FIREFOX and MOZILLA are NOT RECOMMENDED for viewing this program.


- - Pin-To-Win - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Pin To Win - -

- - Manager Match - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Non-Title Match - -

The show opens with “My Name’s Jon Brown” hitting the PA, and the owner of the XWF, JONATHYN BROWN, stepping out to the stage. He addresses the fans while heading down the ramp and eventually rolling into the ring. He wastes no time cutting to the chase.

JONATHYN: You know, when I finally got my XWF back and the fans around the globe began to buzz about our return, there was ONE QUESTION that kept popping up.. WHO IS JONATHYN GOING TO HIRE AS THE GENERAL MANAGER OF MASSACRE?

The fans start to stir, as this could be a major announcement.

JONATHYN: Well, to be honest.. I’ve been asking myself that very same question lately.. I mean, let’s face it, MASSACRE has had its share of great names sitting in the GM spot. KILLJOY comes to mind. MARK HAYES, DIABOLIQUE, MIYOKO KAWASHIMA, FRAN DAMAGE, CHAD, KORE, the list goes on and on.. Some had great success, others fell apart and almost destroyed the whole place.. So who should I trust with my creation this time around? Should I just step aside and let the place run itself? Am I prepared to do that? No I am not. I’m going to stick around and make sure that whomever I select to help run this place is going to be the best, the very best. That’s why I‘m offering ANYONE who wants to step forward and take a shot to get in touch with me. Starting next month, I will be allowing those candidates who I feel are worthy a shot at running a show. If they do well, they will be considered. If they do not, I’ve saved myself a lot of time and energy. IF they all suck, then it’s back to the drawing board. I’m not going to just hand my show over to an amateur, and I’m certainly not going to let it fall into the wrong hands. You fans deserve the BEST, and I’m going to provide it, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

The fans cheer JONATHYN’s dedication to the product.

JONATHYN: So for all you guys in the back, and even all of you watching at home. Contact me ASAP and let me know why YOU should be allowed the privilege of running my show. Auditions begin after Bring The Pain. That is all.

JONATHYN is about to leave, when suddenly..

The lights go out.

The arena speakers come to life.

Sing oh seraph find the calm within your soul; Bring us closer to the flame that guides us home!

Sing oh seraph find the calm within your soul; Bring us closer to the flame that guides us home!

The lights in the arena come back on as “Not I” by Demon Hunter plays throughout the arena. JONATHYN looks around the arena and doesn't see anyone. The lights then begin to flicker and a cloaked figure walks through the crowd with the strobe light effect. He looks as though he is moving in slow motion.

The figure climbs over the top rope and towers over JONATHYN. He removes his hood.

It's CRIMSON KLINE! The crowd is excited to see him back! JONATHYN is shocked!

KLINE: Hello JONATHYN. It's great to be back! I'm here for one reason and one reason only. I want to be Massacre GM!

WHAT? The crowd can’t believe it!

KLINE: Now let me tell you why I want this. I know I haven't been one to stick around over the years, but one thing is for sure; I always make a statement upon my return. For example, in my XWF debut, right here on Massacre, I stole the King of Massacre crown from none other than STEVE SANDERS! When XWF folded, I made my debut in Dynasty Wrestling and I won the Tapout title in my very first appearance! So I was sitting at home, contemplating an XWF return; but I knew I had to live up to my reputation. Now I am pretty much retired from the ring, but I still love this company. If it weren't for JONATHYN, I probably would still be on the streets, committing crimes. I would probably find myself back in prison.

JONATHYN is speechless..

KLINE: You see I've always had a problem with authority. I've had a problem because I didn't respect them. I didn't believe that they knew what the hell they were doing. I always thought I could do it better. KILLJOY was the GM when I debuted and we had problems from the start. Over time I came to respect KILLJOY. Later, DIABOLIQUE became general manager and I formed GENESIS OMEGA in an attempt to oust her from power. Before MARK HAYES became Massacre GM, I kicked his ass and took the X-Treme title from him. Aside from KILLJOY, none of the GMs during my tenure gained my respect.

The fans boo his harsh words for the previous GM’s, but quiet quickly to hear the rest of his statement.

KLINE: I want to be fair and I know that there are plenty of guys in the back who don't respect me. I am willing to go out of my way to earn the respect of each and every superstar in the back. I have no allies here and I will not make decisions based on bias. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is CRIMSON KLINE... And I want to be your Massacre General Manager.

The fans applaud the speech! Even JONATHYN seems moved by KLINE’s words.. Although still a bit shaken and unprepared to get a response so quickly, JONATHYN shakes KLINE’s hand and motions for the two of them to head to the back and discuss this further.. “Not I” by Demon Hunter plays throughout the arena once again, and the fans show their appreciation for KLINE’s request to take on the toughest job in wrestling!

The shot cuts to the back, where CHAD is standing, holding a water bottle as some woman is doing some stretches. CHAD laughs a bit, as suddenly the camera pans over and sees BIGG RIGG walking by, as he gives a second glance at the woman CHAD was talking to. BIGG RIGG pulls a bit on her arm, and CHAD gives a confused look to BIGG RIGG.

RIGG: LAURA, why are you here?

LAURA spins around and looks at BIGG RIGG likes he's crazy, as CHAD smiles and covers his mouth in surprise. He knows, but can't say anything as he's starting to laugh to himself.

RIGG: CHAD shut up dude. Seriously, LAURA what are you doing here, and where is the baby?

LAURA: Baby? Dude, are you okay? I'm not LAURA. CHAD tell him…

CHAD starts to say something but RIGG turns to him, and goes to shush him, as CHAD puts up his hands, trying not to get into it. It's fun for him anyways.

LAURA: Look whatever your name is. I don't know who LAURA is, but it's not me. I'm KRISSY DELIGHT. I'm here with CHAD, and I hope you don't feel bad, but I'm sure the baby is with LAURA.

CHAD: My apologies Rigg. I tried to tell you, but you didn't want me to open my mouth.

RIGG: Shut up CHAD.

CHAD and KRISSY DELIGHT share a laugh, as BIGG RIGG walks off towards the locker rooms, giving another look back to KRISSY DELIGHT. He's confused, as she looks almost completely identical to his wife, WILD ORCHID..

RIGG: I don't care what she says. LAURA has got to see this. I just can't believe it. Another WILD ORCHID, here in the XWF. LAURA you've got to see it.

BIGG RIGG starts rambling, as he's just in amazement at the looks of KRISSY DELIGHT.

Back in the arena, the crowd is eagerly awaiting the next match.. Suddenly, the lights in the arena go dark. Thunder is heard through the PA system as “ZAO the Rising End” begins to play. On the X-TRON a red gothic cross can be seen. It starts to turn black and then blood covers it as the words Dark Cross now appear. From under the X-Tron comes FAMINE and SCOTT YOUNG along with SABRINA WILSON. They make their way to the ring as the crowd boos and shows their dislike for the threesome.

They enter the ring holding the tag titles and raising their hands in the air. FAMINE has a mic.

FAMINE: Do you people understand? Do you have any idea? I told you all that the Dark Cross would terrorize and destroy any and everyone who dares to get in our way. Tonight we have already proven this, and we will continue to do so because there will be no stopping us! My so called opponent hasn’t been seen in days. Why? Simple. He’s afraid. He knows that after what we have done here tonight and in the past that there is no way for him to defeat us! And he expects to win the tag titles like that? What a joke. Tonight, after I destroy him and make an example out of him, there will be no one to stand in our way. We are the true holders of these titles. While those two pussies were out working at burger king or looking for a job, me and SCOTT here were cleaning house and making people suffer. We destroyed nearly every tag team they threw at us. So who is going to stop us now? This new era in the XWF will be a dark one!

SCOTT: Bigg Rigg, don’t think for one second that this is over between us. Tonight will begin our new crusade. A crusade to take out each and every single so called legend in this company. So we only have one thing to say to you gentlemen. Keep your eyes open and get an extra set of eyes, because you never know when we will strike!

SABRINA: It feels so good to be so bad. The Princess of Pain is here. And along with my boys, no one can touch us. Like my man FAMINE just told you, this is the era of darkness, and the Dark Cross is here to rule!

SABRINA throws the mic down and stays in the ring as the tag champs make their way out of the ring and back up the ramp. Who will be the first to suffer at the hands of the Dark Cross?

- - Pin-To-Win - -

SABRINA WILSON makes her way down to the ring. On the way down JEN JETSON jumps out of the crowd and slams her in the face with a strong forearm. KRISSY DELIGHT comes running out of the back not trying to miss any of this. KRISSY DELIGHT runs and hits a hug dropkick in the face of SABRINA WILSON sending her into the barricade. The ref meanwhile is yelling at the ladies to get into the ring. JEN JETSON is the first to comply.. 1… leaving KRISSY DELIGHT pounding on SABRINA WILSON against the barricade. 2…… KRISSY DELIGHT is sending those knees hard into the face of SABRINA WILSON, 3……all of a sudden SABRINA WILSON blocks one of the knees and flips KRISSY DELIGHT onto the barricade. 4….. SABRINA WILSON hears the ref counting 5….. and runs into the ring. She slides in under the rope to be met with JEN JETSON grabbing her hair. 6…. KRISSY DELIGHT is now making her way to the ring as JEN JETSON throws SABRINA WILSON towards the rope. SABRINA WILSON ducks JEN’S clothesline and hits a huge neck breaker on her. OH MY GOD! KRISSY DELIGHT just arrived on the scene with a huge MOONSAULT that landed on both of the girls. The three girls are all laid out in the ring when JEN JETSON starts to stir first.

JEN crawls towards the rope, as KRISSY DELIGHT grabs her foot. JEN JETSON rolls over and kicks her hard in the face. SABRINA WILSON runs over and kicks JEN hard in the mid section of the pregnant JEN JETSON. JEN rolls over in pain as KRISSY DELIGHT mad about getting kicked in the face goes and her and SABRINA WILSON begin to kick the fallen JEN!! JEN is crawling away in pain as the two vicious ladies continue to kick her. JEN JETSON all of a sudden jumps up and double Clothesline the two ladies. JEN JETSON picks up SABRINA WILSON and throws her outside of the ring, as she turns attention back to KRISSY DELIGHT. JEN JETSON sits on her chest and begins to pound her head into the mat over and over again. Also dropping a forearm into her face every once in a while. JEN JETSON just stood up and is trying to apply normally known as The Sharpshooter, but JEN calls hers FATALITY! KRISSY DELIGHT is trying to fight it as hard as she can. BAM!!!!! SABRINA WILSON just came in and hit her version of a roundhouse kick, The WILSON KICK!

KRISSY DELIGHT is trying to crawl away but SABRINA WILSON is not done with the broken newcomer. SABRINA picks her up and lifts her up and lands a HUGE GERMAN SUPLEX! JEN JETSON is waiting on the top rope and TRIES TO CONNECT WITH THE WORK OF ART! That is a Senton Bomb with corkscrew twist off top rope for those who didn’t know. OHHHHHHH JEN JETSON just hit mat as KRISSY DELIGHT rolled to the side. SABRINA WILSON leaps off the top rope and hits JEN WITH A HUGE MOONSAULT! 1… 2… THREE!!!!! SABRINA WILSON WINS!


The match is over, but JENNEFER JETSON grabs SABRINA WILSON by the long blond locks and pulls her up. JEN looks irritated by the face of SABRINA as she spits in SABRINA'S face. SABRINA looks disgusted as she rears back and slaps JEN. JEN smiles, not budging a step as she kicks SABRINA and gives her an atomic spine buster. JEN begins kicking SABRINA in the ribs and smirks. She flips outside of the ring and looks under the ring for something. JEN laughs right out loud when she gets a grab of her sledgehammer. She hops back into the ring and gets ready to bash the brains of SABRINA WILSON'S in. All of a sudden FAMINE comes running down the rampway and takes the hammer from JEN'S hands. JEN turns and kicks him square in the balls. She grasps the hammer once more and hits FAMINE in the chest with it. SABRINA is now to her feet, but JEN turns and busts her in the head with the thick concrete piece! SABRINA IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN! JEN laughs as she stands over SABRINA and smacks her in the face.

JEN: I told you I was your worst nightmare..

JEN flips out of the ring once more and backs up the rampway, looking at the carnage she’s caused.

But halfway up, she bumps into someone..

She turns around and sees..

NO WAY! It’s former Women’s Champ STAR! What is SHE doing here? JEN looks at STAR and tries to push her out of the way, but STAR shoves her down on her ass! The crowd goes nuts! STAR picks up JEN’s mic as JEN just looks up at her from the ramp..

STAR: Whatever, BITCH. Look, I’ve seen how you try to act all hard, but you know and I know, you ain’t nothing compared to me. Quite frankly, none of you women are. I know, you know, and everybody in this arena knows that the Women’s division doesn’t even EXIST unless STAR is in the house, so let’s just get one thing straight right here and right now. STAR is back, and I’m going to prove to you all why I’m the best woman to ever wrestle for the XWF. Bring The Pain, I want you ALL in a battle royal. And if you ain’t ready, don’t even show up, because you’re gonna get hurt, girls..

STAR drops the mic at JEN’s feet and heads up the ramp, leaving JEN, KRISSY and SABRINA to ponder what was just said..

- - Standard Match - -

ZACH RIZZA is seen standing in the ring pacing back and forth waiting for his opponent for the evening to show up. After a long wait, WILLIAM DRACO finally comes running down the ramp and the fans start to cheer for the underdog in this match. Not much in known from this man in the XWF arenas. ZACH RIZZA hits a huge running boot to the face of DRACO the moment he makes it into the ring. WILLIAM DRACO bounces off the mat and is quick to his feet, his speed might be the only thing to help him in this match. DRACO tries to use it to his advantage by doing a quick drop kick to his knees. DRACO gets up and hits a huge swinging DDT to the big man, bringing him down hard. DRACO does a quick knee drop on the fallen ZACH RIZZA. DRACO goes to the top rope and jumps only to be caught by ZACH RIZZA! ZACH RIZZA stands up and throws WILLIAM DRACO over the top rope into the barricade hard. ZACH RIZZA raises his arms in triumph as he steps over the top rope and hits a nice axe handle slam on DRACO’s head. DRACO slumps to the floor as RIZZA throws him into the ring. RIZZA slowly gets back into the ring. He whips DRACO across the ring waits there patiently when..... BAM! RIZZA went for a big boot but DRACO somehow was able to duck it and reversed it into a jump swinging ddt out of nowhere!!! The crowd is to there feet as both men are downed as the ref starts in with a 10-count. 1..... 2..... 3..... 4...... 5...... 6...... 7..... and both men have now slowly back over onto their hands and knees and are getting up as the ref ends it at an 8 count. DRACO and RIZZA now make their way back to the middle of the ring as they begin giving and taking blow after blow from one another. After a 5th one, DRACO ducks around RIZZA and yanks his feet out from underneath him in setting him up before launching him in a see-saw toss face first into the top turnbuckle! DRACO now back up to his feet grabs a hold of RIZZA and places him up on top of the top rope facing outward towards the audience. DRACO then climbs up onto the 2nd rope while throwing RIZZA'S arm around his shoulder before getting up onto the top rope when..... CRASH!!!!! DRACO jumps off with an off the top rope back drop!!!!!! The crowd pops massively as both men are downed and out again from the hard impact of the move now as the ref starts in once more with the 10-count. 1..... 2..... 3..... 4..... 5..... 6..... 7...... RIZZA manages to pull his strength together from out of nowhere and make a pinfall cover on DRACO with the ref sliding in, 1..... 2.... and RIZZA throws his legs on the middle rope..... DRACO gets up when the ref breaks the count and RIZZA hits him with a LOW BLOW! He jumps up and hits a Famouser to RIZZA dropping him to the ground quickly. DRACO goes for the PIN 1..2…3! NO RIZZA just threw him off. RIZZA sits up to get a swift kick by WILLIAM DRACO sending him back down on the mat. DRACO is sizing up RIZZA as RIZZA lifts him up for the RIZZA BOMB! 1…2…THREE!!! RIZZA WINS!


The match is over, and the fans are already fired up for a huge night of wrestling.. Suddenly, “Wings of a Butterfly” By H.I.M. hits the PA, and out comes PROTOTYPE!! The fans actually start cheering the youngster as he addresses the crowd.

PROTOTYPE: Hello again, my friends.. I’m here tonight to tell you all that I am not..

A small “THAT’S BAD” chant begins. The fans that saw last week’s show begin getting the rest of the fans into it.. PROTOTYPE stops speaking for a moment, then smiles..

PROTOTYPE: Okay.. That’s fine. You know what? I’ve been the XWF ‘s personal punching bag for years now! I never got my fair shot, and I’ve always been the LOSER of the XWF.. Well, you know what?.. I’m OKAY WITH IT!! In fact.. I LOVE IT!!

The fans start chanting louder, almost as if they’re accepting PROTOTYPE! PROTOTYPE is actually smiling beneath his emo haircut! Is this reverse psychology to stop the chanting?.. Is PROTOTYPE that clever?

PROTOTYPE: So you know what, CHANT ALL YOU WANT! THAT’S BAD!! THAT’S BAD!! Because you know what? I AM BAD! I’M THE BADDEST SON OF A BITCH IN THIS BUSINESS! And all you “Protoplasm” out there chanting “THAT’S BAD,” that FUELS me, folks! That’s the stuff that’s going to get me out of the garbage that I’ve been wallowing in ever since I stepped through this door! That’s going to push my past the curtain jerk matches! YOU GUYS, ALL MY PROTOPLASM, ARE GOING TO PUSH ME FURTHER THAN I COULD EVER PUSH MYSELF.. NO MORE CRAP MATCHES WITH JUNK LIKE MUNGBEAN! PROTOTYPE IS GOING ALL THE WAY!! AND THAT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.. IS BAD!!

The crowd goes along with it!! The chants unload like a tidal wave.. THAT’S BAD!! THAT’S BAD!!

PROTOTYPE leaves the stage, feeling like a million bucks..

- - Standard Match - -

"I Disappear" by Metallica, begins to play as the drums hit, CAGE appears from behind the curtain. CAGE looks out surveying the crowd. He begins his walk down to the ring slapping the hands in the crowd. He gets to the ring and then jumps up on the apron as he springs to the top turnbuckle putting is arms in an X jumping down and standing in the corner...

The arena lights go out and white strobe light comes on and SYRUS walks out. He begins to make his way down to the ring as CAGE looks on, waiting for him to step through the ropes to get it on. SYRUS is now in the ring as he and CAGE lock eyes as the ref calls for the bell.

SYRUS makes his first move, in the form of a handshake. CAGE, confused by the move for a second, regains his composure and accepts his hand, only for SYRUS to blindside it by nailing CHRIS to the mat with a running clothesline! The crowd boo at SYRUS' action as he starts to pack a wallop against CAGE through kicks into him as CAGE lays helpless on the mat for a bit. SYRUS bounces off the ropes and tries a Leg Drop, yet fails as CAGE rolls away from it and SYRUS only catches pain.

CAGE gets on the lower-left turnbuckle and waits for SYRUS to get up. SYRUS is on his feet now as CAGE flies through the air and unleashes a corkscrew splash. SYRUS did not see it on time and gets hit with the maneuver. CAGE follows it up with two pendulum elbows, then picks up SYRUS and tries to execute a snap DDT. But SYRUS, using all of his power within him, blocks the move, then counters it with a Reverse DDT! SYRUS rolls backwards, lands on top of CAGE's chest and laughs at him as he hits him with stiff lefts and rights, but CHRIS knees him from behind, forcing SYRUS to roll forward.

Both men are on their feet, but, at the same time, both men quickly rush at each other and collide with a clothesline that causes both men to fall down. The referee is able to count up to five as both resume their feet and exchange a quick set of punches to each other before SYRUS kicks CAGE in the gut, then hooks both of CAGE's arms and goes for a Double-Arm DDT! A pin attempt is made, but CAGE is too strong, pushing SYRUS away with authority at the count of two.

SYRUS tries for a drop kick as his opponent gets on a kneeling position, but CAGE swerved his opponent's feet and SYRUS only hits air. But once SYRUS gets up, he gets blindsided by a Snap DDT that finally connected! CAGE returns the favor by going for a pin attempt, but SYRUS manages to shrug off the attempt by getting his shoulder up at the count of one. Picking up SYRUS, he lets him stand and quickly jabs with one stiff right and one stiff left punch before bounces off the ropes and going for a Tornado Forearm to finish off the combo. But SYRUS recovers, sidestepping the move and kneeing CAGE in the gut before taking him up on a ride by iron-whipping him into the turnbuckle, then following it up with a corner splash that leaves CAGE dizzied as he falls to the mat, face-first.

Thinking he has the match won, SYRUS turns his opponent around and plants his foot on his chest. The crowd begins to boo as the referee counts to two, but just when he was about to hit three, CAGE recovers, getting his arm up on time! The crowd cheers at this while SYRUS snarls with rage, thinking that the referee was just too damn slow in counting!

SYRUS walks around to CAGE's feet and tries to get him in position for a Boston Crab, but that fails as CAGE recognized the move and used both his legs and feet to push away SYRUS. CAGE returns on his feet and SYRUS tries to nail him down with a running clothesline, but CAGE ducks underneath, scoops up SYRUS, and unleashes a power slam out of nowhere - a desperation move on CAGE's part! The crowd remain on their feet as CAGE picks up SYRUS, puts him in a tree of woe position, then takes steps backwards to the opposing corner and doing a baseball slide, hitting SYRUS and getting his nose broken in the process! SYRUS is now busted open and blood pours from his nose as SYRUS down.

CAGE goes for a Cross face and gets the submission move successfully, CAGE tightening it as SYRUS begins to scream in earnest, but does his best to ignore the pain, despite his broken nose. The referee rushes to SYRUS' side, asking him if he wishes to give up, but SYRUS keeps on shaking his head. CAGE tightens the hold even further, just telling SYRUS to give it up, that all is hopeless. But SYRUS, somehow, manages to crawl over to the ropes and gets one hand tightened on the bottom rope. The referee tells CAGE to let go. CAGE does so, but allows his overconfidence to get the best of him as he pulls up and tries to do a torture-rack back breaker combo, but SYRUS gets out of the move and spears CAGE into the turnbuckle before taking a few steps and going for a corner splash!

This leaves CAGE in a weakened state, as SYRUS uses his weight and hoists his opponent on top of the turnbuckle, and then follows it up with the Neck Cutter! SYRUS, now very pissed off that CAGE broke his nose, hooks him up in the rings of Saturn submission hold. CAGE cries out in pain and the referee rushes to his side now, asking him if he wishes to give it up and throw in the towel. But CAGE, like the true fighter that he is, continues to shake his head and scream as SYRUS holds on to his finisher, screaming with rage and telling his opponent that he can't win, that he can't do it. One hand from CAGE lifts as if he wants to let go, hesitant - then he finally had enough, tapping on the mat as the referee instantly calls for the bell and SYRUS holds on the move an instant longer before letting his opponent go!

This leaves CAGE in a weakened state, as SYRUS uses his weight and hoists his opponent on top of the turnbuckle, and then follows it up with the Neck Cutter! SYRUS, now very pissed off that CAGE broke his nose, goes to hook him in for a submission hold. Out of nowhere CAGE hits a drop toe hold knocking SYRUS down to the mat. There’s blood everywhere as SYRUS holds his face in pain. CAGE now from behind hooks him in a Boston Crab. CAGE drops back as far as he can go, SYRUS is screaming in pain now as the ref calls for the bell. SYRUS taps out and this one is over, folks!


- - Pin To Win - -

The match is immediately underway as HUDSON and VICTOR PSYCHO begin going at it, fists flying back and forth with both individuals trying to get an early start on one another from the get go. CASH breaks between the two though, knocking PSYCHO down and HUDSON back with a double clothesline, but HARDHEAD takes HUDSON completely down with a dropkick to the lower back. HARDHEAD turns to CASH, both locking up. HARDHEAD is quick with his actions though, flipping CASH with a quick hip toss. CASH is back to his feet within a few minutes though, only to be taken down with another hip toss. HARDHEAD goes to lock in an arm bar, but VICTOR PSYCHO, back to his feet, slams an elbow hard into HARDHEAD's spine, causing him to drop back down onto the mat. VICTOR PSYCHO takes no time jumping on top of CASH, bringing an elbow down onto his collarbone with an elbow drop. Then with a grab of the head he begins hammering repeatedly into the top of his skull, the ref having to break him with a five-count, which breaks at four. VICTOR PSYCHO gets back to his feet, turning around to only duck under a clothesline from HUDSON. HUDSON turns himself, receiving a kick to the stomach... DDT!!! VICTOR PSYCHO wastes no time, going for a pin on HUDSON, but HARDHEAD breaks it before even a one count. HARDHEAD brings VICTOR PSYCHO back to his feet, but is met with resistance as VICTOR PSYCHO suddenly grapples with him, bringing HARDHEAD up into the air and down onto his back hard with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. HARDHEAD holds his back in pain, trying to stand quickly, but is taken off guard by a dropkick straight to the face from VICTOR PSYCHO! PSYCHO gets back to his feet, CASH grappling him from behind and lifts PSYCHO, executing a huge back body drop. PSYCHO holds the back of his head in pain, rolling out of the way as HUDSON begins to deliver kick after kick to PSYCHO's body. HUDSON turns around after the beating to see HARDHEAD is climbing the turnbuckle, going to the top. HUDSON runs at HARDHEAD, who extends a leg and kicks HUDSON away, causing him to lose his balance and fall backwards. HUDSON gets to his feet, turning around again as HARDHEAD goes for a diving body splash. HUDSON moves out of the way! CRACK! HARDHEAD lands hard on the mat with a sickening thud, a crack sound being heard coming from him. HARDHEAD rolls completely out of the ring, favoring his ribs the entire time. HUDSON goes to look out side of the ring, seeing HARDHEAD is completely down... when a forearm makes contact with the back of HUDSON's head, CASH soon tucking HUDSON's head under... Reverse DDT!!! HUDSON remains motionless as CASH climbs the top rope, leaping off with a moonsault... that connects! CASH hooks the leg back, the ref sliding into place. ONE!!! TWO!!! PSYCHO breaks the pin!!! VICTOR PSYCHO pulls CASH off of HUDSON, CASH turning around forcefully, but causes himself to lose his balance. VICTOR PSYCHO grabs CASH quickly, leaping back and falling to the ground into a sit-down face buster! VICTOR PSYCHO continues with the momentum, lifting CASH up and tucking him. PSYCHO lifts CASH, setting him up into a spinning powerbomb!!! VICTOR PSYCHO folds CASH up from the impact. Sliding to CASH's side, VICTOR PSYCHO locks in a CROSSFACE!! HUDSON gets to his feet to break the hold, but HERE COMES ZAKK SIMMONS!! ZAKK appears and nails him from behind with a chair as the ref checks the hold on CASH!! HARDHEAD ROLLS HUDSON UP as he falls back from the ropes!! The ref counts the HARDHEAD pin on HUDSON! 1.. 2.. NO!!!! PSYCHO broke up the pin! It could have all been over right there!. VICTOR and HARDHEAD begin to exchange blows as JASON CASH stands up. CASH makes his way towards HUDSON without the other two men noticing, and covers HUDSON for the pin! 1..... 2...... NO!!! PSYCHO pulls CASH off of HUDSON, and now both PSYCHO and HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD are double-teaming JASON CASH! PSYCHO and HARDHEAD lift CASH up for a double suplex, and send CASH crashing to the mat! PSYCHO then turns his attention to HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD, and hits a swinging neckbreaker out of nowhere! PSYCHO attempts to cover HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD 1...2... HARDHEAD KICKS OUT! VICTOR PSYCHO, looking frustrated punches HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD right in the mouth, and tries to cover him again 1... 2... KICKOUT! JOSH HUDSON is showing signs of life, as is JASON CASH as both men begin slowly crawling to their feet. PSYCHO doesn't seem to be aware of this, and he pulls HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD up, only to slam him back down to the mat with a hard powerslam! 1.... 2.... HUDSON breaks the pin! All four men are now back on their feet, and there is a wild four man battle with fists flying everywhere! CASH ends up in the grasp of JOSH HUDSON and is sent crashing into the mat with a Death Valley Driver! Meanwhile PSYCHO attempts a superkick, but it is caught by HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD, who belly to belly suplexes PSYCHO! HUDSON rushes towards HARDHEAD to attack, but is met with a picture perfect dropkick to the face! CASH and PSYCHO get back to their feet, and begin fighting with each other. Both men are showing signs of fatigue! VICTOR PSYCHO executes a back breaker on JASON CASH. PSYCHO fist drops JASON CASH and then applies a chokehold! JOSH HUDSON and rolls back to his feet and circles the ring staring into the eyes of HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD. The two men lock up, and both battle to gain the upper hand! Finally, it's HUDSON who knees HARDHEAD in the gut, and lifts him into the air for a stalling suplex! HUDSON holds HAWAIIAN high in the air for a few seconds, then falls forwards sending HAWAIIAN crashing on his face! “HUDSON” chants actually start as he lifts HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD back to his feet. JOSH whips HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD into the corner post and then sets up for a.... BODYSAULT!!! HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD was sent crashing into the mat hard with JOSH HUDSON weight on top of his! JOSH has the pin attempt!!! 1..... 2..... NO!!! JASON CASH broke it up! CASH pulls HUDSON to his feet, but HUDSON is fighting back! PSYCHO rushes in and also begins attacking HUDSON! HUDSON is being double-teamed and HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD is down! JOSH HUDSON kicks JASON CASH in the mid section and snapmares PSYCHO over his shoulder! HUDSON then leaps forwards and connects with an elbow to the face of JASON CASH! JASON is bloodied and knocked silly!! HUDSON climbs back to his feet, as does PSYCHO. Out of nowhere, HUDSON spears PSYCHO to the mat and goes for the pin, but HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD flies from the top rope and smashes into both HUDSON and PSYCHO! HARDHEAD quickly rolls the injured JASON CASH over and attempts a pin! 1... 2... HUDSON breaks it up!! PSYCHO grabs HUDSON and CASH grabs HARDHEAD! They’re all going at it, and HUDSON and CASH both hit DDT’s at exactly the same moment! They both hook the legs of their opponents! HUDSON and CASH both have the pins! The ref counts!! 1.. 2.. WHAM!! THREE!! WHO WON? The ref gets to his feet and sees JASON CASH lying on the ground next to HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD! JOSH HUDSON was the only man left! But what happened to JASON CASH?


As the camera pulls back, we see CHRIS CAGE backing up the ramp with a bent chair in his hand.. It looks like he means business for their match at Bring The Pain!



The show comes back from commercials, and here comes GUNDACKER, STEVE SANDERS’ manager, on a pair of crutches for some reason, standing in the center of the ring with a mic in hand. The crowd is steadily booing..

GUNDACKER: Let me introduce to you the next generation of XWF superstars, "THE EXTREMIST" STEVE SANDERS!!

The crowd boos even louder as “Bodies” by Drowning Pool hits the P.A. Out from the back walks SANDERS. SANDERS has a chair in hand. SANDERS walks up the steps and into the ring. GUNDACKER hands him the mic. SANDERS: As you saw last week, STEVE SANDERS is not hype. "Why is STEVE SANDERS not hype?" you might ask. Well there is only one answer to that. Hype is something that is not real and SANDERS is ALL REAL. Last week I made an example out of both ZAKK SIMMONS and IRON BULL. Then this lame excuse of a wrestler named HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE wants to call me out. He will get his later on tonight, but that should already be put in the record books as a win for me. Now my attention goes to this man Jonathyn likes to call Triple H. He is not obstacle. I have seen him. I would give that match about 2 minutes of air time

The camera swings toward the entranceway as HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD walks out with a mic in his hand..

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD: Well you say you are the best and you are going to take the XWF into the next generation. Well I say I shouldn't be facing you at Bring The Pain because you are nothing but a cheater!! Without the help of JOSH HUDSON, ZAKK SIMMONS would have taken that match last week!

As HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD was talking he was making his way to the ring and now he is face to face with SANDERS. The camera swings again and out from the back comes JOSH HUDSON! He walks to the ring with mic in hand also

HUDSON: So now I am a cheater and people think I am helping STEVE SANDERS. I was not helping STEVE SANDERS. I don’t give two s***s about STEVE SANDERS!! He is nothing to me!!. I was getting payback at ZAKK SIMMONS.

With that, out comes another one. It is ZAKK SIMMONS. He runs to the ring and now everyone is staring each other down..

Finally, the tension comes to a head and a fight breaks out!! Lefts and rights from each one to each other. ZAKK is all over SANDERS, HONKEY is all over SANDERS and SANDERS is all over HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD! GUNDACKER does his best to keep everyone off SANDERS, but HONKEY turns his attention to GUNDACKER!! It’s a BRAWL!!

Finally out come referees to break it up. "My Name’s Jon Brown" hits the P.A. and out from the back comes JONATHYN! The security personnel manage to break it up long enough for the fighters to see the boss standing there..

JONATHYN: Alright, STEVE.. We get it, you hate everybody. And ZAKK SIMMONS, you feel as if you were wronged by your old pal from EAPW, JOSH HUDSON.. Well, can I just start with a big fat BOO FRICKITY HOO to both of you..

The fans have a laugh as the stars in the ring just get more angry..

JONATHYN: I kid of course, I’m heartbroken by your plights, and I’m here to help out with some.. well, let’s just call it “couples therapy..” Since you all have such the urge to get it on with each other, and can't wait until Bring the Pain, let’s see how you all perform together in the ring..

The guys all start nodding their heads, ready to hear that they’re all going to battle it out in the ring next week..

JONATHYN: Next week, we’re going to have a TAG MATCH.. And it’s going to be ZAKK SIMMONS.. and his tag team partner.. JOSH HUDSON!!

ZAKK shakes his head “no” and starts screaming at his new boss.. SANDERS laughs out loud at his tough luck.

JONATHYN: And their opponents.. STEVE SANDERS..

STEVE pulls GUNDACKER next to him, expecting to hear his manager’s name as his tag partner..

JONATHYN: ..And his tag team partner.. the man who will be acting as HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE’S MANGER THIS EVENING..

STEVE looks around, a bit concerned..


STEVE looks shocked! Not only is HARDHEAD facing off against him at Bring The Pain, but now he has to face him tonight, and then be his PARTNER next week!!


"My Name’s Jon Brown" hits the P.A. and JONATHYN exits with everyone in the ring looking shocked..

- - Manager Match - -

SANDERS and HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD are the first in the ring. HAWAIIAN takes the opportunity to lunge a low-blow, knocking SANDERS to the mat. The ref almost calls disqualification, just as GUNDACKER hits HARDHEAD in the back of his head with his crutch. SANDERS stands, incredibly pissed off. The crowd shouts as SANDERS flexes, and grits his teeth. SANDERS lets out a loud wail, as he bangs his hands on his chest. This confuses HARDHEAD, who looks to the audience and laughs. SANDERS blind-sights him, punching him in the gut, flipping him into a Reverse DDT. HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE sees an open moment, to begin chasing the seemingly crippled GUNDACKER around the ring. GUNDACKER weakly fumbles about, almost falling over, just as SANDERS jumps out of the ring! SANDERS pummels on HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE! SANDERS drags HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE into the ring, kicking him twice in the gut. GUNDACKER returns to ringside, just as SANDERS kicks HARDHEAD out of the ring. GUNDACKER begins pounding on HARDHEAD with his crutches. SANDERS whips HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE into the ropes, wrapping him against a turnbuckle. As SANDERS charges at him, HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE raises one foot, connecting with a hard kick into the chest. SANDERS rolls out of the ring, clutching his chest and coughing. HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE looks at GUNDACKER and smiles, as GUNDACKER gulps nervously. HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE races to ringside, as GUNDACKER takes off up the ramp on the crutches. HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE gives chase, tripping and falling over HARDHEAD! GUNDACKER comes charging back down the ramp, trying to get behind SANDERS. HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE stands, facing SANDERS. SANDERS grabs HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE and throws him into the ring, between the ropes. HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE rolls over, and flips onto his feet. SANDERS climbs into the ring, just as HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE hits him with an ELBOW TO THE FACE! SANDERS holds tight to the ropes, slipping back in. HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE hits SANDERS WITH AN ELBOW DROP! HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE positions SANDERS, holding him in an ankle lock submission! As the ref begins to tap, the crowd begins to chant "TAP OUT! TAP OUT!" HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE stares angrily into the audience, SANDERS breaking the hold! The audience continues to chant, as SANDERS rolls away from LIGHTHOUSE! HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE charges back at SANDERS. HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE jumps up to hit SANDERS with an elbow drop, just as SANDERS rolls out of the way! HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE holds his elbow in pain, as SANDERS pulls HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE up into the air. SANDERS HITS HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE WITH A piledriver! LIGHTHOUSE IS DOWN! HARDHEAD is seen moving on the outside of the ring, heading to GUNDACKER, who is unaware of his presence. As SANDERS hit LIGHTHOUSE with the piledriver, GUNDACKER cheered, flipping a crutch into the air, smacking HARDHEAD in the face, knocking him out. SANDERS flips HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE onto his stomach pinning him in a Boston Crab! The crowd chants "TAP OUT! TAP OUT! TAP OUT!" But HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE tries to resist! SANDERS tightens the hold, as HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE screams out! HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE raises his hand to get the ropes, just as HARDHEAD hits SANDERS with GUNDACKER's crutch, snapping it in half on his back! SANDERS loses the hold, HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE getting to his feet, angrily staring into the crowd. GUNDACKER flips his other crutch into the ring, tripping HARDHEAD! HARDHEAD rolls out of the ring, in pursuit of GUNDACKER! The ref turns to see what the managers are up to, just as SANDERS picks up the crutch, breaking it across the back of HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE's HEAD! HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE IS DOWN! SANDERS MAKES THE PIN!!! The ref turns to see it! 1.... 2.... THREE!! SANDERS gets the win!


In the back, IRON BULL scoffs at the match he just watched on the monitor.

IRON BULL: Pfff. Lame match. I could kick any one of their asses. As soon as this friggin’ leg heals, I’ll waste all of them..

IRON BULL gets up and limps to his locker to grab something out of his bag. He pulls out a sports drink and opens it, but as he goes to pour the drink into his mouth, a note falls out of the bottle and hits his tongue!

IRON BULL: What the..?

He opens the faded note, written on some kind of plastic in red permanent marker. The camera gets a shot as IRON BULL sees it.

IRON BULL: “Prepare?” What the hell is this? Prepare for a match? Next week? What the hell?

IRON BULL pours the rest of the drink on the floor, then digs around the inside of the bottle with his finger, searching for another note. Finding nothing, he whips the bottle at the wall and just looks again at the note in his hands.

IRON BULL: Prepare.. Whatever..

Backstage, KRISSY DELIGHT is finishing her bottle of water, as from around a corner CHAD leaps with a whistle and a hat from New Years. CHAD blows the whistle and takes the hat and puts it on KRISSY's head as he lifts her up into the air.

KRISSY: I didn't win, CHAD.

CHAD: Aww… baby it's okay. We can go to the Hotel, and I'll give you a massage, to make you feel better. And then we can focus on that battle royal at the PPV!

KRISSY: Okay. But isn't there something you had to do tonight.

CHAD spins about, and places KRISSY DELIGHT down, and CHAD thinks.

CHAD: I don't remember. I knew I had to help you with your first match. I wanted to come back to talk to JONATHYN. I wanted to announce that I was going to go X-TREME… other than that I don't know KRISSY my Beloved.

KRISSY: That was it. You need to announce that you're going to be coming back.

STEVE SAYORS walks by, and overhears that comment. As he spins to CHAD.

SAYORS: CHAD, you're coming back?!

CHAD grins to KRISSY DELIGHT, and grabs onto SAYORS screaming into his face.

CHAD: Yeah…. and I'm going X….TREME!

CHAD let go of SAYORS. Then CHAD and KRISSY walked off laughing, as SAYORS stands there startled.

IRON BULL arrives in JONATHYN’s office, but JONATHYN is not there..

IRON BULL: Damn it. I get this note that says “prepare,” so I have to assume it’s either a note from my doctor, or some higher power telling me I’m ready to get into the ring again! But I gotta tell the boss so he can book me! Crap. I’ll just leave him a..

IRON BULL stops himself as he notices a clipboard on JONATHYN’s desk. He picks it up and notices the front page is the current XWF roster. He sees a list of names, all with pen marks and arrows pointing to other names as if JONATHYN is already determining matches for next week. He then notices that his own name is down below on the “injured” section.

IRON BULL: Ah. I can solve the problem myself!

IRON BULL grabs a pen and draws a line from his own name, all the way up to the top of the active roster..


IRON BULL limps out the door, quite obviously NOT ready to return to the ring..

As the show returns from commercials, the familiar opening guitar rifts of "You're The Best" cue up and reverberate throughout the arena.

The curtain shakes and parts. Emerging is the man himself, the Suntan Superman, dressed in a pair of baggy black jeans, a black and gray Notorious B.I.G. t-shirt, and a pair of brown Timberland boots. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY straightens his cross that he's sporting around his neck as he stands at the top of the stage, looking out towards the fans who cheer, but not as loudly as they used to. He pulls a microphone out from his back pocket, and signals for the music to be cut off.

C2: Now I know that I'm not scheduled to be here tonight. And I know that I'm taking up some oh so precious airtime from some young up and comer, but screw it, who's gonna stop me?!

The crowd cheers at that notion as C2 smirks.

C2: See, right now.. I have no scriptwriters.. the creative team didn't come up with any angle.. what I speak now is from my soul.... For a year and a half, I have been bowing to everything all of you people want! Everything this company wants! And sure it brought me to superstardom in becoming the greatest World Champion in XWF history, but really, I was putting my health and safety on the line playing the common hero. Night after night I heard the chants, but what everyone doesn't realize is that I have constantly been risking myself to please all of you and to help make this company what it is. But ya know what... those days have come to an end.

The crowd is quiet, not knowing whether to cheer or to start pelting him with garbage.

C2: You know, you people are so quiet that I swear I can hear every single murmur in this building right now. Granted you all are saying the same damn thing. I can hear it now! "CHRISTIAN, say it ain't so! CHRISTIAN it can't be! CHRISTIAN..." Awwww shove it!

Some boos begin throughout the crowd, having the obvious all but confirmed.

C2: I've proven time and time again that I'm in a league way above the XWF roster. I defeated many on my way to the top. JEM WILLIAMS...

The crowd pops.


Mixed reaction.

C2: TRENT GEIN when his masked ass was still around.

The crowd cheers, remembering another XWF superstar.

C2: Well I could ramble off more names but that would be useless. The point is, I am a former World Champion, a former United States Champion, a former Canadian Champion, a former X-Treme Champion, and a former Stable Champion and I'll be damned if losers who jerk off to their own success could even be considered enough to be pushed ahead of me!

The crowd boos harder now, really completing the turn on CHRISTIAN. CONNOLLY looks out into the crowd with a look of disdain on his face, not seen since he first stepped foot in this company.

C2: I've sat back for too long and watched guys get the opportunities that I deserve. How many times do I have to put over the legion of mid-carders before you understand that they'll never be the superstar you want them to be. Sure a couple here and there are good, no doubt about it, but believing any of them can reach my elite status is just plain retarded. And how many times do I have to put over the so-called 'legends' before you realize that they have more ego than talent.. and just like STEVE JASON, should just do themselves a favor and walk away while they still at least have their health.

The crowd boos with some 'ooooh!' scattered in.

C2: Then there's the young upstarts, guys like that bitch SYRUS FALLS, who I have to put over so you people will believe they're the next big thing, only for them to fizzle out in a month and be back collecting shopping carts at K-Mart!

The crowd continues its verbal tirade as chants of "ASSHOLE" begin.

C2: That's right, I am an asshole. But ya know what, I'll be the asshole to embarrass anyone who steps in my way. I'll be the asshole to obliterate anyone who thinks they're better than me and I'll be the asshole, who tells all of you out there in the crowd and in TV land to kiss my ass!

Heavy boos rain down on Christian who just smiles the whole time.

C2: For once I'll be thinking about me. I'll be thinking about my safety, my health, and doing what's best for me. F*** the rest. I am the SUNTAN SUPERMAN. I am the FRANCHISE. And it's about damn time I take what should be mine. It's gonna be a pleasure to show all of you why I am who I am. Why, despite the claim of a certain X-iled jackass, that I'm the best in the business. And why come December, I will survive it all... and become YOUR XWF Universal Champion!

CONNOLLY drops the mic, and for the first time in his year and a half stay in the XWF, is being booed right out of the Georgia Dome. And for the first time in a long time, C2 actually seems happy as he turns and walks right back through the curtain.

The shot cuts to the backstage area where we witness CHAD standing at an Energy Drink machine, putting his dollar in there, but nothing seems to be coming out. CHAD looks agitated at the machine, he looks around right before he starts viciously kicking the machine and shaking it uncontrollably. CHAD yells.

CHAD: DAMN! What is wrong with this machine?!

CHAD then looks at the part where it says how much it cost and he sees that it's $1.25, he needs an extra quarter.

CHAD: Oh...

CHAD searches but he can't find another quarter, he then looks around again, and as he turns to his right, he sees someone peeping around the corner. It looks like The Burger King? It is! The Burger King guy pulls back, CHAD looks confused, but cautious as he thinks he's being watched.

CHAD: Uhh... You got a quarter?

That's when coming into the scene is the one and only, Harlem Hellraizer, T MONEY. He looks at CHAD, laughing.

T MONEY: So CHAD, you need a quarter?

CHAD focuses his attention on The Blood Hound. T MONEY pulls out a huge wad of money and starts flipping through nothing but $100 bills.

CHAD: Yeah, actually I do.

T MONEY: Well, sorry, I don't think I have a Quarter.

CHAD: Great. Well thank you for your help, "DOG".

T MONEY: But you know, I do have something for you...

CHAD turns to T MONEY with his fist up, T looks at him as if he's crazy. T MONEY places his money back in his pocket and as he searches, we notice in the background, The Burger King guy taking off his suit, underneath it is The Sports Entertainment Messiah, SEWASIDE. SEWASIDE runs up behind CHAD, grabbing him by the shirt and slamming his head repeatedly into the Energy Drink machine. T MONEY gets that "Ouch" look on his face. CHAD falls to the ground holding his head. SEWASIDE places a quarter in the machine and presses a button, a RED BULL comes falling out, hitting CHAD right on his forehead. SEWASIDE then shakes his head like that wasn't good enough so with one swift kick, he causes the machine to drop drinks out of it uncontrollably, all hitting CHAD on the head. SEWASIDE lifts CHAD up off the ground and we see that T MONEY has acquired a wire hanger, he starts smacking CHAD in the face with it, on each side of his face, leaving whip marks all over him. SIDE and T MONEY laugh hysterically as CHAD screams in pain. That's when things get serious, SEWASIDE places CHAD against a wall, T MONEY holds CHAD up and SIDE finds a 2x4. He reels back with the 2x4 and swings like he's David Ortiz in the 9th inning hitting a walk off homer, striking CHAD in the chest, smashing the 2x4. CHAD falls lifelessly to the ground, blood shooting out of his mouth. The BLOOD HOUNDS lift CHAD up and do the throat slice motion to each other, they both lift CHAD up in a chokeslam position and throw him into the concrete wall, watching him slide down the wall and down to the ground.

T MONEY and SEWASIDE start to stomp CHAD simultaneously, as they do, we see MIKE RABOIN walk past whistling Snoop Dogg's "Money on my Mind" song, he looks on with a smile, SIDE and T MONEY stop stomping CHAD. RABOIN nods to THE HOUNDS, and they nod back. RABOIN keeps walking and SIDE and T keep kicking.

SEWASIDE: Look at you CHAD, you was hollerin’ a bunch of s*** about taking us BLOOD HOUNDS out, now look at you. Laying here getting kicked in the ass like a dog with no home training.

T MONEY: What ever happened to showing us that we can't get wit you? I thought we was the ones that was suppose to be taking this ass whoopin?

SEWASIDE lifts up a chair and starts pounding it against the head of CHAD.

SEWASIDE: Here CHAD, we got one more little surprise for you.

T MONEY and SEWASIDE leave the scene for a second and they both come back with unmarked bottles of yellow liquids. T MONEY and SEWASIDE holding the bottles far away from their bodies, start pouring the yellow substance all over the head of CHAD.


T MONEY: Ha ha, take that! You know CHAD, me and SIDE got a drug test coming up, tell us if our piss is clean or not!

CHAD rolls around screaming rubbing his eyes that is now covered in blood and piss.


T MONEY and SIDE give each other fives as they die laughing, falling against walls and everything.

SEWASIDE: Foo, that's Mountain Dew! You dumb ass clown!

T MONEY: DO THE DEW, BITCH! Ha ha ha...Pathetic loser!

SEWASIDE: Stay out of our s***, or you may find yourself taking a one-way ride on the “JEM EXPRESS,” if you know what we mean..

Both HOUNDS walk off the scene laughing, leaving CHAD covered in Mountain Dew and his own Blood as we cut back to the arena. KRISSY DELIGHT comes running up! She helps CHAD to his feet as the shot cuts to the ring.

- - X-Treme Rules - -

The lights go out as strobe lights resemble thunder and lightning. Mist goes off to simulate rain, soaking the ringside area. RIGG comes out to the cheer of the fans, as the rain continues, dripping off the edges of the stage. He climbs into the ring as the lights come back on. He takes his hat and coat off and awaits the arrival of SCOTT YOUNG.

The arena lights go dim.

Harrowing sounds resound throughout the arena.

A synthesized beat reverberates up and down the rafters.

A voice can be heard whispering, "fake, fake flowers, fake funeral".

Anticipation builds throughout the crowd.

Suddenly a voice shouts, "This room is a fluorescent tomb: it's brazen bulbs mimic death's hyena croon," electric guitars storm through the sound system and a huge explosion erupts at the entrance ramp as the lights rise up. “The Rising End” plays as SCOTT YOUNG walks to the top of the ramp and stops. He stares coldly throughout the crowd.

SCOTT YOUNG makes his way down the aisle with a chair in hand.

The bell rings and both competitors circle each other before RIGG moves in with a big kick in the midsection, followed by a series of crushing double axe handles to the back sending SCOTT on his hands and knees in the ring. RIGG goes for a big leg drop, crushing YOUNG face first into the mat. RIGG grabs YOUNG by the head and pulls him up and goes for a vertical suplex. He goes for the cover, but YOUNG kicks out at one. RIGG slides out of the ring after hitting another big time leg drop, only this time across the throat area of YOUNG.

RIGG picks up the steel ring steps and tosses it aside, to reveal a series of dangerous weapons being hid underneath it. He grabs a huge chain, what he wraps it around his fist and also a baseball bat. RIGG laughs as he slides back in the ring, where YOUNG just managed to sit on his knees. Not knowing what is happening behind him, as YOUNG turns around he gets nailed in the face by chain covered fist. YOUNG drops backwards, with a huge wound above the eyes. RIGG is about to cover him, but decides to have some more fun and puts the chain around the neck of YOUNG to choke him out.

RIGG pulls YOUNG up by the chain and then drags him along the ring, YOUNG tries to free himself from the chain and finally succeeds. RIGG tosses the chain aside and holds the baseball bat in his hand, awaiting patiently for YOUNG to get to his feet and to turn around. YOUNG turns around and somehow manages to see the bat being swung towards him and ducks and knees RIGG in the stomach area before putting the arm behind RIGG’s back and goes to slam him on that arm. This causes RIGG to scream in pain as YOUNG grabs the baseball bat and swings it on the injured arm with force. Causing RIGG to roll around in the ring.

That arm could be broken!!! YOUNG tosses the bat to the outside of the ring and taunts RIGG before performing a DDT like move on the arm in the middle of the ring. YOUNG then slides out of the ring and removes the robe around the ring and grabs a couple of tables that are underneath and stacks them next to each other. Then puts two more on top of them and then slides back in the ring. The fans are screaming we want tables as YOUNG slides back in the ring and spots the chain. A very sadistic grin appears on his face as he touches his forehead and sees his blood on his fingers. He grabs the chain and whacks RIGG across the face with it. Then he clotheslines RIGG out of the ring and climbs on the turnbuckles and goes off to perform a chain like version of the double axe handle of the top turnbuckles. Only this time he gets caught by RIGG by the throat with his good arm and gets chokeslammed on the concrete floor.

The crowd goes nuts as RIGG is trying everything to get some feeling back in his other arm, moving it slowly to show the people it isn’t broken. Still hampered by the fact that he has only one good arm, he grabs the head of YOUNG and pulls him up with one good arm. He delivers some vicious knife edge chops, before hitting YOUNG with a huge powerslam sending him crashing to the concrete. YOUNG seems to be out of it as RIGG slowly starts to walk up to him. He then spots the top of the steel ring steps that he threw off of the lower part a few moments ago and walks towards it with YOUNG still down. RIGG tries to grab the steps with both his good and injured arm and after trying very carefully he finally gets it up above his head.

Just as RIGG is about to turn around, its YOUNG in a desperate move delivering a roundhouse kick that sends RIGG falling backwards with the steps falling on top of him. YOUNG is now relentless; he grabs the steps and throws it into the injured arm of RIGG. Then following up he grabs RIGG and tosses him shoulder first into the security railing, the pain on the face of RIGG can be seen as he is screaming in agony while somehow YOUNG is enjoying this. He then stands over RIGG and grabs him and pulls him up to his feet before rolling him in the ring.

YOUNG takes his time and slides back in the ring where he grabs RIGG one more time and stands him up. He picks up his chair and BOOM!! Signature chairshot to the skull of RIGG!! But instead of covering the now bloodied mess, he stares at the tables that he has stacked outside of the ring and starts to grin viciously.

YOUNG grabs RIGG by the head and prepares to finish him off when out of nowhere RIGG hits a low blow sending SCOTT to his knees. RIGG has a crazy look in his eyes! The fans are going insane as RIGG points to the tables. RIGG goes to pick up SCOTT to apparently try to hit a power bomb when all of a sudden from the corner comes FAMINE OF THE VILE. He rams right into BIGG RIGG with a huge spear that nearly breaks RIGG in half. SCOTT gets up slowly and sees FAMINE standing over RIGG who is laid out on the canvas. SCOTT picks up another chair and tells FAMINE to stand RIGG up on his feet. FAMINE picks up RIGG and SCOTT runs toward him hitting him with another vicious chair shot to the skull.

RIGG goes down like a ton of bricks. FAMINE and SCOTT now pick up RIGG and take him over to where the tables are placed. BOOM!!! Double team! FAMINE and SCOTT hit a power bomb on RIGG that send him crashing through the tables and onto the concrete below. SCOTT goes out to make the cover…1….. 2….. THREE! It’s over, and with the help of FAMINE OF THE VILE, SCOTT YOUNG walks away victorious!


- - Standard Match - -

MIKE RABOIN’S music hits as he makes his way down to the ring. RABOIN climbs into the ring and begins stretching wit the ropes as MC TERRIBLE’s music hits. TERRIBLE comes running down the aisle, and slides into the ring. The two men get right into it as the bell rings. Both men are brawling in the center of the ring with back and forth rights and lefts. Neither man is backing down from this brawling contest, until finally MIKE RABOIN gain the upper hand with a diving lariat! RABOIN drops to the mat, and grabs MC TERRIBLE with a reverse chin lock. The referee steps in, looking for the possible submit. RABOIN tightens the hold as MC TERRIBLE begins to fight his way out of it. TERRIBLE climbs to his feet, bringing RABOIN to his feet with him. MC TERRIBLE elbows MIKE RABOIN in the ribs, forcing RABOIN to release the hold. MC TERRIBLE runs to the ropes, using the momentum, he fires back at RABOIN with a devastating face crusher. MC TERRIBLE grabs RABOIN’s leg, but RABOIN kicks his away and climbs back to his feet. Both men circle around each other, then finally tie up in a grapple. MIKE RABOIN gains the advantage, and attempts a superplex, but in mid air, MC TERRIBLE reverses, and lands on his feet behind MIKE. TERRIBLE grabs RABOIN’s head, and drops him to the mat with a reverse DDT. MC TERRIBLE quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle, and leaps off with a body splash, but MIKE RABOIN throws his knees up in defense! MC TERRIBLE crashes into MIKE’s knees, and begins rolling on the matt, holding his gut in pain! MIKE RABOIN and MC TERRIBLE both lay on the mat, as the referee begins the ten count. 1... 2.... 3.... 4... Both men begin moving now. 5... 6.... 7... MIKE RABOIN grabs the ropes and begins to pull himself up as MC TERRIBLE climbs up to one knee. 8...9... MIKE RABOIN is up, and he rushes towards MC TERRIBLE, and kicks him square in the face, sending him back to the mat! RABOIN grabs MC TERRIBLE'S legs again, and this time he connects with a kick to MC TERRIBLE'S groin! TERRIBLE holds his mid section as the referee warns MIKE RABOIN about the low blow. RABOIN pushes the ref out of his way, and pulls MC TERRIBLE to his feet. MIKE whips TERRIBLE into the ropes, and on TERRIBLE’s way back, MIKE RABOIN spears him to the mat. MIKE climbs to his feet, and makes his way to the top rope. MIKE LEAPS off with an impressive moonsault!!! MIKE goes for the pin! 1.... 2..... KICKOUT!! TERRIBLE is still in this, but he’s in a weakened state, as MIKE uses his weight and hoists his opponent on top of the turnbuckle, and then follows it up with the Neck Cutter! But the ref was out of position and he got clobbered by TERRIBLE’s legs coming down! Both men and the ref are now on the ground trying to recover. Wait a minute? Who the hell is that? It’s FAMINE! FAMINE OF THE VILE is here!! Why is he out here? FAMINE OF THE VILE now comes in the ring and picks up MIKE RABOIN, he leaves him there and does nothing. He then goes to pick up Cage as MIKE looks on. FAMINE hits TERRIBLE with the Devil’s Spike and takes him out. MIKE looks on in anger. FAMINE now walks up to MIKE and extends his hand out!! IS FAMINE trying to recruit MIKE RABOIN?.. MIKE slowly goes to shake his hand, but FAMINE boots him in the gut and goes behind to hit the blood driver! He drops RABOIN on top of TERRIBLE!!

Both men are out in the ring as FAMINE asks for a mic.

FAMINE: No one is safe from the wrath of the Dark Cross! No one! I told you all that we are going to destroy anyone and everyone when and where we choose. I made an example out of ALEX CUTWRIGHT, I made an example out of MC TERRIBLE, and tonight, I will make and example out of THE SAVIOR.

FAMINE drops the mic and walks out of the ring leaving a path of destruction as both TERRIBLE and RABOIN are completely out of it. The ref finally comes to and sees RABOIN on top of TERRIBLE.. 1.. 2.. THREE!!


JONATHYN is seen in the back, returning to his office. He looks at the desk and sees his clipboard.

JONATHYN: THERE IT IS! Man, I though I lost it. Okay.. Now, I’ve got SYRUS FALLS next week taking on ASHEN ISCARIOT, that should be.. Hey, what did I do here?

JONATHYN notices a long line from IRON BULL’s name leading all the way up to ASHEN ISCARIOT’s name on the roster. The line heads right through ASHEN’s name, and appears to cross it out.

JONATHYN: Whoa. When did I make THAT change? Damn coma. I need to talk to my doctor about these lapses. Well, if I wrote it, I must have had a plan. I’m so glad I have this clipboard, I would lose my mind without it. So next week, it’s gonna be SYRUS FALLS versus IRON BULL. That should be something.. I hope BULL wins, that guy has potential..

JONATHYN puts down his clipboard and glances over at the monitor, where he sees the next match just about to start..

- - Standard Match - -

SEWASIDE steps down to the ring nonchalantly, and stands there momentarily, waiting for JEM’s music to play..

And he waits..

And he waits..

After a few minutes of silence, SEWASIDE finally speaks up..

SEWASIDE: Hey.. I’m no official.. But this bitch obviously ain’t showin’ up tonight.. Don’t you think we should just call it quits and give me the mutha f***in win already?

After a few moments, the ref calls for the bell..

WINNER (by countout): SEWASIDE

T MONEY steps down to the ring with mic in hand..

T MONEY: Hey, cuz! You’ll never believe what I found! I think it might shed a little light on the subject..

SEWASIDE: What’s that, Homie?

T MONEY: It’s a videotape.. It’s JEM’s new Entrance Video!

SEWASIDE: Get out? For reals? I gots to see me summa THAT!

T MONEY: Well, actually, it may be more of an “exit” video.. ROLL THAT TAPE!

The fans join T MONEY and SEWASIDE as they stare at the X-Tron..

The screen gets a little fuzzy for about 3 seconds and we are immediately taken to what looks to be some sort of shaky home video. We see "REC" in the upper left hand corner and on the bottom right, the date of "8/9/06". We are on the inside of an Unmarked car driving down what seems like an empty highway. Besides the car we are in, we see one car in front of it. Whoever is holding this camcorder turns and in the Driver's seat we see SEWASIDE, The Sports Entertainment Messiah. We then hear the voice of none other than The Harlem Hellraizer, T MONEY.

T MONEY: We got his ass... this video is gonna be some Banned from TV footage. Tail him.

Are the Blood Hounds making some sort of short film? Boyz In The Hood? It seems that T Money is holding the camera capturing the whole scene on his own camera for The Blood Hounds own personal pleasure. He zooms in to the car ahead of them and through the rear view mirror, we can see the face of JEM WILLIAMS. The car The Blood Hounds are in speeds up and they ram into the back of JEM's car causing him to swerve all over the road. JEM straightens back up and The Blood Hounds car drives up to the side of JEM. JEM looks over and notices that it's T and SEWASIDE in the car.

JEM: What the hell is going on!?

SEWASIDE: Hey Mr. Unkillable! Ready to die, lame ass dude?

SEWASIDE slams into the side of JEM's car and he starts to lose control, he tries to drive back over but SIDE doesn't allow him to regain composure by slamming into the side of him again and causing JEM to hit a rail and then his car starts to flip insanely down the highway. SEWASIDE punches the brakes and T MONEY captures JEM's car flipping about 15 times. JEM's car lands on its roof. It sits there for a minute and we notice a spark fly up, most likely hitting spilt gas...



We see SEWASIDE in the car laughing hysterically, T MONEY making sure he is getting all of this on tape. The voice of T MONEY can be heard.

T MONEY: Look at that, it's classic! Man, your driving skills are mad tight, son!

SEWASIDE: Yo, on the real Fam, we need to send this tape in to America's Funny Home Videos, people gonna love this!

JEM's car sits there burning, we even hear a loud BOOM one more time as it explodes once more. T MONEY turns the camera to himself and he speaks into it.

T MONEY: This has been a special presentation of BLOOD HOUND ENTERTAINMENT! You can buy this video at for the low, low price of $149.95.

SEWASIDE: We gotta dip for this s*** get hot, cuz.

SEWASIDE turns the car around in the middle of the highway making a U-Turn and peels off quickly with the Blood Hounds laughing uncontrollably. What have we just witnessed? HAVE The BLOOD HOUNDS JUST MURDERED SOMEONE?? If this doesn't prove what they're capable of with no remorse...

The shot fades to commercial.



After the commercial, a very angry JONATHYN is sitting in his office staring across the room at the man sitting on the other side.


The camera whips around to reveal the man JONATHYN is talking to..

SEWASIDE: What’s your problem, cuz? We’s jus’ takin’ care of business..


SEWASIDE looks pleased that he has the boss all riled up.

SEWASIDE: You needs to chillax, son. You got no..


SEWASIDE: First off, BITCH.. I don’t recall you even HIRING ME.. You just put my name on a card and expected me to show up and dance for you? I ain’t signed s*** since I showed up last week. I ain’t under contract with the XWF, and I ain’t plannin’ on GETTIN’ under contract either! UNDERSTAND?

JONATHYN: Then I guess it’s up to the police now, and YOU can get the hell out of my arena AND NEVER COME BACK.

SEWASIDE: Yeah.. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? But peep this.. I GOT YOUR BOY, cuz. I know all about JEM WILLIAMS. I know where he’s at, I know if he’s alive or dead, and I know how to keep him that way.. So I’ll tell you what, fool. You just go ahead and keep booking me in matches, and you just keep treatin’ me like part of your big happy family, and you just SHUT THE HELL UP about your little JEM.. And then, MAYBE, if you’re a good boy.. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about your little puppet JEM WILLIAMS.. Ya heard?

JONATHYN leans back in his seat with a stunned look in his eyes.


SEWASIDE: Aw, damn. Why’s it always got to be racial, man? How come the bad stuff always has to be BLACK? I ain’t blackmailin’ nobody.. I’m just letting you know that I’ll be a good little star and keep my mouth shut as long as YOU be a good little boss and start paying me, IN CASH, every week, just to grace your ring with my presence.

JONATHYN: Absolutely not. You can go to hell.

SEWASIDE: Yeah. I can.. And So can JEM WILLIAMS.. The only difference is.. You’ll KNOW I’m in hell, but you have NO IDEA where he is..

SEWASIDE gets up and leans across the desk, getting right in the boss’ face. JONATHYN flinches, but holds his ground.

SEWASIDE: Think about it, “boss.”

SEWASIDE brushes some dust off JONATHYN’s shoulder, then straightens up again and backs out the door, leaving JONATHYN shaken and concerned..

Right before the next match is to begin, the official makes an announcement


FAMINE looks a little upset as the bell rings to start the match.

- - Standard Match - -

Both men look at each other, neither backing down as the ref signals for the bell to be rung, starting the match. Both continue to stare however, each sizing each other up mentally and physically, each knowing what was to happen as the time would progress in the match. Finally after at least a dozen seconds in the stare down, both men in union begin circling the ring, still staring at one another. FAMINE flicks his wrist quickly, going in for a grapple with SAVIOR and both men tie up. Both push equally at one another, neither gaining an advantage and the ref eventually breaks the hold. FAMINE goes for a lock up again, succeeding, but to no prevail as both mean were still at a neutral standing in the first minute of the match. SAVIOR this time goes to break the hold, but FAMINE sees an opening and drives his boot up, kicking SAVIOR right in the stomach. Then with flashing fists, FAMINE brings two quick lefts up and follows through with a rough right clothesline. SAVIOR goes down quickly, but is up instantly to only be met with another clothesline. But SAVIOR is persistent, standing and ducking this time under a third clothesline to go behind FAMINE OF THE VILE. SAVIOR locks with him from behind, driving his arm quickly and harshly into FAMINE’S lower back, thrusting him forward a few feet. FAMINE turns around, getting brought hard against the ropes from a drop kick produced by SAVIOR. FAMINE nearly flips over the ropes, but holds himself steady… until SAVIOR comes at FAMINE, clotheslining him over the top rope and to the outside. FAMINE lands hard on his side and SAVIOR spends no time to get out of the ring in pursuit of his opponent. SAVIOR helps FAMINE to his feet, slamming his forearm a few time into the back of FAMINE’S head, causing him to drop to one knee. SAVIOR goes to help FAMINE up once again, but FAMINE takes initiative, grabbing SAVIOR and pushing him forward… sending his shoulder straight into the metal ring post! SAVIOR doubles over FAMINE in pain as he is lifted into the air, and driven again into the ring post, this time right between both shoulders. FAMINE drops SAVIOR to the ground and slowly rolls in and out of the ring to break the referee’s ten count that was getting deadly close to it’s highest point. FAMINE goes over to SAVIOR, picking him up and a second later rolls him into the ring. FAMINE slides in himself, rolling SAVIOR onto his back and goes for the pin. One… Two… Kick out! FAMINE shrugs to the kick out, bringing SAVIOR to his feet only to drop him a few seconds later with a hard snap suplex. FAMINE continues on though, rolling over and picking up SAVIOR while keeping him in the suplex position. Taking a deep breath, FAMINE lifts SAVIOR and nails a second snap suplex! But FAMINE doesn’t stop, slowly picking himself back up along with SAVIOR as he takes in one final breath. FAMINE lifts SAVIOR off the mat, but drops him forward this time into a massive shoulder breaker instead of a third snap suplex. SAVIOR holds his shoulder as he rolls away from FAMINE who takes follow and drops, pinning SAVIOR in the center of the ring by hooking the leg. One… Two… Kick out! SAVIOR winches slightly, having to use the worked shoulder to pull up from the pin attempt. FAMINE picks SAVIOR up again, but is taken off guard as SAVIOR grabs FAMINE by the head and pulls his feet out from under him, dropping FAMINE forward, face planting him hard into the ring! Both men lay motionless for a few seconds, FAMINE rolling over to his back as SAVIOR sits up, shaking the cobwebs from his mind and shoulder. SAVIOR is first to his feet, FAMINE up a second later and both stops in their movements to stare each other down. And that’s all it took as both men begin to swing back and forth, connecting with hard rights and lefts in trying to gain the upper hand. SAVIOR begins pumping faster, a fury seen in his expression as he knocks FAMINE back a step. SAVIOR takes his chance, pulling back even further for a haymaker and makes a lunge at FAMINE, but misses as FAMINE ducks and moves behind SAVIOR. FAMINE takes no time away from making his move, grabbing SAVIOR by the back of his head and driving him downward in a collapsing reverse DDT. FAMINE quickly picks the back of SAVIOR’S head up though and under locks it with the shoulder already worked on, applying a deadly dragon sleeper to SAVIOR. SAVIOR holds strong though, clenching both hands into strong fists as he pulls himself up with the strength of his head and changes the hold into a standing rear neck lock. Using a force of momentum then, SAVIOR pulls himself around, lifting FAMINE in the air with the continuing momentum and slams him down into the mat with a massive northern lights suplex. SAVIOR bridges the hold though, going for the pin attempt. One… Two! Kick out! SAVIOR collapses to the mat, holding his throat as both men stir slightly from the encounter. FAMINE stands slowly, rocking back and forth on his feet as SAVIOR does the same. FAMINE turns to face SAVIOR and is met with a boot to the stomach, following by an attempt at a DDT! FAMINE pushes SAVIOR away before the move could be landed, causing SAVIOR to bounce back by the ropes. FAMINE then moves with his own boot, sending it into SAVIOR’S stomach. FAMINE grabs SAVIOR, seeing his chance… BLOOD DRIVER!!! SAVIOR’S head connects with a hard thud against the mat as FAMINE rolls to his knees, breathing heavily and realizing the move went through. FAMINE goes to cover SAVIOR for the pin… 1.. 2.. THREE!! What a match!


FAMINE grabs a mic.. He speaks through heavy breathing from an exhausting match..

FAMINE: There! As you can see, even without the aid of my partner, I can single-handedly destroy anyone I set my sights on. Looks like it’s two to nothing in the battle of tag teams tonight! And as far as I can see..

Suddenly, the lights go out!!

"Hit the Floor" by Linkin Park can be heard!

The lights come back on, and the fans are on their feet! FAMINE suddenly finds himself face-to-face with...

It’s EXTERMINATOR!! The former X-Treme Champion has come out of retirement yet again!

FAMINE immediately takes a swing, only to have EXTERMINATOR block it and come back with a right hand of his own! The two exchange punches until EXTERMINATOR knocks FAMINE down with a huge uppercut! FAMINE slowly gets up, but suddenly...GRANITE CHARGE! EXTERMINATOR barrels full force into FAMINE! Instead of getting up, FAMINE rolls out of the ring to collect himself. EXTERMINATOR picks up the microphone and speaks.

EXTERMINATOR: Man, it's great to be back in an XWF ring!


EXTERMINATOR: I'm glad to see the XWF is back, and it appears the XWF is glad to see me back. I will be at BRING THE PAIN. And, if JONATHYN allows it, I think I’m going to use that opportunity to act as the SPECIAL REFEREE in the Tag Team title match!! SO FAMINE, you better be ready to play fair, because I’m going to on you like WHITE ON RICE, BUDDY!!

"Hit the Floor" by Linkin Park plays again as EXTERMINATOR heads to the back to a standing ovation. He's back again! FAMINE looks angry!



As the show returns from commercials, T MONEY and BOONDOCK SAINT are already standing in the ring. BOONDOCK holds his belt tight against his chest.

Suddenly, a voice is heard.

Hey there, bitches!

It's MR. AMAZING on the X-Tron!

AMAZING: Don't get too excited; I'm not coming down there to fight you two. I know you both want a match with me and it's just too bad because I'm not going to give you what you want.

The fans boo.

AMAZING: You see, I made a promise back at Last Breath. I promised that it would be my last match with the XWF...ever! I was loyal to AIDAN'S XWC, and I enjoyed it there. I knew that the new XWF could never live up to the expectations of the old XWF. Already we have STEVE JASON stepping down and LEE STONE announcing his eventual leave. Hell, when BOONDOCK SAINT is headlining know we have a problem. I know this XWF could use a little bit of me, but I'm not one to break a promise. Back in XWC, SHADOW and I were going to take the tag division by storm and do win those belts. The XWC tag titles are no longer in existence and quite frankly I have nothing to prove to those SOA bastards or MC and the SAVIOR. T MONEY and I finally had our one on one match and I found out something about him; he's not a man of his word.

The fans agree wholeheartedly, and T MONEY looks around like he’s saying “What? How can you accuse me of being dishonest?”

AMAZING: T, you talked about fair fights and then KID MONEY interfered in our match. I had you beat in the middle of that ring and you had to pull that s***. And SAINT, we've had problems lately because of your involvement in the match as well. You and C2 came to my aid to "even the odds" so to speak. Well all you managed to do was get me disqualified. If this is what the new XWF is all about then I want nothing to do with it! F*** the XWF! Ladies and gentlemen this is MR. AMAZING bowing out for possibly the last time. You can change the channel now because the man... has... spoken!

The fans boo once again as T MONEY looks up at the X-Tron trying to figure out.. WHAM!! BOONDOCK nails T MONEY with a spear!! The bell rings! The match is ON!

- - Non-Title Match - -

"Cult of Personality" by Living Colour plays, and here comes SAINT to a chorus of BOOS! T MONEY walks out from behind the curtain, looking determined. He methodically makes his way down the ramp, and enters the ring slowly, and he stands in the center of the ring, staring down his seemingly underdog opponent. SAINT and T MONEY stand nose to nose for several seconds, and T MONEY raises his fist to throw a punch. SAINT blocks it, and then unleashes a barrage of his own! He backs T MONEY up to the ropes, and SAINT lays waste to the wrestling veteran with a series of punches and caps it all off with a headbutt. T MONEY then slides between the top and middle ropes, and tries to free himself from the wrath of SAINT, but the mad bastard is relentless. He yanks T MONEY back into the ring by his foot and grabs him around his arms and lands a spinning Belly to Belly Suplex. T MONEY lands hard but gets back up quickly. SAINT then backs the dazed contender into the turnbuckle and whips him into the opposite corner. WHAM! T MONEY lands hard into the corner and looks to be out on his feet. SAINT rushes in and lands a big body avalanche that sends T MONEY stumbling out of the corner. SAINT then grabs the former champion and hurls him into the original turnbuckle with all of his might! T MONEY lands hard and looks completely out of it!. He begins stumbling out of the corner dazed, and SAINT is there to bring him down and lock in a textbook Figure Four Leg Lock!! SAINT locks in the submission hold tightly, and T MONEY screams in agony! T MONEY scoots to the ropes, and grabs hold. SAINT does not release the hold until the ref hits the disqualification count of four and a half. T MONEY grabs his knee in agony, and SAINT plants a forearm into the small of his back. T MONEY takes a few steps towards the turnbuckle and SAINT grabs T MONEY in a waist lock and lands a painful Pendulum Back Breaker. T MONEY writhes in pain on the canvas, and SAINT makes a cover, hooking the leg.... 1...... 2.... NO!!! SAINT moves T MONEY into a sitting position, and quickly backs himself into the ropes and rockets back with a well placed boot to the temple! T MONEY is laid out! SAINT makes another pin attempt......1...... 2...... NO!!! T MONEY has had no time to offer a defensive! SAINT gives the crowd the finger as T MONEY struggles to get off of the canvas. T MONEY stands up to face the champ, but SAINT is quick to kick him in the gut, and lands the Excommunicator!! It's got to be over!! 1.. 2.. NO!!! T MONEY kicks out!!! The whole crowd screams out, but SAINT doesn't look phased. He starts gingerly climbing the turnbuckle to the top rope! SAINT waits for T MONEY to stand so he come off with some impressive maneuver. T MONEY finally gets to his feet, and spins around to see SAINT coming off the top rope... THE GODSEND MOONSAULT!! T MONEY is DOWN, and so is SAINT!!

They both lie motionless for a few moments, while the ref begins a double count out!

Both men struggle to their feet, when they return, T MONEY walks over to SAINT and both men start to trade right hands. It looks as if SAINT is getting the upper hand on T MONEY, he grabs T's wrist and tosses him to the ropes, T comes flying back but he ducks under the arm of SAINT... FLYING CLOTHESLINE BY T MONEY! Now full of momentum, T MONEY leaps back to his feet and awaits SAINT to raise up, when he does, T goes for the Harlem Deathlock but SAINT blocks it with a kick to the gut, he turns and lifts T MONEY up in a Fireman's carry

He's about to hit GO 2 SLEEP on T MONEY!!.


T MONEY twists his body in the air and manages to wiggle around behind BOONDOCK SAINT, it looks like his own version of GO 2 SLEEP as he locks in THE HARLEM DEATHLOCK! SAINT runs backwards as hard as he can, slamming T MONEY into the turnbuckle causing T MONEY to break the hold. SAINT walks forward holding his throat, but T MONEY shakes off the force in which he hit the turnbuckle and runs back up behind SAINT locking in the HARLEM DEATHLOCK once more! This time, he falls to the ground and wraps his legs around SAINT!

The ref is checking on SAINT who has a look of grimace on his face, he screams in pain until he can't anymore. It looks as if SAINT has passed out...The ref raises his hand once. It drops. He raises it twice, and once again it drops. He raises SAINT's hand once more and it drops again. T MONEY WINS WITH THE HARLEM DEATHLOCK! But he keeps it applied until the ref pries him off!!


T MONEY gets out of the ring and walks over to the announce table where he sees the XWC championship title. He picks it up and rolls back into the ring with it..

After a few moments, he spits on the belt and drops it across BOONDOCK’s chest..

Fade to black...

Return to XWF