FIREFOX and MOZILLA are NOT RECOMMENDED for viewing this program.

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -

- - 2-On-1 Handicap Match - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Manager Match - -

504 BOY
- - Cage Match - -

Earlier in the week…

The scene fades up from black. HARDCORE SMITTY is sitting in a court room across from JONATHYN who is wearing a very pretty dress. SMITTY looks visibly upset. SMITTY stands up.

SMITTY: What do you mean he can’t defend himself properly? So you are just going to throw this court case out? This is total bull shit!

JUDGE: Watch your mouth Mr. Smith or you will be held in contempt.

SMITTY: Sorry your honor, but this is not fair. He owes me money, I have clearly stated this point over and over again to no avail because you don’t think a man in a dress can defend himself properly?

JONATHYN: Stop being such a meanie.

SMITTY: Oh shut up you tranny!

JUDGE: I have no choice but cancel this court date until further notice and that’s FINAL!

SMITTY slams his hands down on the desk in front of him and storms out of the court room as JONATHYN checks his nails.

- - Standard Match - -

Both men tie-up, and PREMIERE tosses EVAN MITCHELL away with an armdrag. A few hard chops followed by an Irish Whip send EVAN MITCHELL across the ring. PREMIERE leapfrogs his opponent, but when he tries it the second time EVAN MITCHELL catches him and drops him hard to the mat with a spinebuster. EVAN MITCHELL leaps onto PREMIERE but instead of trying for a pinfall he rips at his face. PREMIERE manages to push EVAN MITCHELL off him and both men are back on their feet. PREMIERE advances with a hard knee to the midsection and tries for a snap suplex. But EVAN MITCHELL blocks and clubs the man across the back. A follow up with a body slam is reversed and a dropkick to the back by PREMIERE sends the bizarre man face first into the turnbuckle! PREMIERE immediately flies across the ring and lands a hard splash in the corner. EVAN MITCHELL staggers out of the corner, only to be leveled by a hard running clothesline. PREMIERE tries for a pinfall: 1….2….and EVAN MITCHELL gets a shoulder up. PREMIERE is back on his feet and rocks EVAN MITCHELL’s head with some forearms, then runs to the ropes to attempts a flying body block. But the bigger EVAN MITCHELL catches him! Then he simply tosses PREMIERE over the ropes to land hard on the outside. Before the Dangerous One can recover EVAN MITCHELL launches himself over the ropes and lands a plancha! EVAN MITCHELL them mercilessly slams PREMIERE’s head onto the guardrail, the corner post and finally the ring apron before rolling the nearly limp man back into the ring. EVAN MITCHELL immediately tries for a pin, but PREMIERE gets a shoulder up at 2. Roaring in frustration, EVAN MITCHELL lands a hard kick to PREMIERE’s stomach. A second and a third one leave PREMIERE barely able to pull himself up in the corner. All the while EVAN MITCHELL is in the opposite corner, begging his opponent to get up. Just as PREMIERE is standing EVAN MITCHELL rushes for a hard clothesline. But PREMIERE dodges it and slips behind his adversary. Before EVAN MITCHELL can recover PREMIERE pulls him down with a schoolboy! 1… 2… THREE!


504 BOY is walking up to JENNEFER JETSON as the camera opens up. having just finished changing into his ring attire, 504 BOY smiles while looking at her.

504 BOY: Well hey there you! How's my soon to be 2x Cruiserweight Champ doing?

JEN: I'm all good, can't wait to get my hands on that nasty hood rat STAR and use her to mop up the ring with. What about you? You good to go for the Steel Cage Match?

504 BOY: Aye, I am. I've been training for moments like this my whole life. Because when they come, it's all or nothing and I’m done with having and/or being nothing. IF and/or WHEN I beat BIGG RIGG, I’m demanding a Number One Contenders match at AUTUMN IN HELL. Versus who? I don't care because there is no stopping destiny. And when you're destined to be the World Champ, then that is what you must be! But hey, I’ve got to take off Babe, good luck tonight!

Massacre's Golden Couple share a passionate kiss before 504 BOY takes off down the hallway leaving JENNEFER JETSON smiling.

- - Standard Match - -

MARTINEZ and MAD DOG start circling each other until MARTINEZ stops and extends his hand for a test of strength. MAD DOG reluctantly puts his hand out there and MARTINEZ locks hands with him. MAD DOG takes the advantage and then proceeds to knee MARTINEZ in the gut and then hit him with an axe kick to the back of the head dropping him to the mat. MARTINEZ gets to one knee quickly, but MAD DOG puts him right back down with a stiff kick to the jaw. MAD DOG lifts MARTINEZ up and whips him off the ropes and nails a dropkick, sending him to the outside. MAD DOG runs over and climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps off tackling MARTINEZ down just as he's standing up. MAD DOG rolls away holding his knee, MARTINEZ stands up staggering shaking his head around. He walks over to MAD DOG and lifts him to his feet. MARTINEZ hits him with a few right hands for good measure and then suplexes him to the floor. MARTINEZ rolls MAD DOG out of the way and removes the mat covering the cement floor. He kicks the ring timer and takes his chair, by this time MAD DOG is walking his way, MARTINEZ swings the chair, but MAD DOG kicks it right back into his face knocking him down. MAD DOG picks the chair up and throws it into the ring and then grabs MARTINEZ by the head and knees him in the face. MAD DOG hooks MARTINEZ between his legs and prepares to powerbomb him onto the cement floor. He lifts MARTINEZ up high and holds him there and then slams him down hard, the back of MARTINEZ's head is busted open and bleeding profusely. MAD DOG picks him up and rolls him into the ring, MAD DOG climbs onto the edge of the ring and grabs a hold of the top rope for leverage and leaps over landing a guillotine leg drop on MARTINEZ. MAD DOG stands up and drags MARTINEZ to the center of the ring where he applies a dragon sleeper to MARTINEZ, MARTINEZ fights back and starts hitting MAD with right hands to the jaw and throat forcing him to break the hold. MARTINEZ stands up and starts hitting MAD with elbows to the face backing him against the ropes, and whips him across the ring knocking him down with a big boot to the face. MARTINEZ grabs MAD by the throat and lifts him right back to his feet, he lifts him over his shoulder and drills him head first into the mat with a tombstone piledriver. MARTINEZ looks to his left and sees the steel chair lying in the ring, he walks over and picks it up and holds it up for all the crowd to see, and just as MAD DOG is getting to one knee he cracks it across his skull laying him out. MARTINEZ throws the chair away and goes for the pin. The ref counts 1... 2... THREE!


JENNEFER JETSON is seen walking down the hall with a bottle of water in her hand. She appears to be walking to her locker room. All of a sudden CHERRY comes from behind and hits JEN with a double axe handle to the back of the head! JEN stumbles forward and turns around to get a big forearm to the face from CHERRY. JEN stumbles back, catching herself on the metal garage doors in the backstage area. JEN blocks the next punch from CHERRY and pokes her in the eyes to bide a little time. CHERRY begins swinging at the air with one fist of fury, and the other rubbing at her eyes. JENNEFER takes CHERRY by the hair and pulls her into a headlock with one arm and beings to deliver a set of five fists to her face. JEN lets go of CHERRY and CHERRY falls to the ground covering her face. She leg sweeps JEN and JEN falls beside her. CHERRY, still covering her face, kicks the fallen JEN in the side a few times. JEN cringes and pops CHERRY with some SWEET CHIN MUSIC from the floor!!!!! JEN watches as CHERRY falls motionless finally and stands. JEN's eyes were cool and collected as she spit on CHERRY.

JEN: Next time, get the job done, newb.

JEN kicks CHERRY in the side one last time before walking to her locker room to get ready for her match.



The show returns backstage to find JONATHYN walking down the hallway.

JONATHYN: I SWEAR! That dumb bimbo... she thinks she can call ME a hussy! HUH! Oh what's that?

She trails off, as her eye catches something in the distance… Off to the side, where stray parts of the ring, back-ups and gear are kept, is a bleacher. It is just propped against the wall, but on top of it, shadows are fluttering.

In the shadows, we see nothing more than glittering, blue eyes.


The raspy, melodic voice rushes forth, bellowing, it's echo rushing through the arena. JONATHYN merely puts his hands on his hips.

JONATHYN: Oh, please.. now I got some stalker coming after me. Puh---lease, like you could touch THIS? WhatEVER!

At this, the shadowy wraith moves, quick as lightning, forcing himself known, as the light plunders him.

It's the BloodKnight Rogue!


CYREN: JONATHYN... snap out of this insanity. I see it in you, overwhelming you... if you don't come out of it, I might as well embalm you, turn your insides into mush and flicker the ligh--- OW!

JONATHYN just smacked CYREN's butt.

JONATHYN: You're hot. You kinda look like Brad Pitt.

The BloodKnight Rogue's eyes are as wide as saucers as JONATHYN begins touching his biceps.


CYREN trails off, his lungs pumping in and out.

CYREN: I will have you know I am the most POWERFUL FORCE IN THE XWF! I AM THE GOD OF MASSACRE! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS! You are JONATHYN Brown, for Christ's sake!

He winks at him.

JONATHYN: Nope. I’m the new boss. Get used to it, cutie.

CYREN merely stares at the wall, becoming more and more disturbed at the state JONATHYN appears to be in.

CYREN: I didn't pull you up to the rafters quick enough. I wasn’t there to save you. This is all my fault.

JONATHYN: You can pull me up to the rafters anytime, stud.

CYREN: With all my new found powers, I still couldn’t prevent—

JONATHYN: AH! I got it! Powers! I know what you want! You want me to put you in some wrestling match to prove you're the best! You want to impress me with your strength and protect me from bad guys and stuff! You want to be my bodyguard!

CYREN raises his eyebrows at that.

JONATHYN: Okay. This is hot. I do feel a little vulnerable with those jerks like HARDCORE SMITTY or whatever his name is running around after me.. I already have two guys that are taking care of my problems, but if you’re as powerful as you say.. Then I’ll test you next week to see if you can handle fending off.. three guys!

CYREN: I will not fail you.. Never again.. And I will save you from all of this.. Somehow..

JONATHYN: Whatever.

- - X-Treme Rules - -

HELMUT is the first one out to the ring with the ref when SEVEN BONECRUSHER comes out underneath the X-Tron as he begins making his way down to the ring. He's just about to climb into the ring when HELMUT goes running and baseball slides straight into him knocking him hard into the steel guardrail. The ref quickly has the bell rung having the match officially start now as HELMUT gets back up to his feet and grabs a hold of the top rope. As he waits for BONECRUSHER to slowly get back up to his feet HELMUT then flips over crashing down onto BONECRUSHER hard taking them both out. The ref slides out now with the two men as HELMUT slowly begins getting back up to his feet at the same time as BONECRUSHER. HELMUT quickly bum rushes BONECRUSHER kicking him in his stomach and hooking his head before lifting him up into the air and dropping him down stomach first across the top of the steel guardrail. The crowd pops slightly from it as HELMUT now grabs out a steel folding chair from underneath the ring and places it atop of BONECRUSHER before climbing up atop of the ring apron and signals out to the crowd before jumping off with a modified leg drop connecting it straight with BONECRUSHER! BONECRUSHER flips over and lands down hard holding onto his stomach while writhing in pain as HELMUT quickly makes a pinfall cover on him. 1.... and a quick kickout!

HELMUT, now somewhat frustrated, picks BONECRUSHER back up and whips him into the steel stairs causing him to crash hard back first into them while walking back over underneath the ring. HELMUT pulls up the ring apron itself now as he begins pulling out two tables and setting them in the ring. HELMUT then climbs into the ring and sets one up diagonally against the steel ring post as he grabs a hold of the other table and does the same diagonally across the ring. HELMUT now seeing BONECRUSHER slowly starting to come to climbs back outside the ring and lays into him with a couple of hard rights and lefts and he grabs a hold of BONECRUSHER and rolls him back into the ring. HELMUT then picks BONECRUSHER up while trying to whip him into the corner when BONECRUSHER suddenly manages to reverse it out of nowhere! And in doing so, BONECRUSHER now whips HELMUT hard into the corner causing him to smash face first into the table and almost break through it on the first try. Though in seeing that he didn't, BONECRUSHER begins making his way over towards HELMUT when suddenly from out of the crowd comes…


RYAN slides into the ring and faces BONECRUSHER all serious.. then he breaks out into a smile. BONECRUSHER then signals to McCARTER to help him as they each grab one of HELMUT’s legs and cause him to flip down onto his back while they position themselves when... CRASH!! McCARTER and BONECRUSHER dropped back in a double see-saw and sent HELMUT crashing through the table!!! McCARTER then tells BONECRUSHER to make the cover but BONECRUSHER doesn't want to yet as he walks across the ring and grabs up the second table now. He has McCARTER drag the limp HELMUT out a little bit away from the corner now as he places the table atop of HELMUT. BONECRUSHER then slowly climbs up onto the top rope and signals to the crowd that it's all over as he jumps off with a big elbow.. BAM! 1..... 2..... and a THREE COUNT!


- - X-Treme Rules - -

MIKE D got into the ring first as he awaited the appearance of MINDFREAK. The eerie MINDFREAK made his way to the ring from within the crowd. With his attention towards the entrance ramp, MIKE D was not expecting the attack. MINDFREAK slid into the ring, slowly making his way towards the curious MIKE D. MINDFREAK hit MIKE D with a double axe handle smash across the back of the neck. MINDFREAK picked MIKE D back up and threw him into the ropes with an Irish whip. MIKE D came back as MINDFREAK ducked. MIKE D was expecting it and stopped. MIKE D hit a quick swinging neck breaker. MIKE D got up as quickly as he hit the neckbreaker and hit a super kick on MINDFREAK. MIKE D picked up MINDFREAK and tossed him out of the ring. MIKE D started climbing the turnbuckle and took a leap at MINDFREAK! He connected with a flying body splash, and the cameras were snapping away again! MINDFREAK immediately grabbed his stomach in pain and gasped for air. MIKE D, now full of energy and adrenaline, pulled out a table from under the ring and set it up. MIKE D picked up MINDFREAK and rolled him onto the table. MIKE D climbed on the table as well and put MINDFREAK under his legs, looking forward for a pedigree. But as MIKE D started, MINDFREAK back body dropped MIKE D into the CROWD!!! MINDFREAK motioned for the fans to get out of the way as he leapt over the steel guard railing. MINDFREAK hit a picture perfect flying elbow drop. MINDFREAK picked MIKE D up by the hair and dragged him over the steel guard railing and back to the outside. MINDFREAK kicked MIKE D in the gut and hit a spinebuster. MINDFREAK pulled out a chair from under the ring and started to hit MIKE D with it. MINDFREAK started to work on MIKE D’S ankle! MIKE D tried protecting himself, but it was not enough! MINDFREAK continued his beating that he was giving but suddenly stopped. He set the chair down and picked up MIKE D. MIKE D saw his moment and low-blowed MINDFREAK. MIKE D hit a diamond cutter type move across the steel chair. Both wrestlers lay motionless on the outside mat. MIKE D started getting up as MINDFREAK started as well. MIKE D slid into the ring and got onto his feet. MINDFREAK got into the ring and the two locked up again. MINDFREAK got the upper hand for a moment, but was launched into the turnbuckle. MIKE D grabbed MINDFREAK by the throat and started to choke him. MIKE D set up MINDFREAK on the top of the turnbuckle and hit a flying suplex off the top turnbuckle. MIKE D started to climb the turnbuckle again! This was it! MINDFREAK was stunned, but he grabbed the ref’s ankle and yanked it back, causing the ref to stumble and hit the ropes as MIKE D got ready to jump! The ropes shook and MIKE D went down, straddling the turnbuckle HARD! GROIN PULL!. MIKE D grabbed his groin and yelped in pain. MINDFREAK got back up and hit… THE FREAKOUT! MINDFREAK’S finishing maneuver! MINDFREAK pinned MIKE D! 1.. 2.. THREE!!




The show returns with a shot of JONATHYN talking to someone, but we don’t know who, as the camera is set only on him..

JONATHYN: SO okay? You guys all look like you want to make a name for yourselves, right? Okay? So how about we have you guys take on this CYREN guy next week? Yeah? Do you love it?

We hear the wrestlers sounding excited about it and already plotting the strategy as they walk away.. JONATHYN smiles.

JONATHYN: That’s hot. I could really get into owning my own wrestling company..

- - Standard Match - -

CYREN and CAGE begin to exchange several hard right hands in the middle of the ring. CYREN takes the lead and whips CAGE off the ropes. CAGE bounces off the ropes and is greeted with harsh forearm smash by CYREN. CYREN brings CAGE to his knees and begins to pummel his head with his fist. CYREN grabs CAGE up by the hair and lifts him up onto his shoulders slamming him down in a hard TKO. CYREN jumps to his feet and launches himself off the ropes coming down with a flying elbow. CYREN makes the cover, 1.....2....Kickout. CYREN gets frustrated and punches the canvas. He brings CAGE to his feet and Irish Whips him into the corner. He charges at CAGE and tries to connect with a spear, but CAGE moves out of the way and CYREN goes head first into the ring pole. CAGE dives on top of CYREN and starts to punch him in the head left and right. CAGE catches CYREN with a boot to the gut as he drops to his knees CAGE bounces himself off the ropes and catches CYREN about the head with a Shinning Wizard. CAGE jumps to his feet and lands a standing shooting star press and hooks CYREN's leg, 1.....2.....CYREN gets his foot on the bottom rope. CAGE rolls CYREN away from the rope and tries another pin, 1....Kickout. CAGE lifts CYREN up onto his shoulder and drives him into the turnbuckles. CAGE then begins to kick CYREN in the face and then drives his foot into his neck. CYREN gets to his feet and pulls CAGE in...THE CRUX!! CAGE is out!! CYREN rolls CAGE over and makes the cover, 1.....2.....THREE!! CYREN wins effortlessly!!


CYREN is standing victorious in the ring, looking down at CAGE, almost surprised at how easily he defeated him..

Suddenly, three men come running down the ramp!

It’s MAD DOG, AUSTIN METAL and ANUBIS! They’re all running at CYREN like they hate him, but they just started here..


Are THESE the “three men” JONATHYN picked to take on CYREN next week?

CYREN allows the three newcomers to pile into the ring, And he quickly proceeds to knock two of them down, before hitting AUSTIN with THE CRUX! MAD DOG leaps on CYREN from behind, but CYREN whips him around.. CRUX!! ANUBIS dives into CYREN knees and takes him down to a kneeling position, then is able to drop kick him in the mouth! CYREN goes back and hits the canvas. JONATHYN comes out to the stage to see CYREN’s progress, biting his nails in nervous anticipation.. CYREN gets up to one knee as ANUBIS pops him in the mouth again, this time with a closed fist CYREN looks up at ANUBIS as if to say “Okay, you had your moment.” ANUBIS grabs CYREN to pick him up, but CYREN explodes with energy and pushes ANUBIS away. He then whips him to the ropes, and on his return.. THE CRUX! CYREN has defeated four men tonight!! He looks up at JONATHYN and simply nods his head..

The scene opens up backstage. HARDCORE SMITTY is sitting in his locker room. A Public Relations lady walks into the room and hands SMITTY a phone. SMITTY looks confused. He takes the phone and places it up to his ear.

SMITTY: Hey what’s up?......... WHAT? What do you mean? You can’t be serious. I told you I was going to court to get my money…….. No I didn’t win, they said that tranny wasn’t able to defend himself properly at a court level so of course I don’t have the money.

SMITTY throws the phone up against the wall. The P.R. lady rushes out of the room. SMITTY stands up clutching his head. SMITTY looks directly into the camera.

SMITTY: Ok Jono Boy! You’ve got what you wanted. I have no place to live. No place to go. I hope you are happy Jono because you’ve lit a new fire under my ass. You’ve got your wish, but along with your wish you’ve got your worst nightmare. I’m back baby! Better call the morgue and tell them to get two body bags ready because I’m ready to kick some ass.

SMITTY barges out of his locker room because his match is NEXT!

- - 2-On-1 Handicap Match - -

HARDCORE SMITTY's music plays and he comes down to the ring taunting to the crowd and he walks up the steps into the ring then climbs on the turnbuckle awaiting the entrance of the English duo of DEANO & MATT LANES. DEANO and Matt come to the ring together and point towards SMITTY who reacts with a shout of ' Bring it.' MATT LANES starts the match off against SMITTY as both men lock up in the center of the ring. SMITTY wins the test of strength and backs MATT up into his corner where DEANO throws a punch at SMITTY and knocks him back, LANES capitalizes with a elbow to the back off the head sending SMITTY down to the mat. MATT gives SMITTY some stomps to the head and then puts him in headlock. MATT lifts SMITTY to his feet and SMITTY gives him a right hand to the face and then another followed by DDT. LANES is out on the mat and DEANO tries to climb in the ring only to be stopped by the referee. SMITTY sees this and takes advantage removing the turnbuckle pad. MATT gets back to his feet and gives SMITTY a kick to the abdomen then throws him against the ropes, as SMITTY comes back off the ropes LANES gives him a big boot to the head. DEANO calls for the tag and MATT reaches for DEANO'S extended hand tagging him in. DEANO and MATT both go over to SMITTY and MATT lifts him up giving DEANO a free shot to the chest off SMITTY. The referee orders MATT out off the ring as SMITTY returns to his feet, with an uppercut then bouncing back off the ropes with a Clothesline. SMITTY taunts to the crowd as they begin to cheer ' SMITTY... SMITTY...' SMITTY puts DEANO in an arm bar then dropping his knee onto his arm. DEANO gets back up and nails SMITTY to the back off the head with a forearm, DEANO picks up SMITTY and sends him crashing into the ring post shoulder first. SMITTY drops to the mat and screams in pain. DEANO pulls SMITTY by his ankles over to the corner which LANES is waiting in, and DEANO tags in MATT LANES. LANES grabs SMITTY by his hair and then ties him up on the ropes, and gives SMITTY a series of right hands to the face re-opening the stitches witch the English duo gave him last Monday night. The blooded SMITTY is left knocked out on the ropes. DEANO instructs MATT to go out and get something from under the ring. MATT heads out as SMITTY slowly gets his senses back..

Suddenly, there’s activity on the opposite side of the ring! DEANO turns around and is jumped by...TONY CAPRETTI!! TONY begins wailing on DEANO with hard rights and lefts and sends him down to the floor. TONY grabs a chair and begins smashing it across DEANO's head and back, when MATT LANES jumps into the ring and TONY drops the chair and runs off, as he does he shouts at DEANO.


SMITTY sees DEANO down and MATT heading over to help him up, and he capitalizes! HE grabs MATT from behind and hits a wicked belly to back suplex!! He picks him back up.. HARDCORE BOMB!! Both men are down!! SMITTY COVERS!!.. 1.. 2.. THREE!! HARDCORE SMITTY IS BACK!!


In the back, a sweaty DEANO THE DESTROYER is talking to TONY CAPRETTI..

DEANO: What the hell, man? We had SMITTY beat, and then you come in like I killed your mom or something! I don’t get it!

CAPRETTI: Look, DEAN. I said what I said out there because I’m done with you. I thought bringing you to the XWF would help us both, but instead of helping us, it’s holding me back. We’re done, DEANO. You’re on you own.

DEANO: I don’t get this at all. What about our plan?

CAPRETTI: Forget the plan, DEANO. The plan only works when both members can do what’s expected of them. You dropped the ball, DEANO. I’m tired of being held back. I got bigger fish to fry, and I’m not wasting my time in a dead end tag team anymore. Go do whatever you want to do, but do it without me. You’re dead to me, DEANO..

DEANO: Yeah, but.

CAPRETTI: No. I’m done talking to you. I got a match to go win now. Why don’t you watch and take notes. You may actually become a good wrestler someday..

DEANO watches in disbelief as CAPRETTI heads off to the ring..

- - X-Treme Rules - -

CAPRETTI rolls into the ring, KENT tries to take the early advantage with a beatdown on CAPRETTI, but CAPRETTI forces KENT away from him. CAPRETTI stands straight in the ring. KENT pauses. CAPRETTI runs at KENT and leapfrogs him. CAPRETTI bounces off the ropes and hits a flying lariat, knocking KENT to the mat. The crowd roars as CAPRETTI towers above the fallen KENT. KENT scrambles back up o his feet and gives CAPRETTI a cheap shot to the eyes. He jumps at CAPRETTI and locks in a Crucifix. He swings down and gets him into a pin…1…2…kick out! CAPRETTI gets up only to be flattened by a powerful clothesline. KENT smirks at CAPRETTI. He goes to pick up CAPRETTI, but CAPRETTI swings back and kicks KENT in the jaw. CAPRETTI gets up to his feet. KENT is turned around…AN IMPALER! CAPRETTI turns KENT over…1…2…kick out by KENT. CAPRETTI quickly gets up and runs to the second turnbuckle. KENT climbs back up to his feet, but CAPRETTI connects a beautiful diving kick. KENT stumbles back into the ropes. CAPRETTI runs at KENT and clotheslines KENT out of the ring. CAPRETTI runs at the ropes and goes for a Suicide Dive, but KENT catches CAPRETTI in mid air and launches him rib first into the steel ringpost. CAPRETTI writhes in pain outside of the ring. KENT breaks up the referee’s ten count and climbs onto the apron. KENT scouts CAPRETTI and hits a DRAGONRANA-SUBMISSION outside of the ring! CAPRETTI is screaming in pain, as the referee begins a ten count…CAPRETTI somehow reverses the move, putting KENT in a MEXICAN SURFBOARD! KENT screams out, but CAPRETTI releases him and shoves him back into the ring. CAPRETTI waits for KENT to get up and executes a jumping calf kick, but KENT grabs hold of the foot and tries to hold in an ankle-lock, but CAPRETTI gets up too fast and enziguris him before any harm can be done. KENT lays flat on his back, CAPRETTI looks at the turnbuckle and climbs to the top slowly. The crowd cheers CAPRETTI on, as if they were fueling him with their chants…CAPRETTI looks down at KENT, before finally he leaps off the turnbuckle… THE BIG ELBOW CONNECTS!!! CAPRETTI is hurting from the drop, but makes the cover… 1… 2… KICK OUT! CAPRETTI can’t believe it! CAPRETTI gets back up slowly but surely. He climbs to the top rope once again…ANOTHER ELBOW! This is it surely! KENT hasn’t moved since…WAIT A MINUTE! DEANO! DEANO IS MAKING HIS WAY TO THE RING! CAPRETTI looks up to see DEANO walking down the ramp. CAPRETTI smiles and covers KENT one more time… 1… 2… DEANO BREAKS UP THE COUNT… CAPRETTI springs to his feet, but DEANO turns to CAPRETTI and scores the DESTROYER! CAPRETTI IS OUT OF IT! DEANO rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp shrugging to the crowd… DAMMIT, DEANO HAS RUINED THIS MATCH, but hold on…CAPRETTI IS BACK UP! A shaky and dizzy CAPRETTI beckons to DEANO to enter the ring again, but KENT rolls him up from behind…He uses the ropes for leverage! 1…2…THREE!


DEANO just looks at CAPRETTI as he backs up the ramp.. JENSEN offers to help TONY up, but TONY swats his hand away and struggles to his feet on his own.. He asks for a mic..

CAPRETTI: OKAY! IS THAT how you wanna play? FINE! One and for all, let’s just get this out of the way.. NEXT WEEK! ME AND YOU! In fact, bring your little friend MATT LANES! I’ll take you BOTH on!

JENSEN KENT walks over and grabs the mic from CAPRETTI.

JENSEN: Wait. If you’re going to face him, I want a shot at him as well. I don’t feel good about how our match ended, and I don’t feel good about taking a win away from you unfairly. Let me fight alongside you next week, we’ll take those guys out easily.. I can make my permanent move to ANARCHY a week after that, I’m sure they’ll understand. I need to do this to clear my conscience.

CAPRETTI looks at JENSEN KENT and sees his sincerity. After a moment, CAPRETTI shakes KENT’s hand, and we’ve got ourselves a TAG MATCH next week!

- - Standard Match - -

Both JEN JETSON and STAR stare each other down as the bell rings. STAR gives JEN a cocky grin, circling her slowly and taunting her with some harsh words. In a flash the two of them lock up in the center and JEN quickly overpowers STAR and tosses the smaller woman into the corner. JEN runs over and knees STAR in the gut, making her double over in pain, and then grabs a fistful of hair and throws STAR to the ring floor. STAR attempts to get up and JEN JETSON stomps her back down. JEN goes to stomp STAR once again but she quickly rolls out of the way and jumps to her feet. JEN makes a clothesline attempt that STAR dodges and fights back with an elbow smash to the back of JEN’S head. STAR then hits JEN with a DDT and goes for the first pin attempt of the match. 1…2…kickout! STAR shakes her head and grabs JEN by the hair to pull her to her feet. She then sends JEN sailing into the ropes and ducks another clothesline attempt when JEN returns. JEN bounces off the ropes again and STAR nails a head scissors takedown. Wasting no time, STAR makes her way over to the ropes and climbs and JEN stands up and shakes the cobwebs off. STAR leaps from the top turnbuckle with a flying crossbody but JEN catches her in midair and body slams her to the canvas. The match continues its fast pace as JEN hops onto STAR and releases a barrage of punches to her head. However, STAR manages to get her foot to JEN’S stomach and pushes her off. It’s her turn to leap on JEN and go wild with punch after punch. Soon, they are rolling around the ring punching, scratching and kicking one another to no end in an all out brawl. At the side of the ring, STAR finally delivers a kick to JEN that pushes her out of the ring. JEN quickly gets to her feet but STAR slingshots herself over the top rope and onto JEN, knocking her back down. STAR picks JEN up, tosses her back into the ring, and rolls in after her. She gets to her feet and taunts JEN JETSON, telling her to be a woman and stand up. Visibly irritated, JEN climbs up and charges STAR, only to receive a huge boot to the face. Once JEN is down again, STAR executes a standing moonsault with perfection. The big move puts STAR on a natural high. She raises herself and turns to the crowd, talking smack and pointing to the fallen JEN JETSON to let everyone know that this was her doing. But through all of her gloating, STAR doesn’t notice JEN getting back on her feet. STAR turns around to receive a hard chop to the chest. JEN follows up with another, and then another until she backs STAR into the corner. JEN then gives herself space and runs at STAR full speed. She slams all of her weight into STAR’S front end and the Cruiserweight Champ drops to the floor face first like a rag doll. JEN grips STAR’S ankle and drags her to the center of the ring. JEN then hauls STAR up with ease and gets her into position for a sidewalk slam. JEN spins for a little added drama and sends STAR’S back crashing into the mat. JEN hooks the leg for the count. 1…STAR kicks out quickly. JEN elbows STAR in the face and goes for another pin. 1…2…STAR kicks out yet again. With a huff, Jen slaps the mat in frustration and grabs STAR by the hair. JEN pulls STAR to her feet once again. She tosses STAR into the ropes and STAR jets back, only to be caught with a sleeper hold by JEN JETSON. JEN screams at STAR while viciously tightening her hold, cutting off STAR’S air supply and draining her energy with every passing second. STAR struggles to grab any part of JEN she can reach and free herself in vain. In a last attempt, STAR drops to her knees and flips JEN over her head and onto her back. But the sleeper hold has taken a lot out of her. STAR stays on her knees, rubbing her neck and an gasping for air. In her weakened state, JEN sneaks a kick to STAR’S face. JEN flips to her feet and pulls STAR up with her. She then hair tosses STAR across the ring. STAR gets up onto her hands and knees in an attempt to crawl away from the approaching JEN JETSON but is hardly fast enough. JEN grips her by the neck and thrusts her head between her legs. JEN lifts STAR up into a powerbomb position but STAR quickly reverses it with a Hurricanrana and turns it into a pin. 1…2…THR…JEN barely kicks out before the three count. A few second later, they are both standing up right again. STAR goes to swing at JEN but the muscle bound diva wraps her hand around STAR’S throat with a viselike grip. STAR claws at JEN’S hand in order to escape the chokehold that is lifting her off her feet. JEN finally whips STAR into the corner, but the ref isn’t ready for it, and she collides into him! THE REF IS DOWN!! JEN runs to the corner and starts sending boots into STAR’s chest! STAR grabs JEN’s foot and pushes her back to the canvas! STAR gets up and sees that the ref has been knocked down as a result of the collision with STAR, and HERE COMES 504 BOY! He comes running down the rampway. Jumping up on the ring apron though, 504 BOY looks like he's about to do something to STAR when instead she gets kicked in the gut by JENNEFER JETSON and set up for the DEVASTATION! She hits it perfectly as 504 BOY slyly smiles and jumps down from the ring apron while JENNEFER JETSON makes the cover with the ref rolling over.... 1.. 2.. KICKOUT!!.. STAR gets to her feet and rakes the eyes of JEN, causing her to step backwards as 504 BOY doesn’t even realize she hasn’t won the match.. STAR then back flips and her feet connect with JEN’S chin. JEN stumbles but doesn’t fall. Knowing that her championship is on the line, STAR uppercuts JEN and forces her back into the ropes. She gives JEN a few forearms to the head and then slams her face into the floor with the Mundane Makeover (X Factor). STAR flips JEN onto her back and covers her. 1…2…THREE!!


The bell has rung and the match is over. Both ladies are feeling the aftereffects of the match. STAR slowly rolls out of the ring to get herself together as JEN JETSON does the same inside. But as STAR looks to be making her exit, she suddenly turns back and goes under the ring. STAR searches around for a few seconds and returns with a thick metal chain. STAR wraps one end of the chain around her fist and leaps back into the ring. An unsuspecting JEN JETSON turns around and gets clobbered in the face with STAR’S steel covered fist. JEN falls down on her hands and knees and STAR kicks her in the face. Suddenly like a wild animal, STAR loses it on JEN JETSON, kicking and punching her with no restraint. STAR grabs the back of JEN’S shirt and tears it off completely. She then used the chain like a whip and lashes JEN across the back. STAR hits JEN across the ribs, the backs of her legs, the head, and whatever else she can reach with the chain. STAR then stands over JEN and wraps the chain around her neck, choking her viciously before a crew of refs run down and peel her off of JEN. STAR flails wildly as the refs restraint her while JEN JETSON’S lies motionless in the center of the ring. STAR asks for a microphone with fire in her eyes..


The crowd starts a weak “TRADE STAR” chant, but security tugs her to the back before she can cause any more trouble.

- - Manager Match - -

SCOTT YOUNG and MC TERRIBLE are the first in the ring, with JR on crutches from a recent injury. THE SAVIOR takes the opportunity to lunge a low-blow, knocking SCOTT YOUNG to the mat. The ref almost calls disqualification, just as JR BLAKE hits MC TERRIBLE in the back of his head with his crutch. SCOTT YOUNG stands, incredibly pissed off. The crowd shouts as SCOTT YOUNG flexes, and grits his teeth. SCOTT YOUNG lets out a loud wail, as he bangs his hands on his chest. This confuses MC TERRIBLE, who looks to the audience and laughs. SCOTT YOUNG blindsides him, punching him in the gut, flipping him into a Reverse DDT. SAVIOR sees an open moment, to begin chasing the poor, crippled JR BLAKE around the ring. JR BLAKE weakly fumbles about, almost falling over, just as SCOTT YOUNG jumps out of the ring! SCOTT YOUNG pummels on SAVIOR! SCOTT YOUNG drags SAVIOR into the ring, kicking him twice in the gut. JR BLAKE returns to ringside, just as SCOTT YOUNG kicks MC TERRIBLE out of the ring. JR BLAKE begins pounding on MC TERRIBLE with his crutches. SCOTT YOUNG whips SAVIOR into the ropes, wrapping him against a turnbuckle. As SCOTT YOUNG charges at him, SAVIOR raises one foot, connecting with a hard kick into the chest. SCOTT YOUNG rolls out of the ring, clutching his chest and coughing. SAVIOR looks at JR BLAKE and smiles, as JR BLAKE looks back with a prepared look. SAVIOR races to ringside, as JR BLAKE takes off up the ramp on the crutches. SAVIOR gives chase, tripping and falling over his comrade, MC TERRIBLE! JR BLAKE comes charging back down the ramp, trying to get behind SCOTT YOUNG. SAVIOR stands, facing SCOTT YOUNG. SCOTT YOUNG grabs SAVIOR and throws him into the ring, between the ropes. SAVIOR rolls over, and flips onto his feet. SCOTT YOUNG climbs into the ring, just as SAVIOR hits him with an ELBOW TO THE FACE! SCOTT YOUNG holds tight to the ropes, slipping back in. SAVIOR hits SCOTT YOUNG WITH AN ELBOW DROP! SAVIOR positions SCOTT YOUNG, holding him in the SCORPION DEATH LOCK! As the ref begins to tap, the crowd begins to chant "YOU TAPPED OUT! YOU TAPPED OUT! YOU TAPPED OUT!" SAVIOR stares angrily into the audience, SCOTT YOUNG breaking the hold! The audience continues to chant, as SCOTT YOUNG rolls away from SAVIOR! SAVIOR charges back at SCOTT YOUNG. SAVIOR jumps up to hit SCOTT YOUNG with an elbow drop, just as SCOTT YOUNG rolls out of the way! SAVIOR holds his elbow in pain, as SCOTT YOUNG pulls SAVIOR up into the air. SCOTT YOUNG HITS SAVIOR WITH A FLAP-JACK! SAVIOR IS DOWN! MC TERRIBLE is seen moving on the outside of the ring, heading to JR BLAKE, who is unaware of his presence. As SCOTT YOUNG hits SAVIOR with the flap-jack, JR BLAKE cheered, flipping a crutch into the air, smacking MC TERRIBLE in the face, knocking him out. SCOTT YOUNG flips SAVIOR onto his stomach pinning him in a Boston Crab! The crowd chants "TAP OUT! TAP OUT! TAP OUT!" But SAVIOR tries to resist! SCOTT YOUNG tightens the hold, as SAVIOR screams out! SAVIOR raises his hand to get the ropes, just as MC TERRIBLE hits SCOTT YOUNG with JR BLAKE's crutch, snapping it in half on his back! SCOTT YOUNG loses the hold, SAVIOR getting to his feet, angrily staring into the crowd. JR BLAKE flips his other crutch into the ring, tripping MC TERRIBLE! MC TERRIBLE rolls out of the ring, in pursuit of JR BLAKE! SCOTT YOUNG picks up the crutch, breaking it across the back of SAVIOR's HEAD! SAVIOR IS DOWN! SCOTT YOUNG MAKES THE PIN!!! 1.... 2.... TH—KICK OUT!! SO CLOSE! The crowd can’t believe it! SAVIOR tosses SCOTT YOUNG to the ropes and comes back with a huge drop kick! The ref counts! 1.. 2... KICK OUT! SAVIOR jumps to his feet and yells something at the ref! The ref yells back, and the enraged SAVIOR tosses the ref out of the ring!! The ref is out! SCOTT YOUNG gets to his feet! MC TERRIBLE and JR BLAKE are halfway up the ramp, but HERE COMES BIGG RIGG!! RIGG smashes MC TERRIBLE with a chair! He runs down to the ring as SAVIOR scoops SCOTT YOUNG up for a body slam! He gets the big man up, but RIGG pushes SCOTT YOUNG’s weight toward SAVIOR! SCOTT YOUNG falls like dead weight across SAVIOR, knocking the wind out of him long enough for RIGG HIMSELF to drop to the canvas!! ONE.. TWO.. THREE!! RIGG gets up and calls for the bell! Was that legal?


The cameras cut to the back, SMITTY has DEANO and MATT LANES busted wide open. SMITTY is continually beating them both with a lead pipe. He drops the pipe and tosses both of them into a dumpster.

SMITTY: How do you bitches like it eh? Now it’s time to go for a little ride.

SMITTY starts to push the dumpster around the parking lot. The dumpster is picking up speed. SMITTY directs the dumpster right into the limo of JONATHYN. The dumpster crashes into the limo making a horrendous noise. Glass shatters and steel is bent. SMITTY dusts off his hands.

SMITTY: Just add that to my tab, Jono Boy because there’s plenty more of that coming your way. You are going to be wishing you would have just done the right thing, I’m not going away until I get what is rightfully mine!



504 BOY
- - Cage Match - -

As 504 BOY waits in the cage, RIGG enters to a standing ovation of cheers! After RIGG enters the door and climbs into the ring, the cage is locked, the bell rings, and we're underway! Match begins with both individuals talking trash to each other before locking up. RIGG takes advantage early with a headlock before applying a hammerlock. 504 BOY tries to elbow his way out of it, but RIGG ducks and nails an atomic drop! 504 BOY turns around, but RIGG drops him quickly with a vicious clothesline! RIGG picks up 504 BOY by the throat and drops him back down with a chokeslam! Here's the cover, 1...2...kickout by 504 BOY. RIGG picks 504 BOY back up and delivers a stiff elbow to the face. RIGG grabs 504 BOY by the head, goes to the corner and BASHES 504 BOY'S HEAD INTO THE STEEL FIVE TIMES! A very dazed 504 BOY falls down. RIGG picks up 504 BOY and connects with a piledriver! Another cover follows, 1...2...KICKOUT! RIGG goes for another piledriver, but his injured right ankle starts to give in as he ends up shoving 504 BOY away. 504 BOY takes advantage of this as he staggers back to his feet, kicking RIGG in the injured foot. 504 BOY tries to execute a figure-four leg lock, but RIGG uses his good foot to push 504 BOY off of him and into the steel! RIGG runs up to 504 BOY and grabs his head...bulldog! RIGG picks up 504 BOY and nails a belly-to-belly suplex! RIGG picks up 504 BOY again and nails a second belly-to-belly suplex! RIGG is going for a third, but 504 BOY blocks it with his foot. RIGG tries again, but again 504 BOY blocks it. RIGG uses a few knees to the gut and tries a third time...this time he's successful! Here's the pin, 1...2...kickout! RIGG picks up 504 BOY...T-Bone Suplex! This could be it! Instead of going for the pin, RIGG grabs 504 BOY and attempts to lock him in the Boston Crab. 504 BOY tries his hardest not to let RIGG turn him over. After a few failed attempts to turn 504 BOY over, RIGG instead slingshots 504 BOY into the steel! RIGG comes over and grabs 504 BOY by the head, opening his mouth and MAKING HIM EAT STEEL! The crowd loves it! 504 BOY is bleeding from the mouth! RIGG follows this with a reverse DDT! 1...2... THR-- KICKOUT! RIGG can’t believe it as 504 BOY fights out of it quickly and fights to his feet. There, 504 BOY elbows RIGG in the gut, making RIGG release the hold. 504 BOY then turns and starts hitting RIGG with vicious chops! 504 BOY hits a standing dropkick but RIGG won’t go down as he stumbles backwards! 504 BOY looks annoyed but he quickly stands up and hits another dropkick, but RIGG is still standing! 504 BOY is visibly angry as he stands up, hits, the ropes, and then hits a running dropkick to RIGG that finally takes him down! 504 BOY stomps on RIGG a little but then backs up, waiting for RIGG to stand. As RIGG rises, 504 BOY charges but RIGG reacts quickly enough to back body drop 504 BOY right into the steel cage! 504 BOY lays on the mat, as RIGG starts to climb the cage! RIGG is climbing and his hands are reaching the top but 504 BOY is back up, climbing next to him! 504 BOY, the more agile of the two, is climbing faster and catches RIGG as both are balancing on the top rope while grabbing the cage. 504 BOY turns and jabs RIGG but RIGG is able to still hold on. 504 BOY then jumps straight in the air! 504 BOY lands safely on the ropes, but RIGG slips and lands with his legs spread on the ropes! 504 BOY smiles, knowing that RIGG is going to feel that tomorrow! 504 BOY doesn’t waste time, though, and leaps again, this time hitting Hurricanrana on RIGG of the top rope! RIGG is down but it seems like 504 BOY is re-energized! 504 BOY looks at RIGG and sees that he’s in the perfect position as he eyes the top-rope! 504 BOY reaches the top, then leaps off, hitting a huge shooting star press! He goes for the cover... 1... 2.... KICK OUT! 504 BOY can’t believe it! 504 BOY stands up but instead of arguing with the ref he goes to the cage and starts to climb, hoping that RIGG won’t rise! 504 BOY is climbing quickly and is reaching the top, and RIGG is still down. 504 BOY finally reaches the top and gets his chest on the top but a hand is grabbing his foot, it’s RIGG! 504 BOY tries to kick at him, but RIGG won’t let go, and uses 504 BOY to pull himself up. Both men are lying chest first on the cage and slowly pull themselves up. They must be standing 15 feet in the air! 504 BOY goes for a punch but RIGG grabs his fist. 504 BOY, noticing that RIGG has the advantage high in the air, begs for mercy but RIGG shakes his head ‘no’! RIGG then hoists 504 BOY into the air but 504 BOY rolls over the body press, landing safely on the cage! 504 BOY then waist locks RIGG, he’s going to German suplex him! RIGG, in desperation, throws a back elbow and connects, knocking 504 BOY of the cage, back inside! 504 BOY just fell a good ten feet! RIGG shrugs and slowly drops down! What a huge win for RIGG and a heart crushing defeat for 504 BOY!


504 BOY calls for a microphone as he is handed one in him using the ropes to stand up after such a hellacious match.

504 BOY: JONATHYN! I know you’re not quite yourself right now, and I know you’ve got enough problems.. But it looks like I just lost any shot at a World Title shot for the time being.. I also know that JEN just lost her Cruiserweight shot.. But I see that YOU have a dilemma.. You’ve got your two top tag stars in the main event! SCOTT YOUNG and THE SAVIOR! That tells ME that you have a BIG spot to fill, and that’s the TAG TEAM titles! So I’m offering you a proposition! AUTUMN IN HELL, ME AND JEN will take on whoever you want, in a TAG TEAM NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH!.. You’ve got a week to make your decision.. And if I know the “old” JONATHYN, I know he’d go for it.. So do yourself a favor and BOOK IT!!

And just like that 504 BOY drops the microphone and leaves the ring walking up the rampway.

Fade to black...

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