- - Hart Title #1 Contender Match - -

- - Non-Title Match - -

- - Standard Tag Match - -

- - Pin To Win - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -

- - Ladder Match - -

- - Standard Match - -


- - No DQ Match - -

As the show starts off with a pyro display, ANARCHY General Manager CRIMSON KLINE immediately makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. He climbs over the top rope to enter and looks around at the Denver crowd.

CRIMSON KLINE: Well folks, this is it. Finally, the X-TREME WRESTLING CONGLOMERATE returns to television! I was actually considering joining the company before AIDAN COLLINS closed it down, but I think things really worked out for the best. I would like to thank JONATHYN BROWN and AIDAN COLLINS for making this possible. COLLINS I am pleased to have you on my show and I will do my best not to destroy your vision for this company. One of the things I liked about the XWC was that it was edgy. It was hardcore. It was exciting. No one can doubt that the Crea7ion match was entertaining. I mean, six competitors almost ended their lives in that match. Whether it was a 30 plus foot fall from a ladder through a table or getting your face literally burnt to a crisp or getting speared six feet down onto a bunch of thumbtacks, that match was incredible. I want to continue the tradition that MR. COLLINS started and make this the most entertaining show on television. I don't know how MASSACRE can even dream of measuring up. We have TRENT GEIN, DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, ANDREW GIBSON, CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, LEE STONE...and the list goes on. I firmly believe that...

KLINE tries to finish his point, but The Legacy's theme "Drugs (Instrumental)" plays on the PA and out comes BOONDOCK SAINT and PRINCE AKEEM. SAINT holds the XWC title above his head and AKEEM is waving the flag of Ghana. KLINE has wry smile on his face as his old stablemate grabs the mic and is face to face with his new boss.

BOONDOCK SAINT: Well, well, well…You clean up nice there CAEDMON. I always told you that you would look good in Armani, but this isn't about fashion. Where was I on that list, CADE? Have you forgotten about your old friend and current XWC World Champion? I wanted to let you know that I wanted these people to see the only man that deserves a World Title. You inbred hillbillies should bow down at my feet. I just wanted to let our boss know that he has the golden ticket to ride all the way to the bank. I am the Best in the World, and this man found me. You should all give KLINE a round of applause because without him you people wouldn't get the luxury of seeing me wrestle for you.

CRIMSON KLINE: Danny Boy! Glad you could join us. How is the baby?

BOONDOCK SAINT: Very good, thanks. I am glad that you are on the same page as me. I can already tell that you aren't like the other General Managers I have dealt with. You seem to have an actual brain unlike JON PAGE, JON BROWN, AIDAN COLLINS, or DIABOLIQUE. I may actually have fun with you in charge.

CRIMSON KLINE: Thanks, but this isn't about me. This show is about the fans and the wrestlers...I'm just here to make sure everything runs smoothly. But hey, remember that time when we totally ruined DIABOLIQUE'S career?

BOONDOCK SAINT: That was great, but as a champion I do have certain amount of clout. I do have to ask for certain things. A man like you should understand that.

CRIMSON KLINE: Did I forget to give you your allowance this week? Gosh, sorry about that.

BOONDOCK SAINT: Yeah, you did, Dad. I mowed the lawn and did my homework. (smirks) Anyways, I need to ask you for a couple of things.

CRIMSON KLINE: Well, how convenient. Not only do you have my attention, but the attention of thousands in attendance and even more watching at home. It's almost like you planned this.

BOONDOCK SAINT: I learned the ropes from you, Mr. General Manager.

CRIMSON KLINE: That's great...but I have a show to run here. In other words...get to the point.

BOONDOCK SAINT: Sorry, boss. Anyways, tonight's title match is No DQ and I am worried that a JONATHYN has something up his sleeve. Why else would he give NICK NITRO a shot at me? I just want to make sure that you will do your best to make sure the boss man doesn't pull anything.

CRIMSON KLINE: Dan, this is XWC ANARCHY. This is not XWF MASSACRE. JONATHYN may own the company, but I won't let it be a screw job tonight. In fact, you don't even have to wrestle if you don't want to.

BOONDOCK SAINT: I want to, CAEDMON. I am the Best Wrestler in the World, but JONATHYN never saw that. That's why I formed The Legacy to make sure I got the respect I deserve. I'll gladly shut NICK NITRO up, but JONATHTYN has people lined up. You saw what LEE STONE did to me at the Pay Per View. I don't want that to happen.

CRIMSON KLINE: Yeah, you did form the Legacy. Yes, you are still champion. However...I don't think you are reaching your potential. I don't think you're really on par with the Boondock Saint who won the Hart title and Lord of the Ring. I think Prince Akeem is holding you back. So tonight, although it is no disqualification, I am banning Prince Akeem from ringside!

PRINCE AKEEM is furious. He can't believe KLINE has banned the benefactor to the Legacy from ringside. He stomps like a little kid that didn't get his way.

PRINCE AKEEM: This is such disrespect. I can't believe this. How dare you insult the Crown Prince of Ghana, you fool?

CRIMSON KLINE: Please; the King of Massacre crown I wore once was more respected than your little tiara of Ghana. What's the matter, SAINT? You are capable of winning a match on your own, right?

BOONDOCK SAINT: I apologize for his highness' actions. I can handle it. I am the Best in the World for a reason. NITRO should be no problem.

CRIMSON KLINE: Good, I look forward to seeing you prove that you are the most dominant champion in the XWF. Show us why ANARCHY is the flagship show. Now, was there anything else?

BOONDOCK SAINT: There is. I want to confront one person in the next month. I know that you can make it happen. I don't care that LEE STONE wants a piece of me. I want the other man from Oceania. I WANT STEVE JASON!

CRIMSON KLINE: But I thought you liked Patience! On a more serious note...I'll see what I can do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some paperwork to take care of.

"Not I" by Demon Hunter plays and that leaves SAINT and AKEEM in the ring. Can SAINT do it on his own? Will CRIMSON KLINE be able to get STEVE JASON to agree to a match?

Iron Bull, walking to his locker room, notices a nice looking girl near a box. He goes over to talk to her, but then a man walks up with a disgusted look on his face, and IB backs off and keeps walking.

IB: Man...she was hot! Hah...

As he continues to talk to himself, he makes it to his room and slowly opens the door. He steps in and closes the door. When he takes off his jacket, the lights start to flicker, and the sound of a lock is heard.

IB: Ahhh shit, not again, what's goin' on here!?

He tries to open his door, but is unable to budge it even a bit. All of a sudden the lights go completely out, but then a small candle lights itself on the table near the couch. He goes over to it to find a glass bottle. He opens it up, and reads from the piece of paper in it.

IB: I've heard of a message in a bottle in a sea, but not a lockerroom! Hmm....(opens it) "To whom it may concern:...meaning you, Iron Bull. By now you have already expected what this letter should say, and frankly you are right. You tried to take off your jacket, but yet can't even do that without the lights going out, huh?..."

Iron Bull freaks out, but continues to read.

IB: "The time has drawn near, and soon you shall find out what you need to be doing in your career right now. Hold that Hart Title as much as you can, as it lays across your shoulder..."

Again he freaks out, wondering how this damn piece of paper knows where it is--

IB: "PREPARE, my friend....for tonight is the beginning of the countdown begins to the end of your title reign, and to the end of your career. PREPARE! FOR TONIGHT, YOUR DESTINY AWAITS YOU IN THE RING!....and PREPARE....for your Demon has come back from the past to haunt you once again, and take you down for your sins. Sincerely yours....The Ghost"

All of a sudden a loud breathing is heard. Iron Bull gets even more freaked, as he can feel it on his neck. As he goes to turn around, the candle blows out and the lights come back on. Iron Bull runs out of the room, slamming the door behind him!

- - Hart Title #1 Contender Match - -

It looks like both men are ready, as the bell rings to get this one underway! The determination can be seen on both men’s faces, to get a shot at the Hart Title would mean a lot for their careers. JOSH HUDSON is clearly the larger of the two men so when they lock up HUDSON has no difficulty in overpowering LIGHTHOUSE and throwing him to the mat. LIGHTHOUSE is resiliant, though, and he gets right back up and in HUDSON’s face. HUDSON laughs, but he is laughing after LIGHTHOUSE hits a quicky palm thrust to his jaw! HUDSON holds back grasping his mouth, he must bitten his tongue! LIGHTHOUSE goes on the advantage and quickly locks in the HEADLOCK FROM HELL!!! HUDSON can’t take it and he screams in pain,the horror, the horror! LIGHTHOUSE continues to squeeze as hard as he can, but somehow HUDSON makes it to the ropes and the hold is broken. LIGHTHOUSE continues his attack, though, and takes HUDSON down with a clip to the knee. HUDSON goes down hard, and LIGHTHOUSE covers. 1..... 2...... KICKOUT! LIGHTHOUSE attempts to pick up HUDSON and go back on the offensive but by the time he’s able to get HUDSON up, HUDSON is fully energized and strikes with a quick barrage of kicks and punches. He finishes it off by picking up HONKEY and slamming him down in the middle of the ring with a big spinebuster. He doesn’t cover, though. Instead, he goes over to the turnbuckle and quickly jumps up top. He waits for LIGHTHOUSE to rise and then he leaps off looking for a big axehandle. LIGHTHOUSE counters, though, and hits a dropkick right to HUDSON’s jewels. THE LIGHTHOUSE NUT KICK!!! LIGHTHOUSE gets up and gets lectured by the ref, but he claims it was just an accident. By the time he’s able to get back over to HUDSON, JOSH has already risen so LIGHTHOUSE uses all his strength to get him over to the corner. In the corner, LIGHTHOUSE unleashes stiff chops right across HUDSON’s chest and finishes it off with a double titty twister! This doesn’t hurt HUDSON as much as it does agitate him so he quickly acts and pushes LIGHTHOUSE away and superkicks him straight in the jaw. He then leaps to the top rope and comes down with a big moonsault on LIGHTHOUSE! He stays on top for the cover.... 1..... 2..... No! Somehow LIGHTHOUSE gets the shoulder up! The former JOSH LESNAR can’t believe it and is totally raged! He gets up to argue with the ref. He does this for a few moments, totally ignoring the fallen HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE. When he finally does notice, he’s planted with the STRANDED AT SEA. And both men are down as the ref starts the ten count!

Both men make it to their feet at the count of six. HONKEY goes for his Lighthouse Lock, but HUDSON gets in inside cradle. HUDSON wriggles out and hooks on the Hudson Stretch. HONKEY has nowhere to go. HONKEY has to tap out.


The camera shoots backstage and we are looking around to see the one and only DYNAMIC DYNAMITE. He is in the room along with ARSON, SABRINA WILSON,TYGER LILLY and KID MONEY... Noticeably missing are his entourage as they seem to be off somewhere at the moment taking care of something... DYNAMIC looks to be preparing for his match as are ARSON, TYGER LILLY, and SABRINA WILSON. You see the camera then go back to the ringside area.



- - Non-Title Match - -

IRON BULL and ALEX CUTWRIGHT stare eachother down as the bell sounds and the match is underway. CUTWRIGHT looks like he..s sizing IRON BULL up..but IRON BULL charges with a rushing boot to the face to instantly knock him down! CUTWRIGHT was caught by surprise there!! It looked like ALEX was trying to psyche his opponent out, but the XWF Hart Champion never gave him the chance!! CUTWRIGHT down, and IRON BULL capitalizing by repeatedly hitting his foe with elbow drop after elbow drop!! CUTWRIGHT slow to get to his feet...only for BULL to nearly take his head off with a clothesline!! IRON BULL has thundered out of the gate with all kinds of energy and he’s solidly in control as the match starts off. IRONBULL with another clothesline on CUTWRIGHT!! Perhaps a little ring rust showing on CUTWRIGHT as we start this match off. CUTWRIGHT slowly gets to his feet, but meets some stinging rights from IRON BULL, CUTWRIGHT reeling here and it looks like IRON BULL may shock everyone here by making quick work of the former Canadian Champion!! IRON BULL is charging for yet another of his powerful clotheslines...but this time CUTWRIGHT ducks it...IRON BULL rebounds off the ropes...and CUTWRIGHT with a roundhouse kick right to IRON BULL’s temple!! BULL goes down hard...and this is going to give CUTWRIGHT the chance to regroup here. Iron Bull gets back to his feet...and gets dropkicked by CUTWRIGHT for his efforts!! ALEX, doesn’t do anything he just waits on IRON BULL..and he delivers the vertical suplex and goes right into the cover ONE....TW...IRON BULL with the kick out!! IRON BULL gets up quickly trying to reassert himself here, but CUTWRIGHT is there and he hits IRON BULL with a barrage of rights and lefts and martial arts kicks!! The former Canadian Champ, looks like he wants to teach the current Hart Champ a thing or two here!! IRON BULL is now the one who’s reeling here!! CUTWRIGHT whips BULL into the ropes.. spinning heel,!! IRON BULL ducks the spin kick...rebounds.. SPEAR!! SPEAR by IRON BULL!! He covers CUTWRIGHT!!! One..........Two......and A HALF!! IRON BULL almost shut down the former Vigilante with one big time move, but CUTWRIGHT survives and this match will continue!! ALEX may have gotten the wind knocked out of him, as he tries to get back up, but IRON BULL is a step quicker at this point...and he sets CUTWRIGHT up...nails a sidewalk slam!! Every move the IRON BULL does is done with such impact you can see the ring shake sometimes!!! CUTWRIGHT is laying in the center of the ring, as BULL bounds off the ropes...theres a big splash in the center of the ring shades of the Ultimate Warrior!! BULL!! ALEX CUTWRIGHT is still in this thing!! IRON BULL looks a little frustrated, he thought he had him.. but the bull, just sizes him up...CUTWRIGHT up...BULL grabs him for the German Suplex...but CUTWRIGHT flipped out of it and landed on two feet...he grabs BULL from behind BIG TIME BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX by ALEX CUTWRIGHT!! How did CUTWRIGHT pull that one off, BULL outweighs him by a ton!! BOTH THESE MEN ARE DOWN!!!

ALEX and BULL are both struggling to be the first up, and they both stand and face eachother..IRON BULL..goes to strike CUTWRIGHT, but ALEX blocks and hits a kick to BULL’s side!! BULL goes for another shot...blocked!! And now a chop from CUTWRIGHT!! CUTWRIGHT, there’s a chop! Another chop!! A kick to the side and a spinning heel kick!! It knocks BULL down!! CUTWRIGHT manages to knock the much larger IRON BULL off his feet with an absolutely perfectly executed kick to the head!! IRON BULL is down on the mat, and now ALEX CUTWRIGHT bounds off the ropes and hits a baseball slide, to the head of IRON BULL!! IRON BULL not staying down for long.. but he walks into the implant DDT from CUTWRIGHT!! And now he covers.. ONE......TWO....AND A HALF!! CUTWRIGHT now just standing over IRON BULL, waiting for the Hart Champ to get up...BULL to his feet...CUTWRIGHT goes for the spin kick...but BULL grabs the leg...and there’s the leg drag take down with authority!! IRON BULL might have wrenched CUTWRIGHTS leg with that one...CUTWRIGHT is up, but walking gingerly on that leg..

IRON BULL goes right for CUTWRIGHT and hurls him into the ropes...and now BULL off the ropes and charging with a full head of steam..BULL going for the BULLVERIZE...but ALEX CUTWRIGHT ducks it...IRON BULL lands hard on the mat! BULL crashed and burned..and CUTWRIGHT gets to his feet, IRON BULL is up a second later...but he’s dazed after hitting his head hard on the canvas!! CUTWRIGHT with an elbow thrust to the chest...into a quick thrust to the chin..this looks like its gonna be...THERE IT IS!! FAST FALL!! IRON BULL drops to the mat like a ton of bricks and CUTWRIGHT covers ONE…TWO….THREE!!! CUTWRIGHT DID IT!! CUTWRIGHT has pinned the XWF Hart Champion!!!


As Iron Bull stands in the ring alone, the lights start to flicker, then burn out. The X-tron scrambles, then the letters "P-R-E-P-A-R-E" flash across, and soon after "FOR NOW!" As "NOW" flashes quickly across the X-tron, lightening strikes the corners, as the lights come back on The camera pans around for a bit, until it hits a figure standing in the ring. He looks about 6'7", 230, long white hair and a white outfit. A cross is on his left leg, and yellow/blue/orange flames near his boot, right above it. The figures head stands up to show a white goatee...

is that can't be!


Iron Bull turns around, and is shocked to see who he is. Soul Bearer stands there just staring at Iron Bull. After about 30 more seconds, Iron Bull moves closer, looking up at the new Soul Bearer. As he does, Soul Bearer revs up and hits Iron Bull with a right fist. He starts to pound on Iron Bull, left after right, right after left. After a few more good shots, SB lifts Iron Bull to his feet, then goes for a Grim Reaper. He hits it, then he quickly jumps to his back and hooks on "The Haunted". IB starts to bleed from the mouth now, as refs, agents and security head to the ring to try and pry the huge Soul Bearer off of Iron Bull. He finally lets go, but asks for a microphone.

SB: (breathing Heavily) Iron Bull...I left you note after note, AFTER NOTE. AND YOU DIDN'T FOLLOW DAMN INSTRUCTIONS. Prepare....prepare...PREPARE, GOD DAMN IT! But no, you just ignored the signs from God, and decided you were too good for what was coming to you. Well now, as you lay there on the mat, you will now know that your decisions come from above. And he says this....Iron Bull..’soul Bearer....Autumn in Hell.....WINNER TAKES ALL! And what is all, you may ask? Well make sure you're conscious for next week, as I'll explain every damn bit of it!

He throws down the mic, as there is a mixed reaction from the crowd, most whom are glad to see Soul Bearer back in the XWF and not in some other low-life federation. He turns back and smiles one more time, walking up the ramp, as he disappears behind the curtain

The scene shows the parking lot as an ambulance comes rolling in. Waiting to greet it is the New Thursday night GM Crimson Kline. The ambulance stops as a man wearing white cloak and robes so his face is covered walks over and opens the back door. Kline is seen shaking his head looking into the back of the ambulance.

KLINE: I am sorry This happened.

???: It's ok, I blame no one but myself.

Kline: Anything I can do to help you out?

???: I will ask if I need any help, but the offer is greatly appreciated.

Kline: So why did you come here tonight?

???: I still have some unfinished Business.

Kline: Well don’t do anything stupid.

???: Trust me Boss I am in no position to do anything stupid right now.

Kline: Good Point.

The scene shows the Man in the cloak walking into the back of the ambulance as the Scene fades back to the action.

- - Standard Tag Match - -

C2 and Tyger Lilly go to the apron as Sabrina and Patience grapple center stage. Sabrina gets a headlock on, as she taunts to the crowd with such pride to her ability. Unfortunatly, Patience is able to get out of it, sending Sabrina into the ropes. She comes back, as Patience locks on a nice sleeper hold. She's got it in tight, as Sabrina tries to fight, but is slowly fading. C2 tries to get the crowd going for Patience, as Lilly tries to get the audience behind Sabrina. They don't have any clue who to chant for! So chants of "LETS GO SABRINA" and "LETS GO LILLY" mix through the arena's air. Patience strengthens her arms tighter, as Sabrina's arm now goes limp. The ref checks it, and then starts the arm drop count: 1.... 2..... Only 2! Sabrina lifts her fist as she gains a second wind, finally connecting with elbows to the chest of Patience Pryce. She finally breaks free, as she bounces off the ropes and hits a nice flying clothesline, sending Patience near her corner! Sabrina notices this, as she goes to try and keep the big guy, C2, out of the ring. She just gets to the boot of Wilson, and drags her all the way back to her own corner, tagging in Tyger Lilly. Lilly climbs to the top, and hits an axe to the back of Patience, as they seem to have found their spot to work on. Lilly continues to torcher the mid section, as she bounces Patience off the ropes and hits a BEAUTIFUL tilt-a-whirl slam. Patience screams in pain, as her tag partner, C2, can only look on helplessly. Lilly tags back in Sabrina, who throws Patience into their corner. Lilly goes half way across the ring, as Sabrina holds Patience in the corner. She runs and...BAM!...a dropkick right to the sternum! Patience can't even get back up now, as the ref forces Lilly back to the apron. After a few kicks to the midsection, and a knee to add insult to injury, Sabrina tags back in Lilly, who climbs to the top again, and hits a nice splash. She goes for the cover. 1... 2... Patience kicks out! Only a 2 count for a now angry Tyger Lilly. Just LIKE a tiger, Lilly goes after her pray with her anger, sets her up on her shoulders, and hits a gut buster straight to Patience's stomach. She goes over and tags back in Sabrina. Lilly and Sabrina whip Patience off the ropes, lift her up when she comes back, and goes for a double gut buster! Ouch! Unable to stand, Patience tries her best to fight back with her feet, but to no avail. Sabrina drags Patience back to their corner, as she begins to pound right on the back. Sabrina stands her up, and crosschops her right across the chest, then goes for a few punches right above the belt. The ref gets Sabrina out of the corner, and as they argue, Lilly drops Patience to her side, and then brings her back against the post, and bends her in half! A angered C2 tries to rush in and stop it, but the ref blocks him. Sabrina quickly realizes what's going on, and she runs as fast as she cans and drop kicks Patience right into the post!!! Ouch again! The ref turns around to see Lilly's hands in the air as if to say, "Hey, I did nothing." She gets back up on the apron, as Sabrina holds her boot down, and tags Lilly back in. She grabs the ropes, and jumps back in and does a leg drop right onto Patience's back. She goes for a quick cover. 1... 2... th... No! Only a 2 count, as Patience got her foot on the rope, what good ring presence! Lilly gets real angry now, as she lifts Patience by her hair, to a displeasured complaining referee. She turns to back the ref off, but as she does, Patience hits a dropkick right to the kisser! She slowly crawls her way over to her corner, but is unable to as the newly tagged in Sabrina was able to go stop her. Sabrina pulls Patience away from her corner, but when she stands, she hits an enziguri! She rushes over...TAG! HERE COMES C2! Wait...what's this? Sabrina is on the ground pleading with C2, "C'mon, you wouldn't hit a girl now, would you? C'mon C2, be a man." He looks at Sabrina, as he lifts her to her feet, staring at her as if to say, "I am being a man.." and hits Sabrina right in the face with a right forearm shot! She hits the mat hard! Lilly tries to come in, but a hurting Patience Pryce spears her as they both fall out of the ring! Good God what a spear! C2 lifts Sabrina up, and powerbombs her once!...twice!....and for good measures...3 times!!!!!! He lifts her again, as he goes behind and hits 1 german 2...the the quadruple! Sabrina is hurting. He picks her up yet again, and throws her over his shoulders. He slams her into one corner, upside down, now the opposite corner. Now the 3rd! And one last time, the 4th! He's really putting a beating onto Sabrina now! He has her up one more time, flips her off, and as he goes for a move, Lilly comes back in and hits C2 right into the back. C2 drops Sabrina, and turns around. As he does, though, a flying Patience Pryce, off the top, nails Lilly with a drop kick. Patience puts Sabrina in position, and he hits "The Bitch Slap!" But wait...Patience won't let him go for the cover. She explains that she wants to take out LIlly as well!. She sets Lilly back up in her corner, and does a force-tag as the ref calls for it, there's nothing he can do! Patience then rushes back to her corner, as C2 picks up Lilly and hits..."THE CROWNING GLORY"! WHAT A HUGE IMPACT! He tags in Patience, then stands Lilly up. Patience flips off Lilly, kicks her in the midsection, bounces off the ropes, and BOOM! "NOTHING BUTT GRACE"! Sabrina stands again, but C2 knocks her down and hooks on "The Scream For Me"! Patience goes for the cover! Sabrina is tapping as the ref counts! 1... 2... 3!


The shot goes back to THE BLOOD HOUNDS locker room. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE and SABRINA WILSON are seen standing in the room. SABRINA is upset about something.

SABRINA WILSON: Why Dynamite why?

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: I know Sabrina. I know.

SABRINA WILSON: Still why though?

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: I know. Dont worry bout it.

SABRINA WILSON: I wanna know why though.


Before SABRINA can say anything the door opens and in walks TYGER LILLY. SABRINA sees her and gives her a dirty look. SABRINA walks to the door as TYGER LILLY moves. SABRINA AND TYGER LILLY stare at each other before SABRINA walks out of the room as the scene fades.

The camera opens back up to the office of general manager CRIMSON KLINE. Inside of the office you see that KLINE is sitting behind his desk, and he is in the room along with OG THUG, CARMEN HAYES, JADA FIRE, CANDACE VON, VANESSA BLUE, and DERRICK DYNAMITE. DERRICK has a briefcase in his hands.

CRIMSON KLINE: So what do I owe the pleasure of band of porn freaks in my office?

OG THUG: Ouch KLINE! We are deeply hurt by that comment... WE came in peace, and you want to treat us like that?

CRIMSON KLINE: Well you all know I am a busy man. So if you have a reason to be here please tell me what it is...

CARMEN HAYES: The other night as Massacre you were made an offer from DYNAMIC. And well since he has to get ready for his match he had us come to talk to you, and present you with more of the gift...

When CARMEN says that you see DERRICK steps forward with the briefcase in hand. He sets it on the desk and pops the locks showing KLINE the money stacked inside. You see the smile on KLINE's face as he salivates over the money.

VANESSA BLUE: Now now KLINE.. Don't get all excited. DYNAMIC's instructions were to give you half of the money now since you came through and brought KID MONEY and SABRINA WILSON over to Anarchy...

CRIMSON KLINE: I told him I would do what I could...

VANESSA BLUE: He appreciates that... The reason why he is giving you this money now...

KLINE goes to reach for the money and before he can touch it DERRICK snaps the case closed.

CRIMSON KLINE: Why did you do that?

OG THUG: Simple…There is still one missing piece to the puzzle mister general manager.

CRIMSON KLINE: She is the Cruiserweight Champion though you guys. I don't know how I would get her over here?

CARMEN HAYES: I'm pretty sure you can come up with a nice idea for a trade... I’m pretty sure that the Cruiserweight Title would look so nice over here on Anarchy...

CRIMSON KLINE: Well I would love to see STAR defend the title on my show, but I don't know who I would trade...

OG THUG: I will leave that up to you KLINE. Just remember DYNAMIC gets what he wants. We know it was JON's idea to split everyone up, and he has worked it so far. But now that he is out of his mind I think we all know he will do nothing more than waste her on that show.

CRIMSON KLINE: He is in a weird state of mind for sure...

DERRICK DYNAMITE: Look KLINE the others here are being nice. DYNAMIC is a man of his word, and you know it after Massacre. He gave you a down payment, and we are going to give you half of the rest now.. You will get paid in full on the completion of the deal. Do We have ourselves a deal?

KLINE doesn't answer but you see DERRICK and OG empty about half of the money onto the table. As they do you see them begin to walk out of the office with CANDACE blowing some air in KLINE's ear before the scene fades back.

- - Pin To Win - -

Both STONE and MUDD, are in the ring, when XWF Veteran and former Universal Champion, ANDREW GIBSON's music hits and he begins making his way down to the ring...with a mirror in his hand? What the heck? STONE and MUDD look on in a surprised state. GIBSON places the mirror down by LEE STONE's corner. GIBSON rolls into the ring and stares at STONE, who does not look impressed. STONE lunges at GIBSON, but GIBSON just moves and STONE scowls at him. The bell rings as the two former Universal champions, STONE and GIBSON lock up as STONE takes control and sends GIBSON back against and over the ropes. STONE smiles, but it is quickly wiped off by MUDD who plants a hard right across STONE's jaw. MUDD follows it up taking STONE down to the mat with a swift and impactful superkick. MUDD quickly follows it up with the pinfall attempt, 1...2...kickout. MUDD pulls LEE STONE to his feet, but STONE counters and lands a hard chop. STOEN whips JASON MUDD off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, which MUDD ducks, and STONE then catches him coming back with a modified version of a neckbreaker spiking MUDD's neck down to the canvas. LEE makes the cover, 1...2...GIBSON pulls STONE off JASON and out of the ring. ANDREW grabs LEE by the hair and throws him into the steel guardrail. GIBSON goes to whip STONE into the ring itself, but STONE counters, and GIBSON counters the counter sending LEE crashing into the guardrail again. GIBSON grabs the mirror and holds it up too LEE STONE, who can't help but admire himself, as MUDD jumps LEE from behind as GIBSON places the mirror back. JASON grabs STONE and sends him crashing into the steel steps. MUDD and GIBSON both jumps back into the ring and MUDD quickly sneaks in a roll-up, 1...2..Kickout. ANDREW jumps up and catches MUDD with a sharp uppercut and goes for the DAGGER CUTTER, but MUDD counters and shoves GIBSON into the corner. MUDD follows it up by splashing GIBSON in the corner and then follows it up by planting GIBSON down to the mat reverse DDT. JASON MUDD hooks ANDREW GIBSON's leg, 1...2.’shoulder up. MUDD gets to his feet and goes to pull GIBSON up, but GIBSON counters with a small package, 1...2...MUDD grabs the bottom rope just before a 3 count. LEE STONE jumps back into the ring and nails both men with sharp right punches sending both men reeling. LEE STONE grabs GIBSON and nails him with a STONE CUTTER! GIBSON's is done, but MUDD isn't. JASON MUDD lands a hurricanranna on STONE taking him down to the mat. MUDD quickly covers GIBSON, 1...2...THR-KICKOUT!! GIBSON KICKED OUT OF THE STONE CUTTER!!

MUDD jumps to his feet and is met by a LEE STONE right hand. STONE shoves MUDD against the ropes, but MUDD counters jumping onto the top rope ala Rey Mysterio.’sTONE CUTTER!! STONE just jumped around 10 feet in the air and caught MUDD coming off the ropes with a STONE CUTTER! STONE makes the cover, 1...2...THR-GIBSON pulls STONE off of JASON. GIBSON and STONE exchange right hands with each, when LEE throws a big haymaker, but ANDREW GIBSON ducks and...DAGGER CUTTER!! THAT'S THE ORIGINAL! ANDREW GIBSON with the cover, 1...2...WAIT A MINUTE!! THAT'S CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY! CONNOLLY is up on the apron distracting the referee! GIBSON's got STONE beat! GIBSON sees CONNOLLY and gets up and starts yelling at him! GIBSON knocks CHRISTIAN off the apron and jumps out of the ring. The 2 men begin to fight backstage leaving both STONE and JASON MUDD knocked out in the ring.

LEE STONE slowly begins to move and is able to spot JASON MUDD laying out cold on his back. LEE STONE throws and arm over MUDD's limp body, 1...2...THR-KICKOUT!! LEE STONE IS SHOCKED. STONE gets to his feet and pulls JASON MUDD up as well, but MUDD counters with a karate thrust to the throat. MUDD hooks STONE up for a Cracker Jack, but STONE counters and.’sTONE CUTTER! MUDD is done! 1...2...THREE!! STONE wins on his return, but what happened to GIBSON?


The scene cuts backstage as DYNAMIC DYNAMITE'S brother DERRICK DYNAMITE and friend OG THUG are talking together inside the BLOOD HOUNDS locker room alone.

A knock is heard on the door and DERRICK DYNAMITE answers it by opening the door. A loud thud is heard and OG THUG rushes out to see what the noise is and finds DERRICK DYNAMITE bleeding on the floor with a Black Baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire lying next to him and bloodied wheel tracks leading off around the corner. OG THUG yells for a paramedic and as one shows up he follows the tracks around the corner as another thud is heard. The paramedics come running around the corner to find OG THUG out cold with a message written in blood on the floor.




Backstage, we see LEE STONE walking down a corridor when who does he come across? None other than the same man he left bloodied on Sunday, the XWC World Champion BOONDOCK SAINT and his manager PRINCE AKEEM.

AKEEM: I can’t believe I’m banned from ringside. It’s a conspiracy!

SAINT: Don’t worry. I’ll still keep our gold.

STONE approaches them.

STONE: Well shave my balls and call me sailor, look who we have here. The second division champion and his personal cheerleader.

AKEEM: Get out of our way STONE before I have you taken out of the way.

STONE: I suggest you pipe down PRINCESS before I buy the bank all your money is stored in, and then use it to gain access to your money, and then use that to buy the sweatshop your mother works in and have her fired. For every dollar you have at your disposal, I have a hundred. I’m Fully Loaded spanky, now shove aside. I’m sure DAN here hasn’t lost the ability to talk, have you DAN? Or is your mascot now your mouthpiece because his crazy ass is more entertaining than you could ever hope to be?

SAINT: STONE, let me worry about NITRO tonight and then we can have our fun some other time.

STONE: I think you’re a little confused buddy. Despite one single leg hair of mine having more talent than you do, NICK NITRO is still nothing for you to “worry” about. What you need to worry about is that big metaphorical target painted on your back.

SAINT: Let me guess, you’re going to get yourself involved in my match?

STONE: Oh, quite the opposite homie. I’m giving you a free ride tonight. In fact, I’m right now on my way to having my first face-to-face conversation with our good General Manager to organize that for next week. I suggest you keep an eye out tonight though. I hear there are some mongrels who want to take a bite out of you if you catch my drift. They want to mark their territory. And while I could offer to help you out, I really don’t care if you get beat up on by the HOUNDS. But I’d really like it if you could fight them off for me, just so you’re not feeling even more banged up after what I did to you on Sunday. I see you’ve got a plaster on that head of yours. I love plasters, especially those ones with Spiderman on them. Anyway ladies, have fun out there, I’ll be having the last laugh.

STONE winks and leaves BOONDOCK and AKEEM where they stand. He walks on down the corridor until he comes to an office with the name CRIMSON KLINE on it.


He pushes the door open to see the General Manager of Anarchy behind his desk.

KLINE: STONE, how can I help you?

STONE: What, no hello? This is the first time we’ve talked CRIMMY and you don’t even say hi? How rude. But I suppose I can’t fault you, you must have a lot on your mind, what with the HOUNDS running around like wild animals. That must be tiring.

STONE pulls up a seat and puts his feet up on the desk, only to have KLINE push them off it.

STONE: No need to be hostile buddy.

KLINE: Is there a point to this?

STONE: Yes actually. First I figured I should introduce myself to you. I know you know who I am, but you need to know how things are going to run around here.

KLINE: Last I checked I was the GM.

STONE: Oh you are. But as part of my deal with JONATHYN, I get a bit of special treatment around here. Nothing crazy, after all, I have no interest in running this bitch like the BLOOD HOUNDS. First of all though, any offers of money that they give you, will be doubled by me if you go against their wishes. As a former wrestler yourself, I have no doubt you can handle yourself if they get a little… violent, but I’d be willing to lend a hand if necessary. And secondly, I get booking privileges. Not all the time, but if there’s a match I want… I get it. And I want a match.

KLINE: You’ve already had a match tonight, and you want to wrestle again?

STONE: Not tonight douchebag! Next week, in the main event. LEE STONE goes one-on-one with BOONDOCK SAINT, in a non-title match of course.

KLINE: I’ll think about it.

STONE: Good girl. Peace…

And STONE leaves the GM’s office.

- - X-Treme Rules - -

The match begins with both men charging each other and they immediately start exchanging punches. RIZZA starts to gain a slight advantage as he punches COLLINS further and further back into the corner. RIZZA continues to connect with right punches and just as he goes in for the kill, COLLINS side steps him and totally reverses the whole situation. COLLINS begins to throw punches to RIZZA, but stops and lifts him to the top turnbuckle. COLLINS climbs up with RIZZA, hooks him up and COLLINS hits a huge suplex off the top turnbuckle. COLLINS rolls outside of the ring and grabs a chair. He goes to get back in the ring to find RIZZA already staggering back to his feet. COLLINS holds the chair up and gets ready to crack it over RIZZA’s skull, but RIZZA reverses with a boot to the chair and knocks it in COLLINS’s face instead. RIZZA looks down at COLLINS and then the steel chair on his chest. RIZZA jumps over COLLINS’s body and bounces off the ropes for a what appeared to be a leg drop, but COLLINS is back up and he drives the chair right into RIZZA’s stomach. COLLINS then drops the chair and hits RIZZA with a massive DDT on what he thought was the chair, but he just missed it. COLLINS goes for the pin. 1…2… RIZZA kicks out. COLLINS lifts RIZZA up and slings him into the corner, following it up with a huge clothesline. COLLINS then climbs the first rope and one after another, COLLINS unloads on a dazed RIZZA. Finally, COLLINS backs off as RIZZA starts to stumble forward. RIZZA tries to charge COLLINS but is met with a drop toe hold and this time, RIZZA’s head hits the chair dead on. RIZZA is out cold on the steel chair and COLLINS wastes no time kicking RIZZA’s head further into the steel. After a moment of this, COLLINS kicks RIZZA over and goes for another pin. 1…2…RIZZA kicks out. COLLINS picks RIZZA up and looks to do a face buster onto the chair; RIZZA is able to fight back by elbowing COLLINS in the gut, causing COLLINS to loosen his hold.

RIZZA and COLLINS once again start exchanging punches. Shortly after the contest begins, RIZZA grabs COLLINS and whips him into the corner. RIZZA picks up the steel chair and after a devilish grin, runs at COLLINS full speed, crashing the chair into COLLINS’s body. COLLINS stumbles forward for a moment and then falls flat on his face. COLLINS now finds himself in the same position RIZZA was just in. RIZZA sees a chance for revenge as he places the chair on COLLINS’s back. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and lines up with the chair. He then leaps off and lands on the chair putting all of his weight on COLLINS’s back.

COLLINS fills the pain spread throughout his whole body as RIZZA now rolls out of the ring, goes under and pulls a table from underneath the ring. RIZZA throws the table back into the ring and starts to set it up as before picking COLLINS up and throwing him up there. RIZZA climbs up the ropes again and looks to put COLLINS through the table. RIZZA jumps off the top rope and COLLINS rolls out the way the last second as RIZZA sends himself through the table. Both men are down and out for the moment. The two struggle to reach their feet as they lay on the ground. COLLINS is the first to his feet when RIZZA not far behind him. RIZZA struggles to get up as COLLINS grabs the chair. As soon as RIZZA is standing and turns around, COLLINS cracks the chair against RIZZA's. RIZZA falls to the back from the impact. COLLINS then takes a few more shots at his downed opponent with the chair. COLLINS immediately goes for the pin afterwards. 1.... 2....3!!! COLLINS picks up the victory.


The scene shows a door opened and out walks Alex Cutwright and Trent Gein. They look disturbed about something but as the door closes we can see the man in the white cloak standing over a wheel chair as the door closes.

- - Ladder Match - -

All three men are Standing in the ring the TV TITLE high above the ring. The bell rings As ARSON and CHASM Meet in the Center of the ring and start running their mouths to each other. CHAMBERS walks over and grabs CHASM, but CHASM just pushes him off. CHAMBERS comes back this time grabbing ARSON who in turn pushes him back. CHASM moves towards the men again and this time they both turn and swing both hitting CHAMBERS with punches that knock him to the mat. CHASM and ARSON turn and start trading blows. Chasm hits Arson and he goes back hilts the ropes and comes back with a shoulder block knocking Chasm to the mat. ARSON runs to the ropes again as Chasm makes it to his feet. ARSON goes for a close line but CHASM ducks and As ARSON Runs through he meets CHAMBERS who back body drops him out of the ring. CHASM moves forward and Whips CHAMBERS to the ropes. As Chambers comes off CHASM hits him with a back elbow. He picks CHAMBERS up and Delivers A suplex. CHAMBERS rolls andgets to his feet as CHASM is there with a kick to the gut which he follows up with a DDT. CHASM Turns As Arson slides a ladder into the ring CHASM runs at it and delivers a baseball slide to the ladder which slams the ladder into ARSON’s chest as he was trying to climb up on the apron. CHASM picks up the ladder and sets it in the corner. He then turns and picks up CHAMBERS. He forces him into the other corner CHASM goes to whip CHAMBERS into the ladder but CHAMBERS reverses it and sends CHASM back into the original corner. CHAMBERS runs at him hops up and monkey flips CHASM out of the corner. CHAMBERS gets back to his feet and delivers a elbow drop to CHASM and hooks him into a cross face crippler. ARSON Slides back in the ring and dropkicks CHAMBERS in the face. ARSON picks up CHAMBERS and throws him out of the ring. ARSON picks up CHASM and nails him with a brain buster. CHAMBERS is to his feet on the outside and ARSON runs at the corner he leaps hitting the second ropewith one foot and then springboards to the outside nailing CHAMBERS with a flipping attack. ARSON gets to his feet and picks up CHAMBERS He picks him up in a suplex and drops him stomach first over the guard rail. ARSON hops up on the ring Apron and jumps off hitting a M Bison Stomp to the back of CHAMBERS head. Sending him crashing to the floor. ARSON starts to climb into the ring and is hit with a punch to the face from CHASM. CHASM then brings ARSON into the ring the hard way. He follows it up with a leg drop. CHAMBERS gets to his feet on the outside and sets up a table. CHASM picks up ARSON and sends him into the ladder. ARSON falls to the mat.. CHASM sets up the ladder and Starts to climb it. Before he can make it half way up ARSON it to his feet and leaps up the ladder and hits CHASM with a sunset flip off the ladder. Arson picks up the ladder and lays it over CHASM. ARSON climbs the rope and nails a moonsault onto the ladder. Both men are down but ARSON makes it tohis feet first. He sets up the ladder and starts to climb it. As he makes his way up CHAMBERS is back in the ring and pulls ARSON off the ladder sending him crashing down with a power bomb. CHAMBERS then sets up the ladder and starts to climb it as he reaches the top he starts to reach for the title but CHASM climbs up the ladder and starts trading punches with CHAMBERS. CHASM gets the upper hand and delivers a superplex off the ladder sending both men crashing to the mat. ARSON gets to his feet. He picks up the ladder and slams it into CHASM. He then sets it up but Chambers is up and hits arson with a right sending him back to the ropes. He forces Arson to the corner and lifts him up sitting him on the top rope. CHAMBERS starts to climb the ropes and ARSON uts him off with punches to the head. It knocks him back off the ropes. ARSON stand and goes to deliver a head scissors and both men go over the rope to the out side. CHASM is in the ring all alone he gets to his feetand picks up the ladder Arson comes off the ropes with a springboard but CHASM cuts him off throwing the ladder into him. ARSON rolls out of the ring as CHASM sets up the ladder he starts to climb the ladder but CHAMBERS is back in the ring and he pushes the ladder sending CHASM to the mat. CHAMBERS set up the ladder and starts to climb the ladder as he reaches about half way up the ladder WHAM ARSON hits him with a chair across the back. CHAMBERS falls to the mat. ARSON lifts up CHAMBERS and leans him against the ropes. ARSON SWINGS the chair nailing CHAMBERS in the head sending him flipping out of the ring. ARSON then turns as CHASM is making it to his feet ARSON goes to hit him with the chair but CHASM moves out of the way just in time ARSON hits the top rope with the chair and it snaps back and hits him in the head sending him crashing to the mat. ARSON is busted open. CHAMBERS is sliding into the ring and you see that he is busted open. CHASM kicks CHAMBERS anddelivers a kick to CHAMBERS sending him flying back to the outside Chasm slides out of the ring to finish CHAMBERS off. He slams his head into the ring apron .he then kicks him in the gut and delivers a pile driver to the floor.

CHASM stands up and as he turns around he is met with a chair shot from ARSON. ARSON picks up CHASM and lays him on the table that CHAMBERS had set up earlier. He then takes CHAMBERS and lays him on top of CHASM. Arson slides into the ring and he pulls the ladder over to the ropes. Heclimbs the ladder with the chair in his hand. As ARSON reaches the top he stands on the top step he pulls the chair against his chest he back flips off the ladder and lands the N.Y.F. sending all three men crashing through the table. Arson makes it back to his feet slowly. He slides back into the ring and sets up the ladder under the belt. Arson climbs the ladder and pulls down the title.


- - Standard Match - -

"Let's F*ck" by the Kottonmouth Kings starts to play over the pa system as the people in attendance start to realize who is coming out to the ring. The spotlights meet up at the entrance ramp, and you can see walking out of the curtains is the entourage of DYNAMIC DYNAMITE in, Carmen Hayes, Jada Fire, Vanessa Blue, Candace Von, and Blake Carson. As they wait then you see “Mr. X-Rated" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE come out. Wearing his fur coat and suede hat you can see the crowd boo as DD and his entourage walk to the ring with little to no problems as they are just nonchalant about everything. Entering into the ring DD and the others act as egotistical as you would expect. The entourage walk around the ring as that familiar buzzing sound fills the arena. DD quickly pulls his coat and hat handing it to Carmen. TRENT GEIN comes charging down with his saw swinging above his head. He rolls into the ring as everyone dives for safety. He corners Jada in the corner until DD hits him from behind with a double axe handle. Jada quickly rolls from the ring. DD continues to pound on GEIN landing four more clubs to the back. The bell officially rings and DD moves into the opposite corner and charges GEIN when he gets back to his feet. DD nails a knee to his face and DD gets in a few chops and then gets launched into the corner by GEIN. DD gets in a stiff knee to the face on GEIN and then clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside. DD uses the ropes to launch himself over to hit a cross-body on GEIN on the outside. DD chops GEIN and then launches him into the steel steps with force. DD rolls back in to break the count, comes back out and chops GEIN again. DD then grabs a steel chair and tries to use it when the referee takes it out of his hands. This allowed GEIN to get in a cheap shot on DD against the ring barricade. DD gets in a chop on GEIN, but GEIN gets DD in a powerbomb position. He lifts him up and powerbombs him on the ring steps. GEIN slams DD two times against the ring post and then throws him back down to the mat. GEIN rolls in the ring as the referee starts the count. DD gets back in the ring and GEIN hits a few stiff forearms to his back. GEIN then drives his knee into the back of DD followed by a leg drop. GEIN covers, hooks the leg, but only gets a two count. GEIN tosses DD to the ropes and nails The Chainsaw Blade covers again, but only gets a two count. GEIN throws DD back into the ropes and when DD bounces off, GEIN nails him with a forearm to the chest. GEIN picks up DD and does this one more time against the ropes. DD prevents this for a third time by holding the ropes and coming back with an uppercut. GEIN then follows this up with a high back body drop, covers, but only gets a two count. DD charges at GEIN, GEIN catches him and hits a twirling backbreaker. GEIN covers, but gets yet another two count. GEIN nails DD with a few hard rights. GEIN picks up DD and gives him a backbreaker, picks him up again and hits another backbreaker. GEIN keeps DD in the backbreaker position and applies pressure to his back. DD fights back with some right hands to the face. GEIN breaks the backbreaker submission and DD gets in a few rights to the guts and some chops to the chest. DD then wraps his body around GEIN applying a sleeper. GEIN counters into a full nelson, DD backs GEIN up into the corner to break this up by slamming TRENT against the turnbuckle and hits a few chest chops. GEIN launches DD into the corner who props up, comes back down, walks backward and GEIN lifts him up onto his shoulders into a torture rack. The referee lifts DD's arm once...twice...but DD gets some life at the third lift. DD gets in some hard rights, flips off the shoulders of GEIN, gets in a sunset flip, gains a two count and then GEIN responds with a huge clothesline taking DD off his feet. GEIN is now bleeding from his nose from some shots from DD. GEIN lifts up DD and hits a modified military press slam. GEIN then signals for the Plainsfield. A dazed DD gets on his feet; GEIN runs up and attempts to hit the Plainsfield. DD grabs the referee to prevent GEIN from getting it locked in. As they move forward, DD continues to grab the referee and then low blows GEIN with his boot as he goes down with the referee. The referee gets back up as both men are down. The referee starts the count and both GEIN and DD get up at 8. Both exchange lefts and rights. DD hits a flying clothesline off the ropes on GEIN followed by an inverted atomic drop. DD hits two clotheslines and gives GEIN a powerbomb. DD goes up to the top, jumps and connects with the flying elbow. DD sets up in the corner taunting for the big boot, GEIN gets up, DD charges, GEIN dodges the kick and then nails the Plainsfield. GEIN covers 1...2...KICKOUT!!! DD quickly rolls onto the apron and pulls himself to his feet while GEIN argues with the ref. When GEIN approaches DD, DD drops him chin first off the top rope. DD goes up to the top turnbuckle, GEIN gets up, DD jumps, GEIN catches him and then counters into the Plainsfield again.

DD then finds a way to counter out of it, GEIN turns around and DD nails him with the Creative Control. DD approaches to make the pin but changes his mind. He lift TRENT up and begins the motions for the Menage-A-Trois starting with the reverse ddt into a backbreaker, then another then quickly locking it into a dragon sleeper. TRENT begins making it to his feet and in one swoop DD quickly hits another Creative Control and covers TRENT 1…2…3!


HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE is walking towards his locker room. He pushes open the door and then gets distracted by someone walking by. HONKEY moves to avoid the man, as the man gets covered in Listerene mouthwash! The man is none other than XWC's former interviewer, TIM SMITH! SMITH, now dripping with mouthwash and smelling minty fresh, is furious.

TIM SMITH: How dare you! I came here to ask for my job back, but now I don't want it! You big jerk!

TIM storms off as he leaves a trail of green liquid behind him.

HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE: Well that was odd...


- - No DQ Match - -

The bell rings and SAINT and NITRO lock up. NITRO grabs a headlock and tries bounce SAINT off the ropes. NITRO shoulder blocks SAINT down and runs the ropes. NITRO bounces and SAINT leap frogs him. NITRO goes for a Lariat, but SAINT hits a Leg Lariat to the face. SAINT keeps on him and drives a Great Muta Elbow into the sternum. SAINT lifts up NITRO from the ground and chops his chest while NITRO is up against the ropes. SAINT then starts kicking at the gut of NICK and then starts to work on the neck of the challenger. SAINT whips NITRO off the ropes, but NITRO hits a Diving Shoulder that knocks BOONY over. NITRO goes for a cover. ONE.. TWO.. T... SAINT kicks out. NITRO works over the champ with punches and gets him into the corner. NITRO knees SAINT repeatedly in the gut and forces BOON to the ground. NITRO starts stepping on the throat of the champion. NITRO waits for SAINT to get up. NITRO goes for a Home Run punch, but SAINT ducks and NITRO tumblesout of the ring. SAINT gets onto the apron and hits an Arabian Press as soon as NITRO gets up. SAINT starts to pose and he can take all the time he needs on the outside. SAINT grabs NITRO's arm and whips him into the steel steps neck and shoulder first. BOONY is isolating the shoulder of and head of the challenger. SAINT goes for a chair and sees NITRO's head resting on the steps. BOONY tries to go for a Con-Chair-To on the steps, but he misses. The shock reverberates through his spine. NITRO lays a fist into the gut and SAINT drops the chair. NITRO picks up the chair and creams BOONDOCK across the forehead. SAINT is staggered and his head is resting against the ring post. NITRO winds up, but his swing hits the steel post as BOONY ducks out of the way. SAINT scoops up NITRO and Back Drops him onto the steps. SAINT drops down and is still feeling the effects of the shot. SAINT climbs back in the ring and tries to rest up from the shot to the head. NITRO slowly crawls intothe ring and gets some boots to the neck for his trouble. SAINT drives another elbow to the head. NITRO uses the ropes to get up, but gets some more punishment. NITRO continues to fight back with lefts and rights to SAINT's gut and head. SAINT tries to swing away, but NITRO is trading with him. NITRO hits a thumb to the eye and that sends SAINT to the middle of the ring. NITRO charges and hits the Throwback on SAINT. Quick Cover... ONE... TWO.. T... SAINT rolls the shoulder. NITRO stomps away at SAINT and whips him into the ropes. NITRO hits a Clothesline and goes for a cover. ONE.. TWO.. TH... SAINT kicks out again. NITRO questions the count of the ref. SAINT gets the chance to sneak in a low blow and lift up NITRO for the Back Jack. Cover by SAINT.. ONE. . TWO.. THR... NITRO kicks out. SAINT puts on a Side Headlock, but NITRO crawls to the ropes. The ref admonishes SAINT, but it's a No DQ match. SAINT looks up and says "I Got Til Whenever the Hell I want, Referee." SAINTthrottles NITRO and lets off. SAINT lifts up NITRO and bounces him off the ropes. SAINT goes for an STO, but NITRO squirms free and hits a DDT. Both men are down. NITRO slowly stirs and puts an arm onto SAINT. Cover... ONE.. TWO.. THRE.. SAINT rolls the shoulder. NITRO cannot believe it. NITRO grabs a leg and hooks on the STF. SAINT is trapped in the middle ring. Is he going to tap the title away? SAINT struggles to the ropes, but it's no DQ. SAINT rolls out of the ring and breaks free. NITRO and SAINT are trading punches on the outside. NITRO grabs SAINT and slams his head onto the ringpost. NITRO sees the other ring steps and rips them away from the ringside area. NITRO is about the brain SAINT, but BOONY hits a kick downstairs on NITRO. SAINT then throws NITRO into the ring. SAINT goes for a cover... ONE.. TWO.. THR.. NITRO kicks out. SAINT waits for NITRO to get up and whips him off the ropes. SAINT hits a Running STO, but hangs on androlls through. SAINT then hits a Reverse STO and wraps his legs around NITRO's head for the Koji Clutch. SAINT tells the ref to ask NITRO to tap out. NITRO somehow summons the strength and shrugs off the SAINT. NITRO comes off the ropes and hits a Diving Shoulder Block again. NITRO goes for another one, but is met with the Busaiku Knee Kick right to the nose. NITRO is holding his face. SAINT sees this weakness and goes for a Fireman's Carry, but NITRO slips out and hits a Reverse DDT. Cover... ONE.. TWO.. THRE.. SAINT kicks out again. NITRO calls for the end and waits for SAINT to get up. He then goes outside to get a chair while SAINT holds his neck. NITRO picks up SAINT for a Fireman's Carry, but SAINT breaks free and hits a Stalling Brainbuster on the chair. SAINT makes a throat slash and places the chair on NITRO. BOONY climbs to the second rope and bounces off and hits the Godsend on the chair. BOONY holds his ribs, but makes a cover. ONE.. TWO... SAINT lifts NITRO'shead off the canvas. He's going to make him a martyr. SAINT puts NITRO on his shoulders and presses him into the air. SAINT waits for NITRO to fall and hits him in the nose with a knee. SAINT has just hit Go 2 Sleep!!! NITRO's nose is bleeding. SAINT has a sick grin on his face. SAINT sees that NITRO is disoriented and goes for a Crucifix Pin. ONE... TWO... SAINT repositions himself and starts hitting MMA Elbows to NITRO's skull and face. NITRO can't defend himself from the rapid fire elbows. The ref comes in and stops the match. SAINT has defended his title and shown a vicious streak in the same match.


BOONDOCK SAINT is in the ring after his match is over. “Attack” By 30 Seconds from Mars begins to play. BOONDOCK is looking around for MIKE RABOIN. RABOIN has not been seen since his Rage in the Cage match with SAINT. Of all a sudden the man in the white cloak pushes out MIKE RABOIN, sitting in a wheelchair. Over his lap is a white blanket. He is wearing a white button up shirt with the top few buttons opened. His hands are under the blanket as he is placed on the top of the ramp. The man in the cloak holds the Microphone near his face so he can speak.

MIKE RABOIN: Mr. BOONDOCK SAINT, how are you feeling today? Before you answer let me say I know it must be a lot better than me. You see what you didn’t realize when you called me a coward was I am not stupid. I was bitten by one of the world’s most poisonous snakes and unlike you I didn’t have a rich boy give me an antidote so I knew my only chance of survival was to escape so I may survive to fight another day. Now if you look at me, maybe fighting is not in my future. I bet later you will have a huge laugh with the rest of your Legacy Buddies. But see you left me in the ring without a leg to stand on Boony, you let me hang out to dry. Now because of you, BOONDOCK SAINT, not only will I be able to never wrestle again, but the doctors say I may never walk again either. Now how is a man of God going to sit back there and watch a fellow man shake and almost die?

SAINT is getting antsy in the ring as the fans begin to Boo him.

MIKE RABOIN: How big do you feel looking at a crippled man in a wheel chair? A man you could have prevented from being in this mess. All you had to do was share a bit of that anti venom and maybe I would be standing in that ring next to you. YOU HEAR ME STANDING!

RABOIN is getting mad as the man in the cloak touches MIKE on the head and shakes his head no.

MIKE RABOIN: BOONDOCK you are a low life piece of scum and I am here to get my revenge. Not now and maybe not tomorrow but one day I will be over your corps and you will know what it feels like to have your legs cut out from under you!

Out of nowhere BOONDOCK gets blindsided with a belt to the back of his head... Then you look around and can see "THE X-RATED ICON" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE standing in the ring along with SABRINA WILSON and ARSON. The three are standing in the ring and you see SABRINA and ARSON kicking BOONDOCK hard while DYNAMIC motions for them to pick him up, and as they do you see...CREATIVE CONTROL!!! DYNAMITE just dropped SAINT with the Creative Control!!! ARSON picks up SAINT’S limp body off the mat as DYNAMIC picks up a microphone. He begins to speak into it, but it appears his microphone has been cut off. DYNAMIC throws the mic out of the ring in anger.

The X-Tron comes to life and shows two men lying in a pool of their own blood backstage. It’s DERRICK DYNAMITE and OG THUG! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE can’t believe it, as he motions to ARSON. ARSON drops SAINT and runs up the ramp. Right as he gets to the top the fans explode as LEE STONE walks out holding a baseball bat in his hands making ARSON stop dead in his tracks. ARSON starts back peddling but he runs into a human wall composed of VICTOR GILLEAN, JASON MUDD and ALEX CUTWRIGHT! JASON MUDD has a chair in his hands and lays a nice swift crack over the head of ARSON, taking him down. VICTOR and ALEX move towards the ring, where DYNAMIC DYNAMITE and SABRINA WILSON are standing. ALEX CUTWRIGHT begins to trade blows with DYNAMIC DYNAMITE. VICTOR GILLEAN begins brawling with SABRINA WILSON. LEE STONE heads to the ring as well, but doesn’t enter it. Intead, he watches the fighting. Suddenly, there is a commotion in the crowd. Here comes PATIENCE PRYCE, ZACH RIZZA, CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, and PRINCE AKEEM! AKEEM barks out orders to his cohorts as ZACH RIZZA and PATIENCE PRYCE enter the fray. It’s an all out brawl between the White Order, The Legacy, and the Blood Hounds! CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY steps onto the ring apron, but hesitates to enter the ring. Amidst all the fighting, LEE STONE climbs onto the opposite apron and the former partners are locked in an intense stare down. In between them is a wild, out of control, free-for-all. C2 and LEE still have their eyes trained on each other, neither willing to move. The fighting ensues in the ring and it is hard to distinguish who is fighting who. The man clothed in white runs towards the ring and reaches under the bottom rope. He pulls BOONDOCK SAINT’S limp body from the carnage without anyone involved noticing. He carries SAINT over to RABOIN and lays him down at his feet.

MIKE RABOIN: BOONDOCK, I may not be able to do anything, but see my friends and the White Order have a feeling that your acts of evil are to be done. But before I go I do have a present for you.

The man in the cloak picks up BOONDOCK SAINT as MIKE takes out a needle and stabs it into BOONDOCK’S right leg. The fighting in the ring continues as the camera pans out. What have MIKE RABOIN and the White Order done to BOONDOCK SAINT? How will CRIMSON KLINE respond to this stable war? Find out next week!

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