XWF: LORD OF THE RING 2004 – November 28, 2004

"Need or Greed" Match
If NASTY NICK wins, he and BLIZZARD will team up and face the tag champs for the title on Anarchy.
If BLIZZARD wins, he will NOT receive ANY title shots for one month

"Mexican Standoff" Last Man Standing Match

Standard Match

Pin To Win

Standard Match

Standard Tag Match


Pin To Win



The show opens with a quick scan of several big names in the back, grumbling over the new stipulation that the winner of the Lord Of The Ring battle will become the new Universal Champion! It’s obvious that a lot of the guys in the back are angry that they didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to sign up when they had the chance at the beginning of the month..

"Need or Greed" Match

NASTY NICK NITRO is already in the ring, waiting for BLIZZARD. "Over" by Mercy Drive plays and BLIZZARD comes in with the crowed booing loudly. BLIZZARD brushes them off and gets in the ring as the ref rings the bell. NITRO goes up to BLIZZARD but BLIZ just tells him to wait as he goes to the outside and gets a microphone. The crowd boos loudly.

BLIZZARD: Now, don't make me go Ron Artest on your asses..

The crowd boos loudly.

BLIZZARD: Now, NICK, I'm sure you've heard by now that I'm going to lose this match on purpose so let's get this over quick.

BLIZZARD goes to the mat and motions for NICK to pin him, but NITRO won't do it! BLIZZARD sits up, looking irritated..

BLIZZARD: All you have to do is pin me. It's easy. Just..

NITRO grabs the mic from BLIZZARD'S hand.

NICK NITRO: I'm not going to let you lose that easy, BLIZZARD. I want to prove that I deserve to be on Anarchy and I'm going to do that the fair way whether you like it or not. Now STAND YOUR ASS UP AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!!

BLIZZARD seems angry as he gets to his feet, and NICK immediately connects with a strong right hand! It looks like this match is going to continue, despite BLIZZARD's offer! NITRO drops to the mat and starts hitting BLIZ with right hands, and gets up energized. He picks BLIZZARD off the mat and hits a scoop slam coming back and hitting a huge knee to BLIZZARD's chest. Once again, he picks BLIZZARD up to hit a scoop slam but BLIZZARD counters by rolling over NITRO's back and by hitting a back suplex that sends NITRO's head bouncing off the mat. BLIZZARD is still furious and goes to the top-rope. NITRO gets to his feet but is taken right back down when BLIZZARD hits a huge MISSILE! BLIZZARD smiles and goes over to NITRO locking in the BLIZLOCK! NITRO is in the middle of the ring, he can't reach the ropes. NITRO looks like he's about to tap but BLIZZARD releases the hold just in time! BLIZZARD eyes the top rope once again and stands, waiting for NITRO to get to his feet. But when BLIZZARD goes for a cross body, NITRO dropkicks him in the jaw! BLIZZARD is down and NITRO is starting to feel it again as he goes to the top-rope himself. NITRO jumps off, once again trying to hit that shooting star press but BLIZZARD kips up and as NICK comes down BLIZZARD grabs his head and hits a brutal DDT! The crowd chants "Holy S***" and NICK cradles his head and BLIZZARD lies in exhaustion. BLIZZARD rises to his feet first and sees NICK still holding his head. BLIZZARD uses this opportunity to go in the corner and set up for the ICE PICK! NICK finally gets to his feet and BLIZZARD charges, hitting the ICE PICK with tremendous force! BLIZZARD rolls NICK on top of him and the ref counts... 1.. 2.. THREE! BLIZZARD let NICK beat him and the two will be challenging for the Tag Titles! But will this team be able to get along?


The scene cuts to the back with a very irate KRAZZY KIDD walking down a backstage hallway, looking for someone in charge to figure out what his US TITLE situation is.. He turns the corner and runs into a man standing less than five feet tall. The tiny man spills his coffee all over KRAZZY KIDD!

SHORT MAN: Damn, Dawg!! Sorry about that

KRAZZY KIDD: Yeah well your about to be real sorry

KRAZZY KIDD draws back to get ready to knock out the little guy when all of a sudden we see a hand grab KRAZZY KIDD 's arm and pull him right into a DDT onto the hard concrete floor, the arm that grabbed KRAZZY KIDD, and it’s a total stranger in a mask! After the DDT , the masked stranger jumps to his feet and, high fives the little guy and laughs as he looks right at the camera.

K-REMIX: Yo for everybody that don't know us, My name is K-REMIX, and this right here is my manager Lil Sprint, and that dude layin’ on the floor, well that’s the biggest joke I've ever seen in my life, it took me one move, bitch! And you think you’re a Main Eventer? PLEASE.. I'm out. When this chump wakes up tell him if he wants some he can come get it on Anarchy

LIL SPRINT: (with his high pitched voice)

Yeah bitches, if anybody wants some, my man REMIX ain’t hard to find! He'll be where the real wrestlers are at every Thursday. My man K- REMIX ain't f(BLEEP)in around, so if you Massacre guys wanna bring it then you better keep on workin’ out and taking’ your vitamins so you can someday make it to the world of K-REMIX!! But don’t get to hype on it, cuz he's just gonna leave all you mother(BLEEP)as just like he left KRAZZY KIDD!

K-REMIX and his manger walk off, leaving the camera to focus on a coffee-soaked KRAZZY KIDD, slowly waking up on the floor.

"Mexican Standoff" Last Man Standing Match

All of the other competitors are in the ring when CHALUPA’s music plays and he comes out to a large reaction. He’s taking his time to get to the ring, and it doesn’t seem like anyone else wants to wait! SANDERS goes to work on MAXIMUS as MYSTIC J lays into ROYAL AMBASSADOR with some brutal right hands. MYSTIC J hits a scoop slam on AMBASSADOR and then goes against the ropes to hit a leg drop against his chest! Meanwhile, SANDERS just got his suplex reversed right into a German suplex by MAXIMUS! MAXIMUS smiles but when he gets up he is greeted immediately by a missile dropkick by a flying CHALUPA! MAXIMUS is out cold and the ref counts to ten, he’s eliminated first! MYSTIC has since hit a piledriver on AMBASSADOR and wants to try his luck by going to the top-rope, but the big man is taking too long! This gives time for AMBASSADOR to run and meet him on the top-rope and toss him off onto the floor stomach first! MYSTIC J doesn’t get up and the count rises to ten quickly, he’s gone! AMBASSADOR stands on the top-rope admiring his work when SANDERS comes out of nowhere and hits the AMERICAN DROP off the top-rope! What a move by SANDERS that keeps AMBASSADOR down for ten! It’s down to only SANDERS and CHALUPA! As SANDERS gets up from the mat, CHALUPA puts him in a headlock but SANDERS reverses, sending CHALUPA to the ropes. CHALUPA runs across the ropes and when he comes back he is hit with a Japanese arm drag. SANDERS immediately goes over to CHALUPA and immediately locks in a rear naked choke. CHALUPA starts to fight back and elbows SANDERS in the stomach, then hoisting him in there to drop him back down with a back suplex! SANDERS lies on the mat and CHALUPA gets to his feet. CHALUPA runs across the ring, bounces of the ropes, comes back and hits a big elbow drop! SANDERS tries to get his breath but CHALUPA picks him off the mat and puts him on the top turnbuckle. CHALUPA goes onto the ring apron and climbs the turnbuckle. He then plants SANDERS with a huge rolling powerbomb! SANDERS is seeing stars!! But wait a second! Here comes AMBASSADOR’s butler STANLEY!! What’s he doing? He’s got a pot of HOT TEA! He throws the hot tea at CHALUPA, but CHALUPA ducks! The tea missed, but AMBASSADOR is helping SANDERS to his feet! SANDERS is back up and CHALUPA is looking at STANLEY! The ref turns his attention to STANLEY as well, as AMBASSADOR hands a set of brass knuckles to the dizzy SANDERS!! NO!! SANDERS lunges at CHALUPA as he turns around. BANG!! CAHLUPA is down!! 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. TEN!! SANDERS with the shocking upset!! AMBASSADOR helped STEVE SANDERS win it!! But WHY?


The crowd is going wild after CHALUPA'S loss. CHALUPA slowly gets to his feet and jumps out of the ring, where he begins taunting the fans in the front rows. One fan throws a cup of what appears to be soda, right at CHALUPA'S head. CHALUPA ducks it though, and begins screaming at the fans, more irate now then before. SANDERS rolls out of the ring, unnoticed by CHALUPA. SANDERS suddenly grabs CHALUPA from behind, and throws him back into the ring. SANDERS slides into the ring right behind CHALUPA, and begins pounding on him with vicious rights and lefts. SANDERS begins unlacing the straps in the back of the mask as the crowd goes wild!

SANDERS quickly pulls the mask off of CHALUPA, but CHALUPA covers his face with his hands so that we can't see who he is. SANDERS stands over CHALUPA, trying to pull his hands from his face, but to the surprise of everyone, CHALUPA moves his hands and blows a massive fire ball right into the eyes of SANDERS! The crowd falls silent at the realization that CHALUPA really is!

GRAVES jumps to his feet, and begins pounding SANDERS with strong rights! SANDERS stumbles back into the ropes, and runs up, clotheslining him over the top rope! GRAVES motions for a microphone, and one of the XWF stagehands tosses one up to him. GRAVES snarls at the fans, a few are booing in response, but for the most part, the fans still seem to be in shock at the return of MICHEAL GRAVES.

GRAVES: You know, about a month ago, I came back to this company a humbled man. When I left the XWF, I left in a fit of rage, rage that was based partly on my failed attempt to open, and run my own company, and partly because of how s***ty the XWF became without JONATHYN. JONATHYN left this company for whatever reasons he had, and suddenly, my enemy was gone. That's right, if you think back to when THOMAS DAVIS and I attempted to open TCWF, you will remember that it was all because of problems I had with JON. I felt that JON was behind a plot on ANARCHY that saw myself and DESTINY being poisoned before our matches. So I wanted nothing more then to see JON ousted from the XWF. Once I got my wish however, I realized the error of my ways. The XWF was not the same without JON. This place quickly began to fall apart, and I hated it. I hated it because I realized that a man I really dislike, was the stone that held this place together, and made the XWF what it was. Despite what you all think, I don't hate the XWF, and I never did. My problem was always with JON. JON used to like and use me as his tool. He would have me do his dirty work for him... fine whatever. I got sick of it, and that is where my problems with JON came about. Now, as most of you know, I quit the XWF after JON left. I'm sure it doesn't make any sense to you... I realize that I should have been happy now that JON was gone, but the simple fact was, I wasn't. Remember, I loved the XWF, and I wanted this company to thrive, and like I said, without JON, XWF fell apart. I couldn't stick around and work for a company who may or may not be around in a few months, so I made my decision, and I left. I breached my contract, and went to work for WPW. Now, back to what I first said. I did return to the XWF last month as a humbled man. I came here simply to work. I wanted to make sure things were set straight between myself, and JONATHYN, and I wanted to continue my career with the company I should have been apart of all along. So I came in, and set up a meeting with JON. I thought we were fine, I thought everything between us would go much smoother this time, then it did before…

NO! Because before the f***ing ink even dried on the contract I signed, JONATHYN made sure to point out a stipulation that HE added to my contract without my knowing. It stated that JONATHYN BROWN would have full control of my on screen persona! Do you people really think I wanted to run around in that ridiculous costume, and carry that so called "title" with me? Do you really think that I wanted to act stupid on TV, or call myself something as retarded as CHALUPA?.. F*** NO! But, I did it. I always did what JON told me to, and this time was no different. JON wanted a goofy character on TV, and he got one. I once again became JON'S tool, and I did exactly what he wanted me to. I became JONATHYN’S personal dancing monkey… But not anymore! I'm not CHALUPA as of tonight. I lost my mask, and that's the end of that! JON may try to slap another stupid costume one me next week, but I've already decided that I WILL NOT do it! JON, if you want to fine me, the do it, if you want to fire me, then that's fine to, but from here on in, as long as I am with the XWF, or any other company for that matter, I'm going to be ME! No if's and's or but's about it. Now, I'm sure everybody is wondering exactly what my goal is this time out. Because the last time I was here, there was that big spat with DESTINY, and SEAN. Then there was the WORLD TITLE I won, and dropped in the same night. What could I possibly be planning right now?.. Well, I want to go ahead and put this out there.... I never lost the XWF WORLD TITLE, so I still consider that title mine! So when my time comes to once again pursue it, I will, and I promise whoever may be so unlucky to be holding that belt at the time... I will get it back!.. BUT... Right now, I have other things to tend to. There is a certain family member that needs my attention right now. So the WORLD TITLE will have to wait. JONATHYN, I know you've been wondering about one of your "superstars" recently, let me just be the first to tell you this, SEAN is around here in some capacity, I know this for a fact! But the man you’re suspecting... The only thing for sure... Is nothing’s for sure!

With that, the former CHALUPA, now revealed to be MICHEAL GRAVES, drops the microphone and heads to the back.

Standard Match

DIABOLIQUE and STAR head to the ring, and DIABOLIQUE looks proud of the fact that she’s held the title as long as she has.. Suddenly, "Superbeast" by Rob Zombie blasts onto the PA system, the crowd cheering loudly as fire blasts from the stage, and the lights go out. Sparks illuminate the ramp, a tall silhouette holding a large strap slowly walks through the beads of fire. The sparks diminish, leaving the arena in darkness. Flashes begin to light the ring, strobes catching fast movement of the Women's Belt taking out DIABOLIQUE! DIABOLIQUE has just been smashed in the head with her own title! The lights flick back on suddenly, leaving STAR and the redheaded intruder glaring at each other......

KITTEN is back!

STAR's eyes widen as she backs away to the ropes, KITTEN making her way closer and closer with an evil smile across her face. STAR clenches her fists, and lunges at KITTEN attempting to spear her through the stomach. KITTEN sidesteps STAR, STAR tripping into the turnbuckle! SMASH! STAR's face connects with the corner post, KITTEN grabbing her by the back of her head. STAR screams as KITTEN pulls her hair, STAR quickly reversing KITTEN's pull with a knee to the abdomen. KITTEN lets go of STAR, and pushes her back. STAR pursuits KITTEN once again, KITTEN with a huge boot to the head! STAR falls to the mat, KITTEN dropping the Women's Belt beside STAR. KITTEN grasps STAR, hoisting her above her head. STAR struggles slightly as KITTEN slams STAR's abdomen against her shoulders, applying a backbreaker! KITTEN applies it thrice, and slams STAR to the mat in an F-5! STAR is down! STAR holds her back in pain, writhing about the center of the ring. KITTEN laughs as she pulls a microphone from her pocket, and holds it to her lips.

KITTEN: Well, well. It has been quite a while since I've stepped foot in the ring with a bunch of pansy-ass women. I left this clown job a long time ago. I got tired of fighting sissy Barbie doll ballerinas with a dream no more important than toe jam. And yet, it still happens... it's still on television. And I think it is about time to put an end to it. It is time that you candy ass bimbos get your s**t together and fight with the big boys. I've done it for nearly a year now, and I am tired of wasting good match time on the Women's Title. The men laugh at it, the women get embarrassed because of it... TRUST ME, I've been embarrassed to call WILD ORCHID the Women's Champion. So here it is, folks. I'm officially taking the Women's Title out of commission and throwing these bitches in with the main flow. It is time to show what a 'Woman' really is all about. Like me! Sorry I had to take you both out, ladies, but when you can’t make an omelet without BREAKING SOME EGGS, and you can’t push the women of the XWF forward without BREAKING SOME BELTS!!

KITTEN rolls out of the ring and reaches underneath the mat. She pulls out a large garbage can, and rolls it in the ring. Inside, contents roll around causing ruckus within the aluminum steel cylinder. KITTEN rolls back under the ropes, standing next to STAR who still lies motionless. She stands the garbage can upright, pulling off the lid. KITTEN eyes the lid, smiles, and tosses it over her shoulder, letting it fall on top of STAR. KITTEN grabs the Women's Title, and drops it into the can. She reaches in, and grabs a large jug of gasoline, and drenches the entire inside of the can. She pulls a Zippo from her pocket, and ignites it. She tosses the Zippo into the trashcan, simultaneous to running away. The trashcan explodes for a moment with flames, a roaring stream of fire rolling up to the rafters. The fire dies down as the gasoline dries up into the air, KITTEN rolling into the ring with a sledgehammer! She pulls the flaming belt out with a gloved hand, and drops it next to STAR. The metal had warped and crusted over, the leather strap cracking and melting away. The embroidery upon the belt was gone, and so was the image of the Women's Champion. KITTEN smiled down at STAR, bringing the sledgehammer above her head. She's aiming for STAR! NO! KITTEN slams the sledge down, smashing the Women's Title! Sparks fly all over the ring! The Women's Title has been obliterated, as have the women who were fighting for it!!



The camera opens up on CHRIS CAGE off working in the Gym on the bench press. He is pumping off sets and reps like crazy in preparing as much as he can before his big time. He has a spotter standing behind him as the spotter counts aloud the number to reps he does per set.

Spotter: ....6 ......7 .....8 ......9 .....10, 3. 1..... 2...... 3..... 4..... 5.....

And while the spotter continues on counting them out loud, CHRIS CAGE starts in breathing slow and heavily.

CAGE: Whhheeeeeew! Man! This is just the perfect thing I need to get myself fully prepped and prepared for my Tag Team Title Match tonight! Whoooow man have I been looking forward to that all week long! I just can't wait to finally get into that ring tonight and hit it up in trying to get those Titles! BUT! Until then, I've got to keep working out making sure I'm in my peak condition!

The camera then fades off of him and back to the ring for the next match as he continues working out.


All three men are in the ring as the ref rings to bell to bring the match to a start. The match begins with both NOLD and DEACON locking on each other, in a strength challenge with DYNAMITE looking on. NOLD seems to have the upper hand, but DYNAMITE kicks him in the side as the lock is released causing NOLD to fall on the mat. Both DEACON and DYNAMITE start stomping on NOLD, double-teaming him. They both pick NOLD up and whip him to the ropes.. they attempt a combined double clothesline, but NOLD ducks them both.. bounces back the opposite ropes and comes back with a big double clothesline knocking both DEACON and DYNAMITE down to the mat. NOLD picks DEACON up and whips him to the ropes.. as DEACON comes running back, NOLD nails him with a knee to the midsection, causing DEACON to spin before falling flat on his back. DYNAMITE is up and he knocks NOLD from behind with a clothesline. NOLD lands flat on his face, and starts yelling in pain, holding his head. DYNAMITE then turns his attention to DEACON, and starts stomping on the former X-Treme Champion. He picks DEACON up and quickly nails him with a huge uppercut to the jaw, causing DEACON to fall back on the ropes, holding on to it. DYNAMITE then attempts a clothesline, but DEACON anticipates it and grabs DYNAMITE and back body drops him to the outside of the ring! DEACON starts taunting DYNAMITE who is holding his back in pain, as NOLD struggles up and sneaks behind DEACON with a cradle rollup.. 1..2.. KICK OUT! DEACON is furious as he gets up only to be whipped into the ropes by NOLD.. DEACON comes back as NOLD grabs him and nails him with a power slam. NOLD picks him up, and body slams him onto the mat. DYNAMITE is sliding into the ring with NOLD unaware.. NOLD picks DEACON up again as DYNAMITE charges at NOLD, NOLD sees him at the last second and ducks, causing DYNAMITE to dropkick DEACON instead! DYNAMITE is furious as he turns around only to be nailed with a dropkick from NOLD! Both men are down, as NOLD goes for the pin on DYNAMITE.. 1.. 2.. KICK OUT! Both DYNAMITE and DEACON get on their feet as we have a three-way brawl, with the three men hitting each other simultaneously. DEACON is laying a series of kicks into DYNAMITE's midsection while NOLD climbs onto the top turnbuckle. DYNAMITE and DEACON continue their brawl as NOLD jumps off the top-rope crashing right into them! All three men are down! The ref starts the count.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. NOLD starts to rouse and struggles to get on his feet.. as DYNAMITE also starts to rise. They start throwing weak punches at each other as DEACON slowly gets on his feet. DEACON has a wild look in his eyes as he wobbles around unsteadily.. suddenly, his body just goes limp as he falls back on the mat, passed out. NOLD knocks DYNAMITE out of the ring with a clothesline after seeing this, and quickly goes for the cover on DEACON. 1.. 2.. THREE! MISTER NOLD wins it! What a shocking upset!


The ref is holding up NOLD'S hand while giving him the Canadian Title Belt when suddenly from underneath the ring comes the same Doctor from Anarchy (the one who gave COOPER the “flu” shot and caused him to pass out). He climbs up on into the ring and stands next to the New Canadian Champion before taking his surgical mask off to reveal himself to be...

It was FUZZ that must have injected STARK with something at some point during the match! The crowd pops as he congratulates NOLD! FUZZ and MISTER NOLD are together?

NO! FUZZ suddenly kicks NOLD out of nowhere and nailing him with a huge snap DDT!! FUZZ then looks down at NOLD mockingly before shaking his head in disgrace over him and picking up the Canadian Title Belt. FUZZ then climbs out of the ring while still holding onto the Canadian Title Belt high above his head point to it. FUZZ is back in the XWF, and he just STOLE THE CANADIAN BELT!!

The shot cuts to the back with EXTERMINATOR lifting weights in his locker room. He decides to take a brief break when XWF reporter STEVE SAYORS comes up to him and asks for an interview. EXTERMINATOR accepts.

SAYORS: EXTERMINATOR, what are your thoughts on the new stipulation for the Battle Royal?

EXTERMINATOR: I think it's a wonderful opportunity for everyone involved in the event itself. It's a shame that STEVE JASON had to get injured, he's one of the best the XWF has to offer. I hope he gets better soon. If I'm the Universal Champion by the time he recovers, the Stinger will be one of the first wrestlers to get a title shot. There are plenty of others I'd like to give a shot to, but I'm here to win the title first. If I don't win the title, I can't defend it.

SAYORS: What are your thoughts on the other competitors?

EXTERMINATOR: CHRIS CAGE is a former DW champion, and he has made one of the fastest ascensions to the top. He has worked hard, and I can see the determination in him. FRED L has been on top before. His previous experience as Universal Champion gives him an advantage in this event. The fact that he's been to the top of the mountain before makes him want it that much more. I've never faced them before, and I know they'll be tough, but I will look to exploit any weaknesses I find in them. As for DEVIN DAWSON, he's nothing more than a braggart. He may have beaten me once, but I was not at my best. I hope he's at his best, because I'll be at mine. I only show respect to those who work hard and show respect right back. DAWSON has not shown respect to anybody, so why should I show any respect back to him? He'll get what's coming to him. When I walk down that aisle and enter the ring, I have two purposes. One is to put DEVIN DAWSON in his place. The other is more obvious...to win the XWF Universal Title.

SAYORS: You were the Undisputed Champion in your old fed, the WWL. Would winning the XWF Universal Title mean more to you?

EXTERMINATOR: With all due respect to the old fed, the XWF has been around longer and has more competitive wrestlers. It would mean more to me to win the XWF's top prize. I relished the time I had in WWL, don't get me wrong, but the XWF is the top fed in the business today, and my dream is to be the face of the company, the top dog, and the competitor everybody wants to beat. I wrestle for myself, my friends, my family and my fans. Should I end the night as XWF Universal Champion, everyone is welcome to celebrate with me. I'm thankful for this chance!

SAYORS: Thank you for your time, EXTERMINATOR. Good luck in the Battle Royal.

EXTERMINATOR: Thanks very much.

SAYORS: Let’s head back to the ring!

Standard Match

THE ANCHOR came down to the ring as ACHROMA was already waiting. THE ANCHOR slides in and that fight was off with ACHROMA getting the early advantage. THE ANCHOR fought back to his feet grabbing ACHROMA in a headlock punching him in the head. ACHROMA reversed the headlock with a belly to back suplex and than a jumping leg drop. As ACHROMA taunted the crowd, THE ANCHOR got to his feet and waited and ACHROMA to turn around. THE ANCHOR charged ACHROMA and hit him with a clothesline sending both men out to the floor below with a thud. Both men got to their feet slowly but THE ANCHOR snake-eyed ACHROMA onto the guardrail following that up with a standing dropkick that knocked ACHROMA to the ground hard. THE ANCHOR picked him up again shooting ACHROMA into the steel steps hard. The fans screamed loudly as this fight was getting good. THE ANCHOR went over and grabbed a chair to finish off ACHROMA but when THE ANCHOR came to ACHROMA, ACHROMA punched the chair right back into THE ANCHOR’S face and connected a shot right to THE ANCHOR’S cranium knocking him dizzy to the ground. ACHROMA picked him up and tossed him into the ring going after him. As THE ANCHOR made his way to his feet ACHROMA connected with some hefty chops. THE ANCHOR staggered as ACHROMA tossed him into the opposite ropes and scored a huge Samoan drop into a cross arm breaker. THE ANCHOR screamed in pain but eventually got out of the hold with a roll up, and the one…two… KICK OUT! ACHROMA gets back to his feet only to be nearly beheaded by a spin kick from THE ANCHOR. He staggers to his feet again as THE ANCHOR bounces off the ropes. ACHROMA drops down onto his belly and THE ANCHOR jumps over him and bounces off the other rope. ACHROMA leapfrogs him and as THE ANCHOR comes back he gets a back kick in the gut doubling him over, ACHROMA then turns around and hits a facebuster. He makes the cover! ONE! Not even close! ACHROMA slides to the apron and as THE ANCHOR gets up and springboards into the ring. THE ANCHOR catches the dropkick though and brings down ACHROMA face first with a reverse powerbomb. THE ANCHOR takes his advantage and locks in an STF. ACHROMA is screaming in pain and stretching for the ropes. He is just about there when THE ANCHOR rolls back and locks ACHROMA into a one legged Mexican Surfboard Stretch in the middle of the ring. ACHROMA though is able to use his other leg to push off the ground and flip out of the submission. He lands on his feet and dropkicks THE ANCHOR right in the jaw. ACHROMA pulls him up and whips him into the corner. He spins THE ANCHOR around and jumps onto the middle rope. ACHROMA then spins around with his head under THE ANCHOR’s and nails a sit out jawbreaker. ACHROMA now drags the prone THE ANCHOR into the corner. He grabs the ropes and leaps up, splitting his legs and letting the momentum moonsault him onto THE ANCHOR. The cover! ONE.. TWO.. THREE! ACHROMA is the new HART CHAMPION!


Standard Tag Match

Both CENTURION and TOMOKO HANAHARA are down ringside wearing their Tag Team Title Belts handing them over to the ref when DARKHAN suddenly comes walking down to the ring. He climbs up onto the ring apron and into the ring in waiting for his tag team partner CHRIS CAGE now when...... nothing! No music or anything! The camera then quickly pans to the back where we can now all see CHRIS CAGE still working out in the Gym! He seems so into being set and ready for his Tag Team Title Match that he completely forgot about it itself. As he now goes from doing jumping jacks to dropping down and starting in with doing push-ups. DARKHAN just smacks his forehead as he shakes his head shamefully over his tag team partner before the ref shrugs his shoulders and calls for the bell anyways.

From the bell ringing, DARKHAN and CENTURION start off in the ring. The two circle one another before lunging in at one another with various rights and lefts. The two continue on exchanging their blows until finally CENTURION ducks around DARKHAN and takes him out with a quick backbreaker across his knee before dropping him. CENTURION then goes running and bouncing off the ropes as he comes back leapfrogging over DARKHAN slowly starting to get up now. Upon his way back, CENTURION takes DARKHAN down with a quick head-scissors takedown. CENTURION then gets back up and grabs a hold of DARKHAN by his hair lifting him up and suplexing him before quickly running over to the side and climbing out onto the ring apron and jumping up onto the top rope when.... CRASH!!!! CENTURION jumped off the top rope with a quick, high frog splash only to connect with the mat as DARKHAN rolled out of the way at the last split second! Both men seem downed now as the ref starts in with a 10 count, 1.... 2..... 3.... 4.... 5..... 6.... and both men are slowly starting to get back up to their feet again. And now with both men up, CENTURION comes running full speed at DARKHAN only to be taken out with a big boot to the face!!! The crowd pops being shocked as DARKHAN drops down making a cover immediately, 1...... 2..... and a kickout by CENTURION!

DARKHAN picks CENTURION up now taunting TOMOKO as she tries to get in but the ref stops her when suddenly CENTURION pushes off from DARKHAN and blindsidedly kicks him square in his junk without the ref having seen it!!!! He then stumbles over tagging TOMOKO in now as she quickly climbs up to the top rope when she then jumps off taking DARKHAN down with an off the top rope hurricanrana!!!! The crowd pops seeing this from TOMOKO as she then quickly makes a cover on him. 1..... 2.... and an amazing kickout by DARKHAN! She gets back up to her feet grabbing up DARKHAN by his arm and walking over to the steel turnbuckle. She climbs it followed by walking along the top rope in still not having let go of DARKHAN'S arm after having twisted and wrenched it when..... BLAM!!!! TOMOKO jumps down onto her butt on the top rope and flips over with a praying Asai moonsault landing it on her feet while flipping DARKHAN over viciously onto his back. And lands hard and yells out in pain as CENTURION now quickly climbs into the ring and runs over picking up a hold of DARKHAN while TOMOKO runs over climbing up onto the top rope when suddenly from out of nowhere CHRIS CAGE comes running at full speed!

He slides into the ring as CENTURION grunts in picking DARKHAN up onto his shoulders without noticing CAGE as CAGE runs over pushing TOMOKO off the top rope causing her to crash face first down into the steel guard wall! The crowd pops again now in beginning to chant, "Holy S**t! Holy S**t! Holy S**t!". CAGE then quickly turns and kicks out the back of CENTURION'S knees as he lets go of DARKHAN in him dropping backwards hooking CENTURION'S head and nastily laying him out cold with a reverse ddt drop!!!! CAGE then grabs a hold of CENTURION and drags him out of the ring while then picking up TOMOKO and rolling her back into the ring. Suddenly from the crowd comes DEVIL WITH PRIESTS! He hops the security guard wall and begins punching and stomping CENTURION as DARKHAN drops down to make a cover. 1..... 2...... and a three count!!!!!! DARKHAN and CHRIS CAGE have finally done it!!!!!


The ref holds up both of their arms as CAGE slides back into the ring now when CENTURION now having gotten back up to his feet begins duking it out with DWP as they wail on each other back and forth. TOMOKO now however having slowly gotten up joins in by helping out CENTURION as the ref hands over the Tag Team Title Belts over to CAGE and DARKHAN as they leave the ring and the arena. TOMOKO and CENTURION continue on double teaming DWP when suddenly CYREN comes running down the X-Tron's rampway full speed when he very nastily clotheslines TOMOKO off full blast! She flips over backwards as CYREN then grabs a hold of CENTURION and throws him up the rampway as he then turns his attention back to TOMOKO. DWP and CYREN then begin double-teaming her in stomping and punching her variously while CENTURION continues on crawling up the rampway. He starts shouting and yelling that he and TOMOKO deserve a re-match for the Tag Titles and of how he was wrongly done. Though no sooner than CENTURION finishes, DYNAMIC DYNAMITE and RAZIEL show up on top of the X-Tron rampway demanding that they should be next to get a Tag Team Title Shot. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Anarchy GM SHANE CARVER comes walking out from behind DYNAMITE and RAZIEL with a microphone in hand.

SHANE: Hey! HEY! HEY!!!! This will be going down on MY Show D**N IT!!!! So THIS is how it'll go down! Seeing as how all of you are whining and bitching and moaning about getting your precious little Title Shots to no extent I see it going down like this..... That you 3 teams will face one another in a Triple Threat Tag Team #1 Contendership Match this Thursday Night on Anarchy!!!! And that is AFTER BLIZZARD and NICK NITRO get their Shot at the Titles first .....so until then, shut up and get the hell out of here!

SHANE CARVER then throws the microphone off to the side as he walks backstage again.


KORE is down in the ring handing over his X-Treme Title Belt to the ref as ARMAGEDDON X is walking down the rampway when suddenly CONFUSION comes running down full speed right behind him knocking him down. CONFUSION picks AX back and whips him into the cage wall sending him crashing into it hard back first before he climbs into the cage. And with the ref quickly having the bell now rung to start off the match, CONFUSION and KORE get right into each other's faces only mere inches away when somehow out of nowhere AX comes sliding into the ring running and dropkicking the two men into one another. AX then quickly jumps over by CONFUSION going off with random punches and kicks and stomping on him like crazy. The ref tries to stop him but can't get him off when KORE now finally getting back up to his feet runs over grabbing a hold of AX'S hair and yanks him off backwards hard smashing him into the ring mat. KORE then drops down rolling out of the ring grabbing up a steel folding chair from under the ring as CONFUSION is slowly getting back up to his feet. He slides back up on into the ring as AX is as well getting back up to his feet when it looks like KORE is about to nail CONFUSION when... BAM!!!! KORE takes AX out instead!!!! The crowd pops as KORE now starts slowly smiling with CONFUSION as KORE lays the steel chair down flat on the ring before CONFUSION picks AX back up. Both KORE and CONFUSION now hook AX'S head before lifting him up into the air and landing with a stalling suplex straight onto the steel folding chair! CONFUSION then rolls out of the ring in grabbing out two tables from underneath the ring as he sets them up in the area between the ring and the cage wall next to one another. He then walks back pulling out a small canister of gasoline and a small brown paper bag as he walks back over to the table. He pours out what is now seen as tacks and nails all over the two tables followed up by the gasoline all over the two tables. KORE now smiling greatly watches as CONFUSION walks back over towards the crowd snatching up a Zippo lighter from a guy about to use it and walks back over towards the tables lighting it and throwing it onto the two tables setting them ablaze. The crowd pops now seeing this as KORE now picks AX back up with CONFUSION rolling back on into the ring. KORE knees AX in his gut as the two men grab a hold of him and lift him up into the air on their shoulders before running a few feet and throwing him completely out of the ring crashing through the flaming tables covered in tack and nails. The crowd immediately begins chanting, "Holy S**t! Holy S**t! Holy S**t!" AX is not moving at all! 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. TEN!! He’s OUT! CONFUSION and KORE have big smiles on their faces only to see KORE suddenly approach CONFUSION and SHOVE him.. Then CONFUSION hits KORE with his PINKY! And KORE goes down!! The ref looks at him, knowing it’s bogus, but KORE refuses to budge, and the ref counts! 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. TEN!! KORE handed the title over to CONFUSION!


CONFUSION wins the match? The ref reluctantly holds up his hand into the air as he declares CONFUSION the winner of the match after having the bell rung ending the match. Suddenly CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY comes walking down the X-Tron rampway congratulating CONFUSION the whole way down as he makes his way right up next to the ring.

CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY: CONFUSION.. We’ve all seen your little façade with KORE.. And I’m not impressed. In fact, nothing I’ve ever seen out of you impressed me. You’re overrated and weak, just like everyone else in the XWF. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you and I are booked to meet Thursday in a qualifying match for X-MAS X-TREME.. And that belt right there WILL be on the line.. So you can wave goodbye to that Title Belt and to your chances at X-MAS X-TREME, because I’m not going to just “fall down” for you.. I’m going to show you how REAL WRESTLERS fight!

Before CONFUSION can even say or do anything, CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY then begins walking back up towards the X-Tron to an impressive cheer.

The camera opens up backstage in the backstage area. There is a table of food set up and a couple of stagehands grab some food. BLIZZARD then walks onto the screen.

BLIZZARD: Jeez, don't you guys have something better to do... like I don't know, your job?

The stagehands scurry off as BLIZZARD grabs a sandwich. BLIZZARD notices one stagehand left, though.

BLIZZARD: What do you want?

STAGEHAND: Oh well, a couple of guys are going to watch the end of the pay-per-view and I wanted to know if you'd like to join us?

BLIZZARD: Maybe, it depends. It beats watching it alone just don't count on me showing up, because I have better things to do, there's some ladies backstage and I might want to get acquainted.

STAGEHAND: Oh okay, well later.

The stagehand leaves as BLIZZARD stands there talking to himself.

BLIZZARD: Lord of the Ring, what a joke. What, is there 4 guys in that thing? And they all suck, too. I could of won the Universal Title for Christ's sake....

BLIZZARD realizes what he said.

BLIZZARD: I could have won the Universal Championship..

BLIZZARD stands there realizing what could have been, as the camera cuts back to the ring.

Pin To Win

All 3 men are already down in the ring when the ref holds the World Title Belt high above his head and then hands it off having the bell rung. The 3 men carefully keep an eye on one another before RIGG suddenly takes off charging at T-MONEY rushing him up against the ropes with hard right hands before whipping him across the ring. RIGG then quickly flips T-MONEY over himself as he comes back causing T-MONEY to crash down hard onto the ring mat. RIGG then walks back over to T-MONEY picking him up as LACEY now joins in as RIGG flips T-MONEY over with a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker on him with LACEY heading up to the top rope. RIGG yells for LACEY to jump when..... CRASH!!!! RIGG at the last second lifted T-MONEY back up to his feet causing LACEY to crash down hard on the ring mat as he screams out in pain. T-MONEY and RIGG then walk back over grabbing up LACEY and begin taking turns wailing on him punching and kicking like crazy before lifting him back up and whipping him to the steel ring post. The two men now walk over lifting LACEY up onto the top rope while standing up onto the 2nd rope themselves while hooking LACEY'S head when... SLAM!!!!! RIGG and T-MONEY both take LACEY down and out with a double superplex from off the top rope!!!! The crowd pops when suddenly from out of nowhere CHRIS CAGE comes running down full speed towards the ring. He grabs a hold of RIGG'S leg and yanks him out onto the ground before starting to punch him. RIGG however taking it all in begins fighting back against CAGE as the two men stand outside battling it out punch for punch.

Meanwhile inside the ring however, T-MONEY quickly drops down over LACEY for the pinfall cover, 1...... 2..... and a kickout at the last second!!!! T-MONEY now stands back up yanking LACEY up with him to his feet when he knees LACEY and slams his head in between his legs only to then take him down with a slowly stalling sit-down piledriver. T-MONEY gets back up as he begins making his way over towards the steel ring post when the ref tires to stop him. T-MONEY gets mad and grabs a hold of the ref and completely throws the ref out of the ring before he starts climbing up onto the top rope. Back on the outside though, CAGE had gotten the upper hand only for a little bit in ducking a punch from RIGG and taking him down a fast, stiff clothesline; but in now picking RIGG back up, RIGG nailed CAGE with an uppercut taking CAGE off guard and sending him sprawling back a couple of feet. CAGE now runs at RIGG catching him up to Irish whip him into the steel steps when... BLAM!!!! RIGG reversed it and threw CAGE into the steel steps himself instead! Though in not letting up from him, RIGG slowly walks back over slowly picking CAGE back up when... BAM!!!! RIGG lays CAGE out cold with the F-Bomb!!!!! The crowd pops in seeing this when suddenly "Gimmie the Mic" by Limp Bizkit hits the PA System!! Whose music is that! A few fans in the crowd know it!!

NO WAY!!! DW's legend SHAWN STORM comes running out from underneath the X-Tron full speed towards the ring with a steel folding chair in hand as the crowd goes CRAZY!

STORM quickly pounces on RIGG attacking him with a nasty chair shot straight to his face! STORM continues on as lays into RIGG by repeatedly smashing the steel folding chair shot after shot after shot on him denting the chair badly. RIGG now however is broke up as in the ring T-MONEY jumped off the top rope then with a huge leg drop when... SMASH!!!!! LACEY somehow managed to roll out of the way at the last second! And now with both men downed, STORM rolls the battered and bloody RIGG into the ring followed by rolling in himself and bum rushing T-MONEY attacking him by stomping and kicking him furiously. LACEY slowly gets back up to his feet and jumps in helping STORM as the two men then double team T-MONEY after picking him up in with a double reverse 3-D!! The crowd pops loudly now over this as the ref back up to his feet sees this quickly has both STORM and LACEY thrown and ejected from the match on the account of Disqualification!!!! LACEY and STORM go crazy over this as the ref tries to have them leave the ring. STORM then gets in the ref's face as LACEY, now pissed as all hell, runs over grabbing up T-MONEY and quickly drags him over on top of RIGG before grabbing up STORM and the both of them leave the ring walking up the rampway. The ref sees the pinfall cover and drops down, 1..... 2.... and a THREE COUNT!!! T-MONEY has won the match and became the XWF'S New World Champion!! It’s a tainted win, but it’s in the record books! But SHAWN STORM is here now, and he’s obviously aligned with RICK LACEY! What does this mean to the World Division?.. Or the TAG DIVISION?




The big event starts with EXTERMINATOR, DEVIN DAWSON, CHRIS CAGE, and FRED L in the ring, each man in one corner. The ref calls for the bell and DAWSON takes the lead. He runs straight at EXTERMINATOR and tackles him to the ground. DAWSON punches EXTERMINATOR over and over again until EXTERMINATOR finally gets fed up with it. He gives DAWSON a kick to the groin and gets up. EXTERMINATOR pulls DAWSON up and gives him a reverse DDT onto the mat. He rolls DAWSON over into an arm bar and locks it on tight. Meanwhile CHRIS CAGE and FRED L have begun to fight. FRED L has a headlock on CAGE. CAGE reverses and hits a twisting neckbreaker on FRED L. As CAGE is standing up to put his boot in FRED L’s face, EXTERMINATOR gives CAGE a hard uppercut. CAGE falls backwards and EXTERMINATOR turns back to DAWSON who is now pursuing him. FRED L is now up and he picks up CAGE over his head. He walks slowly to the edge of the ring and is about to toss CAGE out of the ring. CAGE struggles furiously and falls backwards away from the edge of the ring. On his way down he grabs a hold of FRED L’s neck. FRED L crashes onto the mat but recovers rather quickly. He gets to his feet and grabs a hold of CHRIS, giving him an Atomic Drop. CAGE’s face contorts in pain. He grabs his crotch and falls sideways off FRED L’s knee. FRED L flips CAGE over and locks him in a camel clutch. EXTERMINATOR and DAWSON are on the other side of the ring duking it out with punches. DAWSON changes pace by grabbing EXTERMINATOR’s head and slamming it into the turnbuckle. EXTERMINATOR gives DAWSON a boot to the balls, which makes him let up. EXTERMINATOR runs at DAWSON and gives him a clothesline. DAWSON slams onto the mat. EXTERMINATOR picks him up and belly-to-belly suplexes him. DAWSON gets to his feet and returns the move, giving EXTERMINATOR an equally hard belly-to-belly suplex. EXTERMINATOR gets to his feet and growls at DAWSON. He runs at DAWSON and DAWSON Irish Whips him into the ropes. EXTERMINATOR bounces back and dropkicks DAWSON to the mat. He then starts kicking DAWSON over and over again. FRED L and CHRIS CAGE are on the other side of the ring. CAGE is up on the turnbuckle and he grabs FRED L’s head, giving him a Apron Dive Swinging DDT. FRED L looks dazed. CAGE goes to attack DAWSON, but FRED L grabs his ankle, pulling CAGE down to the mat. The two roll around punching each other a moment. The movement stops as EXTERMINATOR gets a spare moment and leg drops both CAGE and FRED L. DAWSON quickly steals his attentions again when he chops EXTERMINATOR across the back of the head. EXTERMINATOR turns around with an annoyed expression on his face and gives DAWSON a forearm to the face. This knocks DAWSON back a few steps and EXTERMINATOR kicks him in the stomach. He grabs a hold of DAWSON and gives him a brainbuster DDT. He then positions DAWSON and gives him a headbutt, making both of them dazed. Meanwhile, CAGE gives FRED L a clothesline, flying off the top rope. FRED L gets hit but CAGE lands wrong. He slams into the mat and is slow to get up. EXTERMINATOR gets a bright idea to do something similar, even though the top rope is a risk factor right now. He headbutts DAWSON again and climbs to the top rope while DAWSON is dazed. As he is climbing up top, DAWSON gets up quickly. He runs behind EXTERMINATOR, preparing to charge and throw him over. EXTERMINATOR notices and holds on for dear life. He doesn’t fall over the edge of the ropes. EXTERMINATOR punches DAWSON who is now standing on the bottom rope trying to get more leverage. DAWSON and EXTERMINATOR are exchanging punches when all of a sudden… CHRIS CAGE charges them both! EXTERMINATOR falls backwards, and grabs DAWSON, pulling him over with him. Oh no! Steel steps… both men crash into the steel steps head and face first. They fall almost lifelessly to the ring outside! CHRIS lingers a moment to make sure both of them are really out. Neither man seems to be moving. FRED L has taken a moment to recover, and is now going after CAGE. He kicks CAGE in the back with a dropkick. FRED L grabs CAGE’s jaw, pinning it onto his shoulder and slams onto his knees, giving CAGE a beautiful Jawbreaker. While CAGE is down, FRED L gives CAGE a Back Brain Heel kick! CAGE falls to the mat, almost as lifeless as EXTERMINATOR and DAWSON. FRED L hits a leg drop on CAGE. He pulls CAGE up to give him a German suplex. He hits the suplex beautifully, then pulls CAGE up for a second. CAGE reverses with a punch to FRED L’s gut. He low blows FRED L and smiles. CAGE hits a reverse DDT, and then immediately pulls FRED L up into a neckbreaker. He pulls FRED L up again but FRED L reverses this time and gives CAGE a body slam. He rakes across CAGE’s eyes and laughs. CAGE screams and punches at FRED L blindly. One blow connects and FRED L is knocked back a bit. CAGE gets up and runs at FRED L, spearing him. CAGE gets up and kicks FRED L over and over and over. He picks up FRED L and gives him yet another DDT. CAGE lifts FRED L up onto his shoulders now, preparing to throw him out of the ring. FRED L puts one foot on the ropes and pushes away, knocking them both back. FRED L hops off CAGE’s shoulders and punches CAGE in the ribs. FRED L backs off a moment and CAGE goes for another spear. FRED L moves out of the way this time. He pulls CAGE up into a standing head scissors, then hits a piledriver. CAGE crumples to the ground. FRED L grabs CAGE and powerbombs him. CAGE rolls around in pain and Fred L laughs. CAGE gets to his feet slowly, and FRED L grabs him. He lifts CAGE up and hits a chokeslam from hell. CAGE appears to be down and out. FRED L picks him up in the air again to throw him out of the ring but CAGE gains back enough of his senses and counters. He slides under FRED L and low blows him several times. CAGE then drags FRED L to a corner of the ring and props him up. He takes a run and spears FRED L into the ring post. CAGE kicks FRED L in the Jaw, and lifts him up, giving FRED L a spine buster onto the mat. He picks FRED L up again and gives him a powerbomb. CAGE picks up FRED L one more time and is about to deal him a nasty backbreaker when FRED L grabs a hold of CAGE’s hair. He pulls at it furiously and CAGE has no choice but to set FRED L down easily as to avoid getting a huge chunk of his hair ripped out. CAGE tries to give FRED L a kick as he sets him down, but FRED L rolls away. FRED gets to his feet and smiles. CAGE stands still, waiting to see what FRED will do. FRED L doesn’t move so CAGE is forced to charge at him. Instead of going for another spear, he dives between FRED L’s legs and trips him. FRED L slams into the mat and CAGE locks on a full nelson, trying to weaken FRED L. FRED L’s face goes red and he screams out in frustration. Finally he breaks out of the hold and gets to his feet. He looks around for something to smash CAGE with, but finds nothing. Instead he grabs CAGE’s head and slams it into one of the turnbuckles. CAGE slips away and backs off. FRED L runs at him and CAGE Irish whips him into the turnbuckle. CAGE runs and plants both of his feet in FRED L’s chest. FRED L coughs up a little blood. CAGE drags him to the center of the ring and climbs up on one of the turnbuckles. Out of nowhere FRED L gets up. CAGE goes to frog splash FRED L but FRED L moves out of the way. CAGE lands with a thud on the mat. FRED L moves in quickly and locks on a Boston Crab!!

Out of nowhere, DARKHAN appears! He throws FRED L off CHRIS CAGE! Behind DARKHAN, CENTURION appears with TOMOKO HANAHARA. Those two lay into DARKHAN and behind those two-- more XWF stars appear! T-MONEY comes out to the ring. CENTURION and DARKHAN are exchanging blows. TOMOKO goes after T-MONEY just because. T-MONEY kicks at her but TOMMY gives him a spinning heel kick! She DDT’s T-MONEY once, then picks him up and DDT’s him again. T-MONEY gets up furiously! STARK DEACON runs into the ring now. DEACON goes after FRED L, punching and kicking him. FRED L tries to fight back and hits an uppercut on DEACON. Behind DEACON, MISTER NOLD hops in with a chair. Here comes DEVIL WITH PRIESTS! FUZZ!! NOLD hits STARK DEACON over the head with the chair. NOLD getting an early start on the next show, maybe? CENTURION punches at DARKHAN and hits CHRIS CAGE in the face! It’s chaos! Oh my god, what’s happening?! DEACON gets up and goes after MISTER NOLD! DARKHAN moves to FRED L and kicks him in the gut. DARKHAN gives a powerbomb to FRED L. CHRIS CAGE fights off T-MONEY and STARK DEACON! It’s total carnage! SHAWN STORM is even out here! Fists and feet are flying everywhere! Stars are flopping in and out of the ring left and right! What’s going on?! More stars enter the ring! BLIZZARD, RAZIEL, CONFUSION, KORE... What the hell?! It’s the whole roster coming out to the ring. CYREN is here! The ring is flooded with XWF superstars! More and more of the roster is coming out, no one wanting to miss their part in this brawl. Even the elusive KITTEN rushes out to the ring! Fists fly everywhere! They’re fighting like animals! CHRIS CAGE and FRED L can’t even be seen. More stars crowd around the ring and the refs can’t even tell if the match is over! Where are FRED L and CHRIS CAGE?


There is no winner!

The arena goes dark as security tries to clear the ring.


As the ring clears out… the lights go down! In the darkness, one lone man can be seen. He has something in his hands and he climbs up on the turnbuckle. The ringside is almost cleared, and the lights come back on. The man is wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and is holding the UNIVERSAL TITLE!


He’s back! And he wants that belt!

The fans erupt as the show fades to black, leaving more questions than answers!!

So what does this mean for the Universal Title? … TUNE IN THURSDAY FOR THE SHOCKING ANSWER!!


DECEMBER 26, 2004