FIREFOX and MOZILLA are NOT RECOMMENDED for viewing this program.
- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -

- - Standard Match - -

420 KID
- - Guest Ref: 504 BOY - -

- - Standard Tag Match - -

- - X-Treme Rules - -



A taxicab is seen strolling up to the XWF arena, stopping on a dime, as leather boots are seen stomping to the ground, heavily.

Within a moment, he window rolls down, by wench. A cell phone is clutched to a pristine, white hand. Clutched tightly, we hear a harsh voice coming over the loudspeakers of the XWF arena.

CYREN: ... It's good to hear that. I'm proud of what we've done. Tonight, it's going to seal the deal, you know? This is where all our blood and sweat, comes to fruition. The past is... yes...

It's CYREN! The BloodKnight Rogue!

He's dressed in all white, a slick, stubby white hat leaning to the side of his head, as he clutches the telephone tightly.

CYREN:.... Yes, I know. The past is always returned to us. History does have a habit of repeating itself. Tonight, even though I'm without an army, I think you and I go way, way back. From the day I first stepped into the XWF, you were the one who helped me believe in my strength. Though it was of dark consequence... I believe you helped me find within my own BLACK heart, a certain sense of... ORDER....


CYREN: Yes, quite a play on words, don't you think. I remember you certainly had a knack for it. With your anagrams and pension for commanding a CIRCLE of soldiers to your cause. You were quite a personable type, my friend. Quite presentable.... a huh...

CYREN steps out of the cab, waving the taxi driver off. He seems to be finishing the call, as he produces a pair of slick white shades, translucent almost, from his breast pocket.

CYREN: Yes, this is the dawning of a new age, I know. A measurement of whom is truly in control of the era. I understand this. Tonight, though I am a Rogue, it's good to know you have my back, if no one else does. No telling what MC Terrible would do for his arrogant young friend.

Nodding his head, The BloodKnight Rogue grinned, madly.

CYREN: Absolutely. I thank you... tonight, it begins. Tonight, there is a new drop in the ocean! The sands of time are ours, friend. I believe... we're off to the races!

With that, CYREN claps the phone cut, breathing heavily. Slipping the shades over his eyes, smoothing a hand through his hair, CYREN seemed to shiver.

CYREN: ...ooooh... SHOWTIME!

- - Standard Match - -

The bell rings and KLUMINATIE is laughing at the size and gender of his opponent. KLUMINATIE circles HALLIWELL. He lunges towards her, but she goes under KLUMINATIE's legs. He goes after HEATHER again, but she crawls away. The crowd is getting a huge laugh. KLUMINATIE is getting angry and tries to run after HALLIWELL, but she trips him and sends him face first into the turnbuckle. KLUMINATIE stumbles and HEATHER goes for a schoolboy. 1.....2... KLUMINATIE powers out. HALLIWELL bounces off the ropes and hits a Drop Kick to the knee of the big man. She has a sound strategy. HEATHER hits another dropkick to the knee, and that sends KLUMINATIE to one knee. She goes for her finisher, but KLUMINATIE catches her and spikes her with a powerbomb. HALLIWELL is folded in half. COVER....ONE.... TWO....THR... HEATHER somehow kicks out. KLUMINATIE is almost tearing his hair out. He can't believe a girl would kick out off that. He picks her body up and whips her off the ropes. KLUMINATIE hits a big boot that drops HALLIWELL. KLUMINATIE then drops a leg on HEATHER! KLUMINATIE laughs his ass off. Lazy cover.... ONE.....TWO... THR.... HEATHER kicks out. KLUMINATIE can't believe it. He picks up HEATHER to whip her again, but she launches herself forward and hits KLUMINATIE's chest like a Battering Ram. That stuns KLUMINATIE. HEATHER bounces off the ropes and hits the Battering Ram again. That hunches over KLUMINATIE to one knee. She goes off the ropes again and jumps up. HEATHER hits a flying bulldog on KLUMINATIE. Cover....ONE.. TWO... KLUMINATIE powers out by pushing her up in the air. KLUMINATIE is rolling around on the ground. HEATHER goes up to the top rope. What is she planning? She leaps and hits a SHOOTING STAR PRESS!!!! Incredible. Cover.....ONE....TWO.... THR... KLUMINATIE kicks out. HEATHER goes up top again. HALLIWELL moves down to the second turnbuckle. She bounces up to the top and hits THE a Moonsault!! Cover....ONE....TWO....




The ref calls for the bell as JUSTIN continues pounding away on HALLIWELL!!


JUSTIN is kicking HEATHER and KLUMINATIE until the ref finally pulls him off! The two combatants roll out of the ring as JUSTIN calls for a mic!

JUSTIN: THERE!! YOU NOTICE ME NOW? I have been waiting and watching too long. My time is now! It is time for the next generation of the XWF to be born. I am going to throw out all who get in my way, starting with these two pieces of TRASH! MY NAME IS JUSTIN CURL, and I am coming to the XWF to be the very best, and eliminate the rest!! Why? Because I AM JUST THAT GOOD!

JUSTIN rolls out of the ring to a chorus of boos.. He soaks it all in like cheers and raises his arms as if he just won a match..

The shot cuts to newcomer ERIC ANDERSON sitting in his locker room. He is eating what looks like a chocolate Bar and watching the show on the monitors. He drops the chocolate and just stares there.

ERIC ANDERSON: Oh my God! That wasn’t candy chocolate! Where’s the nearest bathroom!? God help me please!

As the scene closes, the camera zooms in on the so-called chocolate bar to find that it is none other then a chocolate laxative bar.

- - Standard Match - -

MYSTIC J and HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD waste no time getting into the action with MYSTIC sliding into the ring and before even getting to his feet, being kicked in the face by HAWAIIAN and knocked back against the ropes. MYSTIC pushes to his feet and the two tie up, MYSTIC J getting the advantage by sliding his arm to the shoulder of HARDHEAD and bringing him in with a knee to the gut and a quick suplex to the mat, but HARDHEAD rolls through and back to his feet before MYSTIC J hitting a vicious diving axe handle to the lower neck, and barreling over and to his feet, pouncing like a lion into an elbow drop and cover. ONE! T.. Shoulder up by MYSTIC, turned into a MYSTIC Jab, forcing HARDHEAD off and onto his backside as MYSTIC J moves to his feet. HARDHEAD gets to his feet, but MYSTIC J is in motion for a spear and brings the both down hard. MYSTIC J climbs onto HARDHEAD and begins slamming his fist into the face of HARDHEAD, but the ref breaks it. MYSTIC drops down with a leg and covers. The ref doesn't count, and only shakes his head. MYSTIC gets annoyed and slams his hand on the mat and seems to yell "ONE!" but the ref points at something in the ring. HARDHEAD has a hold of the rope. MYSTIC J can't believe it. HARDHEAD is holding the rope to save his energy. MYSTIC J slams another fist into HARDHEAD and then climbs the buckle, perches, and waits. HARDHEAD pushes to his feet and turns to see MYSTIC J in air leaping at him for a frog splash, HARDHEAD moves out of the way, but MYSTIC J catches him in fireman's carry and locking a modified bow and arrow before throwing him onto the mat and going for the cover. ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!!

… wait a minute who’s that running down to the ring? What’s ERIC ANDERSON doing here?

ERIC slides in the ring and all four wrestlers get ready for a fight.

ERIC ANDERSON: Hey, where’s the nearest bathroom?

He’s looking for the bathroom! Looks like there won’t be another bloodbath like from Autumn in Hell.

At that moment, MYSTIC J and HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD look at each other and start heading towards ERIC ANDERSON. MYSTIC J and HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD both try to throw a punch but ERIC catches both men by their necks. ERIC lifts them up and… HE CHOKESLAMS BOTH OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! Both superstars don’t look like they’re getting up! What’s ERIC going to do this time?

ERIC looks at both MYSTIC J and HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD and repeats again “Where‘s the bathroom?” With a confused expression on his face, the ref points back up the ramp and says “That way” ERIC runs back up the ramp and leaves both wrestlers down and out on the ground. The ref begins a count-out.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. TEN!! Both men are down and OUT!!




- - Standard Match - -

ERIC ANDERSON races down to the ring and the bell rings for the match to begin. ERIC clotheslines DR BADD who immediately gets right back up. ERIC then elbows him in the face knocking him down once again. This time though BADD stays down. ERIC immediately starts to stomp the hell out of DR BADD. BADD does his best to avoid getting kicked but it does no good. ERIC straddles him and begins to punch him in the head repeatedly and viciously. He starts to choke DR BADD as well. The ref attempts to get him to stop with the five count. The ref gets to four and ERIC stops. He gets up and allows DR BADD a chance to get up. BADD is already bleeding from his head. ERIC ANDERSON is absolutely insane in the ring. ERIC grabs BADD and whips him off the ropes. BADD finally gets into the game as he ducks underneath a clothesline before taking ERIC down with a big Mafia kick. He picks up ERIC and throws him into the turnbuckle. BADD runs at him looking for a clothesline but ERIC stops this with two boots to the face. DR. BADD is on the ground and ERIC is climbing to the top rope. This could be the end of the match. He spins his arm around signaling the Wheel of Death. He leaps off with an elbow drop but DR BADD moves out of the way. ERIC gets up and walks right into a T-Bone suplex. BADD picks him up and whips him into the ropes. ERIC ducks underneath a clothesline attempt. BADD rushes at him very angry but is caught by a drop toe hold bouncing his head off of the second turnbuckle. ERIC leaps up to the top rope and leaps off with another elbow drop. It connects this time. BADD is bleeding profusely. ERIC smiles as it appears that he is enjoying the carnage he is creating. He then stomps right on BADD'S abdomen. DR BADD is trying desperately to breathe as ERIC ANDERSON goes for the pin.. 1.. 2.. THREE!


In the back, JONATHYN is sitting at his desk, reading a message he got from CHAD last month when he was in “Nicole” mode..


“Dearest Jonathyn,

I would like to thank you for your generosity and support throughout my career here in the XWF, and as much as I’d like to return the favor with a long and successful tenure within the company, I’m afraid I must take my leave of the XWF, effective immediately. I do plan to return at some point, but not in my current mental and physical state. You see, my time here has served me well financially, and I now have enough money put away to take care of the one problem that has dogged me my whole life.. I thank you for this opportunity, as I would never have been able to afford this without you.

I ask you to please leave a spot open for me here In the XWF, as I hope to return once my personal issues have been rectified. I’m not sure how long it will take to recover, but I will contact you once I’m ready to come back..

I hop you understand that this is something that I NEED to do, and I cannot wait a minute longer..

I will try to call you once I reach Thailand.

Thank You, and God Bless You..


JONATHYN holds the note a couple feet away from his face and gives it a confused look..

JONATHYN: Thailand? What the hell is this? ..Well, I guess that explains why CHAD isn’t around. But what the hell’s in Thailand?

Suddenly, the door flies open. And an overexcited JUSTIN CURL comes bounding in.


JONATHYN: Um.. Come in?

JUSTIN CURL: You saw what I did, right? Was that AWESOME or WHAT?

JONATHYN: Um, YES. I did see. You kicked a girl in the back of the head. Bravo. You are a true American icon.

JUSTIN CURL: So I’m IN, right?

JONATHYN: In? You got your shot last week, and you blew it. You lost to the DEMON, and you will continue to work on the road crew, setting up and breaking down the ring, AND.. If I EVER see you pull some nonsense like that again, I am not only going to fire you on the spot, but I am ALSO going to file charges.

JUSTIN CURL: WHAT? Come on! I’ve been training like ten hours a day! I’m SO much better than I was last week!

JONATHYN: Really. How much can someone improve in a week?

JUSTIN CURL: Tell you what.. Give me ONE MORE SHOT. If I blow it, then I’ll be more than happy to set up rings for the rest of my life. But I NEED this opportunity. You’ll see. I REALLY WANT THIS, SIR. PLEASE.

JONATHYN glances down at his active roster and sees a new name that needs a match next week..

JONATHYN: You know what, CURL? You are in luck. I got another young hopeful named JOEY RAMPAGE..

JUSTIN CURL: I’ll take it!

JONATHYN: Well, wait.. You get this match.. But if you LOSE, you’re DONE.

JUSTIN CURL: FINE! I want it! You’ll see! I’ll RUIN this JOEY guy!

JUSTIN CURL flies out of the room with the same excitement the entered with.. JONATHYN just lifts the CHAD letter again and tries to figure it out.. He sniffs the letter..

- - X-Treme Rules - -

IRON BULL is already in the ring awaiting his opponent. SEAN GRAVES’ theme hits and the man himself makes his way down to the ring. Strangely enough, SEAN GRAVES is dressed in an all black robe with a faceless mask, concealing his face from everyone. IRON BULL is taken back for a moment, but snaps back the moment SEAN GRAVES enters the ring and the bell sounds. The match begins with both men charging each other. A double clothesline takes both men down. Neither wasting anytime, They both jump to their feet and start exchanging punches. SEAN GRAVES starts to gain a slight advantage. IRON BULL gets pushed further and further back into the corner. SEAN GRAVES goes in for the kill but IRON BULL side steps him and totally reverses the whole situation. IRON BULL begins to throw punches to SEAN GRAVES but stops and lifts him to the top turnbuckle. IRON BULL hits a huge suplex off the top turnbuckle. IRON BULL rolls outside to get a chair. He goes to get back in the ring but gets cut off by SEAN GRAVES who dropkicks the chair causing IRON BULL to hit himself with it. SEAN GRAVES jumps to the top turnbuckle. He stalks IRON BULL until the time is right. SEAN GRAVES tries for a suplex but is only met with a chair shot that busts his head wide open. IRON BULL lifts SEAN GRAVES up and slings him into the barrier, following it up with a load of punches. One after another after another IRON BULL continues to unleash on a still dazed SEAN GRAVES. Finally, IRON BULL backs off as SEAN GRAVES starts stumble forward. SEAN GRAVES tries to charge IRON BULL but gets sent straight into the ring post. His head bounces off like a basketball as he leans on the metal staircase. IRON BULL smashes a chair on SEAN GRAVES’ back smashing him between the two pieces of metal. IRON BULL grabs SEAN GRAVES’ head and slams it onto the staircase. SEAN GRAVES tries to fight back by elbowing IRON BULL in the gut. Somehow, It works as he gains enough time to get focused again. SEAN GRAVES and IRON BULL once again start exchanging punches. Shortly after the contest begins, SEAN GRAVES takes advantage of IRON BULL’s momentum by sending him to the ring post this time. SEAN GRAVES takes the chair and slams it on IRON BULL’s head. IRON BULL, Now with a huge headache, finds himself in the same position SEAN GRAVES was just in. SEAN GRAVES sees a chance for revenge as he places the chair on IRON BULL’s back. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and lines up with the chair. He then leaps off and lands on the chair putting all of his weight on IRON BULL’s back. IRON BULL fills the pain spread throughout his whole body as SEAN GRAVES pulls a table from underneath the ring. SEAN GRAVES sets the table up as he puts IRON BULL on it. He flips IRON BULL over his head with a belly-to-belly suplex. IRON BULL catches SEAN GRAVES’ head halfway over and grabs onto it. Both mean end up feeling the effects of that move. IRON BULL from the suplex and SEAN GRAVES from the neckbreaker. The two struggle to reach their feet as they lay on the ground. IRON BULL is the first to his feet as he pulls a trashcan and kendo stick out from below the ring. He throws them both in the ring and does the same to SEAN GRAVES. He then follows. SEAN GRAVES struggles to get up as IRON BULL grabs the trashcan. As soon as SEAN GRAVES turns around, IRON BULL shoves the trashcan over his upper body. He is then quick to grab the kendo stick and nail the trashcan, Right where SEAN GRAVES’ head should be. SEAN GRAVES falls to the ground from the impact. IRON BULL then takes a few more shots at his downed opponent with the kendo stick. He goes for the pin. 1.... 2.... KICK OUT!! IRON BULL gets SEAN up and looks to work him over further, but SEAN catches him with a DDT!! SEAN GRAVES picks up IRON BULL and takes him down with a big right hand. SEAN GRAVES does the same again and then follows that up with a big sidekick. SEAN GRAVES then chokes IRON BULL using the top rope until the referee breaks it up. IRON BULL then gets in a kick on SEAN GRAVES, but SEAN GRAVES backs IRON BULL into the ropes and gets in some shoulder charges. SEAN GRAVES nails IRON BULL off the corner head first and then gets in some chops. IRON BULL is already bleeding from the mouth at this point. IRON BULL fights back, giving SEAN GRAVES some shoulder charges in the corner followed by a stiff European uppercut. IRON BULL gets in a few kicks on SEAN GRAVES as he rolls on the mat. IRON BULL takes down SEAN GRAVES with a snapmare and applies a side headlock. SEAN GRAVES fights back sending IRON BULL into the ropes, but IRON BULL takes him down with a shoulder charge. SEAN GRAVES responds with a quick hip toss and then gets in a few kicks in the corner. SEAN GRAVES grabs IRON BULL by the head and drops down off the ring apron, allowing IRON BULL to bounce back in the ring. SEAN GRAVES then dropkicks IRON BULL right in the jaw. IRON BULL then tries to apply the Ankle Lock, but SEAN GRAVES counters out of it kicking IRON BULL down. SEAN GRAVES gets in a jumping kick on IRON BULL and follows that up with a few right hands. SEAN GRAVES lifts IRON BULL up onto the top rope, SEAN GRAVES goes outside to the ring apron and executes a big axe kick on IRON BULL! IRON BULL flops to the outside of the ring after getting this. SEAN GRAVES picks up IRON BULL and gives him a big chop. The referee gets to 8 and SEAN GRAVES rolls in and out, breaking the count. When he comes back out, IRON BULL grabs him and sends him face first into the steel post. BULL throws SEAN GRAVES back inside and gives him two high knees to the head. IRON BULL gives SEAN GRAVES a third high knee, executes a quick suplex, covers, but only gets a two count. IRON BULL then applies a body scissors submission on SEAN GRAVES. IRON BULL talks some trash to SEAN GRAVES as he applies it. SEAN GRAVES then gets back up on his feet, takes out IRON BULL with a few chops and punches, but misses a sidekick getting caught up in the top rope when IRON BULL moved out of the way. SEAN gets up, determined to end this madness once and for all. But there’s CYREN on the top of the ramp! Neither man sees him, but CYREN seems to be concocting some kind of SPELL on the top of the stage! He rubs his hands together quickly, then pushes his hands abruptly toward the ring! SEAN GRAVES seems to be knocked sideways by an invisible wave of energy!! SEAN looks like his strength has jus been drained!! CYREN conjures up another energy blast.. And FIRES!! Once again, SEAN is knocked off his balance.. IRON BULL, unaware of CYREN’s presence, throws SEAN GRAVES to the corner and gets in a few hard right hands to the gut. IRON BULL follows this up with three big uppercuts to the jaw. IRON BULL whips SEAN GRAVES across the ring. GRAVES staggers out to the center of the ring. IRON BULL nails GRAVES with a pile driver!! This could be a HUGE UPSET!! 1.. 2… THREE!! IRON BULL BEAT SEAN GRAVES!! CYREN quickly disappears to the back before either man can see him.


After the match, IRON BULL walks over to SEAN GRAVES who is lying on the canvas, stretches his fingers out in front of him.


SEAN GRAVES starts to squirm as IRON BULL starts to tighten the spell. SEAN GRAVES stops moving completely.


The crowd isn’t sure how to take this new turn..

IRON BULL: After he openly said he was stalking and trying to take out CYREN, I stepped in, as CYREN did give me another chance. That curse I just put on SEAN GRAVES was a torture curse. He will be out cold for a few days. LET THAT BE A LESSON TO YOU!

IRON BULL throws his microphone at GRAVES' head and walks out. GRAVES sits up and feels no pain at all. He shakes his head at the “amateur wizard” as IRON BULL heads up the ramp, not noticing that his “spell” did nothing.

504 BOY, walking with a fast pace, finally makes it to the Women's Locker Room door just as his fiancée JEN JETSON comes walking out.


JEN: What?!

504 BOY: What's with you lately, babe?

JEN: Babe?! Don't even get me started on that... but what's with me?! What's with you!? Going off like that last week getting me into this match up tonight with YOURSELF as the Special Guest Ref!

504 BOY: Which is true, but don't you see what I'm doing here? Haven't you figured it all out by now?

JEN: Figured what out?

504 BOY: It's not that I did all this to piss you off, at least not at me anyways, but instead to build up a fire within you. To see you with such a burning fire and passion to not only want to be out there in that ring, but to just want to utterly dominate! Nothing against 420 KID of course, but you know what I'm saying, don't you?

JEN: Yeah well, you'll see fire and passion alright Mister. I'll see you out in that ring....

And just like that JEN JETSON leaves taking off as 504 BOY stands there shaking his head shamefully.

504 BOY: I don't know JEN, but I hope you're right for my own sake, because for what I plan on doing and starting tonight you're going to need it.....

504 BOY too walks off then pulling a referee t-shirt over himself as the camera fades out.



In the back, IRON BULL is sitting next to CYREN, looking very excited. CYREN is not sharing his enthusiasm..

IRON BULL: ..And then I put a CURSE on him! Did you see!

CYREN: BULL, look. You got the win, but I need to tell you something..

IRON BULL: You want to tell me I learn quick, don’t you? I’ve been reading about spells and crap like that! I can’t believe I did it!

CYREN: No.. It’s just. About that win..


CYREN sees the pure joy in BULL’s eyes, and decides not to tell him that it was HE who helped IRON BULL get that win..

IRON BULL: What is it?

CYREN: Um.. It’s just that.. You don’t want to mess with SEAN GRAVES. Trust me. You got the win, but.. you got lucky. I want you to do me a favor and stay away from him from now on. He’s not the guy you want to tangle with..

IRON BULL: HA! Don’t worry about it! I got the torture curse ready to go at any time! I can just hit him with that and he’s out of action for a few days! I’m not afraid of SEAN GRAVES! And if he tries to mess with you tonight, I got it covered!

CYREN: NO.. I don’t want you getting hurt.

IRON BULL: Why not! You can just fix me right up, right?

CYREN: It doesn’t work like that. Don’t start playing with these forces, BULL. You are not ready.

IRON BULL: READY? Dude! I’m already there! Me and you! We’ve got this thing! Don’t worry, bud. Me and you!!

IRON BULL gets up and pats CYREN on the shoulder before heading out the door. CYREN looks at the door closing with a bit of despair in his eyes..

The HART Title match is about to begin.. So why is BRIAN LANCE on the ramp?

It looks like BRIAN has taken a serious interest in the title, as he takes a spot at the announce table to watch first-hand..

- - Standard Match - -

MINDFREAK and SOUL BEARER began circling the ring, still waiting for one another to make the first move. SOUL BEARER and MINDFREAK tie up. SOUL BEARER whips MINDFREAK off the ropes. SOUL BEARER bends forward to attempt to flips MINDFREAK over. MINDFREAK kicks SOUL BEARER in the face and SOUL BEARER flies backwards landing hard on the mat. SOUL BEARER remains motionless on his back as MINDFREAK walks swiftly over to him. As MINDFREAK comes in close SOUL BEARER executes a drop toehold. MINDFREAK slowly attempts to get up and SOUL BEARER leaps on his back sending MINDFREAK right on his face again. SOUL BEARER struggles in executing a cross face. As he locks it in MINDFREAK struggles to break the hold. After a moment, SOUL BEARER releases the hold and stands up. He backs away from MINDFREAK. MINDFREAK stands to his feet and as he turns around SOUL BEARER charges toward him and attempts a clothesline. MINDFREAK quickly ducks the attack. SOUL BEARER turns around and MINDFREAK delivers an elbow strike to SOUL BEARER’S face, sending SOUL BEARER backwards into the turnbuckle. SOUL BEARER lies resting against the turnbuckle. MINDFREAK charges up and runs towards SOUL BEARER, he attempts to execute a running knee strike but SOUL BEARER removes himself from the turnbuckle. MINDFREAK hits the turnbuckle hard and SOUL BEARER spins him around. SOUL BEARER chops MINDFREAK across his chest several times. SOUL BEARER backs away and MINDFREAK falls to his knees. SOUL BEARER delivers a crescent kick to the side of MINDFREAK’s head. MINDFREAK falls completely to the mat on his side. SOUL BEARER attempts to lock in a figure four, and he succeeds! MINDFREAK struggles to release himself from this hold. SOUL BEARER becomes angry with MINDFREAK’S struggling so he releases the hold and begins stomping on MINDFREAK back. He than delivers an elbow drop to MINDFREAK's back. SOUL BEARER now locks in the hold once again. MINDFREAK still struggles and SOUL BEARER becomes angry once again. SOUL BEARER releases the hold and attempts an elbow drop. MINDFREAK rolls out of the way and SOUL BEARER crashed to the mat. MINDFREAK gets to his feet. SOUL BEARER quickly gets to his feet as well. MINDFREAK charges towards him, and SOUL BEARER charges towards MINDFREAK. SOUL BEARER explodes with a flying elbow. MINDFREAK’S head jerks backwards and he falls hard to the mat. SOUL BEARER jumps on MINDFREAK and locks on a cross face! MINDFREAK is struggling to grab the ropes. He slowly slides over and as grabs the rope! SOUL BEARER pulls him away more into the center of the ring. After a few seconds, MINDFREAK pulls himself towards the ropes as a look of pain comes across his face. He leaps for the rope and he grabs it. He holds on tight. SOUL BEARER breaks the hold, and MINDFREAK lies on the mat still gripping the bottom rope. SOUL BEARER turns around and stomps on MINDFREAK back out of anger. SOUL BEARER then stomps MINDFREAK’s arm off of the bottom rope. SOUL BEARER grabs MINDFREAK by the ankles and pulls him in the center of the ring. SOUL BEARER attempts to lock in the hold again but MINDFREAK pulls his legs away in tine and rolls out of the ring. SOUL BEARER stands in the ring taunting MINDFREAK. MINDFREAK appears to be out of breath. MINDFREAK slides back into the ring and SOUL BEARER rushes toward him and begins stomping. MINDFREAK resists heavily and despite the stomping, manages to get to his feet. He knees SOUL BEARER in the gut. SOUL BEARER slouches over. MINDFREAK takes advantage of this and attempts a DDT! SOUL BEARER quickly reverses the move and bulldogs MINDFREAK! MINDFREAK hits the mat and immediately SOUL BEARER beings stomping on him. SOUL BEARER, with a bloody face, crawls on top of MINDFREAK and makes the pin! 1.. 2.. THREE! NEW HART CHAMPION!!


420 KID
- - Guest Ref: 504 BOY - -

The camera pans around the audience showing a super-ecstatic screaming and shouting like crazy. 420 KID's music comes on and out he comes in, rolling under the third rope and climbing up the turnbuckle for a quick pose. JEN jumps down, turns towards 420 KID who is already in the ring, and locks eye-to-eye with her. 504 BOY then rings the bell to start the match. The two charge at each other and lock up when suddenly 420 KID breaks it and pushes JEN back, antagonizing her. JEN goes to grab him again and 420 KID kicks her in the gut making her hunch over followed by 420 KID quickly striking JEN down to the mat. 420 KID stomps on JEN's head before she can even rollover to get up. 420 KID then grabs JEN's hair, picks her up, and gives her a suplex immediately rolling over backwards onto JEN, mounting her and punching her 4 or 5 times until she shoves 420 KID off. JEN tries to shake it off and gets to her feet. Again JEN and 420 KID lock up but this time JEN gets a headlock on 420 KID and punches him in the head a couple of times and throws him down to the mat. Before 420 KID can even start getting up though, JEN grabs his legs apart and jumps for a leg-drop low blow. While 420 KID is laying there holding his crotch, JEN quickly rolls out of the ring to grab some stuff from underneath the ring. JEN throws back in a garbage can lid and the garbage can filled with other various objects. By now 420 KID is starting to get up when JEN rolls back into the ring and bum-rushes him, whipping him into one of the turnbuckles. JEN then grabs the garbage can lid and runs over to 420 KID smashing it down on his head; again and again and again. 420 KID drops down onto the mat on his butt. JEN throws down the garbage can lid and now grabs the garbage can itself dumping out its contents, walks over to 420 KID with it and puts it OVER him. JEN runs over the opposite side of the ring diagonally from 420 KID and runs back followed by double leg drop kicking him! 420 KID tenses up and slumps over on the mat. JEN takes the disfigured garbage can off of 420 KID and covers him for a pin! 504 BOY drops to the ground! 1.... 2... THREE!!


504 BOY calls for a microphone as he raises JEN’s hand up in the air.

504 BOY: See! Now that's what I'm talking about! Now keep this fire going as we are BOTH going to need it come LORD OF THE RING, when we take on MC TERRIBLE and THE SAVIOR for the Tag Team Titles. Because from here on out, I'm not going to wait for them to make the first move, I'm bringing the fight to them! This battle has only just begun!

And just like that 504 BOY drops the microphone and continues on pointing to (the winner of the match) before leaving the ring and walking up the rampway.

- - Standard Tag Match - -

BRIAN LANCE and FUZZ are already in the ring just as Warrant's Cherry Pie emerges from the speakers. CHERRY and DEANO THE DESTROYER come out. A very angry DEANO is staring a hole straight through BRIAN LANCE. They slide into the ring as the music cuts off. The two teams decide who will start the match off first. DEANO starts off the match against FUZZ. They lock up and DEANO immediately throws FUZZ down. DEANO is quick on the attack picking him up and whipping him against the ropes. He nails a clothesline and FUZZ is up quick. DEANO grabs him and whips him into DEANO's corner. DEANO rushes at him looking for another clothesline. FUZZ puts his feet up knocking down DEANO. FUZZ climbs up to the top rope but is pushed off by CHERRY. The ref walks over towards her and reprimands her for this. DEANO is the first one up and tags in CHERRY. She runs at the ropes and bounces off of the middle one into a moonsault onto FUZZ. She has successfully prevented the tag. BRIAN LANCE is looking a little frustrated. CHERRY is on the prowl waiting for FUZZ to stand up. When he does, she takes him right back to the mat with a brutal bulldog. She drops some elbows right onto FUZZ' spine. He is in a lot of pain. CHERRY picks him up and whips him into her corner. She quickly tags DEANO back in as they both lay some boots into him. CHERRY takes a step back and runs towards him and launches right into a bronco buster. The fans are going crazy over this. The ref makes her get out of the ring as DEANO picks a dazed and beaten FUZZ. This match could already be over right now. He chokeslams FUZZ. DEANO goes the cover. 1...2.. BRIAN jumps in and breaks up the count. He quickly leaves the ring. This only upsets DEANO more. He picks up FUZZ and whips him right into BRIAN's corner. DEANO is yelling out BRIAN to tag in. BRIAN does so reluctantly. DEANO is quick on his feet taking BRIAN off of his with a vicious clothesline. DEANO picks him up and whips him into the ropes. BRIAN ducks underneath another clothesline attempt and bounces off the middle for a springboard moonsault. DEANO catches him in mid air though and turns it into a nicely executed powerslam. DEANO goes for the cover. 1...2 kickout!! BRIAN is not ready to go out like this, not right now. DEANO goes to pick BRIAN up again but gets a thumb to the eye. BRIAN grabs a hold of DEANO'S head and runs up and off the turnbuckle for an acid drop. BRIAN now has the momentum he needs. BRIAN drops down for a leg drop. He then proceeds to head to the top rope. CHERRY makes an attempt to knock BRIAN off the top again but he sees this ahead of time and leaps off with a body splash knocking CHERRY off of the apron. DEANO sees this and his anger becomes worse and more intense. FUZZ climbs into the ring and pushes the ref out of the way as the ref tries to keep FUZZ back. He nails a forearm across the back of DEANO. This only upsets him more. DEANO turns around just as FUZZ shoots off a right hand. DEANO blocks it and then nails a spinebuster so hard on FUZZ, it knocks the wind out of him. DEANO looks over to the outside of the ring just as BRIAN and CHERRY stand up. DEANO bounces off of the ropes and leaps to the outside with a solid rope flip. BRIAN manages to push CHERRY INTO THE PATH OF DEANO. He took out his own girlfriend. BRIAN picks up DEANO and whips him into the steel pole. BRIAN runs at him going for a clothesline but DEANO moves out of the way. BRIAN in obvious pain stumbles around and right into a death valley driver on the outside of the ring. CHERRY is out unconscious on the outside of the ring. DEANO slides back into the ring to break up the count. He slides back out to check on CHERRY to see if she's okay. She appears to be okay to continue with the match. DEANO stands up only to be knocked into the ring apron by a front dropkick by BRIAN LANCE. BRIAN then leaps onto DEANO with a splash and he follows that up by rolling DEANO into the ring. BRIAN goes for the cover. 1...2.. kickout!! DEANO still has some fight left in him. BRIAN knees DEANO in the gut and starts to unload some forearms across the face. CHERRY is desperate to be tagged in. DEANO tags her in but BRIAN is quick on his feet taking CHERRY down with a leg lariat. BRIAN leaps down for a senton but CHERRY moves out of the way. BRIAN stands up and CHERRY takes him out with the CHERRY BOMB. She goes for the cover. 1...2.. the pin is broken up by FUZZ. DEANO tries to get involved but the referee keeps him out. This of course keeps the ref busy and he does not notice FUZZ DRAGGING BRIAN LANCE TO THEIR CORNER. DEANO gets back on the apron holding the tag rope. FUZZ tags himself in and runs towards CHERRY who seemingly out of nowhere hits a dropkick buying her some more time. She tags in DEANO who waits impatiently for FUZZ to stand back. He does so slowly. He turns around as BAM!! DEANO HITS THE DESTROYER and goes for the pin. 1...2.. BRIAN LANCE breaks up the pin and rolls DEANO UP WITH A SCHOOLBOY. The ref counts the pin. 1...2...THREE!! BRIAN LANCE just stole this match and he was not even the legal man. He quickly slides out of the ring and into the crowd as DEANO chases him down.


- - X-Treme Rules - -

MC TERRIBLE makes his way to the ring and is jumped from behind by CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY knocks MC TERRIBLE to the ground with a knee to the back. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY grabs some camera cables and begins choking MC TERRIBLE. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY places his foot on the back of MC TERRIBLE's neck as he pulls the cords back. He then grabs the camera and bashes MC TERRIBLE in the back of his head. 1...2...kickout!!! CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY pulls MC TERRIBLE to his feet and whips hit into the barrier. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY attempts to spear MC TERRIBLE into the barrier but MC TERRIBLE falls to the side as CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY crashes into it hard. MC TERRIBLE pulls himself to his feet and starts punching CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY in the face. He lifts CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY to his feet and sets him up for a pump-handle slam as he lifts him up CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY counters into a reverse DDT onto the steel ramp. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY charges to the ring and start pulling things from under the ring. Baseball bat, cookie sheets, and various other types of weapons. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY finds what he's looking for when he pulls a kendo stick from under the ring. He walks back toward MC TERRIBLE who is making his way to his feet. MC TERRIBLE hits a hard gut punch and follows it up with a double ax handle uppercut. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY staggers backwards and MC TERRIBLE hits a drop kick taking CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY down. MC TERRIBLE grabs the kendo stick and whacks CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY in the back of the head with a sickening thud. Then raises the kendo stick above his head playing to the crowd. He then whacks CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY in the back. MC TERRIBLE sets CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY up for a powerbomb but CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY grabs the kendo stick before he's lifted up. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY is above MC TERRIBLE's head and starts hitting MC TERRIBLE in the head with the stick. MC TERRIBLE is bleeding from the forehead before he finally hits the powerbomb. MC TERRIBLE wipes the blood from his forehead and looks at his hand. He starts laying the boots to CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY. He whips CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY hard into the ring steps. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY makes his way to his feet and grabs a bat. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY whack MC TERRIBLE in the knee and hits him in the other knee. MC TERRIBLE falls to his knees as CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY grabs a cookie sheet and whacks MC TERRIBLE hard in the head with it. He hits MC TERRIBLE at least 10 more times. MC TERRIBLE starts to stand up CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY grabs the bat and whacks MC TERRIBLE full into the chest with it. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY sets up a chair and sits MC TERRIBLE in it. He grabs another chair and climbs to the top rope. BIG SPLASH off the top crushing MC TERRIBLE between himself and the two chairs…

Suddenly from out of nowhere comes 504 BOY bolting it for the ring with a steel folding chair wrapped in barbed wire! He slides it in first as he slides right in after it as he runs straight for MC TERRIBLE. MC TERRIBLE seeing 504 BOY now ducks a running clothesline by 504 BOY as he bounces off the ropes and catches MC TERRIBLE with a flying reverse DDT drop. 504 BOY then picks up his monstrous weapon and waits for MC TERRIBLE sizing him up as he slowly gets back up to his feet. 504 BOY then violently swings the steel folding chair wrapped in barbed wire straight at MC TERRIBLE'S head as he ducks it when.... BLAM!!! Instead 504 BOY stopped and threw it into MC TERRIBLE'S face right before superkicking it! Looking down at what damage he's caused now in having broke open MC TERRIBLE, he lays the steel folding chair in the middle of the ring. Grabbing a hold of MC TERRIBLE'S legs, 504 BOY hoists MC TERRIBLE up into the air before nastily laying him out via THE BUYA BOMB! 504 BOY rolls out of the ring grabbing up a microphone on his way up the rampway.

504 BOY: SAVIOR! I hope you're watching as your fate won't be much different in two weeks! You two may have thought of me to be nothing more than a laughing joke, well who's laughing now damn it?! Just pray that you can hold on to the World Title Belt as long you can the Tag Team Title Belts and actually make it into LORD OF THE RING as the World Champ.... or should I just say good luck with your match tonight? For you're going to need it more than your tag team partner here sure did....

504 BOY drops the microphone and leaves the arena then as CONNOLLY realizes that the match is pretty much over except for the formalities of the pin. He places a foot on TERRIBLE’s chest. Looking almost upset at the outcome of the match.. 1... 2... Three.


IRON BULL is looking cocky and proud as he heads to the dressing room to get into his street clothes.. He enters the locker area and sees that it’s completely empty. He finds this odd, but heads to his locker to get ready to change.

Before he can even reach his gear, the lights go out..

A huge commotion can be heard, the slamming of skull on metal can be made out among the noise..

After two minutes of solid mayhem in the darkness, the lights come back on.

SEAN GRAVES is standing at the light switch, looking back at the battered and beaten body of IRON BULL..

GRAVES: Magic? Son, you don’t know the first thing about magic. You’re in WAY over your head, boy. This isn’t your battle, BULL.. This is between me and CYREN, and your best move right now is to BACK OUT while you still can.. You understand?

SEAN sees no reaction from the unconscious BULL, and that’s good enough for him. He turns to leave, but is stopped abruptly by a backstage security guard.


GRAVES: Don’t worry about it..


The guard reaches for his walkie-talkie, but SEAN grabs it from him.




The two men struggle further, and the guard grabs for his pepper spray, hitting SEAN square in the eyes!


SEAN throws the guard into a locker and flees, headed for the exits. The guard finally gets to his walkie talkie.




The show returns with JEN JETSON and 504 BOY in the locker room. JENNEFER looks at 504 BOY, still a little anger in her eyes from last week’s announcement.

JEN: FIVER, You know I love you right?

He smiles, excited about JEN winning the match.

504: Yes babe...I do. What's up?

JEN sighs.

JEN: FIVER I just...I don't think we should be tag team partners. I... I... I don't want to fight over business and well... LILLY and I were wanting to... umm... be part of a team together... because well she and I are silly douches, and you’re so.. serious about all this stuff...

504: LILLY? What? What are you saying, JEN?

JEN: I'm saying that if we are partners, I'm afraid the wedding we are planning will be called off because you get hot-headed in the ring and I take that personally. I don't want to end in a bad way... I want to marry you... I love you...

504 BOY looks at JEN and stands up. He shakes his head, grabs his stuff and walks towards the door.

JEN: Babe, where are you going?!

504: I'm.. I’m going to think... I'll see you at home...

With that being said 504 BOY slams the door and leaves JEN to wonder if he will really be home tonight after the show.



CYREN stands in the ring awaiting the World Champion, SAVIOR. Then, SAVIOR's theme music plays and here comes the World Champ! SAVIOR makes his way down the ring in front of juiced crowd. He has his World Title over his shoulder, walking to the ring confidently against a talented and determined CYREN. SAVIOR climbs the apron and enters the ring. He stops and stares into CYREN's eyes. CYREN stares right back and they enter a stare down. Both these two evenly matched. SAVIOR hands the belt to the ref and steps to the middle of the ring, face to face with CYREN. They exchange a few words with each other. CYREN smiles at a comment from SAVIOR then throws a quick punch. Here they go! SAVIOR fires back with a right hand. Then CYREN again. The two of them engage in a fistfight. CYREN grabs SAVIOR and turns it a side headlock. SAVIOR falls back into the ropes and pushes CYREN off. CYREN is whipped to the other end. CYREN comes back and knocks SAVIOR down with a shoulder block. CYREN runs over to the ropes and SAVIOR gets to his feet and leaps over him. CYREN hits the other end of the ropes and back. SAVIOR leaps again but CYREN catches him and hits a massive powerbomb, planting SAVIOR! SAVIOR holds his back and rolls out of the ring to collect his thoughts. CYREN stands in the middle of the ring watching SAVIOR walk around, taunting him to get in. SAVIOR is ready to get back in and climbs the steps. CYREN walks over to pull him in but SAVIOR rams his head into CYREN's stomach, and again. CYREN loses his wind and SAVIOR grabs him by the head and slams his face into a turnbuckle. With CYREN dazed, SAVIOR climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off hitting a missile drop kick, taking down CYREN. SAVIOR begins stomping CYREN. He picks him and whips him to the ropes. CYREN follows back and SAVIOR hits a spinning head scissor. SAVIOR, keeping momentum hits the ropes and hits a quick falling drop kick to CYREN's head. He goes for the cover. 1.. 2.. Kickout by the challenger! SAVIOR picks CYREN up and throws him to the turnbuckle. The Champion begins kicking CYREN in the gut. SAVIOR hits CYREN with a few knife-edge chops. The crowd shouts “Whooooo!” as they hear each chop. SAVIOR grabs CYREN by the hand and tries to Irish Whip him to the other end. CYREN reverses and catches SAVIOR with a short arm clothesline taking SAVIOR inside out! CYREN recuperates and stomps on SAVIOR. SAVIOR tries to roll out of the ring but CYREN won't allow it. He grabs SAVIOR and hauls him up. CYREN hits a quick backbreaker on SAVIOR, continuing to work on his back. SAVIOR holds his back in pain and CYREN climbs to the second rope. BAM! CYREN hits a flying knee drop to SAVIOR's back. Here's the cover! 1....2...Kickout by the Champ! CYREN grabs SAVIOR and picks him up. He punches SAVIOR in the face a few times before setting him up. CYREN tries to hit a power bomb on SAVIOR but SAVIOR reveres into a Frankensteiner! CYREN is drilled! SAVIOR goes for a cover! 1...2.. thr--.Kickout by CYREN! SAVIOR is somewhat surprised by CYREN's resiliency. He picks CYREN up and tosses him to the outside of the ring. CYREN flops on the outside on the mat. SAVIOR climbs a nearby turnbuckle and measures CYREN on the ground. SAVIOR LEAPS OFF THE TURNBUCKLE AND SCORES WITH A HUGE 420 SPLASH! HOLY S***! The chant breaks out from the crowd as SAVIOR and CYREN lie on the outside mats in pain. SAVIOR and CYREN crawl away in severe pain. SAVIOR's back is now worse. But CYREN has endured internal bleeding as the blood gushes from his mouth. SAVIOR grabs the apron and finds his way up to his feet. CYREN grabs the announce table stumbling up as well. SAVIOR turns around and makes a desperate charge towards CYREN. CYREN counters with a back body drop onto the table! The table doesn't break though. SAVIOR lies on the table in even more pain. CYREN turns around and gets on the table, picking SAVIOR up as well. Each of them stand on the announce table and CYREN begins to set him up. CYREN gets him from below and SCORES WITH A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! Good God almighty! The crowd goes nuts and another chant breaks out. CYREN is exhausted but tries to find his way up. SAVIOR is down in serious pain. His head is under the rubble and his body disoriented. A beaten CYREN finds his way to the ring and rolls in. The ref begins the count.. 1.. 2... 3.. 4.. 5... 6.. SAVIOR is still down... 7... CYREN realizes he can't win the title on count out and rolls out of the ring again. He grabs SAVIOR and tosses him into the ring. SAVIOR is still lying down in serious pain. CYREN rolls into the ring with him and goes for the cover. This could be it! 1....2..2 ½ NO NO! SAVIOR kick out! CYREN can't believe it! He gets up arguing with the ref that it was three. He turns back to a fallen SAVIOR and picks him up. CYREN plans on finishing it. He hops outside and grabs a steel chair, angered that he didn't score the three. CYREN tosses the chair over the rope and walks up the steel steps into the ring. CYREN grabs the chair and measures SAVIOR from the other end. It looks like he's about to hit SAVIOR WITH A CHAIR! If he hits this it'll be over! The ref is telling CYREN not to do it.

CYREN shoves him down and SAVIOR stumbles up..

Here it comes!


Here comes BIGG RIGG running down the ramp!


He hops into the ring and grabs the steel chair from CYREN!

CYREN shouts back at RIGG pissed that he took it away.

RIGG keeps the chair away trying to save CYREN from DQ!




Oh my God!

RIGG gets up, a bit dizzy, as the crowd boos their asses off. RIGG stumbles over to SAVIOR and picks him up, directing him to a fallen CYREN.

SAVIOR walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs it slowly. With all his strength he scores with a moonsault!

The ref gets up and over begins to count!




CYREN just got pulled out of the ring!!

the crowd screams as they see who just saved CYREN from elimination!


The crowd goes nuts as RIGG and SAVIOR go after the XWC Champ!

STEVE JASON lays out RIGG with a ridiculous clothesline, and THE SAVIOR charges JASON!

STEVE gets pushed into the barricade and the two start wailing on each other!!

CYREN slowly gets to his feet and pulls SAVIOR off STEVE! CYREN and STEVE grab SAVIOR and toss him up in the air, bringing his neck down hard on the barricade!

MC TERRIBLE comes flying down the ramp, only to met with a spear from STEVE JASON!!

CYREN tosses SAVIOR into the ring!





STEVE JASON jumps into the ring and helps CYREN to his feet. The two men embrace for a moment, and STEVE holds CYREN’s hand up in the air as the ref collects the World Title belt! He hands it to CYREN, and the champions from both shows stand in the ring victorious!

What will happen when the two champs face off at LORD OF THE RING to crown the UNIFIED WORLD CHAMP?

Fade to black...

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