
We kick off Thursday Night Anarchy in the office of the new Owner, KITTEN. She is sat at her desk, signing some sheets of paper. She looks comfortable. All is quiet, until a member of backstage crew bursts through the doors. He is shaking violently, as if he’d seen a ghost. KITTEN looks up at him, bemused by his appearance.

KITTEN: Can I help you with something. If not, then would you get the hell out? I’ve got some very important documents to sign.

CREW: Miss KITTEN, ma’am. I’ve j-j-just be informed th-that there are s-s-s-s-some s-severe thunderst-st-storms on the way.

KITTEN: OK then, would you now please repeat that without sounding like a spasticated twat?

CREW: Oh… I-I-I’m sorry… I mean there are some s-severe thunderstorms on the way.

KITTEN: Oh great. My first day back in charge and already Mother Nature has it in for me. Thank you, lackey, you can go now.

CREW: Sorry, ma’am… MISS KITTEN, ma’am. Would you also sign this document, please. It’s rather important and I might get killed if I don’t get it to, umm, Head Office…

KITTEN: I AM Head Office. I own this place now, 100%. But, I suppose it’s just another plumbing bill or something. Pass it here.

CREW: Thank you, ma’am.

KITTEN grabs the piece of paper in an instant and quickly signs it, her mind focused elsewhere. She passes it back to the member of CREW, before resuming her work. The CREW member leaves nervously, running off down the corridor…



"The Fan" Randy Steel
KC Beard
Kissame Cherry
Charolette Hardy
- - PINK SLIP - -

The match begins with RANDY STEEL hammering away on KC BEARD, as KISSAME CHERRY pounds away on CHARLOTTE HARDY. RANDY nails BEARD several times with strong right hands to the face, which KC is unable to avoid, until KC strikes back with an STO, sweeping RANDY to the floor. Upon impact, KC BEARD relentlessly begins to stomp on RANDY. HARDY and CHERRY are equally matched. They are both locked up tight in the middle of the ring. They shove each other across the ring, neither two ladies being able to gain the upper hand. It isn’t until KC BEARD is thrown into them that they release from their death grip. RANDY STEEL is back up and moves over to BEARD. RANDY kicks BEARD several times in the head, but CHARLOTTE HARDY rolls him up! 1…2…NO, RANDY just kicks out. RANDY turns to HARDY and goes to clothesline her, but KISSAME CHERRY scores with a Chick Kick straight to the jaw of RANDY STEEL! KC BEARD approaches HARDY and CHERRY, but this time it is RANDY who rolls KC up. 1…2…KICK OUT by BEARD. HARDY and CHERRY begin to double team RANDY and BEARD. They first eliminate RANDY to the outside with a double monkey toss over the top rope, executed perfectly. RANDY lands hard on the outside. HARDY and CHERRY then turn to KC BEARD… both ladies begin to kick and scratch at BEARD, who is thrashing about in an elephantine-rage. Eventually, he gets tripped by CHERRY, as HARDY climbs to the top rope. She signals to the crowd, who let out a pop… SWANTON BOMB by HARDY!!! She covers BEARD, as CHERRY watches on…1…2…THREE!!! KC BEARD has lost, and therefore is FIRED!



Blowtorch Squid
Chase Traitan
- - Standard Match - -

As we return to the ring, we see that CHASE TRAITAN is already in the ring taunting the crowd. The music of BLIZZARD is heard. The crowd goes into a pop, as BLIZZARD makes his way into the ring. BLOWTORCH SQUID soon follows as well. He rushes into the ring and immediately begins to clothesline BLIZZARD to the mat. CHASE TRAITAN tries to get involved as well where she can. CHASE grabs SQUID by the hair and gives him a snapmare, followed up with a sliding dropkick to the back. BLIZZARD spins CHASE around and plants her with an Ace Crusher. SQUID gets back up to his feet and runs at BLIZZARD, but BLIZZARD hits a drop toe hold, sending SQUID into the ropes. BLIZZARD begins to stomp on SQUID’S back whilst he is stuck in the ropes. BLIZZARD then gets wrenched to the ground from behind with a falling neckbreaker from CHASE TRAITAN. TRAITAN then hits several knee drops to the chest of BLIZZARD, as SQUID pulls himself together. He shoves TRAITAN aside, before continuing to stomp away. TRAITAN retaliates by kicking SQUID straight in the nads! SQUID staggers back, short of breath, before getting struck in the face with a Running Calf Kick by CHASE. BLIZZARD gets up to his feet… ICE PICK! CHASE IS STRUCK BY THE ICE PICK! The cover! 1…2…SQUID is able to break up the three count. BLIZZARD looks at SQUID angrily and gives him yet another shot straight in the balls! SQUID is sent to the ground this time. BLIZZARD laughs and moves back to CHASE, but CHASE then kicks BLIZZARD below the belt! SQUID and BLIZZARD are both in one of the most agonising pains. CHASE is looking back and forth. She moves over to SQUID, then to BLIZZARD. But suddenly, SQUID is up! SQUID sneaks up behind CHASE and drills her into the mat with a sick UNPRETTIER! Her face cracks upon impact. SQUID covers, as BLIZZARD is too busy in pain to help break the count! 1…2…THREE! BLOWTORCH SQUID picks up another victory!


Before anything else can happen, we see STEVE SANDERS walking down the ramp towards the ring, with a microphone in hand. He climbs into the ring, as the crowd are giving him a mixed reaction…

SANDERS: Howdy. Wow how packed it is here tonight. And to think all you fans came out here to the arena just to see me.

Several people in the audience boo, some of them begin a “You Suck” chant. STEVE intimidates them a little, before stepping to the corner of the ring and pointing down at a fan, holding up a sign…

SANDERS: Ain’t that the truth? Hey, take this guy for example. Get a load of this guy! He’s got some common sense, unlike the rest of you ass-clowns.

STEVE steps out of the ring and takes the sign from the fan. The sign reads “STEVE FOR PRESIDENT” on it. He raises it high above his head, the crowd boos him relentlessly, but some of the crowd members are cheering for some reason…

SANDERS: This is what it is all about! I know what each and every one of you want in this life. And that is to be as successful as me, STEVE SANDERS. This man right here has a real eye for spotting talent… and I…

STEVE then looks at the back of the poster and a look of disgust comes to his face. STEVE turns the sign around, then holds the back of the poster up to the fans and the crowd laughs. The back says “ANDREW GIBSON Vs. STEVE SANDERS = A FRICKIN’ JOKE”. STEVE then walks up to the fan, who looks a little amused, yet intimidated.

SANDERS: Do you think this is funny. You make me look good on the front and then make fun of me on the back.

FAN: Oh, on the front I was talking about STEVE JASON!

The crowd lets out a huge pop for the name of STEVE JASON, however, SANDERS looks less impressed. He stares at the fan, before reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a lighter and proceeds to burn the fan’s sign right in front of him. He then storms up the ramp, being booed away by the fans.

Nate Diddy
Mystery Opponent
- - If Nate Wins He Gets A Canadian Title Shot - - NATE makes his way out to the ring, getting his usual reaction from the crowd. He eagerly climbs into the ring to await his advesary. There is complete silence in the arena…when all of a sudden, the lights begin to flicker… before going out completely… we can hear screams, yet we cannot see anything… all of a sudden, the lights come back on… we see a random person knocked out cold in the ring. Heading up the ramp, we can just see a tall man running into the back. The bell sounds, as NATE looks confused. He lowers himself to make a cover…1…2…THREE. NATE DIDDY has just “earnt” a Canadian Title shot, but who was the man who left the corpse there? NATE still looks confused as he heads up the ramp…


We cut to the backstage area, where we see STEVE SAYORS, the infamous XWF Interviewer stood with STEVE JASON. It is obvious that an interview is about to take place.

STEVE SAYORS: I'm here with STEVE JASON, one of the competitors in tonight's main-event, a match which might alter the fate of the XWF forever... leader of the Diamond Era and one of the key players in the current insurrection against KITTEN and the Insiders. TEVE, it's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride over the last week for you. You've had to go all over the country just to keep non-contenders in this match safe and out of KITTEN's clutches. Are you suffering at all?

STEVE JASON: I'm alive, SAYORS. It's been one hell of a ride... but I'm alive. I'm breathing.

STEVE SAYORS: And not a moment too soon... because you lead the Diamond Era up against KITTEN and her allies of EXTREME WARRIOR and JEN... in what KITTEN claims will be her last match.

STEVE JASON: Yes, it's her retirement match, apparently. That's what we've heard. That after this match is done, KITTEN hangs up her boots and goes back to running the XWF until somebody else shows up. I don't know what to say to that. But for the most part... this is both a good and bad thing.


STEVE JASON: Because it's her last match, duh. This will be the first... and it could be the last time for a long time that we face each other. This has been brewing for a while, but it looks like our little personal war has come to a climax right here, right now, tonight. The attempts to force me to obey her orders, the attacks on my friends... her stuck-up, pigheaded arrogance... her role in costing me the Universal title... it ALL comes back to bite her tonight. Lillith Groves liked to talk about Karma. Well... I dunno about her... but KITTEN's sure as hell going to get a faceful of it tonight.

STEVE SAYORS: But she fired MIKE X recently. Can't you applaud her for that?

STEVE JASON: I don't know. MIKE X is an idiot. Plain and simple. But with his status in the air... I'm STILL going to announce what the first fall for our match is. The votes have been coming in... and it's official. By a VERY narrow margin... the first fall, STEVE SAYORS, should MIKE drag himself back in here as an ordinary wrestler... will be THE STEVE JASON signature match, the one that I pioneered, the one that PSYKO STEVO still wets the bed every night in memory of. That's right. Of course, there's a little problem in that it's summer... but ladies and gentlemen, inside one of LA's premier ice rinks... we're going to see the ice get thinned out...

Before STEVE even finishes, an enormous pop can be heard coming from the ringside area. STEVE smirks, then continues.

STEVE JASON: We're gonna see an entire ice rink get filled to the brim with freezing cold water... with a tiny, EXTREMELY thin layer of ice on the surface... and we're gonna see me and MIKE... if he's got the GUTS to get back in here... fight it out on that surface. The first man to fall in loses the first fall. That's right, ladies and gentlemen. Fall one at Bring The Pain... is a THIN ICE MATCH! If MIKE X has the GUTS to get back here... THAT will be the first shot in our personal little war. But that's a war that I'm not ready to address yet. Because before I move on to that fight... I've got a much more pressing fight that's going to end RIGHT NOW.

STEVE SAYORS: Who's that?

STEVE wrenches the microphone from SAYORS' hand, then speaks.

STEVE JASON: KITTEN. For the last three months, you have been the single person most responsible for shipwrecking Anarchy and the XWF in the past couple of months. Take a careful note, KITTEN... I'm talking to YOU, not Lillith Groves. You know my theory on that. I'm not going to elaborate it. But I suggest you take that letter nailed to the door of that house back home... and you get a good, long, hard look at the bottom line. The time has SERIOUSLY run out on you, and your reign of terror here is OVER. Lillith Groves can do whatever the hell she likes as XWF Owner... but this, KITTEN, is YOUR last Anarchy. Because you better damn well believe that I'm going to go down there... I'm going to lead my teammates into battle... and I'm going to absolutely annihilate every last member of your tyranny. This is a RAGE IN THE freakin' CAGE, KITTEN. You're going to step up against me in THE match that MADE me. You've got nowhere to go, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. And you better believe, KITTEN, that this IS going to be your last day on this planet. Not Lillith's last day... but DEFINITELY KITTEN's. I'm gonna destroy YOU. I'm gonna release the stranglehold you have on that poor girl. And my entire team are going to swarm the hell over your little Confederation of Dickheads. With EASE.

STEVE SAYORS: You're that confident in your team? You can trust CENTURION that much?

STEVE JASON: Yep. The man's like my brother.

STEVE SAYORS: What about HEATHER? We all KNOW you've got all the thought in the world towards her.

STEVE JASON: Are you trying to be funny, SAYORS?

STEVE SAYORS: No, not at all. But... are you hiding something, STEVE? You can tell me.

STEVE gives SAYORS a long, flat stare, remaining silent.

STEVE SAYORS: Forget I brought it up.

STEVE JASON: Done. Yes, SAYORS, I'm confident in HEATHER too. I'm confident in the entire team. And to be honest... I think it's about time, at long last, that we bring this to a crashing end. It's my first and last window to defeat KITTEN. It's the ultimate battle to see who'll win... the Diamond Era or the lunatic, baby-slaughtering tyrants. And I don't plan on passing this up. Enjoy your last few seconds of causing torment to this world, KITTEN... because by the time everybody in this arena has left... by the time they've shut the place down... by the time that sun rises up tomorrow... your days of tormenting me... your days of hurting my friends and family... your days of turning this federation into absolute chaos... will be over. Lillith Groves will go back to being a DECENT Anarchy GM... and YOU, KITTEN... will do nothing. Because you will not exist. You'll be gone. Forever. Never to harm anybody again. I'd watch that clock rather CONSTANTLY, KITTEN... b! ecause the second... the SECOND... we hit the Main Event... it's ALL OVER. And that... IS UNDENIABLE!

STEVE JASON stares into the camera, as we fade away, ready for our next match to begin.

Andrew Gibson
Steve Sanders
- - Non-Title - -

SANDERS is already in the ring. GIBSON’S music plays, as he walks out onto the stage, with the Universal Championship across his shoulder. He is being booed by the fans, but GIBSON shows no sign of caring about the crowd’s reaction. GIBSON climbs the turnbuckle and raises the universal Title high above his head, but SANDERS suddenly grabs GIBSON and powerbombs him off the second turnbuckle! He’s caught in a pin! SANDERS uses the turnbuckles for extra leverage! The referee counts! 1…2…THREE!!! WHAT AN UPSET! STEVE SANDERS just pinned the UNIVERSAL CHAMPION! GIBSON stands up, as SANDERS flees to the outside, celebrating his win! GIBSON is stunned and shocked, clutching his head in despair. SANDERS is laughing all the way up the ramp… but wait a second… here comes THE INSIDERS! GOLDEN BOY and RICK LACEY are stood on top of the ramp, as SANDERS looks around, concerned. He backs up towards the ring, where GIBSON has slid out and now has a set of BRASS KNUCKLES placed on his fist. GOLDEN BOY and RICK LACEY are about to pin SANDERS in a death trap here… WAIT!!!


KORE AND GRAVY begin to beat the hell out of GOLDEN BOY and RICK LACEY, as GIBSON takes a swing at SANDERS with the BRASS KNUCKS! All hell is breaking loose here!


KORE is pummelling on GOLDEN BOY, as GRAVY takes on RICK LACEY. SANDERS gets nailed in the face by GIBSON and the brass knuckles, but SANDERS gets back up to his feet slowly. He dodges another swing and kicks GIBSON in the guy… DDT! SANDERS has knocked down the champion. He then runs up the ramp and clubs GOLDEN BOY in the back, trying to help GRAVY and KORE fend off the INSIDERS. With that, the INSIDERS separate, running off in different directions. The crowd boos the INSIDERS, as SANDERS is left to celebrate his win over GIBSON. He was lucky KORE and GRAVY had a score to settle with the INSIDERS. Next time, he might not be so lucky… suddenly… the music of the ROYALS begin to play. KORE, GRAVY and SANDERS make their exit, as they stare down the ROYALS, who are entering for their next match…

The ROYAL AMBASSADOR and ROBERT ROYAL take to the ring first. They are followed by FRED L. He awaits the arrival of his partner… some music begins to play… belonging to… KITTEN!? KITTEN walks out onto the stage, with a microphone in hand.

KITTEN: Now, now… thanks to MIKE X, we have a little situation here. The XWF Tag Team Champions are supposed to be wrestling tonight, but we were also supposed to have a match on Massacre. So, I have no other choice but to announce that this match will NOT be for the XWF Tag Team Championship… I must apologise for this… Nonetheless, since they are the Tag Team Champions, ENFORCER, MINION, get out here NOW! We can’t just have these two pompous so-and-sos face this…umm… guy.

Fred L & ?
Royal Ambassador & Robert Royal
Enforcer & Minion

- - LADDER - -

After several moments of waiting, ENFORCER and MINION finally decide to appear. They walk down the ramp, with the XWF Tag Team Championship over their shoulders. They rush into the ring, leaving their belts behind them and they both plough straight into the ROYALS. MINION clubs away at AMBASSADOR, while ENFORCER tackles ROBERT ROYAL with great force. FRED L is left standing and watching, as the two teams throttle each other with punches and kicks and choke holds from all directions. FRED L slides out of the ring and grabs a nearby ladder. After sliding back into the ring, he gets SPEARED to hell by MINION. MINION laughs, until AMBASSADOR hits a Backslide Armbar, rendering MINION helpless and in pain! ENFORCER quickly saves his partner with a swift kick to the head, before tackling ROBERT once again. ROYAL AMBASSADOR shoves MINION into FRED L, before moving over to ENFORCER and connecting with a stiff uppercut straight to the nose. Blood gushes everywhere, as ENFORCER retaliates with a Yakuza Kick, which AMBASSADOR ducks under. MINION also avoids the kick, then hitting AMBASSADOR with a Yakuza Kick of his own. ROBERT ROYAL then returns the favour with a back drop to MINION, and then to ENFORCER. All of a sudden, FRED L rushes into the middle of things and begins to take down anyone who moved. First a clothesline to ROBERT ROYAL, then one to MINION, another to AMBASSADOR, and finally one to ENFORCER… but ROBERT ROYAL picks up FRED L and throws him into the turnbuckle, before lifting him onto the top rope and setting the ladder on the canvas. ROYAL also ascends to the top rope, where he picks up FRED L and SCOOP SLAMS HIM OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE LADDER! FRED L writhes in pain, his back in agony. ENFORCER and MINION however are now double-teaming AMBASSADOR, who is trying his best to fend off their attacks. ROBERT rushes to help, drilling ENFORCER face first into the mat. MINION then gets shoved back by AMBASSADOR. THE ROYALS grab a champion and launch them towards FRED L, but FRED rolls away in time. The TAG CHAMPIONS both end up crashing down on top of the ladder. With that, the ROYALS nod and slide out of the ring. They both grab a ladder and they set them up inside the ring. AMBASSADOR is first to climb a ladder, then ROBERT ROYAL… what have they got planned… AMBASSADOR launches off the ladder first with a Diving Splash, which connects on MINION, but ROBERT ROYAL is less lucky, as ENFORCER gets his knees up, driving them into ROBERT’S chest. With haste, FRED L slides over to ROBERT ROYAL and makes a cover! 1…2…KICK OUT by ROYAL. FRED L then moves over to MINION…1…2…KICK OUT by MINION. He moves over to AMBASSADOR, as they begin to exchange blows. FRED L is able to take down AMBASSADOR with a quick, yet effective suplex. FRED L places a Ladder beneath AMBASSADOR, rolling him face first onto it. He then climbs to the top rope and prepares to leap off, but MINION and ENFORCER both powerbomb FRED L to the outside, crashing down on top of another ladder! ENFORCER and MINION both laugh, but as ENFORCER goes to beat on FRED L some more, MINION walks straight into a DOUBLE REGAL STRETCH BY THE ROYALS! MINION is screaming in the ring, but ENFORCER is busy with FRED L, who is now fighting back! MINION is tapping like crazy in the ring! THE ROYALS have won this match! They are one step closer to becoming the XWF Tag Team Champions… but due to the problems that MIKE X has left behind, they leave empty handed tonight… but their time may come soon!


Once again, the cameras cut to the back, where we see…


LACEY: Damn it! That's two in a row! Still, the pasting I gave you at pontoon and rummy leaves me up by 27-2.


They are interrupted as STEVE SAYORS walks in.

SAYORS: Guys, you're facing each other tonight...what's going on? Are you ready for your showdown?

LACEY and THE GOLDEN BOY look at each other.

LACEY: The showdown has ALREADY BEGUN!!

THE GOLDEN BOY swaps with LACEY's cards as LACEY is distracted by SAYORS. He taps RICK on the arm. They lay down their cards.


LACEY: Damn it!

STEVE SAYORS coughs. Both men look at him icily.

SAYORS: Um...you aren't taking this seriously?

LACEY: Sure we are! This isn't the first time we've faced each other you know, and every time it's a big deal.

SAYORS: It is?

LACEY: Yeah. Why, we had a game of high stakes poker last week, didn't we GOLDEN?

GOLDEN BOY looks up from switching the cards.


LACEY: Hey!!

SAYORS: Yes… well, MISS KITTEN has ORDERED you two to get in the ring and fight tonight, otherwise she says that she’ll fire both of you on the spot… so, unless you want to be playing cards on the street I suggest you get out there…

GOLDEN BOY stares at LACEY. They both nod and stand, before walking out of the locker room. Are they really going to fight?

Golden Boy
Rick Lacey
- - Canadian Rules : NO INTERFERENCE - -

The music of GOLDEN BOY plays through the arena, and he is booed to the ring. He makes no gesture towards the crowds, as RICK LACEY heads down the ramp to a similar reaction. GOLDEN BOY and LACEY look at each other. It is obvious that they don’t want to fight each other in this match. With that, both men lay down on the canvas. They simultaneously drape each other’s arms over each other! It’s going to be a DOUBLE PIN-FALL! But all of a sudden, once again, the lights flicker and go out… exactly the same way as they did during NATE DIDDY’S match. What is going on here? Within a moment, we hear a scuffle inside the ring. We can hear bodies hitting the canvas… then… A loud ROAR. The crowd erupts! The X-Tron suddenly flashes into life…

Could it be!?

DOMINATOR IS BACK!!! The crowd is going nuts! The INSIDERS have taken a real blow! DOMINATOR stands tall over the fallen, unconscious bodies of GOLDEN BOY and RICK LACEY. DOMINATOR pulls a microphone from his pocket and ushers the crowd for silence, which he gets.

DOMINATOR: Well, well, well… look what we have here. The XWF falls apart as soon as I’m gone for two minutes. But there is no need to fret, ladies and gentlemen. Because I, the mighty DOMINATOR… HAS RETURNED!

The crowd reacts once again with a loud cheer, but they quickly fall to silence once again.

DOMINATOR: But if you think I’m back to kick ANDREW GIBSON’S ass and win the Universal Title, you are mistaken. My neck is still badly injured thanks to that little son-of-a-bitch 504 BOY… but I am back, and I am taking over what is mine! Without JONATHYN, there is nothing to stop me from taking over the XWF! Apart from…

Wait a minute… here comes…

KITTEN also has a microphone in hand. She storms into the ring, as GOLDEN BOY and RICK LACEY begin to stir. She backs off however, as the world witnesses DOMINATOR manhandle GOLDEN BOY and RICK LACEY once again. A vicious powerbomb to GOLDEN BOY knocks him back into a state of unconsciousness. LACEY suffers a worse fate. A DOMIN-8 to the outside! KITTEN cautiously approaches. The rage in DOMINATOR’S eye peers into the timidness of KITTEN’s, yet she does not feel intimidated. She stands face to face with DOMINATOR and lifts the microphone.

KITTEN: What in the hell do you think you’re doing? Is there a part of “NO INTERFERANCE” that you don’t get? There’s a match going on here, and I’m not going to let some 7 foot lump of shit take out MY superstars, or ruin MY show…

DOMINATOR: Really? Well that’s just your too bad. Because let’s face it, how is the XWF going to survive without JONATHYN. We need another JONATHYN here. You’re no JONATHYN. You’re nowhere near his league… but I am! The XWF needs a leader who is cunning, strong and level-headed. I am more than JONATHYN ever was. If need be, I shall dictate this federation as my own. I shall become the world’s most tyrannical overlord…

KITTEN: Would you shut the hell up?

KITTEN follows up her remark with a slap right across DOMINATOR’S face. The crowd “oohs” in anticipation. DOMINATOR merely smirks at KITTEN, and reaches into his pocket. He unfolds a piece of paper… it looks like one of the documents that KITTEN was signing on her desk earlier on… it is a CONTRACT!

DOMINATOR: This contract declares that I, DOMINATOR, am entitled to take control of any XWF show or official order as he sees fit. Any resistance or refusal for these instructions will result in the immediate firing of anyone involved… including you, KITTEN… so basically, what that means is… I’M TAKING OVER!

DOMINATOR smirks in the face of KITTEN and proceeds to leave, punching RICK LACEY down to the floor as he leaves. KITTEN is left shocked and confused… the crowd as still roaring for DOMINATOR. As for the match, it looks like that LACEY and GOLDEN BOY’S friendship remains intact… for now.


Before the crowd can get settled down, DOMINATOR turns around, waving his finger in the air. Obviously, he is not finished yet.

Steve Jason/Heather Halliwell/Centurion
Jennefer Jetson/Kitten/Extreme Warrior
- RaGe iN tHe CaGe RuLeS - -
Special 'Enforcer': JEM WILLIAMS

The match immediately gets under way, before JEM has a chance to call for the starting bell! JASON starts off by running at KITTEN, looking to hit a Karate Kick, but KITTEN ducks and whips him into the ropes. As he rebounds, he launches himself at KITTEN with a flying forearm, but once again she avoids the attack, but JEN JETSON gets clobbered by the attack. She lands at JEM’s feet, who steps back. HEATHER HALLIWELL begins to slap the face off JEN with feline chops to the face. CENTURION and EXTREME WARRIOR are merely staring at each other. The two brothers obviously getting ready to fight. But EXTREME WARRIOR quickly gets knocked down by a clothesline courtesy of STEVE JASON. KITTEN kicks JASON in the gut and shoves him back into the ropes. EXTREME WARRIOR is back up and helps KITTEN throw JASON into the wall of the cage. JASON falls back to the canvas, as HALLIWELL continues her assault on JETSON. JEN finally breaks free from HEATHER’S attack, and takes down HALLIWELL with a spear-like tackle. She repeatedly drives the back of her head into the mat, until CENTURION picks up JEN and throws her straight into the arms of EXTREME WARRIOR. WARRIOR catches her and places her on the ground. However, they are then both clotheslined to the ground by CENTURION. He grins at his brother, but only for a short while as KITTEN gets into CENTURION’S face. They stare at each other for a brief moment, until HEATHER HALLIWELL barges into the side of KITTEN. KITTEN bounces back from the ropes and connects with a swift Tornado DDT! KITTEN gets back up to her feet and runs at HEATHER, but STEVE JASON is back up and gets right in the thick of things. He throws KITTEN into the turnbuckle and signals to the crowd! KITTEN is placed on the top turnbuckle…S3! S3! S3! KITTEN is down! But hold on, HEATHER HALLIWELL has JEN JETSON on the top turnbuckle as well! AN S3 ON JEN BY HEATHER! STEVE JASON nods in approval, as HEATHER makes the cover on JEN…1…2…THREE! JEM counts the loss for his sister, who is now eliminated from the match. EXTREME WARRIOR is left to continue his battle with CENTURION, but HALLIWELL immediately rushes to his aid. EXTREME WARRIOR shoves HALLIWELL aside, as the two brothers continue to exchange blows. HALLIWELL scowls and delivers a thunderous SPINEBUSTER on the WARRIOR! CENTURION looks slightly surprised at HALLIWELL'S strength. Meanwhile, STEVE JASON and KITTEN are relentlessly pummelling each other with punches from all angles. JEM watches on in interest, as KITTEN gives STEVE a stiff slap across the face, followed by another… and another… and a--- no! JASON has grabbed her wrist! With great agility and speed, he flips over in a somersault, before tossing KITTEN into the air and connecting with a vicious DDT type move. Surely this will put KITTEN away…1…2…NO! KITTEN kicks out! JASON can’t believe it! KITTEN scowls at JASON and runs at him, but JASON ducks once again. KITTEN ends up planting CENTURION in the face with a clubbing blow. EXTREME WARRIOR then picks up CENTURION… WARRIOR’S END! JASON rushes over to WARRIOR to prevent a pinfall. He is just in time, knocking EW out of the way. HEATHER HALLIWELL then knocks KITTEN in the face with a super kick. She falls onto CENTURION. EXTREME WARRIOR is able to pin CENTURION’s legs down whilst fending off JASON… JEM counts…1…2…THREE! CENTURION is gone! The odds are now even! KITTEN and EXTREME WARRIOR are left with STEVE JASON and HEATHER HALLIWELL. HALLIWELL takes KITTEN to the mat. KITTEN tries to get away, but HALLIWELL gets KITTEN caught in a Boston Crab. KITTEN struggles to reach the ropes, but EXTREME WARRIOR makes the save with a running punch to HALLIWELL. JASON is in hot pursuit however, and hits some dizzy kicks to the cranium of EXTREME WARRIOR. KITTEN scrambles back up to her feet and kicks HALLIWELL in the gut, before setting her up… a nice Cradle Piledriver by KITTEN. She begins to ascend the cage, trying to get some more leverage for her next attack, but STEVE JASON is all over her like a bad rash. S3 FROM THE CAGE! ANOTHER S3 to KITTEN, but KITTEN lands on top of the fallen HEATHER HALLIWELL! 1…2…THREE!!! An inadvertant pin, but HEATHER is gone from this match. JASON can’t believe it, as WARRIOR tackles him into the ring post. WARRIOR begins to pummel away on STEVE JASON… but hold on… HALLIWELL isn’t leaving the ring! She’s getting a SLEDGEHAMMER! She swings!!!


The hammer connects to EXTREME WARRIOR’S shoulder. He screams in pain, his shoulder has been completely shattered by the sledgehammer. He is writhing in pain, his arm his hung down much lower than it should. JASON looks on, before planting him with a Side Buster. WARRIOR makes no attempt to kick out… 1…2…THREE! It is all down to STEVE JASON and KITTEN now. EMTS are brought down to help EXTREME WARRIOR… JASON and KITTEN stare a hole through each other… when all of a sudden…

"He is the one you fear."

A crisp, battle-weary voice greets us. Sudden like a strike of lightening, yet somehow disarming. A peaceful devil.

The screen opens slowly, as if one is awakening from a morphine-induced slumber. Rousing from a eutopian world of numbful incapacitation. Being brought from the land of Nod, into a world of true nightmares.

"He is but a wraith to end ambition. For each dip inside the well of tears, he dries out all the pain. Neither good nor evil, he dwells upon the line between. Circumstance is his moral conscience."

Before us are shadows. Flickers of life flashing sporadically from within a cobblestone tunnel of darkness, burrowed deeply into darkened soil. A corridor dimly lit by the flames of Prometheus. The world is slanted to the right, gently prone. The slight pitter-patter of rain is heard as it decorates the world with grief. A long-lost enemy has returned. Why wouldn't Mother Earth weep?

"He is the nickel-sinner inside your penny little dreams. A rare commodity of empathy and compassion that stands strong in the face of modern day 'morality' and social decor. Who damn's the wicked, when the wicked are the rampant?"

Trickling down from the gray heavens above, we feel a sticky residue clinging to our flesh. We look down upon ourselves, to find that we are not alone. Etched into our fingernails and inprinted on our souls, is the blood of those who came before.

"He is the one who had once saved you. He is the one who had once damned you. He is the man that you have never known."

We feel the blood drip down between our finger tips, slowly cascading past our wrists and down our dangling limbs. We look up one last time, as we see one drop slowly fall down to us. And in this instant, all the world fades away. The well around us melts. The reality above and below is no more, and all that is, is that one frozen blood drop and us. It's so close now, barely moving...but still...getting nearer to us. We are frightened now. Our backs meet something cold and rigid, and we can not escape this slowly impending doom. We feel a shiver run down our spines, as we confine ourselves to not die afraid, and to die in freedom of both body and always the spirit. We look up at the sky defiantly. Horrified to see that the world is nothing but a hazy red hue.

"He is the afterthought inside your prayers. The almost but just not quite.A hair's breath away from inclusion, but you always let him wander, and he never came home."

The world stops as that rough-shot voice ceases to speak. We pull away in our view to find ourselves, limp in the air, with our arms outstretched and horror chiseled in our eyes. Then, like a tidal wave, that copious drop of blood, seaps into us, invading every pore like a Gestapo bloodhound, never to give us peace again. It is then that we know.

It is now that we fear.

Cradled up against the side, we dazily feel our elbows jab into something slippery. Cold. With eyes as wide as a newborns first, our orbs travel upwards. His face is solemn. Nothing is seen but grief. We stare at those beautifulyl dark eyes for a moment that seemed like a year and our heart's stop.

It is then that we realize. "He is Me."

It is now, that we pray.

The lights return to normal! We see on top of the cage… CYREN! CYREN has returned!!! He leaps off the top of the cage and lands feet first in the center of the ring… with a swift movement, he takes down KITTEN with a single, deadly sweep… then STEVE JASON! JASON falls on top of KITTEN! Not again!!! 1…2…THREE!!! JASON WINS! For the third time, there has been an accidental pin in this match! JEM declares JASON the winner, but CYREN knees JEM in the gut and delivers a sickening Spike Powerbomb! CYREN stands tall in the center of the ring… looking down at the carnage that he has wrought.


CYREN stands tall in the center of the ring, as we also see DOMINATOR walk out onto the stage. He is grinning sadistically, as CYREN makes his exit… the cameras focus on the two expressions on the faces of DOMINATOR and CYREN before they finally…