- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -

The show opens up backstage to where the parking lot is being shown. A sleek black stretch limo pulls up and stops at the entrance. The driver steps out and opens the door for the passenger. Out steps new UNIVERSAL CHAMP FRED L! FRED walks over to security to sign in as the limo pulls off. He looks a bit concerned. 504 BOY is not with him. As FRED signs in he turns his head to the security officer...

Security: FRED! Hey, congrats on the big win last night! I knew you could do it!

FRED L: Thanks.. I appreciate that.. Hey, has 504 BOY signed in yet?

Security: Sorry man, I haven't seen him all night.

FRED sets down the clipboard and nods to the security man as he walks off. He heads towards the DEVSASTATION INC dressing room thinking that 504 BOY might be there. When he enters the room, he finds the lights are turned off and that no one is there. An odd look comes over FRED's face as if something is up. He quickly whips out his cell phone and dials a number as he sits down in a leather chair. He waits feverishly as the phone rings on the other end. A stranger picks up..


FRED L: Hello? Um.. is 504 BOY there?

I'm sorry, 504 BOY can't come to the phone right now. He's, how can I say, a little TIED UP at the moment.

A chuckle is heard from the other line as a worried look comes over FRED’s face.

FRED L: What the hell do you mean he can't come to the phone right now! Now you get 504's ass on the phone this instant or I SWEAR, I WILL...

Gotta go, champ! Bye Bye...

The person on the other line hangs up and FRED L puts away his cell phone furiously. He sits in the chair for a few seconds pondering on what to do before jumping out of his seat and charging out the door. The cameras try to follow FRED but he slams the door behind him and the show cuts to a shot of the crowd.

The fans are still going crazy after the groundbreaking match last night that re-introduced FIFTEEN XWF stars to the active roster, as well as three additional stars in other parts of the huge event. Signs of “WELCOME BACK” are seen for a variety of the stars that made triumphant returns to the ring last night.. The fans cheer even louder as “My Name’s Jon Brown” hits the PA, and XWF Owner JONATHYN makes his way down the ramp! He’s alone, and he looks concerned as he rolls into the ring and addresses the crowd.

JONATHYN: Well.. What can I say.. The XWF survived the Rumble.. And it c=brought GOOD NEWS and BAD NEWS.. The good news is.. The return of names like STEVE JASON, WANNABE, AI KAKASHI, DIABOLIQUE, the list goes on..

The crowd cheers for the returning stars!

JONATHYN: But the BAD NEWS... We got some real garbage last night too. The worst of them being KILLJOY, ADAM and KORE..

The crowd cheers loudly for JONATHYN’s three biggest enemies. JONATHYN looks a bit upset by the positive reaction.

JONATHYN: Well.. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, because I had to make some tough decisions.. If I plan to keep this show under control, I’m going to need some heavy firepower on my side.. And sometimes, in order to win the battle, you have to take sides with the enemy.. So I’m going to bite the bullet and choose the lesser of two evils.. So BIGG RIGG, please come out here!!

The fans cheer wildly as JONATHYN has just called out BIGG RIGG!! Is he planning to form an alliance with one of his greatest enemies? JONATHYN looks weary and saddened by his own decision as the fans look to the ramp for JOHN GAMBINO to arrive.


The crowd starts chanting..









Finally, WILD ORCHID steps out to the stage.. The fans seem upset that it 's not RIGG, but they're still happy to see ORCHID. She heads down to the ring with a mic as JONATHYN addresses her, a bit confused.

JONATHYN: Um.. Where’s your husband? Where’s RIGG?

ORCHID: He’s not here. He cut himself shaving, and he missed his plane.

The crowd isn’t buying it. Neither is JONATHYN.

JONATHYN: Oh COME ON. This is pathetic. He’s ashamed that he lost to FRED L, isn’t he? He’s afraid to show his face!

ORCHID: No. He couldn’t find his pants.

JONATHYN: Okay, look. I’m not here to badmouth your husband.. In fact, I WAS going to offer him a deal. I know he lost last night, and I know it was a tough loss for him.. I was going to give him another chance at the belt. But I needed something from him in return. I needed him to be the one that kept KORE and his gang in check. Let’s face it. RIGG is the only one that can handle KORE, and I was hoping I could get him to help me out this one time. Let’s face it, I am still the owner of this show, and with RIGG helping me to keep FRAN DAMAGE and BEAT, as well as KORE, KILLJOY and ADAM all in their place, I was willing to make it worth it for him.. But if he’d rather shrivel up and get fat at home playing with his XBox.. MAybe I made a bad choice. I guess FRED L won the battle AND the war..

The fans cheer FRED L’s name.

JONATHYN: Now FRED can go down in history as the man who ended BIGG RIGG’s career. That’s pretty impressive.

ORCHID: Hold on. I never said he was finished wrestling! He just didn’t want to come here toni..

JONATHYN: A-HA!! He didn’t WANT to come here! But you said he MISSED HIS PLANE!

ORCHID: He DID! He didn’t want to.. I mean.. He forgot to..

JONATHYN: Look, ORCHID. Your husband has two options.. He can come back here and help me out so he can get another shot at the belt, or he can just STAY HOME FOREVER, making whatever money he can signing autographs at the Boat Show. It’s his call. He was my first choice, but not my only one. You tell him that he needs to suck it up and be a man. I’m not here to change anyone’s diapers. Especially not the only person in the XWF who’s a bigger DIVA than YOU.

The fans cheer at JONATHYN’s sudden re-growth of balls.. ORCHID turns and is about to walk out, but she stops in her tracks and faces JONATHYN

ORCHID: Hold on. You want RIGG, well what about ME?

JONATHYN: What about you?

ORCHID: I won a match to become the number one contender for the Women’s title! Where’s my title match?

JONATHYN: You want your title match? Okay! Let’s do THIS then! You’ll get your title match in TWO WEEKS, right here on MASSACRE.. But ONLY if your husband shows up here NEXT WEEK! IF you can produce RIGG, you get your shot.. If NOT, there will be a Women’s Rumble to determine a NEW Number One contender!

ORCHID: That’s not fair!

JONATHYN: Neither is your husband ducking out on his responsibilities as one of the biggest stars in the XWF! So GET WITH IT!

The fans cheer as ORCHID stares at JONATHYN for a moment, then heads out of the ring..

JONATHYN: Now let’s get MY SHOW started!!

- - Standard Match - -

The bell rings and both competitors eye each other up while moving in a counter-clockwise circle. MYSTIC MAULER lunges in at MICHAEL GRAVES and they begin to grapple. MAULER gets the upper hand and uses an arm drag to take GRAVES to the ground and then rolls the movie into an arm scissors. GRAVES breaks out of the early hold quickly and both men get to their feet. MAULER is the first to attack once again and is now hitting GRAVES with a series of toekicks, punches, and cross-body chops. GRAVES leans against the ropes for support and MYSTIC irish whips him off the ropes and nails a running clothesline. MYSTIC grabs GRAVES leg and goes for the cover..... 1.... KICKOUT! MAULER picks GRAVES up from the mat and begins to slap him around once again after a suplex. He puts GRAVES into a headlock, getting ready for a DDT, but GRAVES counters by pushing MYSTIC MAULER to the mat. MAULER jumps to his feet but MICHAEL GRAVES is already charging at him and connects with a flying dropkick to the chest. MYSTIC pops back up but recieves another dropkick, and another. GRAVES drags MAULER over to the ropes and double karate chops him before trying for the pin with a schoolBOY. 1.... 2...... KICKOUT! GRAVES grabs MYSTIC MAULER by his hair and kicks him in the gut to set him up for a powerbomb. He delivers the devestating move and picks MYSTIC MAULER right up again and delivers another powerful move, the belly to back suplex. GRAVES irish whips MYSTIC MAULER and goes for a roundhouse kick in the middle of the ring but MAULER ducks, bounces off the ropes and knocks GRAVES down with a bulldog. Taking advantage of GRAVES being stunned for a few moments, MYSTIC picks up MICHAEL GRAVES and knees him in the gut a couple of times before bringing GRAVES' head straight into the mat with a spiked ddt! GRAVES is lying on the mat sprawled out not knowing where he is. MYSTIC MAULER slides his body onto GRAVES and goes for the pin. 1..... 2.... KICKOUT! Out of nowhere GRAVES kicks out! MAULER is furious and cannot believe that GRAVES kicked out. MAULER mule kicks GRAVES and then frankensteiners him before whipping him into the turnbuckle facefirst. He can barely stand up! MICHAEL GRAVES is holding onto the turnbuckle to stop himself from falling! MYSTIC MAULER charges at GRAVES and at the last second out of nowhere GRAVES pushes himself out of the way and MYSTIC collides fast first with the turnbuckle. GRAVES stumbles over to MAULER and lifts them both to the top turnbuckle and holds MAULER like he is going to maneuver a fallaway slam. MICHAEL GRAVES then leaps from teh top rope and flips like a moonsault, landing on MYSTIC MAULER in his arms. GRAVES flies off of MAULER from the impact and MYSTIC flips over onto his belly. GRAVES crawls on the mat over to MYSTIC MAULER and pushes him over and lays his hand over MAULER'S chest. 1...... 2........ THREE!


In the back, a custom fire engine red LIMO pulls up. The driver hops out and scurries around to the back door. Opening it, he steps aside as a black leather boot hits the pavement. The camera pulls back to reveal.. KORE!! KORE steps out and surveys the surroundings. After a moment, ADAM R and KILLJOY step out behind him, and the three make their way into the arena without a word..

- - Standard Match - -

DEMETRI doesn't even wait for the bell to ring and lunges at GRAVY. GRAVY is hit with blows from left and right, he tries to put up his hands to block but it seems that DEMETRI is swinging to fast for him. From a dragon-screw leg sweep, GRAVY crashes to the ground. He picks himself only to blindsided from behind with a bulldog and more shots to the face along with an eye gouge and facebuster. DEMETRI picks up GRAVY and puts him in a dragon sleeper, he lets go of the hold and GRAVY stumbles towards the ropes and slides out from the ring to regain his composure... 1... 2... 3... DEMETRI begins to yell insults at GRAVY who ignores them... 4... 5... 6...GRAVY turns to come back inside the ring but is met with a baseball slide to the face... 7... 8... DEMETRI picks up GRAVY from the floor and throws him back into the ring and follows. GRAVY is on all fours and beginning to bring himself to his feet but DEMETRI knocks him down with a sharp kick to his gut. GRAVY lets out a slight yell of pain but doesn't fall to the mat from the blow. DEMETRI keeps kicking GRAVY in the gut and knees until GRAVY collapses and rolls over onto his belly. DEMETRI gets on top of GRAVY and begins to punch him in the face, he takes a break to yell some words and GRAVY and then bites GRAVY's nose! The ref shoves DEMETRI and gets him to stop and tells him that if he does that again he will DQ him. DEMETRI gets off of GRAVY but then gets right back down next to him and applies an arm scissors and holds it for about twenty seconds. DEMETRI picks him up and GRAVY receives a flap jack. He is picked up again and this time Irish whipped off the ropes. DEMETRI gets ready to clothesline GRAVY but somehow he ducks and misses getting hit. GRAVY bounces off the ropes and charges DEMETRI but meets a big boot to the face, spinning GRAVY in the air! DEMETRI positions GRAVY near a turnbuckle and climbs to the middle rope and jumps off, landing on GRAVY's wrist. GRAVY shrieks out in pain and rolls over to nurse his wrist. DEMETRI picks GRAVY up and slaps him across the face a couple of times before bringing GRAVY to the mat with a spear. DEMETRI locks in a Greco-Roman Arm Lock. The ref looks for GRAVY to give up...GRAVY yells out in pain but fights back...the referee looks for the tap once again...DEMETRI pulls the arm lock tighter...GRAVY resists....DEMETRI pulls it even tighter...the ref checks for submission...GRAVY SUBMITS! The ref calls for the bell but DEMETRI seems to not stop. GRAVY begins to yell out in pain and the ref tries to pull DEMETRI off GRAVY but cannot seem to. All of a sudden a loud crack is heard and GRAVY cries out even louder. After hearing this DEMETRI must be pleased because he lets the ref grab him off GRAVY and take him outside the ring. EMTS rush down the ramp as DEMETRI stands in the ring with an evil smirk across his face.


DEMETRI picks up a microphone..

DEMETRI: Last night, you saw the rebirth of DEMETRI.. I’m not interested in being looked at like the loser anymore, and tonight was just an example of what I plan to do from now on.. My only regret is that GRAVY here had to be the first one to see what I’m planning for the XWF.. I’m not here to make friends, and I’m not here to form alliances.. I’m here to HURT PEOPLE and use them to get to the top.. My first goal will be that poor fool SCORPIO. He thought he won that match with skill and ability? HA! Mark my words. I am going to beat him down, take his belt, and END HIS CAREER, all in ONE MATCH.. From now on, PAIN is spelled D-E-M-E-T-R-I..

DEMETRI drops the microphone and heads up the ramp.

In the back, we see JEN JETSON standing watching MASSACRE on a screen. Behind her we hear a few steps. Suddenly we see a finger tap her on the shoulder and she turns around to see FAITH MARSTERS staring her straight in the eyes! She has on her huge black trench coat.

JEN JETSON: What the hell do you want?

FAITH: To see you JEN, now that you haven’t got your big strong BOYfriend DOMINATOR with you to help.

JEN JETSON: He didn’t help me kick you down last night!

FAITH: I know he didn’t JEN, but it was two on one and he would have attacked me but now I have you own my own and YOU know what that means...

JEN JETSON: And what might that be, BITCH?

FAITH grabs her by her hair and punches her straight in the face! She kicks JEN in the gut and JEN falls to the floor! JEN grabs FAITH’S legs and she falls down! JEN regains her balance but FAITH scissor swipes her and jumps up while JEN falls down to the ground. FAITH spits in her face and as a normal reaction JEN puts her hands up against her face to wipe the spit off. FAITH kicks her in the gut as hard as she can and JEN grabs her stomach in pain.

FAITH: Let’s my special “welcome back” present for you. Do you like it?

FAITH grabs JEN’s hair and pulls her towards the steps before giving her the TWIST OF FATE! FAITH throws off her trench coat and runs up the steps and looks at JEN lying there. FAITH runs and jumps off the top of the steps and turns her jump into a perfect FAITH-SAULT! FAITH has Faith-saulted JEN JETSON! JEN rolls around in pain and FAITH stands up looking down at her, proud of her work.

FAITH: Welcome back BITCH!

FAITH grabs her trench coat and walks off smiling while a few people run over to JEN. The screen fades…

New merchandise coming soon! SEND IN YOUR REQUESTS NOW!

JONATHYN is seen heading down the hall, a bit concerned that his plan to form an alliance with RIGG has hit a snag.. He turns a corner, but is met face-to-face with FRAN DAMAGE! JONATHYN takes a startled step back, nearly falling over.

FRAN: Relax, Cupcake. I’m not gonna hurt you. I just thought I’d see what it was you were planning for Mr. RIGG before he pulled out in the middle of your date..

JONATHYN: Look, FRAN. You got your way. You brought the crap back into the fed. Congratulations. But you also taught me a valuable lesson. I will NEVER, EVER, trust you again, and your days of calling the shots in the XWF are OVER. COMPLETELY OVER. AS far as I’m concerned, your job here can be JANITOR. You’re DONE making decisions. I wouldn’t even trust you to pick out what paper plates we use for the catering table..

FRAN: I’d go with Dixie brand. Very sturdy, and microwavable.. But that’s not important. You don’t seem to realize that what I did was the RIGHT THING. I brought back the names that the FANS wanted to see! Look at KORE! The fans LOVE KORE! And now that BIG PUSSY is gone AGAIN, you need a big name to take FRED LAME out of the top spot!

JONATHYN: You think I’m going to give KORE a UNIVERSAL SHOT?

FRAN: I KNOW you are.

JONATHYN: And why is that?

FRAN: Because if you don’t, my man BETA will hit you so hard, by the time you stop spinning, your clothes will be out of style.

JONATHYN: You know what, FRAN. I’m not interested in your bully threats anymore.. I’m taking my fed back, and you can’t push me around with idle threats of petty violence. GET A LIFE, FRANCIS.

JONATHYN turns and walks away, and the camera zooms in on FRAN’s eyes, which suddenly turn beet red with rage..


FRAN DAMAGE charges at JONATHYN and knocks him down from behind! BETA instinctively joins him, and the two men start putting the boots to JONATHYN!! It’s a two-on-one assault on the boss!! After a few seconds, referees and security come running over, and they pull FRAN and BETA off JONATHYN, who is rolled up in a ball to protect himself.

- - Standard Match - -

BRETT SIMMONS is already down in the ring with the referee when THOMAS DAVIS' music hits and he comes walking out by the X-Tron. He goes to taunt the crowd but is booed because of his actions last night at the Pay Per View. He takes no affect to them and goes walking down to the ring anyway, getting in while BRETT SIMMONS is talking something over with the referee. While seeing his back turned THOMAS DAVIS bum rushes BRETT SIMMONS knocking him down and just goes off wailing on him with left and rights to then start stomping on him. The ref has to pull THOMAS DAVIS away and shove him into his neutral corner before having the bell rung. From hearing it rung though, THOMAS DAVIS again runs across the ring bum rushing BRETT SIMMONS who is just hardly getting to his feet. THOMAS DAVIS tackles BRETT SIMMONS down to the mat and starts punching him over and over again. BRETT SIMMONS reverses it and rolls over now on top of THOMAS DAVIS and starts wailing on him with hard rights and forearms. The two keep fighting and rolling until they fall right out ring. Both men quickly get to their feet and just pounce on one another right away while the ref is trying to break the two men up and telling them to go back into the ring. Finally the ref is able to get them break up only for a split second where THOMAS DAVIS then runs grabbing BRETT SIMMONS and whips him into the steel steps! He then rolls back into the ring as the ref sees him and not BRETT SIMMONS. The ref then starts up the 10-count from BRETT SIMMONS not being in the ring. 1...... 2...... 3....... 4....... 5........ and BRETT SIMMONS is back up to his feet and getting up onto the ring apron. THOMAS DAVIS then walking over grabs a hold of him and runs him over to steel ringpost in an attempt to smash his face. BRETT SIMMONS then reverses and smashes THOMAS DAVIS' face into the top turnbuckle only to then climb back into the ring. Upon getting in he grabs up THOMAS DAVIS and whips him across the ring while running back himself and bouncing off the ropes. Upon the two coming back they both jump with flying crossbodies only to collide together in the air!!! The two of them come crashing down hard as the referee goes to check on them. THOMAS DAVIS then slowly rolls over and starts to get up to his feet first as BRETT SIMMONS is doing the same. THOMAS DAVIS then walks over and grabs BRETT SIMMONS throwing him into the steel ringpost and begins choking him down to the mat. The referee tries to stop him but THOMAS DAVIS shoves him away knocking him over. From out of nowhere though 504 BOY is seen up at the top by the X-Tron all bandaged up from his PPV Match. He comes running down without THOMAS DAVIS even seeing him coming and jumps up onto the ring apron as THOMAS DAVIS had now stood up. 504 BOY grabs THOMAS DAVIS and whips him around while hooking his head. He then lifts THOMAS DAVIS up and suplexes him to the outside on the concrete below!! 504 BOY jumps down and yanks off the foam padding over the concrete exposing it. He then picks up a hurting THOMAS DAVIS when.... SLAM!!!! 504 BOY just Buya Bombed THOMAS DAVIS on the concrete outside the ring!!! 504 BOY then picks up a knocked out looking THOMAS DAVIS and rolls him back into the ring. He pulls BRETT SIMMONS on top of THOMAS DAVIS then takes off up the ramp as the referee starts coming to and the ref sees SIMMONS on top of DAVIS! He counts! ONE.. TWO.. THREE!! WHAT AN UPSET! BRETT SIMMONS WINS!!


The ref goes to raise SIMMONS’ hand, but WAIT A SECOND! Here comes KORE!! The crowd erupts as last night’s biggest shock steps out to the stage!

KORE: Pardon me, Mister Referee.. But I think I need to correct you on something. You just made the WRONG CALL.

The ref looks up the ramp at KORE, as if to say “What are you talking about?”

KORE: Here. Allow me. Could we roll the replay of the end of that match please?

After a moment, a shot of the end of the match rewinds on the X-Tron... The tape stops, and starts to roll at mid-match

The referee tries to stop him but THOMAS DAVIS shoves him away
knocking him over. From out of nowhere though 504 BOY is seen up
at the top by the X-Tron all bandaged up from his PPV Match. He comes
running down without THOMAS DAVIS even seeing him coming and
jumps up onto the ring apron as THOMAS DAVIS had now stood up.
504 BOY grabs THOMAS DAVIS and whips him around while hooking
his head. He then lifts THOMAS DAVIS up and suplexes him to the
outside on the concrete below!! 504 BOY jumps down and yanks off
the foam padding over the concrete exposing it. He then picks up a
hurting THOMAS DAVIS when.... SLAM!!!!
504 BOY just Buya Bombed THOMAS DAVIS on the concrete outside
the ring!!! 504 BOY then picks up a knocked out looking THOMAS DAVIS
and rolls him back into the ring. He pulls BRETT SIMMONS on top of
THOMAS DAVIS then as the referee starts coming to and the ref sees
SIMMONS on top of DAVIS!..

KORE: As you can clearly see from that replay, there was OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE, and that’s CHEATING! So now it’s up to you, Mister Referee.. Do the right thing!

The ref looks at KORE for a moment, as the truck rewinds the tape on more time for his viewing..

The referee tries to stop him but THOMAS DAVIS shoves him away
knocking him over. From out of nowhere though 504 BOY is seen up
at the top by the X-Tron all bandaged up from his PPV Match. He comes
running down without THOMAS DAVIS even seeing him coming and
jumps up onto the ring apron as THOMAS DAVIS had now stood up.
504 BOY grabs THOMAS DAVIS and whips him around while hooking
his head. He then lifts THOMAS DAVIS up and suplexes him to the
outside on the concrete below!!..

The ref walks down to the ring announcer.. There’s a brief pause as KORE looks on..



The crowd reacts with an angry yell and KORE looks quite pleased with himself..

KORE: That’s right! I’m back, and this time, I’M NOT LETTING ANYTHING RUIN MY SHOW!! This is going to be BY THE BOOK! 504 BOY is a dirty RULE BREAKER, and I am the SOLUTION to all the XWF’s PROBLEMS!! IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT, COME TALK TO ME. I’M EASY TO FIND..

In the back, 504 BOY looks furious at what KORE just did.. FRED L approaches him, looking relieved that he’s here and okay.

FRED L: HEY! What happened to you? I called the hotel, and some guy answered.. He said you were tied up.. What’s going on?

504 BOY: I WAS tied up.. Literally. Somebody doesn’t want me here..

FRED L: Who was it?

504 BOY: That’s just it, I DON’T KNOW.. But whoever it was, they can’t tie a knot to save their lives. All I know is I’m going to have to put my hate for KORE on hold until I can figure out who the hell just tried to sabotage my ability to be on this show! Whoever it is, they can expect a nice fat BUYA BOMB once I find them!!

FRED L: I’m with ya. Don’t even worry about KORE. That guy’s a punk. He’ll be gone in a week just like last time.

504 BOY: I hope so. I hate that guy. All those GNL A-Holes..

FRED L: Amen to that. I’m just glad you’re okay, brother.

504 BOY: Thanks, man..

- - X-Treme Rules - -

BETA and SHADOWS are already in the ring, as FRAN DAMAGE is on BETA's side and MEGAN is on SHADOWS side. as the bell sounds. Both of the men are busy moving around the ring, looking for an opening. BETA is the first to take a course of action, though, as he dives at SHADOWS, attempting a chop block. SHADOWS moves to his side and hit's an elbow right into the spine of BETA, who flops down to the canvas with an audible plop! SHADOWS quickly scurries over to the turnbuckle. He mounts it, and then signals to the crowd. BETA gets up only to get blindsided by a Hurricanrana from the airborne SHADOWS. Both men impact on the ground so hard, SHADOWS pops into the air, and rolls out of the ring. Unfortunately for him it's on the ringside with FRAN DAMAGE. DAMAGE immediately starts laying kicks on SHADOWS, who has no defense. From behind though, MEGAN jumps onto DAMAGE's back, and tries to choke him. DAMAGE though, just flips her over himself, making her land on her charge, SHADOWS. By now BETA has regained cognizance, and taken to flight. BOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! HE HIT'S A 450 SPLASH ON SHADOWS!!!!! THERE ARE BODIES, BODIES EVERYWHERE!!!! DAMAGE looks on smiling, but he smiles no more, as MEGAN hit's a low blow on him! DAMAGE hold's his knees and WHAT....IT'S JONATHYN!!!! HE'S MARCHING DOWN THE RAMPWAY! HE LOOKS PISSED! He has a bat in his hand, as he slides into the ring. BETA had just slid in as well, and dopily turns around, only to get cracked in the head by JONATHYN! DAMAGE looks livid! He tries to get inside the ring, but MEGAN jumps on top of him, out of nowhere, as SHADOWS crawls into the ring, draping an arm over BETA. ONE....... TWO....... THREE!!!!!! SHADOWS WINS!! SHADOWS WINS!!!!!

FRAN DAMAGE AND JONATHYN are staring one another down, but neither is making a move. As the wrestler's make their way up the ramp, so does JONATHYN backpedaling, smirking at FRAN DAMAGE and BETA, as he pulls a microphone from his back pocket.

JONATHYN: Hey, guess what FRANCIS! NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, gets away with ASSAULTING ME!

JONATHYN motions for people to come from the back, as rows of police officers begin filing down the rampway. FRAN's eyes are wide open as he shakes his head, even as he and his charge, are handcuffed. The irate owner continues speaking on the rampway.


JONATHYN watches as FRAN and BETA are pulled out of the arena. He follows behind, leaving SHADOWS and MEGAN in the ring alone..


Suddenly, the lights dim and AZURAIN SHADOWS and MEGAN confusedly look up at the ramp. "Black No.1" by Type O Negative begins to play. RAZIEL comes out onto the ramp with a crutch under each arm. A mic is in his one hand. He comes to a stop and leans on one crutch raising the mic.

RAZIEL: Well, Well, Well! If it isn't AZURAIN SHADOWS and his little bitch MEGAN! Hey guys! How you doin!? Good I hope? Well not for long either! You see...I am really pissed about last night...DYNAMITE and myself lost to two bitches who don't deserve those titles! And on top of that, I am suffering a career ending injury in my leg at the moment! So I need to vent my anger on someone! Why not you two? You guys thought you were tough screwing up my matches before the PPV! So let's go right now!

RAZIEL begins to go down the ramp on his crutches and AZURAIN beckons him with a grin on his face. RAZIEL stops in his tracks and thinks it over.

RAZIEL: You know what...On second thought...The guys behind you can have their fun with you!

AZURAIN and MEGAN turn around to see three men walking towards them with grins on their faces. DYNAMITE is one. THOMAS DAVIS is another, and the mystery man who helped out RAZIEL the week before are in the ring. AZURAIN tries to attack them but DAVIS grabs him and throws him out of the ring. MEGAN tries to retreat but RAZIEL hits her from the outside in the face with a crutch. She falls back into DYNAMITE's hands and he smiles. He picks her up and slams her onto the mat with a powerbomb. Mystery man kicks her out of the ring and they all smile looking out at the crowd. AZURAIN enters the ring again and hits DYNAMITE from behind. MYSTERY MAN quickly hits a clothesline that sends AZURAIN spinning.

RAZIEL: That's my BOY, LIAM! I knew I thought you everything!

DYNAMITE gets to his feet and pats LIAM on the shoulder. The three men stand in the ring while RAZIEL stands on the outside.

RAZIEL: You know anger isn't guess what...we will continue this every week. These three men! LIAM, DYNAMITE, and DAVIS will express my anger in the ring since I cannot! Meet the newest force in the XWF! You will be seeing a lot of us, so GET READY!! And beware... ha ha... BEWARE!

"Black No. 1" begins to play again as the four men exit the arena.

After the Rumble, the poison is back in the XWF.. It’s time to prescribe some MEDICINE..


After the break, KORE is sitting in a furnished room in the back, chatting with ADAM R and KILLJOY.

KORE: ..and I can’t believe they actually RAN THE REPLAY! I thought for sure we’d have to go back there and f**k them up.

ADAM: They’re probably scared since we torched the other truck. They aren’t going to mess with us after that..

KILLJOY: They’re smarter than we gave them credit for.

KORE: Well now it looks like we have the whole place to ourselves. RIGG pussed out and left after he got spanked last night, so that totally opens the door for me to grab the Universal Title like I should have long ago.. And YOU, K.J! You’ve got the WORLD title to worry about!

ADAM: No kidding! Nice job.

KILLJOY: Yeah, but thanks to that dink-bag, MICHEAL GRAVES, I didn’t get a clean win, so I have to go through WANNABE to get my shot.

KORE: Don’t worry about WANNABE. He’s cool. I’ll talk to him and see if I can get him to give up the shot.

ADAM: GIVE UP THE SHOT? The guy’s been in the XWF longer than all of us COMBINED, and this is his first World Title shot! I don’t think he’s going to just HAND IT to you..

KILLJOY: Well then maybe we need to go over to ANARCHY and pay him a visit..

KORE: Perhaps.. For right now, let’s head over to the truck and see if the BOYs will do ONE MORE THING for us..

The ring is now adorned in red velvet, and the UNIVERSAL TITLE is sitting on a pedestal in the center of the ring. JONATHYN is there, still hurting from the FRAN/BETA attack, but looking professional in his suit jacket..

JONATHYN: Ladies and Gentlemen.. It is with great honor and joy that I present to you..

Suddenly, “Because I Got High” cranks across the arena, and ROB "SHADY" HARDY appears from behind the curtain! Almost instantly, the whole arena erupts in a frenzy of heat. ROB HARDY doesn't care much or he just doesn't notice the hatred from the fans as he slowly walks down the ramp, showing off the ACW Stars and Stripes Championship Belt over his shoulder. He gracefully slides into the ring in one fluid motion, springing up quickly. He's thrown a mic and he catches it without a problem.

ROB HARDY: I know what y'all thinking. Many, if not most of you, are thinking why the hell am I back in XWF? As many of you SHOULD remember, I left this place for ACW, and Jon didn't like that one bit. He didn't want to lose THIS talent!

The crowd boos.

ROB HARDY: I didn't give a damn about XWF; hell, in sadness, I STILL DON'T! Why am I back in XWF? I went to ACW, I kicked ass, and I WON THE TITLE! I was the best in ACW but I guess some people couldn't accept the fact that I am simply the best so ACW was forced to close. You know, JONATHYN said I spat in his and all the fans’ faces when I left last time. He said I would never be allowed back into the XWF! After ACW closed, I took advantage of an opportunity that was put before me like anyone else would. I guess JONATHYN didn't have me in mind when he booked that Deadline Rumble.

The crowd jeers. One fan can be heard shouting "YOU DIDN'T WIN!" ROB HARDY looks in the direction of the fan, he doesn't look too pleased.

ROB HARDY: Yeah, so I didn't win the Rumble. I was too good for that Deadline Rumble anyways! I didn't even want to win. I don't need a shot at the XWF title because the belt I already have, the ACW STARS AND STRIPES CHAMPIONSHIP, means a s**t load more. Nobody can tou--

ROB HARDY is finally interrupted by Jonathyn, who has heard enough..

JONATHYN: Wait wait wait! This is too funny! You came out here and brag about.. the ACW title?? A two-bit fed that got off the ground like the Wright Brothers first attempt at a plane? You better step up, BOY. This isn't the ACW anymore, it's the XWF! If you and your title are REALLY better than anyone, why don't you prove it?

ROB HARDY: Prove it? PROVE IT? I already PROVED myself by WINNING THIS TITLE! I don't need to prove myself to YOU.

JONATHYN: You won that cracker jack belt in the ACW!! I had a boil on my ASS that held a title in the ACW for a while! ..I don't think you heard me correctly. What I meant was.. if you are the best like you claim to be.. WHY DON'T YOU DEFEND YOUR LITTLE ACW TITLE RIGHT HERE IN THE XWF?!

ROB HARDY: DEFEND MY BELT?! F*** YOU! This is THE XWF, not THE ACW! You don't own the rights to the ACW Belt, I DO!! So, YOU CANNOT MAKE ME DEFEND IT!

JONATHYN: Well, HARDY, you entered the Deadline Rumble, so you’re under contract to me, so I can put you in whatever matches I very well feel like! You're right, however, I have no authority to make you defend the ACW Belt... but I do have authority to alter that title and make you the FIRST EVER XWF U.S CHAMPION! ...and guess what? Your first title defense is next week.. against.. DYANMIC DYNAMITE!

ROB HARDY looks a bit thrown by this, but he looks to JOANTHYN with pride, and storms off to prepare for his first title defense as the XWF U.S. CHAMPION! JOANTHYN shrugs it off like it’s nothing, even though he just invented a NEW BELT in the XWF. He continues..

JONATHYN: Where was I.. Ah yes.. Ladies and Gentlemen.. It is with great honor and joy that I present to you.. The man who shocked the XWF and the world last night. A man who worked up for the absolute bottom to get where he is today. Back in November, a young unknown arrived in the XWF, and appeared as an invited outsider in the Invitational Match at LORD OF THE RING.. And he showed himself to be a force to be reckoned with right off the bat.. Take a look at this..

The lights dim as the X-Tron lights up.

NOVEMBER 30, 2003’s immediately a THREE ON ONE! JAMES DRAVEN, XTREME and ANTONIO GAMBINO are all working over FRED L!! FRED L fights back, pushing RICH away and kicking XTREME in the gut, and then ANTONIO GAMBINO catches him in the ribs with a high boot, but FRED L grabs his foot and spins him for an ATOMIC DROP!! XTREME comes back and nails FRED L with a forearm shot! JAMES DRAVEN charges, but FRED L drops him with a punch to the forehead! ANTONIO GAMBINO gets up and drops FRED L with a DDT! The three men then push FRED L out of the ring!! The crowd cheers! But FRED L gets back in! JAMES DRAVEN goes after FRED L, but FRED L hoists him up in the air and tosses him high over the top rope!.. XTREME goes after FRED L with a chair. But FRED L ducks and the chair nails ANTONIO GAMBINO! FRED L boots XTREME in the stomach and DDT’s him!.. JAMES DRAVEN heads back into the ring with another chair! JAMES DRAVEN takes a swing at FRED L, and FRED L ducks and tosses him out of the ring with the momentum of the swing! XTREME and ANTONIO GAMBINO charge FRED L, and FRED L hip tosses ANTONIO GAMBINO out of the ring! FRED L is cleaning house!!

JONATHYN: As you can see, anyone who thinks FRED L is an overnight success, this just proves that this guy had the title in his sights since DAY ONE! As the owner of the XWF, I am very proud to officially introduce for the first time, the NEW XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPION..

Suddenly, "Crosstown Traffic" by Jimi Hendrix blasts across the arena and KORE steps out to the stage..

KORE: Hey! Hold on a second there! You showed the wrong clip! Can we cut to my pals in the truck please?

Suddenly, the X-Tron cuts to a dark shot from inside the production truck, where KILLJOY and ADAM are standing behind the show producer.

ADAM: Yo! What’s up, JONATHYN!


KORE: How we doing in there, boys?

ADAM: Looking good, KORE.

KILLJOY: We’ve got the correct flashback all cued up and ready to roll!


The lights dim as the X-Tron lights up.

NOVEMBER 30, 2003
..The crowd screams, as only ORTIZ and FRED L are left in the ring! FRED L looks at ORTIZ, and he charges! ORTIZ telegraphs it and hip tosses FRED L OVER THE TOP ROPE! But FRED L GRABS THE ROPE and lands on the apron! He’s still in this! ORTIZ had it won! ... KORE grabs FRED L, still on the apron, and pulls him off! FRED L lands hard on the floor below!

The shot returns to the ring, where JONATHYN is looking up at KORE.. KORE has a big grin on his face.

JONATHYN: Well that’s just great.

KORE: See? Who was the one who finally knocked your big champion out of the match? IT WAS ME!!

The fans cheer, realizing that fact is TRUE! It was KORE that knocked FRED L out of the LORD OF THE RING match six months ago!

JONATHYN: What’s your point, KORE?

KORE: My point is simple. Your CHAMPION can’t survive against me.. Not for a minute! And that’s why I am going to LET you put me in a match against him for the UNIVERSAL title! So you can have the RIGHT MAN in place at the top!

Suddenly, FRED L’s music hits!! HERE COMES THE CHAMPION!! FRED L gets right in KORE’s face on the stage!! The crowd screams as the two men stand nose to nose on the stage, neither man backing down. This is INTENSE!

JONATHYN: Okay, okay! ENOUGH! I’m not here to sign any matches tonight! I just want to give this belt to the man who won it fair and square last night! So KORE, if you EVER want to get a shot at the belt, do yourself a favor and WALK AWAY, RIGHT NOW.. You made your point, you’re a big tough guy and you DID take FRED out of the match six months ago.. But that was SIX MONTHS AGO.. And FRED never ran away.. He stayed here and WORKED. HE worked until he finally EARNED THAT SHOT. If you want the shot, your best bet is to PLAY NICE and just BACK DOWN RIGHT NOW..

KORE stands and looks at FRED for another moment, then he turns to JONATHYN.. Then back to FRED..

KORE: Okay, junior. Enjoy your little belt while you can.. I’ll be waiting..

FRED L stares KORE down a few more seconds, and KORE walks off.


The crowd erupts as the new champ comes down the ramp, accepting the adoration of the crowd, slapping hands and waving proudly.. He rolls into the ring and shakes JONATHYN’s hand.

JONATHYN: FRED, I want to congratulate you on your victory, and let you know that you are now part of an elite group of individuals.. Your name will now be listed alongside some of the greatest this fed has ever seen.. Names like JAYZON WILLIAMZ, THE BRAND, MIGRAINE, STEVE JASON, and only a handful of others.. You have attained the highest honor the XWF can bestow, and for that, it is my honor to present you with the XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP BELT.

The crowd goes crazy as JONATHYN hands the shiny belt to FRED L, who pauses for a moment just to stare at it. A tear comes to his eye and splashes down across the nameplate that reads “FRED L” across the bottom of the plaque on the belt. The cheers turn to a solid chant of FRED.. FRED.. FRED.. FRED.. And FRED L raises his face to look at the crowd cheering his name in unison. He is clearly emotional.. He looks to JONATHYN, who hands him the microphone as he places the belt over his powerful shoulder.

FRED L: You know.. A long time ago, when I first put my name on an XWF contract, I never imagined that I would be standing here like this.. With this belt on my shoulder. But.. But HERE I AM!! I want to thank my friends.. 504 BOY and TR..

FRED stops himself in the middle of the word “TRENT.” It was TRENT GEIN that turned his back on FRED and hit him with a Plainsfield last night at the PPV.. FRED pauses..

FRED L: TRENT GEIN. I want to thank him as well.. Even though he hurt me last night.. He showed me something important. He taught me that no matter who your friends are or what your plans look like, you’re only going to win if YOU are the best you can be.. Even though I had my friends at my side throughout my ride here in the XWF, I still had to do the work.. And I never quit. I won the tag titles with 504 BOY, I won the Hart title. I won every belt they offered me. Including this one.. And I did it because my friends believed in me, and I BELIEVED IN MYSELF.. And so I want to let everyone know, that I plan..

Suddenly, the entire arena goes completely dark. Nothing is heard or seen, yet a slight wind is felt. Crackles of a light thunder boom over the speakers, as the first soft chords of "Made of Steel" by Our Lady peace, begins to play, then fades out..


Sparks shoot out of the ring, as the lights return, to find a long raven-haired man with tinted glasses standing in the ring. We can't quite get a good look at him, since he has s bandana around his mouth. He stands behind FRED L. JONATHYN knows this isn’t good, and he ducks out of the ring.. The man walks over unseen to FRED L, and dips his head over FRED's shoulder. His bandana moves, so we know he is whispering something in FRED's ear. FRED's eyes widen as he snaps around, only to get KICKED IN THE GUT!! BANG!! DDT! The man squats down, resting his hands on his knees, looking at the prone Champion. This man shakes his head, then stands. He produces a microphone from his back pocket, and raises it to his mouth. A scraggly muffled voice echoes throughout the arena...

This man, This FREDDLE, has done something wrong. He took something, of mine. He stole something, from me.

Scratching his cheek the man speaks again, as he stands above FRED L.

I have returned to reclaim it. My Glory. My soul...

At this, the shrouded man picks up FRED and LIFTS HIM UP INTO THE AIR AND HITS A... No way.

Yes, it's true....

FRED L has been laid out by the familiar devastating move, as the man in the ring tugs down the bandana, throws off the glasses, and flips his hair back.

I'm back, and I'm back for THIS, and if I don't get my shot, there WILL be problems....

Our Universal Champion is on the ground, not moving. He had been struck by.....THE SICKNESS! That can only mean.....

CYREN bends down, and picks up the Universal Title he himself had held not too long ago. He breathes on it, and shines it up. He lays it over FRED's shoulder, and walks slowly out of the ring, and up the ramp......

CYREN has returned.....

Fade to black...