FIREFOX and MOZILLA are NOT RECOMMENDED for viewing this program.


- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Tag Match - -

- - Standard Tag Match - -

- - Non-Title Match - -

- - No DQ Match - -



As the show begins, “Killswitch Engage – The End of Heartache” begins to play. It’s HADRIAN BERCK! The man formerly known as FAMINE OF THE VILE has returned to the XWF. He was supposed to return at Lord of the Ring but he is here tonight. What is her doing here? HADRIAN now enters the ring as the crowd cheers on.

FAMINE: Ladies and gentlemen….DAMN it feels good to be back home! So let’s get down to business shall we? I am here tonight because as many of you know, I recently found out that I have a son. For the last 19 years, I have walked this earth not knowing that I had an heir to the Berck legacy. Well tonight, ladies and gentlemen. I am going to introduce you to the second generation. But first I would like to talk about the Lord of the Ring match.

At Lord of the Ring, one of us has the opportunity to become a true legend in this business. It is a chance to catapult yourself into the upper echelons of this company. Look at what it did for Boondock Saint, One of the biggest superstars around today. Nothing but good things happened for him after he won that event. And now, the contenders in this match all want to reach that goal. Ladies and gentlemen I am here tonight to tell you that I will do whatever it takes to win that match. Not because I need to, but because I have to. Like everyone else in this match, I have something to prove. You see, when I was running around this place as FAMINE OF THE VILE, people feared me, I did whatever the hell I wanted when I wanted. Eventually I would have gotten to the point where I would have been one of the biggest stars here as well. But after this place closed and everything changed, I wasn't the same man. Now, HADRIAN BERCK stands before you, and he is going to fight until the very end to become the next Lord of the Ring. So this message goes out to all of the participants.

Don't think that because FAMINE Is gone, that I'm not a tough son of a bitch. HADRIAN BERCK is just as tough as FAMINE ever was. And at Lord of the Ring, I am going to win, or die trying. So now that I have gotten that out of the way. Ladies and gentlemen, I have never been happier than I am right now. I met my son for the first time ever, and I have to tell you, I was shocked when I finally saw him. And I'm sure you will all be surprised as well. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to my son...Come on out here son.

”Killswitch Engage” begins to play again as a man in a hooded robe begins to make his way down to the ring. I thought HADRIANS son was supposed to be coming out here? Is this him? What's going on here? The man in the hooded robe is now in the ring as the whole arena stares in awe and wants to know who it is. Wait, he's taking off the hood's......




Can this be? Is SOUL BEARER really the son of the man once known as FAMINE OF THE VILE?

FAMINE: That's right folks. Does it come as a shock? It did to me. When I stood in that restaurant and saw his face I couldn't believe my eyes. But the truth is that he IS in fact my son. So now, the XWF will see it's first father and son tag team. And we are going to take that division by storm. What better way for a father and son to bond than to work together and be closer than ever.

SOUL BEARER: There's a new era about to begin. Imagine my surprise when I saw who my father really was! This is not only a dream come true, it is the best thing to ever happen to me. Not only is the man I looked up to as a mentor my father, but he is now going to be my partner. And nothing is going to stop us from becoming the greatest duo of all time!

OH MY GOD! This is unbelievable. The entire XWF and the world has been shocked tonight by the announcement that our own SOUL BEARER is the son of the man now known as HARDRIAN BERCK. What else is going to happen next? What will happen when these two men take on anyone who crosses them?

The XWF cameras open up in the back locker room where STEVE SAYORS stands with a mic in hand. Standing beside him is the XWF's newest talent, "The Loose Cannon" BRYAN TANN. TANN is wearing blue jeans, black boots, a black T-shirt, a long black leather trench coat and dark sunglasses. His head is freshly shaved and his face is solid and cold.

STEVE SAYORS: Hey there XWF fans, I am here with the newest member of the XWF, "The Loose Cannon" BRYAN TANN. Now BRYAN, tonight you face off against SHAWN HUNT in your first match ever here in the XWF, and as we understand, your first time in a wrestling ring in almost a year. What are your thoughts?

TANN slowly slides his sunglasses from his face, and his eyes are almost made of stone with focus.

TANN: My thoughts? My thoughts are quite simple. You'd better call 911, get a coroner, and fit SHAWN HUNT for a f***ing body bag. Because tonight, I'm ready to show this company, it's fans, and its ownership just what the hell I can do. You see XWF, my name is "The Loose Cannon" BRYAN TANN. I'm only good at 2 things; running my mouth and kicking ass. And those are two things that VERY FEW individuals can do better than I can.

STEVE SAYORS: Well, you and SHAWN HUNT have been trading shots a lot the last few days. But last night, SHAWN HUNT made some very...well...disparaging remarks towards you. Do you have any comment?

TANN: Do I have any comments? Oh hell yeah I have some comments. Let me tell you something are just as ignorant, just as pointless as every other sack of s*** before you that I've faced in the ring in my 10 year career. I earned my way into this business when I was 17, and for 10 straight years all I've done is earn respect. EVERYWHERE I'VE WALKED! And before that respect was earned, I heard so many countless jackasses just like you trying to make that talk. Something about me being a failed rapper? Boy where ANYWHERE does it look like I'm trying to rap? Do I come out on TV and try to speak like I'm straight out of the projects? Do I come out here talking about "street cred" or "bling bling" or "riding dirty" or whatever that bulls*** is? NO, I don't. All you've done SHAWN HUNT, is prove just how much of a retard you truly are. You've proven that you're just like all the other pecker woods that walk this planet without a brain in their head. You look at me, and you see the polar opposite of what I really am. But you had better keep this in mind, while I may not be a street thug, I damn sure am a professional 'Grade A' ass kicker. The class is Pain 101 boy, and your instructor is "The Loose Cannon" BRYAN TANN. BE PREPARED!! CUZ I AM!!!

With that, BRYAN TANN storms off leaving STEVE SAYORS standing there at a loss for words as BRYAN TANN has set the stage for his debut match tonight.

- - Standard Match - -

SABRINA gets her game face on and begins slamming left hands into SOMMERSBY' face. He attempts to body slam her, but SABRINA hits a hip toss on him. SABRINA hooks the leg. 1... 2. Kickout! SOMMERSBY jumps to his feet and they stare each other down. SOMMERSBY goes for a grapple, but SABRINA kicks him in the gut then yanks him into a powerbomb position. SABRINA pulls him onto her shoulders but SOMMERSBY is quick to hit a hurricanrana. He quickly flips her over and slaps on a figure four! But SABRINA turns it over and applies a SHARPSHOOTER!! The audience begins to cheer as SOMMERSBY reaches for the ropes. SOMMERSBY looks determined to reach the ropes! SOMMERSBY CAN’T HOLD ON!! HE TAPS OUT!! He severely underestimated the power of SABRINA WILSON!


CRIMSON KLINE is seen sitting in his office, working on some papers, when JUGGALO comes busting into the room, ranting.

JUGGALO: Did you see that last week? DID YOU SEE THAT! That washed-up loser EXTREME WARRIOR comes out, kicks me in the face, wants to fight me in the parking lot! I can't be responsible for my actions. He has NO idea what he's getting himself into!

CRIMSON KLINE: Hello to you, too.

JUGGALO: EXTREME WARRIOR thinks he's so tough. HA! He's NOTHING! I've HAD it with these older then hell superstars coming into the XWF, thinking they can just push everyone around.


JUGGALO: They all can't see the truth...that they need to just let go and allow young superstars like ME to take over this federation. And all this bickering I hear about him and his child and his ex-wife and her husband...that's a load of CROCK! I'm tired of that WHOLE FAMILY!


JUGGALO: What the hell do they think this is? The circus? Hell, with a name like CORTINOVIS, maybe he CAN be in the circus.


JUGGALO slowly turns around, and sees the pissed off face of CENTURION beaming down on him! JUGGALO's once smiling face turns around to a more serious/horrific look.

CENTURION: What were you saying about my brother? What were you saying about my family?

JUGGALO: I wasn't talking about...

CENTURION: Do NOT parade around here like you're hot s***, because you're NOT!

JUGGALO: Don't push me. I will take you out right here.

CRIMSON KLINE: No, no, no! Don't do that. But...I DO have an idea! Since we're bringing back the Canadian Title, why don't we give the fans a preview. Next week...JUGGALO vs. CENTURION. Canadian Rules!

JUGGALO nods and CENTURION grins.

CENTURION: Be prepared my friend. And get yourself some wrestling lessons. Because in THIS match, you can't use weapons.

CENTURION turns around and walks away, as we can hear the fans screaming in the background.

- - Standard Match - -

TANN puts his hand up and challenging HUNT to a test of strength. HUNT doesn’t buy into it and drop kicks TANN in the knee taking the big man down. Immediately HUNT begins his assault, punches and elbows to the face. HUNT is trying to keep TANN from getting to his feet. He knows that the heavyweight will be tough to beat if he doesn’t keep him down. HUNT goes for a drop kick to the face but TANN swats him away and has enough time to get back to a vertical base. Now TANN runs toward HUNT with a clothesline but HUNT ducks under and hits TANN with a kick to the gut. Now HUNT runs to the ropes and comes back with a flying forearm but gets caught by TANN who hits a powerful last call throwing HUNT all the way to the outside of the ring. TANN now gets up and goes to the outside to look for HUNT but he is not there. TANN looks around and doesn’t see that HUNT went under the ring to the other side and is now back in the ring. HUNT runs toward TANN and hits a baseball slide sending TANN to the barrier. Now HUNT goes to the turnbuckle and jumps off but gets caught in mid air with a choke hold. OH!! TANN just slammed him onto the concrete with a huge chokeslam. TANN picks him up wasting no time and tosses him in the ring. He climbs up and hits a hard elbow drop to the sternum of HUNT. HUNT clutches his chest as TANN stands there laughing and looking at his prey. He goes for another elbow drop and HUNT moves out of the way. TANN is on the ground and now HUNT hits a drop kick to the head of TANN. Now he runs to the ropes and comes back with his own version of rolling thunder and hits TANN in the face. TANN starts to bleed from the nose. He looks at the blood and is now furious. But here comes HUNT again, this time he hits TANN with an elbow to the back of the head. HUNT has really shown that he is not afraid of the evil one. HUNT now stands over TANN to try and lift him up but TANN grabs the tights and sends HUNT face first into the turnbuckle. Now TANN is back on his feet and hits a hard elbow to the back, another! And another! HUNT is reeling in pain holding his back. TANN now puts him up on the turnbuckle and hits a huge backdrop! HUNT is down as TANN now goes for the pin. 1…. 2… Kickout! HUNT looks to still be in this thing and doesn’t look like he is going to give up. TANN is now stomping on him, kicks to the chest and head over and over. Now TANN picks him up and sets him up for a power bomb. WAIT! HUNT hits a hurricanrana sending the big man down. TANN is just laying there holding his head as HUNT goes to the top rope and hits a splash moonsault! 1.. 2.. THREE!! Big win for HUNT!




After the commercial, the X-TRON lights up with a screenshot of CENTURION holding the Canadian Championship from last week. The arena is silent, expecting CENTURION to show up, but instead the lights begin to flicker on and off as red, white and blue pyro’s begin to shoot into the air. Not sure if they are getting what they think, the crowd gets anxious. “The Star Spangled Banner” and the picture onto the X-TRON turns into MICHAEL EXTREMER walking through the backstage corridors. The crowd erupts as MICHAEL EXTREMER comes from behind the curtain and hits the ramp, sprinting for the ring. EXTREMER slides in and bounces off the ropes for the first time in years before being handed a microphone.

MICHAEL EXTREMER: Laaaaaaaaaadies and gentlemen, I give you - the American Hero, MICHAEL EXTREMER!

The XWF legend plays to the crowd for a moment before raising the microphone again.

MICHAEL EXTREMER: I’m not going to play games or beat around the bush, I am going to get straight to the point. I am out here for a reason and one reason only. Last week an old friend of mine…

EXTREMER hesitates with the “old friend” comment before grinning.

MICHAEL EXTREMER: Okay, I take that back, an old enemy, CENTURION issued a challenge. At Lord of The Ring the Canadian title is be resurrected in a match for “real-wrestling” and for wrestler’s who think they have it in them to defeat the ‘Canadian Legend’. I AM ANSWERING THE OPEN CHALLENGE! The American Hero has a score to settle with the Canadian Legend - unless you don’t recall, we’re still tied 1-1. Come Lord of the Ring the score will be MICHAEL EXTREMER - 2, CENTURION - 1. Centurion, you forget something - I am former Canadian Champion myself! So be prepared for a second reign by me.

Suddenly, the arena goes black, until "Midlife Crisis" by Faith No More plays over the speakers. The fans rise to their feet as CENTURION walks out from the back to a huge ovation. He's looking confident in his rye smile and his high priced suit. He struts his way down to the ring as a "CENTURION! CENTURION!" chant starts up. CENTURION rolls into the ring and grabs a mic. He begins to speak, but the crowd drowns him out with the chant. CENTURION raises his hand to silent the crowd.

CENTURION: Apparently people are excited to see a real champion here in Dallas.

The fans go nuts again, as CENTURION smiles at his cheap pop.

CENTURION: Well, EXTREMER.. I have to say I’m thrilled to see another “purist” standing before me. You and I DO have a bit of a history, and it’s nice to know that we finally have this chance to settle it at the biggest show of the year.. Last week, I came out and challenged anyone and everyone who was willing to be an honest, truthful wrestler to take me on at LORD OF THE RING for the Canadian Title. And here you are.. Now I want to know who else will be doing that. So, if you feel you're actually a good wrestler, come on down and let me know!

‘Bad Boys, Bad Boys’ begins to play as ERIC ANDERSON walks on his way down to the ring.

What’s ERIC ANDERSON doing here? Isn’t he supposed to be on Massacre? I hope he knows that this is Anarchy that he’s walking in on!

ERIC ANDERSON makes his way into the ring and grabs a microphone. He begins to speak, but stops. You can hear the boos echo throughout the whole stadium as ERIC speaks.

ERIC: Hey everyone! I thought that Anarchy doesn’t know me as much as Massacre does. I just wanted to introduce myself as ERIC ANDERSON, the future Canadian title holder!

Did you hear that!? It sounded like ERIC ANDERSON just proclaimed himself the Canadian champion!

ERIC: Yes that’s right, I will be joining the Canadian Title Battle Royal at Lord of the Ring and I will be crowned the Champion! And before I leave, I will leave you with one final thing. CYREN! WILL! UNIFY! THOSE! BELTS!

ERIC ANDERSON walks out of the ring and up the ramp as the boos echo through the stadium. CENTURION looks at EXTREMER and they both share a laugh..

MICHAEL EXTREMER: Hey, CENT.. Did that guy just say he was going to UNIFY the Canadian and World Titles?

CENTURION: I believe he did.. Oh, this WILL be fun.. And remember, you’ve all got ONE MORE week to claim your spot.. I’m still listening..

- - Standard Match - -

SCOTT YOUNG and the crazy RODNEY STEELE are all set in the ring, as the ref calls for the bell, and we're under way. STEELE quickly grabs his dress gallivanting about, much to a disgusted SCOTT YOUNG. They go for a collar-elbow tie-up, and YOUNG immediately hooks on a headlock, keeping Steele's backside behind him. He hooks it on hard, dropping to a knee, causing STEELE to drop as well. YOUNG keeps the pressure on, constantly standing, then dropping to one knee, but STEELE finally is able to break free, nailing some elbows into the midsection of the evil one, SCOTT YOUNG. YOUNG staggers backwards, as his opponent runs right at him, hitting a high knee lift, which, luckily, didn't reveal anything. STEELE grabs his dress again waving it around in the air. YOUNG sits up, but is met with another knee, then a few mudhole stomps to the head. STEELE lifts up YOUNG and throws him into the corner, as he climbs up to give him the ten punches.1..... 2....... 3...... 4...... 5....... 6..... 7.... 8... 9.... Wait, what's this. He's got the dress, and throws it over YOUNG's face! 10! Ah, he's rubbing himself around YOUNG’S head, and that's just not right! STEELE drops back to the mat, as SCOTT YOUNG rolls out of the ring, almost vomiting right on the apron. STEELE prepares himself, and then bounces off the ropes, heads to the other side....SUICIDE DIVE! And head on! Both STEELE and YOUNG are out! The ref begins to count. 1....... 2....... 3....... 4....... 5....... STEELE slowly gets up, staggering around a little bit, as YOUNG is right behind him. He doesn't see YOUNG! 6....... 7....... YOUNG PUSHES STEELE INTO THE POLE! Man THAT didn't sound right. YOUNG rolls back into the ring to break up the count, then rolls back out, knowing he has the upper hand. He grabs STEELE again, and whips him into the barricade. He lifts him up, and sends him dropping right back down, head first, onto the black barricade, which eventually sends STEELE stumbling backwards into the apron. YOUNG runs at him, and spear! Right into the apron! YOUNG rolls STEELE back into the ring, and goes for the cover. 1.......2.......kickout! STEELE kicks out, and YOUNG looks upset. He starts to argue with the ref, but a now reviving STEELE stands, and runs right at YOUNG, knocking him upside the back of the head, sending YOUNG down to the mat. STEELE grabs the dress again, lowers himself onto YOUNG, and then starts bouncing on his head, as he hooks on a keylock! That's disgusting, but effective! YOUNG might tap! He raises his arm, HE LOWERS IT!.......AND GRABS THE ROPE! He JUST gets out of the hold, and RODNEY STEELE is forced to break the hold, who eventually taunts to the crowd, with a bit of an applause. STEELE goes back to YOUNG, dragging him away from the ropes. He moves to the front area now, as he hooks on a triangle choke, and YOUNG's head is up STEELE's dress AGAIN! YOUNG gives a few punches to the knee of STEELE, who finally lets go. YOUNG rolls out of the ring again, and this time actually throws up on the announcers table! This has been one SICK match. STEELE rolls right out to YOUNG, grabs his head, AND RUBS IT INTO THE PUKE! He bounces his head off the table now, which sends him backwards into the steps. RODNEY STEELE waves around his dress again, as YOUNG falls into a sitting position. This doesn't look good! Rodney pulls up his mini-tights underneath, showing a crack, and he backs up! STINK FACE! STINK FACE TO YOUNG! And now he turns around! He's rubbing himself against YOUNG's head again! STEELE rolls YOUNG back into the ring, and goes for a cover. 1....... 2....... kickout! YOUNG kicked out. STEELE just smiles though, as he lifts his dress up and down now, looking for something here. YOUNG, though, backs up and rolls out of the ring again, this time heading up the ramp. STEELE raises his arms, wondering where he's going. STEELE just waits in the ring as the ref counts. 1....... 2....... 3....... 4....... 5....... 6....... 7....... 8....... 9....... TEN!!! STEELE wins by a count out! And YOUNG just looks back with a disgusted look on his face, then grabs his mouth, running to the back. What a debut from RODNEY STEELE!


Backstage you can see DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, SEWASIDE, STAR, and JUGGALO walking down the hallway and they are seeing that as they are doing so you can see someone making noise in the shadows...

SEWASIDE: Who in the hell is back there?

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: Nobody bro... nobody... Let's just all get back to the locker room so we can get ready for the match.

As the Bloodhounds do in fact get back to the locker room and go inside you see the camera pan down and you catch a brief glimpse of a leg as the show goes to commercial.

- - Standard Tag Match - -

KILLJOY and HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE are set to take on two XWF house-hold names, CHASM and EXTERMINATOR. KILLJOY and CHASM start the match out, as the circle the ring, before going into a collar-elbow tie-up. CHASM gets a hammer lock on, but is reversed by KILLJOY, who gets his own on, turning the arm as far as he can. He gives a big elbow to CHASM's, then breaks the hold. He bounces off the ropes, and nails a nice bulldog, taking down CHASM hard to the mat. KILLJOY gets pumped now, doing an Indian-type hop around the ring, waiting for CHASM to stand. EXTERMINATOR tries to punch him, but KILLJOY blocks, then just stands there smiling at him. EXTERMINATOR gets freaked, as KILLJOY extends his hand. KILLJOY leans in, waiting for a handshake, but then all of a sudden, pokes EXTERMINATOR right in the eyes, sending him off the apron. KILLJOY focuses back on CHASM, who is now standing and heading full steam at the Prince of Pranks. He turned around just in time, though, as gives him a drop-toe hold, sending CHASM nose first right into the mat, which hit so hard, that a trickle of blood starts to flow out of his nostrils. He pulls him by the legs away from his corner, as EXTERMINATOR climbs back to the apron. CHASM stands, and hits a nice enziguri, sending KILLJOY to the mat, and with that chance, CHASM tags in EXTERMINATOR. The start to double team him, as the go for a double flapjack. Then they throw KILLJOY against the ropes, CHASM picks him up by the legs when he returns, and EXTERMINATOR goes for an RKO type move, and KILLJOY is out flat on the mat. HONKEY doesn't even come in to help him, as EXTERMINATOR goes for the cover. 1......2......kickout! KILLJOY just gets the kickout, as the enraged EXTERMINATOR drags KILLJOY by the neck, and tags in CHASM. CHASM ascends the top rope, as EXTERMINATOR sits KILLJOY up, holding him there. CHASM jumps off, and hits a dropkick right to the head! KILLJOY goes down hard, as CHASM goes for the cover.. 1...... 2...... shoulder up! KILLJOY took advantage of the poor cover by CHASM, and gets the shoulder up. CHASM tags back in EXTERMINATOR, as they continue to work well together, with frequent tags, showing their knowledge of the tag team division. EXTERMINATOR gets a dropkick to the back of KILLJOY, and goes for an immediate cover. 1......2......kickout! KILLJOY kicks out again, and HONKEY is cheering on his tag team partner to get up. It must be magic! As KILLJOY gets some forearms to the head of EXTERMINATOR, sending him stamping backwards into the ropes. KILLJOY bounces EXTERMINATOR off, sending him into the other ropes, as KILLJOY bounces off himself, then does a funny strut, and then as EXTERMINATOR comes flying back at him, KILLJOY turns around, and hits EXTERMINATOR with his butt. KILLJOY holds his pinky to his lips, as he smiles, and drags EXTERMINATOR to his corner, but to his surprise, HONKEY is off the apron, apparently rubbing his eye. "There's something in my eye damn it!" yells HONKEY, as EXTERMINATOR gets a low blow on KILLJOY, as the ref was busy with CHASM on the other side. KILLJOY falls down hard to the mat, as EXTERMINATOR grabs KILLJOY by the legs, and pulls him to the center of the ring. EXTERMINATOR kicks the legs of KILLJOY, then locks on a figure-4 leg lock, and HONKEY is just now getting on the apron, leaning into the turnbuckle, still rubbing his eye. KILLJOY looks to be in a lot of pain, but holds on. He finally drops to the mat, as the ref counts. 1......2......he lifts himself up again. EXTERMINATOR puts on even more pressure, sending KILLJOY back to the mat to relieve the pressure. 1......2......he gets up again. KILLJOY starts to feel the rush from the crowd, as he tries to turn EXTERMINATOR over, and he succeeds! EXTERMINATOR screams in pain, as CHASM comes in, kicking KILLJOY right in the back. They start to work on KILLJOY now, as CHASM goes over to HONKEY, smacking in the face, sending him to the ground. Wait a second, HONKEY falls flat, and CHASM didn't even hit him that hard! What is going on here with HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE. CHASM and EXTERMINATOR whip KILLJOY off the ropes, and try to go for a double clothesline, but he ducks, repels himself back and hits a double foot to the face! He stands again, as he notices both their heads near each other, and he climbs to the top rope! KILLJOY gets himself ready, as he does a little jig and dance up on the top rope, to a roaring crowd! He jumps off, HEADBUTT! KILLJOY hit a huge headbutt, almost knocking himself out. HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE peaks into the ring, as he slowly, but surely, stands up and gets back to his corner. KILLJOY just hit the PUNCH LINE on CHASM, and he flies out of the ring, and head first into the announcers table! EXTERMINATOR slowly stands, as KILLJOY is right near HONKEY now. EXTERMINATOR stands, staggering very close to KILLJOY, who doesn't even have to move, and he gets the PUNCH LINE on EXTERMINATOR as well! Wait a second! HONKEY just tagged himself in! He goes for the cover! 1......2......THREE!!


HONKEY gets the pin, thanks to the work of KILLJOY through this entire match, and HONKEY taunts to the crowd, patting KILLJOY on the back. HONKEY grabs a mic now.

HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE: Thank you! Thank you my fans! This was a tough match, but thanks to my work, we won! I WON, KILLJOY, I WON!

He drops the mic, as a puzzled KILLJOY gets his hand raised by HONKEY. What is going on here?

We pan backstage, to scattered tables and crewman, where deep hallways seem to stretch on forever, throughout the arena.

A shadow is seen, alit on a wall, the outline of a man walking briskly down the brightly lit hallway, easily made out.

We shift into a panoramic view, swirling all the way around the shadow, revealing it's source.


He has a set gaze on his face, fairly normal appearance just before a match. An intense match for sure, with the stunning JASON MUDD.

His gold, XWC belt is around his waist, it's gold shining from random lights and stray flashes of camera, going off in the distance.

There's a slight sheen of sweat bristling from his brow, his steps confident. As he maneuvers around a corner, we see him stop dead bolt. His face looks stricken for a moment...

.. is Steve Jason in trouble??

Well, well. what do we have here, Champ?

The lilted, melodic voice is heard, yet unseen. It's simple voice association that allows us to know whom, Steve Jason is seeing. Steve Jason's face suddenly brightens into a huge smile, and short chuckle, as he grabs the oncoming stranger by the hand, bring him in for a 'manly' knock of the shoulders. Steve Jason: How's it going... Champ?

With that, the man hidden from view steps fully around the corner, standing brightly in the hallway, dressed in pure white, the XWF World Championship, hung lazily over his shoulder, a slick pair of white shades covering his eyes.


CYREN: Oh... it's going pretty good. I had this great breakfast sandwich last week at McDonald's, or.. no, no, my mistake, it was a breakfast burrito. Well, from then on the week got even better, I got a stipend from a Cereal company I have part ownership in, had a nice chat with my attorneys... oh, and also....

The Rogue trails off for a moment, looking confused, downward to his shoes. When his head raises, his eyes are bright with pride and triumph.


Extremely uncharacteristic of CYREN, the outburst momentarily stuns Steve, himself shifting his own championship around his waist.

He pats the XWF World Title, dam against CYREN's shoulder.

STEVE JASON: Ah, yes... the XWF World Title, I know it well. It looks good on you, Cy.

CYREN shifts it on his shoulder, hefting it... seeming to measure it's weight.

CYREN: Yes, yes it does. Although, it's a little bit lighter than the Universal Title, it'll do.

STEVE JASON: Ah, I see... I see...

Shaking his head, the Avenger smiled brightly, rubbing his chin for a moment, his eyes trailing something on the ground. Yet, when he looks back up to CYREN, his eyes are steel as ice.

STEVE JASON: Just tell me one thing, Cy?

Shrugging his shoulders, The XWF World Champion, raises an eyebrow at his friend.

CYREN: Sure, go ahead.

Steve Jason steps even closer now to CYREN, eying the XWF World Title for a moment, before catching the Rogue's eyes.

STEVE JASON: ... you ready to lose it?

This seems to take CYREN back, for a moment. He rubs a finger idly across his lip, sticking his tongue into his cheek. After a moment, he steps forward to the XWC World Champion, his fingers forming a fist, gently rapping it against Steve's Championship belt.

CYREN: ... are you?



- - Standard Tag Match - -

PATIENCE and HUNTER start off in the ring as the bell ring. They both lock up and HUNTER gets the advantage with a headlock. HUNTER shoots PATIENCE off the ropes and hits a Shoulder Block that knocks her down. HUNTER bounces off the ropes, but PACEY ducks under and HUNTER leaps over her. HUNTER RYAN bounces off the other side, but is met with a big Hurricanrana by PATIENCE. They both pop back up and PACEY hits a dropkick the sends RYAN into the corner. PATIENCE rushes in and hits a Monkey Flip. HUNTER tries to scurry to the corner, but PATIENCE locks on her trademark Cravate and tags in ZACH RIZZA. PATIENCE holds HUNTER in place while RIZZA hits a big boot to the ribs of HUNTER. RIZZA starts to drop rapid fire elbows into the back and rib cage of HUNTER. Cover... ONE... TWO.. T.. RYAN kicks out. RIZZA picks up RYAN and drops him with a Scoop Slam. RIZZA bounces off the ropes and hits a Leg Drop. Cover.. ONE... TWO... TH... HUNTER kicks out. RIZZA whips RYAN into the corner and tags in PATIENCE again. RIZZA whips PATIENCE in who hits the Butt Butt in the corner. HUNTER is staggered and PATIENCE goes for a Small Package. ONE.. TWO.. T... HUNTER weasels his way out. PACEY goes for a Lariat, but his met with a Yakuza Kick to the head. HUNTER has some time to crawl over while PRYCE is holding her head. RYAN makes it to NITRO and makes the tag. PACEY does the same thing with RIZZA. The two of them are slugging it out in the middle of the ring. RIZZA finally gets the upper hand after burying a knee into the gut of NITRO. RIZZA whips NITRO into the ropes and hits a Big Boot to the face. RIZZA makes a quick tag to PATIENCE and he lifts her up a Gorilla Press. RIZZA presses her and she drops right onto NITRO. Cover... ONE.. TWO... TH... NITRO kicks out. PATIENCE locks on that Cravate once again. She is trying to wear down NITRO again and makes another quick tag to RIZZA. PACEY Snapmare NITRO over while RIZZA bounces off the ropes and hits a Running Knee Strike to the head. Cover on NITRO... ONE... TWO... THR.. NITRO puts his foot on the ropes. RIZZA picks up NITRO and Scoop Slams him down. RIZZA tags in PATIENCE again and she gets on the top turnbuckle. PATIENCE comes off the top with a Guillotine Leg Drop. Cover... ONE... TWO... THR... NITRO kicks out. PATIENCE goes to a corner and calls for a Cross Body Block, but NITRO catches her and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex. This gives NITRO time to make a tag to HUNTER. PATIENCE tries to crawl over to RIZZA, but HUNTER grabs the legs pulls PATIENCE into his corner. HUNTER locks on a Half Boston Crab and tries to softer her up for the Bender. PATIENCE grabs the ropes and HUNTER lets go. HUNTER starts stomping on the back and then tags in NITRO. HUNTER locks PATIENCE into Boston Crab position while NITRO bounces off the ropes and hits an elbow drop to the back of PATIENCE's head. Cover... ONE.. TWO... T... RIZZA comes in to break up the three count. NITRO Snapmares PATIENCE over and locks on a Rear Chinlock. NITRO puts a knee into back of her neck so she can't move. NITRO locks the move on tighter. It looks like PATIENCE has passed out. The ref comes in and checks her arm. ONE.... He lifts her arm and checks her one more time... TWO... This last time could end it. Her arm starts to drop, but PATIENCE catches it and starts to feel the crowd cheering. She starts to shake her leg and PATIENCE gets back to her feet. PATIENCE starts to elbow her way out, and she breaks free. However, NITRO grabs her hair and sends her back down to the mat. Cover.. ONE... TWO... PATIENCE kicks out. NITRO then grabs a Sleeper Hold while on the ground. PATIENCE starts to wriggle free and manages to grab a Front Face Lock. Both NICK and PACEY gets up to their feet. NITRO just overpowers PRYCE and Suplexes her over. NITRO makes a cover. ONE... TWO... THR... PACEY gets her foot on the rope. NICK makes a smart move and tags in HUNTER. HUNTER calls for The Bender, but PATIENCE is fighting out of it. PACEY manages to get HUNTER into a Victory Roll. ONE... TWO... THR.. .HUNTER reverses it the other way. ONE... TWO... THR.. PATIENCE kicks out. Both of them spring up and go for Cross Bodies that knock the wind out of each other. The ref starts his ten count... ONE... TWO... THREE... PATIENCE looks up to her corner and sees RIZZA with his hand outstretched to her. FOUR.... FIVE... SIX... HUNTER sees NITRO in the corner begging for a tag. SEVEN... PATIENCE crawls on her belly to her partner. EIGHT... HUNTER scurries to his partner. NINE.... PATIENCE makes the tag to ZACH and HUNTER tags in NITRO. RIZZA is a man on fire as he gets the hot tag. RIZZA starts flooring HUNTER and NITRO with lefts and rights. RIZZA whips HUNTER off the ropes and hits the Rizzaliner. RIZZA boots NITRO and drops him with A Ticket to Hell. Cover... ONE.. TWO... THR... HUNTER breaks up the pin. PATIENCE comes out of nowhere and hits Reverse Murder on RYAN. PATIENCE gets back on the apron and RIZZA tags her. RIZZA sets NITRO on top of his shoulders and tells PATIENCE to get on the top rope. PATIENCE looks to hit the Doomsdayrana, but HUNTER clips the knee of RIZZA that sets NITRO free. NITRO grabs PATIENCE and hits the NKO from the top rope. Cover.. ONE... TWO... THREE!!! The Champs retain!!


PATIENCE and ZACH start to get up, but then "Drugs (Instrumental)" by Lil' Kim and Notorious B.I.G. comes on over the P.A. Out come the leader of The Legacy PRINCE AKEEM. AKEEM is dressed in a business suit and with his African crown on his head. He is pissed off at ZACH and PACEY.

PRINCE AKEEM: Turn off my music, you fat hillbilly.

The crowd tears into the Crown Prince of Ghana West Africa.

PRINCE AKEEM: I can't believe that you two would lose to a couple of losers like HUNTER RYAN and NICK NITRO. It's an embarrassment. You two should be ashamed.

PATIENCE shakes her head at those comments.

ZACH RIZZA: Lay off her, your highness. She did her best. It's my fault.

PRINCE AKEEM is still not appeased by that statement. He wants answers.

PRINCE AKEEM: I can see where PATIENCE gets her attitude. I always knew that she was a loser. She is a bigger loser than her boyfriend, THE BOONDOCK SAINT!!

PATIENCE is incensed at the words and lies AKEEM is spreading. RIZZA stops PATIENCE from kicking AKEEM's butt.

ZACH RIZZA: It's not worth it. Just walk away.

PRINCE AKEEM: I'm afraid you can't do that. You belong to me, RIZZA. I want you to annihilate PATIENCE PRYCE once and for all. I want her beaten so badly that she will beg me to scrub the toilets of all my palaces in Ghana with her black hair. ZACH... FINISH HER NOW!!!

PACEY looks at ZACH. It looks like RIZZA has to follow orders. Both of them bow up to fight, but the lights go dark and then......


A flash of white light blinds the entire crowd. AKEEM falls to his knees and covers his head. He cannot believe this whole thing. He rubs his eyes and sees a symbol appear on the X-Tron.

It fades into these few words......




AKEEM is in stunned silence. One more word flashes across the screen...


AKEEM shrugs it off and looks for the new champs, but they are gone. Where did they disappear to?

- - Non-Title Match - -

STEVE struts out to the stage to a big pop.. He slowly turns, grinning ear to ear, and begins to trot down the ramp towards the ring. Suddenly, MUDD runs out from behind the curtain and runs up behind STEVE and smacks him in the head!!! MUDD smacks the head of STEVE a few more times, drags him down to the ring and rolls him in. MUDD quickly follows. STEVE catches him with a big boot from a lying position and the shovel goes flying! MUDD attacks STEVE once again with an elbow drop to the back of the head. MUDD squats down, grabs STEVE by the torso, and flips him over in a Gutwrench Powerbomb! MUDD looks down at the worked-over body of STEVE, and then he walks over to the turnbuckle. MUDD is dominating this match early on! He quickly starts untying the second turnbuckle padding from the corner. MUDD has a little trouble with it, and starts biting his lower lip and sweating. He starts to rock his head back and forth and grunt...but the in finally comes off. MUDD tosses the pad into the audience. MUDD then walks over to STEVE once again, and slowly picks him up to his feet. MUDD head butts him for good measure, and the rockets him into the exposed turnbuckle. STEVE arches his back up in pain! MUDD then takes off like a cat, and rushes towards STEVE. He lands a huge spear, but instead of releasing it, he grabs the second rope and thrusts his shoulders into the turnbuckle, grinding STEVE's spine into the metal! MUDD loosens his grip on the ropes, and STEVE kicks him back to the mat and picks MUDD up by the neck. STEVE Irish whips him into the turnbuckle with the exposed metal, and MUDD yelps in pain. STEVE delivers a clothesline and MUDD goes down. Pacing around MUDD, STEVE stops and drops a elbow right into the sternum of the MUDD. MUDD looks as though he just had the wind knocked out of him. STEVE gets to his feet and calls for the S3! JASON picks MUDD up who is still gasping for air. STEVE sets up MUDD and climbs to the top rope. Wait somebody is walking onto the stage.

It's... it's CYREN!

STEVE JASON sees him, and suddenly his leg gives out on him!! STEVE falls on the mat. MUDD falls backwards on STEVE. The ref begins to count. 1... 2... THREE! MUDD WINS! He just beat the XWC Champ!! Did CYREN have something to do with this?


STEVE gets to one knee and looks up at CYREN, who turns and heads out to the back without a word..

- - No DQ Match - -

The match starts with both SEWASIDE and JUGGALO exchanging slaps to the chest. SEWASIDE suplexes JUGGALO in the middle of the ring. Both men get up and exchange lefts and rights. JUGGALO tosses SEWASIDE to the ring apron. JUGGALO goes off the ropes and SEWASIDE leaps over hitting a big shoulder block. SIDE climbs back in the ring and tosses JUGGALO to the outside, SEWASIDE then leaps over the top rope, taking out JUGGALO on the outside. JUGGALO sends SEWASIDE over the ring barricade and JUGGALO nails him with a steel chair. SEWASIDE gets in a big boot on JUGGALO and sets up a table on the outside. SEWASIDE clothesline JUGGALO from the ring apron, brings JUGGALO on the ring apron and gives him a bulldog off the ring apron onto the table set up on the outside! Back in the ring, SEWASIDE hits a splash on JUGGALO off the top rope for a two count.

SEWASIDE a powerbomb on JUGGALO in the middle of the ring. SEWASIDE picks up JUGGALO who knees him in his gut and backs away, picking up a chair. Both SEWASIDE and JUGGALO get steel chairs. SEWASIDE nails JUGGALO two times, JUGGALO won't go down. SEWASIDE nails him a third time and JUGGALO gets up yet again. JUGGALO gets in a big boot on SEWASIDE and hits a modified blockbuster from the corner. JUGGALO throws down the two steel chairs and hits a revolving sidewalk slam on SEWASIDE. JUGGALO puts the chair on the face of SEWASIDE and nails him with another chair. JUGGALO keeps the chair on SEWASIDE's face and jumps off the top with another chair and hits a Foley like elbow drop.. JUGGALO covers and SEWASIDE still kicks out. SEWASIDE gives JUGGALO a big back suplex followed a big spear. SEWASIDE climbs up the top with a steel chair in hand and jumps down nailing JUGGALO with the chair. SEWASIDE gets another table and puts it in the ring. SEWASIDE sets up the table. JUGGALO then counters SEWASIDE, hitting a big sambo suplex through the table! JUGGALO covers, but only gets a two count!

JUGGALO goes up to the top rope, SEWASIDE climbs up with, gets JUGGALO in superplex on the already broken table. SEWASIDE covers and JUGGALO somehow kicks out! The fans are giving the match a standing ovation at this point. SEWASIDE sets up another table near the ring apron. The fans chant "THIS MATCH RULES" as SEWASIDE gets JUGGALO up on his shoulders and powerbombs him through the table on the outside. SEWASIDE climbs to the top and dives looking for the Milwaukee’s Best – Shooting Star Headbutt. JUGGALO rolls out of the way as SIDE lands hard on the pile of rubble. JUGGALO slowly makes it to his feet as LISHA comes sprinting down to the ring. She climbs to the top rope as JUGGALO stands on the apron. JUGGALO launches here off the top rope nailing the Drive-by on SEWASIDE. JUGGALO grabs SEWASIDE and tosses him back in the ring.

Suddenly, EXTREME WARRIOR runs down to ringside and slides into the ring as he’s looking towards JUGGALO who has SIDE stood up in the ring. EXTREME WARRIOR is here to attack JUGGALO! HE wants a shot at him and he’s going to get it any way he can! SEWASIDE looks thrilled to see WARRIOR is here to do his work for him!!


WARRIOR turns and boots SIDE in the gut!!


WARRIOR snatches up SEWASIDE and hits the WARRIOR’S END on him! JUGGALO tosses WARRIOR from the ring and JUGGALO lifts up SEWASIDE, hitting the RIDDLEBOX!! JUGGALO covers 1…2…



BRYAN TANN grabs JUGGALO by the ankle and yanks him out of the ring! TANN starts working over JUGGALO as WARRIOR leaps back into the ring to attack SEWASIDE! The four men are battling in and out of the ring.. The match has turned into absolute bedlam!

And here comes CRIMSON KLINE!!


The four men continue to battle until they all realize the boss is talking ..

KLINE: WARRIOR! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU… Wait.. You know what? I have an idea.. SEWASIDE, you seem to think you’re the obvious champ here, and you’ve got this BRYAN TANN guy by your side.. And WARRIOR, you want JUGGALO to hold on to the belt so you can beat him for it at Lord Of The Ring..

The four men listen intently as KLINE rubs his chin..

KLINE: Then we are going to have ourselves a TAG TEAM LADDER MATCH at Lord Of The Ring!

The crowd cheers!

KLINE: Yeah! And here’s how it’s gonna go down! EXTREME WARRIOR and JUGGALO vs. SEWASIDE and TANN! And it’s going to be UNSANCTIONED! NO RULES! I don’t care how it goes down and who wins!

WARRIOR and JUGGALO look at each other with obvious hatred, realizing that they are now up against a solid tag team.

KLINE: And since there’s only ONE TV Title, then the old motto holds true.. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.. So even when one team is soundly defeated, only ONE member of the winning team can take the belt! See you in a week, fellas!!

JUGGALO, WARRIOR, SEWASIDE and BRYAN TANN look ready but concerned about the upcoming battle!


OH MY GOD! JASON MUDD just came from behind and he cracks SEWASIDE with a kendo stick over the head sending him down! Was JASON MUDD the one watching the hounds earlier tonight? JASON MUDD has the stick and rears back again as the stick is taken out of his hand and he turns around to see BRYAN TANN standing behind him with the cane in his hand... The XWF newcomer is smiling at him and you see MUDD mouthing that this isn't between him. TANN motions for MUDD to back up so he can take care of SEWASIDE, and as he does you see TANN takes the stick and nails MUDD with it! TANN is wailing JASON MUDD with the kendo stick and busting him wide open. Now you can see STAR and DYNAMIC DYNAMITE come run down to the ring along with JUGGALO getting back in the ring. You see TANN stares back as he is surrounded by the BLOODHOUNDS now and you see SIDE grins himself as DYNAMIC reaches his hand out and he hugs BRYAN TANN as the others all start to laugh with DYNAMIC grabbing a microphone.

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: Who didn't see this one coming? Who in the hell in the middle of the XWF did not see BRYAN TANN joining the BLOODHOUNDS?

Motioning to the newcomer with the splintered kendo stick in his hands DYNAMIC continues.

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE: All of you do not know much about this man, but let me tell you that I have known him for nine years now! He is a beast in the ring, and he is a man that will be ruthless and do what he has to do... No one else is around the XWF to this point. The Legacy? The White Order? Nowhere to be seen! Us?

SEWASIDE steps out and motions to everyone in the ring as he takes the mic from DYNAMIC.

SEWASIDE: WE sure a f*** are still here!

With that they drop the microphone and you see the BLOODHOUNDS standing tall in the middle of the ring as STAR says something to the guys and you see that they all start to get out of the ring as SEWASIDE spits on JASON MUDD.

NICK NITRO and HUNTER RYAN are in their locker room when all of a sudden a knock is at their door. Both men look at each other wondering who in the hell is bugging them. NICK gets up and walks to the door just as it opens revealing NICK's Father standing there looking at NICK and HUNTER.

NICK NITRO: Dad what the hell are you doing here?

NICK's DAD: Boy I think it is time I came clean and told both of you a few things...

HUNTER RYAN looks on wondering what is going on. This is the same guy who helped him in Detroit... But what is he doing here...

HUNTER RYAN: Wait wait wait you're NICK's DAD?

NICK's DAD: HUNTER there is a reason I have been helping you all these years grow into the man you have become. Wow this is gonna be a lot tougher than I thought it would be... Ummm HUNTER I'm not only NICK's Father I'm also yours.

HUNTER looks on with an astonished look on his face not knowing what to say to the man who left him and his mother so many years ago before he was born.

NICK NITRO: Wow, this is an awkward silence umm I am going to leave you two to talk while I go grab a cup of coffee.

DAD: Listen NICK you stay right where you are. I am here for another reason also... I want to manage you boys and make you the best damn tag team the XWC has ever seen.

HUNTER RYAN: Umm I still don't know what to say to all of this...

NICK NITRO: You wanna do what you crazy old man... You're sixty something years old.... What are you going to do beat opponents to death with your walker and cane.

DAD: Quit being a smartass NICHOLAS before I kick your ass like I should have done years ago.

HUNTER is still sitting in the corner of the locker room trying to get a grasp on everything that’s going on. NICK walk over to him and tries to talk to him but HUNTER won't listen.

NICK NITRO: HUNTER listen I guess this is a lot for you to take in at once but dude come on I have always wanted a little brother.

NICK grabs HUNTER in a headlock and starts to grind his bent middle finger in HUNTER's skull. HUNTER stands up throwing NICK off of him before heading towards the door with his duffle bag in hand.

HUNTER RYAN: I am going to need sometime to think about this guys I'll see you later...

With that said HUNTER walks out the door leaving NICK and their Father speechless.



CRIMSON KLINE is resting comfortably in the back, watching the action on his personal monitor in his office. Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door..

KLINE: Oh who is it now.. COME IN!

KLINE is quite surprised to see XWF Owner JONATHYN BROWN in the doorway of his office!

KLINE: J.. JONATHYN! Hey! I wasn’t expecting you here! What are you doing here?

JONATHYN: Well.. It IS still my company..

KLINE: Right, of course.. I mean.. What a thrill it is to see you here at me..

JONATHYN: Save it, KLINE.. I have some questions for you..

KLINE: Questions?.. Sure.. Go ahead.

JONATHYN: Okay. First off. How much did BOONDOCK SAINT get from you to hit me on the head?

KLINE: What? From ME? Huh?

JONATHYN: He told me everything, KLINE. It was YOU. You and SAINT had this whole elaborate plan to dominate the XWF from the day I offered it. He told me everything right before I fired him.. He told me about the snake anti-venom, the payoff, the plot to knock me into a coma.. He told me about how the two of you were going to split the XWF up with YOU taking Massacre and him controlling Anarchy.. And then when it all fell apart, how you tried to push Massacre off the air by taking advantage of my condition with bad trades and firing off guys that were headed to my show..

KLINE: No.. That’s not what..

JONATHYN: And HERE! Handing NICK NITRO a TAG BELT? That guy is the lowest rated star on this show BY FAR!! And you give him a belt because he happened to be halfway decent once? Booking EXTREME WARRIOR in a match! He’s an insurance NIGHTMARE, KLINE That’s why I REFUSED to let him fight! HE almost DIED here once, and there isn’t an agency on the planet that would insure this company for him!

KLINE raises a finger in the air.


JONATHYN: You idiot. “Unsanctioned” is just a word. He’s still under MY roof and that makes him MY responsibility.. And allowing SEWASIDE to return? Where were you when THAT went down? It’s obvious to me that you’re trying to RUIN me.. So I’m going to stop the bleeding RIGHT NOW.

KLINE throws his hand up in JONATHYN’s face.

KLINE: Hold up right there, bud. I suppose you’re going to try to fire me now, right?

JONATHYN: I’m not going to TRY, I’m going to FIRE YOU.

KLINE turns and reaches for a briefcase. He opens it and produces a contract.

KLINE: See this? This is the contract that you and I both signed. It has me here until December 31, 2006. Solid. No firings, no salary cuts, nothing. It’s solid, boss.. You and I signed this thing because you were CONVINCED that I was your “loyal servant”.. And that means that I’m HERE TO STAY until the end of the year.. And ANARCHY is MY SHOW to do with as I please..

JONATHYN: Then I guess you have a month and a week to pack your things..

KLINE looks at JONATHYN for a moment..

KLINE: Or maybe YOU DO..


KLINE: What if we let the SHOWS themselves decide?

JONATHYN: What are you talking about? I’ve run this company for seven years, and you are no longer a required part of this company.

KLINE: I’ll bet my show can beat your show.


KLINE: X-Mas X-Treme.. We’ve got your champ, CYREN, taking on MY champ, STAR, DYNAMITE or SOUL BEARER.. And then we’ve got the winner of the Lord OF The Ring Match.. So why not let the show with the winner determine which show takes over the company! If My guy win, the company becomes XWC and I take complete control, and if your guy wins, it all goes back to XWF and I go away. And if the LOTR winner wins, he gets to decide.

JONATHYN: How about NO. Goodbye KLINE. Don’t do anything stupid that might get you sued..

JONATHYN turns and heads for the door.

KLINE: You’ll change your mind. You LOVE a challenge..


JONATHYN exits, leaving KLINE with the very real possibility of being out a job at the end of the year..



SOUL BEARER charges at DYNAMITE as the bell sounds for the match to begin. DYNAMITE side steps him sending SOUL BEARER into the ropes. As SOUL BEARER bounces off the rope DYNAMITE puts a boot to his face. SOUL BEARER hits the mat hard. STAR delivers a dropkick to DYNAMITE's chest as he turns pushing him through the ropes and out of the ring. SOUL BEARER gets up only to be met by a boot to the mid section and DDT. STAR rolls on her side and gets back up on the be tripped by DYNAMITE. DYNAMITE pulls her out of the ring and uses and Irish whip to send her flying into the barricade. DYNAMITE slides in the ring and pulls SOUL BEARER to the center of the ring. DYNAMITE goes for a elbow drop but SOUL BEARER rolls out of the way and gets to his feet just before DYNAMITE. SOUL BEARER spears DYNAMITE then rolls out of the ring and heads towards STAR who is now on her feet. STAR and SOUL BEARER lock up and STAR quickly loses the battle. STAR bends over in pain as SOUL BEARER's knee sinks into her mid section. SOUL BEARER follows it up with a tombstone. SOUL BEARER stands up and looks down at STAR who is out cold. DYNAMITE sneaks up behind and locks SOUL BEARER up in a full nelson. DYNAMITE grunts as he delivers a full nelson slam to SOUL BEARER. DYNAMITE looks to STAR then looks back to SOUL BEARER. DYNAMITE grabs SOUL BEARER and picks him up to his only to be hit with a low blow about half way up. SOUL BEARER rises the rest of the way as DYNAMITE falls to his needs in agony. SOUL BEARER picks up DYNAMITE by his hair and executes a jackhammer. STAR begins to get to her feet still shaken from the tombstone the hard floor. SOUL BEARER rolls DYNAMITE into the ring. SOUL BEARER ignores STAR and climbs in the ring. SOUL BEARER climbs in the ring and goes for a pin. 1....2. KICKOUT. SOUL BEARER gets to his feet in cusses in frustration. STAR now waiting on the top ropes waits until SOUL BEARER turns towards her. STAR flies through the air for a hurricanrana but SOUL BEARER catches her and powerbombs her right on top of DYNAMITE. The ref checks on STAR as SOUL BEARER steps back against the ropes only to receive a chair shot to the back of the head from BRIAN LANCE! SOUL BEARER goes down! What is BRIAN LANCE doing here he is a MASSACRE star not an ANARCHY star! LANCE slides in just enough to place DYNAMITE's arm over SOUL BEARER's lifeless body. The looks up and yells for LANCE to get out of the ring. LANCE points frantically to the arm over SOUL BEARER. DYNAMITE rolls over pins SOUL BEARER. 1...2...3!!! SOUL BEARER is out of here! BRIAN LANCE laughs as her walks up the ramp and into the back.

STAR begins to show some life in her as well as DYNAMITE. They both wearily get to their feet as SOUL BEARER is helped out of the ring. They look to each other and a smirk can be seen on their faces as they circle one another. They lock up in the center of the ring. STAR escapes the lock up by delivering a jaw breaker to DYNAMITE. STAR gets to her feet quickly and lands a elbow drop to his chest. STAR gets to her feet and rungs to the turnbuckles. As DYNAMITE gets to his feet STAR nails her trademark STARCANRANA. STAR covers up. 1... 2... KICKOUT! STAR gets up and helps big DYNAMITE to his feet. She launches herself off the rope but DYNAMITE connects with a big boot to her face sending her to the mat. DYNAMITE picks her up to her feet and calls for a CREATIVE CONTROL! STAR quickly pushes him off before he can execute it and follows up with a missile drop kick to the chest. DYNAMITE spins and falls onto the second rope. Without missing a beat she runs and nails a STAR SPANGLED HAMMER! DYNAMITE sails backward onto his back in the middle of the ring. JUGGALO comes rolls out onto the stage banged and bruised. WARRIOR is walks onto the stage helping JUGGALO up on the way. The ref leaves the ring and begins to yell at WARRIOR and JUGGALO to leave. WARRIOR nails a sidewalk slam on JUGGALO who writhes in pain as he his the ground. WARRIOR walks off to grab a steel chair. WARRIOR walks towards were he left JUGGALO only to find out that he is gone. WARRIOR puts his back against the barricade with chair in hand waiting on JUGGALO. Suddenly JUGGALO appears behind WARRIOR and slips a cable around WARRIOR's neck sadistically choking the life out of WARRIOR. JUGGALO pulls WARRIOR by the cable around his neck over the barricade. WARRIOR lands on the ground gasping for air. JUGGALO grabs a steel chair and pelts it around the chest of WARRIOR. JUGGALO brings WARRIOR to his feet. JUGGALO tries for a standing clothesline but WARRIOR counters is arm drag takedown. Both men are slow to get up. WARRIOR and JUGGALO exchange punches fighting their way through the crowd until they disappear.

STAR is pinning DYNAMITE but no ref is around. STAR clearly has a three count but no ref to count it. SABRINA WILSON slides in the ring and kicks STAR in the back of the head. WILSON quickly gets to her feet and picks up STAR. SABRINA looks around with a smile on her faces then nails STAR with a WILSON BOMB! SABRINA WILSON rolls DYNAMITE on top of STAR then quickly leaves the ring and disappears through the fans. The ref comes running down from the stage having dealt with WARRIOR and JUGGALO. The ref slides in and counts. 1... 2... THREE!!! DYNAMITE WINS! The ref helps DYNAMITE to his feet and raises a confused DYNAMITE's hand. DYNAMITE looks down at STAR then looks to the ref and back at STAR in sheer disbelief.


DYNAMIC DYNAMITE has made it to the end of the eliminations! He will face off against CYREN and the winner of the LORD OF THE RING battle! But WHO WILL BE THAT THIRD MEMBER? Find out at LORD OF THE RING in just over one week!!

STAR’s undefeated streak is OVER! She will be looking for revenge against SABRINA WILSON for sure!!

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