOY simply moves of the way as CYREN flies out of the cage and falls on the ground outside! GOLDEN BOY goes after him! He starts beating CYREN’s head against the side of the cell once! Twice! Three times! He tries for another, but CYREN blocks it and slams GOLDEN BOY’s head into the cell! CYREN then decides to take the match to the next level, and he CLIMBS THE CELL!! The fans start cheering wildly as GOLDNEN BOY looks up and FOLLOWS HIM TO THE TOP! On the top of the cell, CYREN starts stomping on GOLDEN BOY’s fingers to knock him down, but GOLDEN BOY makes it to the top and rolls to the enter of the cell roof. The two men face off on the roof of the cell and the fans are screaming! GOLDEN BOY grabs CYREN, but CYREN knocks him with a forearm. GOLDEN BOY lets go, as CYREN hits him with another forearm, and then another. CYREN hip tosses GOLDEN BOY, and as CYREN runs toward him, GOLDEN BOY gets to his feet and kicks him in the head. CYREN holds his face as GOLDEN BOY charges at him and knocks down CYREN. GOLDEN BOY hits a leg drop. He goes for the COVER! 1.. 2.. Kickout! GOLDEN BOY gets back up pulling CYREN up, but CYREN punches GOLDEN BOY in the stomach. GOLDEN BOY still tries to hold on to CYREN, as CYREN keeps punching him in the stomach. CYREN grabs GOLDEN BOY’s shoulders and hits a jaw breaker. GOLDEN BOY holds his jaw as he turns around. GOLDEN BOY turns back around and CYREN hits him with a famouser! CYREN covers 1…2…Kickout! GOLDEN BOY still down, CYREN jumps up to hit him with a SPLASH! But GOLDEN BOY rols out of the way, putting a dent in the cell roof! GOLDEN BOY picks him up and hits CYREN with a powerbomb! The dent becom,es greater, and CYREN scrambles to his feet! GOLDEN BOY takes several shots in the face from CYREN, pushing him to the edge of the cell! CYREN sees that GOLDEN BOY is punch drunk, so he backs up to nail him with a huge superkick! He goes for the kick, but GOLDEN BOY grabs CYREN’s foot and drops down, pulling the leg over his head and LAUNCHING CYREN over his head, and OFF THE ROOF!! CYREN FALLS 20 FEET FROM THE CAGE! NO!! CYREN SMACKS INTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE WITH A SICKENING THUD! The crowd breaks out into an insane "HOLY S**T" Chant. GOLDEN BOY sees CYREN lying on his back as officials try to move the shatter wood from around him so they can help him out. He yells at the officials to get out of the way! WHAT? The official look up and yell at him, but GOLDEN BOY is motioning for the GOLDEN SHOWER! The staff jumps out the way, and GOLDEN BOY leaps off the cell!! GOLDEN SHOWER FROM TWENTY FEET!! CYREN MOVES OUT OF THE WAY!! GOLDEN BOY hits the ground hard!! Both men are wrecked!! After about three minutes of wild cheering and chanting from the fans, CYREN amazingly gets to his feet!! He picks up GOLDEN BOY and sets him up for a tombstone piledriver! BANG! GOLDEN BOY is down! CYREN stumbles across the floor and leans on the side of the cell to stay on his feet. But WHAT’S THIS? PRIVATE GREY jumps out from under the ring dressed in his old WANNABE attire! He’s been under there all night!! The crowd cheers as WANNABE grabs a chair, surely here to nail his old nemesis GOLDEN BOY. GOLDEN BOY sees WANNABE and starts shouting at him. The referee tries to pull him away as CYREN charges at GOLDEN BOY. GOLDEN BOY pulls the referee into the way and CYREN nails him knocking him down. GOLDEN BOY goes for CYREN but CYREN hits his finisher. WANNABE slides into the ring as CYREN covers...and brings the chair crashing down across CYREN's back! CYREN cringes in pain as he gets to his feet. The crowd are stunned and so is CYREN. WANNABE looks like he's thinking about something and then swings the chair hitting CYREN in the face! WANNABE rolls out of the ring and watches as GOLDEN BOY climbs to the top of the cell again!! WANNABE kicks CYREN a few more times, and GOLDEN BOY motions for the SHOWER one more time!! WANNABE moves out of the way.. GOLDEN BOY concentrates all his remaining energy and leaps off the cell again!! THE SECOND GOLDEN SHOWER FROM THE TOP OF THE CELL!! BANG!! HE NAILS IT THIS TIME!! CYREN IS OUT! ONE.. TWO... THREE!! GOLDEN BOY IS THE NEW UNIVWERSAL CHAMPION!! THERE’S GOING TO BE SOME SERIOUS BITCHING TOMORROW WHEN CYREN WAKES UP!!




AUGUST 31, 2003