XWF: BRING THE PAIN – August 27, 2006



- - Hart Title Qualifier Match - -


- - Hart Title Qualifier Match - -
X-Treme Rules


- - Hart Title Qualifier Match - -


- - Hart Title Qualifier Match - -


- - No DQ Match - -

- - Battle Royal - -


- - NO DQ Match - -


- - Ladder Match - -





- - Elimination Match - -



- - Cage Elimination Tag Match - -
Guest Ref: CHAD


- - Hart Title Qualifier Match - -

The referee is in the ring as HUDSON’S music hits the PA system and he comes out, struts around the ring. SIMMONS´ entrance video blasts off on the X-Tron and SIMMONS comes walking down the ramp, ready to go! He walks out on the apron, in to the ring and up a turnbuckle, HUDSON comes at him from behind, taking him down from the turnbuckle, the lights come back on and the bell sounds, and the match is on the way… HUDSON goes for a DDT, but SIMMONS pushes HUDSON away to avoid it. HUDSON comes at him again as SIMMONS kicks HUDSON in the gut, and grabs HUDSON in position of the impact! HUDSON pushes himself out of harms way and rolls backwards on the mat, but SIMMONS is to the attack and stomps him while he is down. HUDSON comes back to his feet. Right away SIMMONS pounces on HUDSON knocking him down and choking him off the get go. The ref then yells at SIMMONS to stop as he starts in immediately with a 4-count. 1..... 2.... 3..... 4.... And SIMMONS lets go. While getting back up to his feet though, HUDSON is grabbed up by SIMMONS in a swinging neck breaker. SIMMONS flips over on to HUDSON mounting him right away and laying in to him with both hard rights and lefts until HUDSON throws him off of himself. HUDSON then goes to get up again but is kicked in the gut by SIMMONS and picked up into the air. While slightly stalling, SIMMONS then drops HUDSON down in a front suplex drop! SIMMONS quickly gets back up to his feet as he runs bouncing off the ropes and drops a huge knee onto the back of HUDSON'S head. SIMMONS then backs off of HUDSON allowing him to get back up to his feet now. Both men circle each other before running in and HUDSON takes over tackling SIMMONS down to the mat. He gets back up to his feet and grabs a hold of SIMMONS while dragging him over to the side of the ring. He yanks SIMMONS on his back slightly over the ring apron as he crawls out on to the ring apron himself. HUDSON then elbow drops the throat of SIMMONS. While SIMMONS is rolling around in pain holding his throat HUDSON goes climbing up to the top rope as SIMMONS is slowly getting back up to his feet. HUDSON seeing the opportunity jumps off with a diving clothesline, but SIMMONS catches him and fall away slams him! HUDSON is up and he grabs hold of SIMMONS and whips him into the steel ring post as he charges at SIMMONS only to catch a boot to the face. SIMMONS now takes charge as he flips HUDSON around into the steel ring post and starts quickly going to work on HUDSON with both left and right hooks. He then grabs a hold of HUDSON and whips him diagonally across the ring and comes running connecting with a hard clothesline on HUDSON. SIMMONS then grabs the two second ropes and starts driving his shoulder into HUDSON to soften him up. SIMMONS then while grabbing a hold of HUDSON'S arm hip tosses him slamming him down hard onto the mat. Though while still holding on and not letting go, SIMMONS nails a leg drop onto HUDSON'S hyper-extended arm. HUDSON then slowly get to his feet trying not to use his hurting arm too much as SIMMONS comes running over towards him. HUDSON seeing this ducks down and flips SIMMONS up and over the top rope! And though without knowing it or seeing it, SIMMONS lands safely onto the ring apron now waiting for HUDSON. Upon his turning around though SIMMONS knees HUDSON and hooks his head, SIMMONS flips up HUDSON as to suplex him to the outside when suddenly from out of nowhere HUDSON reverses and suplexes SIMMONS back into the ring! He then rolls over for a quick cover pin as the ref slides in, 1....... And a kickout! HUDSON then picks up SIMMONS and Irish whips him into the steel ring post. He then walks over taking his time and lifts up SIMMONS onto the top rope followed by immediately climbing up onto the second rope. While hooking SIMMONS'S head though, HUDSON finally steps up onto the top rope. He then jumps off while super plexing SIMMONS from off of the top rope!!! The crowd pops from seeing this happen as HUDSON flips over right away for the pin cover as the ref starts in, 1......and a kickout! HUDSON looks surprised as SIMMONS slowly starts to roll over to get up. He then grabs a hold of SIMMONS right away and whips him across the ring towards the ropes when SIMMONS hooks on and holds onto the ropes. HUDSON goes running across the ring with a clothesline but SIMMONS ducks and flips HUDSON right up and out of the ring!!! With HUDSON crashing down on the ground below SIMMONS then starts climbing up top the top rope. While waiting for HUDSON though, SIMMONS jumps off while crowning him on the way down. SIMMONS sends HUDSON into the steal steps. SIMMONS then picks up HUDSON and drops him down face first onto the steel steps. Then SIMMONS grabs a hold of HUDSON and Irish whips him, but HUDSON reverses it and SIMMONS is the one who is send crashing into the announcer's table causing SIMMONS to yell out in pain from his back smashing into it. HUDSON flips SIMMONS up onto the announcer's table as the ref tries to stop the two men. He then gets up himself and picks up SIMMONS and locks him into place before...... BOOM!!!! HUDSON sets SIMMONS up on top of the table and executes the Re-Arranger right through it, sending debris and table pieces all around it as it crumbles! HUDSON begins to move, he gets back to his feet. He drags SIMMONS with him and rolls him into the ring. HUDSON slides himself with the ref and drops an arm over for the cover. 1.......... 2.. And a kick out!! HUDSON starts getting pissed as hell as he jumps back to his feet and yanks up SIMMONS with him. Wanting to get revenge out of pure frustration now though HUDSON picks SIMMONS up again and nails him with a DDT!!! HUDSON runs over to make the cover…1…… 2…. THREE! HUDSON has done it!!



- - Hart Title Qualifier Match - -
X-Treme Rules

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD gets halfway down the ramp before STEVE SANDERS runs out and clips the leg of HARDHEAD. He hits one knee prompting STEVE SANDERS to kick him several times in the stomach before bringing his knee into HARDHEAD’S face. SANDERS looks like a man possessed as he brings right hand after right hand into the skull of the 315 pound Hawaiian. He desperately fights to his feet with several rights and lefts to STEVE’S ribs before driving his kidney’s into the ring apron. HARDHEAD throws SANDERS into the ring starting the match off. HAWAIIAN slides in, but SANDERS goes on the attack again this time with a high knee lift bloodying HARDHEAD and knocking him into the ropes. SANDERS runs at him clotheslining both of them over the top rope. HARDHEAD gets to his feet as does SANDERS pounding away on one another. SANDERS goes low on HARDHEAD before whipping him hard over the steel guardrail into the crowd. SANDERS gets a running start before jumping on the railing and diving at HARDHEAD who sidesteps SANDERS. STEVE crashes hard into a row of seats as HARDHEAD shakes the cobwebs out. HARDHEAD picks SANDERS up headbutting him back to the ground. He grabs SANDERS up now taking him in a headlock dragging him through the crowd before kneeing him in the face and throwing him hard into a brick wall. SANDERS screams out in pain holding the back of his bloody head. Both men are wearing the proverbial crimson mask. HARDHEAD stalks SANDERS, but SANDERS the veteran drops HARDHEAD into the wall with a drop toe hold. SANDERS pops up stomping on the body of the Hawaiian before pulling him back to his hair launching him through the doors of the arena. We now stand outside watching STEVE SANDERS and HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD punching away at one another. HARDHEAD catches SANDERS with a chop to the throat. HARDHEAD pulls off his flip flops and claps them against both of SANDERS ears before whacking him over the head with one! SANDERS falls backwards, but takes something from behind a trashcan smacking HARDHEAD in the face with it! SANDERS holds it up in the air revealing it to be a chain. SANDERS wraps the chain around his fist before putting into the skull of HARDHEAD. HAWAIIAN absorbs the shot and catches SANDERS coming in with a second one giving him a SAMOAN DROP on the concrete! HARDHEAD goes for the cover one…two…kickout! HOLY SHIT, STEVE SANDERS kicked out. The crowd of people who could not get tickets stand outside now cheering on the combatants. HARDHEAD pulls SANDERS up throwing him into the garage door. SANDERS falls back against it, but HARDHEAD takes SANDERS head ramming it into the door repeatedly! SANDERS now lies limp as HARDHEAD picks up the trashcan throwing it at STEVE SANDERS. HARDHEAD runs and dropkicks the can smashing SANDERS head between the metal garage door and the metal garbage can! HARDHEAD covers SANDERS for a second two count. HARDHEAD can’t believe it! The angry Hawaiian digs through the trashcan before taking out a…cheese grater! He holds it up before slowly ripping it across the forehead of STEVE SANDERS. SANDERS screams, but HARDHEAD drops the grater after receiving a low blow. SANDERS grabs the cheese grater ripping across the genitals of HARDHEAD before HARDHEAD kicks him in his nuts. HARDHEAD bends over screaming “HOLY JESUS” He screams before turning around catching a blow with the cheese grater into the head. SANDERS kicks HARDHEAD in the nuts again before setting him up for a powerbomb. SANDERS tries to powerbomb him, but can’t, so HARDHEAD back drops SANDERS onto the tech truck. HARDHEAD raises an arm into the air before jumping on with an elbow drop. SANDERS moves and the only thing that HARDHEAD elbow drops is the truck! SANDERS gets up leaning against the wall. He waits for HARDHEAD to get up before kicking him in the face knocking him off the truck into a pile of tables which all break. SANDERS looks down at the lifeless form of HARDHEAD before getting back on the dock and slowly making his way down to the road. HARDHEAD has got up though and now catches SANDERS off guard with THE HAWAIIAN SPECIALTY. HARDHEAD covers him for the one…two…kickout! HARDHEAD can hardly believe it. HE pulls up SANDERS, but SANDERS catches him low. HE knocks him to the edge of the second loading dock! SANDERS smashes a chair over the skull of HARDHEAD five times before jumping down the five feet and what’s this? Those are tables and oh my gosh lighter fluid and barbed wire! SANDERS…no he’s pouring lighter fluid over the table and wrapping it in barbed wire! SANDERS admires his handy work before lighting it on fire. SANDERS gets back on the loading dock setting up HARDHEAD who is just getting to his feet. SANDERS runs and does a sunset flip, but powerbombs HARDHEAD OFF THE LOADING DOCK THROUGH THE FIERY, BARBED WIRE WRAPPED TABLE! THEY’RE BOTH ON FIRE. SANDERS HAS THE COVER ONE…TWO…THREE. SANDERS wins with a modified form of the Sanders Bomb.


The EMT’s and XWF officials immediately spray down the fire and both men before taking them away for medical treatment.



When the promo is over, JONATHYN BROWN is standing alone in the ring..

JONATHYN: Ladies and gentlemen.. Before we continue with the business of today, I have some important business regarding TOMORROW and the future.. As you know, I put an offer on the table last week. An offer for SEAN GRAVES to come in and be my Massacre general manger. Well, the time has come for answers, and without further ado, please welcome.. SEAN GRAVES..


The opening to “Walking Dead” blares over the PA system and after a moment, SEAN GRAVES and DESTINY GRAVES step onto the stage to a huge ovation from the crowd. SEAN stood at the top of the ramp, taking in all the positive energy from the crowd and couldn't help but give that trademark grin of his. After a moment, SEAN and DESTINY make their way down to the ring where JONATHYN was waiting for them. SEAN and DESTINY climbed into the ring and walked over to JONATHYN where the once-rivals stared each other in the eye and for the first time in years, shook hands. JONATHYN then handed SEAN the mic and gave him the ring. SEAN took center stage and prepared to address the electric crowd in attendance.

SEAN GRAVES: Well... I can honestly say I never thought I would be standing in the ring again. The last time I was in this ring, I was facing the late great JEM WILLIAMS in probably one of the most brutal LAST MAN STANDING Matches ever. How we both were able to walk away from it is beyond me and I just wish that I was able to talk to JEM one last time before his accident. But I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to talk about LAST BREATH. I know a lot of people have wanted me to explain just what happened with LAST BREATH and why it didn't succeed the way it should have. To be honest with you, LAST BREATH was too big for me. Hell, it was probably too big for XWF. LAST BREATH was to showcase the best athletes of the world in matches people could over dream of. It was to be the single greatest moment in wrestling history and it would have one name all over it... SEAN GRAVES. Now I will admit, I did have my own agenda in promoting this event. You see, I expected to use the event to bring XWF back. With fans and sponsors seeing how I ran the company compared to JON here, I just knew that the board would look to me to become the new CEO of X-Treme Wrestling Federation. But... we all know the end result don't we? I lost my match to JEM WILLIAMS, most of the historic matches never even took place and even if I were to take over XWF, my injuries wouldn't have allowed me to run the company successfully. All in all... I failed miserably. I failed myself, I failed my peers and most of all... I failed you the fans as I promised a show you would never forget and I gave you an event that you barely remember. It was for that reason and that reason alone that I couldn't show my face for quite a while. It wasn't until DESTINY of all people showed up at my door and reminded me who I was. She reminded me of how I never let anyone or anything stand in my way and that if I wanted to gain the respect of you people again, I would have to return to XWF and make up for my past mistakes. Now JONATHYN... You proposed to me the other night about taking over the position as the GENERAL MANAGER of MASSACRE. XWF has had some of the best GENERAL MANAGERS ever and for you to even consider me as the next great one... It is truly an honor. So with that said... JONATHYN... As for me becoming the next GENERAL MANAGER of MASSACRE... My answer is...

Suddenly, the lights go out.

Sing oh seraph find the calm within your soul; Bring us closer to the flame that guides us home!

Sing oh seraph find the calm within your soul; Bring us closer to the flame that guides us home!

The lights in the arena come back on as “Not I” by Demon Hunter plays throughout the arena. The strobe lights kick in as CRIMSON KLINE makes his way to the ring through the crowd. KLINE climbs into the ring over the top rope and stares at SEAN GRAVES.

KLINE: Hold on JONATHYN. You're telling me you plan to hire SEAN GRAVES as MASSACRE GM uncontested? Tell me you aren't serious. You must not be thinking correctly after that vicious attack from BOONDOCK SAINT. I'm here to tell you that hiring SEAN GRAVES as MASSACRE GM would be the biggest mistake of your career and yes I remember the BROWN ORDER. Now I respect you immensely MR. BROWN but your decision here tonight is downright disrespectful... To do this would be a slap in the face to the fans and the wrestlers in the back. You said yourself that Last Breath was a disappointment. SEAN couldn't live up to the hype. What I'm trying to say JON, is that SEAN had his chance. Please, give me mine. Do you want every single MASSACRE to be as dismal as LAST BREATH? Do you want the XWF to go out of business once again? I have too much pride to let you down JON. Give me a shot and I will not disappoint. Now if you want SEAN to stay with the company I'm sure he'd be better utilized in the ring. What I'm proposing is don't give anyone this honor without earning it. I don't care if you want to book me one on one with SEAN tonight; I am willing to do anything. I want this more than anyone, I guarantee it.. Just give me a chance...

KLINE drops the mic to his side and looks to JONATHYN for an answer. JONATHYN is quiet for a moment as he looks at KLINE, then back to SEAN.. SEAN looks at KLINE and then to JONATHYN..

JONATHYN: KLINE. You’re right.. To a degree. If I just hand this show to GRAVES based on is heart without knowing what he’s truly capable of, I would be making a misnake. But on that same level, if I just hand the show to YOU, without having a clue what you’re capable of, I’d be making an equally bad misnake. I can’t just hand this show to anyone without knowing what they’re going to provide.

SEAN and KLINE look at each other.

JONATHYN: Neither one of you are going to be the GM..

The crowd is shocked!!

JONATHYN: Not yet, anyway.. I want you both to show me what you’re capable of. So I’m going to let you handle two Massacres each. KLINE, you’re first. You get to run MASSACRE next week, and GRAVES, you’ll get the week after that. At next month’s PPV, I’ll give you my decision. That’s it. Do your best, and don’t let me, or these fans down.

JONATHYN, without another word, slides under the ropes and walks up the ramp, leaving GRAVES and KLINE to look at each other once again..


- - Hart Title Qualifier Match - -

Within seconds of the bell ringing, VICTOR has BULL on the ground and is pounding into him. VICTOR picks BULL up, and BULL kicks VICTOR in the stomach and drops him in a DDT. Both men fall to the ground tired, as they reach for the ropes. VICTOR gets to his first, and kicks BULL in the back of the head. VICTOR stands BULL up, but BULL uses all of his weight to shove VICTOR to the ground. BULL now begins to lay shots onto the head of VICTOR, as VICTOR tries his best to block them. BULL picks VICTOR up and takes him out with a big DDT. The crowd goes nuts, as BULL covers 1…2…KICKOUT! BULL looks disappointed as he picks VICTOR up and tosses him into the turnbuckle. BULL runs at him, but VICTOR gets his shoulder up and bounced it off the head of BULL. VICTOR runs and knocks BULL down with a clothesline. BULL falls to the ground and VICTOR gives him a swift kick to the stomach. BULL sits up, having the wind knocked out of him. VICTOR picks him up and sets him up for a DDT, but BULL begins to give him shots to the ribs. BULL lifts VICTOR up and slams him into the turnbuckle. BULL sets VICTOR up on the top rope, and hits him with a big suplex off the top rope! BULL climbs the turnbuckle, and leaps off, hitting VICTOR with a big elbow drop! The fans are going nuts! BULL picks up VICTOR, and sets him up for the finisher, Suddenly the lights go out. We’ve seen this before. Could it be? My god look! VICTOR is down and out, BULL is on the outside of the ring tapping his head saying “I knew that was going to happen!” He runs into the ring real quick and goes for the cover. 1….. 2….. THREE! IRON BULL wins this one with assistance. But who was it?


IRON BULL is victorious! He will be one of the four facing off for the Hart Title at Rage In The Cage! He accepts the cheers of the fans, but suddenly, the arena goes dark, and an indiscernable deep dark voice speaks through the PA system..


The voice goes silent, and the X-Tron lights up!

IRON BULL doesn’t know what to make of it!! WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN?


- - Hart Title Qualifier Match - -

HONKEY and VILLANO immediately begin to brawl, and HONKEY takes VILLANO down. The two continue to brawl on the mat, rolling around and smacking each other in the head. Both men get up and HONKEY knocks VILLANO down with a big clothesline. HONKEY begins to stomp on VILLANO. He picks VILLANO up and tosses him into the ropes, but VILLANO smacks HONKEY with an elbow. VILLANO sets HONKEY into the corner and begins to lay elbow shots into him. HONKEY gets his foot up and boots VILLANO in the face. VILLANO stumbles backwards, and HONKEY runs, hitting VILLANO with a running neck breaker. HONKEY gets to the ropes, and stands, taking a breather. VILLANO slowly gets up, but HONKEY walks over and boots VILLANO in the side. VILLANO rolls onto the ground, holding his ribs. HONKEY rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring. VILLANO gets up and leaps out of the ring onto HONKEY’S back, causing HONKEY to fall to the ground. VILLANO picks HONKEY up and tosses him onto the barricade. VILLANO walks over and grabs HONKEY’S TV Title. He walks over and slams the TV Title onto HONKEY’S head. HONKEY falls over to the other side of the barricade. VILLANO leaps over the barricade and picks HONKEY up. He tosses HONKEY over to the ring side of the barricade and then steps over the barricade himself. VILLANO tries to pick up HONKEY, but HONKEY reaches and elbows VILLANO in the groin. He rolls VILLANO into the ring and picks him up. HONKEY now smiles at the crowd and hits the finisher. VILLANO looks like he’s on a mental vacation. HONKEY goes for the cover.. 1… 2… KICK OUT!! VILLANO gets back to his feet as HONKEY comes back at him and hits a huge spear! VILLANO goes down and HONKEY makes the cover. ONE! T... Kickout before the two by VILLANO. VILLANO gets up and begins lifting HONKEY, but NASTY quickly gets a bear hug in place and squeezes at VILLANO VILLANO struggles around a while, pushing and pulling every way, but doesn't get free until HONKEY nails a belly-to-belly suplex. VILLANO bounces on the mat, and HONKEY pops back to his feet. HONKEY reaches down and pulls VILLANO to the center of the ring and gets a Boston crab on VILLANO. VILLANO reaches for the ropes, but HONKEY pulls tighter and kneels lower, pulling VILLANO even more compact in the center of the ring. HONKEY starts turning the feet of VILLANO, twisting his ankles at the same time. VILLANO knuckles curl as he fights the urge to tap, but HONKEY releases after VILLANO held out. HONKEY looks disgusted at his failed attempt, and leaves VILLANO on the mat as he climbs the turnbuckles. VILLANO finally gets to his feet, but HONKEY is signaling for a frog splash. VILLANO gets up, HONKEY jumps.... VILLANO catches HONKEY in a fireman's carry. HONKEY fights it, but VILLANO turns quickly to drop down into spinebuster. HONKEY spins out of though and rolls across the ring. VILLANO looks confused as HONKEY gets back to his feet and comes from nowhere with a huge bulldog and takes VILLANO to the mat hard, his head bouncing clean off the mat. HONKEY rolls over and makes the cover. ONE! TWO! THREE! A well fought match by both participants, but only one man could win!



- - No DQ Match - -

JASON CASH stands in the ring ready to go. His eyes are blazing remembering what happened just six days ago. I disappear by Metallica blasts over the speakers as the cheers from the fans electrify Freedom Hall. CHRIS CAGE appears in the entranceway wearing street clothes. CASH gets out of the ring as CAGE charges down. CASH goes low as him and CAGE meet. Both men go to the ground immediately pounding one another with fury. The crowd is screaming already as CHRIS CAGE kicks CASH in the face knocking him away and launching him hard into the steel steps to the delight of the crowd. CAGE goes underneath the ring finding a kendo stick before lining up CASH and whacking him in the mid-section followed by a shot to the back. CASH screams as CAGE brings it across the back of his head. CAGE is a man possessed! He grabs hold of JASON CASH and attempts a body slam, but CASH slides down his back pushing CHRIS CAGE face first into the ring post. CASH grabs CAGE bashing his head off the ring apron six times. CAGE backs up a little dazed before CASH catches him square in the mouth with a fist. CASH comes at him again this time with a kick to the mid-section and a huge knee to the face of CHRIS CAGE knocking him off the ramp. CASH lines up CAGE, and goes for a high cross body, but CAGE gets a chair up in the air. CASH dives into the chair smashing the chair into both men’s skulls. Both men lay on the concrete almost motionless. CAGE soon gets to his feet and the camera notices a little bit of blood coming out of his ear. CAGE helps CASH the rest of the way up knocking him back into the ramp before punching him hard in the ribs and wrapping that steel chair over his head once again. CAGE falls on top of him for the ONE.. TWO... KICK OUT. CAGE gets up not discouraged setting up two chairs then putting one across it. He lays CASH on it before getting on the entry ramp and diving with an elbow drop to JASON CASH, but he moves and CAGE elbow drops the chair. “SHIT!” screams CAGE as he is very obviously in pain. CASH seeing the opening kicks that elbow of CAGE before locking on an armbar. “YOU’RE A BITCHBOY! Clap clap clapclapclap YOU’RE A BITCHBOY! Clap clap clapclapclap” the crowd screams at JASON CASH who just snares at them. CASH lets the hold go, but drags CAGE to his feet and throws him hard into the side of the entry ramp. The Enigma falls back through the curtain as Simply The Best follows close behind. On the other side CHRIS CAGE is making his way to his feet catching JASON CASH off guard with a left then a right to the face kicking him in the knee then roundhouse kicking him in the side of the head knocking him back into a stack of tables before he pulls them all down on JASON CASH. CAGE looks exhausted, but sees a garbage can and empties out the contents. He sees something he likes. The camera focuses in on a…staple gun. CASH begins to emerge from the wreckage, but gets caught with two staple gun shots in the forehead “AHHHHHH!!” CASH screams!! “I FUCKING HATE YOU CAGE!” CHRIS CAGE hits him one more time in the head with the staple gun before shooting a few into the back of CASH. CASH screams in pain, but turns around getting caught with another blow by the staple gun. CASH falls down almost out. CAGE grins, but then we hear a smack and see CHRIS CAGE fall forward “You thought I forgot mother fucker?” says the voice of SEWASIDE “I never forget, that’s you’re receipt.” SEWASIDE starts to walk away, but turns around “Oh almost forgot” SEWASIDE spits on him “Keep the change bitch.” SEWASIDE leaves as both men lie on the ground. CASH is the first to his feet. He looks around not knowing what happened, but shrugs his shoulders before picking CAGE up and punching him in the head. CAGE knees go wobbly and CASH catches him with that same staple gun. Blood is everywhere in this match. JASON CASH rummages through the garbage again before picking up a…pizza cutter! JASON looks at CAGE getting to his knees. He gets behind him and lays that pizza cutter deep into the forehead of CHRIS CAGE slicing it. CAGE screams out in pain as CASH finishes. CASH attempts it again, but CHRIS CAGE catches him with a poke to the eyes and that pizza cutter to his hand. CASH screeches in pain. CHRIS CAGE grabs him and aims his towards a window that leads to another hallway. CAGE throws CASH towards it following close behind. CASH puts on the breaks, but CAGE doesn’t. CASH catches CAGE and tosses him headfirst through the plate glass window on the other side! JASON CASH leans into the wall catching his bearings. JASON CASH goes around to pull CHRIS CAGE up. CASH drags CAGE outside on the lowest level. Many fans are still out there pumped about earlier when they saw Hawaiian Hardhead and Steve Sanders go through the flaming table. CASH puts CAGE on a flatbed truck before getting on the loading dock jumping off with an elbow drop. CASH goes for the cover, but surprisingly only gets a two count! CASH picks CAGE up about to throw him off when a look ofhorror comes over JASON CASH. The truck is moving! CASH shrugs then punches CAGE before attempting to throw him off the truck that has to be going at the least forty five miles an hour. CAGE has none of it holding onto the railing. CASH tries harder, but CAGE elbows him in the mid-section a few times and attempts to toss CASH off the truck. CASH screams, so CHRIS CAGE hits him in the nuts and German suplexes him on the truck bed. By this time the truck is over a river. CAGE has CASH back up. The truck suddenly swerves throwing CASH and CAGE into the river holy shit! The match is over. The officials and EMT’s that have been following the truck since they saw it leave can’t continue the match! Security and Officials rush down to the riverside


The crew looks around frantically spotting something in the window. At closer view you can see it’s CHRIS CAGE trying to drown JASON CASH. CASH is fighting back though. CAGE goes for a huge right hand, but CASH ducks and levels CAGE with a shot to the throat. CASH now has CAGE and is dunking him. CAGE hands come out of the water and grabs at CASH’S eyes. CASH screams and backs up as CAGE gets his feet and beats CASH all the way back to the road. CASH leans against the back of the flatbed truck, that had just returned, pulling something out off of it. CAGE comes at him. CASH suddenly swings a steel chair at him, but CAGE ducks and hits THE STAMPEDE into the chair. We see in JASON’S CASH head hit the concrete. CAGE falls on top of CASH into the cover ONE…TWO…THREE! CHRIS CAGE wins a hard fought brutal match.


- - Battle Royal - -

The bell rings and ladies start to go at it. It seems that KRISSY DELIGHT and DESTINY GRAVES are making a beeline for STAR. They try to pick a leg and dump her over, but STAR has a death grip on the top rope. ORCHID and JEN JETSON are going at it for a whole while SABRINA WILSON is playing it cool and letting everyone else tire themselves out. STAR fights out of her situation and rams the heads of DESTINY and KRISSY together. STAR tries to throw DESTINY over the top, but she has her wrapped around the top rope. SABRINA sees her opening and chucks KRISSY DELIGHT up and over. STAR eventually fights hard enough to send DESTINY GRAVES. ORCHID whips JEN off the ropes, hits a Back Body Drop. ORCHID then drops an elbow on her. ORCHID and SABRINA pick up JEN to toss her out, but STAR grabs SABRINA by the hair and DDTs her. JEN is fighting to stay in the match and manages to kick ORCHID right in the chops. JEN catches ORCHID not looking and hits a Bulldog out of nowhere. JEN picks up ORCHID to toss her out, but ORCHID is hanging on for dear life. STAR goes to whip SABRINA into the corner, but SABRINA reverses it and the in ring official gets sandwiched between STAR and the turnbuckle. The out of the ring officials are distracted by checking on their fallen comrade. This allows BIGG RIGG to get into the ring and toss JEN JETSON out of the ring. ORCHID manages to skin the cat with an assist from her man. JEN JETSON just got screwed by BIGG RIGG!! It is down to the final three. SABRINA tries to take advantage of STAR colliding with the ref and clotheslines her over the top, but STAR hangs onto the ropes and makes sure her feet don't touch the ground. SABRINA tries to work on the arms of STAR, but ORCHID delivers a Chick Kick to the back of the noggin of SABRINA. She is on her knees trying to get her wits about her. ORCHID tries to pick up scraps, but STAR uses her strength and catches ORCHID with a Headscissor Takedown. STAR waits for ORCHID to get up and she hits a Hurricanrana. STAR goes for another one, but SABRINA stops STAR in mid-move and she helps ORCHID plant STAR with a sick Double Power Bomb. ORCHID says she wants to eliminate STAR, and SABRINA obliges her. ORCHID grabs STAR by her hair and is about ready to throw her over, but STAR uses another Headscissor Takeover to send ORCHID over the top, but RIGG catches her so her feet won't touch the floor. STAR is pissed off. She looks like she is going to dive over to take them both on, but SABRINA yanks STAR by her hair and hits a version of the Edge-o-Matic. RIGG deposits ORCHID back in the ring and the refs are none the wiser. ORCHID and SABRINA start to double team STAR and they hit her with a Double Vertical Suplex. SABRINA and ORCHID look to shake hands, but SABRINA tries to toss ORCHID over, but RIGG saves her again. SABRINA is shocked. RIGG puts ORCHID back in, but SABRINA starts talking down to RIGG. GAMBINO gets in the ring and ORCHID has SABRINA by the arms. RIGG rears back for his trademark boot, but SABRINA ducks and ORCHID gets kicked in the face and falls out of the ring over the top. BIGG RIGG eliminated his own wife. Out of nowhere, KID MONEY comes out and starts going at it with RIGG. RIGG hits a stiff forearm and grabd KID for a Power Bomb, but KID counters with a DDT. Meanwhile, SABRINA goes for a Hurricanrana on STAR, but she gets planted with a Sit Out Powerbomb. KID climbs the top rope and Double Stomps RIGG right in the chest. RIGG rolls out of the ring holding his ribs. STAR calls for the Shooting Star, but KID MONEY crotches her on the top rope. STAR falls into the ring luckily. SABRINA drags STAR to ropes and she asks KID to do the honors. KID runs and goes for a Dropkick, but STAR moves out of the way and KID dropkicks SABRINA WILSON out of the ring. KID MONEY eliminated SABRINA WILSON. He is in shock, and STAR adds insult to injury by hitting a Low Blow!!


It’s been a month.. Time to start handing out some titles......



- - NO DQ Match - -

Standing in the ring are BIGG RIGG and CHAD, each wrestling this match for the honor of their significant others. CHAD for KRISSY DELIGHT, and BIGG RIGG for WILD ORCHID. CHAD looks obviously not into the match, as CHAD is sitting onto the top of the turnbuckle with his head in his hands. The referee calls for the bell, and CHAD leaps down, getting ready for BIGG RIGG. BIGG RIGG and CHAD circle the ring, as CHAD pulls and tugs onto the ropes, as this is CHAD's first match back. RIGG charges CHAD, as CHAD evades and slides to the other side of the ring away from RIGG. CHAD wipes his face, and then walks over to RIGG, as they lock up in a collar elbow tie-up. CHAD tries his best to push RIGG back, but RIGG lifts CHAD up and delivers a powerful belly to belly suplex! CHAD hammers down to the mat, as he bounces up and stumbles to the turnbuckle just minutes ago, he was sitting watching RIGG jump about and ready for the match. CHAD tries to catch a break, but RIGG drives his elbow into the side of his head. CHAD's head bounces around. RIGG digs his knee into the gut of CHAD. CHAD holds his gut in pain, as RIGG pushes him backwards, driving his knee back into the gut of CHAD. RIGG pulls CHAD out of the corner and lifts CHAD up into the air, for a press slam, dropping CHAD nearly onto his head, as CHAD rolls outside of the ring, and stumbles about.

RIGG slides outside of the ring, and continues after CHAD, as RIGG seems to be serious about this whole match. This match is centered about his relationship with his wife, WILD ORCHID! RIGG walks up behind CHAD and grabs him but the waistband of his shorts and throws him face first into the steel steps! CRASH! CHAD drops lifeless to the mats, as the steps push out from the corner. CHAD shakes of his head as he tries to push himself up. RIGG goes around the ring, and pulls a crowbar from under the apron. CHAD slowly comes to his feet, with help from the stairs. RIGG spins about, and charges CHAD striking him in the gut with the gut as CHAD stumbles about and coughs spitting blood onto the ring mat as CHAD drops to the mats outside of the entranceway.

RIGG turns about, and taunts the crowd with a BADA BING chant. RIGG walks over to CHAD and starts chopping away at his body with that crowbar! CHAD just can't seem to block it, until CHAD kicks up into the balls of BIGG RIGG! RIGG drops to the mats next to him, as CHAD gets up to a sitting position, pulling himself over to the ring apron, pulling himself up. CHAD rolls into the ring, and tries to get the referee to count RIGG out. But it's a NO DQ Match, CHAD just can't seem to focus. His mind isn't into this match. CHAD slaps the mat in anger, and rolls outside of the ring, and dives under the ring. CHAD pulls out a table with barbwire wrapped around it, and sets it up, with one end up on the ring apron, and the other looking out over the entranceway. CHAD stands RIGG up, and centers him in front of the table, and drops him with a Russian Leg Sweep! But CHAD falls through the table also, they're both caught into that barbwire, as the table snaps into a million pieces.

CHAD isn't moving as the barbwire rips at his back and side of his face! And RIGG rolls over ripping the barbwire free from his large mountain man back. CHAD slowly pushes himself up, as RIGG climbs up on the steel steps, as CHAD leaps over the wreckage of the table, and nails RIGG backwards into the steel steps, but CHAD falls into that barbwire again! CRASH! CHAD lets out a scream of pain, and RIGG struggles to stay up, as RIGG crashes through the steel steps, knocking them over. CHAD gets up, and now he's pissed. CHAD pulls at that barbwire yanking it from the chaos near ringside. CHAD wraps that barbwire around his right arm, as RIGG gets to his feet. CHAD takes a stance, and charges as RIGG turns to look at CHAD, and CHAD dives, hammering RIGG with a diving forearm, striking RIGG in the face with that barbed wire arm.

CHAD stands up, holding his bloody arm high in the air, looking down at a now bleeding from the forehead BIGG RIGG. CHAD places his barbed wire arm down on the ring mat apron, and slams his head down a couple times on it, letting out like a roar man sized yell of intensity, as his face drips blood. RIGG stands up shaking his face, noticing he's now bleeding. RIGG gets mad, sizing up the unaware CHAD, as CHAD turns , and RIGG charges and spearing CHAD so hard, and so fast, it catches CHAD off guard, as RIGG and CHAD crash through the barricade on the reverse side of the ring, from the entranceway. The fans start screaming XWF! As RIGG stands up, and pulls CHAD to his feet. RIGG starts punching at CHAD knocking him wheeling backwards. The referee follows RIGG yelling to keep it ringside. But RIGG continues to strike CHAD with a closed fist, trying to leave an imprint of his fingers, as CHAD wheels backwards into this opening, as RIGG grabs onto CHAD sending him through this double doorway crashing to a hallway floor. RIGG follows dropping a knee into the gut of CHAD as CHAD coughs, and tries to get back to his feet. A blood pool is left as CHAD just can't stop bleeding. RIGG smiles as the blood from his face runs down his face watching CHAD just struggle to get to his feet.

Suddenly from the side of the hallway, KRISSY DELIGHT runs, to the side of CHAD, trying to not allow anything else be done to CHAD. CHAD looks like he's nearly dead. CHAD's still bleeding, blood just everywhere, as the pool just continues to build. CHAD finally gets enough power to push himself up, as he pulls KRISSY DELIGHT back, and charges towards RIGG, as RIGG catches CHAD and powerslams CHAD into the wall, and then powerslams CHAD to the ground! CHAD just can't move, as RIGG covers, and the referee counts. ONE….. TWO…. NO! KRISSY DELIGHT just hammers RIGG in the head with a steel chair! RIGG stands to his feet shaking off the chair shot, and grabs KRISSY DELIGHT. KRISSY drops the steel chair, and RIGG walks her back, as WILD ORCHID runs over and grabs KRISSY DELIGHT by the hair, and they go at it, in a small cat fight! The referee isn't watching as RIGG spins about, and CHAD hammers RIGG with that steel chair! SMACK! RIGG falls to the floor, as CHAD stumbles about, looking for a railing, the loss of blood just isn't right, and leaves him struggling to stand. RIGG pushes himself up trying to stand himself, and CHAD swings trying to hit RIGG, but RIGG ducks and grabs CHAD driving him back, and delivers a spinebuster! RIGG stands up, and grabs CHAD pulling him towards the ring, walking through the crowd, and back to the ring. RIGG pulls CHAD up and rolls him into the ring. RIGG reaches under the ring, and pulls out a table and pushes it into the ring.

RIGG rolls inside the ring, and stands to his feet. RIGG sets up the table, and positions it in the middle of the ring. RIGG walks over to CHAD, and stands CHAD up. RIGG lifts CHAD up, in a powerbomb style, but CHAD jabs his thumb into his eye as a last ditch effort. RIGG drops CHAD and drops himself trying to get the sight back into his eye.

RIGG stands back up, and wraps up CHAD, lifting him back up in a powerbomb position, as RIGG drops CHAD through that table! SNAP! RIGG covers CHAD, as CHAD is motionless in the middle of the ring, in the middle of that destroyed table. The referee counts, ONE…. TWO….. THREE!


CHAD has lost the match, and therefore he must admit to RIGG and the audience that his girlfriend is not as attractive as ORCHID.. RIGG allows CHAD to get up as he goes out and gets a folding chair. As KRISSY helps CHAD to his feet, RIGG allows ORCHID to sit on the chair in the center of the ring as RIGG stands by her side.. CHAD can barely get to his feet as RIGG walks over to him with a microphone..

RIGG: I believe you had something you wanted to say?

RIGG hands CHAD the mic.

CHAD: RIGG.. I just got into this ring with every intention of destroying you.. And I failed. I wanted to humiliate you and make you humiliate yourself.. And I failed. I came back to manage KRISSY here to a championship, and once again, I failed.. I’m beginning to think I’m no longer able to accomplish anything I set out to do..

RIGG listens as CHAD continues.

CHAD: I’m beginning to think.. I’m not worthy of stepping foot in an XWF ring any longer.. And if you want to hear me say my thing, then sure, ORCHID is more attractive than KRISSY. There. There’s the words. It doesn’t matter anymore.. I think I’m done here. I think.. I think I just want to go home..

RIGG looks to be less thrilled than expected with the result. CHAD limps to the ropes and KRISSY helps him out and up the ramp.. Is this the end of CHAD in the XWF?

Just then, the lights in the arena go out as the X-Tron becomes illuminated. Various images pop up, a random assortment of disturbing pictures. A shot of a Russian army marching, gas masks lying in a room of filth. Suddenly, the montage of images stop and the screen goes blank. The arena is enclosed by darkness...

A loud thump is heard...

When the arena lights come back, the ring is cleared... Except for a body, covered by a towel. It's BIGG RIGG. The towel, stained red with RIGG's blood, states one name.


- - Ladder Match - -

MC TERRIBLE and THE SAVIOR are in the ring while FAMINE OF THE VILE and SCOTT YOUNG surround the ring. A fan throws a drink at YOUNG and they start to yell at the fans. The ladders are on both sides of the ring. MC and SAVIOR whipser to each other and get an idea. YOUNG and FAMINE are still distracted. SAVIOR and MC get a running start and hit Stereo Topes to the outside crashing into the ladders. SAVIOR and YOUNG tumble into the crowd. MC TERRIBLE starts putting the boots to the skull of FAMINE and then he slams the ladder onto the back of VILE. SAVIOR and YOUNG are brawling in the crowd. It feels like an old ECW match. EXTERMINATOR remains fair as he watches the action.. SAVIOR picks up a chair and creams SCOTT on the back. SAVIOR gets another shot in the face before he slams down the chair. MC sets up the ladder across the two guardrails. TERRIBLE goes to pick up FAMINE, but VILE scores with a Low Blow. FAMINE then shoves MC into the ladder. The steel ladder collides with the back of his head. SAVIOR takes a beer from a member of the audience member and takes a swig of it. SAVIOR then hits SCOTT with a beer bottle in the forehead. The fans are heading SAVIOR weapons. SAVIOR takes a plate of nachos and shoves them into the face of YOUNG. SAVIOR goes to pick up the chair he dropped, but gets a stiff kick in the nuts. FAMINE continues to work over MC TERRIBLE and gets him in Power Bomb position, but the MC blocks it and lifts up FAMINE and hits a Back Body Drop onto the ladder. The ladder nearly buckles under the weight of FAMINE. He holds his back and tries to back away, but MC kicks the ladder and it skids into the jaw of FAMINE. SCOTT slings SAVIOR into the guardrail and puts a boot into his face. SCOTT tosses SAVIOR over the barrier onto the ladder laying on the ground. SCOTT gets on the barrier and hits a splash onto the ladder. MC goes to slam the ladder onto FAMINE, but the shot is blocked and FAMINE shoves the ladder into TERRIBLE's face. MC tries to compose himself at the ring apron, but he turns around and gets the top of the ladder rammed into his gut. SCOTT tosses SAVIOR into the ring and throws the ladder on top of him. FAMINE rams the ladder a few more times into the gut. FAMINE drops the ladder and rolls TERRIBLE into the ring. SCOTT puts the ladder on top of SAVIOR and starts stomping away at him. FAMINE whips MC into the ropes and presses him onto the ladder and SAVIOR. What a devastating move. FAMINE goes out to get the other ladder. He sets up the ladder into the corner and wedges it in there. FAMINE whips TERRIBLE hard into the ladder in the corner. It looks like the SOA are dominating the SAVIOR and MC TERRIBLE. SCOTT gets a chair from under the ring and starts drilling the ribs of the SAVIOR. YOUNG is trying to drive all of the air out of his nemesis. SAVIOR rolls off the ladder, but the damage is done. YOUNG picks up the one ladder and slams it on the back of SAVIOR. SAVIOR has to roll out of the ring to escape harm. FAMINE Snapmares MC into the middle of the ring and tells SCOTT to smash his skull. SCOTT backs up and tries to bounce off the ropes, but SAVIOR grabs SCOTT's ankle and YOUNG goes chin first into the ladder. SCOTT is holding his jaw and FAMINE can't believe it. He sets tosses MC out of the ring and sets up the ladder in the ring. FAMINE tries to climb up the ladder, but SAVIOR manages to sneak behind him and hit a German Suplex halfway up the ladder. This gives MC TERRIBLE a chance to get back in the ring. MC takes FAMINE and tosses him shoulder first into the ring post. SAVIOR gets a chance to climb up the ladder, but SCOTT YOUNG swings the ladder that he had into the one SAVIOR is climbing. The momentum is enough to topple SAVIOR and the ladder into the turnbuckle. SAVIOR's head gets sandwiched between the top turnbuckle and the ladder. SAVIOR looks to be busted wide open. SCOTT swings and hits another home run that knocks MC TERRIBLE for a loop. FAMINE gets up in time and scores with a Blood Driver. It looks as if the SOA will win this easily. However, MC grabs the ankle of FAMINE. SCOTT puts up his ladder and goes for the titles. SAVIOR starts to get up and he Monkey Flips the ladder onto the back of SCOTT YOUNG. It was a glancing blow, but it was enough to get him staggered. The flipped ladder ends up landing on SAVIOR again. FAMINE finally breaks free of MC and sets up his ladder. It looks like both of them are going for the belts. MC TERRIBLE and SAVIOR both get up and make a desperate charge. They dropkick the ladders and they start to wobble. YOUNG and FAMINE come off the ladders and hit the top turnbuckles. All four men are out cold. EXTERMINATOR begins a ten count! 1.. 2... 3... 4... FAMINE and SAVIOR are up first and start trading punches. MC TERRIBLE comes flying over and tackles FAMINE down. MC sets up a ladder diagonally in the corner and MC sets up for a Power Bomb while SAVIOR sets up a chair. SAVIOR runs and leaps off the chair and dropkicks FAMINE while MC Power Bombs him into the ladder. What a nasty move onto the ladder. MC tosses SCOTT over the top to the outside. SAVIOR and TERRIBLE set up the ladder while SCOTT is down on the outside. SAVIOR is looking on the outside to make sure SCOTT doesn't get cute. MC goes up the ladder and it looks like it will be an easy path, but SAVIOR gets a Low Blow from FAMINE. MC goes for the belts, but FAMINE gets underneath him and drops him with an Electric Chair. YOUNG sees an opening and chucks two tables into the ring. SCOTT and FAMINE both set them up and stack them on opposite sides. of the lone ladder. FAMINE works over SAVIOR some more while SCOTT sets up the second ladder. SCOTT goes under the ring for more plunder and finds a third ladder. FAMINE and SCOTT set it up on top of the other two ladders in some sort of bridge. YOUNG puts MC on his shoulders while FAMINE goes up. FAMINE has a chance to go for the belts, but FAMINE leaps and hits a DoomsdayRana off the ladder through a table. It looks like the MC is out of this one. SCOTT goes up the ladder and tries to cross the ladder bridge. Out of nowhere, SAVIOR scurries up the ladder and meets SCOTT on the ladder bridge. Both men realize the weight it too much and they leap for the titles. The ladders all fall and SCOTT and SAVIOR are hanging on for dear life by the titles. The two start chicken fighting with each other, but MC TERRIBLE and FAMINE OF THE VILE yank the opposite man's legs and all four men are down. MC rolls to the outside in pain and so does SCOTT YOUNG. MC grabs the table from out of the ring and he sets it up on the outside. MC grabs another one from the ring and stacks it on the other. SAVIOR and FAMINE start trading shots with each other. SAVIOR gets rocked by a Forearm Smash, but he picks up the chair and throws it Sabu style at FAMINE's skull. It connects and knocks VILE for a loop. SAVIOR sets up one of the ladders, but SCOTT comes from behind and German Suplexes him onto a chair. SCOTT sets up the other ladder in the ring and he starts to climb it. FAMINE decides to climb up the other ladder. MC TERRIBLE meets SCOTT at the top of the ladder and SAVIOR pairs off with FAMINE!! They trade punches for a while, but FAMINE shoves SAVIOR onto the other ladder, but SAVIOR catches himself. Is about to go for the belts, but EXTERMINATOR is finally getting his revenge! He tips the ladder over and dumps FAMINE out of the ring!! SAVIOR slams SCOTT's head off the top. SAVIOR hooks the arm and Hip Tosses SCOTT YOUNG into the stacked tables. MC TERRIBLE grabs the titles and we have new champs!!


The match is over, and the new champs head up the ramp with their belts over their heads! EXTERMINATOR is getting out of the ring too, content that he screwed the Dark Cross out of a win..

But wait a minute, what's this?

What the hell is JR BLAKE doing here? BLAKE is coming into the ring now and look what's coming down!

It's the damn Devil's Playground cage!!

But why is JR BLAKE out here?

JR is now in the ring and he looks at FAMINE and SCOTT YOUNG who seem confused. MC TERRIBLE walks up to JR and says something to him in his ear. It looks like JR came out here to help SAVIOR and MC. All three men are now standing tall and it looks like the Dark Cross might be in a bit of trouble. JR BLAKE is picking up a lead pipe now and looks like he's going to use it on FAMINE or SCOTT. WHAM!!! JR BLAKE just bashed that lead pipe into the skull of MC TERRIBLE taking him down and out. SAVIOR is looking at BLAKE who is smiling now. Suddenly SCOTT YOUNG from behind hit's SAVIOR with a hard elbow to the back taking him down to the mat. All three men now on the attack as this has indeed become a three on two but not the way we pictured it. Why the hell would BLAKE even consider joining the Dark Cross? Why? The cage is now completely surrounding the ring as FAMINE goes to one of the corners and sets up a steel spike. Why is he doing that? SCOTT YOUNG now grabs one of the ladders and crushes it down hard on SAVIOR’s back, he might have just broken a rib or two. BLAKE now going to work on EXTERMINATOR who was taken out earlier as FAMINE goes over to SAVIOR. MC TERRIBLE is still out of it showing no signs of life at this time. GOOD GOD!! FAMINE just tossed SAVIOR into the steel spike! It looks like it punctured his left shoulder!! SAVIOR is screaming in pain. No one can help him now. MC is on the other side of the cage getting his head bashed into the steel by SCOTT. JR BLAKE is taking care of EXTERMINATOR by chocking him with that lead pipe he used earlier on MC. It's carnage everywhere. The Dark Cross have proven once again why they are the most dangerous group in the XWF. And now it seems as though they have a new member. My god, how sadistic can these two men be? And what will happen now that apparently JR BLAKE is with them?

In the back, JONATHYN looks like he’s in a hurry to get out to the ring. He’s headed down the hall to the arena entrance when he’s suddenly stopped by.. someone.. JONATHYN tries to be cordial, but it’s obvious he’s trying to get out to the ring..


DILAN: Mr. Brown, sir. I just wanted to say how thrilled I am to be allowed to take part in the greatest game of them all, and I wanted to let you know personally, that I plan on making you very proud, and also making you a lot of money in the process, if you know what I mean.. huh? Huh?

It’s newcomer NICOLAS DILAN! He’s trying to butter up the boss on his first night with the company!

JONATHYN: Look, I appreciate that, NICOLAS, but if you don’t mind..

DILAN: If YOU don’t mind, sir. I was hoping I could get a photo..


DILAN: Yeah. Here. My cousin is here with me, and.. Wally, come here!

JONATHYN: ...Wally?

A teenage boy suddenly leaps into the shot and throws his arm around JONATHYN while NICOLAS clicks away on his disposable camera.. The boy makes sure to keep a firm grip on the boss as NICOLAS waves his arm to get them both to move into the shot better.

DILAN: Okay.. Good! That’s a keeper!

JONATHYN: Okay.. Can I go now, I really need to..

DILAN: One more! MOM!!

An older woman walks in using a walker. She seems uneasy, and JONATHYN suddenly finds himself holding her up as she flops beside him..

JONATHYN: Okay.. Look, I have time for maybe ONE picture, but then..

DILAN: Mr. Brown. This is probably the only time my family will ever see you, and they traveled a long way.. Just take a couple shots with each of them and I promise you I’ll make you a LT of money as your featured star.. I‘ll owe you..

JONATHYN: Well.. I suppose I could take A COUPLE more shots.. I mean, that XWC match should go on or a few minutes..


JONATHYN turns and sees a crowd of strangers walking in, all with glossy photos of JONATHYN for him to sign, and all fixing their hair for their photo with the boss. JONATHYN just looks at his watch and panics as the match he wanted to ruin begins..





- - Elimination Match - -

With the three challengers in the ring, BOONDOCK SAINT's own ring announcer RYAN STEVENS gets into the ring and takes a list out of his pocket and unfurls it.

RYAN STEVENS: Ladies and gentlemen, since Bring the Pain is here live tonight Louisville and this is the BOONDOCK SAINT’s first XWF Pay Per View in a while. I feel that we should honor you with a list worthy of a champion.

He clears his throat. The crowd starts booing loudly

RYAN STEVENS: Kentucky is known for famous athletes and champions. The Bluegrass state has produced men such... BEAR BRYANT... DAN ISSEL... PAUL HORNUNG... MAN O' WAR... PEE WEE REESE... PHIL SIMMS... WES UNSELD... JOHNNY UNITAS... DARRELL WALTRIP.. DANNY SULLIVAN... CITATION...

He takes a drink of water. The fans are now throwing garbage..

RYAN STEVENS: Continuing.. TYRON MILLER... ADOLPH RUPP.. SECETARIAT... PERVIS ELLISON.. DENNY CRUM... JIM BUNNING... AFFIRMED... BJ WHITMER... JIM CORNETTE... AND MUHHAMMED ALI. Ladies and Gentlemen.. Introudcing a man that is 100 times the champion than all of them combined... Heis 6'3" and weighing in at 235 pounds. He is the King of Kings... the King of the World... the Technical Messhiah... and your F'N God of pro wrestling... The XWC World Heavyweight Champion and the Best Wrestler in the World. Ladies and gentlemen introducing... THE BOONDOCK SAINT!!!!

The crowd boos as the referee holds the XWC Title up and all four men stand in the ring, all in separate corners. RIZZA and SAINT are the first two to make a move as they lock-up in the middle of the ring, as both DRACO and RABOIN stand back and watch. SAINT and RIZZA both toggle for an advantage over each other, which RIZZA gets, pushing the current champion back against the ropes and immediately lets go, but is nailed from behind by RABOIN with a German Suplex. RIZZA's head bounces off the mat, as he rolls out of the ring and DRACO nails RABOIN in the back of the head with a forearm. DRACO throws RABOIN into the ring post and he too rolls out of the ring. SAINT grabs DRACO and drops him down to the mat with a hard DDT! BOONDOCK gets back to his feet and drops a knee across DRACO and follows it up with a cover, 1...2...Shoulder Up. SAINT drags himself and DRACO up and takes DRACO onto his shoulders, however DRACO shifts his weight so both men go crashing out over the top rope. Both SAINT and DRACO land hard on the concrete floor. RABOIN suddenly charges over and lands several boots to DRACO before picking him up and slamming him into the steel guardrail. DRACO is a mess!! RABOIN whips him into the ring and RIZZA yanks him up.. RIZZALINER!! RIZZA with the pin!! 1.. 2.. THREE!!

DRACO is out!! Outside the ring, BOONDOCK suddenly appears from behind the steps and sends RABOIN crashing over the guardrail with a hard clothesline! They're taking the fight out into the fans!! RIZZA climbs over the guardrail and nails RABOIN with some hard forearms to the back and a knee to the face RIZZA goes to whip RABOIN into the guardrail but RABOIN counters with a thumb to the eye. RABOIN grabs RIZZA by the hair and drags him deeper into the crowd and he sends him crashing into a wall!! Suddenly the hand of BOONDOCK SAINT grabs RABOIN and pulls him into a piledriver on the concrete floor!! RABOIN's body stiffens up and then goes limp as BOONDOCK now goes to attack RIZZA, however RIZZA counters with a hard drop kick to SAINT's knee. RIZZA follows it up with a swinging neckbreaker. RIZZA picks BOONDOCK SAINT up and starts dragging him back to the ring. RIZZA throws SAINT over the guardrail and then back into the ring. RIZZA climbs to the top rope and comes off with a Leg Drop. RIZZA hooks BOONDOCK's Leg, 1...2...THR-Foot on the rope! BOONDOCK SAINT got his foot on the rope! RIZZA gets to his feet but his foot is grabbed by RABOIN allowing SAINT to get to his feet and nail ZACH RIZZA with a hard superkick! SAINT covers RIZZA, 1...2...THREE!!


Without missing a beat, RABOIN grabs BOONDOCK's foot and twists him away, but BOONDOCK attacks again, trying for a clothesline...missing wildly as RABOIN hit a German suplex! BOONDOCK'S skull bounced off the mat, as RABOIN went on the attack. RABOIN hopped on BOONDOCK's leg and began yanking on it, twisting it backwards against the ligaments. He was holding BOONDOCK in a half Boston crab, and the ref was asking BOONDOCK, if he wanted to tap and BOONDOCK replied, no. BOONDOCK toughed it out, as RABOIN lost his patience and began just kicking at the lame leg of BOONDOCK. BOONDOCK, crawled to a seating position, just in time to duck out of a dropkick from RABOIN. RABOIN slid to the outside as BOONDOCK got back to his feet. RABOIN got on the ring apron and climbed the turnbuckle, going for a flying clothesline on BOONDOCK, but being reversed into a single arm DDT. RABOIN's shoulder hit the mat, with an odd crack. BOONDOCK climbs to his feet. BOONDOCK tries for a dragon screw but is unable to lift RABOIN. BOONDOCK uses a snapmare takeover on RABOIN. RABOIN sits up and shakes his head at BOONDOCK who cannot believe it. RABOIN stands and hits a jumping neck snap on BOONDOCK. BOONDOCK gets caught with an elbow smash to the face. RABOIN hits BOONDOCK with a huge chop. RABOIN grabs BOONDOCK by the throat and... CHOKESLAM!!! RABOIN looks like he’s on a mission!! RABOIN makes the pin. 1.. 2.. Kickout! BOONDOCK kicked out after a chokeslam! He's one tough son of a bitch! RABOIN takes BOONDOCK down with a knee. BOONDOCK gets up again. BOONDOCK tries for a neck scissors but RABOIN avoids it. BOONDOCK sends RABOIN to ringside by whipping him through the ropes. BOONDOCK jumps out and chokes RABOIN with a microphone cable. These two aren’t slowing down! BOONDOCK connects with a flying knee. RABOIN goes down. BOONDOCK jumps back into the ring and goes tot he top rope! He hits a flying sit-down splash on RABOIN! BAM! BOONDOCK picks RABOIN up and rolls him into the ring! BOONDOCK knows he has this one won, and he raises his arms in premature victory! RABOIN is UP! He hits BOONDOCK with a rolling elbow smash to the face! He rolls him up! 1.. 2.. NO WAY!! BOONDOCK is up again! RABOIN gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by BOONDOCK. RABOIN throws BOONDOCK off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. RABOIN gets to his feet and somehow comes at BOONDOCK with an elbow drop. RABOIN puts BOONDOCK in an arm grapevine submission. BOONDOCK gets to the ropes and the ref creaks the hold! BOONDOCK double underhook faceslams RABOIN hard to the canvas! BOONDOCK jumps back to the top rope and jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying body press on RABOIN, but RABOIN rolls out of the way!! He uses the momentum to roll BOONDOCK up again! 1.. 2.. KICKOUT! RABOIN springs to his feet and executes a huge gutbuster on BOONDOCK. RABOIN climbs to his feet, but BOONDOCK low blows RABOIN, sending him down hard... BOONDOCK gets back to his feet and picks RABOIN up, amazed at how much heart he‘s shown. . He’s about to body slam him, but RABOIN hits a spinning leg lariat on BOONDOCK sending him to the mat! RABOIN kicks BOONDOCK in the back HARD! BOONDOCK spins and punches RABOIN in the gut. He gets to his feet and Irish Whips him to the turnbuckle, but RABOIN reverses it and BOONDOCK gets thrown into the turnbuckle. RABOIN comes over and smashes BOONDOCK's head into it. BOONDOCK drops like a stone on the mat. RABOIN starts relentlessly stomping BOONDOCK's head! He’s a madman! RABOIN slingshot elbow drops BOONDOCK. BOONDOCK rolls out of the way and gets back to his feet, blocking a punch from RABOIN. BOONDOCK sends RABOIN to the corner of the ring. BOONDOCK places RABOIN over by the turnbuckle. He sets him up and jumps off with a flying somersault neckbreaker! RABOIN IS DOWN! BOONDOCK goes for the pin!! 1.. 2.. TH-ROPES!!! RABOIN gets his foot on the ropes! This guy refuses to lose! BOONDOCK gets up and pulls RABOIN up with him. RABOIN looks wobbly and is bleeding badly from his forehead. BOONDOCK looks at him, almost apologetically, and then gives him the finger! He boots RABOIN in the gut!! BOONDOCK backs up and hits the Excomunicator!! BA-BOOM!! SAINT GOES FOR THE COVER! 1....... 2...... THREE! BOONDOCK SAINT RETAINS!


The match is over, and he’s managed to hold on to the XWC title without any problems from JONATHYN! He’s out of the ring and ready to leave when somebody wearing a black t shirt, camo pants and an orange ski mask jumps the security barrier and clotheslines the guard when he tries to stop him. BOONDOCK SAINT sees him as he reaches underneath the ring for something. SAINT readies himself for a fight. The stranger pulls out a table and slides it into the ring along with himself. SAINT starts to stomp away on the stranger's shoulders until the stranger pulls him face first into the second turnbuckle. He picks him up like he is going to do a sidewalk slam but instead spins him into a faceplant!! He sets up the table and then picks up SAINT and puts him onto the table. He climbs to the top turnbuckle. He leaps off and puts SAINT through the table with a very impressive looking Shooting Star Press. The stranger quickly escapes before security can get a hold of him!! Who the hell was that?

RABOIN is up on feet pacing, catching his breath after such a hard fought match. He grabs a mic from the ring announcer as BOONDOCK is laying in the busted table remains catching his own breath. As this is happening, a figure emerges from the curtain and is making his way down to the ring. Dressed in a gray suit with a black dress shirt, he hops onto the apron and goes straight for BOONDOCK, pushing the ref aside. Immediately, he checks on BOONDOCK and helps him to his feet as RABOIN starts to speak.

RABOIN: BOONDOCK, for months I've been listening to you claim to be the best wrestler in the world. I wanted to come out here and prove you wrong... to earn your respect. And I think it's safe to say that tonight, I did just that. So right here, show the world that you do have some honor, and shake my hand like a man.

RABOIN extends his hand to BOONDOCK, but before BOONDOCK can do anything, the unidentified man snatches the mic from RABOIN to a chorus of boos from the crowd.

You know, Mr. RABOIN, the fact of the matter is, because you asked for your hand to be shaken.. by the REAL champion of the World.. it's not an honor. The honor is that you have the guts to step into the ring, with a wrestler, of the caliber of BOONDOCK SAINT.

SAINT gets a predominately hateful mixed reaction.

So BOONDOCK, whatever you've been involved with in your career, from now on... from this point on is gone and through. Because for now on, you and I have a new group called the LEGACY, we are gonna make ALL THE MONEY! Jet airplanes from Louisville to Los Angeles, all the way back to New York! And we are gonna party it up, just like champions should. So right now, you are gonna take this man's hand, shake it, and we will see you again in the ring in the future.. but for now, it is a new beginning. Shake this man's hand.

He drops the mic as he orders BOONDOCK to shake his hand. BOONDOCK looks at RABOIN, then slowly steps over and shakes his hand. They hug, but it doesn't last for long before...


... BOONDOCK steps back as RABOIN falls down in front of him. BOONDOCK looks up and sees the familiar face of CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY staring right back at him. C2 looks back down at RABOIN before nailing him again. SAINT stands there watching the attack along with his associate, as the crowd erupts into cheers for arrival of SEAN GRAVES and PAUL ROACH. They rush the ring and immediately C2 turns to greet them with chair in cocked back. He dares them to enter the ring, but they think better of it and just pull RABOIN out the ring to safety. C2 stands there as they help RABOIN to his feet and start to get him to the back. C2 then turns his attention to BOONDOCK SAINT and his associate. C2 looks over at his associate and nods, before dropping the chair and exiting the ring, leaving BOONDOCK wondering what's going on, but his associate with a smile on his face.

In the back, JONATHYN is now completely infuriated, as he stands in yet another pose with newcomer NICOLAS DILAN’s family..

DILAN: Okay.. Now I want one with Carl on top of the pyramid, Joey and JONATHYN in the middle, and Grandma, Phil and Cousin Stinky on the bottom.. And I need another camera. Put this one with the others.


JONATHYN gets up and runs top speed toward the ring..

DILAN: But.. Oh well. Everyone wave to Uncle Jonathyn!!

The crowd waves as the boss bolts down the hall. After it’s obvious he’s gone, the entire group just laughs themselves silly over it..

DILAN: What a nice guy he is! A bit soft in the head, but nice!



The Blood Hounds make their way down to the ring with mic in hand.. T MONEY has an announcement to make..

T MONEY: Well, ladies and gentlemen.. It looks like good ol’ CHAD has finally done the world a favor and GIVEN UP. I’ve heard from a reputable source that he has left the arena with that hunk of dried up slunk meat KRISSY DELIGHT and has no intention of ever returning! So it looks like this cage match HAS NO REFEREE. And you know what.. THAT’S HOW WE LIKE IT, SO LET’S GET THE POOR FOOLS DOWN HERE SO WE CAN KICK THEIR ASSES AND GET TO THE AFTER PARTY!

T MONEY and SEWASIDE climb into the cage, followed by a quiet and determined DYNAMITE and CONNOLLY..



- - Cage Elimination Tag Match - -
Guest Ref: CHAD

The cage door is locked by an official and all four men are trapped inside as the bell rings. DYNAMITE goes after SEWASIDE as CONNOLLY goes for T MONEY. Blows exchange between SEWASIDE and DYNAMITE, but SEWASIDE gets the upper hand sending DYNAMITE off the ropes and then to the floor with a clothesline. After delivering a quick ddt, SEWASIDE leaves DYNAMITE and runs over to the other side of the ring where CONNOLLY is beating on T MONEY. As CONNOLLY sets T MONEY up for a snapmare, SEWASIDE saves his teammate with a kick to CONNOLLY's gut and then a drop kick. SEWASIDE and T MONEY begin to attack CONNOLLY together, taking turns holding him and hitting their opponent with blows. They hit a double ddt and T MONEY notices DYNAMITE beginning to get to his feet and pulls him up by his hair. As he tries to grapple with him, DYNAMITE struggles to free himself from T MONEY's grasp. With a few low punches to T MONEY's midsection, DYNAMITE then spins out of T MONEY’s grasp and hits a German Suplex. SEWASIDE now doesn't have the upper hand on CONNOLLY anymore, as he is being knocked down to the mat redundantly by dropkicks and keeps getting up. CONNOLLY connects with a hurricanrana and then sends SEWASIDE into the corner. Running full speed CONNOLLY lunges at SEWASIDE for a spear, but SEWASIDE gets out of the way and CONNOLLY's shoulder hits the turnbuckle hard. Taking CONNOLLY out from the corner, SEWASIDE works on the arm that connected harshly with the turnbuckle and delivers an arm breaker before picking him up again and laying him out cold with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. SEWASIDE looks over to his teammate T MONEY who seems to be fighting with DYNAMITE pretty evenly and decides to climb the cage! CONNOLLY is still lying on the ground from the backbreaker and cannot stop SEWASIDE. DYNAMITE doesn't see SEWASIDE climbing the cage and still knocks Dynamic T MONEY around with a full-nelson Facebuster and a running mule kick. As SEWASIDE makes it to the top of the cage, DYNAMITE for the first time sees this and rushes over to the side of the cage and begins to shake it, trying to somehow out of nowhere knock SEWASIDE off. He is too high up the cage and DYNAMITE's attempt does nothing to SEWASIDE, who nearly climbs over the cage and before CONNOLLY grabs his boot! CONNOLLY has SEWASIDE by the foot, and he’s pulling with all his might! With DYNAMITE having his back turned, T MONEY grabs DYNAMITE by the head and smashes him face-first into the cage before throwing him to the mat. SEWASIDE loses his grip and crashes to the ring below! He looks hurt! Jumping on top of DYNAMITE, T MONEY begins to punch him in the face. CONNOLLY comes out of nowhere from the mat and sharply drop kicks T MONEY on the side, sending him off of his teammate. Picking T MONEY up, CONNOLLY backhands him across the chest a couple of times before using a fall away slam. DYNAMITE is now up from the mat and CONNOLLY and DYNAMITE begin the double team assault on T MONEY. Repeatedly they slap Dynamic T MONEY across the ring, making him lean on all of the ropes for support. After they hit a double suplex, T MONEY tries to fight off his two opponents, but both of them are too much. CONNOLLY backs away from DYNAMITE and T MONEY and climbs the cage as DYNAMITE continues keeping T MONEY under control. But nobody seems to notice that KID MONEY is now at ringside, and he’s tossed some items into the cage! Without a ref, this one is going to get BRUTAL!!

DYNAMITE keeps SEWASIDE at bay with some chops as CONNOLLY makes it to the top of the cage!! KID MONEY sees him about to escape, and he shoots him with a TAZER!! NO WAY!! A wire from the device hooks into CONNOLLY’s skin and electrocutes him! CONNOLLY’s body stiffens and he drops like a rock to the ring, the tazer wire ripping out of his body in the process!

T MONEY now has some brass knuckles on his hand while SEWASIDE has a small switch blade! OH MY GOD THIS CAN'T BE GOOD! DYNAMITE backs away from the HOUNDS, he actually starts to mingle with some of the fans, flirting with some ladies in the front row of the crowd! What the hell is wrong with him?! HIS PARTNER IS IN THERE FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE, TRYING TO FEND OFF THE HOUNDS AND HE'S FLIRTING!? C2 tries to stand up to his feet and POP!!! WOW! T MONEY just leveled the head of C2 with those brass knuckles, busting his head wide open! The impact of that shot could be heard around the world! This is sickening! C2 is a bloody mess right now, he can barely see with all the blood flowing down his face! My god, T MONEY HAS JUST EXPLODED THE SKULL OF C2 WITH THOSE KNUCKS! And what now? C2 trying to be a warrior keeps getting back up though, THE HOUNDS look at him strangely. DYNAMITE sees that C2 is in need so he runs over to help him up. DYNAMITE looks pissed at what's happened to his partner while his back was turned! He lets C2 go and starts angrily for T MONEY and SEWASIDE - He is about to destroy...WAIT A MINUTE!! DYNAMITE JUST PUNCHED THE HELL OUT OF C2! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! DYNAMITE KNOCKS C2 TO THE GROUND AND STARTS TO STOMP HIM! THE HOUNDS POINT AND LAUGH AS THEY FIND THIS HYSTERICAL! DYNAMITE THEN LIFTS C2 TO HIS FEET AND SPITS IN HIS FACE, RIGHT BEFORE PLACING HIS HAND IN THE BACK OF HIS HEAD AND WITH NOTHING BUT STRENGTH RAMS HIS HEAD FULL FORCE INTO THE STEEL CAGE! ENOUGH BLOOD HAS COME OUT OF C2 TO FILL A 2 LITER BOTTLE! HE IS OUT ON THE GROUND!

WHAT THE HELL HAS DYNAMITE JUST DONE?! DON'T TELL ME...DYNAMITE JUST WALKS RIGHT PAST THE BLOOD HOUNDS AND TO THE DOOR OF THE CAGE! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING? IT'S NOT TIME TO SHOOT A DAMN MOVIE, HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF A MATCH! AND HE'S ATTACKED HIS PARTNER...NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THIS! DYNAMITE LEAVES THE CAGE AS WE SEE C2 REACH FOR HIS PARTNER BUT DYNAMITE DOESN'T EVEN TURN HIS HEAD TO LOOK BACK AT HIM! WHY?! WHY DAMThe cage door closes and C2 tries crawling to it, there is a deafening chorus of boos throughout the arena as the fans are shocked DYNAMITE just left his partner BLOODY AT HIS OWN HANDS and to a pack of hungry wolves...BLOOD HOUNDS I SHOULD SAY! T MONEY and SEWASIDE both grab the leg of C2 and drag him back to the middle of the ring, SEWASIDE sits on CONNOLLY'S back in a camel clutch position and lifts his head up, he then takes the switch blade and...THIS IS NOT WHAT WRESTLING IS ABOUT! COME ON! SEWASIDE IS DIGGING THAT SWITCH BLADE INTO THE SKULL OF CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY!!! BLOOD CAN BE SEEN POURING RAPIDLY FROM THE HEAD OF CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY!!! The screams of CONNOLLY are chilling as the pain and agony is too much to bear. The crowd is stunned at what they're seeing. We get a shot of DYNAMITE who stands at the entranceway with a smile on his face. He then turns and walks away.


The match is over and THE BLOOD HOUNDS stand victorious in the cage, C2 lays motionless on the ground and both T MONEY and SEWASIDE both place a foot over the damn near dead CONNOLLY's face...not his chest, his FACE FOR HEAVENS SAKE! THIS IS REPULSIVE AND DEGRADING! WHERE IS THE HUMANITY? WHERE IS THE RESPECT?! The crowd starts booing again and throwing trash. But we now see someone entering the cage - That's DYNAMITE! NOW HE'S BACK? AND HE HAS A STEEL CHAIR IN HAND ALONG WITH A DUFFLE BAG! IS HE GONNA TAKE OUT THE HOUNDS AND THEN QUIT THE XWF?! JONATHYN'S HIRED HAND HAS LEFT US WITH MYSTERIES!

DYNAMITE drops the bag and reels back with the chair, T MONEY and SEWASIDE take their feet off the face of CONNOLLY ready to attack DYNAMITE, that's when they start to stomp C2 again! OH MY GOD! T MONEY JUST SLAMMED THE CHAIR INTO THE THROAT OF C2! HE JUST CRUSHED HIS DAMN THROAT! THE BLOOD HOUNDS LAUGH AT C2'S EXPENSE AND THEY AND DYNAMITE EXCHANGE HAND SHAKES! NOOO! They blow off the hand hakes and all three men embrace in the middle of the ring! Out comes ARSON now, he walks into the cage.

What is this ARSON has in his hands though?

Are you serious?


DYNAMITE opens up the duffle bag and he pulls out four t-shirts, he tosses one to T MONEY, he tosses one to ARSON, he tosses one to SIDE and then he opens his up and shows it to the extremely negative crowd. We can see on the front, a picture of a vicious looking Dog chewing the XWF logo, with blood and foam coming from it's mouth and underneath it has the words "BLOOD HOUNDS" - He turns it around and on the back we see "THIS SH*T JUST GOT REAL!" - All four men throw their shirts on and then each one stands on a side of C2, T MONEY and SIDE on the left and DYNAMITE and ARSON on the right. They place their feet over his fallen body and raise their arms in the air, letting everyone know what it's about.

The crowd seems to be hating the fact that the HOUNDS are even more unstoppable!


Fade to black...


SEPTEMBER 24, 2006

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