FIREFOX and MOZILLA are NOT RECOMMENDED for viewing this program.
- - Standard Match - -


- - Standard Match - -


- - Elimination Match - -


- - X-Treme Rules - -

- - Standard Tag Match - -

- - X-Treme Tag Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Manager Match - -

- - X-Treme Elimination Match - -

- - Triple Tag Non-Title Match - -

- - Standard Tag Match - -

- - All Or Nothing Match - -
- - No run-ins allowed - -
If CHAD wins, SEWASIDE is barred from title competition at Rage In The Cage
If SEWASIDE wins, CHAD retires from competition altogether

As the show begins, we see a close-up of JONATHYN standing in the back. As he begins to speak, we see that he’s holding a bowl of soup, but we don’t know who he’s talking to..

JONATHYN: Alright, sir. Tonight is a big night for you AND for me. Tonight, YOU get a feel of what it’s like to run Massacre, while I get a little free time to enjoy some delicious soup and begin to hatch my plan..


JONATHYN: That’s good. Because NEXT week, I’m not even going to show up.. So watch and learn tonight..

CRIMSON KLINE: Got it.. But may I ask, what is this “plan” you’re hatching tonight?

JONATHYN: Very simple, KLINE. You see, the Blood Hounds are out of control. They’re multiplying like horny cockroaches and none of them are playing by the rules, so I’ve got to use every moment I have tonight to try to nail a snake right down the middle of the Blood Hounds very existence.. Tonight, OPERATION: BLOOD THINNER begins!

CRIMSON KLINE: Um.. You mean, nail a spike?

JONATHYN: Yeah.. That’s what I said..


Elsewhere in the back, ARSON and SABRINA WILSON are laughing after a joke was said by ARSON. Suddenly ARSON is startled, as the door is kicked open and in comes CHAD. CHAD pushes ARSON into the wall, driving his knee into ARSON's gut. CHAD drives ARSON's head into the wall, as the drywall starts crumbling to the carpet. SABRINA WILSON grabs CHAD, and CHAD pushes her backwards falling to the couch. CHAD grabs ARSON and slams his head into the wall a couple more times, and then lifting ARSON up and drops him stomach and face first through a glass center table!


CHAD: Where's SEWASIDE?! Where is he?!

CHAD starts throttling SABRINA WILSON as she struggles on the couch. CHAD picks up the couch and rolls it backwards, dumping SABRINA WILSON backwards over the back. CHAD turns the couch over and on top of SABRINA WILSON.

CHAD: Not there… Not here.

> CHAD walks out of the room, and he's looking for SEWASIDE. Just as he said last week. CHAD is going to start the MAIN EVENT match as soon as he finds SEWASIDE, and he's going to bring it to a close by the end of the show!

- - X-Treme Rules - -

The camera cuts to the ring and DEANO is whipped into the corner by DANGER, followed by a kick to the groin and stalled vertical. DANGER doesn't hold back and he gets out of the ring and pulls out a table. He slides it into the ring and sets it up, but DEANO has gotten back to his feet and hits a tornado DDT into the table, splintering the left edge and cracking through the center of it. DANGER holds his face and pulls the pressed wood off his face, a slice cut into his cheek from a piece of metal now protruding through. DEANO smirks and DANGER bows up, wiping the cut with the back of his hand. DEANO haves him back and DANGER steps forward. The two stare off and tie up and DANGER gets a quick duck under his opponents arms and locks in for a belly to back suplex, but DEANO holds himself down and lays an elbow into the side of DANGER again and yet again. Finally DANGER lets go and steps back while DEANO flips the table and stands the legs up. DEANO turns and DANGER hits with a fist and reels his opponent back, tripping him on the table. DANGER bends over and gets the table up but DEANO grabs behind his head and drops, DANGER goes the already broken table and hits the mat hard. DEANO covers, One! TWO! Kickout by DANGER before the three starts. DEANO gets to his feet. DANGER rolls over and sees his chance. He swings out of the ring and goes for the wrench from the previous fight behind the ring. He grabs it and gets in, but it's not the same. DEANO has gotten out of the ring and is staring off with TONY CAPRETTI who is holding a baseball bat in hand and nods to the ring at DANGER. DANGER looks down unsure and looks back and forth a moment, but CAPRETTI flips the bat over and offers it to DEANO. DEANO nods, takes it, and runs back, sliding into the ring. DANGER steps back, but not far enough as the bat slams across his head!! DEANO swings down and nails into the back of DANGER once, twice, three, FOUR TIMES!! DEANO tosses it back out of the ring at CAPRETTI and leg drops onto DANGER and covers. ONE! TWO! THREE!


A shot in the back shows a more energetic, a more limber, a better looking "BIG TYME" ZACH RIZZA getting ready for his match against MAXIMUS, PAUL ROACH, and....again....MIKE RABOIN. He looks at the camera and begins to talk.

ZACH RIZZA: You know, when I made those remarks about trying to beat BOONDOCK SAINT and trying to become the XWC WORLD CHAMPION and failing to do so.... I meant them. BOONDOCK SAINT is a great champion. He's probably one of the best guys I've fought.... over and over again. But I'm better now, that ZACH RIZZA that you guys saw a week ago.... is still wallowing in self defeat, hell, he's probably depressed as a kid who just got dumped by his girl. But, that's over with. Now, I have a chance to become the TRUE X-TREME CHAMPION..... again. I hope you guys brought your history books. You guys saw that I, not anyone else, was the LAST XWF X-TREME CHAMPION! I was the one that held on to that belt and never lost. Before tonight is over, I will show you the reason why. I will show you that I still am, without a shadow of a doubt.... The X-Treme Icon of the X... W.... F!

- - Standard Tag Match - -

VILLANO and SIMMONS come out underneath the X-Tron first to a somewhat cheering crowd for them. The pose quickly before beginning to make their way down to the ring when suddenly from behind come running HARDHEAD and VICTOR!!! The clobber to the two men down onto the steel rampway and start kicking and stomping all over them. VICTOR and HARDHEAD then pick up their opponents and walk them down to the ring before smashing them face first into the ring apron itself! HARDHEAD then rolls VILLANO into the ring before sliding in himself with the ref as he has the bell rung now. Meanwhile though on the outside, VICTOR whips SIMMONS into the steel steps as hard as he can causing him to smash into them back first and crumple over on the ground in pain. VICTOR then gets up onto the ring apron as he sees HARDHEAD immediately making a cover on VILLANO. 1.... 2.... and a kickout! HARDHEAD then gets up to his feet taking up VILLANO with him before picking him up and suplexing him really fast and hard enough that he rolls right over mounting him and begins punching VILLANO'S face! HARDHEAD then reaches back and tags VICTOR in as he gets up pulling up VILLANO with him. The two men then quickly hook VILLANO'S head before lifting him up and dropping him across the top rope!!! The crowd pops booing HARDHEAD and VICTOR massively as VICTOR now climbs up to the top rope while the VILLANO is still on top of the top rope. VICTOR then slaps his thigh as to signal an off the top rope leg drop onto VILLANO when suddenly from out of nowhere SIMMONS jumps in the ring and runs over jumping and yanking down the top rope just as quickly as he rolls out of the ring again. The camera switches angles to see now that by doing that, SIMMONS had caused VICTOR to drop down and bust his junk!!!! The crowd then pops as VILLANO falls off rolling down onto his back as he slowly begins crawling and making his way over to his neutral corner to tag SIMMONS in. He's just about to do so when suddenly he's stopped by VICTOR holding onto the back of his foot. VICTOR starts yanking him back towards himself while punching and kicking on him while holding himself in the same process. SIMMONS just then is about to reach in and tag himself in when suddenly from out of nowhere comes HARDHEAD running and yanking SIMMONS'S feet out from underneath him!!! VICTOR then now back up to his feet slowly begins pulling up VILLANO to his when... BAM! VILLANO takes VICTOR down and out with a nasty enzirguri out of nowhere!!!! The crowd pops going crazy as VILLANO then quickly looks back over to HARDHEAD standing there wail on SIMMONS when he takes a couple of steps back and runs jumping over the top rope with a plancha dive taking HARDHEAD out!!!! VILLANO now slowly begins getting up as he climbs back up onto the ring apron and up to the top rope when VICTOR pushes VILLANO off the top rope and VILLANO lands on the mat with a sickening thud. VICTOR rolls into the ring and goes slowly for the pin!! 1...2.. THREE!!


Despite the win, VICTOR PSYCHO doesn't appear to be in a very energetic mood after the match as he asks for a microphone. As he receives the microphone, he looks into the crowd for a solid minute until he actually says something.

VICTOR PSYCHO: You know, since I entered the XWF, things really haven't gone my way. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get the attention that I am deserved, AND I'M SICK OF IT! Every week I come out here after training the six previous days, and every day I get some low card match that will either not be on television because it doesn't matter that much, or I don't get scheduled at all. And this week, I’m fighting for my very CAREER! The people here in the XWF have it out for VICTOR PSYCHO... So when a man comes to the line where enough is enough, he's got to act on it. That is why I am here to announce, that despite the win here.. This is my last day here in...

As PSYCHO delivers his speech that he's clearly having a tough time delivering, "Hate me Now" by Puff plays over the PA system. Out walks BIGGS to every one's surprise!!

The former XWF wrestler who had been in some controversy last time he was in XWF long ago! Everyone was shocked to see BIGGS back in an XWF ring! BIGGS already had a microphone in his hand on the way to the ring. He started talking rapid fire, like a used car salesman.

BIGGS: You know VICTOR, I have seen these type of speeches in my day and quite frankly.... THEY SUCK! You know, you can come out here and whine all you want about how you’re not getting enough attention, how you’re not getting what you were promised. Trust me, you’ve got no mic skills. Honestly, the last time I saw delivery that stiff was when my UPS guy OD’ed on Viagra.. Now look, you can come out here and keep sounding like a little whiny bitch, or you can change your direction and move FORWARD. Now, you’re looking at me with this blank stare like you can't believe your eyes. ‘Is BIGGS really standing here, interrupting my speech, telling me what to do?’ You’re damn right he is and I'll tell you why. VICTOR, you’re a good wrestler. Not great, but good.. You train hard, you work hard, you do everything to the top of your ability, and yet you wonder why the XWF management doesn't put you into some more meaningful matches, some more prime time television spots. Why don't they put VICTOR PSYCHO in the main events around here? You always wonder that VICTOR?

VICTOR nods his head in agreement, still looking very cautious about what is happening.

BIGGS: Well VICTOR, it's very obvious to me, to the wrestlers in the back, to these very fans out here tonight... why you are not getting play VICTOR. VICTOR let me ask you a question.. are you a clown? Do you take side gigs at children's birthday parties? Now it is funny because you look at me in confusion, I look at you and I see a clown with face paint on. Now yeah, yeah, yeah.. VICTOR I know about your heritage. I know why you wear the face paint so let me stop you right there from going into one of your long rants about why the paint is so important to you and listen up very closely. It is a new time Vicki Boy. Heritage don't mean doo doo in the land of dollar bills and broken promises VICTOR. Nobody cares what your face paint means BUT you. The XWF is a business, VIC. And being that it is a business it needs marketable stars to put in front of these soul-sucking people here tonight. It needs branding, marketing, name recognition. It needs all of them VICTOR, and coming out looking like Bozo the Clown, looking like your going to send me to Disney World if I throw it in bucket 6, that is NOT how you get ahead in this crazy industry of ours. You want to know how VICTOR? You drop your face paint, you lose that tacked-on PSYCHO from your name and you become VICTOR. Truth, straight to the point, and bad ass. Because VICTOR we all know how hard you work in the back. Every one of these wrestlers looks at you and say "man VICTOR is such a great athlete, his gimmick doesn't do him any favors." Gimmicks are the way of the old school VICTOR. That was 1996, it is now ten years later and these fans have gotten smarter. All they want is a little honesty around here. And honesty says VICTOR, that you can win the Gold. You can become that wrestler that you've always said you wanted to be. And honesty VICTOR, tells you that the only way to do that is through ME.

VICTOR looks around for a minute, then looks at the crowd who roar their approval as if everything BIGGS just said came out of their mouths too.

BIGGS: So VICTOR, drop the PSYCHO from your name, stop putting on the clown paint, and I can get you noticed. You might be asking yourself, ‘BIGGS you used to be a wrestler, now you’re a manager?’ Wrong. I am not a manager. I am not some broad who comes out, flashes the fans quick, and looks pretty on the outside of the ring. VICTOR, I am an AGENT. I have started my own agency just for wrestlers, and I swear to god if you come with me, if you sign the deal, if you decide to become VICTOR and not pretend to be some loser with some makeup, then I am telling you VICTOR, we might just start adding a "y" to the end of your name and calling you VICTORY because you will be notorious in this company. I can make sure of it. Before I leave, VICTOR let me tell you a little something about me, because we've been talking about you the entire time and you’re currently very boring... I, VICTOR, retired from the ring after a series of Hardcore matches in the XWF. I tore some muscles in my leg, the doctor never thought I'd be able to walk again. I rehabbed it hard, much like your work ethic VICTOR. Now, I'd have to tell the story for you to know it even happened because I walk fine as day. I have determination VICTOR. After I retired I didn't sit on my ass like most of these wrestlers do. Checking out the 11AM Bob Barker and eating junk food on my couch. VICTOR, when I retired I found a new thing that I could be good at. Advising, and making sure people like you don't quit the sport. People like you VICTOR, who have a ton of talent but dress wrong. People that I know can win because trust me, I wouldn't be out here if I didn't think you could win. So VICTOR I am leaving you now. You can take me up on this offer, you can throw it back in my face. Just remember why you came out here today. Remember everything I just said. Remember that VICTOR PSYCHO could be dead, you could shed that skin and become a new wrestler entirely. You could become what you've been hearing industry insiders say for year VICTOR. "With a little help, VICTOR PSYCHO could reach the top of the plateau here in XWF." VICTOR there is one way to do this, and it's through my guidance, my knowledge, and the power of my agency to get you what you deserve. I’m gonna get you a halfway decent match next week, and all you gotta do is shed the gimmick and be REAL. You do that for me, and let MR. BIGGS do the rest.. Stick with me, son, and I will HAND THIS PLACE to you. Think about it VICTOR, and then get back to me.

BIGGS throws down the microphone and walks out leaving VICTOR quiet in the ring to think for a minute..

Backstage, we can see a very distraught MIKE RABOIN walking down the hallways, muttering to himself..

MIKE RABOIN: They shouldn’t have done this to me… They will Pay… They will Pay.

RABOIN is holding his head in his hands so when he bumps into a man wearing an orange ski mask, black shirt and camo pants he keeps walking by unfazed by it. The man in the mask, who has been the man tormenting the Legacy continues to walk away also unfazed by the encounter. The two walk away as the camera zooms in to see a white rose lying on the ground where the two bumped into each other.

What does this white rose mean?

Who dropped the white rose?

The shot cuts to the inside of JONATHYN's office. He's sorting through paperwork, while watching what just happened on TV and nodding his head.. Just then, the door bursts open and JONATHYN looks up in surprise. Standing there in a pair of overalls is none other than NICOLAS DILAN.

NICOLAS: Hi there!

JONATHYN: Not this again...

DILAN runs over to JONATHYN, shaking his hand for a good eight seconds. JONATHYN pulls his hand back.

JONATHYN: What do you want, DILAN?

DILAN: Well, I wanted to talk to you 'bout ma match at Rage inna Cage. You see, my concern is that I might want to make things a little more interesting. You see, I got big things planned, MR. BROWN. Firstly...

Just then, the door bursts open a second time, and COUSIN WALLY runs in chasing a pack of pigs! The pigs go wild, tipping the desk over, and sending papers everywhere!

WALLY: Suuuuuuuiiiiiieeeeeeeee!

As fast as he burst in, WALLY soon escapes, still chasing the pig. JONATHYN is visibly angered.

JONATHYN: You know, DILAN, I was going to give you a fair shake... but I have had it with these ridiculous encounters! First you made me miss the XWC match, which I had things planned. Now, you ruined tons of my work! You know what... You had that match for the PPV against Rigg, well, I have a little change of plans.

DILAN: You're going to make it a pie-eating contest?

JONATHYN: NO! The little change is that the match is tonight and it's X-TREME RULES! Now get out of my office!

DILAN looks shocked as JONATHYN forcibly pushes him out of his office and slams the door...

JONATHYN: Where the hell is KLINE! Man, if these are the kind of yahoos coming in, he can HAVE this place..

The scene cuts back to the ring.

Without the standard pyro, music and lights, out from the back comes the manager of STEVE SANDERS, ANTHONY GUNDACKER. GUNDACKER seems to be hurried and worried. GUNDACKER slides right in the ring and grabs a mic

GUNDACKER: I have some important business to attend to tonight. Due to the death of Jeff Sanders, the brother of Steve Sanders, Steve Sanders will be taking some time off from the XWF. Meaning that he is withdrawing from his match tonight meaning he is going out undefeated...

Suddenly out from the back walks JOSH HUDSON with a mic in hand

HUDSON: No it is not going down like this!! I read the tabloids. SANDERS is doing nothing more than getting out of his match with myself and HONKEY. I believe it is a smart move but I think it is B.S. that he can just stroll out of here and calling himself ‘undefeated..” Now I get screwed because my partner doesn’t have the grapes to get in the ring?

GUNDACKER: Well you will just have to take it up with Jonathyn.

Suddenly CRIMSON KLINE, the acting General Manager of the night walks out from the back with a mic in hand.

CRIMSON KLINE: Well I am going to take this time to make my first move as the acting General Manager of Massacre. Steve Sanders record will stay unblemished, but instead this match will turn into a three man, every-man for himself match! PIN TO WIN! Since RAGE IN THE CAGE was supposed to be a 4-way match I am now making it a singles X-Treme Cage match and the loser of tonight’s match will not be in the match!!

KLINE drops the mic and HUDSON looks stunned!

- - X-Treme Pin To Win - -

The bell rings and the fight is on. IRON BULL starts to lunge at HUDSON, but stops when HONKEY drops him with a stiff clothesline! HONKEY then walks over to HUDSON, and punches HUDSON in the face. The crowd oooohs, and IRON BULL laughs as HUDSON face was cocked to one side after the blow. HUDSON looked at the floor a second, and then he delivered a lightning kick to the ear of HONKEY that sends him reeling into and over the top rope. The crowd pops!!! HUDSON starts pointing at the crumpled HONKEY, only to spin around into the awaiting arms of IRON BULL, who lifts HUDSON over his head in a body press slam! HUDSON yells out in agony! IRON BULL looks around at the crowd and lifts him up and slams him again! IRON BULL tries the cover.. 1... 2.. NO!! HUDSON kicks out and sits up. IRON BULL slowly picks HUDSON up and grabs him by the throat.....Chokeslam!!! IRON BULL looks at the crumpled HUDSON and smirks....he makes another pin attempt.. 1... 2... NO!!! HUDSON kicks again! IRON BULL then rises to his feet, and signals for a piledriver! IRON BULL lifts HUDSON arms and starts to snatch him up into the move, but HUDSON quickly knee lifts IRON BULL and performs a flying DDT!!! The crowd pops. HONKEY comes in and charges HUDSON with a clothesline, but HUDSON uses his momentum and tosses him over the top rope. The crowd cheers, but as HUDSON looks at him, IRON BULL quickly rises to his feet and attempts to pick HUDSON up in a reverse suplex, but as HUDSON is completely upside down in the hold, he falls out of it and lands behind him. Before IRON BULL knows what is going on, HUDSON kicks IRON BULL in the temple from behind and sends him to the floor! HUDSON raises his arms in victory, but the HONKEY grabs HUDSON and lifts him into a Torture Rack after a few elbows to the head!!! HUDSON screams in pain, and HONKEY locks in the hold. Before HUDSON tap out, he starts wiggling around, forcing HONKEY to drop the big man. HUDSON tries a swinging haymaker, but HONKEY ducks and scoops HUDSON up into a Sidewalk Slam and slams him down! HUDSON's head hits hard and the crowd is shocked! What a move!!! HONKEY then picks up a woozy HUDSON by the back of the head, and signals for the GET CONFUSED slam.. BLAM-O!!! He nails it! HONKEY tries the cover.... 1... 2... Wait a minute! IRON BULL slides into the ring and breaks up the hold by rolling HONKEY off of HUDSON and trying the cover!.... 1... 2... NO!!! HONKEY tries to break the pin by landing a flying elbow but IRON BULL rolls out of the way, causing HONKEY to land the move on HUDSON! IRON BULL captures him and lands a DDT! HONKEY lands so hard he rolls out of the ring, so IRON BULL quickly decides to climb the turnbuckle for a Swanton Bomb! The crowd pops as IRON BULL flips.... And lands on nothing! HUDSON rolls out of the way in time!!! IRON BULL is in serious pain, but rises quickly to pick HUDSON off of the ground to whip him into the ropes. As HUDSON bounces off, IRON BULL telegraphs the back flip! SIDEWALK SLAM! HONKEY is trying to get back in, but ZAKK SIMMONS is here from out of nowhere, and he stops him from entering the ring! IRON BULL rolls up HUDSON! 1.. 2.. THREE!!


SIMMONS gets revenge on HUDSON!! JOSH is out of the HART match at Rage, thanks to his arch enemy, ZAKK SIMMONS!!

In the back, we see JONATHYN in his office filling out some paperwork and in comes the BOONDOCK SAINT and PRINCE AKEEM. They have a briefcase and an offer for JONATHYN.

BOONDOCK SAINT: So.. did you come to your senses and take the snakes out of the match? I'll fight RABOIN, but take the snakes out.

JONATHYN: No way, Snake. You aren't snaking your way out of this. The snakes stay.

PRINCE AKEEM puts the briefcase on the table and opens it slightly.

PRINCE AKEEM: Maybe this will change your mind, my friend.

AKEEM opens the case and there is a ton of money in it. JONATHYN's jaw drops. He can't believe there is that much money in there.

JONATHYN: Hummuna hummana how much is in there, if I may ask?

PRINCE AKEEM: One Million Dollars, my friend. That will buy plenty of snakes if you want to play with them.

BOONDOCK SAINT: What's the matter? Snake got your tongue? If you won't take the offer, at least tell me what’s the deal with the friggin’ WHITE ROSES!

JONATHYN: White roses? Snakes? Um.. White.. Snake.. You GOT IT! ABSOLUTELY!!

BOONDOCK SAINT: Really? Okay. So which is it going to be? You lose the snakes, or clue me in to the rose thing?

JONATHYN: No.. What? I thought you wanted me to get Whitesnake to perform at the PPV.. I could probably do that. I doubt they’re asking more than five grand for.. I wonder if they’re even still together..

BOONDOCK SAINT: Damn it. Do I need to clock you again with my belt to reset you? You gonna take this money and lose the snakes or what?

JONATHYN: Um.. I’ll tell you what, Snake. You know I love money. I’m not going to lie to you. I like things, and money helps me acquire said things.. But the fans <really want to see snakes.. I’ve never had a more positive response to a match concept in my life. But I can do this for you. You give me thiiiis much..

JONATHYN picks up a single wad of hundreds with a band that reads “$10,000.”

JONATHYN: ..And I’ll see what I can do about getting you a little anti-venom.. It may be tough, because the snake guy I’ve been talking to says these snakes are pretty tough. Treating a bite is a lot easier than preventing the venom to work in the first place. So while you may get bit, at least it won’t ravage your nervous system and leave you a quivering vegetable on the canvas.. I would assume.. ALTHOUGH.. If you think about it, you would win the match if that happened, because I doubt anyone else would hang around after you got bit..

JONATHYN tries unsuccessfully to stuff the bills into his shirt pocket.

JONATHYN: Now, you and Prince Snakeem take off before I decide to take more of your money and promise to buy you some steel underwear.

Although not completely satisfied, BOONDOCK and AKEEM leave, feeling that the boss CAN be bought..

T MONEY, ARSON, SABRINA WILSON, DYNAMIC DYNAMITE and KID MONEY are in a dressing room, ARSON holding the back of his head from the earlier CHAD attack.

ARSON: DAMN! I’m gonna KILL that son of a bitch! And I’m doin’ it TONIGHT!

T MONEY: NO! You heard what SIDE told us.. NOBODY is to interfere with this match..

ARSON: But that bitch ain’t gonna punk me out like that!

DYNAMITE: Cool it, ARSON. If we let SEWASIDE just beat his ass fair and square tonight, none of us will ever have to deal with CHAD ever again. We all got our assignments for tonight, and I’m not gonna let CHAD screw up our plans. Now let’s get to work..

ARSON looks pissed, but he nods..

An official approaches from behind.

XWF OFFICIAL: DYNAMITE! The boss wants to see you in his office!

DYNAMITE: Oh.. This oughta be good..

DYNAMITE gets up to leave.


ARSON: He better hope he loses, because I will RUIN him if he’s here next week..

BOONDOCK SAINT and CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY are seen walking down the hallway along with their new manager Prince Akeem..

They open their room to see three white roses lying on a table.

CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY and BOONDOCK SAINT look at each other in puzzlement as Prince Akeem quickly walks over and throws them away. The door is closed as they try to figure out who left the roses.

The cameras cut to STAR, dressed in her wrestling attire and asking around for someone until she finally spots him. STAR runs down the hall to catch up with none other than JET.

STAR: Hey, JET. I heard about your Cruiserweight Showdown and if anybody should be in this thing it’s me.

He looks her up and down as if he’s waiting for whatever else she has to say.

STAR: Look, I’m pretty sure you’ve caught a glimpse of what I can do and even heard about me. But if you don’t believe me, and even if you do, I want you to watch while I tear that scrub Jason Cash apart so you’ll know what I’m about. And another thing. I wanna take on that plastic bitch WILD ORCHID in the first round so I can shut her up for good. And I know you’re smart so you’ll do the right thing. You are looking at the next XWF cruiserweight champion. And if you don’t believe me, just watch what I’m about to do to that moron JASON CASH.

STAR doesn’t even wait for JET to answer and disappears down the hallway. JET just checks out her ass the whole way..

- - Standard Match - -

Both superstars are in the ring and a collar and elbow tie up stars the action!! JASON uses his power to muscle STAR into the corner. STAR kicks JASON in the stomach and flips on his shoulders and backwards into a Hurricanrana and a leg hooked pin...ONE.....TWO..... THR... STAR kicks out at two and a half, and goes for a Double Underhook Suplex, but countered by STAR into a very fast paced Russian Leg Sweep. She then stomps on his head a few times and lifts him. She then completes and Arm Drag Takedown, but JASON gives her a Clothesline after second attempt. JASON works on her lower leg and locks in an Indian Death Lock, as she screams in agony. STAR tries to get to the ropes, but the sixty-five pound differential catches her, and he pulls her back into the middle. STAR starts to think about tapping out, but doesn't and somehow rolls out of the submission. JASON wants answers from the ref as to whether she tapped or not. The ref simply says "no" and CASH continues the assault by stomping a mudhole into the midsection of STAR. The referee gives JASON the five count and JASON cleanly allows her out of the corner. CASH then goes for a Shoulder Tackle, but STAR ducked and SCHOOL BOY ROLL UP...ONE.....TWO.....THREE....NO! JASON CASH JUST kicked out. CASH then rushes to his feet in anger, and a HARD Clothesline again to STAR. CASH signals for the end, and lifts her up and attempts a Piledriver, but rolled out of by STAR and into a Texas Clover Leaf! She flipped all the way behind his back and it is locked in! JASON gets to the bottom ropes, however, forcing her to release the hold. CASH then goes to the ring apron, and a Shoulder to the gut of a charging STAR. He then bounces off the top rope and hits a Springboard Diving Elbow while STAR was standing! The crowd really gives these two their respect for an entertaining match. JASON goes for the cover...ONE.....TWO.....STAR kicks out. CASH gets a little heated, but keeps his cool and quickly gains back the momentum of the match with a rear naked choke. STAR tries to get out of the move, and does by turning around and Dropkicking JASON. She then goes to the top and JASON gets up and turns around, CROSS BODY! The cover...ONE.....TWO.....THREE!! STAR has defeated CASH!! What a nice victory to pull her way up into the Cruiserweight title hunt!


SEWASIDE arrives in the building with his gym bag, and suddenly from down the hallway CHAD comes running. As CHAD gets to where SEWASIDE is, CHAD and SEWASIDE start trading punches. CHAD throws a left and a right, as SEWASIDE throws left and rights. CHAD knees SEWASIDE in the gut, as CHAD grabs onto the back of SEWASIDE and throws him into a bunch of cable boxes. CRASH! The cable boxes roll backwards, and reveal a steel ladder. CHAD grabs the ladder and centers it by SEWASIDE, dropkicking it into SEWASIDE's face! CHAD grabs onto a referee who is carrying a ring bell. CHAD grabs the ring bell and smacks it against SEWASIDE's head a couple times.

CHAD: DING! DING! SEWASIDE! Our Anything Goes Match, starts now!

CHAD kicks at the body of SEWASIDE as SEWASIDE start getting back to his feet, as CHAD starts punching him down the hallway, CHAD just charged from. CHAD pushes SEWASIDE into the wall, as CHAD starts punching at him. CHAD and SEWASIDE are punching each other down the hallway. CHAD falls to the ground, as SEWASIDE drops a legdrop right across the back of CHAD's head. SEWASIDE stands CHAD up and throws him into this open door, and it seems to be a Janitor's Closet. SEWASIDE closes the door, and a bunch of noise is heard as CHAD stumbles out, with powder on his face. SEWASIDE walks out with a broom stick, and a AJAX container. CHAD spins about and stumbles right into a broom stick to the gut, as SEWASIDE drives it hard into the stomach. SEWASIDE wraps the broom stick around the neck of CHAD, and drops CHAD backwards for a neckbreaker. CHAD doesn't move as his back hits the floor. SEWASIDE stands up, and grabs the garbage can nearby, and dumps all the garbage out onto CHAD's chest. SEWASIDE then continues, to stomp the garbage into the chest of CHAD. CHAD rolls over, and starts getting to his feet, but SEWASIDE quickly ends that with slamming the garbage can across the head of CHAD, knocking CHAD backwards. This one’s far from over, but we gotta go to commercial!



The fans go crazy, as JET is sitting on a chair backstage reading a magazine. JET flips through it basically looking at the amazing women in the book. He takes a sip of his pink lemonade, which sits right besides him as he continues to read the book. All of a sudden Mr. Millennium feels a finger tapping him on his shoulder. JET looks behind him and sees BIGGS!

JET: Who the hell are you?

BIGGS: Calm Down, Calm Down... I'm just a friend...

Mr. Millennium looks at the man with a confused look.

JET: Friend? Man, I don't know who da F*** you are...

The crowd starts to cheer as JET slowly puts his fist up in defense.

BIGGS: Wait, wait, wait... I got a proposition for you.....

JET: Well, you better start talkin or Ima start beatin...

JET tilts his head in a confusion way.

JET: Start beatin? No homo, anyways what you want?

BIGGS: I just want you to read this envelop... It's a request... I'm an agent and I need you to put my boy VICTOR in the cruiserweight showdown next week.

JET grins a little bit, as he drops his fist.

JET: Aw man, well that ain't no problem--

BIGGS: BUT!!! I need a favor... I need you to make it an easy win for him...

JET laughs out loud, as he taps the guy on the shoulder.

JET: That’s some funny s***... Yeah, I'll give him an easy win (says sarcastically). It will be easy for him to take on a 300 pound, 6'9 guy?

BIGGS: 300 Pound? That doesn't make sense... That’s not cruiserweight--

JET: Yeah bitch it's a joke.

BIGGS starts to laugh in a fake way trying to suck up and impress Mr. Millennium...

JET: Whatever man... I'll see what I can do. If what’s in this envelope in any indication, looks like your boy needs all the help he can get.. But I'll see what I can do.

BIGGS smiles towards JET and extends his hand.

BIGGS: Oh thank you for your consideration, and it was great doing business with you..

JET looks at BIGGS’ hand and shakes his head walking away leaving his magazine sitting on the chair. As JET leaves out of picture, BIGGS notices the magazine picking it up. He turns the pages seeing some scantily clad women. He throws it under his arm and walks off with it, but is knocked over as SEWASIDE is pushed into the shot! CHAD comes running in, and drives his elbow into the face of SEWASIDE. SEWASIDE drops to sitting position, as CHAD puts a garbage can in between the legs of SEWASIDE. CHAD dropkicks the garbage can into the face of SEWASIDE. SEWASIDE lies to the side, as CHAD covers him and the referee counts, trying to get this pinfall.

ONE….. TWO….. NO! SEWASIDE gets his shoulder up, as CHAD grabs SEWASIDE and he drags him into the LADIES ROOM . CHAD pushes SEWASIDE up to the sink, and starts splashing water into SEWASIDE's face. CHAD gets a handful of soap, and CHAD wipes the soap onto both hands, and wipes it into the eyes of SEWASIDE! SEWASIDE screams as it burns, SEWASIDE wipes his eyes and pushes CHAD backwards into a stall, as CHAD hits the door hard! But the door stays closed.

SEWASIDE turns and charges CHAD and goes for a spear, but CHAD reaches up and pulls himself up. SEWASIDE crashes through the door, and into the stall. CHAD dropkicks the back of SEWASIDE as SEWASIDE drops crashing his head onto the toilet! CHAD covers SEWASIDE again, and the referee as to slide along the outside of the stall, to count. But we can't stay for the count, we'll have to come back! We need to go back to the ring!

- - Standard Match - -

The match begins with both men inside the ring. The referee signals the start of the match and the bell rings as both men lock-up. CAGE is able to get the upper hand over his less experience opponent and takes him down to the mat with a hip toss. CAGE then follows it up by locking ARSON in an armbar. CAGE wrenches at the arm for a few moments but quickly lets go of ARSON and gets to his feet. CAGE pulls ARSON to his feet, but ARSON shoves CAGE back into the corner and charges at him with a splash in the corner. ARSON then climbs the ropes and starts to nail CAGE with right hands. 1...... 2...... 3...... 4...... 5...... 6..... 7..... 8..... 9.. ARSON pauses to pose for the fans, but takes too much time as CAGE takes him down to the mat with a powerbomb. CAGE hooks up ARSON's legs, 1....Kickout. CAGE gets to his feet and drags ARSON up by the hair, but ARSON manages to catch CAGE plum in the jaw with a hard right hand. ARSON follows it up with a hard clothesline taking CAGE down to the mat and he follows it up with an elbow to the heart of CAGE. ARSON gets up and begins to climb the ropes and he jumps off nailing a beautiful 450 splash. He hooks CAGE's leg, 1....2...THR-Foot on the ropes! ARSON gets up and grabs CAGE up too, but CAGE comes back with several hard right hands the stomach, and then the face of ARSON. CAGE manages to get ARSON pushed back against the ropes. CAGE whips ARSON off the ropes and nails ARSON with hard powerslam. CAGE gets to his feet and pulls ARSON up as well, but he takes ARSON straight back down to the mat with a DDT, 1....2 ... THR-Kickout! CAGE looks frustrated as he again gets to his feet as the fans break out into a 'CHRIS CAGE' Chant. CAGE jumps up and is quickly rolled up by ARSON, 1.... 2... THR-Shoulder up! ARSON and CAGE simultaneously get to there feet and both stare each other down. ARSON charges at CAGE going for a spear, but CAGE moves out of the way and ARSON goes shoulder first into the steel ring post. CAGE quickly rolls up ARSON, 1.... ARSON counters and grabs the ropes, 1.... 2.... THREE!!! ARSON STOLE THE DAMN MATCH!!


In the back, JONATHYN steps into his own office, and is a bit startled when he finds DYNAMIC DYNAMITE there..


DYNAMITE: Relax, big guy. You did ask me to come see you, didn’t you?

JONATHYN: Yeah.. Yeah. I just.. Anyway. Thanks for coming. I wanted to talk to you, man to man..

DYNAMITE: Okay. I’m here, so that’s ONE man.. What’s on your mind, boss?

JONATHYN: It’s about the Blood Hounds..

DYNAMITE: Uh huh. I’m listening. Is this your soup on the desk?

JONATHYN: Um, yes. It’s Wonton. Pretty good, too. You want some?

DYNAMITE: Thanks, I’m good. So what’s your concern with the Blood Hounds?

JONATHYN takes his seat behind the desk and takes a sip of soup.

JONATHYN: Well, I wanted to talk to YOU in particular, because you strike me as the smartest guy in that group. Level headed, intelligent, savvy...

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE gets that “here it comes” look in his eyes..


JONATHYN: And I just wanted to know.. WHY?


JONATHYN: Why the Blood Hounds? I mean.. Let’s be honest. You’re DYNAMIC DYNAMITE! You don’t NEED the Blood Hounds. If anything, they joined YOU, not the other way around.. Those guys are nothing more than a bunch of good-for-nothing thugs! They have no respect for authority, and they’re pulling you down into their cesspool of adolescent criminal behavior!

DYNAMITE: Okay, I think I see where this is going.. Thanks for the chat. Enjoy your soup.

DYNAMITE gets up to leave. JONATHYN leaps up from his chair.



JONATHYN: Just.. Please leave the Blood Hounds..

DYNAMITE: WHAT? Are you serious?

JONATHYN: Please... Look.. I don’t care about you betraying me the other week.. I don’t care about what you said about me when you were at XWC.. Just please.. Please leave them. I’m begging you. I need you on my side..

DYNAMITE: Have some soup, I’m out.

DYNAMITE turns and walks out the door, slamming it behind him..


A dejected JONATHYN takes another big sip of his soup.

JONATHYN: Damn this is salty..

The camera cuts to outside JONATHYN’s office where we see DYNAMITE zipping up his fly. He talks to himself quietly.

DYNAMITE: Enjoy that soup, boss. And remember, you can’t spell soup without... “P!”

Backstage SABRINA WILSON is shown walking through the halls alone until she finds none other than WILD ORCHID. SABRINA walks up to her and WILD ORCHID glares at SABRINA with a clear attitude.

SABRINA WILSON: Hey, WILD ORCHID. I didn’t come here to start trouble with you or anything. It’s just that there’s something going on I think you want to know about.

WILD ORCHID: *rolls eyes* And what’s that?

SABRINA WILSON: Well, I just heard STAR out in the parking lot and she’s pretty angry about you hitting her with that stick last week. She said if you came out there she’d really show you what being hardcore was all about but she knows that you’re too much of a punk to do it. You only know how to attack people when their backs are turned.

WILD ORCHID clenches her fist in anger.

WILD ORCHID: And why the hell should I believe anything you have to say?

SABRINA WILSON: Hey, you don’t have to. But like I said I just thought you’d want to know. I’m sure you’re fine with being seen as a coward in STAR’s eyes and the fans. That’s perfectly fine with me.

WILD ORCHID: Show me where that prissy bitch is!

SABRINA WILSON: If that’s what you want.

SABRINA WILSON turns around and walks down the hallway with WILD ORCHID behind her. They head outside to the empty parking lot and WILD ORCHID quickly pushes past SABRINA WILSON.

WILD ORCHID: Well where the hell is she?

WILD ORCHID turns around and SABRINA WILSON cracks her over the head with the exact same stick that she attacked STAR with last week! With WILD ORCHID down SABRINA WILSON stands over her with a smirk on her face.

SABRINA WILSON: Time to take out the poor white trash!

Seconds later a huge garbage truck rolls onto the scene and backs up just before WILD ORCHID. He truck then unleashes an entire load of foul smelling garbage all over the former Women’s Champion! WILD ORCHID tries to jump up but SABRINA WILSON kicks her back down! The camera pans around to the front of the truck to see none other than STAR operating it and looking into the camera with a phony Colgate smile.

STAR: Now THAT is hardcore!

STAR takes a few pictures of ORCHID on her cell phone before STAR and SABRINA walk away together and the camera closes in on WILD ORCHID swimming in trash as the scene fades.

- - X-Treme Rules - -

BIGG RIGG is seen walking down the ramp to "Woke Up This Morning" by A3 is playing when NICOLAS DILAN does a jumping suicide dive from the crowd. This X-Treme rules match gets started off with a big move by the newcomer. DILAN begins to stomp away as quick hard kicks to BIGG RIGG while he is down for the moment. The big angry Italian catches the foot of NICOLAS DILAN and gives him a hard ankle twist making him fall into the guard rail, hard. NICOLAS DILAN gets up and BIGG RIGG goes for The RAGE already, but DILAN dodges it making BIGG RIGG hit the rail shoulder first. NICOLAS DILAN takes the opportunity to apply an arm wrench on his opponent. DILAN is working the shoulder of BIGG RIGG. NICOLAS DILAN releases the hold and makes his way towards the ring, to grab the ring bell hammer. HE runs at BIGG RIGG only to swing and miss. BIGG RIGG ducked it and flipped DILAN over on the steel ramp. BIGG RIGG lifts him up and throws him down with a huge sidewalk slam. BIGG RIGG begins to land a series of hard fist into the face of NICOLAS DILAN as he tries to squirm away. A HUGE FOREARM to the face of BIGG RIGG sends him off of NICOLAS DILAN. DILAN uses the quick change in momentum to do a dropkick to the already weakened shoulder of BIGG RIGG. NICOLAS DILAN is showing some decent ring presence by working on the shoulder of the big man. BIGG RIGG tries to crawl away as NICOLAS DILAN does a running springboard off the barricade and connects on BIGG RIGG as he tried to stand up. BIGG RIGG is getting the fight brought to him. NICOLAS DILAN rolls BIGG RIGG into the ring as he perches himself on the top rope. NICOLAS DILAN jumps off to BE CAUGHT by BIGG RIGG, who lifts him up and connects with a big GUT BUSTER! NICOLAS DILAN is rolling around the ring in pain, as BIGG RIGG gets to his feet and tries to catch his breath. NICOLAS DILAN charges at him only to be met with a huge Big Boot. BIGG RIGG is getting some momentum as he clotheslines NICOLAS DILAN over the top rope. BIGG RIGG is getting the crowd behind him as out of no where NICOLAS DILAN slides back in with a ladder in hand. The ladder is driven hard into the shoulder of BIGG RIGG. NICOLAS DILAN lays the ladder around his shoulder as he climbs the top rope. NICOLAS DILAN leaps off with a shooting star press on the ladder. While he is air borne BIGG RIGG throws the ladder upwards to hit NICOLAS DILAN in the face, but the ladder and NICOLAS DILAN still come crashing down on BIGG RIGG. The ladder shot has in fact busted open NICOLAS DILAN. BIGG RIGG rolls out from under the ladder and walks towards the corner as NICOLAS DILAN rolls out of the ring. BIGG RIGG gets a weird look on his face as he begins to set the ladder up. The moment he gets it set up he is hit from a diving NICOLAS DILAN and his trash can. The can bends around the head of BIGG RIGG making him fall to one knee. NICOLAS DILAN keeps bringing it down on his head to make him fall over. NICOLAS DILAN is tired as the trash can is no longer able to be used. NICOLAS DILAN begins to climb the ladder that RIGG set up, he gets about half way up before RIGG begins to stir. DILAN leaps off with a huge axe handle slam to BIGG RIGG shoulder once again. Making him fall to the ground in pain. NICOLAS DILAN goes under the ring and grabs a steel chair and comes back in to finisher the job off. THE RAGE! BIGG RIGG just laid out NICOLAS DILAN with THE RAGE through the steel chair. The move seemed to have hurt RIGG just as much as DILAN with his shoulder. BIGG RIGG gets to his knees as NICOLAS DILAN gets up to his as well, the two start to exchange blows back and forth of which BIGG RIGG gets the advantage first. By backing up NICOLAS DILAN with a series of quick rights and lefts. BIGG RIGG is on fire right now. Whipping NICOLAS DILAN towards the corner BIGG RIGG catches him with a huge spine buster on the chair. RIGG begins to bounce DILAN’s head over and over on that chair. BIGG RIGG gets up and starts to climb the ladder with a sick look in his eyes. NICOLAS DILAN can see through his blurry eyes enough to climb up after him. The two of them start to exchange blows back and forth on the top of the ladder. NICOLAS DILAN makes the first momentum shift by climbing to the top and jumping on RIGG’S shoulders and tries to go for a hurricanrana but RIGG REVERSES IT INTO A HUGE POWERBOMB FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER. NICOLAS DILAN gets bounced off the canvas so hard he lands back on his feet only to be hit with a huge double fist from RIGG who jumped from the top of the ladder!!! WOW!! RIGG’s finally got DILAN where he wants him, it looks like he’s going for The Rage! DILAN stumbles to his feet, and RIGG charges... but he’s hit by a shovel coming from nowhere! It’s COUSIN WALLY! The ref has no choice, this match has to be considered a DQ, and he calls for the bell.


DILAN confronts WALLY, but then hugs him and raises his arm in the air! They get out of the ring and start to walk up the entrance ramp. They appear to be going to the back, but they soon return to the top of the ramp holding microphones. RIGG finally gets to his feet and listens to DILAN’s words.

DILAN: RIGG, you really think that this is the best we got? Well, in Tennessee, surprises are a lime a dozen and I got one for you. You see, I may call myself NICOLAS DILAN...

Just then, DILAN stops talking in a southern drawl.

DILAN: But I may be someone entirely different than you thought.

DILAN turns to COUSIN WALLY and begins pulling on the skin of his face!

What the hell?

It’s a MASK!!

And it comes right off! It’s ACE VINCENT! VINCENT turns to DILAN, and pulls his face off!!...

IT’S AIDAN COLLINS, the former BLIZZARD! They were in prosthetics the entire time! Rigg is shocked in the ring!

COLLINS: Didn’t see that coming, did you RIGG? NICOLAS DILAN, it’s a simple anagram, oldest trick in the book, but I wouldn’t expect you to know that, you Italians were never the ones on top of the brain category.

Some boos.

COLLINS: Now, right about now, you’re probably wondering why I would target you. I mean, we were never buddies, but we were never enemies either, right? That’s where you’re wrong. You see, it was at Last Breath, that after I beat SAINT and RABOIN, easily might I add, that you led an unwarranted attack on me. I didn’t do anything to you, and you embarrassed me when I should have been celebrating my tremendous victory. I’m not the type of person to let you just do that to me. So, I wasn’t going to let things slide, but I wasn’t going to just come and beat the living crap out of you, I wanted style, I wanted to keep you on your toes and the fans anxious. So, I came back as DILAN. Heck, I even had my buddy ACE be COUSIN WALLY. And that match at “Rage In The Cage”, Rigg, it’s definitely on. And I’m so certain that I’m going to beat your greasy ass that I’ll let you choose the stipulation.

RIGG is still angry, but this causes him to smile a bit.

COLLINS: So, that’s about it. You enjoy your little DQ win, because it’s the last win you’ll be getting on AIDAN COLLINS. And that’s not an opinion, it’s a FACT.

RIGG thinks for a moment, and then speaks..

BIGG RIGG: That's pretty clever, pretending to be a redneck with no teeth and no brains to sneak attack me. I would say it shows good acting on your part, but to attack da Angry Italian it must have not been that far of a stretch for da ‘no brains’ part. I never had a problem with you in da past either BLIZZ, in fact I always had quite a bit of respect for you. But you made a mistake that has become popular lately, CHAD made it, SCOTT YOUNG made it and Now you're making it. You have chosen to screw with da angry f***in' Italian, something that will end da same way as it has for everybody else in da past, with you on your back, in a puddle of your own blood. Since this pay per view is Rage in the Cage, since it was the first pay per view I ever took part in here. And, since you have given me da choice to make any match stipulation I choose. I think I will put us in da same environment I was in during my first PPV match at rage in the Cage, at da same time makin' sure I have every chance to rip you limb from limb. You and Me Blizz, TRIPLE CAGE MATCH! You will bleed BLIZZ, You will feel pain running through your entire body and You will beg me for mercy. When it's all said and Done, rest assured, you will FEEL DA F***IN’ RAGE!

RIGG and COLLINS stare each other down for what feels like an hour before COLLINS and ACE VINCENT turn and walk to the back. RIGG and COLLINS at RAGE IN THE CAGE in a TRIPLE CAGE MATCH!!

Backstage, JONATHYN and KLINE are comparing notes.

CRIMSON KLINE: So the show’s going well. This isn’t so tough..

JONATHYN: Yeah, it’s a friggin’ cake walk. Just stick with it.. I think I may have a bigger plan for you than I originally thought.

CRIMSON KLINE: Bigger plan? Does this involve “Operation: Blood Thinner” by any chance?

JONATHYN: As a matter of fact, it does. I think it’s time to bring out the big guns. I need to start making some phone calls and planning some big moves.. And I think you’re the man to head up the operation..

CRIMSON KLINE: Whatever you need, JONATHYN.

JONATHYN: Good. Right now, all I need is some calming and delicious soup..

CRIMSON KLINE: You’re still on that soup?

JONATHYN: I’ve microwaved it so many times, it seems to get saltier and saltier.. But it’s REALLY GOOD.

T MONEY and SEWASIDE stroll by casually and glance over at JONATHYN as he takes another big gulp of the “Dynamite-infused” soup. They chuckle to themselves.

T MONEY: What you got there, boss? What’s that, some soup?

JONATHYN: Um.. Yes. It’s wonton soup.

T MONEY and SEWASIDE giggle and walk off.

CRIMSON KLINE: What was that about?

JONATHYN: Beats me. Maybe they thought I said “one ton” soup.

- - Standard Match - -

MUDD makes his way down the ramp and TONY CAPRETTI runs down the ramp and slides right into the ring and the ref calls for the bell and CAPRETTI lays in with closed fists at MUDD. JASON steps back and gets out of the way of the punches and shakes his hand no at CAPRETTI, only provoking a spear attempt. CAPRETTI misses and hits the mat, and JASON jumps the opportunity to begin stomping, and CAPRETTI can't get up as JASON lays foot after foot into the shoulder of TONY CAPRETTI. CAPRETTI rolls over and punches the inside of JASON's knee, forcing him to a kneel and getting the shot at getting up. The two regain footing and lockup in collar-elbow tie-up, MUDD pulling the advantage with a hip-spring throw into the ropes, and CAPRETTI hits and bounces back to the mat. He pushes himself up, but MUDD gets back on the job and begins slamming the bat into the left shoulder of CAPRETTI this time. CAPRETTI rolls out of the ring and takes a breather as JASON paces back and forth through the ring. ONE! TWO! THREE! MUDD taunts and tosses the bat out of the ring and into the crowd. FOUR! FIVE! SIX! CAPRETTI climbs back onto the apron and slips in and MUDD connects with a crescent kick onto the shoulder of CAPRETTI as he steps through the ropes, downing him back onto the mat. JASON grabs CAPRETTI but gets hit with a wrench! MUDD is cut over the brow and CAPRETTI gets a spike DDT into the center of the ring. He covers.. One!... kickout and CAPRETTI is pushed off. JASON gets to his feet and jump kicks CAPRETTI into the corner, only to center him in the ring with a German suplex, and into the Trans-Atlantic Lock on. CAPRETTI struggles back and forth trying to get free. The ref checks but CAPRETTI struggles more and finally gets a foot on the ropes and calls out. JASON lets up and gets to his feet, CAPRETTI pushes slowly to a knee and quickly spears MUDD into the turnbuckle. MUDD grunts from the impact and CAPRETTI grabs behind his head and drops into a chin breaker!! MUDD stumbles back into the turnbuckles and CAPRETTI gets up and turns to the crowd praising himself a moment, but as he turns, MUDD is back up and lunges a knee into his stomach. CAPRETTI doubles over and MUDD hoists him onto his shoulders, cleanly executing The Cracker Jack on the mat!! WHAM!! MUDD covers, One.. TWO.. THREE!


The match is over, and JASON MUDD stands victorious in the ring, but someone wearing a hoodie jumps the barricade after the match and attack JASON MUDD! The hooded man kicks MUDD in the stomach, and delivers a Russian leg sweep ddt! MUDD is out! The hooded man stands up and pulls his hood down,'s ACE VINCENT! The crowd boos him as he grabs a mic....

Are you serious? Are you seriously booing me? I'm ACE VINCENT, bitches! You don't boo me! Oh, I get it! You're booing me because I just knocked out this young ass punk! You're rooting for the guy like he's Rocky Balboa, and he's just hit it big!

ACE grabs JASON MUDD by his hair and laughs in his face..

Is this the face of wrestling nowadays? No wonder the XWF had to close its doors! Is this professional wrestling, or a male modeling clinic? Let this be a message to all you pretty boys and newcomers to the XWF.... AIDAN COLLINS and myself are here to CLEAN HOUSE! AIDAN’s starting with BIGG OVERRATED RIGG, and I’m going to straighten up the clutter around the rim of the bowl! None of you NOOBS are going to amount to anything! I've seen a million of you come and go, just like the seasons.... The only thing that's for sure in the world anymore is talent... and none of you possess it. MUDD, I don't want to see your punk ass anywhere near my ring again! You had better crawl back to wherever you came from, curl up in a ball, and thank whatever God you pray to that Ace Vincent let you walk out of here with a chance. Not a chance to thrive in the XWF, but a chance to walk PERIOD. And to the rest of the XWF...It's time to put up or shut up...The Icon is back!!

ACE walks away, leaving JASON MUDD in the ring, hurt, but very awake and VERY ANGRY.

The Camera cuts to the backstage area where DEANO THE DESTROYER is standing with a very sweaty TONY CAPRETTI. The camera zooms in so you can hear the conversation in full.

CAPRETTI: Yeah, that new guy got the better of me, but he’ll get his... I’m outta shape, but enough about me.. It all worked out in the end, didn't it?

He smiles, as he hands DEANO a baseball bat.

CAPRETTI: You know what to do now. You go in there and you do what you need to do.

DEANO nods as he takes the bat and begins to make his way down the hall. He stops outside of a door. On the front it says 'Mongbean' written in crayon.

DEANO: The idiot even spelled his own name wrong.

He kicks the door open and walks in... But shuts the door behind him before the camera can follow. Voices can still be made out.

DEANO: Hello MUNG, I'm here to clear the XWF of all the trash. You... DANGER... You're both trash.

MUNGBEAN: Actually, I’m Capricorn. You’re mistaken.

DEANO: That's nice for you.

Suddenly there’s a loud smack and a yelp from MUNGBEAN. The door swings open as DEANO walks out with two halves of a baseball bat. He smiles as the camera zooms on MUNGBEAN who is knocked out on the floor. What else do TONY CAPRETTI and this monster have in store for the young XWF wannabes?

- - Manager Match - -

SABRINA WILSON hits the stage with her manager KID MONEY. At the entrance to the ramp they bump into BIGG RIGG and his wife WILD ORCHID. It’s a traditional stare down at the ramp between the girls and better yet the men are even getting involved. BIGG RIGG is trying his best to motion that they need to get to the ring to start this match. KID MONEY pushes BIGG RIGG and is trying to say something along the lines of not to tell his women what to do. KID MONEY showing a lot of balls standing up to the really big Italian RIGG. BIGG RIGG turned away and KID MONEY spun him around only to be met with a quick punch to the face. The fight has broken out with SABRINA WILSON spearing WILD ORCHID to the ground and doing the cliché hair pulling. KID MONEY and BIGG RIGG have begun to exchange blows back and forth, BIGG RIGG getting the advantage. Meanwhile the girls have actually rolled out onto the ramp and the fans are going nuts. A thundering chair shot is heard as BIGG RIGG comes stumbling out of the backstage area. KID MONEY comes walking out with a chair in hand with a smug look on his face. He takes another swing at BIGG RIGG keeping him on the ground. Meanwhile WILD ORCHID after a nice eye rake has gotten off of the ground and looks over at her husband on the ground. SABRINA WILSON gets up and points at WILD ORCHID and said for KID MONEY to attack her.

WILD ORCHID uses her head and runs into the ring, and slides under officially starting this match. BIGG RIGG gets up and KID MONEY is warned by the ref to lose the chair. The moment he puts down the chair THE RAGE is inflicted on him by a irate BIGG RIGG who is pounding away on KID MONEY on the side of the ring. Meanwhile back in the ring SABRINA WILSON is now laying the boots to ORCHID. SABRINA WILSON walks over to yell at RIGG to stop wailing away on KID MONEY, meanwhile WILD ORCHID takes the opportunity to roll her up in a school boy…1….2..KICKOUT! SABRINA WILSON gets to her feet to be taken right back down with a toe hold by WILD. Meanwhile the fight outside the ring is getting intense as BIGG RIGG is warned by the ref to get to his side and leave MONEY alone. BIGG RIGG stands up and kicks KID one more time before walking back to his side to cheer on his wife. WILD ORCHID bounces off the rope and goes for a bulldog but SABRINA ducks and grabs her in mid air by the shoulders and drops her to the mat. SABRINA WILSON now applies a reverse chin lock on ORCHID. WILD fights to get up to her feet and when she does BIG DDT to WILSON right there. KID MONEY is screaming at SABRINA to get up and end this fight. SABRINA WILSON uses the ropes to get to her feet and BULLDOG by WILD ORCHID! SABRINA WILSON is in the middle of the ring as ORCHID goes to the top rope, KID MONEY jumps up on the apron. BIGG RIGG gets up and starts to yell at the ref who goes to talk to RIGG. WILD ORCHID goes to jump off the top rope but KID MONEY pushed her off sending her flying into the ref. SABRINA WILSON gets a chair slid to her by KID MONEY, WHACK!!! A vicious Chair Shot by SABRINA WILSON to WILD ORCHID!!

What's this? BIGG RIGG is running on the other side of the ring, where KID MONEY is standing. KID MONEY begins pointing his finger at BIGG RIGG, yelling smack. BIGG RIGG grins, as he bends down and pulls out from under the ring...A GLASS TOP COFFEE TABLE! BIGG RIGG sets up the table, but KID MONEY comes running at him with a pair of brass knucks. BIGG RIGG ducks and Then walks away from the spot KID MONEY is standing in. KID MONEY chuckles, as he thinks BIGG RIGG is leaving out of fear. Out of nowhere, KID MONEY turns around to see BIGG RIGG charging at him. BIGG RIGG HITS THE RAGE! KID MONEY and BIGG RIGG both go flying through the plate glass on the large glass top table, the glass shatters sending shards everywhere. The crowd begins to chant "HOLY S***, HOLY S***!" as both men lay with glass pieces piercing their flesh!! The ref calls for the bell, as this is UNACCEPTABLE!!


BIGG RIGG is in the ring as SABRINA WILSON is climbing to her feet.... SABRINA turns around and BIGG RIGG charges, THE RAGE! SABRINA's body flies across the ring as BIGG RIGG hits THE RAGE! BIGG RIGG talks smack, spitting on SABRINA's fallen body. BIGG RIGG grabs a mic from the announcer.

BIGG RIGG: Yah see, like I said before... ANYBODY who gets in my way WILL GO DOWN! I don't give a rat's fat ass if it's a man, a woman, a he-she or JASON CASH! I WILL TAKE THEM DOWN AND OUT! What happened here, is just a little free preview to anybody else who thinks they can get in my way! Sabrina talked s*** about me and Now she is laying on the mat, her little boyfriend is laying in a pile of glass and It's all because they had the nerve to mess with da ANGRY F'N ITALIAN, Da King of Bada Bing... DA BOSS OF BOSSES! Anybody else that feels like they need to make the same mistake, do yourself a favor....Begin plannin' your funeral NOW!

BIGG RIGG drops the mic, as "Woke up this morning" by A3 blares. BIGG RIGG and ORCHID exit the ring area.

EXTERMINATOR is headed down the hall to prepare for his six-man match later, but he’s distracted by an open door with SMOKE coming from it.. He knocks on the door, but sees nobody inside! Suddenly, he hears the faint sound of a little girl screaming! She’s in trouble! EXTERMINATOR runs in the dark room shouting for the little girl..



After a few seconds, SCOTT YOUNG and FAMINE OF THE VILE step out, both men holding tazers.. They chuckle to themselves as the shot cuts..

The shot comes back, and CHAD is walking alone down this hallway, as suddenly from the side of the merchandize table, SEWASIDE blows out, and clotheslines CHAD, knocking him over. SEWASIDE has a toilet seat around his neck, as he takes it off, and puts it around the throat of CHAD. SEWASIDE puts his foot on the back of CHAD, and pulls the toilet seat up, choking CHAD! CHAD is gripping at the toilet seat, trying to breathe, but nothing SEWASIDE continues to pull on it. CHAD turns a bit to the left, and gets it his legs settled and as CHAD spins he gets SEWASIDE in a drop toe hold dropping SEWASIDE face first to the floor in the hallway. CHAD stands up and coughs trying to get his breath back. CHAD pulls out a table from the merchandizing section, as the shirts and the other items are still on it. CHAD stands SEWASIDE up, and pulls him close, and drops backwards with a backdrop. CRASH! Both CHAD and SEWASIDE fall through the table and shirts and everything are all over the place! CHAD rolls out of the wreckage and to the middle of the hallway, and SEWASIDE kicks at the table pushes it away from him. He gets to his feet and SPEARS CHAD though a curtain! They’re in the CROWD now!! The fans start cheering as the action is right in their laps! CHAD and SEWASIDE continue beating each other into the crowd. CHAD has the toilet seat hanging around his neck as the crowd goes nuts. SEWASIDE comes running and CHAD ducks a clothesline and CHAD grabs SEWASIDE's arm, swinging him around and dropping him down the stairs with an armdrag! SEWASIDE rolls down the stairs and he stops at a landing at the bottom. CHAD walks down the stairs and just about a half of a flight up, CHAD stops, and stands upon a seat. CHAD leaps and drops an elbow onto SEWASIDE. CHAD pushes SEWASIDE back to his back, and hooks his leg! COULD CHAD HAVE THIS ONE?! ONE…. TWO….. TH… NO! SEWASIDE kicks out! CHAD gets up, and he's pissed. CHAD takes the toilet seat off of his neck, and grabs up SEWASIDE pulling him back out into the hallway, but at the first floor in which is the level with the most activity of fans. CHAD pushes his way through the fans punching at SEWASIDE as they stumble back into the hallway. But we're staying right here, for the X-TREME TITLE MATCH!

- - X-Treme Elimination Match - -

“Attack” by 30 seconds from Mars begins to play as MIKE RABOIN makes his way down to the ring with the cheers of the crowd. He makes his way in the ring to look back for his next opponent. The X-Tron turns on to show ZACH RIZZA and PAUL ROACH going toe to toe in the back hallways. MIKE "GENOCIDE" RABOIN begin to run to the back to get involved in this match. Meanwhile ZACH RIZZA lands a huge clothesline to PAUL ROACH sending him to the ground hard. ZACH RIZZA goes to pick up PAUL ROACH who grabs him around the waste and does a huge overhead belly release suplex. This sends ZACH RIZZA into the wall next to a locker room door. The door is opened by MAXIMUS who is in his wrestling attire but was drinking his last cup of coffee before his match. Not missing a beat he throws the hot cup of coffee on the fallen ZACH RIZZA on the ground. PAUL ROACH and MAXIMUS begin to lay the boots to the fallen ZACH RIZZA. PAUL ROACH lifts him up and with the assistance of MAXIMUS is able to deliver a huge double powerbomb to the big man. The two go to high five each other when they are taken down by a running double clothesline by RABOIN. RABOIN begins to lay the boots to the fallen RIZZA as PAUL ROACH gets up and attacks MAXIMUS. MAXIMUS gets the advantage of PAUL ROACH by throwing him into his locker room. Sounds of stuff breaking can be heard as MIKE has lifted up RIZZA and kicked him in the stomach. MIKE goes for a HIGH IMPACT early only to have it be reversed into HUGE SPINEBUSTER ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR. MIKE is in pain as MAXIMUS apparently the one to come out on top of the locker room battle, comes out and smashes a wooden chair over the back of ZACH RIZZA. ZACH turns around barely fazed by it and hits a huge big boot to MAXIMUS. RIZZA gets on top of MAXIMUS and continually begins to punch him over and over again. ROACH then comes stumbling out trying to remove a plunger from his face. RABOIN walks over and says something to ROACH who allows RABOIN to remove the plunger from his face.

ZACH RIZZA finally sets MAXIMUS off of the ground and picks him up on his shoulder. RIZZA runs towards the back dock. RIZZA passes MIKE and PAUL as MIKE is trying to lift the plunger, and in turn is making the plunger hurt PAUL who is squirming to get away. The moment ZACH was distracted MAXIMUS hits swinging DDT from RIZZA shoulder. MAXIMUS gets up and drops a huge drop kick to the back of RABOIN’S head. PAUL stands up quickly and poked MAXIMUS in the chest with the handle of the plunger, ROACH looking left and right trying to figure out what is going on. RABOIN gets up to be hit in the side of the face with the handle of the plunger. RABOIN gets mad and looks and MAXIMUS who nods in agreement. DOUBLE SUPERKICK to ROACH. The Plunger gets knocked off his face as ROACH falls backwards hard. ZACH RIZZA walks around the corner and FIRE EXTINGUISHERS in the face of MAXIMUS and MIKE RABOIN, blinding the two of them. ZACH RIZZA runs over and scoops up MAXIMUS who weasels his way out of it and starts to run towards the back dock. ZACH RIZZA follows suit as MIKE RABOIN and PAUL ROACH get each up and tries to follow them in the back. They make it in the back to see RIZZALINER off the dock on the floor. 1…2…3! MAXIMUS is eliminated by ZACH RIZZA who as soon as he a stand up RABOIN a cross bodies dive onto ZACH RIZZA as PAUL ROACH follows up with a huge AX handle drop on to RABOIN as soon as he stands up. PAUL ROACH starts dropping the boots to the face of RIZZA as RABOIN gets up and begins to join in. The team of RABOIN and ROACH are working efficiently as they throw RIZZA towards the parking lot. ROACH whips RABOIN after him and as soon as RIZZA hits the hood of a Mercedes Benz RABOIN connects with a huge clothesline. PAUL ROACH walks around the corner with his mouth open in shock looking at the dent of the car he just bought. RABOIN begins to bounce ZACH RIZZA’S head off of the hood of that car over and over again. ROACH runs up and stops MIKE from damaging his car any more.

While the two of them are arguing ZACH RIZZA does a HUGE Clothesline to RABOIN knocking him on the ground, as he picks up PAUL ROACH and throws him on the roof of his car. He follows him up on the car and goes to Powerbomb PAUL ROACH through the Roof but PAUL ROACH reverses it send ZACH RIZZA face into the windshield. MIKE RABOIN gets up and goes to hit ZACH RIZZA in the face but RIZZA falls out of the way and PAUL ROACH gets laid out by THE SHOCKWAVE. RIZZA goes for a pin and 1…2…3!!! PAUL ROACH has been eliminated, ZACH RIZZA has no eliminated 2 of the 3 competitors of the match. MIKE does not waste anytime in the match by instantly pouncing on RIZZA while he is on the ground. MIKE applies a arm bar to ZACH RIZZA making him squirm in pain. ZACH stands up and using his other arm grabs MIKE and CHOKESLAMS HIM THROUGH A WINDSHIELD of the BENZ. MIKE rolls over the steering wheel and tries to make his way out of the car. He opens the door to have it kicked back in his face by RIZZA who is laughing at RABOIN. MIKE goes to open it again, and before RIZZA can kick it back in PAUL ROACH hits him in the leg with a tire iron. PAUL ROACH is still pissed about what has happened to his car. ROACH is hitting him in the knee over and over again with that tire iron. MIKE shows up and throws the spare tire into the face of ZACH RIZZA. PAUL ROACH nods and stands up to be met by MAXIMUS who spears him to the ground. MAXIMUS and PAUL ROACH start to exchange blows as MIKE RABOIN picks up the tire iron and goes to hit RIZZA with it who ducks it and does another choke slam to RABOIN. ZACH RIZZA picks him up again, but RABOIN reverses it. RABOIN is trying to lift up ZACH RIZZA but can’t get him up for the HIGH IMPACT, PAUL ROACH just laid out MAXIMUS!! 1…2…THREE! MAXIMUS IS OUT!! RIZZA somehow kicked out of the HIGH IMPACT. RABOIN is in shock as he walks around and tries to find something to keep the big man down. RIZZA grabs RABOIN legs and tries to apply a figure four leg lock and RABOIN throws the tire iron hitting RIZZA in the side of the head, making him fall over bleeding. RABOIN is a mess as he tries to crawl away from the mess. RABOIN walks over to them as ROACH’S destroyed BENZ comes roaring to life and drives into RABOIN. ROACH starts to turn around as RIZZA does a diving drop kick through the broken windshield making the car spin out of control and rear end another car! RIZZA leaps into the car as ROACH flops over the passenger side! 1.. 2.. THREE!! RIZZA just pinned ROACH in his car!! RIZZA crawls out of the car and sees RABOIN lying on the ground after being hit by the car!! 1… 2… THREE!!! RIZZA has pinned RABOIN!! He grabs the title from the ref and high tails it out of there before some one else tries to jump him for the title tonight!!


“My Name’s Jon Brown” begins to play in the arena as JONATHYN makes his way out to the ramp. As he walks to the ring he has an uncertain look on his face. Once in the ring JONATHYN stands in the ring for a few moments before lifting the mic up to his mouth to speak.

JONATHYN: A few weeks ago I brought someone back to the XWF to help me get rid of a little problem I was having. Now most of you may already know this but The Bloodhounds have been a thorn in my side as of late so I figured I would bring back DYNAMIC DYNAMITE to maybe help get rid of that thorn. At the PPV DYNAMIC DYNAMITE stabbed me in the back and joined the Bloodhounds. So since then I have been thinking who can I bring in to help me who can I get to help me rid the XWF of this thorn in my side once and for all. So i looked through the past and present XWF superstar roster and found someone who's passion for doing what is right is something I need in my fight. Yes me and this person haven't had the greatest past and he come out here and said he can't stand me. But for the time being we have put our past on the back burner and once again this superstar will wrestle for the XWF. Now without further ado let me introduce you to NICK NITRO...

“Polyamourous” by Breaking Benjamin begins to play as NICK NITRO makes his way out onto the ramp wearing a long brown trench coat black t-shirt and blue jeans with black boots. NICK looks around as the arena is going totally nuts seeing him come back after almost a year away from the XWF. As he climbs into the ring he walks over and shakes JONATHYN's as the boss hands him the microphone. NITRO stands in the ring soaking in the cheers from the crowd for a few seconds before speaking.

NICK NITRO: Well that’s not the reception I was expecting but thank you. Now onto the reason I am here.. JON here called me up the day after BRING THE PAIN and expressed to me his need for someone to take care of THE BLOOD HOUNDS. So after thinking about it for a few days I decided to come give him a hand. Now you all know my history with JON BROWN and it isn't one that had the greatest beginning but hopefully it will have somewhat of a decent end. Now onto my friend DYNAMIC DYNAMITE.. Me and him were friends while in the XWC hell he was even part of my group THE INITIATIVE. So now he wants to go and join up with a bunch of losers named the BLOODHOUNDS hell I have been trying to figure out why they call themselves that? But ah hell at this point I don't care they must really be causing ole BROWNY here some problems if he had to call me of all people. Now one of the last times I was here I remember taking out the entire Black Order by myself going from show to show making sure they were all taken care of. Maybe that’s why JONATHYN decided to call me of all people. Now normally I don't travel alone normally I have my group with me but this time it is going to be different, as both MARK HAYES and MARK WILDER absolutely HATE JONATHYN.. So you probably won't be seeing either of them come walking through the XWF doors anytime soon.

JONATHYN: Well, you can’t win ‘em all..

NICK reaches into his jacket to pull out a police baton.

NICK NITRO: This is all I am going to need against these BLOODHOUNDS.

NICK throws down the microphone as his music begins to play again. He begins to leave the ring but before he can JONATHYN walks up to him and says something to him that brings a smile to NICK'S face.

JONATHYN: And that’s a shame about the MARKs.. Since part of my deal with NICK here could have benefited them too. You see. I know NICK is not a big fan of the way I run things.. And I know that the way a lot of these XWC guys are acting, they seem to think they don’t need ME in their lives.. So GUESS WHAT, Y’ALL!! This man next to me right here, is about to become the HEADLINE ATTRACTION of our NEWEST SHOW...

JONATHYN points to the X-Tron!

The crowd can’t believe it!!

JONATHYN: YOU READ RIGHT!! XWC has been enough of a thorn in my side, so I don’t need them on MY show anymore! So on SEPTEMBER 28, I can FORGET ABOUT YOU GUYS!! And until then, I’m training CRIMSON KLINE to run the whole thing!!

The crowd can’t believe it! A new show, JUST FOR XWC? How will this affect the BLOOD HOUNDS, with a half and half roster of XWF and XWC members?

- - Triple Tag Non-Title Match - -

As TERRIBLE and SAVIOR stand alone in the ring, without EXTERMINATOR (who was electrocuted earlier in the show).. The three members of the opposing team, FAMINE, YOUNG and BLAKE determine who will start this unbalanced affair. The match begins with YOUNG and TERRIBLE in the ring. The two lock up. YOUNG Irish whips TERRIBLE off the ropes. Both men attempt a shoulder block on each other. TERRIBLE is reeling backwards but amazingly stays on his feet. Both lock up again as TERRIBLE takes an advantage with a headlock. YOUNG reverses it into an atomic drop and follows it up with a dropkick to the chest of TERRIBLE! TERRIBLE gets up only to be met with another dropkick! YOUNG backs TERRIBLE into the corner and tags in BLAKE. BLAKE connects with a series of chops, but TERRIBLE counters with chops of his own! Both men exchange chops and punches before TERRIBLE takes advantage with a kick to the gut followed by a reverse neckbreaker! He goes for the pin, 1... 2... kickout! TERRIBLE tries to pick BLAKE up, but BLAKE reverses it into a DDT! BLAKE rolls over to his corner and tags in FAMINE! FAMINE takes advantage with a series of right hands before dropping TERRIBLE with a clothesline! FAMINE picks him up, but TERRIBLE takes advantage with a knee to the midsection. TERRIBLE tags in SAVIOR as he and FAMINE exchange right hands. FAMINE takes advantage with a thumb to the eyes followed by a snap suplex! FAMINE picks up SAVIOR and tries another suplex, but SAVIOR reverses it into a Facebuster! He goes for the cover, 1... 2... kickout! SAVIOR picks FAMINE up and nails him with a series of elbows. FAMINE is reeling backwards. SAVIOR nails a running dropkick, sending FAMINE under the bottom rope and out of the ring!

TERRIBLE rolls FAMINE back in the ring as SAVIOR continues to work on him. SAVIOR tags in TERRIBLE as the two double-team FAMINE before SAVIOR heads out. TERRIBLE knocks FAMINE down with a headbutt. TERRIBLE picks him up for another headbutt, but FAMINE blocks it! FAMINE goes for a kick, which is blocked by TERRIBLE, but FAMINE uses his other foot to kick TERRIBLE in the back of the head! As TERRIBLE shakes off the cobwebs, YOUNG is tagged in! YOUNG immediately takes advantage with a series of right hands and a running knee drop! YOUNG picks up TERRIBLE and bodyslams him! YOUNG picks him up again and executes a Gourd buster! A pin attempt follows, 1... 2... kickout! YOUNG continues to work on TERRIBLE until BLAKE is tagged in. BLAKE uses kicks and punches to knock down TERRIBLE. BLAKE picks TERRIBLE up... INVERTED ATOMIC DROP!!! This could be over here! 1... 2... broken up by SAVIOR!

BLAKE is furious and tries to go after SAVIOR, but TERRIBLE gets back up and clotheslines him. TERRIBLE picks BLAKE up and nails him with a reverse DDT! He goes for the pin, 1... 2... kickout! TERRIBLE tags in SAVIOR. The duo Irish whip BLAKE off the ropes and execute a double clothesline! SAVIOR picks up BLAKE for a PILEDRIVER!! HE has him up!! He connects! SAVIOR CONNECTS!!! BLAKE is down and out! 1... 2... broken up at the last second by FAMINE! FAMINE just saved the match for his team!

SAVIOR continues to hammer away at BLAKE. SAVIOR attempts a kick to the gut, but BLAKE reverses it into a clothesline! BLAKE tags in FAMINE. FAMINE hammers away at SAVIOR with right hands, followed by an elbow to the face! FAMINE picks up SAVIOR and tries to powerbomb him, but SAVIOR backdrops out of it! SAVIOR tags in TERRIBLE, who immediately goes to work on FAMINE. TERRIBLE hammers FAMINE with a flurry of punches before executing a belly-to-belly suplex! Wasting no time, TERRIBLE picks up FAMINE and connects with a piledriver! TERRIBLE goes for a legdrop, but FAMINE moves out of the way! FAMINE follows with a clothesline! Both men are down!

The referee begins his count. 1... . 2... . 3... . 4... .. 5... . TERRIBLE rolls over, stands up a bit, and tags in SAVIOR! FAMINE is staggering to his feet. He goes over to his corner, and YOUNG is tagged in! The crowd is on their feet as YOUNG and SAVIOR exchange right hands and elbows with neither competitor maintaining a clear advantage! SAVIOR quickly takes advantage with an elbow to the jaw followed by a bulldog! SAVIOR waits for YOUNG to get back to his feet and CONNECTS WITH A DDT! It could be over here, 1... 2... TH- KICKOUT! YOUNG SOMEHOW KICKED OUT! SAVIOR picks him up and goes for a suplex only to have it reversed into a neck breaker by YOUNG! YOUNG picks up SAVIOR and NAILS HIM WITH HIS VERSION OF THE DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!



But he's too late!! Here's the cover!!.. 1... 2... THREE!!


MC TERRIBLE, THE SAVIOR and an upset EXTERMINATOR have exited the ring and are on their way up the aisle. SCOTT YOUNG calls for a mic and then begins to speak.

SCOTT YOUNG: Not so fast, boys. EXTERMINATOR, consider yourself lucky that the DARK CROSS chose not to dismember you tonight. Disappear now before we change our minds.

EXTERMINATOR flips off the DARK CROSS and leaves.

SCOTT YOUNG: MC, SAVIOR, I bet you two feel pretty proud of yourselves, don't you? Why shouldn't you be? After all, for two weeks in a row, you beat the DARK CROSS and became TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS in the process. Oh wait. I forgot. You needed help from that bitch EXTERMINATOR to do it.

FAMINE OF THE VILE: You know, I got to hand it to the two of you. Not only did you beat us for the second time in a row, but you did it in the same fashion. So, since it seems to me that you can't really beat us without assistance then SCOTT and I have an idea in mind. Tell em SCOTTY.

SCOTT YOUNG: I'm sure you guys are sick of fighting us and we're damn sure sick of fighting you. So how about we end this thing once and for all? On Sunday, September 24th, the Pay-Per-View is called RAGE IN THE CAGE. How appropriate because what I propose is MC TERRIBLE and THE SAVIOR putting their TAG TEAM TITLES on the line against the VILE ONE, FAMINE OF THE VILE and the EPITOME OF EVIL, yours truly.... In a DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND DEATH MATCH!

The fans go nuts.

SCOTT YOUNG: And just in case your buddy EXTERMINATOR, or anyone else, for that matter, decides to stick their nose in our business... for the first time ever... the walls of the Devil's Playground will be completely... ELECTRIFIED!

FAMINE OF THE VILE: So now, now we will truly see who is the better team. No more interference, no more bulls***. Just the two of you, and the two of us. We will end this once and for all at Rage in the Cage. You got the balls to accept?

SCOTT and FAMINE wait for a moment as SAVIOR and MC TERRIBLE are each given microphones by two members of the XWF crew. Once they both get microphones MC TERRIBLE looks right at the DARK CROSS and proceeds.

MC TERRIBLE: You two talk pretty tough for two guys who have YET to be us, in Two-On-Two Tag Team Competition. You can talk all you want about how we have yet to beat you without any interference…. but two on two….well you two have YET to beat us PERIOD!

SAVIOR: I don’t know about this whole “outside interference” crap you two posers are whining about, it’s not like its OUR fault nobody likes you…I me Have you already forgotten what went down at BRING THE PAIN? You two suckers walked into Louisville, telling us we had no chance to beat you. That there was no way you were leaving without the Gold. And look what happened. After all the posturing and all the talk, look what happened! You….. just…. couldn’t.... do it! You didn’t have the goods to back up your words! You really want us at the pay-per-view? You’re really that excited for us to make fools out of you one more time?


The crowd is still buzzing.


The live audience is salivating at the thought of these two teams going at it one more time! MC TERRIBLE looks at SAVIOR who gives him a nod, and then he stares back at FAMINE and YOUNG in the ring.


The Crowd ERUPTS with that statement! SAVIOR and TERRIBLE look intensely at their two rivals in the ring as FAMINE and SCOTT each give a sinister smile.

SAVIOR: That’s right boys! You’ve got one more chance at these XWF Tag Team Titles! One more chance to prove you deserve to be in the same ring as The Big Boys! But I wouldn’t expect to much from you. All you’ve been able to prove so far is that you two can pull off a sneak attack on two FAR SUPERIOR wrestlers, after they’ve already outclassed you in the ring! But let me just say…. pulling off a sneak attack…. that’s nothing special. Anyone can do it. And if you don’t believe me…. just turn around.

FAMINE and SCOTT, somewhat confused look behind them….only to see that SAVIOR and MC TERRIBLE’S bodyguard ALDO is in the ring alongside the two MASKED SEVEN FOOTERS who flanked MC TERRIBLE and SAVIOR when they returned to the XWF?! Before SCOTT and FAMINE can react, the Masked Seven footers lift SCOTT and FAMINE up and Chokeslam them to the mat!! The crowd is cheering! Finally FAMINE and SCOTT are getting a taste of their own medicine!! JR BLAKE tries to react, but before he can do anything ALDO hits him with a CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! That almost took his head off!! As their oversized enforcers beatdown on the DARK CROSS SAVIOR and MC TERRIBLE charge into the ring and start stomping over the three men together!! Then they stop, for a second and give them time to get up. JR BLAKE is first…. and the seven foot masked men give him two big boots toe the cranium!! FAMINE OF THE VILE gets up, next only to run right into THE SAVIOR! He hits FAMINE with THE SAVING GRACE!! And look at this!!! MC TERRIBLE is up top!!! WHAT’S he gonna do here!!! PIMP TWIST!! Meanwhile ALDO is viciously tearing into SCOTT YOUNG! Looks like ALDO is still upset over the time YOUNG called him an “ape” in a promo!!

After a while, SAVIOR calls off ALDO and MC TERRIBLE stops the masked men. They both look down at their rivals.

MC TERRIBLE: You know what? Right now, we could tear you apart. If we wanted we could do to you, ten times worse than what you did to us after we beat you losers at BRING THE PAIN! WE COULD RIP YOU TO SHREDS RIGHT NOW!!

SAVIOR: But you’re just not worth it…


“Killing Time” by (hed) P.E hits the system as SAVIOR and MC TERRIBLE raise up the XWF Tag Team Championships. They may have just orchestrated a 5-on-3 assault but the fans LOVE IT. Finally somebody has given these evil S.O.B’S a taste of their own medicine! Not to mention that this crowd is absolutely going crazy over the thought of these two teams going at it one more time!! In The DEVILS PLAY GROUND, MC TERRIBLE and THE SAVIOR will defend against FAMINE OF THE VILE and SCOTT YOUNG at RAGE IN THE CAGE!!

In the back, PAUL ROACH walks into the locker room. He turns on the light and is startled by what he finds. Standing with his back against PAUL ROACH's locker is the man with the orange ski mask from last week..

Now what do you think you were doing? This was supposed to be about getting rid of that ignorant little pest SCOTTY DANGER. He has been infecting the XWF, my home with the disease of stupidity for too long and it's time someone took him out. Now I would have gotten him sooner or later had you not intervened. But this is your funeral we're talking about here not mine.

PAUL ROACH: I understand what I'm getting myself into. I know exactly what you're all about and I'm not going to stand here and endure it. That kid has a chance to be somebody in this business. You have no right to take it from him.

I have every right. I'm one of the few people who decided to do something about this little booger picker. He disrespects the man who built this empire we are privileged to be apart of again and again and again. I was tired of it and any wrestler worth their weight in salt would have accepted my challenge. SCOTTY DANGER was afraid and it cost him a lot of credibility, something which he had in short supply. You are a little bit braver than him but you're equally as stupid. You don't become the best in this business by doing nothing and wrestling mediocre matches. The Hart title is a steppingstone, not an epitaph. Unfortunately for you it will be. You see because you accepted my little challenge for Rage in the Cage, the match was immediately signed.

PAUL ROACH: You just gave yourself away. You didn't do that to BOONDOCK SAINT but to me you gave away your hidden identity.

Yeah I guess I did or maybe JONATHYN beat me to the punch.

The man slowly removes the orange ski mask to reveal his identity to ROACH, but the camera has him from the back! We still don’t know who he is!!

I don't know what you were thinking but I know I'm not gonna treat you like the washed up card opener that you are. The XWF is my life not just my career. It pisses me off to see people walk in here and ruin things that my blood helped build and that we have resurrected. The XWF is a place that can not and will not die. Protecting SCOTTY DANGER and fighting his battles for him is like pissing on the grave of my dear father. You disrespected the place that made you. You were just another run of the mill Indy wrestler before the XWF. At Rage in the Cage, I end your career and send you packing to Florida with all the alligators, hurricanes, expensive apartments and blue haired retirees.

The man pushes past PAUL heading out of the locker room.

- - Standard Tag Match - -

The bell rings and SAINT and DYNAMITE start off the match. DYNAMITE uses his power to back BOONDOCK into the corner. DYNAMITE hits SAINT with a vicious chop to the chest. SAINT reverses it and chops DYNAMITE right in his chest. The two of them start to go into a Japanese style chop fest, but DYNAMITE then pokes SAINT right in the eyes. DYNAMIC then whips SAINT off of the ropes and buries a knee into his gut. DYNAMITE drops an elbow on SAINT and grabs a Rear Chinlock. T MONEY distracts the ref while BLAKE CARSON punches SAINT right in the head while the ref's back is turned. PRINCE AKEEM finally gets the ref's attention, but the damage has already been done. DYNAMITE whips SAINT off of the ropes and DYNAMITE hits a Back Body Drop. DYNAMITE goes for a cover... ONE... TWO.. PRINCE AKEEM puts SAINT's foot on the ropes and the ref stops his count. DYNAMITE is pissed, but turnabout is fair play. DYNAMITE goes for a Back Suplex, but SAINT lands on his feet and hits a chop block on the knee of DYNAMIC. SAINT tags in CONNOLLY holds the leg while CHRISTIAN drops an elbow on the knee. CONNOLLY starts wrenching the leg of DYNAMITE. CONNOLLY goes for an STF, but DYNAMIC grabs the bottom rope. CONNOLLY stomps away at the leg, but DYNAMITE starts fighting up from his knees. DYNAMITE is on his feet and goes for a boot, but CONNOLLY grabs the leg and hits a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. CONNOLLY tags in SAINT and he scores with an Arabian Press onto the knee of the The X-Rated Icon. SAINT goes for a Figure Four and gets a boost from PRINCE AKEEM. The ref checks on DYNAMITE's condition and can't see the cheating. The OG THUG chases away PRINCE AKEEM and that allows DYNAMITE to turn the hold. SAINT grabs the ropes and he releases the hold. DYNAMITE crawls over and makes a tag to T MONEY. CONNOLLY comes in and gets a couple of rights from T. SAINT charges in and gets some forearm smashes from the Harlem Hellraizer. CONNOLLY grabs T from behind, but that is enough of a distraction the have SAINT hit the Busaiku Knee Kick to the face. SAINT goes for a Rollup. Cover.. ONE... TWO.. T... T MONEY kicks out and scores with a huge Lariat. Cover.. ONE.. TWO... T... SAINT rolls the shoulder. T MONEY picks up SAINT and chops the hell out of him. There is a big red welt on his chest. T hits a Scoop Slam and he goes down with a blatant choke hold. The ref tells T to break it up. ONE... TWO.. THREE... FOUR... T lets go of the hold before five. T goes for a Neckbreaker, but SAINT reverses it and tries to lift up T MONEY for a Falcon Arrow, but T wriggles free and grabs a Small Package. ONE... TWO... THR... SAINT wriggles free. SAINT charges at T and hits a Running STO. SAINT drapes T's neck on the bottom rope and rides on the neck of T. The ref starts a count. ONE.. TWO.. THREE.. SAINT looks at the ref and screams. "I HAVE UNTIL FIVE REFEREE!!!" The ref is speechless and continues his count. FOUR.. FIVE.. SAINT lets go off the hold. SAINT lifts up T MONEY to go for the Death Valley Driver, but T gets out and hits him with a Release German Suplex. Both men are down and try to make a tag. SAINT makes the tag to CONNOLLY while T tags in DYNAMIC. Both men meet in the middle of the ring and are trading Haymakers with each other. They start rolling on the ground like it was a Shoot Fight. T rolls to the outside to catch his breath while SAINT climbs on the second rope and bounces for the Godsend trying to take out DYNAMITE, but DYNAMIC rolls off and SAINT hits CONNOLLY on accident. SAINT is shocked, T MONEY hits him the Ghetto Blaster. SAINT is down on the edge of the ring apron. PRINCE AKEEM tries to yell encouragement to his man. DYNAMITE picks up CONNOLLY for a Powerbomb, but CHRISTIAN tries to reverse it. DYNAMIC reverses that and hits a Northern Lights Suplex. ONE... TWO.. THR... CONNOLLY kicks out. SAINT is talking to AKEEM and he gives SAINT the briefcase. T MONEY reaches into his Knee Pad and pulls out a pair of Brass Knuckles? WHAT is SAINT going to do with it? Who is going to win the race to use a foreign object first? SAINT turns around and gets blasted by the knucks. DYNAMITE lifts up CONNOLLY and hits the Franchise!! COVER.. ONE.. TWO... THREE!!!!


T MONEY and DYNAMIC DYNAMITE make their way back the ramp laughing and celebrating as BOONDOCK stares a hole through them. Behind him, C2 is pulling himself up to a sitting position. He looks over to the timekeeper and grabs a mic from him.

CONNOLLY: Hold up! Hold on!

CONNOLLY coughs, trying to gain his breath.

CONNOLLY: Cut the music! CUT IT!

CONNOLLY is gasping for air.

The camera cuts to the Bloodhounds in the aisle and it picks up T-MONEY with a smile on his face.. DYNAMITE just shakes his head in disbelief..

CONNOLLY: BLOODHOUNDS!.... This... ain't... over! I'm RIGHT HERE! I swore I would take you out one by one... and I'ma start with that bitch DYNAMITE!

The crowd cheers as DYNAMITE mocks CONNOLLY, pretending to be scared. BOONDOCK SAINT stands by his side, ready to help him to his feet.. CONNOLLY motions him to let him stay on the mat for a moment.

CONNOLLY: RAGE IN THE CAGE!... You bastards want me out, then put me out! Inside the cage, DYNAMITE... ME AND YOU!... LAST... MAN... STANDING!!

DYNAMITE and T MONEY look at CONNOLLY in shock.

T MONEY: Nah, he's just stupid.


And with that CONNOLLY throws down the mic, and has made it to his feet. SAINT questions CONNOLLY 's challenge, but CONNOLLY just brushes him aside and stares straight down the aisle at the Blood Hounds, who just give him the finger and walk off, as the crowd chants for CONNOLLY.

But suddenly, MIKE RABOIN slides in the ring!

What the hell is HE doing out here? He grabs SAINT and throws him out of the ring. As soon as he hits the ground The BOON-STALKER jumps the guardrail with a knife making SAINT backtrack up the ramp. Back in the ring MIKE RABOIN is staring at CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY with a look that only psychotic killers have. RABOIN still has the tire iron and connects with a vicious shot to CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY’s knee. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY tries to get up using the ropes for support only to stand up into a super kick, that RABOIN calls The Shockwave. This sends CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY into the corner hard. Meanwhile as BOONDOCK is backtracking up the ramp with his title in hands out behind him steps SEAN GRAVES with chair in hand, who raises it and connects with a hard chair shot to the head of SAINT. On the ramp stands the man in the orange ski mask, a tattered and torn mask. He stands over a crumpled SAINT who is on his hands and knees attempting to crawl away. The man tosses the knife away. He thinks up a better idea. He reaches into his pocket and shows SAINT the contract he signed. It was his XWF deal. SAINT sees the name on it and his eyes get big. He knows exactly what he is getting himself into. Leaving MIKE RABOIN in the ring along with CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY. RABOIN has now set the tire iron in the middle of the ring and lifts the body of CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY up. He kicks him in the midsection and HIGH IMPACT ON THE TIRE IRON!!! RABOIN rolls out of the ring and pulls out a bucket of paint from under the ring. Sliding in the ring with the paint he walks around the body of CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY eyeing him up before dumping the whole bucket of white paint on CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY. MIKE RABOIN throws the empty paint bucket on the now white CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY as he rolls out the ring and walks to the back. When he gets to the ramp he watches as the man in the ski mask picks him up near the edge of the stage. He kicks him in the gut and lifts him up for what appears to be the Dominator! He then jumps off the stage putting BOONDOCK SAINT through the table along with himself. MIKE smiles and walks to the back with the man who is grinning ear to ear. His first match will be next Monday.. But against who?

SABRINA WILSON and KID MONEY are now headed out of the arena. SABRINA WILSON is smiling after what they did to FAMINE OF THE VILE. They are now getting in the car when suddenly from out of nowhere another car rams right into them!


IT'S FAMINE! FAMINE OF THE VILE IS OUT HERE AND HE JUST RAMMED HIS DAMN CAR INTO KID AND SABRINA! MY GOD!! SABRINA flew into the wall to barely escape, but KID went over the roof!!

FAMINE is now getting out of the car and heads over to see what he has done. SABRINA is out cold as KID MONEY is trying to get up. FAMINE now picks him up and starts pounding on him. MY GOD! The man could be seriously injured and FAMINE is on the attack like a madman.

FAMINE now picks KID MONEY up. BOOM!! Blood Driver on the concrete! STOP IT!!! FAMINE has gone insane. He picks up KID by his shirt and moves in close.

FAMINE: You want to embarrass me? You and this bitch feel you need to get my attention? Well you got it. And from now on I'd watch my f***ing back if I were you. FAMINE OF THE VILE is now waging a war against any and all who get in my way!

FAMINE drops KID and walks away as the camera zooms in on SABRINA who is out cold and bleeding from the head. KID can barely move after that vicious attack. What will be the outcome of this and what will happen next week?



As the show returns, SEWASIDE and CHAD come through the entranceway, CHAD has SEWASIDE with the toilet seat around his neck, as they walk out near ringside, as CHAD throws SEWASIDE into the steel steps. CRASH! CHAD rolls into the ring, as the ringside bell rings.

- - All Or Nothing Match - -

CHAD rolls back out of the ring as the referee is checking on SEWASIDE. CHAD grabs onto SEWASIDE but SEWASIDE pushes the arms away, and slams CHAD's head onto the steel steps. SEWASIDE grabs CHAD again, and bangs CHAD's head over and over onto the steel steps. CHAD drops as SEWASIDE walks around the ring to the timekeeper's table. Sitting there, is that bloody Louisville Slugger bat, he used on CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY. SEWASIDE walked over to CHAD, and CHAD stands with a bloody face, and SEWASIDE smacks CHAD upside the head with the baseball bat, and CHAD falls to the floor.

SEWASIDE puts the baseball bat down, as SEWASIDE covers CHAD. The referee counts, ONE….TWO…THR…no! No! CHAD kicks out! That's got to be impossible! CHAD looks like a bloody mess, and he still can kick out of that! SEWASIDE gets up and kicks the steel steps over. SEWASIDE stands CHAD up, and lays him across the steel steps bottom section, as SEWASIDE grabs the baseball bat, and gets ready to swing at CHAD once more. SEWASIDE wheels back, but CHAD kicks SEWASIDE in the nuts! SEWASIDE stumbles backwards and drops the bat. CHAD stands up, and grabs up SEWASIDE delivering a snap suplex! SMACK! SEWASIDE isn't moving, and CHAD stands back to his feet. CHAD goes under the ring, and pulls out two barbwire tables, as CHAD pushes them into the ring. CHAD rolls into the ring, next to the tables, as he begins to set up the tables in the center of the ring.

SEWASIDE pulls himself up to his feet, and CHAD notices as he leaps through the ropes and pushes SEWASIDE back into the barricade behind him. CHAD falls hard into both the referee and SEWASIDE. Both of them lay out, as the crowd begins to chant for them both.


Suddenly from the crowd, here comes..



TYGER LILLY grabs up CHAD and pushes him CHAD into the ring, following right behind! She whips CHAD into the ropes and delivers a back body drop, sending CHAD into the air, crashing into the barbwire tables! CHAD wiggles in pain, but doesn't leave the wreckage. LILLY rolls out, and gets SEWASIDE up, and into the ring. As SEWASIDE crawls over on to the chest of CHAD, LILLY gets the referee up, and into the ring. The referee begins to count, ONE … TWO…. THREE! THEY DID IT!! CHAD IS OUTTA HERE!!


CHAD has a microphone. JONATHYN makes his way to the ring where he faces LILLY and SEWASIDE. KRISSY DELIGHT walks over to CHAD, who is standing by the timekeeper's table.

CHAD: Look, I agreed, I agreed. If I lost, I was going to bow out of XWF gracefully. So JONATHYN BROWN, XWF, SEWASIDE, I formally re…

KRISSY: Excuse, me, I can't do this anymore. I went to Manhattan to check on my Father, and I'm not sure how long he'll have. Plus XWF doesn't seem to like me. I hate this, that I'm so hated. And I just don't feel loved period. So I will retire as well. I'm sorry CHAD, I'm sorry JONATHYN. I'm done with the XWF.

KRISSY tries to give CHAD back the microphone she took from his hands. CHAD refuses it, as he pushes past her, and walks to the barricade. CHAD leaps over it, and begins to the exit. JONATHYN looks at SEWASIDE.. And then back at CHAD..


CHAD turns and looks at JONATHYN through the crowd.

JONATHYN: Yes. SEWASIDE won the match. And YES, you DID say that if you lost, you’d retire.. But it was MY UNDERSTANDING that any run-in’s would result in a DQ, and therefore no need to retire!

The crowd cheers as CHAD looks around. SEWASIDE looks FURIOUS and LILLY is a bit surprised.

JONATHYN: SEWASIDE, you got the 1, 2, 3, and I can’t take that away, but I CAN say that your little stunt here with TYGER LILLY, who I must say am I ASHAMED of right now.. Has cost you the ONE thing you wanted most of all, and that is the removal of that man right there. CHAD. I want you in my office first thing tomorrow so we can sign a nice new LONG TERM contract!

The crowd is thrilled, and so is CHAD.. Even KRISSY is happy for CHAD.

JONATHYN: And LILLY.. If you want to get involved so badly, I’ll be booking you IN THE RING next week! If you guys want to play rough, LET’S PLAY ROUGH!

The fans cheer as JONATHYN and CHAD actually get a little bit of revenge on the overgrown BLOOD HOUNDS for a change!

Fade to black...

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