- - Standard Match - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Tag Match - -

- - Ladder Match - -

- - Pin To Win - -

- - Standard Tag Match - -

We open up to the office of the one and only General Manager in CRIMSON KLINE. You see he is sitting behind the desk and along with him in the room are the BLOODHOUNDS. You can see "THE X-RATED ICON" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, JUGGALO, and ARSON. DYNAMIC is holding a briefcase as you are hearing them talk.

"THE X-RATED ICON" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: KLINE, I just figured that since you pulled off the trade to get STAR over here that I should finish taking care of the promise I made you...

CRIMSON KLINE: DYNAMIC, I didn't really do this for you guys. STAR is a big addition to the ANARCHY roster, and I had to make the trade.

"THE X-RATED ICON" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: Well obviously she makes a great addition to the show...That's why I have wanted her over here, and she has wanted to come over here.

CRIMSON KLINE: Look, you and ARSON need to get ready for your match, and JUGGALO needs to get ready for his with ZACH RIZZA.

ARSON: Don't worry about us getting ready for this match. You know its not right making us fight C2 and BOONDOCK SAINT tonight, but since you did it we are going to beat the living hell out of them...

JUGGALO: And RIZZA has no chance of beating me!

DYNAMIC simply places the briefcase on the desk and opens it showing that the case is full of money. DYNAMIC grins as he talks again.

"THE X-RATED ICON" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: KLINE, as a man of my word... Here is your money. Now do with it what you wish, but do not tell us what we need to worry with. SAINT and CONNOLLY will get what’s coming to them tonight!

KLINE shoves the briefcase back towards DYNAMIC DYNAMITE.

CRIMSON KLINE: I don’t want your money. I told you this trade wasn’t because of you. I did what I thought was right for ANARCHY. For me to accept your money would mean that I accepted your BRIBE. Now, you do know that I can take you to court over this, right?

Don’t look so worried, big man. I wouldn’t do that to you. However, I could have JUGGALO arrested for so many things last week. Want me to go down the list? Let’s see…

JUGGALO: Okay, we get it. We’ll get out of your hair. Come on DYNAMIC.

DYNAMIC closes up the briefcase and turns away. The Blood Hounds leave the locker room as CRIMSON KLINE has a wicked grin on his face.

- - Standard Match - -

The bell rings and both competitors lock up. VICTOR gets the advantage early with his strength and starts wringing the arm of PATIENCE. PACEY starts to roll around on the ground and uses some of her Lucha skills to reverse it into an Armbar on VICTOR. VICTOR goes for a reversal, but PATIENCE Judo throws him over and goes for a Leg Drop on the arm, but VICTOR gets up and avoids it. VICTOR then hits a Dropkick on PATIENCE when they both pop up. The force sends PATIENCE into the corner. VICTOR goes for a Psycho Superkick, but PACEY avoids it. She lands a couple of Middle kicks into the ribs of VICTOR and buries her knees into his chest. PATIENCE then grabs VICTOR and Monkey Flips him into the middle of the ring. PACEY then scores with a Running Leg Drop. Cover.. ONE... TWO... T... VICTOR rolls the shoulder. PATIENCE picks up VICTOR and locks in her trademark Cravate. She torques on the neck, butVICTOR buries a couple of elbows into the gut of PATIENCE. VICTOR manages to get free and shoot PATIENCE off of the ropes. VICTOR knocks her down with a Shoulderblock and starts to run the ropes. PATIENCE waits for VICTOR and stays down thinking that he will leap over top of her. VICTOR sees this and stomps right on the head of PATIENCE. VICTOR then hits a Standing Moonsault Legdrop. The crowd is in shock. Cover.. ONE... TWO.. THRE... PATIENCE barely kicks out. VICTOR Snapmares PATIENCE over and kicks her right in the back. VICTOR bounces off the ropes and hits a Basement Dropkick right in the face. Cover... ONE... TWO.. THRE... PATIENCE escapes again. VICTOR can't believe it again. He lifts up PATIENCE and goes for a Body Slam, but she wriggles free and is behind VICTOR. PACEY goes for a Pacey Driver (Juvi Driver), but VICTOR blocks it and hits the Quicksnap DDT. Cover... ONE.. TWO..THRE... PATIENCE barely kicks out. VICTOR pleads with the ref for a quicker count, but tells VICTOR it was only two. VICTOR goes for the Psycho Leglock, but PATIENCE grabs VICTOR by the neck and locks in a Small Package. ONE.. TWO... THR... VICTOR escapes the hold. Both competitors pop up, but VICTOR scroes with a Yakuza Kick to the face. PATIENCE looks to be out. Cover... ONE... TWO... T... PATIENCE puts her foot on the ropes. VICTOR is thinking what will it take to put PATIENCE away. VICTOR places her on the top rope and calls for a Huricanrana, but PATIENCE blocks it. The two of them trade chops and punches on the top turnbuckle. PATIENCE drives VICTOR's face into her knee. PATIENCE stands up on the top turnbuckle and hits a Flip Power Bomb using VICTOR's weight against him. Cover... ONE... TWO... THR... VICTOR barely kicks out. PATIENCE waits for VICTOR to stagger to his feet. PATIENCE leapsup and goes for a Huricanrana, but she stops and twists around and hits Reverse Murder (Reverse Rana). VICTOR is on his hands and knees and PATIENCE awaits him. VICTOR is hunches over and is met with Nothing But Glory. Cover... ONE... TWO... THREE.. PATIENCE gets the win.


The camera cuts back to the backstage area. PATIENCE PRYCE is seen walking down the hallway when all of a sudden someone in a black cloak comes running up behind PATIENCE and grabs her by the hair and throws her face first into the wall. PATIENCE'S head bounces off of the wall with a sickening thud, PATIENCE falls to the floor motionless but he black cloaked figure isnt finished yet. The cloaked figure pulls PATIENCE, who is now dead weight, up. THEN SPIKES HER BACK DOWN WITH A DDT!!!! PATIENCE now lays on the floor motionless with blood gushing from her forehead. The black cloaked figure now laughs as they walk away and some people rush over to check on PATIENCE.



- - X-Treme Rules - -

The bell rings but HONKEY won't come into the ring. HONKEY taunts IRON BULL and tells him to come and fight him. HONKEY seesms to be hiding something. HONKEY says something that would make Zinedine Zidane headbutt someone and IRON has had enough. BULL points to his head and says he is going to Bullverize HONKEY. IB charges for his finisher, but HONKEY shows that it's a baseball bat and cracks the forehead of IRON BULL. HONKEY stands over a nearly unconcious BULL and starts to laugh. HONKEY gets in the face of a couple of IRON BULL fans who didn't like that dastardly deed. HONKEY tries to use the bat across the back of IB, but it splinters on contact. HONKEY starts stomping away at the head of IRON BULL and the camera shows IB's forehead is busted wide open. LIGHTHOUSE grabs IRON's arm and whips him into the steel steps headfirst. IRON BULL looks to be out of it already. HONKEY gets a steel chairand tries to spike the chair on IB's head between the steps, but IB avoids the contact. IB doesn't have much strength and starts crawling into the ring. HONKEY corners him and thinks that it is all over. HONKEY rears back to crown IRON, but BULL hits a Low Blow and that sends LIGHTHOUSE down in heap. They are both hurting. IRON gets up using help from the corner. HONKEY starts to get up and he charges at IRON, but BULL raises a boot to the face and that sends LIGHTHOUSE to the ground. IRON gets on the top rope and scores with a Double Axehandle to the head. IRON goes for a cover... ONE.. .TWO... T... IB lifts the head of HONKEY off the mat. IRON sees the chair and picks it up. HONKEY sees that IRON has his back turned so he tries to run, but BULL grabs HONKEY by the tights. HONKEY isn't going anywhere.. IB yanks HONKEY by the tights and lets the chair hit the back of LIGHTHOUSE. HONKEY holds hisback and begs for mercy. IRON just chuckles and seems like he will relent, but he smashes LIGHTHOUSE on the top of his dome.. IB waits for HONKEY to get up and he cranks him in the head again. IRON waits for HONKEY to get up again and he gets the hattrick of chair shots. IRON goes for the pin. Cover.. ONE... TWO... THR... HONKEY puts his foot on the ropes. IB thinks he won, but the ref tells him that he hasn't. IB sets up the chair and German Suplexes HONKEY. ONE... TWO... THRE... HONKEY rolls the shoulder again. IRON goes for another Suplex, but HONKEY wriggles free and hits Stranded at Sea on the steel chair. Cover... ONE... TWO.... THRE... IRON kicks out again. HONKEY keeps pounding the forehead of IB to try to open that cut up even more. HONKEY goes up to the top turnbuckle and waits for BULL to get up. HONKEY leaps and hits the Lighthouse Nut Kick. IRON BULL is holding his not so ironboys. HONKEY goes for a roll up. ONE.. TWO... THRE... IRON kicks out again. HONKEY is screaming at the ref to make that a three count. HONKEY goes up to again for another kick. IRON BULL Irish whips HONKEY to the outside. IRON BULL does a springboard off the top rope and is taken out mid-air with a missle dropkick! SOUL BEARER came out of the crowd and dropkicked IRON BULL back into the ring! HONKEY rolls back into the ring and capitalizes with a schoolboy roll up. HONKEY pulls the tights. 1...2...3! HONKEY does it with help from SOUL BEARER!


After the match, HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE goes to shake IRON BULL'S hand. IRON BULL hesitates, but extends his hand. They shake...but wait, IRON BULL is shocked! HONKEY lifts his hand to reveal a trick buzzer!

HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE: Take that, BULL! I'm tired of facing you every's boring. What do you think, ladies and gentlemen? Are you SHOCKED?

- - Standard Match - -

HUDSON and SABRINA lock up in the middle of the ring as HUDSON seems to be using his power advantage as he begins to push SABRINA towards the corner until she uses her quickness to duck out of the tie up and get behind HUDSON as she then pushes him into the corner. SABRINA backs off abit as HUDSON turns around he then goes towards SABRINA and trys to hit her with a spinning wheel kick but SABRINA ducks. SABRINA's using her quickness to her advantage again..but whats this SABRINA's just grabbed ahold of her stomach and shes wnet down to a knee. HUDSON gets up and nails her with a superkick he then hits SABRINA with a vertical suplex and it seems that HUDSON has taken advantage of SABRINA not being 100% for this match. HUDSON picks her up as he seems to be getting cocky but as he goes for a brainbuster its reversed by SABRINA into a neckbreaker! HUDSON gets back up only to be caught by a DDT and SABRINA's in control again! SABRINA's now waiting for HUDSON to get up..shes stalking him...Wilson wait! SABRINA's doubled over in pain again! Just as she was about ready to hit HUDSON with the Wilson Kick! HUDSON gets up and hes gone to the apron..SABRINA's up..Springboard dropkick by HUDSON! HUDSON's up and hes running into the ropes...THUNDER ROLLS! pin...1...2...SABRINA's shoulder is up! He's heading up to the top rope..450 Splash! He misses! SABRINA moved! HUDSON and SABRINA both are up as he tries for a clothesline but she ducks and she hits a german suplex!! SABRINA's going to the top rope..MOONSAULT! but it looks like that hurt her more then it did HUDSON! HUDSON's up as is SABRINA..Wilson Kick! No! He catches her foot! He trips her and lock in a ankle lock! SABRINA's in trouble! Will she tap out? No! Shes crawling towards the ropes! Will she get to it? Shes almost there! Shes reaching her hand out! NO! HUDSON pulls her back but shes not giving up as SABRINA goes back to trying to get to the ropes..Shes almost there...She made it! but shes using the ropes to get to her feet as HUDSON has one of her feet...Enziguri! SABRINA hit him with a enziguri! That rocked HUDSON! He's dazed...Wilson Kick! She finally hit it and Hudson is down! SABRINA is on the top rope again.

HUDSON's getting up..Missle Dropkick by SABRINA and hes down again..SABRINA's gonna soon have this match in hand..but..shes doubled over in pain again..HUDSON's getting up slowly shaking the cobwebs out as he sees SABRINA down. A smile forms on HUDSON's face as he gets ready to go in for the kill. HUDSON slides out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. He slides back in and bends it over the head of SABRINA WILSON! Oh my gooodness, he could have killed her with that chair shot! The referee calls for the bell, this one is over!


Hold the phone! I don't think so.

The camera reveals CRIMSON KLINE, walking down to ringside. He climbs into the ring and looks at the fallen SABRINA WILSON. He then looks over at JOSH HUDSON, who is celebrating with the HART title in hand. CRIMSON KLINE rips the title out of JOSH HUDSON'S hands and raises the mic to his lips.

CRIMSON KLINE: JOSH, I don't know what BIGGS has been telling you, but this is not how a champion acts. You had a title match and you simply got yourself disqualified to get out of losing your belt. Well, I guess today just isn't your day , HUDSON. You see, not only do we not allow cheaters on our show, we also don't want them in our company. So, as of right now I am stripping you of the HART title and giving it to SABRINA WILSON! That's not all, JOSHY POO, you see...because of your little stunt I am also going to fire you from the XWC! BIGGS, I warned you last week, if your guys don't get it together...there will be consequences. So BIGGS, JOSH HUDSON, VICTOR GILLEAN, and SOL DIVYDE are ALL FIRED! Have a nice day!


CRIMSON KLINE leaves the ring. JOSH HUDSON looks distrught as the referee hands the HART title to SABRINA WILSON. The fans begin to chant "Na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye!" as JOSH HUDSON walks to the back.

Backstage, EXTERMINATOR is jogging around the inside of the arena, looking as pumped as ever despite the bandages covering his left side. After taking a few sips from his water bottle, the former X-Treme Champion stops as he comes across the office of ANARCHY's General Manager, CRIMSON KLINE.

Voice: It's open.

EXTERMINATOR enters the room, anticipating what KLINE's proposition for him will be.

EXTERMINATOR: You wanted to see me, KLINE?

CRIMSON KLINE: Yes indeed. I'm sure you're wondering what this meeting is all about.

EXTERMINATOR: Damn right I am...what's the deal with AUTUMN IN HELL, other than the fact that I'm cleared to wrestle?

CRIMSON KLINE: Well, it's no secret that I've been trying to pull some strings to get you on this show, but I need you to prove my judgement to be correct. For that, I will be putting you in an interpromotional match at AUTUMN IN HELL.

EXTERMINATOR: Have you found an opponent for me yet?

CRIMSON KLINE: More than one, actually. How do you feel about teaming up with your old friend CHASM? If you are okay with it then the two of you will face MASSACRE’S JEN JETSON & 504 BOY, and HEATHER HALLIWELL & CHERRY for an opportunity at the XWF Tag Team championship!

EXTERMINATOR: Wow, I don’t know what to say…

CRIMSON KLINE: Just say yes, AJ.

EXTERMINATOR: Hmmmm...I like it. What the heck, EXTERMINATOR and CHASM vs. JEN JETSON and 504 BOY vs. HEATHER HALLIWELL and CHERRY at AUTUMN IN HELL! You got it!

EXTERMINATOR starts to walk out of CRIMSON KLINE's office feeling pretty satisfied, but KLINE interrupts.

CRIMSON KLINE: Oh, and one more thing I forgot to mention...I will be the special guest referee for YOUR return match!

EXTERMINATOR looks a bit shocked, but he nods in agreement. What a match it will be for the returning XWF grappler!

- - Standard Tag Match - -

The match starts with MUDD and CHASM. MUDD quickly downs down CHASM and applies a front facelock. CHASM goes behind MUDD, but MUDD gets in an elbow followed by a big hip toss. MUDD brings CUTWRIGHT in the ring and then hits a clothesline on CHASM in the corner. CUTWRIGHT gets in a boot to the back when CHASM sends MUDD into the ropes. CHASM sends MUDD outside of the ring and CUTWRIGHT gets in a cheap shot. CUTWRIGHT throws MUDD back in the ring. CHASM gets in a flip senton on MUDD in the ring, covers, but only gets a two count. CHASM applies a half nelson submission on MUDD, but MUDD counters with a hip toss. CUTWRIGHT gets the tag and he gets in a few forearm shots on MUDD. CUTWRIGHT gets in a quick suplex on MUDD. CHASM gets the tag. CUTWRIGHT holds MUDD down, CHASM goes up to the top, jumps and comes down with a knee to the back. CHASM works on the back of MUDD a bit and then tags in CUTWRIGHT. MUDD fires back with a belly-to-belly on CUTWRIGHT. CHASM gets the tag and he exchanges lefts and rights with MUDD. MUDD gets in a spike DDT on CHASM and a running forearm on CUTWRIGHT. MUDD kicks CUTWRIGHT in the stomach then spins around and set hit up for a reverse DDT. CRACKERJACK! CHASM is back up MUDD set him up CRACKERJACK to CHASM as well. MUDD drag the two men next to each other. MUDD leaps up to the top rope and poses doing a fair bit of taunting. MUDD licks his finger and tests the wind. He dusts his shoulders off and leaps hitting both men with his Tornado Leg Drop. He jumps up posing and taunting somemore clearly not even worried about his two opponents. He walks over and sits on CHASM’S chest and just drops backwards across CUTWRIGHT as well. The ref counts 1…2…3!


CRIMSON KLINE appears on the X-Tron. He is seated at his desk with his hands folded, rested on top of the desk.

CRIMSON KLINE: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. If you don't mind, I would like to make an announcement. Many of you are probably wondering why ANDREW GIBSON didn't show up for his scheduled match tonight. Well, so am I. Since I'm not in a very tolerant mood tonight, I thought I'd make it publically known that ANDREW GIBSON is FIRED!

...Huh, would you look at that. Coincidentally, I just fired MASSACRE'S first two draft picks. Oops.

- - Ladder Match - -

ZACH RIZZA’s music hits as he makes his way down to the ringside. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd. RIZZA is yelling at the crowd complaining about wanting belt back. CLOWN WALK by The Insane Clown Posse blares over the PA as Juggalo emeges from the backstage area followed by LISHA close behind carrying the knife she stabbed SABRINA WILSON with last week. She keeps on motioning that she’s stabbing herself and miming SABRINA falling over. JUGGALO enters the ring and the ref demands that he hands over the Xtreme Title belt. The wire comes down and the ref hangs the belt on it and I raises back up. The bell rings and JUGGALO starts to walk towards RIZZA. JUGGALO then gets in a knee to the gut on RIZZA and follows that up with some right hands. JUGGALO nails RIZZA off the corner and then gets in a quick back suplex. RIZZA comes back with a clothesline on JUGGALO. JUGGALO gets dumped to the outside and when RIZZA comes out, he grabs him and drives him face first into the steel steps. JUGGALO picks up RIZZA and then throws him face first at the ladder that is in the aisle as well. JUGGALO grabs the ladder and puts it in the ring. JUGGALO gets the ladder set up in the middle of the ring as RIZZA gets up on the ring apron. RIZZA hurries into the ring and clubs JUGGALO off the ladder. JUGGALO rolls outside the ring then grabs a second ladder and attempts to put it in the ring when RIZZA tries to block it. JUGGALO still finds a way to get it inside and then gets in a quick jab on RIZZA. JUGGALO slides into the ring but RIZZA grabs him by the hair and launches JUGGALO to the outside. JUGGALO grabs the second ladder from under the bottom rope, but RIZZA dropkicks it into his face. RIZZA then launches himself over the top and takes out JUGGALO on the outside! RIZZA gets back in the ring, starts climbing up the ladder, but JUGGALO gets in and climbs up the other side as well. Both RIZZA and JUGGALO exchange right hands. JUGGALO gets his hands on the belt, but RIZZA punches him in the gut. JUGGALO then drives RIZZA's face into the top of the ladder platform, leaps up and attempts a sunset flip powerbomb. The crowd is in awe due to JUGGALO’S size and ability to pull off the manuver. He props RIZZA up in the corner JUGGALO then takes the ladder and throws it at RIZZA in the corner. JUGGALO grabs another ladder and does the same keeping RIZZA in the corner. JUGGALO throws the ladder down and gives RIZZA a scoop slam on top of one of the ladders. JUGGALO grabs the second ladder and sandwiches RIZZA in between both. LISHA is on the apron and leaps over hitting a senton splash on the ladder covered RIZZA. RIZZA gets up in the corner, but JUGGALO drives a ladder into his face. JUGGALO then sets up the second ladder and starts to climb up it when RIZZA puts the first ladder against the second. RIZZA uses it to climb up with JUGGALO. RIZZA then grabs JUGGALO and gives him a back body drop onto the first ladder that is leaning against the second. When JUGGALO hits that back first, the other ladder RIZZA is on tumbles over and RIZZA hits that ladder back first on his way down! RIZZA gets up first, sets up the ladder, starts climbing up, but JUGGALO pulls him off of it. JUGGALO grabs the other ladder and puts it on top of the turnbuckle. JUGGALO goes over to RIZZA, but RIZZA kicks him in the gut. RIZZA backs up, charges, but JUGGALO grabs him and launches him face first from a powerbomb position into the ladder! JUGGALO then grabs the other ladder and sets it up. JUGGALO starts climbing up KID MONEY appears and runs down the ramp JUGGALO jumps down from the ladder and turns around as KID hits him with a seated senton. RIZZA is back up as they both pound on JUGGALO. LISHA jumps on KID’s back and they both stumble out of the ring. KID chases LISHA to the back. RIZZA sends JUGGALO face first into a ladder up against the ropes. RIZZA then hits the Rizzaliner on JUGGALO against the ladder! When JUGGALO falls back, the ladder stays on top of him. RIZZA connects with a leg drop! RIZZA sets up the ladder and starts climbing up. JUGGALO follows up with him and attempts the Electric Chair back drop when RIZZA counters that into a lands on the other side of the ladder. They both stay still balancing the ladder. Until RIZZA spins JUGGALO around backwards on the ladder. He hooks on a dragon sleeper on top of the ladder. RIZZA hoists him up looking for the Attitude Adjustment. RIZZA falls backwards but JUGGALO somehow lands on his feet and RIZZA lands on his back. JUGGALO pauses for a moment with a look of sheer surprise on his face. RIZZA grabs JUGGALO as he is still laying on the mat and pulls him over bouncing JUGGALO’S skull off the ladder and busting him wide open. RIZZA then climbs up the ladder and gets the belt when JUGGALO kicks the ladder way. RIZZA is holding on when he drops down and JUGGALO catches him and executes a huge powerbomb. JUGGALO then positions the ladder over a dazed RIZZA and uses it to pin him underneath. JUGGALO taunts at RIZZA smiling as he climbs up the ladder. JUGGALO has his hands on the belt, RIZZA starts to shake the ladder, JUGGALO holds on and moves to the other side. RIZZA then kicks the ladder out of the way and JUGGALO is hanging on. RIZZA brings JUGGALO down by his leg and JUGGALO shows his frustration smacking the mat. JUGGALO then hits the Riddlebox on RIZZA on top of the ladder. JUGGALO sets up the ladder and starts climbing up when KID MONEY comes back out he pushes JUGGALO off into the waiting arms of RIZZA. KID MONEY sets up for the KASH KICK but JUGGALO moves and he nails RIZZA with it. JUGGALO smiles as KID is frustrated and the two of them begin to trade blows with each other. The crowd is electric. ARSON and DD sprint down the ramp and KID quickly roles out of the ring and begins to exit through the crowd. THE HOUNDS follow behind him until they disappear into the crowd. JUGGALO begins to climb the ladder but is clearly having trouble holding his side. JUGGALO is moving slowly up the ladder as RIZZA roles into the ring with a chair. JUGGALO sees him coming but can’t do anything to stop him. RIZZA hits JUGGALO with a chair to the back. JUGGALO kicks RIZZA in the face and climbs up further. RIZZA nails another shot to JUGGALO that makes him lean over the top of the ladder. RIZZA quickly climbs the ladder and bashes JUGGALO with the chair again before tossing it down. Both men exchange some blows on top of the ladder and it begins to wobble greatly until it begins to fall. Both grab the belt and hang on to it. The ladder falls as the two men begin headbutting and kneeing each other in an attempt to make the other fall.JUGGALO suddenly reaches up an headlocks RIZZA. He lets go of the belt and yanks RIZZA down onto his shoulders JUGGALO lands on his feet kneeling with RIZZA laying across his shoulders. JUGGALO power himself to a standing position and executes another Riddlebox. JUGGALO turns to set up the ladder when the belt begins to slowly lower. Once in reach JUGGALO snags the belts as the bell sounds. KID MONEY leaps the barrier but JUGGALO quickly rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp as KID MONEY and himself stare each other down.





- - Pin To Win - -

AIDAN COLLINS and NITRO are in the ring as TRENT GEIN makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring only to be attacked by the two former tag team partners. NITRO and COLLINS both whips GEIN off the ring ropes, but TRENT comes flying back at them both with a flying double clothesline. GEIN jumps to his feet and pulls AIDAN up and plasters him with several hard right hands sending him back into the corner, when NITRO grabs GEIN and spins him round catching him with a right of his own. NITRO lifts GEIN onto his shoulders, but is caught in the mid section by an AIDAN COLLINS dropkick sending both men crashing down to the mat. AIDAN pulls NITRO up and plants him in a double arm DDT and makes a cover hooking NITRO's near leg, 1...2...Kickout. COLLINS pulls NITRO up by the hair and bounces him off the ring ropes catching him as he comes back with a hard reverse elbow to the jaw of NICK NITRO. GEIN is back up and he spears AIDAN and mounts him laying into him with several hard shots to the temple. NITRO gets to his feet and pulls TRENT off of COLLINS and drops GEIN down to the mat with a reverse DDT. AIDAN COLLINS, who is now up, jumps up and catches NITRO with a flying forearm. All 3 men are down on the mat. GEIN and AIDAN get to there feet at the same time and begin to exchange hard chops with each other, as GEIN takes the upper hand he scoops AIDAN COLLINS up onto his shoulder and slams him down press slam style. COLLINS grabs his back in pain, as TRENT quickly pounces on the downed NITRO and pulls him up into a vertical suplex and a cover, 1...2...Kickout. NITRO gets to his feet but TRENT is there first and lifts him up into position for the Plainsfield Butcher, but AIDAN COLLINS shoves GEIN back against the ropes as TRENT drops NICK NITRO over the top rope and COLLINS bounces off the ropes...THE nICE PICK!! GEIN's head bounces hard off the mat from the impact, as AIDAN hooks up both of GEIN's legs and pins his shoulders down to the mat, 1...2...THR-KICKOUT!! TRENT GEIN barely....and I mean BARELY gets a shoulder up. NICK NITRO jumps back into the ring and nails COLLINS with a hard shot to the back of the neck and quickly lifts him up and drops him in an NKO. NICK goes to make the cover, but TRENT grabs NICK by the tights and rolls him up, 1...2...Shoulder up. GEIN grabs at his hair in frustration and pulls himself up using the ring ropes. COLLINS gets to his feet and he and GEIN lock eyes. AIDAN points at TRENT as TRENT takes a step forwards as COLLINS sees out of the corner of his eye NITRO rolling out of the ring to get a chair. GEIN has not seen him as AIDAN and GEIN lock horns in the middle of the ring. GEIN takes the upper hand and locks COLLINS in a side head lock as NICK jumps into the ring with the chair, COLLINS drops down and low blows GEIN. AIDAN slips his hand into the top turnbuckle pad and pulls out a pair of Brass Knuckles! AIDAN steps up GEIN for a shot...but GEIN moves! COLLINS drops the knucks and GEIN kicks them out of the ring. NITRO walks right into an ICE PICK from AIDAN COLLINS! GEIN and COLLINS fight for who gets to pin NITRO. GEIN swings, and COLLINS ducks under it. COLLINS grabs the left leg of NITRO and makes the cover...but what's this? GEIN has NICK'S right leg! The referee makes the count. 1...2...3! It's over, but who is the winner?

A replay is shown and GEIN and COLLINS both had NITRO pinned. The referee has no choice but to declare both men the winner!


After the match, GEIN and COLLINS lock in an intense staredown. They never come to blows, but both men look furious. What will this mean for their Pay-Per-View encounter?

”I Stand Alone” by Godsmack begins to play. We all know this is JENSEN KENT who on Massacre mentioned he was going to show up here tonight to challenge someone. Will it be ARSON again? He did say he had not lost the war. The camera and everyone else’s attention is now on the X-TRON as JENSEN appears on the screen.

JENSEN: Well ladies and gentlemen, I said I would show up here tonight and here I am. Now, you may all be wondering who it is that I am coming out here to challenge. So I won’t keep you waiting any longer. You see, the way I see it, to get recognition and respect, you have to go out and challenge the very best in this business, the top dogs of the company. So, BOONDOCK SAINT. I hereby challenge you, for a shot at the XWC title, next week, right here on Anarchy!

Now, I know what you’re thinking there BOONY. I’m not in your league right? I mean if I couldn’t beat ARSON what makes me think I can beat you? Well, the answer is simple. I have heart. I am a fighter. Ask ARSON, even he can’t deny the fact that I gave him one hell of a fight. And like I said when I made my return. I am not here to start from the bottom. I will make my way to the top by taking on any and everyone. And that my friend, includes you. So, what do you say?

Wait a minute, look! CRIMSON KLINE is out here, once again. He stands on the ramp, looking up at the X-Tron.

CRIMSON KLINE: JENSEN, you really picked the wrong night to do this. Unfortunately, BOONDOCK SAINT will not be wrestling next week. But you will. You want to prove yourself so badly? Well, how about next week you have the main event spot? Your opponent will be…hmm…oh…how about AIDAN COLLINS!

Let’s make it interesting. How about…LOSER leaves ANARCHY? I think that sounds perfect. Before you say anything, don’t. You don’t have to thank me. Just show up next week and be prepared for the biggest match of your career.

- - Standard Tag Match - -

DYNAMITE and ARSON step back into the ring, and DYNAMITE volunteers himself to start out. “I got this” he mouths to ARSON. Across the ring, THE LEGACY plays a quick game of eenie-meanie-miney-moe to determine their representative. CONNOLLY wins… or loses, depending on your point of view. He stretches out a little and shadowboxes as the referee reads both teams the riot act. The bell rings and both men step out, circling like participants in a tribal dance. C2 throws a high roundhouse to shake DYNAMITE up, and DD steps back to duck it. He takes an amateur-style shot at C2’s planted leg, and CONNOLLY quickly sprawls back. Both men quickly come back to a standing position and continue circling. DYNAMITE closes in again, looking for a lockup, but C2 times DD’s lunge and catches him by locking hands with his. Before DYNAMITE knew what hit him, he was locked in a Test Of Strength. Both men push forward. CONNOLLY gains the advantage, but DD doesn’t give up. Right before he’s backed into the neutral corner, the former Universal champ pushes forward with all of his might. They move back towards the center of the ring, and it looks as though C2 is losing his advantage. Then he just gives it up. In a flash, he kicks his legs out and in between DD’s, sliding underneath DYNAMITE and sending the Bloodhound member tumbling forward. DYNAMITE does a faceplant in the center of the ring, and C2 “skins the cat” and pulls himself up to a seated position on DD’s back. He ties up DYNAMITE’s hands with one of his own, keeping the man on his face and knees, ass-up in a hogtied position. He then showboats a little, to the delight of the crowd. C2 then takes it a step further. Adding humiliation to… um, humiliation, he takes his free hand, holds up one finger to the crowd, and then... well, he “checks the oil,” to use a euphemism. The crowd bursts out laughing as C2 hops off of DYNAMITE, instantly running to his corner and wiping his finger vigorously against the mat. DYNAMITE scampers to the Bloodhound corner on all fours, holding his ass and shooting C2 a “what the fuck” look. C2 shrugs, then tries to get BOONDOCK to smell his finger. A disgusted groan rises from the crowd.

The two men stand and approach each other again. This time, CHRISTIAN reaches out for a lockup, making sure to stick his hands out at DYNAMITE. DYNAMITE backs off, looking a little grossed out, but C2 keeps stepping forward, poking at him with the finger. Finally, DYNAMITE grabs the hand and wrenches it with a wristlock, doubling C2 over. DD cranks on the lock harder, keeping him down. C2 almost goes down to his knees, but then pushes back up. Showing some newfound lucha-esque technique, C2 stands and lets his body flow with the wristlock, planting his free hand and floating into a one-handed cartwheel. As he upends himself, he locks his legs around DYNAMITE’S head and pulls the man to the mat with a headscissors takeover. Unfortunately, he doesn’t quite have the know-how to do anything from there, so DYNAMITE makes a quick escape. He pushes up to a back bridge, tripod-ing on his head and feet, then flips over to a front bridge. Just as quickly, he kicks to a back bridge again, moving fast enough to wrench his head out from between C2’s legs. From there, though, C2 moves back to his bread and butter. As soon as DYNAMITE turns to face him again, he blasts him with a palm thrust from the seated position – not enough power to knock DYNAMITE out, but enough to stagger him. DYNAMITE stumbles back and checks his nose for blood, then charges C2, who is still seated. Moving quickly, C2 spins his body and hooks DYNAMITE with a drop toehold. He moves to a mounted position and begins raining down crossface blows to the hapless DD, who tries to cover his head and block the blows. Without any available escape, DYNAMITE drags himself (and C2) to the ropes and grabs on. The referee pull C2 up and off DYNAMITE, who uses the momentary freedom to dive for his corner and tag in ARSON. ARSON steps through the ropes and faces off with CONNOLLY. C2 stares him down and begins bouncing a little, firing himself up. Then he abruptly turns and tags in SAINT. BONNDOCK steps in as the crowd roars with boos. He slaps his chest a couple of times and gives ARSON a glare that might kill a more fragile man. At the urging of the ref, the men engage. They lock up and ARSON doesn’t play the power game, instead twisting the hold down into a side headlock. He crrrraaaaaannnnks on the hold, squeezing SAINT’s head, but it’s too early to wear the champ down. With a growl, he lifts ARSON in a back suplex-type hold, then just tosses him forward. ARSON lands in the turnbuckle and grabs the ropes to hold himself up. Anxious to not be shown up, he stomps right back out. They lockup again, and this time BOONDOCK applies the headlock, putting the pressure down as the crowd is torn in who to give their support to. ARSON gives him two quick forearms to the back, then pushes him towards the ropes. As he bounces off, he’s caught in the face by a picture-perfect dropkick from the TV Champion. He stumbles back to the ropes and ARSON runs the opposite way, looking for a running lariat. BOONDOCK was ready, though, and as ARSON rebounds, he springs forward, looking for the SPEAR! Showing some damn sharp awareness, ARSON springs into a running leap frog OVER SAINT as he flies by. SAINT hits the mat chest-first and skids out of the ring, but he’s quickly back up. He jumps up onto the apron and attempts to storm the ring, where ARSON is waiting, but C2 quickly grabs his shoulder and says a few words to calm him down. Taking a second or two to regain his focus, SAINT slowly re-enters the ring. The men circle again. SAINT goes for a lock up, but ARSON quickly blocks his hand and ducks underneath him, slipping into a go-behind. SAINT swings an arm back to elbow him in the face, but ARSON avoids it and shifts to the side. He loads up and launches SAINT backwards with a beautiful t-bone suplex (that’s suplex, not slam). Keeping the lock as he slams SAINT down, ARSON floats into a quick submission hold – a rear chinlock from the camel clutch position. C2 tries to lead the crowd in a clap, but they really don't like SAINT, so he says the hell with it, but SAINT powers up to his hands and knees anyway. He tries to power up, but ARSON cranks on the neck and takes his momentum away, sending him tumbling back down. C2 drops down from the apron and slaps the mat, shouting some encouraging words to his partner, and likewise giving him a point of reference. SAINT lets out a yell and pushes up again, this time crawling towards his partner and the sound of him slapping the mat. He leans for the ropes, surging forward… but falls JUST short. However, he WAS close enough to tag C2 on the way down.

C2 springs over the ropes and gives a sharp kick to ARSON, who had just realized what happened. ARSON tumbles backwards and is victimized by some hard downward punches from the SUNTAN SUPERMAN. He can’t regain his bearings and continues rolling as C2 follows him, throwing punches and elbows wherever he has the opening. ARSON backs into the ropes and C2 is forced off again by the ref. He retreats to the middle of the ring and waits for another chance. That chance doesn’t come, though, because DYNAMITE sneaks in behind the ref’s back and gives C2 a low blow. CONNOLLY crumples to the mat as the ref is still checking on ARSON. He steps back when ARSON recovers, then is shocked to see the humbled C2 next to him. ARSON recovers and pulls C2 up by his head, hoisting him into a facelock position then using a vertical suplex. C2 writhes in pain, and ARSON follows up with some quick stomps to the face to flatten him out. Then he leaps high into the air and comes down with a leg drop across the chest. In less than a minute, CONNOLLY was turned from an ass-kicking machine to a wounded animal. ARSON pulls C2 back up with him when he gets up. He slings C2 into the ropes and catches him as he rebounds with a spinning sidewalk slam (think the Black Hole Slam), but drops to a knee and drapes C2 across it for a vicious backbreaker. He lets C2 fall, face down, to the mat, then follows up by applying a bearhug and sitting down on the lower back, pulling – scratch that, YANKING – C2 back up and leaving his upper body suspended like a puppet. He refuses to submit, though. The crowd cheers C2 on, but there’s not much to do from that position. His elbows, normally lethal, have no power when his body’s being contorted like this. In fact, he only has one hope.... DYNAMIC DYNAMITE. ARSON’s partner is hopping up and down on the apron, signaling wildly that he wants in. He catches ARSON’s eye and pleads for a chance to take the cocky C2 out. ARSON balks… then relents. He stands up, puts his foot on the back of C2’s head and shoves him down for a crude curbstomp-like move. He walks over to the Bloodhound corner and tags in DYNAMITE. The big man wastes no time, actually climbing to the top rope and leaping across the ring to land on C2 with a elbow drop. He maintains the lateral press and makes the first pin attempt of the match. ONE… TWO… Kickout. Easy stuff. Rudimentary. The crowd cheers for the kickout, and DD shouts something nasty at them. He pulls C2 up and throws him into the corner. As C2 rebounds out, DD sprints at him, grabs his head in a facelock and runs up the ropes, swinging off with a tornado DDT that plants C2 in the middle of the ring. He picks the man up off the mat and double underhooks him, he then nails him with the Industry. He climbs back to his feet and walks up to SAINT, in the LEGACY’ corner, making sure to talk trash and rile the champ up. SAINT is easy prey there and he quickly tries to enter the ring after DD. The referee runs in to intercept him, and prevents SAINT from getting in. Behind the back, ARSON re-enters the ring and begins stomping C2 down along with DD. As the ref coaxes SAINT to get out of the ring, DD leaps over the top rope into the Bloodhound corner, slapping his hands together to make the “tag” sound. The ref returns to the action and sees a new man in the ring. He demands to know if the Hounds made the tag, and both men swear they did. ARSON continues the beating, pressing C2 overhead, military style, then dropping him across a knee. He follows up by grabbing C2’s legs in a boston crab position, then arching the body, classic Jericho style. C2 squirms, but has no leverage to get away, and ARSON is twisting the move to put optimum pressure on the back. With a last ditch effort, C2 slams the point of his elbow into ARSON’s ankle. ARSON buckles a little, but stays up. Another elbow shot and he has to give up some of his leverage, shifting to a regular boston crab (aka the WWE-era Jericho). He begins walking towards the Bloodhound corner and tags out to DYNAMITE, who comes in and immediately drops a leg drop to the upper back of CONNOLLY. He grabs C2 by the arm, drags him to the center of the ring and rolls him over for another pin attempt. ONE… TWO… TH-Kickout. A little tougher. A little closer. The crowd is sounding desperate with their cries for C2 to get up and fight back. Like he’s not going to be able to, like he can’t go on any longer. DYNAMITE stands up to taunt a bit, and kicks at C2’ head, playing with him. He spits towards SAINT, who roars back, but doesn’t try to get in. Finally, DYNAMITE grabs C2 by his head and pulls him up, making sure to leave him in a doubled-over position. He talks a little more shit to the crowd as lifts C2 up into a fireman's carry. He walks around a bit with C2, before he calls for the X-RATED. As he starts the move, you could almost see this scene slow down. DYNAMITE, tosses C2 off his shoulder, who in a burst of energy, flips out the move, landing on his feet, turns, and delivers a hard right cross. It connects, and the force is enough to send DYNAMITE flying, landing on his back. He barely moves, having been nearly KO’d by the punch. C2 also collapses, and the crowd goes wild, willing him on to tag in the champ, who stands anxiously at the apron. DYNAMITE finally rolls to his stomach and grabs the ropes, pulling him back towards Jamester like he’s on an obstacle course. Oxios only has mat in front of him, though, and nothing to gain leverage. He shifts his body forward a little bit at a time, the crowd getting louder with each heave. DYNAMITE falls forward at the turnbuckle and tags ARSON just as C2 gets within reaching distance of SAINT. ARSON vaults the top rope and grabs C2’s ankle JUST as he makes that final stretch. He’s pulled back inches before making the life-saving tag. ARSON stomps away at C2 after dragging him back towards the center of the ring. He picks the SUNTAN SUPERMAN up and delivers a seated powerbomb. He chooses not to make the pin, though, and stands up to get in SAINT’s face. Once again, SAINT’s resolve cannot hold up, and he tries to storm the ring, only to be held back by the ref. He tries to get past the ref, but can’t help the cause any, because the ref only tries harder. Behind them, ARSON pulls C2 up and tags DYNAMITE. DD’s groggy, but ARSON talks him through the next sequence. DD puts C2 up in the Electric Chair position and holds him as ARSON leaps off the top with a hurricanrana. C2 goes flying and lands hard in the center of the ring. As DD gets up, ARSON grabs him and whips him into the ropes. DD comes off and ARSON tosses him like a flapjack! DD lands on top of C2, as ARSON exits the ring and the ref finally forces SAINT back out. He drops to count the fall. ONE… TWO… THRE-NO? At the last second, DD, being a douche, pulls C2 up. He knows he’s got the win – now he wants it sweeter. He flips C2 over and grabs his arms, applying a Full Nelson Camel Clutch to get the submission. He walks over to make sure he’s facing SAINT and sneers at the champ while the crowd calls for his blood. DD talks some more shit to SAINT as he pulls back on the hold. SAINT is almost ready to fall into the ring, he’s leaning so far out. And the crowd is beside themselves, screaming so loud they’ll need lozenges for the next four days. This is bigtime. C2 looks to be fading, and the crowd noise increases. It's not enough, though, and C2's head finally sags. Stick a fork in him... he's done. The referee crouches and does the honors, lifing C2's limp hand and letting it dro- Before we even get there, he suddenly snaps his head back, slamming it hard into the face of DD! The glory of having a hard skull is that you can put that extra emphasis into your headbutts, since you know they won't hurt you. So C2's hit, largely unfelt by the man himself, pretty much knocked DYNAMITE into last week. The man tumbles backwards and grabs his face. He's not even in this county. Yes, I mix my metaphors. With that break, C2 lunges again, this time connecting on the tag and sending SAINT in. He storms the ring and levels ARSON, who had tried to intervene in the tag. ARSON rolls back up and SAINT knocks him down again, doing the "COME ON" hand gesture as the audience screams, jumping to their feet to see SAINT rally. DD gets to his feet and is brought back down again by a BOONDOCK clothesline. ARSON charges and gets a a lariat as well. C2, slowly shaking off the cobwebs, gives a knowing nod to his partner, then climbs to the top turnbuckle. He stands, facing outward, on the top buckle, and waits for SAINT. SAINT climbs up from the inside and hooks him in a Iconoclasm position. With a heave, SAINT jumps off the top rope, flipping C2 over his body as he lands on his feet. The extra oomph propels C2 higher in the air and faster toward the mat... or rather, faster toward ARSON. He nails ARSON with a hard legdrop across his throat. The celebration is short-lived as DYNAMITE comes rushing towards SAINT and goes for a clothesline. But SAINT catches him and uses his own momentum to take him over the top rope. Meanwhile, as SAINT flips back in, C2 is up and is signalling for the BITCH SLAP! He bounces off the near ropes and once he gets to ARSON, he lifts his leg and stops for the freeze frame as camera's flash everywhere. But it's not to be as SAINT shoves C2 aside and goes for the pin on ARSON. ONE... TWO... THREE!!! SAINT looks up with a smile on his face as the ref raises his hand in victory. AKEEM enters the ring and congratulates SAINT, but C2 pushes past AKEEM and shoves SAINT back, asking him about his actions. SAINT looks as if he did nothing wrong, then he comes out his mouth saying "Hey, I got the victory! What's your problem?" C2 responds with "My problem is your arrogant ass!" By this time, RIZZA has come running down to the ring and along with AKEEM is in the middle of the two. RIZZA is trying to take some sense to C2, C2 isn't having it, as SAINT is still talking trash. AKEEM goes and grabs a mic from ringside.

PRINCE AKEEM: Guys, guys, what the hell is this?! You two need to get it together! We are a team... we are the Legacy! Huh? All you guys have to be concerned with is going into Metal Mayhem, and bringing the TV title... bringing the X-Treme title... and bringing the World Title... TO ME!! THAT'S ALL!!

SAINT AND RIZZA both nod in approval, but C2 just looks on with 'whatever' etched all on his face.

PRINCE AKEEM: I want you to go into Autumn in Hell and make it hell for those puppy dogs, and make it hell for the White Order, especially that windowlicker, STEVE JASON! But tonight... we celebrate a victory, my friends, like champions should!


The LEGACY are about to leave, when DYNAMIC'S entourage surrounds them. DD and ARSON taunt BOONDOCK SAINT. BOONDOCK rushes into the ring and comes hard at ARSON and he is met with a lowblow from DD who sends him down to the mat... DERRICK throws DYNAMIC what appears to be the tazer he has been using from time to time and you see DD take it and he jabs SAINT in the stomach with it shocking the XWC champ. DYNAMIC then drops it as you see ZACH RIZZA rushes to the ring and is met as JUGGALO comes out of the crowd with shot to the back of his head with a chair that sends RIZZA down hard. JUGGALO grabs RIZZA and throws him into the ring as you see DD, ARSON, and JUGGALO dominating the Legacy in the middle of the ring. Security and referees start rushing to the ring and as they do OG THUG and DERRICK DYNAMITE drop them with punches and throwing them into the ringside barriers. DYNAMIC has brought a ladder into the ring and sets it up as he climbs to the top you then see ARSON and JUGGALO together lift SAINT up sit him to where DYNAMIC>.. OH MY GOD!! HE JUST HIT THE CREATIVE CONTROL OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER!!!! DYNAMIC is down on the mat holding his back as you see SAINT completely out of it... JUGGALO now takes the baseball bat that ARSON had and climbs the ladder himself and brings it down across the back of RIZZA.. ARSON has take the chair from JUGGALO and nails C2 with it over his head. ARSON motions for JUGGALO to move C2 out a bit and you can see that as he does he lays the chair right over C2's face... ARSON grins as he jumps off the top of the ladder and drives an elbow into the chair... HE lets out a scream as he is clutching his arm, and the chair leaves C2's face and you can see he is busted open. DYNAMIC, JUGGALO, and ARSON all stands up over the downed Legacy as you see DYNAMIC holding the BLOODHOUND Entertainment Title and XWC Heavyweight Title, ARSON has the TV Title, and JUGGALO has the Xtreme Title in his hands as the camera fades out to end the night.

Fade to black...

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