- - Standard Match - -

- - Non-Title Elimination Match - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -

504 BOY
- - Pin To Win - -
- - World Title #1 Contender Match - -

- - Non-Title X-Treme Rules - -

- - Standard Match - -


- - Pin To Win - -

The show opens pup with JONATHYN walking all around the backstage area looking for something. JONATHYN doesn't seem to be too happy right now. JONATHYN seems to have found what he was looking for. He found FUZZ waving good bye to a Fed Ex driver who is now walking back to his truck.


FUZZ: Well I know who I am but everyone else thinks I'm JONATHYN BROWN owner of the XWF.

JONATHYN: You better have a good EXPLANATION for all of this! I'll FIRE your ass right here right now!

FUZZ: Johnny boy, you don't have the balls to do it, besides at the rate I'm going, I'm gonna to bankrupt you in within the next twelve hours. So If you're gonna fire me better do it before you have to sell the company due to lack of funds.

JONATHYN: Ha you can't do that to me....

FUZZ: Yeah keep telling yourself that... Maybe one day it will come true. Face it JONATHYN I OWN YOU NOW!


FUZZ:Watch yourself JONATHYN or not only will I have you by the balls but so will the FCC.


FUZZ: Didn't you say that to CARVER too? Hmm... Well toodle-loo "BOSS"! HEY also I got another FED-EX delivery coming just sign for it and send it to my room!

FUZZ walks off as JONATHYN is sitting there not knowing whether or not to believe FUZZ. JONATHYN shakes his head in astonishment. Then the FED-EX driver shows up again. JONATHYN slaps the paper for delivery notification to the ground and stomps off. Suddenly, he STOPS! He thinks for a moment, and then suddenly raises his index finger as if to say "I'VE GOT IT!" He starts smiling as he now makes his way toward the entrance to the ring area!

"MY NAME'S JON BROWN" blares over the speakers as none other than XWF OWNER JONATHYN BROWN makes his way out to the ring with purpose! He slides into the ring SO FAST that he bangs his knee and almost injures himself, but he's ok as he stands and looks visibly shaken.

JONATHYN: You know, I just had an altercation in the back with YET ANOTHER person who thinks they can tell me what to do. Yet another roster member who wants to try and pull my strings. Well, this is my way of letting EVERYONE know that I DO WHAT I WANT TO DO around here! Let's start things off with THIS announcement… Ladies and gentlemen, as you may have noticed there is a match tonight that will determine the NUMBER ONE CONTENDER for the WORLD TITLE; featuring FRED L, BIGG RIGG, FUZZ, and 504 BOY. What I'm going to do right now is shake things up a little bit and I am going to announce that the WINNER of that match tonight will get a very special reward. That's right, that individual will be the FINAL ENTRY in the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH! Many more names will be announced, but tonight that 4 way match will tell us WHICH superstar will have a shining advantage in the ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH!

Furthermore, being the KING OF ANARCHY, I am going to make another big match. This match, will be the MAIN EVENT of this month's Pay Per View! Everyone has been wondering just WHO will get a shot at DYNAMIC DYNAMITE and the UNIVERSAL TITLE, and now I am telling you who it is…

February 27th, TURNING POINT… it's going to be DYNAMIC DYNAMITE defending the UNIVERSAL TITLE in a…


The fans hit the roof as JON quickly continues…

JONATHYN: His opponent? … A man who is very deserving of a shot, and has proved so over this past month AND at SNOW JOB with his tremendous efforts in the main event…

It's going to be TRENT GEIN taking on DYNAMIC DYNAMITE high above the ring on a scaffold! Both ends will be BURNING, and eventually either somebody will fall off or THE WHOLE THING will collapse down into the ring below. The man who MAKES IT OUT of the rubble and up the ramp on their own two feet will be declared the NEW UNIVERSAL CHA..

SHANE: Just wait ONE second!!!

The fans all turn as SHANE CARVER makes his way out from the back with a mic in hand.

SHANE: JONATHYN, you should KNOW BETTER than this! You can NOT, and I mean CAN NOT book a PPV Main Event match of that magnitude with your little "King" position.

JONATHYN: On the contrary, I think I can… BECAUSE I OWN THIS PLACE! You and everybody else seem to keep forgetting that!

SHANE: You may be the owner… but… ……

but…. Yes! Exactly… you ARE the owner. How kind of you to REMIND all of us, which gives me a brilliant idea! I tell you what, you can HAVE your match with TRENT and DYNAMITE high above the ring… BUT AT A PRICE! You seem to think so highly of TRENT, why don't we see if you REALLY believe in him… Here is the deal, if TRENT GEIN wins, well then I guess you will have proved your point… right? BUT, if he LOSES, it will be YOU JONATHYN BROWN WHO IS OUT OF A JOB!



SHANE walks toward the back as JONATHYN is left standing in the ring, confident that he has made the right decision in TRENT GEIN…

- - Standard Match - -

As WILLOW waits in the ring, JEN slowly makes her way out to the ramp. As she walks down the ramp, she starts chanting something and pointing to WILLOW as she does so. Little by little, more and more fans catch on to what she is saying and before WILLOW knows what is going on, a "YOU'RE A DOUCHE..*CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP*" chant begins filling the arena! WILLOW begins to look VERY upset as JEN now circles the ring and continues her chant with the fans singing along with it. Once JEN slides into the ring and the chanting stops, the match begins.

WILLOW and JEN start off in the ring and lock up. WILLOW gains the upper hand with a quick drop toe hold. She instantly goes on the offensive grabbing JEN’s leg up and locking her into a half boston crab! JEN screams in pain as WILLOW is quick to wrench back on those legs. JEN inches toward the ropes as WILLOW leans back further. JEN gets the rope! WILLOW releases the hold and waits in a ready stance as JEN gets back to her feet. WILLOW runs toward JEN, but gets back body dropped over the top rope for her trouble. JEN grabs her back as she stumbles around the ring a little bit. WILLOW lies motionless on the mat outside. JEN slides under the ropes to the outside on the side of the ring parallel to where WILLOW is. She runs around the corner, runs up the ring steps, and dives off hitting a modified swanton bomb on her. WILLOW begins to roll around as JEN returns to her feet. JEN pulls WILLOW from the floor, and rolls her into the ring. JEN slides in after her, and pulls her off the mat. JEN whips WILLOW to the corner, but is reversed! WILLOW runs in with a double back handspring elbow! JEN stumbles out of the corner, and WILLOW kicks her in the stomach. WILLOW hooks her arms, and goes for some sort of double under-hook type power bomb, but JEN hits her with a hard hurricanrana. JEN locks in the Tiger’s Eye! WILLOW struggles as JEN cinches the hold even tighter. WILLOW raises her hand to tap, but BIGG RIGG distracts the referee! That’s right…BIGG RIGG! WILD ORCHID slides in the ring on the other side and hits JEN JETSON with a frozen salami! JEN falls to the mat hard, and RIGG grabs the ref’s head, and gives him a reverse stun-gun on the top rope. WILLOW covers! No ref! WILLOW, frustrated, gets up and heads outside. She grabs a chair and tosses it into the ring. It lands inches from JEN. WILLOW slides in the ring, grabs the chair, and pulls it behind her head. JEN springs to life, landing a hard kick to WILLOW’s stomach. JEN knips up, and grabs the chair from WILLOW before she drops it. JEN jabs WILLOW in the stomach with one of the chair legs, and then hits her with The Bottom’s Up! JEN covers just as the referee recovers. 1.………….2.…………..3!


JENNEFER JETSON'S hand is raise in victory. WILLOW lies on the ground after being beaten mercilessly at the hands of MS. JETSON. JEN smirks as she pulls out a syringe from her shorts along with a pair of brass knucks. She laughs as the euphoric look of deep insanity grows in her eyes.

JEN: looks to me like you have a few wrinkles! I can take care of that. Heck...I'll even give this shot of botox to ya for free! I'm am just that nice.

JENNEFER slips the brass rings onto her hand and begin beating Willow in the face and abdomen. WILLOW lays there helplessly and IS NOW BUSTED WIDE OPEN! JENNEFER lets out a hysterical laugh and looks down at the unconcious WILLOW. JEN licks the side of her face, now sripping with blood. She smirks as she takes the cap off of the syringe and taps it, squirting a little out. She pumps the poison into various spots of WILLOW'S face. Lauging she stands...blood smeared on her face...she looks in pity at WILLOW'S motionless body.

JEN: Oh yeah...WIll, don't lay face u for atleast four hours after you receive Botox will cause temporary or ever permanent face paralysis...hehe...WHORCHID, you're NEXT

Jennefer throws the syringe on top of WILLOW'S body and flips out of the ring. She laughs, with that sadisticly sick look in her eyes...she disappears into the back....

Backstage, SUPERBALLS is sitting on the couch in his locker room, wearing the Gucci Suit Fuzz...err...Jonathyn bought him, when his phone rings. SHAID answers it, and brings it to him. He glares at her, because he usually doesn't talk on the phone right before events.


Yeah man, I'm glad you could make it. You never returned my call, so I didn't know.

Yeah, where are you right now? Oh, you're here?

Well, come on in to my locker room...tell them you're with me, and they'll come ask me if you can come in. We'll get the fine details worked out when you get here."

He closes his phone, and sits it on the nearby coffee table. SUPERBALLS looks around the locker room.

SUPERBALLS: "Man are those guys in for a surprise."

SURPRISE? What could SUPERBALLS possibly have in store..and for whom?

- - Non-Title Elimination Match - -

12 GAUGE and DARRYL stand in the ring awaiting the arrival of the World Champion, CENTURION. “Cochise” by Audioslave hits, and CENTURION steps out on the ramp with the World Title around his waist. He gets down to the ring and pulls the title off before sliding into the ring. 12 GAUGE and DARRYL instantly jump to action, stomping CENTURION before he can get up. 12 GAUGE pulls CENTURION up and throws him over the top rope, before he lays into DARRYL. The two fight back and forth for a minute or two before 12 GAUGE grabs DARRYL and hits him with a simple spine buster. DARRYL lies flat on the mat as he lands, and 12 GAUGE bounces off the ropes, landing a knee to DARRYL’s face. DARRYL begins to get up, and 12 GAUGE bounces off the ropes again, but he flies over the top! CENTURION pulled the rope down to get up on the apron, and 12 GAUGE went right over the it!

DARRYL runs straight at CENTURION hitting him with a clothesline. DARRYL pulls him back up and sends him to the corner, where DARRYL is met with a hard boot to the face as he’s coming in for the big splash. He spins around on impact, and CENTURION flies out of the corner planting DARRYL face-first with a bulldog! CENTURION pulls DARRYL up and goes to whip him to the ropes, but DARRYL reverses and rolls CENTURION up! 1.………2.……..Kick out!

12 GAUGE slides back in the ring and stomps the back of DARRYL’s knee as he’s making an attempt to get up. 12 GAUGE tosses DARRYL to the corner, and he hits with such force, he bounces back out. 12 GAUGE bounces off the ropes and hit’s the WHITE CHALK STUNNER! 12 GAUGE covers DARRYL. 1.……..2.………..3!

DARRYL has been eliminated!

CENTURION quickly goes on the offensive as 12 GAUGE is returning to his feet. CENTURION grabs 12 GAUGE and tosses him to the ropes. CENTURION hits a monkey flip on 12 GAUGE as he returns from the ropes. CENTURION smiles and points to his head as if to say he’s smarter. 12 GAUGE bounces right back up, and stands behind CENTURION as the fans scream for CENTURION not to turn around…he gets it, but wonders why not, so he turns around, and 12 GAUGE goes for a White Chalk Stunner! However, CENTURION pushes him away, and 12 GAUGE slips under the ropes. He throws his hands up and walks outside the ring for a moment. CENTURION runs to the opposite ropes and dives over the top rope, hitting a cross-body block on 12 GAUGE. Both men lie on the ground as the count starts. 1.…….2.………3.…….4.…..both men begin to stir. 5. They both get to their hands and knees. 6. 12 GAUGE gets to his feet. 7. 12 GAUGE runs and slides in the ring. 8. CENTURION gets to his feet. 9. CENTURION stumbles a little bit…TE….NO CENTURION gets in the ring just in time! WILD ORCHID runs out to the ring and jumps up on the apron, tossing a pair of brass knucks to 12 GAUGE as she distracts the referee. 12 GAUGE slides the knucks on, and CENTURION turns around just in time to taste brass right in the teeth. He stumbles back and bumps into the referee, knocking him through the ropes before falling to the mat in a seated position himself. 12 GAUGE bides his time and walks around the ring with a cocky swagger. He pulls the knucks off and tosses them back out to WILD ORCHID who catches them and slides them into her top. The referee returns to his feet. He goes to slide in the ring, and as he does so, 12 GAUGE gets behind CENTURION and locks in the H.R.S.! CENTURION springs to his feet while still in the hold and is screaming in pain. As the referee is getting up, CENTURION is about to tap when ORCHID jumps up on the apron again to distract him. 12 GAUGE lets go of the hold as he sees BIGG RIGG entering the ring. BIGG RIGG carries a chair with him, and 12 GAUGE grabs the already bloodied CENTURION and stands behind him holding him. BIGG RIGG runs toward the two and smacks CENTURION with the chair in the face sending a bloody mist straight up. BIGG RIGG backs up for another and runs toward them, but CENTURION collapses! BIGG RIGG hits 12 GAUGE right in the face with the chair. 12 GAUGE hits the mat hard and a slow trickle starts at his forehead. The referee points to ORCHID and then points to the locker room area. ORCHID has been tossed from ringside! The referee continues to watch her as CENTURION springs to his feet. RIGG is checking on 12 GAUGE and he turns to see CENTURION just in time to catch a hard kick to the face that sends him sprawling. CENTURION grabs 12 GAUGE’s legs and locks it in.. The FALL OF ROME! 12 GAUGE taps! It’s over!


- - X-Treme Rules - -

SEAN GRAVES is down in the ring with the referee as HELLFIRE X comes out with DEMONICA. The both of them walk down to the ring and DEMONICA sits on the bottom rope letting HELLFIRE X into the ring. He jumps up onto the bottom rope taunting and posing for the crowd only getting boo'd when the ref calls to have the bell rung starting the match off. The two men then begin circling one another as GRAVES jumps in with a clothesline as HELLFIRE X ducks it and boots GRAVES in his stomach sending him back into the steel ringpost. HELLFIRE X then just follows him straight on into with right and lefts as the ref yells at him to back off of GRAVES but he doesn't listen. The ref starts in with a 4-count as HELLFIRE X grabs a hold of the ropes and begins stomping away at GRAVES' head. 1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... and he finally lets go just in time. HELLFIRE X finally backs off of GRAVES as he grabs a hold of the ropes once again and begins kneeing him in his head into the 2nd turnbuckle as the crowd boo's him loudly. And in back off this time, HELLFIRE X walks into the middle of the ring before smashing his knee right into GRAVES' head extra hard. But in not letting up, he walks back into the middle of the ring and signals for one more time before running back in when.... BAM!!! GRAVES ducked out of the way sending HELLFIRE X up into the top turnbuckle face first! The crowd begins turning in favor of GRAVES as he instantly grabs up HELLFIRE X with a school boy pin as the ref drops in, 1.... 2.... and a kickout.

GRAVES then stands to his feet as HELLFIRE X does the same before he charges him up against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Upon bouncing off of the ropes, HELLFIRE X is dropkicked in his face by GRAVES as GRAVES backflips landing on his stomach. GRAVES quickly rolls over getting up as HELLFIRE X is slowly doing the same when GRAVES quickly comes running over and jumping and flips over hooking HELLFIRE X'S head and lands with a nasty neckbreaker. GRAVES then slowly gets back up to his feet and makes his way over to the steel ringpost climbing up to the top rope when suddenly out of nowhere Anarchy's Members of the Black Order show up underneath the X-Tron! They begin making their way down to the ring as GRAVES not seeing them jumps off with a huge body splash connecting with HELLFIRE X completely!!! The ref drops in as GRAVES stays on for the pinfall cover, 1...... 2.... and WEAPON:ASHEN pulls the ref out of the ring! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE then slides into the ring with a steel folding chair in hand as GRAVES stands up when...

... BLAM!!! DYNAMITE lays GRAVES out cold with a nasty chair shot to his face! And in being broken wide open, GRAVES starts bleeding all over the ring mat as DYNAMITE throws the chair out of the ring. SUPERBALLS now slides into the ring and looks down at GRAVES for a second and then plucks him to his feet, kicking him in the stomach and easily lifting him up and DRIVING him down with a huge powerbomb! SUPERBALLS exits the ring, stepping over the top rope as DD then walks over to grab and drag HELLFIRE X over to GRAVES and he lays HELLFIRE X on top of him as WEAPON: ASHEN rolls the groggy ref back into the ring and the Black Order starts leaving. 1...... 2.... and a Three Count!! HELLFIRE X has won the match thanks to the fluid teamwork of The Black Order!



(In the backstage area we arrive to the Black Order's lockerroom. The door opens and as you walk in you see "THE FRANCHISE" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, OG THUG, BLAKE CARSON, and then there are a few other people there that do not look familiar.. The main one that is talking is in a suit, and he has a pencil thin mustache, and beard. The talk between DYNAMIC and him is overheard.)

"THE FRANCHISE" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: MAX, whatever goes down just do me the favor of getting that deal worked out with Warner Brothers. There is no chance in hell that I am going to not get a new record deal with them.

MAX: Now Dynamic, you should know better than that. I am your agent afterrall! You want the new deal finished? You got it! All you need to do is think about the match tonight with BLIZZARD!

"THE FRANCHISE" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: Oh I have a plan for him alright. trust me when I say that he will most assuredly have a shocking experience in the ring with me later on tonight!

(The scene now fades from DYNAMIC)

504 BOY
- - Pin To Win - -
- - For FINAL ENTRY in World Title Match - -

"Step Up" by Drowning Pool hits the PA System as 504 BOY comes out underneath the X-Tron and takes his pose as the cameras go off like crazy before he walks down and on into the ring followed by FRED L, BIGG RIGG and lastly FUZZ to a crowd that is equally chanting for them all as the ref has the bell rung. And with the match officially starting, each man stands within his own corner eyeing each other up and down before 504 BOY suddenly takes off for FUZZ running and jumping landing into him first-first! The crowd explodes as finally the other 2 men start going at it with FRED L and BIGG RIGG exchanging blows with one another. 504 BOY lays into FUZZ with hard rights over and over and over again as fast as he can until suddenly at the same time, FRED L charges at RIGG only to be hip tossed up and over the top rope! The crowd pops over this as 504 BOY stands up now allowing FUZZ to get back up to his feet with his back facing RIGG as FUZZ goes for a running clothesline when... BAM!!!! 504 BOY ducks it spinning around him causing FUZZ to spin around in reaction as well when he's suddenly taken down and out by a nasty running clothesline by RIGG from out of nowhere!!! 504 BOY then looks around finding FRED L barely starting to get up as he runs and jumps off of the 2nd rope flipping up and over the top rope crashing down onto him on the ground!!! The crowd pops standing to there feet from this and in being hyped up over this match as the noise is almost unbearably loud. 504 BOY now slowly getting up begins laying into FRED L with hard rights as he's got FRED L up against the steel guard wall. He slowly stands back up to his feet now in yanking up FRED L with him as he walks FRED L over to the ring and smashing his face into the ring apron 2 or 3 times. He then grabs up his arm and whips FRED L hard down the ring crashing knees-first into the steel steps as he lands hard on his back holding onto his knees in pain. 504 BOY begins walking over towards FRED L as he climbs up onto the ring apron when... CRASH!!!! Inside the ring, RIGG and FUZZ and begun duking it out RIGG ducked a left hook from FUZZ and kicked him in his gut followed by whipping him into the ropes knocking 504 BOY and causing him to crash face first into the steel guard wall next to FRED L!

BIGG RIGG now having accidentally whipped FUZZ into 504 BOY knocking him off the ring apron, runs over dropping a knee down onto the back of FUZZ'S head. RIGG immediately then yanks FUZZ into the middle of the ring before dropping a knee down onto the lower back of FUZZ and pulling up on his head. FUZZ looks as if though he might tap out when RIGG finally lets go of him and stands back up in yanking FUZZ up with him while hooking his head and lifting him up into the air when he takes a couple of steps over dropping him down onto the top turnbuckle. The crowd oooo's over this as FUZZ is holding himself in pain while RIGG climbs up onto the 2nd rope and hooks FUZZ'S head again, when FUZZ suddenly starts fighting back! He punches RIGG'S sides until RIGG finally lets go while he then grabs a hold of RIGG headbutting him extremely hard causing RIGG to fall backwards down hard on his back onthe ring mat. FUZZ then climbs onto the 2nd rope himself now and jumps off with a legdrop across the neck and chest of RIGG before quickly making a cover, 1..... 2.... and a kickout by RIGG! FUZZ quickly then grabs up RIGG'S head and repeatedly smashing it into the ring mat over and over and over again as the ref yells at him to stop. 1... 2... 3... 4... and FUZZ finally stops while yanking RIGG to sit up he runs to bounce off the ropes when... CRASH!!! 504 BOY who had now gotten up and fought off FRED L rolling him back into the ring, jumped up and yanked down the top rope sending FUZZ flying over the top rope backwards and crashing down hard on the concrete floor below!!! The crowd pops now as 504 BOY stands up onto the ring apron and jumps off with a running and diving clothesline straight into FUZZ as he slowly had gotten back up to his feet. 504 BOY just barely gets back up to his feet and turns back around towards the ring when... BLAM!!! He's taken out by FRED L with a vicious baseball slide right into his face! 504 BOY stumbles backwards crashing into the steel guard wall and drops down holding onto his face as FRED L stands back up now to an awaiting RIGG behind as he turns around when... SLAM!!! FRED L is booted in his gut and flipped up for the F-Bomb when FRED L counters it by punching RIGG in his head causing him to let go and dropping down while then taking RIGG out with a quick snap ddt! FRED L then rolls out of the ring and walks over to the side of the ring lifting up the ring apron and pulling out a sledgehammer as the ref checks on FUZZ and 504 BOY who are now almost back to their feet. He slides back in the ring when... *********** (if Fuzz wins....) FUZZ being to his feet first slides back into the ring. He grabs a hold of the sledgehammer from FRED L whipping him around and nailing him square in the face with it! FRED L breaks wide open from the shot to head without the ref having seen it as FUZZ throws the sledgehammer off to the side and quickly makes a cover. The ref then slides in seeing the pinfall cover starts in, 1..... 2.... and a THREE COUNT!!! FUZZ has won the match and became the #1 Contender for the World Title Belt at Turning Point! But thanks to the help of the sledgehammer?! (if 504 BOY wins...) he pulls RIGG up to his knees and clocks him with the sledgehammer square on!!! RIGG is out cold as 504 BOY now to his feet pushes the ref out of the way and runs jumping and hooking FUZZ'S head laying him out with a jump swinging ddt on the concrete!!! The crowd pops as 504 BOY quickly gets back up and slides back into the ring eyeing up FRED L as he comes running with the sledgehammer when... BASH!!!! FRED L swung the sledgehammer down hard as 504 BOY jumped out of the way causing the sledgehammer to bounce of off the top rope and taking himself out!!! In seeing that FRED L dropped the sledgehammer while falling over flat on his back, 504 BOY kicks the sledgehammer out of the ring while hooking FRED L'S legs when.. CRASH!!! He nails FRED L with the Buya Bomb!!! He then makes a cover as the ref slides back in, 1.... 2.... and a THREE COUNT!!! 504 BOY has won the match and became the #1 Contender for the World Title Belt at Turning Point!!! **********


Now, outside the ring, FUZZ eyeballs 504 BOY and FRED L… Without warning, FUZZ gets hit in the knee caps with a baseball bat! It's BIGG RIGG, he came from out of nowhere and blindsided FUZZ! MARCELLUS TORELLI and ORCHID both run down the ramp, baseball bats in hand. FRED L and 504 BOY watch from the ring, still recovering from this brutal match, as THE SYNDICATE destroys FUZZ with their baseball bats. After a couple minutes, 504 BOY decides he's seen enough. 504 BOY runs down to help FUZZ. 504 get's a few hits in from behind BIGG RIGG, But BIGG RIGG turns around and nails 504 BOY in the head with his bat and then turns back to continue his beat down on FUZZ. FUZZ lays on the steel ramp, bleeding from several different parts of his body. Finally THE SYNDICATE stops their brutal massacre, as several referees rush out and tell BIGG RIGG and THE SYNDICATE they must go to the back. BIGG RIGG grabs a microphone from a nearby stage hand, then turns to the referee that is in the ring pointing his index finger towards him as he walks toward the ring and speaks.

BIGG RIGG: I honestly didn't give a rat's a$$ about this f***in' stupid match. Da XWF staff can stick da f***in' world title up their asses now for all I care! I got all I had to gain from this match, a f***in' beat down on FUZZ! FUZZ screwed me outta gettin' da chance to face DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, and takin' on CENTURION is not a very good pity prize. This marks da f***in' start of DA SYNDICATE's choppin' of da champions. We will take out every damn belt holder, one by one until we get what da f*ck we deserve. We ain't makin' deals, da rat f*cks in da back are gonna give us what we want...OR ELSE!

BIGG RIGG, now in the ring, tosses the mic down onto the canvas. The other two SYNDICATE members now turn toward the back, and walk back up the ramp into the back after being bombarded by a TON of XWF officials.

CRACK! BIGG RIGG goes DOWN hard at the hands of FUZZ! Nobody paid any attention to FUZZ as he made his way past the officials and into the ring with a pair of BRASS KNUCKLES!

FUZZ: You know what RIGG, you and 12 GUAGE got me good last week, and maybe even just now... but never ever try to out smart a smartass! So RIGG I'm gonna give you one chance to get 12 GUAGE BACK out here before I completely kick the living S**T out of you!

12 GUAGE'S music begins to play as he comes back toward the ring through the CROWD?

FUZZ: Awwww... Is 12 GUAGE afraid of what the big bad FUZZ is gonna do? Can't walk down the ramp way.. how cute!

12 GUAGE: You think I was gonna fall for such a trivial and so by the book set up? I know you're smarter than that FUZZ.

FUZZ: Yeah what can I say 12 GUAGE and RIGG you two out smarted me again. Looks like it's FUZZ-2 and RIGG/12 GUAGE- 2. Damn I must be losing it in my old age. Well Well Well what do we have being lowered here, a rope? Percariously strung to the rafters above the ring? I wonder if I should pull it...

FUZZ then pulls the rope and blitzes out of the ring and up the ramp to safety as HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS of hypodermic needles fall from the rafters. RIGG and GUAGE have no clue what is going on, as they are getting stuck by numerous needles. FUZZ stands on the ramp laughing.

FUZZ: HAHAHAHA... FUZZ-3 and the Losers-2. Hey RIGG I think you two fell for my little plan don't ya think?!? I'll see you two next week.. who knows maybe I'LL have something planned! Till then.. you might want to get those out of your bodies, I have no clue what I filled them up with. Especially THIS one!

FUZZ now produces a rather LARGE needle and he slides into the ring where RIGG isÖBAM! RIGG drops like a stone as FUZZ hits a shot to the back of the head- with those brass knuckles! FUZZ now smiles and slides out of the ring only to return with a bottle in one hand, and the hypodermic needle in the other! No! Not again! FUZZ approaches RIGG... CRACK! FUZZ strikes RIGG in the head with the bottle! Glass is everywhere, RIGG's bleeding heavily from the forehead now, and he seems nearly defenseless, his eyes glazed over as he struggles to stay on his feet! FUZZ steps towards RIGG, the needle clutched in his hands...

...then the lights go out!

FUZZ is in the dark, RIGG is in the dark, and nobody knows what's going on! We can hear somebody screaming to get the lights back on, then suddenly; a loud, Asian-style gong can be heard thundering throughout the arena. Then, suddenly, deep blue lighting flares up along the entrance ramp, followed by a thin, misty layer of smoke trailing along the entrance ramp. A few moments pass, then the smoke is illuminated by lights of every color flaring up along the entrance ramp, illuminating the eerie fog. Then, suddenly, a bright plume of sparkler fire appears just ahead of the curtain. Some of the crowd give off a hopeful pop at the familiar pyroworks, then suddenly, a figure emerges through the fire onto the ramp! It's...

STEVE JASON! It's STEVE JASON! He's here in Seattle tonight, and he's dressed in his old, unusual Shuriken black pants, boots and black-and-blue martial arts top! He takes a couple of fleeting glances around the arena and the cheering fans, then wastes no time heading for the ring and jumping in! He glances towards FUZZ, then at the downed RIGG, and suddenly smirks, to the shock of the crowd! Is STEVE going to help FUZZ finish RIGG off for good? He glances towards FUZZ, offers a quick nod, then steps towards FUZZ and...


STEVE strikes FUZZ in the face with a straight-punch! STEVE wrenches the needle out of FUZZ's hands and strikes with a jumping crescent kick to the chin! FUZZ staggers back, which allows STEVE to step in and ensnare FUZZ's upper body before slamming him down with an STO! STEVE's arm still ensnares FUZZ's body as he hits the ground, allowing STEVE to spin his legs and hop to his feet, wrenching FUZZ's body up with him before slamming him down into a Downward Spiral-like maneuver! FUZZ is out! STEVE hops to his feet, glances around the ring, then produces a microphone, speaking quietly and shortly.

STEVE JASON: Enough is enough. The time's come. The warriors are taking back the game.

With that, STEVE throws his microphone down and leaves the ring. The exhausted RIGG on the ground and MARCELLUS TORELLI still at ringside can't believe their eyes, and neither can most of the fans! STEVE gives RIGG a sudden, meaningful stare for a few moments, then makes his way up the ramp. STEVE JASON is back, and with a serious message- but what message, exactly?

- - Non-Title X-Treme Rules - -

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE walks out and heads to the ring as BLIZZARD waits for him patiently. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE enters and both men stand in the ring ready to fight. The bell sounds, both men circle eachother a few times and then DYNAMIC DYNAMITE shuffles forward and slaps BLIZZARD right across the face! The fans liven up as BLIZZARD gets a wide eyed look on his face. He charges and takes DYNAMIC DYNAMITE down hard and begins to pound DYNAMIC DYNAMITEís face repeatedly until DYNAMIC DYNAMITE is able to roll BLIZZARD off him and he then mounts on BLIZZARD and delivers the same treatment. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE gets up quick and runs off the ropes as BLIZZARD starts to get up but is caught with DYNAMIC DYNAMITEís running drop kick to the mouth! BLIZZARD goes right back down and begins to bleed from his mouth as DYNAMIC DYNAMITE stomps him a few times. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE pulls BLIZZARD up and delivers a belly to back suplex with ease. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE follows up with a knee drop to BLIZZARDís shoulder then locks in a stiff arm bar. BLIZZARD tries to escape as the referee checks for a submission. BLIZZARD fights the hold and tries to inch his way to the ropes. He reachesÖ reachesÖ and he gets the ropes. The referee tells DYNAMIC DYNAMITE to break the hold then begins to administer a count. 1 2 3 4.. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE finally breaks the hold. BLIZZARD grabs his arm and rolls under the ropes to the outside. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE follows. He takes BLIZZARD and slams his head into the commentators table then dumps him on it. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE takes a monitor and drives it down into BLIZZARDís stomach a few times before BLIZZARD falls off the table. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE throws him in the ring and follows. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE kicks BLIZZARD a couple times and then as BLIZZARD gets up DYNAMIC DYNAMITE whips him into the ropes and catches him with a drop toe hold and then locks him in an ankle lock! BLIZZARD tries to get to the ropes and he reachesÖ and he gets the bottom rope! The ref orders DYNAMIC DYNAMITE to break the hold as BLIZZARD wisely rolls to the outside. He kneels down, his back to the ring, as DYNAMIC DYNAMITE slides out after him but BLIZZARD spins around and catches DYNAMIC DYNAMITE with a stiff right hand! BLIZZARD charges him and crushes his back into the ring apron, causing DYNAMIC DYNAMITE to fall to his knees and he receives a kick to the face from BLIZZARD. He pulls DYNAMIC DYNAMITE back up and rolls him into the ring now as SHANE CARVER is seen making his way down to the ring!

SHANE has a TAZER in his hand! BLIZZARD slides into the ring and looks down at DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, but he suddenly runs toward the ropes where SHANE just got up onto the apron andÖ ICE PICK! BLIZZARD JUST FLEW THREW THE ROPES AND TOOK CARVER DOWN WITH HIM! Both men crash to ringside hard, and BLIZZARD takes a few moments before he gets back up. SHANE is out cold and his tazer has rolled a few feet away from him. ENDING 1 (Blizzard): BLIZZARD quickly slides back into the ring and gets behind DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, who is kneeling and trying to clear his head while he holds his lower back. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE risesÖ and sees SHANE CARVER lying at ringside! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE walks over to the ropes to get a closer look at SHANE but suddenlyÖ ICE PICK FROM BEHIND! BLIZZARD flew right into DYNAMIC DYNAMITE's BACK with that reversed version of his finisher! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE holds his back as he twitches on the canvas for a few seconds but BLIZZARD quickly pulls him up to his feet and kicks him in the stomach. As DYNAMIC DYNAMITE doubles over, BLIZZARD runs off the far ropes and comes back with.. THE ICE PICK! He covers DYNAMIC DYNAMITEÖ1 Ö2 ÖTHREE! ENDING 2 (Dynamite): BLIZZARD spots the tazer and walks toward it. He looks at it for a few seconds before he decides to head back toward the ring with it but.. baseball slide! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE catches BLIZZARD right in the face and BLIZZARD crashes down to the ground. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE quickly goes out and grabs BLIZZARD, tossing him into the ring. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE slides in and stalks BLIZZARD as he slowly gets to his feetÖ CREATIVE CONTROL! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE covers BLIZZARDÖ1 Ö2 ÖTHREE!


With the match over, the rest of THE BLACK ORDER comes down to the ring and they quickly tend to SHANE CARVER. As he recovers, he starts ordering WEAPON:ASHEN, HELLFIRE X, and SUPERBALLS to take care of BLIZZARD! The three of them quickly storm into the ring and WEAPON:ASHEN takes BLIZZARD down with a variation of his own "Ice Pick" and he begins pummeling him. DD quickly goes out to ringside and talks to SHANE before taking that Tazer! In the ring, WEAPON:ASHEN holds BLIZZARD as HELLFIRE X and SUPERBALLS both take turns cracking his jaw with their fists! The merciless beating continues as more and more booing fills the air and now DD slides back into the ring with the tazer.

WEAPON:ASHEN releases BLIZZARD and shoves him forward right into a HUGE big boot from SUPERBALLS! BLIZZARD crashes down hard as DD now moves inÖ AND SHOCKS BLIZZARD with that tazer! The others look on in delight as DD keeps shocking BLIZZARD until he is left convulsing and drooling all over the ring canvas! THE BLACK ORDER is in full force tonight!

- - Standard Match - -

LEE STONE is down ringside with the referee already when the sound of a chainsaw being started and revved as TREN GEIN comes walking out underneath the X-Tron bearing his chainsaw in hand. He walks down to the ring with LEE STONE eyeing him up the whole time as he places his chainsaw over by the announcer's table and climbs on into the ring. With both men inteh ring now, the ref starts the match off after calling for the bell in which TRENT GEIN immediately takes off for STONE knocking him down with a hard shoulder breaker. STONE then quickly rolls over as TRENT GEIN jumps over him running and bouncing off of the ropes while coming back to STONE leap frogging over him only to turn around and be caught off guard by a hard super kick straight to the face!!!! TRENT GEIN immediately makes a pinfall cover as the ref drops in, 1......... 2......... and a TH-kickout! TRENT GEIN then slowly stands back up while still holding on to STONE as he whips him across the ring and lays him out with a big boot to the face. He drops down then mounting STONE as he lays into him with hard rights and lefts as the crowd counts along up to 10. TRENT GEIN now gets up off of STONE as he makes his way over to the steel ringpost and steps out onto the ring apron while climbing up onto the top turnbuckle in waiting for STONE to stand up when.... CRASH!!!! TRENT GEIN went for a diving lariat on STONE but STONE dropped down out of the way ducking it as he crash landed hard on the ring mat!

STONE now using this to his advantage runs bouncing off of the ropes and jumps landing a flip right on TRENT GEIN'S back as he yells out in pain. STONE then grabs a hold of TRENT GEIN and drags him over to the bottom rope and slings his body half over as he jumps up off of the bottom rope landing a hard knee right into the lower back of TRENT GEIN again. Favoring his lower back now, TRENT GEIN rolls over in pain as STONE quickly slides out of the ring and grabs up TRENT GEIN'S head and drops his neck across the bottom rope in a modified guilotine neck drop. TRENT GEIN then grabs at his neck in extreme pain as he rolls back over onto his back now with STONE sliding back into the ring when out of nowhere TRENT GEIN just sits right back up now as if to have not been affected at all. STONE quickly becoming terrified runs bouncing off of the ropes jumps and dropkicks TRENT GEIN straight in his face as he makes a pinfall cover, 1..... 2.... and TRENT GEIN throws STONE off of himself. STONE'S eyes widen as TRENT GEIN once again sits right up and rolls over onto on knee and stands back up now getting right back up into his face. STONE quickly then seeing that the referee is behind TRENT GEIN quickly grab a hold of him yanking him in and kneeing him straight in his junk!!!! The crowd pops booing STONE as the ref asks what happened and he explains that it was a knee to the midsection as TRENT GEIN had doubled over holding himself in pain. STONE then quickly runs over climbing up onto the top rope when..... ************************** (if Stone wins....) he jumps off catching TRENT GEIN up with a hurricanrana sending him flying face first into the ref! The ref gets knocked down as TRENT GEIN falls over onto the mat. STONE meanwhile though slides out of the ring and looking to make sure the ref is down runs over grabbing up TRENT GEIN'S chainsaw now. TRENT GEIN however is getting up and is using the 2nd rope now to do so in slightly hanging over when... SMACK!!! From out of nowhere STONE came running over and smashed the butt-end of the chainsaw straight into TRENT GEIN knocking him out backwards onto the ring mat!!!! The crowd then pops massively booing STONE as he drops the chainsaw and slides back into the ring and shakes the ref before making a pinfall cover, 1...... 2..... and STONE quickly throws his legs up onto the middle rope over the ref.... and a THREE COUNT!!!! The ref calls for the bell having not seen anything LEE STONE just did as he declares him the winner of the match!! (if Trent Gein wins...) ...BAM!!!! STONE went to jump off the top rope with a flying crossbody and was caught up TRENT GEIN before begin thrown up onto his shoulder and slammed down in a extraordinarily hard powerslam causing the ring to shake a little bit. People oooo and aaaah from seeing this move as TRENT GEIN stands back up to his feet while yanking the limp STONE up with him. TRENT GEIN then runs him and throws him up and over the top rope causing him to crash land nasty on the ground below in front of the announcer's tables! He quickly slides out of the ring while walking over STONE when he then lifts him up onto his shoulders when..... BAM!!! TRENT GEIN nailed The Plainsfield on STONE onto the announcer's table causing it to crash and break open!!! The crowd pops tremendously as TRENT GEIN now picks up a tko'd STONE and rolls him back into the ring before sliding in himself and making a pinfall cover. The ref immediately drops in, 1..... 2..... and a THREE COUNT!!! TRENT GEIN has won the match and became the XWF'S New Canadian Champion as the ref has the bell rung and is raising up his arm!!!! ************************


After that brutal battle, TRENT stands tall in the ring with his arm being raised and little by little LEE STONE starts to recover. TRENT turns to him as he rises to his feet and holds his head, still wobbling a little. STONE looks TRENT in the eye and slowly takes a step forwardÖ AND EXTENDS HIS HAND! TRENT looks around to the crowd for a moment before looking back at STONE.. and they SHAKE HANDS! What great sportsmanship on the part of LEE STONE.

TRENT GEIN is seen walking in back, the XWF Canadian championship on his shoulder. TRENT GEIN nods, as he walks by MARCELLUS TORELLI who stands against the wall in the hallway. As TRENT GEIN gets by MARCELLUS TORELLI, he walks by a tall stack of wooden tables. TRENT GEIN jumps, peering up at the stack of tables, as they begin shaking.

Before TRENT GEIN can move, the stack of tables comes crashing down right on top of him. MARCELLUS TORELLI smiles, giving the thumbs up to BIGG RIGG who sits in a uniloader behind where the stack of tables was. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING! TRENT GEIN COULD JUST BE THE FIRST OF MANY. XWF staff runs out, trying to uncover TRENT GEIN's most likely broken body from the pile of tables.

This month, the rules will change.. A LOT OF THINGS WILL CHANGE..... This could truly be.. the TURNING POINT...

FEBRUARY 27, 2005


- - Pin To Win - -

All five men start off in the ring. ASHEN and SUPERBALLS stand side-by-side staring across the ring at the other three. DAVIS sits down in the corner as the other four go at it. SUPERBALLS and CHAD go at one another as ASHEN and WANNABE go at each other. The smaller of the two sides, CHAD and WANNABE get a bit of an upper hand as CHAD trips SUPERBALLS and then they hit a double dropkick on ASHEN. SUPERBALLS gets back to his feet and they hit a double dropkick on him as well. DAVIS comes out of the corner, grabbing WANNABE by the face and slamming the back of his head to the mat. CHAD runs toward DAVIS, who back-body drops him to the outside. SUPERBALLS and ASHEN return to their feet and ASHEN goes after WANNABE. ASHEN hits WANNABE with a leg drop. ASHEN pulls WANNABE up, and hits ASHENís ashes. SUPERBALLS and DAVIS has fought to the outside where CHAD has joined the fight, and the two are taking on the big man. For every shot that SUPERBALLS gets in, they get two. DAVIS stands in front of SUPERBALLS, who lands a boot to CHADís face as he grabs DAVISí neck. SUPERBALLS choke slams DAVIS right on top of CHADís exposed abdomen. Both men, unmoving, bores SUPERBALLS, so he heads back into the ring where ASHEN is still beating on WANNABE. SUPERBALLS and ASHEN stand side by side and both go to pull WANNABE up, but he hits both with low-blows, and comes up ready to fight. WANNABE grabs SUPERBALLS and throws him out of the ring. WANNABE takes the fight to ASHEN as the other men are getting back to their feet on the outside.

CHAD and DAVIS look at one another, and then to SUPERBALLS who is stirring, and decide to go after SUPERBALLS. The two pull SUPERBALLS up, and both lock an arm and a leg. Double suplex onto the security barrier! SUPERBALLS writhes in pain as his back finally pops back into place. CHAD and DAVIS each grab a leg and execute a two-man catapult sending SUPERBALLS head-first into the ring-steps. SUPERBALLS lies, unmoving on the mat.

In the ring, ASHEN and WANNABE are running at one another at a very quick speed. DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! Both men nearly do a back flip as they land in awkward positions on the mat. CHAD is about to climb inside, heís standing on the ring apron, when DAVIS grabs him and power bombs him onto the mat. DAVIS slides in the ring and goes for a pin on ASHEN. 1.ÖÖÖ2.ÖÖÖASHEN kicks out! WANNABE got up during the count, and grabs DAVIS. He throws DAVIS out of the ring, and he hits hard on the mat outside. ASHEN returned to his feet as WANNABE was doing this. ASHEN takes WANNABE by the back of the head and tosses him over the top rope as DAVIS slides back in the ring.

ASHEN and DAVIS begin exchanging blows. ASHEN bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick to DAVISí mid-section. DAVIS staggers backward, and ASHEN jumps to the attack, tackling him down and starting a series of hard right hands to the head and face of DAVIS.

WANNABE returns to his feet outside and looks at the carnage around the ring. Upon seeing SUPERBALLS and CHAD down on the outside, he decides to go back inside, and hits a dropkick to the side of ASHENís head. ASHEN, still being mounted on top of DAVIS falls to the side. WANNABE does a back-flip onto the prone DAVIS, and the count begins. 1.ÖÖÖÖ..2.ÖÖ..SUPERBALLS breaks the pin! SUPERBALLS pulls WANNABE up, and sends him to the corner, running in with a huge splash/clothesline. WANNABE stumbles out of the corner, but then falls straight to the mat. SUPERBALLS grabs DAVIS and picks him up into the gorilla press position, and tosses him down onto CHAD, who was still unconscious.

CHAD holds his ribs immediately after the impact. ASHEN returns to his feet and reaches beneath the ring apron. He pulls some sort of object from under there, and crouches in a martial arts ready position. CHAD gets to his feet, and ASHEN tosses the object to him. As CHAD catches it, he gets hit with a double legged kick to the chest, sending him sprawling backward headfirst into the stairs. ASHEN returns to his feet and slides in the ring to see WANNABE still down, and SUPERBALLS staring down at him.

The two lock eyes for a solitary moment, and SUPERBALLS grabs WANNABE up, and tosses him over the top rope. Their eyes stay locked as DAVIS slides in the ring and attacks SUPERBALLS from behind. ASHEN and DAVIS put the boots to SUPERBALLS before picking him up and sending him to the ropes. SUPERBALLS comes back from the ropes and takes a hard back body drop that actually ends up being a full flip having him caught waist-first on the ropes. The entire ring shakes, and ASHEN and DAVIS actually fall down. CHAD and WANNABE are even rocked back to consciousness. SUPERBALLS falls off the rope and down to the outside where he lies motionless. CHAD and WANNABE slide back into the ring where DAVIS and ASHEN are standing. The four men begin to brawl again as medics check on SUPERBALLS on the outside.

All four men come to a realization that the US Title is as good as theirs as SUPERBALLS is loaded onto a stretcher. ASHEN is first to action, realizing heís out-numbered 3-1, as he attempts a super kick at DAVIS, who grabs his leg, spins him around, and hits a belly to back suplex. CHAD and WANNABE go after DAVIS, both men grabbing a leg and performing the very deadly wishbone on him. WANNABE goes for the cover. 1.Ö..2.ÖÖCHAD pulls him off of DAVIS. CHAD goes for the cover. 1.ÖÖ..2.ÖÖ..WANNABE pulls CHAD off there. ASHEN sneaks across and covers. ********************** ASHEN Victory: 1.ÖÖÖ2.ÖÖÖ3! ASHEN got the victory while WANNABE and CHAD were arguing over who the winner was! ASHEN stole it right from under them! He quickly rolls out under the bottom rope as both WANNABE and CHAD were coming after him. From beneath the ring on the other side, a figure emergesÖwhile WANNABE begins to invite ASHEN back into the ring. That figure climbs over the top rope. Itís SUPERBALLS! Didnít he go to the back in a stretcher? CHAD has gone to the outside and is battling with WEAPON:ASHEN as SUPERBALLS grabs WANNABE and hitís THE DEATH RATTLE!



WHAT A NIGHT! THE RING IS GONE! SUPERBALLS Victory: 1.ÖÖ..2.ÖÖÖ.CHAD and WANNABE pull him away, and up. The three fight all the way across the ring and CHAD takes a step back and clotheslines both men over the top, and goes with them. From beneath the ring, a figure emergesÖwhile DAVIS begins to catch his bearings in the ring. That figure climbs over the top rope. Itís SUPERBALLS! Didnít he go to the back in a stretcher? SUPERBALLS grabs DAVIS and hitís THE DEATH RATTLE!



SUPERBALLS falls on top of DAVIS, and the groggy referee counts. 1.ÖÖÖ.2.ÖÖÖ3! ASHEN stares at SUPERBALLS with the toucheí look as both men are at their feet.

WHAT A NIGHT! THE RING IS GONE! ***************************


Fade to black...

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