XWF: X-MAS X-TREME PPV December 31, 2006



- - Steel Cage Retirement Match - -

The cage door is shut and the ref calls for the bell. Both men circle and into a tie up, jockey for position then they break as EXTERMINATOR nails HELMUT with a punch as HELMUT fires back with a forearm, EXTERMINATOR retaliates with another shot and so does HELMUT as he drops EXTERMINATOR to one knee LOW BLOW!! EXTERMINATOR is laughing as the crowd boos. EXTERMINATOR showing he is willing to do what it takes to win as he clubs down on HELMUT then whips him into the corner and follows him in with a splash. EXTERMINATOR snapmares HELMUT over and kicks him square in the back before mugging for the crowd a bit and into the rolling neck snap. EXTERMINATOR hops up on the top rope and again smiles for the camera with an egotistical smirk before going for a top rope splash, Pool Is empty! HELMUT moves out of the way and gets to his feet, HELMUT to the ring apron, EXTERMINATOR is up.. Springboard lariat from HELMUT connects! HELMUT is starting to feel the fans cheer as he stomps down on EXTERMINATOR. HELMUT pulls him up and whip to the ropes, spinning leg lariat connects. as HELMUT goes for a pin 1.. 2.. kickout by EXTERMINATOR. Grave decides to walk out the door but is cut off from behind as EXTERMINATOR clubs him from behind. EXTERMINATOR composes himself as he yells at the ring crew who tosses a few steel chairs into the ring over the cage. EXTERMINATOR hits HELMUT across the back with a chair. EXTERMINATOR hits HELMUT again with the chair. EXTERMINATOR seems to be in control as he poses for the fans before he sets the chair up in the ring, he sits HELMUT down on the chair. EXTERMINATOR hits him a few times then goes for a running mafia kick but HELMUT manages to dodge the kick and catches the leg of EXTERMINATOR and Dragon screw leg whips EXTERMINATOR down. HELMUT composes himself and takes EXTERMINATOR down with a Japanese armdrag. HELMUT climbs to the middle rope and lands a leg drop to EXTERMINATOR, cover 1.. 2.. kickout by EXTERMINATOR as he gets the shoulder up. HELMUT whips EXTERMINATOR to the ropes, reversed , HELMUT hops on the cage! Cage Assisted MOONSAULT!!

HELMUT is pumped but may have twisted his knee a bit on the landing. HELMUT is shaking off the odd landing as he hits an inverted DDT on one of the folded down chairs. HELMUT does not go for the cover but beings to climb up the cage, he is about halfway up the cage before EXTERMINATOR can even get to his feet, as EXTERMINATOR lunges and grabs the leg of HELMUT trying to pull him down off the cage. HELMUT is kicking at EXTERMINATOR! OHH!! HELMUT comes down and gets the ropes between the legs!! The male fans cringed there! EXTERMINATOR and HELMUT are hurt as EXTERMINATOR dumps HELMUT to the mat, EXTERMINATOR begins to climb up the cage himself and HELMUT with a leaping palm strike! EXTERMINATOR gets crotched this time! HELMUT o the mid ropes hops up! Rana!! Rana off the ring ropes driving EXTERMINATOR into the mat! HELMUT does not cover as he sets up two of the chair facing each other. HELMUT hits a nasty powerbomb crushing EXTERMINATOR between those two chairs! Both men are down and hurting as HELMUT starts to walk for the cage door, he tells them to open it as he gets closer and closer! No!! EXTERMINATOR throws a chair and nails HELMUT right in the back of the head. HELMUT turns around and right into a huge chair shot to the head!! OHH!! EXTERMINATOR is till staggered a bit too as he holds his head and drops the chair, he slams HELMUT to the mat before taking a chair and wedging it into the corner between the top two ropes. EXTERMINATOR is back and working over HELMUT. EXTERMINATOR locks in a front lock and into a northern lights suplex, he holds on and rolls it out.. EXTERMINATOR nails the Threesome and holds after the third suplex with a bridge 1.. 2.. kickout by HELMUT! EXTERMINATOR seems frustrated as he pulls HELMUT to his feet, ROLL UP!! HELMUT with a schoolboy style package rollup.. 1.. 2.. kickout by EXTERMINATOR as he face kicks HELMUT! EXTERMINATOR goes for the .. Perfect.. moonsault but HELMUT gets the knees in the air! HELMUT and EXTERMINATOR are both showing signs of fatigue as HELMUT is up, body scissors, Blocked, EXTERMINATOR goes for the wheelbarrow suplex, and HELMUT reverses it into a sitout bulldog! HELMUT is to his feet after a few moments and drops a chair, piledriver on top of the chair.

HELMUT takes the chair and sets it on top of EXTERMINATOR.. HELMUT to the top rope.. he looks around and smiles.. HELMUT on top of the cage.. HELMUT BOMB!! NO!! EXTERMINATOR rolls at the last second, EXTERMINATOR is up and grabs HELMUT.. EXTERMINATION! Into the corner with that steel chair that nails HELMUT in the back of his head!! EXTERMINATOR nails the Extermination!!.. 1.. 2.. THREE!!



- - Canadian Rules - -

The match begins with both referees standing on the far end of the ring as CENTURION and EW, both amped and ready for the final chapter of their feud, stare each other down with intensity, neither man backing down and both men clearly more than ready to begin the fight. They lock up in the ring, and CENTURION quickly takes the advantage, forcing EW back and pushing him down hard enough to hit an early DDT. EW goes down and, but it doesn't seem anywhere near enough to take him out as he's quickly up on one knee and is able to roll aside to avert an elbow drop by CENTURION. Both men quickly race up to their feet- EW is up only a fraction of a second after CENTURION, but it does allow him enough time to hit a shuffle-kick against CENTURION, who falls back from the impact. EW capitalizes with a run-up, aiming to his a running clothesline, but at the last second CENTURION snares him in an arm-drag and flips him onto the ground. No sooner does EW hit the ground than CENTURION gets into position, aiming to finish the match up early with a sleeper hold. EW fights the hold from the very start, and has enough energy to power out of the hold after a few moments, using his sitting position to spring to his feet and waiting for CENTURION to rise to deliver another kick. CENTURION is smarter this time around, however, and rolls back out of range before jumping to his feet and rushing at EW with a tackle. EW is waiting, however, and manages to wrap his arms around CENTURION in mid-motion and uses the momentum to pull him into a suplex! CENTURION is a little dazed, shaking his head to try to clear the cobwebs as EW darts in and grabs CENTURION's leg, wrenching it forwards and applying a figure four leg-lock! Both referees dart in to observe the reaction as CENTURION fights the hold, clenching his teeth and struggling for the ropes. His arm manages to snare the rope, and his free boot lashes out to kick EW in the face, knocking him back and forcing him to break the hold. CENTURION shifts on his good leg, then pulls himself up to his full height and makes his way towards the turnbuckle, climbing carefully and awaiting EW to rise... EW is up, and CENTURION takes that moment to leap off with a diving lariat, striking EW right atop the head and bowling him back down to the mat. CENTURION's now taken the lead in this match up and wastes no time letting EW know about it, pulling him up to his feet and setting him up for the Smart Bomb, CENTURION's adaptation of the Death Valley Driver! He nails it on EW, and wastes no time going for the pin! Both referees count- 1... 2... EW kicks out at the last moment! CENTURION seems frustrated, but decides to attempt to finish the match off by running for the ropes and springboarding off for a Lionsault... but EW gets his knees up! CENTURION crashes into EW's knees, flopping back in pain and rolling into the mat, trying to fight the agony and get up, while EW rises up to his feet and heads for the turnbuckle! He's at the top, crouched, poised and ready, then goes off with an elbow drop! CENTURION is prone, and EW's elbow crushes into his chest! EW wastes no time going for the pin... 1... 2... KICKOUT! EW seems a little irate and holds up a three as if he believed it to be a three-count, but the referees shake their head and disagree. EW nods and rises to his feet, lifting CENTURION up as if to finish him off, but CENTURION isn't giving up! He rams the blade of his elbow into EW's gut, causing him to wheeze, but he still holds on tightly. CENTURION grits his teeth and elbows EW again, causing EW's grip to loosen. CENTURION doubles back, then rams his shoulders into EW, bowling him backwards out of the way. CENTURION's eyes narrow and he waits for the stunned EW to turn his back to him, then he suddenly darts in and hits the 1000 Mile Slam! EW is down and out, and the referees waste no time running to CENTURION's side as he pins EW... 1... 2... THREE! CENTURION retains the title!



- - Loser Leaves XWF "I Quit" Match - -

DEANO THE DESTROYER and TONY CAPRETTI are both stood in the ring, when the referee raises the vacant XWF Hart Title over his head as camera across the arena flash off. The referee gets rid of the gold and the bell rings to signal the start of this ‘No-Rules’ Match. TONY and DEANO lock up and toggle for space, as the slightly taller DEANO shoves TONY back against the ropes and lays into him with a stiff right hand. DEANO whips TONY off the ropes and catches him on his way back across the ring with a big boot to the face. DEANO pulls TONY up by the hair and sets him up for a suplex, before TONY is able to counter with a low blow. DEANO drops to his knees as CAPRETTI bounces off the ring ropes and catches DEANO with a dropkick to the jaw. The impact from the kick echoes throughout the arena, when TONY goes for a pin, but is quickly reminded by the referee that he must make his opponent say ‘I Quit’ to win. TONY mounts DEANO and lays into him with hard right hand after hard right hand, before hopping to his feet and dropping an elbow across DEANO’s chest. TONY rolls out of the ring and pulls out a garbage can, before tossing it into the ring. TONY climbs up onto the apron, but DEANO is too his feet and he charges CAPRETTI, knocking him off the apron and sending him crashing into the steel guardrail. DEANO climbs out of the ring and smirks as TONY’s body lies shriveled up just feet away from him. DEANO kicks CAPRETTI in the stomach three or four times before pulling him up onto his feet and lifting him into the air, before crotching him across the steel guardrail. DEANO grabs TONY and locks him in a sleeper, while dragging him back into ringside. DEANO wrenches away at the submission as the referee asks TONY if he wants to quit, but TONY replies with a quick and loud ‘No!’. TONY is somehow able to counter the sleeper and take DEANO down with a snapmare. TONY leans up against the ring announcers’ table as he tries to catch a breather. DEANO groggily gets to his feet, only to be met with a savage kick from CAPRETTI, sending DEANO reeling. TONY bum rushes DEANO and both men crash into and over the steel ring steps, as both men are laid out at ringside. TONY CAPRETTI gets to his feet, followed shortly by his former protégé and the two men exchange stiff right hands on the concrete, before CAPRETTI ducks a DEANO right and catches DEANO with several body blows and follows it up by spearing DEANO into the guardrail. TONY quickly goes to work on DEANO’s right knee, which TONY nailed with a chair just 13 days ago, with a hard kick, making DEANO lose his footing. TONY then begins stomping away at DEANO’s knee, over and over again, before grabbing his right leg and throwing it into the guardrail. DEANO yelps in pain as the knee retorts in ways it naturally shouldn’t. TONY pulls DEANO onto his feet and rolls him back into the ring, before searching for more weapons under the ring apron. TONY pulls out a baseball bat, a stop road sign and a plank of wood. TONY shoves all of them into the ring, before going over to DEANO, but DEANO counters, grabbing the garbage can from earlier, and smashing it across CAPRETTI’s skull, sending the big man reeling back against the ring ropes. DEANO gets to his feet and slams the garbage can over TONY’s head again, as TONY drops to his knees DEANO slams TONY over the head with the garbage can for a third time, as the can is heavily dented. TONY lies out semi-conscious on the mat. DEANO pulls TONY to his feet and ties him up in the top rope, as to stop him from escaping. DEANO grabs the baseball bat and winds it up…HOME RUN!! DEANO just smashed the bat in half across TONY’s skull. DEANO smiles, as he unties TONY from the ring ropes and drops him to the mat in a sit down Powerbomb. DEANO screams at TONY asking him to quit, but TONY replies with a gob of phlegm into DEANO’s face. DEANO wipes the spit off of his face and slaps TONY in the face, before TONY jumps up onto his feet and catches DEANO with a stiff boot to the gut, following it up with a DDT onto the steel stop sign. TONY gets to his feet and grabs DEANO, who is now busted wide open, by the arm and locks him in a Fujiwara Arm bar, in an attempt to force DEANO into quitting, but the youngster refuses to quit and, using his amazing strength, lifts TONY CAPRETTI up, whilst he still has the Arm Bar locked in and drops CAPRETTI backwards and down to the mat. TONY releases his grip on DEANO’s arm as DEANO grabs TONY’s legs, and lifts him off the ground, slamming him face first onto the mat with a reverse Powerbomb. DEANO rolls over towards the weapons and picks up the plank of wood. DEANO calls for TONY to get to his feet and as he does, DEANO slams the wood into TONY’s stomach and smashes the plank hard across CAPRETTI’s back. DEANO drops the wood and grabs TONY, before throwing him over the top rope and out of the ring, and follows him out. DEANO picks TONY up and leans him against the guardrail. Before taking 4 steps back and charging at CAPRETTI with a running clothesline, but DEANO THE DESTROYER misses and TONY flips him up and over the guardrail with a back body drop. DEANO flops out on the concrete in front of the fans at the front row of ringside as TONY climbs over the guardrail and stomps away at DEANO. TONY pulls DEANO up to his feet and TONY throws DEANO THE DESTROYER into a wall supporting a staircase, leading up to a higher tier of fans. TONY grabs DEANO and drags him through a curtain leading backstage. TONY goes to slam DEANO’s head through a window, but DEANO counters and smashes TONY’s head against the glass. The glass cracks a little, but doesn’t smash as DEANO pulls TONY along the corridor by his hair whilst looking around for something. DEANO grabs a golf club out of the back of a golf cart and slams the club across the back of TONY’s head. DEANO smiles as the club is now bent in half. DEANO THE DESTROYER throws the club to the side and kicks TONY hard in the face before shouting at him ‘ready to quit yet?’ TONY replies with a thumb to the eyes of DEANO, sending him reeling and blinding him. DEANO swings arms around trying to find TONY, when CAPRETTI charges him from behind and sends him crashing through a door into the XWF Women’s locker room. TONY gets to his feet, looks around and realizes there are no women here before punching the wall in frustration. TONY looks back down at DEANO who’s crawling towards the door on all fours, as CAPRETTI walks up behind him before kicking him in the ribs. TONY pulls DEANO up and drags him out of the locker room, drags him down the hallway and throws DEANO onto a catering table, covered in a platter of food. DEANO lays out across the food as TONY drags him across the table. TONY CAPRETTI pulls DEANO THE DESTROYER off of the table and throws him up a set of stairs, leading to the entrance ramp. TONY drags DEANO down to the entrance as they fight out below the X-Tron back at ringside. DEANO grabs TONY by the hair and rams him face first into the steel X-Tron, before slamming the back of his head down onto the steel grating at the top of the stage. DEANO lifts TONY up and nails CAPRETTI with a Death Valley Driver on the stage floor. DEANO shouts at TONY calling for him to quit, but TONY shakes his head. Whether from disorientation or sheer guts, this match continues as DEANO pulls TONY CAPRETTI up onto his feet and begins pulling him towards the ring down the rampway. TONY counters with several quick blows to the gut of DEANO and CAPRETTI goes to whip DEANO into the side of the ring, but DEANO counters and flattens TONY with a clothesline. DEANO grabs TONY by the throat and pulls him up to his feet, but CAPRETTI counters with a low blow. CAPRETTI grabs DEANO and throws him into the ring. CAPRETTI grabs a chair and climbs into the ring with it as DEANO uses the ropes to pull himself up. DEANO turns around and is blasted over the head by a hard chair shot from TONY CAPRETTI, opening up his wound from earlier as blood begins gushing out from DEANO’s head. CAPRETTI chucks the chair out of the ring, before pull DEANO over too the corner and CAPRETTI climbs out of the ring. TONY pulls DEANO’s legs around the ring post and grabs DEANO’s right leg, sending his knee crashing into the ring post. TONY grabs the steel chair…NOT AGAIN!! TONY winds up the chair and…SMASH!! TONY just bent the chair around DEANO’s knee as DEANO screams in agony as TONY hits the injured knee again, and again, and again, and again, and again. DEANO’s knee might be permanently damaged. TONY smiles as he throws the chair away and wraps DEANO’s leg around the ring post and…OH MY GOD!! TONY HAS THE FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK LOCKED IN AROUND THE RING POST!! DEANO IS BLOODIED AND SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS!! SOMEBODY HAS TO STOP THIS!!! DEANO yells out in pain one last time, before falling unconscious from the pain. The referee checks DEANO and the moment he realizes he’s knocked out, he calls for the bell declaring TONY CAPRETTI the new Hart Champion!!


TONY stares at the Hart Title before dropping to his knees and clasping it to his chest. TONY drapes the Hart Title over his shoulder as he looks down at his bloodied opponent. TONY grabs DEANO by the arm and helps him too his feet. Both men are covered in blood after that war. TONY nods as he extends a hand to DEANO. DEANO stares at the hand before firmly grasping and shaking it. What a show of respect from the new Hart Champion!

Backstage, TRENT GEIN is seen sitting in his locker room when a knock on the door is heard. Getting up to open the door, a huge package is thrust into his face.

“Sign for this, please.”

The voice comes from behind the package, where the deliverer’s face is hidden. Being handed a sheet of paper, GEIN scrawls down his signature and is left with the package in his arms as the white shoe of the delivery person fades out of sight and the door shuts. A little puzzled, GEIN places the box on a table and rips into it. Tearing it open, what he then withdraws from the box appears to be a Christmas present, wrapped in paper depicting gloriously decorated Christmas trees. He finds a tag on it and reads it out.

“A little inspiration to get you back on track.
Don’t screw this opportunity up, jackass.”

With no name to indicate who it’s from, TRENT’s confusion only grows. Shrugging, he then tears at the paper until another box is revealed. Lifting the lid off it, the true gift is now revealed as he peers inside.

There, in the box in front of him, is the XWF TV Title.



- - Hardcore Elimination Match - -
- - Guest Ref: EAPW's GRIGS LARR - -

The match starts out with SENTRICK and ZAKK SIMMONS locking up as SIMMONS whips SENTRICK into the ropes and catches him with a shoulder block. PIERCE runs up behind ZAKK and clobbers him in the back of the head with a massive elbow and German suplexes him to the mat as SENTRICK rises up to his feet now. PIERCE and SENTRICK both begin stomping away on ZAKK, kicking him in the ribs and stomach and head before they both pull ZAKK up and deliver a huge double powerbomb! PIERCE now kicks SENTRICK in the stomach and DDTs him right down into ZAKK SIMMONS! He covers SENTRICK and ZAKK at the same time! ...1 ...2 ...KICKOUT!

PIERCE pulls SENTRICK up but SENTRICK begins unloading with a flurry of rights and lefts until ZAKK comes up behind SENTRICK with a low blow! LARR warns ZAKK about his actions but ZAKK ignores him and continues to go to work on SENTRICK until PIERCE clotheslines ZAKK to the mat hard. PIERCE pulls ZAKK up and delivers a huge backbreaker to him as SENTRICK rises to his feet and locks PIERCE in a tight sleeper hold! PIERCE fights to get out of the hold as SENTRICK continues to apply pressure and PIERCE begins to weaken little by little. PIERCE reaches out for the ropes but they are too far as he begins to fade and SENTRICK brings him down to his knees now and turns this into a dragon sleeper! He keeps the dragon sleeper locked in for a few seconds before driving PIERCE down into the back of his head with a reverse DDT! He covers PIERCE...1 ...2 ...KICKOUT!

SENTRICK now turns his attention to ZAKK SIMMONS who is just getting back up and the two begin exchanging blows left and right. ZAKK misses with a right hand as SENTRICK ducks under and spins behind ZAKK to roll him up in a quick schoolboy pin out of nowhere! ...1 ...2 ...THREE!!!!


SENTRICK pulls ZAKK back up and tosses him out of the ring with authority now before PIERCE comes up and dropkicks SENTRICK right in the side of the head! SENTRICK spirals around on his feet and ends up stumbling into the corner as PIERCE charges him and crushing him into the corner with a series of clotheslines and shoulder smashes. PIERCE now pulls SENTRICK out to the middle of the ring but SENTRICK now begins firing back with a barrage or closed fists before kicking PIERCE in the stomach and nailing him with a huge gutwrench suplex and a cover...1 ...2 ...KICKOUT!

SENTRICK stomps away on PIERCE and drops a few elbows across the chest before making another pin attempt...1 ..2 ..KICKOUT! SENTRICK now locks PIERCE in a tight armbar but PIERCE's foot reaches the rope and LARR calls for the break. PIERCE slides out under the bottom rope to the outside now as SENTRICK runs and leaps up and over the top rope! As SENTRICK soars through the air, PIERCE dives out of the way at the last second, allowing SENTRICK to crash right down at ringside, FACE FIRST! PIERCE goes to work with a series of stomps before rolling SENTRICK into the ring and preparing him for a powerbomb. He lifts him up and DRIVES him down, only to keep holding on and then delivering a SECOND powerbomb which he holds into a kneeling pin as LARR dives in for the count....1 ...2 ...THREE!!!



- - X-Mas X-Treme Third Place Match - -

The US Title match is about to get under way as officials finish up placing random instruments of violence around the ring and in the corners of the ring. Everything from steel chairs to Barbie dolls lie scattered on the floor, along with items thrown onto the mat by fans. A pair of nunchucks fly into the ring and hit RIZZA in the head. He looks down at the mat and picks them up with a grin on his face. LANCE looks at the wiffle bat in his hands and shakes his head in despair as the bell sounds. RIZZA slowly makes his way towards LANCE, nunchucks swinging and spinning as LANCE holds up the red wiffle bat up in defense. RIZZA swings the nunchucks down towards LANCE's head, but LANCE ducks and moves behind RIZZA swinging down hard with the wiffle bat. The bat bends on RIZZA's head but does not effect him at all. RIZZA spins around and cracks LANCE in the cheek with the nunchucks. LANCE falls back into the ropes holding his face as RIZZA then swings the nunchucks into LANCE's side. RIZZA swings towards LANCE's calf but LANCE jumps over the swing and hits a spinning wheel kick to the side of RIZZA's head, causing him to fall over the ropes and onto the mat on the outside. LANCE follows RIZZA to the outside and picks up a Singapore cane from the barricade. RIZZA starts crawling away, but LANCE follows. RIZZA tries pushing himself to his feet, using the stairs to the ring, but LANCE swings the cane down onto RIZZA's hands, causing him to yell out in pain and fall onto his ass. LANCE then swings the cane down onto RIZZA's shoulder, breaking the cane in half. LANCE tosses the cane aside and looks for a more suitable weapon, giving RIZZA a moment to recover from the cane shot to the shoulder. LANCE turns back to RIZZA with a cookie sheet, only to have the cookie sheet side kicked into his own face. LANCE falls to the mat, his nose busted open and an imprint of his own face in the cookie sheet beside him. RIZZA shrugs out the pain in his shoulder and starts to stomp on LANCE a few times before picking him up and delivering a brutal DDT onto a stop sign that was on the floor. RIZZA looks under the ring and pulls out a table, sliding it into the ring and getting into the ring himself, starting to set it up. LANCE manages to roll himself back into the ring, but RIZZA gives him a quick kick to the face, sending him onto his back. RIZZA finishes setting up the table and slides back out of the ring, grabbing a steel chair. He throws the chair into the ring and gets back in, picking up LANCE and laying him on the table. LANCE tries to sit up but RIZZA punches him a few time sin the noggin before placing the steel chair on top of LANCE. RIZZA then moves to the corner and climbs to the top rope. HE studies LANCE for a moment before launching himself in the air. LANCE regains enough strength quickly enough to throw the chair up into the air, cracking RIZZA in the skull on his way down, but the chair shot doesn't stop RIZZA's full momentum, because LANCE is only halfway off the table when RIZZA crashes through it, causing them both to fall in the broken table.

Wait a minute…. Who the hell is this?



FAMINE is back and he’s in the ring beating the hell out of BRIAN LANCE!! The last time we saw FAMINE was at Lord of the Ring, but he just disappeared and hasn’t been seen until now.

BOOM! Devil’s Spike on LANCE. My god, the carnage!!

SOUL BEARER is now in the ring looking at his father like he’s seen a ghost or something. FAMINE now goes to the outside to get a weapon. He’s back in the ring now with a 2x4. WHACK! WHACK! OH MY GOD! FAMINE just cracked that 2x4 on LANCE’s back. He continues to pummel LANCE as SOUL BEARER stops him and takes the remaining piece of the 2x4 from his father. FAMINE looks at his son and smiles. BOOM!! WHAT THE HELL?! FAMINE just shoved his own son to the ground! What the hell is going on with FAMINE? He now asks for a mic and begins to speak as LANCE and SOUL BEARER lie motionless.

FAMINE: Death. Darkness and the deepest levels of hell itself. I have traveled them all. And now, I return with a purpose. No one is safe, no one will be spared.

FAMINE drops the mic and begins to laugh maniacally. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the ring and the lights go out. When they come back on, FAMINE OF THE VILE and SOUL BEARER are gone. LANCE is still lying motionless and he is covered in some sort of viscose red liquid. ZACH RIZZA puts a foot on the defeated LANCE, allowing the ref to give the 1.. 2.. THREE!!


The laughter can still be heard echoing through the arena as paramedics come out to check on LANCE…


- - Unification Tag Match - -

The match begins with both teams in their respective corners, whispering last second strategies while trying to figure out which of the four stars in the ring will start off the match. JETSON says she's got it and points to the face guard protecting LILLY's broken nose and LILLY nods before stepping through the ropes and waiting in the corner. NITRO and RYAN seem to be taking the female team lightly as the two of them are clearly joking around and laughing at JETSON and LILLY. JETSON will have none of this. The bell rings and JETSON charges both of the men, giving a big forearm to the back of the head of NITRO, causing him to slam into RYAN head to head, causing RYAN to roll out of the ring, holding his forehead in a daze. Inside the ring, JETSON follows up with a DDT to NITRO, slamming his face into the mat. The crowd erupts as JEN starts off the match with a bang, taking both of her male counterparts out quickly. She showboats to the crowd for a moment and turns to lay a stomp on NITRO, but he catches her by the ankle and tosses her onto the mat. He quickly pops to his feet and stomps on that same ankle of JETSON, who yells out in pain as she tries to make it to the corner for a tag. NITRO smiles and grabs her by the foot, starting to drag her back to his corner for a tag, but HUNTER isn't there! HUNTER is still at the announcer's table looking around with glazed over eyes. NITRO yells his name a few times but HUNTER just looks around aimlessly, suffering from a possible concussion. The delay gives time to JETSON as she turns onto her back and kicks NITRO in the manhood with her free foot. The classic "O" shape forms on NITRO's lips as he grabs onto his crotch and falls back into his own corner, his eyes rolling up into his head. JETSON stumbles onto her feet and limps/hops to LILLY, giving her a tag. LILLY jumps into the ring and dashes towards NITRO, hitting him with a wicked splash. NITRO stumbles into the middle of the ring as LILLY bounces off the ropes and goes for a bulldog, but fails as NITRO pushes her at the small of her back, causing her to fly up into the air and land on her back with a sickening thud. LILLY rolls onto her stomach, clutching her back in pain as NITRO moves slowly towards her, still holding his wounded genitals with one hand. He kneels down beside LILLY and rolls her onto her side, driving his knee into her back a few times, causing her to scream even louder with ever thrust of his knee. He laughs out loud so the crowd can hear and blows a kiss to JETSON before standing up and delivering an elbow to the back of LILLY. NITRO stands up and looks into his corner for a possible tag, but HUNTER is just now getting onto his knees on the apron, his face leaning against the turnbuckle, spit flying from his mouth as his eyes occasionally roll into the back of his head. NITRO curses loudly and goes to the turnbuckle. He climbs to the top and sets up for a diving elbow. NITRO dives straight for LILLY's back but only meets cold hard ring mat as she rolls out of the way. NITRO grabs a hold of his elbow and wails in pain as he rolls around the center of the ring. LILLY military crawls her way to JETSON and makes the tag just as NITRO is getting up. JETSON hits NITRO with one clothesline...and then another!

The crowd erupts but not because of the action in the ring. BRAD PIERCE jumps from the crowd behind the girl's corner and looks up at the back of LILLY, who doesn't even realize he is behind her. PIERCE grabs her by the ankle and pulls her off the mat, causing her face to slam into the ring mat on her way down. PIERCE laughs and picks her up, ripping the face guard from her face and rearing his fist back before punching her hard in the center of the face. Blood spurts everywhere as LILLY screams and falls forward onto her knees, blood pooling on the mat from her obvious broken nose. PIERCE studies his handiwork another time before making his way up the ramp with a smile on his face.

In the ring, NITRO seemingly has gained the upper hand, he goes for a clothesline of his own...but JETSON ducks and turns to NITRO and...hits Devastation! NITRO rolls into his corner after the finisher, but JEN doesn't capitalize as she looks into her corner to find LILLY missing. She slowly stands up with a concerned look on her face as she makes her way to the corner, looking over to see LILLY crying on the outside, blood covering her face. In the opposing corner, NITRO goes to tag HUNTER but accidentally slaps him in the face, which seems to snap HUNTER out of it as he looks into the ring. He dashes through the ropes and runs across the ring, rolling up JETSON for a schoolboy pin. 1...2...3! JETSON kicks out but not until after the ref slapped the mat for the third time!



The cameras pan back to the to the ring, where TRENT GEIN is standing in the ring with the TELEVISION Championship over his shoulder. The fans give a small cheer for the man, as he gets a microphone from the dude outside.

TRENT GEIN: Ya know, I haven't done so well lately here in XWF, and I know I've let you guys and gals down a little bit. I'm going to tell you a story, though, which may help us out a bit.

He adjusts the belt, and gets in a more comfortable stance

TRENT GEIN: You see, I was just minding my own business in the back, when I came across a box, which was addressed to me. I opened it, and saw what was inside...and my eyes lit up. It was this right here, the TELEVISION title, along with a letter. I'm sure you all saw what it said, so there's no need to repeat what it said. I'm confused and lost on how this package came to me, why this was given to me, and who sent it, but I can promise you this one thing...

A "TRENT GEIN" chant starts to fill the crowds, with GEIN stopping for a moment, and smiles. He continues to talk after it dies down a bit.

TRENT GEIN: I can promise you that I will do what the note said, and not only defend this title for you, the fans, but I'm going to bring back the good ol' times! It's about time that TRENT GEIN started winning again, and with your help, I know I can. THIS IS MY TIME, TRENT GEIN'S TIME! THIS IS WHERE WE BAND TOGETHER, AND FORM AN ALLIANCE, AND BECOME A DOMINANT FORCE! The fans and TRENT GEIN! TRENT GEIN AND THE FANS!

The crowd goes wild, chanting his name again.

TRENT GEIN: So I will hold this belt, I will take care of it as if it was my child, and I will not only defend it, but I will bring back the true meaning of this championship, and what it is to BE a champion! Unlike its former owner, Pestaside.... Jerkmyside..... Sewatide........Merry-go-round, what ever his name was, I will wear this belt with pride, dignity and honor. Let us rise to the occasion XWF'ers, and let us bring back the good ol' days, where wrestling was THE S***, and it was A SPORT!

He raises the mic into the air along with the belt, as the fans applaud him, chanting his name one more time..

Suddenly, "Joyce's 71st..." plays on the PA system and Drill Sergeant FRANK WELCH comes out on the entryway. The crowd pops slightly, mostly from the interruption. WELCH holds a microphone and puts it to his lips, but waits for the music to cut and the crowd to die down. The camera makes a quick cut to the ring where TRENT GEIN looks very upset at the interruption to his moment.

WELCH: You have GOT to be KIDDING ME!

The crowd pops a little again and GEIN begins to jaw-jack from the ring.

WELCH: So is this how XWF answers my demand for a better product, deserving of its TV time? Is this how XWF sets itself apart from the other places? This is RIDICULOUS!

GEIN tries to grab a mic and start speaking.

TRENT GEIN: Hey, just wait...

WELCH: Hey what? Buddy? Pal? Piece of crap? That's DRILL SERGEANT! And, you do NOT want to piss me off by interrupting me. TRUST ME!.. Now anyway, I could go on and on about how much B.S. this moment is, but I'll just leave it at this. You are a champion now. You SHOULD have earned it before you got it, but, if that's the way XWF is gonna play, then you can just earn it now that you have it...or cough it--

GEIN cuts him off.

TRENT GEIN: Who the hell are you, and what makes you think you deserve a shot at MY TV Title?

WELCH: Well, for one, I'm willing to fight for it!

The crowd pops and GEIN mouths some expletives back at WELCH.

WELCH: Now, I didn't just come out here to talk smack. I came because the two of us each have a dilemma. Me? Well, even though I asked to be a part of the Anarchy roster, I was stationed on Massacre. However, if I can work my way up to the TV Title, then I will have the chance to fight wherever I want. You? Well, even though your past speaks for itself as far as credentials, you have not been a champion-type fighter in quite some time. People are starting to think you don't have what it takes anymore. You NEED to FIX IT!

WELCH pauses for a moment as GEIN has become furious at the insult.

WELCH: So, how can we work together for this? Simple. You show me that you are a real champ next month, and I'll show you that I'm a bona fide contender, and, at SNOW JOB, the match is set: TRENT GEIN vs. Drill Sergeant FRANK WELCH!

The crowd pops at the mention of the next PPV.

TRENT GEIN: But you just got here! You don't have nearly enough points to challenge for this!

WELCH: Don't worry about that, GEIN. I got all month! You just get ready, because Boot Camp is coming, and, at Snow Job, I will SQUARE... YOU... AWAY!

"Joyce's 71st" plays and the crowd pops as WELCH salutes a livid GEIN and exits to backstage.


- - 30 Point Bonus Match - -

The match is under way as SABRINA kicks PATIENCE several times and then proceeds to whip PATIENCE to the ropes. BOOM! SABRINA with an impressive hurricanrana. SABRINA now posing for the fans and mocking her opponent. But this gives PATIENCE the chance to come up from behind her and does an inside cradle, she holds on for the three count but at the nick of time it’s SABRINA that kicks out of it. PATIENCE gets up earlier and dropkicks SABRINA sending her crashing to the outside. PATIENCE runs to the ropes and comes flying outside with an elbow to the face of her opponent. She throws her back inside and quickly covers her and again gets a two count. PATIENCE grabs the head of SABRINA and goes for a suplex, but she blocks it and then lifts PATIENCE up and tosses her in the air causing her to land on her stomach on the top rope. PATIENCE hangs there, gasping for air as SABRINA gets up and then sees PATIENCE in this predicament. She gets out of the ring and stands where the legs of PATIENCE are and turns her face towards the crowd as she grabs the legs and then pulls PATIENCE off the ropes and then drives her with her back onto the floor! MY GOD!! PATIENCE might be seriously hurt here folks. The crowd is really getting into it as they enjoy the intensity of the move. They are very impressed by these two divas. SABRINA gets up and sees her opponent down and shows a sickening smile on her face. SABRINA slides in and out of the ring to break the ten count and then sits on the apron, enjoying the view of carnage that she has brought to her opponent. She pulls her up by the head and slides her in the ring and starts badmouthing the fans, thinking she has the match already won. She gets in the ring slowly and goes for the cover and somehow it’s PATIENCE that gets her shoulder up in the nick of time. SABRINA is shocked as she realized that PATIENCE has more fight left in her and starts to pull her up by the hair and whips her to the ropes. Just as SABRINA is about to dropkick PATIENCE she misses, PATIENCE just held on to the ropes and watches SABRINA hit nothing more than canvas. PATIENCE holds on to her stomach and grabs SABRINA by the head and rolls her over before hitting her with a leg drop. PATIENCE gets up and delivers an elbow drop to the face of SABRINA before pulling her up and executing a body slam. PATIENCE runs to the ropes and hits a moonsault and covers SABRINA and goes for the three count but she only gets a two count as SABRINA gets her shoulder up in time. PATIENCE slowly walks towards the top turnbuckle and slowly climbs it, unaware of SABRINA who is slowly getting to her feet as stares at PATIENCE who doesn’t realize that SABRINA is no longer down. She mounts the turnbuckle when suddenly, SABRINA comes running and gets between her legs to hit her WILSON BOMB off the top turnbuckle!!! SABRINA now goes for the cover….1…..2….. PATIENCE locks SABRINA’s legs and spins her down on her back! She grabs SABRINA'S head and begins repeatedly smashing it into the ring mat as the ref tries to pull the two women apart. He somehow does so for only a little bit to then have the bell rung starting off the match. SABRINA then runs pushing past the referee as she tackles PATIENCE down to the mat. SABRINA then jumps up to her feet and stands on PATIENCE’S hair followed by grabbing PATIENCE’S arms up and pulling her up! PATIENCE can then be heard throughout the XWF Arena screaming out in pain as everyone looks on. The ref looks down as SABRINA finally lets go of PATIENCE but pulling her to her feet. SABRINA then whips PATIENCE across the ring and runs back bouncing off the ropes too. Upon the way back though, SABRINA dives flipping up over PATIENCE while grabbing a hold of PATIENCE’S t-shirt. SABRINA lands back down on her feet completely looking now down at her hands as she is holding PATIENCE’S shirt!!! SABRINA goes to turn to look back at PATIENCE only to be kicked square in the jaw and laid out cold. The ref looks back surprisingly at PATIENCE seeing now that her shirt had been ripped off!? PATIENCE then picks up the laid out SABRINA and runs her throwing her up over the top rope. PATIENCE then slowly begins climbing the top rope as SABRINA starts slowly coming to. PATIENCE then jumps off for a big time crown on SABRINA when SABRINA suddenly jumps to her feet and jumps up with a huge clothesline to PATIENCE mid-air!!!! Both women then land hard as the ref looks down at them. He starts in with the 10-count seeing them both down and out. 1...... 2...... 3..... 4....... 5...... 6....... 7..... and both women slowly begin to stir. SABRINA then grabs a hold of PATIENCE and rolls her back into the ring while rolling in herself. SABRINA gets up using the ropes as PATIENCE rolls over onto her hands and knees. SABRINA then goes into to soccer kick PATIENCE when PATIENCE catches her leg and dragon screws her flipping her down hard onto the mat. SABRINA then holding her back slowly starts to get up as PATIENCE is now back on her feet. The two women then start exchanging their punches back and forth before SABRINA ducks one last one from PATIENCE and catches her up in a spinning back drop. SABRINA then slumps over and drops an arm over PATIENCE, 1...... 2...... and a kickout at the last split second! SABRINA gets back up now more exhausted as PATIENCE starts slowly moving over onto her stomach. PATIENCE then starts getting to her feet as SABRINA comes running with a clothesline but PATIENCE sees it coming and ducks it. PATIENCE then kicks SABRINA in her stomach and grabs a hold of her, flipping her up and hitting Nothing Butt Grace! PATIENCE then drops down to her knees and makes a cover on SABRINA as the ref slides in. 1...... 2..... THREE!!





- - Suicide Cage Match - -

DAULTON and DAVID LANCE are all set inside the ring, with SMITTY and RABOIN standing outside the opposite end. The cage begins to lower, with the two sliding into the ring, and immediately the LANCE's go on the attack. The cage finally lowers to the ring, the bell rings, and we are under way! The LANCE brothers start to ground and pound on RABOIN and SMITTY, but the two won't stay down long, as they begin to fight back. The both throw rights, one after the other, and do a double dropkick, knocking down both LANCE's! RABOIN picks up DAULTON and tosses him into the steel cage, then dropkicks him, sending him right back into it, and DAULTON is down at the moment, leaving DAVID to fend or himself! RABOIN and SMITTY just smile at one another, then at DAVID, and he jumps up onto the cage in fear, hoping not to be caught. Unfortunately for him, RABOIN and SMITTY both jump on the cage as well, and begin to slam his head into it. They wrap his arms around each of their shoulders, and jump off! Double side effect! DAULTON begins to stir a bit, but SMITTY and RABOIN continue their attack on DAVID. RABOIN lifts DAVID up, as SMITTY begins to throw hands and feet into the mid-section of DAVID, RABOIN letting go after, DAVID just falling to the mat. DAULTON comes back, and nails RABOIN in the back with an axe handle, sending him forward into SMITTY. SMITTY just tosses RABOIN aside, and goes after DAULTON, who throws an arm, but SMITTY ducks! DAULTON turns back around and is met with a boot to the stomach. SMITTY puts his arm around DAULTON's head, with RABOIN coming back, lifting up DAULTON's legs, and then going under his stomach. SMITTY signals he's ready, and they both drop! A DDT and a gut buster lays out DAULTON, and DAVID comes back, looking for revenge. He's met with a spinning lariat from SMITTY, though, with RABOIN bouncing off the ropes, and hitting a big splash! RABOIN goes over to DAULTON, lifting him up by his head, as SMITTY does the same to DAVID. They run DAVID and DAULTON at each other, and they clunk heads! RABOIN and SMITTY grab their heads again after impact, then toss them into the steel cage. When they both stumble backwards, RABOIN and SMITTY whip the brothers back into each other, back to back, and when they come back, they're both met with vicious clotheslines! RABOIN and SMITTY give each other a high five with a loud approval from the crowd! They go back to work on DAVID again, lifting both his legs, sending them in two different directions....ouch! They both run off the ropes, and drop elbows, then grab each other’s hands when they stand, and land elbows to the face, causing DAVID to bleed a little bit from the mouth and nose. DAVID staggers back up, but RABOIN runs right at him, hitting a high knee, sending him back down to the mat. SMITTY goes to lift up DAULTON, but SMITTY gets a low blow, and as RABOIN tries to save him, he's met with a boot to the face. RABOIN and SMITTY quickly stand back up, holding their respective places of pain. DAULTON turns right and hits a right to SMITTY's head, then jumps left, nailing RABOIN as well. He whips back to SMITTY hitting him with another hard right, sending him back down to the mat, and then spins left again, doing the same to RABOIN. DAULTON is on a comeback now, as he keeps knocking down both SMITTY and RABOIN. SMITTY stands back up, but is met with a hard clothesline. RABOIN stands back up as well, but he gets slammed into the elbow of DAULTON, as he ran at RABOIN, giving him a spinning elbow. He helps DAVID back to his feet, and the LANCE brothers seem to be on a comeback! DAULTON and DAVID make a HUGE mistake, though, as they taunt to the crowd, then in turn flip them off. During this time, a weary yet angered SMITTY and RABOIN jumped up, and went behind the LANCE brothers. As soon as they backed up and turned around, SMITTY and RABOIN begin to throw lefts, knocking them into the ropes. They both get bounced off, as RABOIN and SMITTY bounce off from their end. As they meet in the middle, they spear the LANCE brothers, right out of their boots! SMITTY and RABOIN high five again, as they lift DAULTON up to their shoulders, and then toss him right into the cage, laying him out. DAVID staggers up one more time, but RABOIN and SMITTY plan for it to be the last. Finally going after the weapons attached to the cage, RABOIN and SMITTY both grab chairs, with RABOIN grabbing a trash can as well. RABOIN sets the trashcan over DAVID, after SMITTY smacked him with his chair. DAVID stumbles around a bit, as SMITTY and RABOIN both lift their chairs in to the air, asking for approval from the crowd, which they most definitely get. DAVID stumbles forward, and SMACK! Con-chair-to to DAVID who's inside the trash can! SMITTY lifts the trashcan off of DAVID, and turns around whacking DAULTON, who was planning a surprise attack. RABOIN then lifts DAULTON up, and power slams him into the trashcan, yet again leaving the LANCE brothers laying on the ground. RABOIN grabs a ladder off the side of the cage, with SMITTY grabbing a table that was laying on the other side of the ropes. SMITTY sets the table up, grabbing a ladder of his own, and RABOIN sets up his ladder, SMITTY's right next to his. RABOIN decides to grab another table, laying it in the corner for later use. SMITTY grabs DAVID, and slams his head into the table, then sets him atop of it, holding him down. RABOIN ascends his ladder, as SMITTY then climbs his. RABOIN climbs over to SMITTY's ladder...what is he doing here?? RABOIN gets on the shoulders of SMITTY! HE JUMPS OFF AND HITS A HUGE FROG SPLASH ONTO DAVID, AS THE TABLE IS SMASHED INTO SMITHEREENS! RABOIN is down and out, as DAULTON starts to climb the ladder that SMITTY is on. SMITTY turns around in time to smack DAULTON across the face, and turn himself around. He jumps over DAULTON and hits a surprising sunset flip slam! SMITTY nips up, as does RABOIN, and they both can feel the energy from the crowd! RABOIN and SMITTY start to climb their ladders again, but not empty-handed. They both have a hold of the second table, and lay it across the two ladders, then glance over at DAULTON LANCE. SMITTY pushes DAULTON up his ladder, but SMITTY is kicked off by DAULTON, and him along with RABOIN duke it out at the top of the ladders. They both stand on top of the table, and it's a little tipsy, be careful! DAULTON gets the upper hand....NO! RABOIN does! He kicks him in the mid-section, and...wait a second....don't do i! DOUBLE UNDERHOOK DDT, AND THEY BOTH CRASH THROUGH THE TABLE AND LAND ON THE MAT! The crowd goes into an uproar, and this place is deafening that I can't even hear myself think! What a huge stunt pulled off by RABOIN, and the LANCE brothers are down again, with only SMITTY able to stand. He starts to climb the cage, and he might get the win here! He's half way up, and RABOIN is stirring. SMITTY is almost up now, but RABOIN is able to leap like Spider-Man onto the cage, and grab SMITTY's leg, pulling him down! DAVID is bleeding from the head, as it was not noticed before, as is DAULTON. RABOIN bleeds from the back a little bit, from splinters of the table piercing his skin. SMITTY isn't bleeding at all.........Wait, he's about to! RABOIN counters a dropkick attempt by SMITTY, and gets him in position! CATAPULT INTO THE CAGE! RABOIN doesn't let go, to force SMITTY to fall back onto RABOIN's knees. RABOIN lifts SMITTY back up, and slams his face into the cage one more time, and begins to grate his face against it, forcing him to bleed. Both DAVID and DAULTON LANCE help each other back up, and run after RABOIN and SMITTY. They sidestep them, though, and toss them right into the cage. As they stagger backwards, SMITTY and RABOIN superkick them, knocking them down. They both agree to take out one of the LANCE's, and of course, it's the man they've been working on most all match, DAVID LANCE. They take no stops, as they beat him down, making him bleed even more. RABOIN drags one of the ladders over to one side of the cage, and begins to climb one side, as SMITTY climbs up with DAVID over his shoulder. SMITTY holds onto DAVID's legs, as RABOIN grabs his head. RABOIN jumps off as SMITTY pushes at his legs....DIAMOND CUTTER ONTO THE RAZOR EDGES OF THE CAGE! RABOIN landed on the platform atop the cage, but DAVID wasn't so lucky, landing on the razor edges, and he falls down to the mat below, in between the cage and ropes. SMITTY climbs down, and dropkicks DAVID into the cage, and it's definitely a two-on-one now, with RABOIN climbing down from the top. DAULTON stands up, but isn't up for long, with RABOIN and SMITTY both clotheslining him back down to the mat. They both lift DAULTON up and toss him into the cage, and as he comes back, lift him up, hitting a double atomic drop. DAULTON then is turned around, bouncing off the ropes, and lifted up by SMITTY and RABOIN, slammed back down hard to the mat, with a double chokeslam. Seeing DAULTON is almost knocked out, SMITTY goes for a cheap shot on RABOIN and hits it. He immediately begins to try and climb the cage, as RABOIN climbs up right next to him. They both begin to fight mid-air, but SMITTY smacks RABOIN across the face. Before RABOIN can fall, though, he jumps onto the opposite side of the cage, and they both begin to climb. SMITTY climbs slowly, as his knee pops from stepping the wrong way on the cage. SMITTY is closing in on the top, as is RABOIN, but here comes DAVID LANCE on RABOIN's side. SMITTY and RABOIN both reach the top! DAVID climbs the ladder, which is right by RABOIN. SMITTY struggles to try and get his bad knee up, as RABOIN stands on the platform, DAVID behind him. DAVID jumps onto the platform and goes for a punch but RABOIN counters! NO!!!!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!!!! GERMAN SUPLEX!!!!!!!!! DAVID falls over fifteen feet onto his stomach, and he's out! RABOIN looks over at SMITTY, who has DAULTON close behind him, and DAULTON grabs SMITTY's bad leg!!! He pounds away at it, as RABOIN glances at the long jump he must make to win. He goes back and forth between SMITTY and the floor.....RABOIN shrugs his shoulders, and makes the dive!!!!!!!!!


HE'S DONE IT! RABOIN DID THE DIVE, AND HAS BECOME THE NEW X-TREME CHAMPION! He may have hurt his entire body on the way down, but RABOIN has won the X-Treme Championship here tonight, and what a hell of a battle between these men, and they put the SUICIDE back into SUICIDE CAGE!



- - X-Mas X-Treme Tournament Finals - -

The bell rings and ARCHANGEL circles around to try to find a weakness in the much larger SUPERBALLS. ARCHANGEL tries to lure SUPERBALLS in, and SUPERBALLS takes the bait. ANGEL hits a Sabu style low Dropkick to the knee of SUPERBALLS. ARCHANGEL tries kicking away at the legs of the larger SUPERBALLS. ANGEL bounces off the ropes and hits a Basement Dropkick that staggers the big man back. ARCHANGEL tries it and scores with another Basement Dropkick that sends SUPERBALLS to one knee. ARCHANGEL jumps up and hits an Enzugiri that rings the ears of the big guy. ANGEL butterflies the arms and calls for the Dark Star Heart, but SUPERBALLS blocks it and throws ARCHANGEL off. ANGEL is stunned and tries for a Running Lariat, but BALLS grabs the head of ANGEL and whips him into the opposite corner. SUPERBALLS lifts his injured leg and chokes the life out of ARCHANGEL with his boot. SUPERBALLS backs up and hits a Running Splash in the corner that makes ARCHANGEL slump down in the corner. SUPERBALLS starts stomping away at ANGEL and then does boot scrapes in the corner. SUPERBALLS backs off and bounces off the opposite ropes and gets more steam. SUPERBALLS scores with a massive Ole Kick in the corner that puts ARCHANGEL on his stomach. SUPERBALLS goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair and comes back in the ring. BALLS sets it up in the middle of the ring and tries to lift up the nearly lifeless carcass of ANGEL. SUPERBALLS goes for a whip, but ARCHANGEL counters it with a Heel Trip that sends SUPERBALLS into the chair face first a la Raven. ANGEL is still worn out from the kicks in the corner. ARCHANGEL grabs the chair and folds it up. ANGEL bounces off the ropes Skateboards the chair off of the face of BALLS. Cover.. ONE...... TWO.... TH... SUPERBALLS powers ARCHANGEL off of him and into the ropes. ANGEL is stunned and waits for BALLS to get up. ARCHANGEL chucks the chair into the face of SUPERBALLS like Sabu would. SUPERBALLS is holding his face and gets another Basement Dropkick to the face. Cover... ONE.... TWO... TH... BALLS presses ANGEL over the ref and nearly out of the ring with that cover. ARCHANGEL grabs the Cravate and torques at the neck of SUPERBALLS. ANGEL tries to crank on the neck even more, but SUPERBALLS lifts ARCHANGEL off of the ground and hits a Knee breaker on ANGEL. BALLS leaps and hits a Back Senton on ARCHANGEL. Cover... ONE... TWO... TH... ARCHANGEL grabs the ropes. SUPERBALLS places the chair over the top of the face of ARCHANGEL. BALLS bounces off of the ropes and drops a leg on the face of ARCHANGEL. SUPERBALLS may have hurt his knee that was injured earlier on. ARCHANGEL rolls out of the ring holding his head. SUPERBALLS slowly climbs his way out of the ring to stalk his prey. ARCHANGEL tries to crawl away, but BALLS follows close after. ARCHANGEL kicks away at the knee of SUPERBALLS and it stops the larger man in his tracks. ARCHANGEL grabs a chair and smashes the knee of SUPERBALLS. ANGEL sees BALLS hunched over and decides to take a chance and hits a Bulldog on the steel steps. ARCHANGEL is holding his elbow as it glanced off the steel. SUPERBALLS looks up and we can see he is busted wide open. ANGEL climbs onto the steps and hits a Double Axe Handle to the back of BALLS. ARCHANGEL tries to climb back in, but SUPERBALLS grabs the ankle of ANGEL. ARCHANGEL tries to break free, but SUPERBALLS yanks on the ankle and ARCH hits his face off the apron. Both men are rolling around on the outside in pain. SUPERBALLS looks under the ring and grabs a table and slides it under the bottom rope. ARCHANGEL tries to attack, but is thrown elbow first into the steps. SUPERBALLS climbs back in to catch his breath and shake some feeling into that injured wheel. ANGEL slowly makes his way back into the ring where SUPERBALLS is waiting for him and creams him with a steel chair shot. ARCHANGEL looks up and sees blood as well. Both men are bleeding. SUPERBALLS sets up the table in the middle of the ring and is then ready to pick up ARCHANGEL. SUPERBALLS calls for the Ball Breaker Power Bomb (Last Ride). SUPERBALLS lifts ANGEL in the air, but ARCHANGEL starts pounding away at the cut of the face of BALLS. ANGEL grabs a front headlock and DDTs himself and SUPERBALLS through the table. The crowd loves it and chants X-W-F!!! X-W-F!!! X-W-F!!! Both men look to be out. ARCHANGEL manages to get free of the wreckage and covers SUPERBALLS with an arm. ONE.... TWO... TH... SUPERBALLS kicks out. ARCHANGEL rolls out of the ring and grabs another table and puts it in the ring. ANGEL rolls into the ring and sets up the chair in the middle of the ring. He then puts the table up against the corner. SUPERBALLS is struggling to get up and leans against the table in the corner. ARCHANGEL sees his chance as he goes for a Stinger Splash using the chair into the table. ANGEL leaps but he is caught in mid air by SUPERBALLS. BALLS was playing possum. SUPERBALLS sees the chair and crotches ARCHANGEL on the chair in a version of the Atomic Drop called the Ball Buster. SUPERBALLS makes the cover. ONE... TWO...... ARCHANGEL rolls the shoulder. SUPERBALLS can't believe it BALLS takes the chair and lays it down in the middle of the ring. SUPERBALLS whips ARCHANGEL off of the ropes and goes for a Back Body Drop through the table, but ANGEL kicks BALLS in the face. ARCHANGEL grabs the bad leg and hits the Golden Gate Swing on the chair. Cover... ONE... TWO... TH.. SUPERBALLS kicks out again. ARCHANGEL shoves the table out of the corner and climbs the turnbuckle and stops on the second one. ANGEL bounces up to the third and hits the Flight of the Angel. Cover.. ONE.. TWO... THR... SUPERBALLS kicks out again. ARCHANGEL can't believe it. ARCHANGEL sets up the table diagonal to the corner he just jumped off of. ARCHANGEL moves around the table and looks to plant BALLS on the chair before he gets put through the table. ARCHANGEL bounces off the ropes and looks for a Tornado DDT, but SUPERBALLS counters it and plants ANGEL with a Spinebuster on the chair. Both men are spent and finally SUPERBALLS makes the cover... ONE... TWO... THRE.... ARCHANGEL kicks out again!! SUPERBALLS can't believe it. What will it take to put these men down? SUPERBALLS lifts ARCHANGEL and slings him over the table. SUPERBALLS stalks his opponent and calls for the end. SUPERBALLS places ARCHANGEL on the top rope and calls for a Top Rope Chokeslam through a table. SUPERBALLS climbs up, but ANGEL fights him stinging punches. BALLS losses his balance and is crotched on the top. Both men are hurting. Who will come away with the advantage?.. BALLS gets his back on the ropes and goozles the throat of ARCHANGEL. SUPERBALLS lifts and leaps. BALLS sends ANGEL crashing through the table. SUPERBALLS crawls to make the cover. ONE... TWO.... THREE!!!! SUPERBALLS wins the title shot and the X-Mas X-Treme Tournament!!!



- - X-Treme Rules - -

STEVE JASON and THE SAVIOR look ready for their match, but where is LILLY, the special referee? Wait a second, here comes SOUL BEARER, as he's putting on a ref shirt! An impromptu ref? SOUL BEARER calls for the bell and it rings, so it looks like he will be a ref here, as JASON and SAVIOR circle the ring, with a very huge stare down. They meet nose to nose in the center of the ring, trash talking and playing their mind games. They back up and point at each other, and SOUL BEARER calls for them to tie it up, as the fans roar in a frenzy for both men. Half of them for SAVIOR, half for JASON, and even a small SOUL BEARER chant as well! SOUL BEARER just smirks out to the crowd, as JASON and SAVIOR tie up in the center of the ring with a collar-elbow tie up. SAVIOR gets the upper hand as he locks in a arm bar, but JASON quickly sneaks out of it, locking his own, pushing SAVIOR forward. SAVIOR shakes his head with an "alright, lets do this" attitude, as they lock up again in the ring. This time JASON gets the first strike, locking in a headlock. SAVIOR is able to wiggle free though, sending JASON into the ropes. JASON bounces back as SAVIOR looks for a clothesline, but JASON ducks under. He comes back and this time SAVIOR sends JASON to the mat with a shoulder block. JASON stands back up. They both just smile at each other, the crowd still loud as ever, with SAVIOR holding his hand into the air, calling for a test of strength. They immediately lock hands and throw their bodies at each other, both hoping to be the first to draw their opponent to their knees. They both have about the same power, and just can't seem to get the other down! The fans are still split, with half of them for JASON, the other half for SAVIOR. SAVIOR seems to get the upper hand, as the World Champions legs begin to wiggle, and indeed he does. JASON falls to one knee, then the other. Unable to overcome the strength, JASON slides through the legs of SAVIOR, holding onto his hands, making him flip forwards. He then wraps his arms around his legs, and....a figure-four arm lock?? This is quite an interesting move, as JASON pulls tighter on SAVIOR's arm. SAVIOR tries to maneuver himself to get closer to the ropes, as he's almost able to get his foot there, but he is unable to, and he may be forced to tap out early here! SAVIOR raises his leg!....HE tapped! NO! He got his foot on the rope! He was just barely able to stretch it out, but he got it on the rope, and JASON is forced to break the hold! JASON goes back to work on the arms, holding the right one out on the mat, and dropping a knee to the elbow, and then the same to the other. JASON continues to wrench at the arms, with a surfer submission, with his knee to the back, pulling on the arms, backwards. He slowly pulls SAVIOR away from the ropes, continuing the pressure, as he now focuses on the back as well, probably softening it for the S3. The side that chants for SAVIOR begins to speak up now, chanting his name over and over, clapping and stomping their feet on the ground. SAVIOR begins to wiggle, trying to break himself free. He's up to one knee....now two! He's standing, and rolls around, boot to the mid-section! DDT! JASON's head goes hard into the mat, as SAVIOR finally breaks free of JASON's offense and goes on his own. SAVIOR begins to beat down on JASON's head, knowing it's his one weakness. He punches him in the head, with pure knuckles and then rakes away with the bottom of his boot. He lifts JASON up off the mat, then whips him into the corner. SAVIOR charges, but JASON gets his boot up...wait! SAVIOR grabs the boot and pulls JASON out of the corner....clothesline! A hard clothesline that sends JASON flipping onto his stomach, and SAVIOR goes for the cover. 1.....2......JASON gets his foot on the ropes! What ring presence by the veteran STEVE JASON, and SAVIOR just glares at both SOUL BEARER and the World Champion. SAVIOR lifts JASON one more time, throwing him back into the corner, and goes for the ten-punch count. 1...2....3...4...5...The fans merrily cheer along with him....6...7...8....9....10. SOUL BEARER pulls SAVIOR out of the corner, telling him to get away. SAVIOR just stares at him, then goes right back to work on JASON. The distraction was enough, though, as JASON comes out of the corner with a flying forearm, sending both men to the mat. SOUL BEARER checks on both men, then applies the count 1....2.....3......4....It doesn't take long for SAVIOR to get on up, as JASON takes his time, still a bit woozy from the ten punches to the head. 5....6.....SAVIOR is up all the way, and so is JASON and they tie up again. They go for another power test, as JASON grumbles, and then tosses SAVIOR backwards to the other side of the ring. SAVIOR, after rolling from that, comes right back at JASON, and they tie up. This time, SAVIOR sends JASON backwards, rolling right into the corner. JASON gets on a knee and looks at the number one contender, and then stands back up. They go to tie up, but JASON slips behind SAVIOR, and applies a full nelson, then slams him to the mat. JASON then stomps away at the chest, then stomach, of SAVIOR, and then climbs to the top rope. JASON signals to the crowd with a thumbs up, and leaps off! HOUSTON HANGOVER! What a big leg drop to the head of SAVIOR, and he holds his head in pain, as JASON holds his butt area after landing hard on it. JASON immediately stands up and begins to work on the mid-section again, as he is willing to give it all up to keep the World Title around his waste. He grabs SAVIOR by the arm and lifts him up, and tosses him against the ropes. JASON then runs at SAVIOR after he propels off the opposite side, and headbutts SAVIOR’s stomach. SAVIOR stumbles backwards a bit, then forwards and as he comes forwards, JASON grabs him, putting him straight down to the mat with a sidewalk slam! JASON seems to be on an offense that is just unbeatable right now, and he continues his was, with dropkicks to the back of SAVIOR, along with some elbows, and even some legs. JASON then climbs the turnbuckles again, looking out into the crowd. He dives off, and goes for a diving headbutt to the back, but SAVIOR moves out of the way! JASON holds his head as he stands up and stumbles towards SAVIOR. JASON turns around...superkick!!!!!! JASON is sent into the ropes and bounces back. SAVIOR kicks him in the mid-section! He has both arms hooked....THE SAVING GRACE! THIS MATCH IS OVER! 1......2.........kickout!!!!!!!!! STEVE JASON kicked out of THE SAVING GRACE, and SAVIOR gets a stunned look on his face. He lifts JASON up, but JASON slaps away the arms of SAVIOR, whipping him into the corner. JASON lifts him up to the top, is he going for the S3??? No, he's got his arm hooked for a top rope DDT! SAVIOR begins to punch away at JASON's stomach, and breaks free. SAVIOR has JASON locked in now for a reverse suplex! JASON counters and gets behind SAVIOR! S3! S3! S3! This one is defiantly over here folks! JASON goes for the cover, as SOUL BEARER drops down to count it 1.....2......THR--KICKOUT! SAVIOR KICKED OUT OF THE S3!!!! JASON goes for another cover. 1....2.....kickout! JASON lifts SAVIOR up, but SAVIOR slaps away JASON'S arm this time! INCIDENT II! INCIDENT II! SAVIOR just landed that tornado DDT without even using the turnbuckles. Speaking of which, he's climbing them now...he jumps off! SPACE OPERA! He landed it perfectly, and goes for the cover! 1....2......kickout! JASON kicked out!! SAVIOR lifts JASON off the mat, and then lifts him up for a suplex, which lands perfectly. SAVIOR then lifts JASON back up, racking at the eyes making it so he can't see. He goes to bounce JASON off the ropes, but JASON reverses, sending SAVIOR to the other side. SAVIOR comes back, and JASON hits him with a spinebuster! SAVIOR NIPS UP!!!! It didn't effect him one little bit! He swings at JASON, but misses, JASON kicks SAVIOR in the mid section, lifting him up for a powerbomb, but SAVIOR reverses! Another attempt here! THE SAVING GRACE AGAIN! SAVIOR COVERS!! SOUL BEARER COUNTS! 1.....2...... KICKOUT!!!!!! SAVIOR gets furious now, and shoves SOUL BEARER. SOUL BEARER just glares at SAVIOR with a revenge grin, and then shoves SAVIOR back! SAVIOR gets angry and goes to punch SOUL BEARER, but JASON grabs his arm! He has him back up quickly to his shoulders! GROUND ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!! SOUL BEARER counts as JASON goes for the cover! 1....... 2...... KICKOUT! My God SAVIOR kicked out of GROUND ZERO by JASON, and now JASON gets angry, but not at SOUL BEARER. He kicks the bottom rope, wondering what to do to keep this guy down. SAVIOR nips up again and goes for a superkick, but JASON ducks! He hits SAVIOR with a right, then tosses him into the corner. He lifts him up fast, looking for another S3, but SAVIOR counters himself again. He knocks JASON off! HE'S LOOKING FOR ANOTHER SPACE OPERA! He's set, but JASON gets up! HE RUNS AND JUMPS TO THE TOP ROPE WITHOUT CLIMBING THE OTHERS!!!!! S3!!!!!!! S3!!!!! S3!!!!!!!! JASON covers SAVIOR, 1.........2..........THREE!!!! STEVE JASON RETAINS THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! SOUL BEARER raises JASON's hand in victory, and then JASON goes out to celebrate the victory with the crowd. SAVIOR is still down, as SOUL BEARER goes over to help him up. SAVIOR just pushes him away, not wanting any of his help. STEVE JASON is up on the rampway now, and what a win here tonight for the World Champion, who remains on a roll!


The lights dim down momentarily, as the Main Event, the FINAL Main Event, of the year 2006, is finally at hand!

The crowd is hushed, bloodstains already mat the canvas of the ring, as the camera pans around to the entranceway. The entrance way begins bleeding red, as a Hound is shown barking on the screen, teeth bared. "Riotmaker" by the Tech N9ne, blares loudly, roaring across the arena, as a large figure, looming behind the shadows, emerges, his gait steady and his footfalls strong, makes his way to the XWF ring. He is none other, than your multiple-time XWF Universal Champion, strongman and sole Bloodhound remaining, the incomparable DYNAMIC DYNAMITE!

The crowd boos heavily, as trash is littering the entranceway, pelting DYNAMIC DYNAMITE as he glides into the ring holding hi arms up, slapping his chest and arguing with the crowd.

He gets into the ring, finding it odd enough, that somehow, one of his opponents, the BloodKnight Rogue, CYREN is already in the ring, draped in the corner, slapping his face, as if to motivate himself... or perhaps to keep himself awake. He seems drugged. The former 'Sickness', seems as if he's completely worn to the nub! He's out on his feet! A hard night's partying, perhaps...

Shortly thereafter however, the lights dim down for another moment, as a Superman logo is cast in brick on the X-Tron, it slowly cracking, before blistering into a million cracked shards,” Show Me What You Got" by Jay-Z, blasting all across the expanse of the stadium, as a confident, stoic XWF Lord of the Ring, CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, pushes the drapes and curtains aside, stomping to the ring, as he gets into the ring, meeting DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, eye to eye in the middle of the ring, both of their chests at the ready, their breath thick on the other's skin. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY locks eyes with DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, both of them speaking unheard, rage-filled words to one another. They are both under the gigantic, 35-foot ladder, an 'X-TREME'-sized ladder, especially designed for the X-Treme Wresting Federation. It's steel make-up reaches nearly halfway to the top of the stadium! A man would have a better chance of scaling a mountain, than climbing this enormous LADDER! Both CONNOLLY and DYNAMITE are well below it's first rung, as they exchange words.

CYREN, meanwhile, seems as if in a daze, wiping his eyes, as he staggers into the fro, attempting to mount some type of reply to both of the opponents, but he begins to trip on his own shoe, bumping into CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY. The Suntan Superman however, merely turns away from DYNAMIC DYNAMITE and connects a vicious haymaker on CYREN! BOOM! CYREN is sent flying, his mouth already busted up, a tooth sent flying into the front row!





- - X-Treme Ladder Match - -

The ref begins shouting out commands, however they fall upon deaf ears. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE rushes forward, clubbing CHRISTIAN in the back of the head with a forearm, before shoving him against the ropes! The two men both stumble forward as CONNOLLY, thrust by DYNAMITE's momentum, rebounds from the ropes and catches DYNAMITE in a Lou Thesz press, following it up with several right hands... than several more... one more... two more... 3...4....5...6..7! CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY HAS GONE BERSERK! HE'S PUMMELING DYNAMIC DYNAMITE! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, caught off guard, seems confused, as CONNOLLY pushes himself off of DYNAMITE, throwing the gold chains wrapped around his neck, out to the crowd, who begin fighting over them! CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY IS IN TOP FORM!

CYREN however, seems to be stumbling for a grasp at the bottom rope, finally able to latch on and begin dragging himself into a corner. He sees CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY turn around, as DYNAMITE begins a slow ascent back to his feet. CONNOLLY merely looks at CYREN, seems to wave his hands, dismissing him, and turns back to DYNAMIC DYNAMITE! CYREN IS IRRELEVANT!

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE however, is already rolling back to his feet, catching CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY with a European uppercut, right below the jaw line. The Suntan Superman is rattled! He's rocked backwards, however not before being caught by a boot to the gut, and caught in a belly-to-back suplex! BOOM! The ring convulses from the traumatic weight of CONNOLLY's body impacting sickly against the blood-slicked canvas. CYREN in the meanwhile, seems to be rubbing his eyes constantly, tears and blurred vision obstructing his ability to compete in the match at all, as blood stains his teeth. He seems happy however, as he somehow makes it to his feet. He stumbles over to his opponents, a goofy smile alit on his face, as he taps DYNAMIC DYNAMITE on the shoulder!

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE turns himself around abruptly, his eyes widening as he sees CYREN! He merely pushes CYREN away, his hand enveloping CYREN's entire face, forcing the other man to the ground, his blood-smeared chin already dripping on the ring floor. The distraction however, has given CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY enough time to recuperate from the earth-shattering suplex, as he is already kick-flipping back to his feet, staring DYNAMIC DYNAMITE in the eye, as the behemoth of a man turns to his most pressing threat! His eyes widen for a second time as CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY WINDS BACK AND SNAPS DYNAMITE IN THE EYE-SOCKET WITH HIS ELBOW! A sick smash of flesh on bone is heard echoing all around, as DYNAMITE stumbles backwards, tripping over CYREN and landing himself into the turnbuckle at the opposite end of the ring. CONNOLLY wastes no time in pressing the attack however, as he runs underneath the ENORMOUS 'X-TREME' LADDER, and spears DYNAMIC DYNAMITE! He then holds DYNAMITE into the corner with one hand, as he climbs the top rope, aiming his fist at the bridge of DYNAMITE's skull! He begins the count! ONE.... TWO.... THREE... FOUR... FIVE... SIX... That's six consecutive punches landed solidly on DYNAMIC DYNAMITE from a leveraged position! CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY seems enraged! .... SEVEN... EIGHT.... NINE...

On the tenth try, CONNOLLY rears back his fist, kisses it, shakes it off as if he's burnt his lips, and reaches back for the final punch to end the set... however DYNAMIC DYNAMITE has regained his senses, shaking his head as if he was a bull, and heaves CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY over his shoulder... AND BEGINS WALKING! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE IS CARRYING CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY like a rotten sack of potatoes! He gets just underneath the X-TREME LADDER, and then... with a mighty thrust of power, PRESS-SLAMS CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, CATCHING HIM ONCE AGAIN IN MID-AIR, DRIVING HIM TO THE MAT WITH A SICKENING SPINEBUSTER!!!


He gets back to his feet, wiping his hands off, as he salutes the crowd, with a Cheshire-grin. He then leans down to CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY's dazed face, moves his right hand in a 'bye-bye' gesture, and rests his foot on the first rung of the ladder! However, it's caught by CYREN! CYREN IS BACK INTO THE FRAY! He... however, is still on the mat, dragging himself to the ladder. He is clutching onto DYNAMIC DYNAMITE's foot with all his might, as his eyes roll back into his head. DYNAMIC DYNAMITE looks at CYREN at his feet, laughs and then begins howling! He's amused! However, the amusement doesn't last long, as he begins stomping on CYREN's head! HE'S STOMPING WITH ALL HIS MIGHT ON CYREN'S HEAD, SMASHING IT BETWEEN HIS FOOT AND THE MAT AS IF CYREN WERE A BUG! MY GOD... IT'S SICK! BLOOD IS SMEARING THE RING! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE continues stomping on CYREN's head, even as the man stills. HE'S COMPLETELY UNCONSCIOUS! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE takes a quick look at CONNOLLY, who is still rolling around on the mat, winded from the previous attack, then looks at the UNIVERSAL title hanging nearly 40 feet in the air, then shrugs his shoulders. He looks back down to his feet at CYREN, and HEAVES HIM TO HIS FEET! HE'S LITERALLY HOLDING CYREN UPRIGHT! HE'S OUT ON HIS FEET! He takes CYREN, his nose now obviously broken, bone sticking out of it, and begins BASHING HIS HEAD INTO ONE OF THE LADDER RUNGS! ONE... TWO... THREE.. FOUR... FIVE... SIX... SEVEN... EIGHT... NINE... TEN... ELEVEN... TWELVE... THIRTEEN... FOURTEEN...

...OH MY GOD! The crowd is completely silent, blood is LEAKING and SPEWING from CYREN's skull, deep lacerations burst open on the BloodKnight Rogue's face and eyes! He's deeply bruising, as every inch of his face is bleeding! HE'S COMPLETELY CUT OPEN, AS NEVER SEEN BEFORE!


... DYNAMIC DYNAMITE holds back on a final smash into the ladder, however, as he realizes CYREN is no longer awake! THE PAIN HAS AWOKEN CYREN! HE'S STUMBLING BACK... HIS LEGS ARE BARELY MOVING, AS HE ATTEMPTS TO MOVE HIS ARM! HE'S attempting a punch, yet he can't see through all of the blood! At this point, as his arm begins moving, CYREN merely grins, as he flips DYNAMIC DYNAMITE THE BIRD! CYREN IS FLIPPING DYNAMIC DYNAMITE OFF!


DYNAMIC DYNAMITE kicks CYREN in the gut and picks him up over his head! He carries him over to the ring buckle, climbs it himself and holds CYREN OVER HIS HEAD, AS HE STANDS ON THE TOP RING BUCKLE! CYREN IS 15 FEET IN THE AIR! OH MY GOD! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE ISN'T GOING TO DO IT!



DYNAMIC DYNAMITE just threw CYREN like a lawn dart into the X-TREME LADDER! CYREN's neck slaps against one of the rungs, twisting at an awkward angle, his entire body falling and smacking rungs of the ladder, ripping open with bones breaking, as the ladder begins toppling over! This ladder must weigh at least 4,000 pounds! It teeter-totters, before catapulting CYREN completely out of the ring and onto the floor!



DYNAMIC DYNAMITE drops back to the canvas, grinning, yet from behind him, as if shooting out from nowhere, is a revitalized CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY who bulldogs DYNAMIC DYNAMITE RIGHT ONTO THE LADDER! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE'S EAR IS RIPPED DEEPLY! HE'S BLEEDING PROFUSELY FROM THE ENTIRE SIDE OF HIS HEAD! That ladder is razor SHARP! CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY however, doesn't slow down, as he props DYNAMIC DYNAMITE back to his feet, hitting a SNAP SUPLEX! VICIOUS! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE'S LENGTHY FRAME HITS SOLID! He skids halfway across the entire ring! CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY attacks again! CONNOLLY is relentless! He forces DYNAMIC DYNAMITE back to his feet and hits a GERMAN suplex! CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY is showing a true spirit of technical wrestling ability! The top of DYNAMITE's head impacts hard onto the side of the ladder, his entire shoulder blade coming across one of the steep steps, being cut deeply! It looks almost as if a chunk of DYNAMIC DYNAMITE's shoulder has just been ripped off!

As DYNAMITE rolls around the ring in pain, CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, jumps over the top rope of the ring, landing on his feet on the floor! The man seems invincible! He reaches quickly from underneath the ring and produces a chair! It's the almighty equalizer! He quickly slides back into the ring, holding it directly over DYNAMIC DYNAMITE's head! He signals to the crowd as he rears back for a powerful shot! NO! HE MISSES! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE rebounds and catches CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY in a single arm DDT! The chair slips from CHRISTIAN's grasp! It scatters across the ring as the Suntan Superman yelps in pain! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE quickly strides back over to the chair and throws it in the air, catching as it comes down and smacking CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY in the back of the head, busting him completely open on his scalp!

CONNOLLY writes on the ground, as DYNAMIC DYNAMITE quickly props him to his feet, sling-shotting him into the ropes! CONNOLLY quickly turns himself around however, as he bounces backward, hitting a QUICK DDT ON DYNAMIC DYNAMITE! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE rolls across the ring, scattering into the ladder. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, once again, kick flips to his feet, and stares at the incapacitated CYREN out like a light, at ringside, and DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, motionless in the corner. He eyes up the GIGANTIC ladder, and gets to one side of it, using every muscle in his body to prop the gigantic ladder back to a standing position, as it's been propped against a ring rope! It finally is standing fine once more, and he begins to CLIMB!


He's moving quickly, his breaths sharp, as DYNAMIC DYNAMITE scurries up the ladder! He is empowered with a second wind! He matches CONNOLLY at the halfway point of the ladder! These two icons are TWENTY FEET IN THE AIR! They are trading punches through the ring ropes, separated by about 3 feet of dead air, barely connecting their punches! FINALLY... after both of them trade quick shots, they both reel backwards, gripping with one hand on the ladder, gathering their wits. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY however, is the first to gain ingenuity, as he spider-man crawls across the ladder! He is just a rung over DYNAMIC DYNAMITE! He drops down and is on DYNAMIC DYNAMITE'S BACK! HE'S HEADBUTTING DYNAMIC DYNAMITE IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD! OH MY GOD! ONE HEADBUTT, TWO HEADBUTT, THREE HEADBUTT, FOUR! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE's eyes roll up in the back of his head for a moment, as CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY realizes his precarious position!



OH.... MY.... GOD!



CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY walks forward, raising his arm in the air, before stumbling face-first, falling as an exhausted lump on the floor! EVERYONE IS DOWN! CONNOLLY IS ATTEMPTING TO CATCH HIS BREATH! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE IS BLEEDING EVERYWHERE! THIS IS CARNAGE! THIS IS BARBARIC!

However, what may be more surprising, is the fact that a broken, mangled, doped-up CYREN, has somehow managed to drape himself on the side of the ring! HE'S ALIVE! CYREN IS ALIVE! Both of his eyes are completely swollen shut, as blood still continues to seep from his entire face and body! His left leg is bent an inhuman angle! He reaches for one of the ring ropes, yet his hand is so bloody, he slips and smacks his face onto the canvas, blood squirting out of his nose! He rolls into the center of the ring, holding his nose, as a prone DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, is on one knee, his entire face pulsed with blood!

CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY in the meanwhile, has regained his wind, and sizes DYNAMIC DYNAMITE up as the man turns around! SUPERKICK! He just nailed a superkick on DYNAMITE that sends him topping through the ring rope. CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY smiles as he looks at DYNAMITE at ringside, then steps once more toward the gigantic ladder! He however, stops to look down at CYREN, allowing himself just a moment's luxury, to bitch slap the holy hell out of the BloodKnight Rogue!

CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY winks at CYREN, before mock-kissing him, as he kisses one of his gold chains and begins his climb once again up the ladder! HOWEVER... BEFORE HE CAN REACH FOR THE RUNG... DYNAMIC DYNAMITE IS BACK IN THE RING!

And boy, is he pissed!

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, twists CONNOLLY around, before nailing him in the gut with his boot, before... OH NO!




DYNAMIC DYNAMITE IS CLIMBING THE LADDER! He climbs over CYREN, and begins a slow crawl up the ladder, but wait! HIS RIBS! He can barely move! Each time he takes a step, his side leaks out more blood, letting it rain to the canvas! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE LOOKS AS IF HE'S DYING! HE'S BLEEDING EVERYWHERE! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE


He's halfway up the ladder!




HE'S SO....


CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, somehow, by a champion's wind, has raced up the ladder and just NAILED DYNAMIC DYNAMITE IN THE HEAD WITH THE BLOODY CHAIR! DYNAMITE STAGGERS AT THE TOP OF THE 35-FOOT LADDER! THE MEN ARE FAR ABOVE THE CANVAS! A FALL FROM HERE COULD BE SUICIDAL! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE shakes it off though, and reaches for the belt once more, oblivious of CHRISTIAN, yet CONNOLLY smacks him in the face again, more blood leaking from the multiple-time Champion! CONNOLLY wants THAT belt!

DYNAMIC DYNAMITE staggers back even farther, almost falling off the ladder, as he again reaches for the belt! HE GOES FOR IT AGAIN! CONNOLLY REARS BACK! OH NO... DYNAMITE was luring him in! HE nails a low blow to CHRISTIAN's groin, the steel chair in CONNOLLY's hand dangling loose, barely in his hand. THE TWO men are winded, both gathering their wits! DYNAMITE however grits through the pain and lifts CONNOLLY's head up, forces him to look at the UNIVERSAL title as if to say, 'YOU will NEVER have this,' and smacks CONNOLLY's head into the top of the ladder! CONNOLLY slumps downward, as DYNAMIC DYNAMITE... OH MY GOD! HE'S SIGNALING!


DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, heaves CONNOLLY up, and begins the maneuver, however, before he can finish, he himself is given a low blow... from below! BY GOD, CYREN has traveled the entire length of the ladder, a trail of blood dripping from every single rung! DYNAMITE and CONNOLLY momentarily slump, as CYREN holds on for dear life, on a slippery rung, taking time out to flip DYNAMIC DYNAMITE once more, the double-bird! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE shakes his head, and merely kicks CYREN on the top of the, dropping the BloodKnight Rogue...

...ALL THE WAY DOWN THE LADDER! He lands on his back, motionless at the bottom! HOW CAN ANYONE LIVE THROUGH THIS!

At that moment however, DYNAMITE is distracted! It is a fatal mistake!

As his head turns, CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY is already in motion! He is aligned with glory!

A CROWNING GLORY! He latches onto the XWF UNIVERSAL TITLE with his right hand, positioning DYNAMIC DYNAMITE WITH HIS LEFT! Raising his head for a moment to the heavens, as if uttering a prayer, CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY SIMULTANEOUSLY...

...OH MY GOD...





THEY IMPACT IN MERELY A MOMENT. The Impact will last forever.






After a moment, a hand crawls out from the hole in the ring, and it's a dark hand. It's the hand of an Immortal. It's the hands of the Suntan Superman!



All three combatants are down, barely moving! The ladder has tilted to one side, blood dripping off of it! The bruised, ripped, bloodied body of the DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, is, somehow crawling back into the center of the ring! He's prone, yet he's moving! By god, perhaps all of them will live, but will they ever be the same?

As DYNAMIC DYNAMITE attempts to get back to his feet, he is met with a leg being dropped across the back of his neck. Who does the leg belong to?

The former RAZIEL springs back to his feet and hits another leg drop, this time to DYNAMITE’s throat as he lays on his back. A third leg drop keeps DYNAMITE on the mat as JUSTIN stands up and looks around at CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY and CYREN. He stops as he looks at CYREN, and smiles. A roar from the crowd signals that something is up and out of nowhere a body leaps over the top rope and hits a flying DDT on CYREN. The figure stands in the center of the ring, for everyone to see his face.

The face is familiar to everyone in the audience, it belongs to…

JONES and STONE look at each other grinning and then simultaneously turn their heads towards CONNOLLY. Both DYNAMITE and CYREN roll to opposite corners, meanwhile CONNOLLY steps forward towards the two men who rightfully have no place in the ring at this point in time. JONES moves in towards CONNOLLY but finds STONE’s arm blocking his path. LEE then moves forward instead, brushing past C2 to the edge of the ring. Sitting on the second rope, he pulls the top rope up and motions for CHRISTIAN to go through. A little wary at first, C2 does go through and exits the ring leaving JONES and STONE in the ring with CYREN and DYNAMITE who are just getting to their feet. Ripping the turnbuckle pad from one corner, STONE then turns his attention towards CYREN first. JONES drives a knee into DYNAMITE’s face, putting him on the deck again. CYREN finds himself whipped into the corner, causing pain to shoot through his back. STONE follows after him and leaps up in the air, hitting a Stinger Splash, further damaging CYREN’s back. JONES has a steel chair in hand now and tosses it to STONE. But CYREN then gets a surge of bloody energy and tackles STONE out of the corner. HOW is CYREN moving? Dragging CYREN away, JONES throws him back into the corner but now DYNAMIC DYNAMITE has surfaced once again and snaps a neckbreaker on JONES.


STONE brings the steel chair down across DYNAMITE’s back. And again, but this time right on top of his head. CYREN comes forward again and gets met with a swinging chair shot that propels him onto the ropes, which he grabs onto for balance. STONE holds the now dented chair in front of CYREN’s face, as JONES springs back to his feet. Lights Out Superkick! JUSTIN JONES kicks the chair right into CYREN’s face as he gets sent over the top rope leaving just DYNAMIC DYNAMITE in the ring with the two men. With the chair tumbling out of the ring with CYREN, JUSTIN JONES and LEE STONE are left weaponless, but with the two previous chair shots have left DYNAMITE in a position where using a weapon would be just plain cruel. DYNAMITE tries to get to his feet but as he is bent double, both STONE and JONES spring into action. Moving to either side of him, they hook his head and mimic each other’s actions with a combination of the Stone Cutter and The Crowning Glory! They roll DYNAMITE out of the ring before snatching up microphones from one of the peons at ringside.

LEE STONE rolls back into the ring, along with JUSTIN JONES, as they stare at the broken, bloodied CYREN, in the corner. However, this damaged, damn-near-dead BloodKnight Rogue, seems to still be laughing. He's flipping both of them off! They both roll their eyes at him, then dismiss him, as STONE begins to speak.

STONE: Well that was fun.

He perches himself on one of the top turnbuckle pads in a corner while JUSTIN takes center stage… or ring as the case may have it.

JONES: It sure was. Every single bit as fun as I had imagined it would be while reading the National Geographic on the john for all of Friday.

Silence. A very awkward silence. JONES turns to look at STONE.

JONES: Too weird?

STONE: A little bit, yeah. Time to tag out chief.

STONE leaps off his perch and the two act out a tagging action, which leads to JONES taking the seat that STONE occupied previously.

STONE: I believe what my slightly creepy associate MR. JONES was trying to say, is that felt good. I mean real good. We’re talking as good as the relief JJ would’ve felt the moment he removed his highly disgusting cheeks from the ceramic throne that they apparently occupied, and he placed down the magazine riddled with naked natives and useless tidbits of information. That’s how good it felt. But do you know what else feels good?

He looks out to the crowd as if expecting a response.

STONE: Excuse me, but I believe I asked you if you know what else feels good?

Pointing the microphone towards the audience, the sound of a “what?” can be heard as response.

STONE: Bitches and gentlef***s… LEE STONE is back.

The entire audience erupts hearing this. Raising his middle finger to quiet the crowd, it takes some time for the desired effect to actually take place. But when it does, the microphone returns to LEE’s mouth.

STONE: Now regardless of how tragically depressing the circumstances under which my departure occurred…

JONES: And pathetic.

STONE: Thank you for your input, I don’t know where I’d be without you.

JONES: Rotting in hell.

STONE: Thank you again.

JONES: You’re welcome.

STONE: Now, back onto things that actually matter.

JONES: Because you don’t.

STONE: That’s not entirely true, but like I said… moving on! Here in this ring, you see two individuals.

JONES: Two of the greatest individuals in the history of great individuals.

STONE: Exactly. Now the question ready to burst out of the mouths of all you whiny punks, is why? Why are these two “great individuals” helping each other make DYNAMIC DYNAMITE and CYREN their respective bitches, while still maintaining some sort of integrity by allowing CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY to go free.

JONES: That was my idea!

STONE: Congratulations JJ, we shall high five later. But for now our collective greatness shall announce our goals for the world to hear.

After that exchange, the lights in the arena, begin glittering pink, a strobe-effect, as in a bizarre twist, a woman's figure appears at the rampway! Luscious and blonde, the young woman moves closer, allowing herself to be seen!


JETSON: Will you two please... SHUT UP!

At this, Stone and JONES, look at one another, raising their eyebrows.

STONE: Hey, pretty lady... why don't you go ahead and get to the back! We're having our obligatory celebratory banter!

Nudging his elbow into STONE's side, JUSTIN JONES appraises JEN JETSON.

JONES: He's right you know, it's in the rulebook.

STONE: Good one, JONES.

At this, JEN JETSON sighs, as she motions to her watch.

JEN JETSON: We don't have TIME, for this idiocy! Great, you're back, Lee Stone, great too, that you're back JUSTIN JONES and that the two of you have finally found each other and can have great big litters of puppy dog Lee JONES', but as for right now, not only are you interrupting the greatest match of the year and from the looks of it, possibly one of the hottest matches ever to take place in XWF, but you're wasting TIME!

Raising his eyebrow, LEE STONE, motions to his wrist, on which there is no watch.

STONE: When you're an ICON, like LEE STONE, you have ALL the time in the world, baby! We're flying high! It's the beginning of our new Year's resolution! Kick names and take asses!

JUSTIN JONES seems to scrunch up his nose at this, before whispering into Stone's ear.

STONE: Pardon me, I meant Kick asses and...-- oh well, you get the point, woman!


At this, JEN JETSON stands aside, and motions to the X-TRON, which also is at the very ceiling of the XWF RING! From the rampway however, a clock appears, as JEN JETSON motions to the X-Tron. UPON it is...

... a countdown to MIDNIGHT! A COUNTDOWN CLOCK UNTIL THE YEAR 2007! And it's only got 2 minutes left!

2:00 UNTIL THE YEAR 2007 ....

At this, Stone and JONES nod their heads, as they motion to JEN JETSON!

STONE: Fine, fine, fine.. we understand it! You've gotta get your resolution in early! I guess being a pain in my ass is a common resolution! In ANY case..

On that note JUSTIN jumps from his seat and whispers into STONE’s ear.

STONE: We uh… we don’t actually have goals? Well damn… I… I got nothing. Tag out there big guy.

And with that it seems JUSTIN steers the speech again.

JONES: Well, at least we do have something to announce, so this isn’t a complete time waster, just a partial one. But LEE STONE and I are here to tell you something. We are VIPs! We are Very Important People.

STONE: With Very Immaculate Penises.

And another awkward silence moment. Super.

STONE: I’m just going to sit back in my corner.

JONES: Good idea. Now we obviously harbor some resentment towards certain individuals such as DYNAMIC DYNAMITE.



STONE: Ooh, speaking of SEWASIDE, I have huge news everybody!

LEE jumps around in excitement like a little girl.

STONE: SEWASIDE is no longer the TV Champ, and guess what… it’s all because of me. Your ears do not deceive you my friends, dealing yet another hefty blow to the BLOOD HOUNDS is none other, than LEROY BRUCE STONE!

JONES: With some help from a friend.

STONE: Don’t steal my spotlight, bitch. Everybody remember when SEWASIDE put the TV Title on eBay? Well, my ridiculous wealth allowed me to purchase the TV Title from ‘SIDE during the example that further showed just why his parents should never have been allowed to breed.

JONES: That’s what you get when your parents are related though.

STONE: And as a result of my actions, which JUSTIN happened to show me.

JONES: Yea for me.

STONE: Yes, yea for you. But as I was saying, my actions removed the TV Title from SEWASIDE’s grasp, and effectively cost him a shot at the World Title. So technically, yea for me. But there is further reason to rejoice. SEWASIDE is no longer on the XWF roster, and I’ve got to say, it makes me very proud to say that. I feel like screaming it from the top of a mountain.

JONES: But wait a minute LEE!

He says this with a fake enthusiasm in his voice.

At this, JEN JETSON, still standing at ringside, interrupts them, as the countdown clock reads...

50 SECONDS LEFT TILL 2007 ....

JEN JETSON: Excuse ME, you buffoons! Are you trying to piss me off? I said move it! Get out of the ring! You're running out of time!

At this, LEE STONE shakes his head.

STONE: DAMMIT, WOMAN! I'm speaking here. I'm the great and powerful, LEE STONE! You fear me, dammit! Don't annoy me! That's not how this works! I've got all the time in the world. We're living on easy street, so don't interrupt me!

At this, exasperated, JEN JETSON throws her hands up in the air as she screams.

JEN JETSON: You know what... go ahead. Just don't say I didn't warn you... you idiot!

At that, STONE nods his head, then turns back to JUSTIN JONES, as if their previous exchange had not even been interrupted!

STONE: Yes my overzealous partner in crime?

JONES: Does this mean you gave the TV Title to TRENT GEIN?

STONE: I believe it does.

JONES: Golly gee! Why would you do that?

STONE: It’s elementary, Watson. You see I’ve noticed something lately in this federation. Something that has deeply disturbed me.

JONES: You saw SUPERBALLS oiling up his super balls in front of a mirror backstage?

STONE: No, it’s not that disturbing. In fact, I’d genuinely feel sorry for anybody who saw that.

JUSTIN’s facial expression tells it all right now.

STONE: What I’ve noticed is that for once in his lifetime, STEVE JASON doesn’t have a quest to undertake in order to save this company from the bad men. What I’ve noticed is that CYREN isn’t trying to kill us all and masturbate with a crucifix at the same time, which I could imagine would be quite difficult. I guess that’s why he hasn’t accomplished that goal yet. Of course, I could only imagine how difficult it would be for a male to do that, but because scientists in Sri Lanka have conducted tests that confirm CYREN does in fact have a vagina, the difficulty level would’ve been greatly reduced. Regardless though, another interesting observation that I’ve made is that TRENT GEIN no longer chases everybody around with a chainsaw.

JUSTIN looks around nervously, expecting TRENT to appear at any moment.

STONE: It’s okay buddy, he’s not going to show up. He’s lost his spark. And I’ve attempted to put it back in him tonight. Together, both JUSTIN and I have attempted to once again aggravate CYREN to the brink of insanity. And by God, in recent times, nobody has had the upper hand against STEVE JASON like I have. So if I could be serious for a minute, I’ve missed this place. But now that I’ve made my way back here, I realize it’s not the same as it used to be. But what’s the saying JUSTIN?

JONES: Two wrongs don’t make a right?


JONES: The meek shall inherit the earth?


JONES: Well I give up then.

STONE: Get on board or get out of the way is what I was looking for.

JONES: Damn, that was going to be my next guess.

STONE: Sure it would have. But this “third era” of the XWF is different, and both JUSTIN and I realize that. Hence why we’re not trying to murder each other right now.

JONES: The point is, we’re here to add some excitement. We’re here to give the “third era” something that can define it as truly different. Truly groundbreaking. Truly important. We are now the VIPs of this place. And after effectively stealing the thunder from the winner of this history making match…

STONE: Yeah, sorry about that everybody!

JONES: What we said. And now we have set the scene for a revolution. I hope you will all enjoy it.

STONE: Have a bad day!

However, before either of them can speak, JEN JETSON interrupts them...


At this, LEE STONE, shakes his 'package', at JEN JETSON.

STONE: OH, go get stuffed!

At this, JEN JETSON shakes her fist!

JEN JETSON: Screw it! Have yourself a damn bad day, you dumb oafs!

At this, LEE Stone chuckles, as DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, still in the ring, along with CYREN, in opposite turnbuckles, along with LEE STONE and JUSTIN JONES, all turn to the X-TRON, which has begun it's count-down!

28 seconds left into the year 2007! ....

STONE and the former RAZIEL, finally look shocked, as they turn to both CYREN and DYNAMIC DYNAMITE!

STONE: You know what? Now she's gotten me pissed off!

JONES: Let's let lose some transgression through our...

STONE: Shut it, I use the big words!

JONES: Oh, right. Carry on then.

STONE: Yes, we'll have to... creatively expound upon our initial statement with an exclamatory finishing diatribe of brutality! In other words; let's tear these guys apart!

At that, both LEE STONE and JUSTIN JONES, brandish chairs, and take aim at DYNAMIC DYNAMITE and CYREN, both of whom are miraculously making it to their feet!

HOWEVER, the countdown takes center-stage! As DYNAMIC DYNAMITE snares through his horn at STONE and JONES, who decide to suddenly aim at the broken, prone CYREN!

The match has been over for ten minutes, but DYNAMITE doesn't seem to be ready to give up. He looks around the ring... and then he eyes a down-and-out CYREN. He looks over him for a moment, then his expression takes on an almost evil cast as he steps outside the ring and rummages under the apron for a steel chair. He picks up the chair and slides into the ring, awaiting the groggy CYREN to rise up to his feet... then DYNAMITE suddenly charges forward and smashes the chair into CYREN's head HARD! CYREN falls down to his knees again, blood spreading down his head as the crowd boos! The match is over, this isn't necessary! That doesn't stop DYNAMITE smashing CYREN with the chair again, knocking him prone on his side, completely demolished... only to receive another chair shot, and another, and one more to the head! DYNAMITE does stop hitting CYREN's head eventually, but only to batter at the ribs and sternum of the BloodKnight Rogue! DYNAMITE seems to want to completely DESTROY CYREN! Finally, with a sick grin, DYNAMITE reaches under the ring for something... and pulls out a sledgehammer! All the while, LEE STONE and JUSTIN JONES, eye both DYNAMITE, amazed he's even moving! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE pulls that into the ring, holds it steady as CYREN gradually sits up... then brings it crashing down on CYREN's skull! He could be permanently injured if this keeps up further! DYNAMITE raises the hammer...

...the countdown continues!


The crowd- despite sickened at the attack- chant along with it as DYNAMITE watches the countdown.










The crowd and even DYNAMITE turn their surprised eyes to the roof as the number '2007' hits the X-Tron, expecting the lights to flicker or for confetti to explode from the roof. Oddly enough, nothing happens for several seconds, then suddenly the lights in the arena dim to near black. The crowd watch in silence and DYNAMITE is most definitely confused at what's going on, leaving the bloodied CYREN on the ground. Suddenly, the slightest shade of blue fades in over the arena... then suddenly floodlights blast up along each side of the entrance ramp- one row of two white floodlights, another row of two blue... two white... two blue... and finally another white. Several voices in the crowd suddenly pipe up as they guess at what it could be...

...then suddenly the X-Tron screen answers everybody's question as suddenly, an enormous, yet somewhat familiar logo flickers onto the screen!

... OH MY GOD!



...the New Wave logo? What's THAT doing up there? Suddenly, directly behind the logo the sight of a wave over the ocean can be seen, billowing up and curving towards the screen as if to crash over it...

...and no sooner does that happen than suddenly there's a thunderous BOOM!, and...

...suddenly something comes crashing out from inside the X-Tron itself! A small flap in the X-Tron bursts open as suddenly something begins to ride directly on top of a barely-visible zipline! On closer inspection, it appears to be... a surfboard? A surfboard is balanced precariously atop the zipline, the New Wave logo visible on its underside as it rapidly skims down the line! All eyes turn towards the board and its mysterious rider... who seems to be wearing blue knee-length denim shorts, sneakers, a pair of Ray Bans with the lenses tinged a deep blue... and a white t-shirt with blue stripes under the arms, a long blue bar over the chest area and a square with the New Wave laurel-wreath logo on it...

...it's STEVE JASON! SJ's here, he's riding a surfboard practically through the air down to the ring, and he's decked out in full New Wave regalia! DYNAMITE begins to turn his attention to CYREN again, trying to dish out more damage through stomps and kicks, but STEVE and his surfboard are descending along the zipline to the ring at a rapid pace. STEVE carefully balances himself along the surfboard, riding it with expertise... then when it finally passes over the ring itself, he unclips it from the line and slides it off the edge, crashing down with the board into the ring! He steps forward towards DYNAMITE, who's hell bent on bloodying CYREN more and more, then abruptly SHOVES him back from CYREN, locking himself into a fighting stance. DYNAMITE falls back and seems irate at the interference on STEVE's part, and menacingly stares a hole in him. STEVE merely stares back behind his shades, motioning as if to bring it. DYNAMITE takes a step back, then reaches behind the ropes to pull out a chair...

At this point, LEE STONE and JUSTIN JONES, standing right across from both DYNAMITE and STEVE JASON, stare at one another, stare at the other two.


At this, they look at each other and shrug their shoulders, each one brandishing chairs and moving toward STEVE JASON!

...then suddenly, two more people run down to the ring in New Wave t-shirts as fast as they can! They're moving so quick it seems hard to get a glimpse at them, but one slows down just enough to get into the ring, and we can see that it's CENTURION! He quickly moves in to back STEVE up, by tackling both LEE STONE and JUSTIN JONES with a double-flying clothesline! JONES AND STONE crumple to the ground with CENTURION! DYNAMITE brandishes his chair, while STEVE JASON calmly holds his ground, stepping to the side and drawing DYNAMITE's attention away from CYREN's inert form. DYNAMITE's attention is so caught up on STEVE and CENTURION that he doesn't notice the other figure suddenly grab CYREN by his legs and pull him out of the ring to safety. DYNAMITE only notices movement at the last second, turning his head to see CYREN safely out of harm's way... carried by the EXTREME WARRIOR? Why is EW working with STEVE and CENTURION, and why did ANY of them want to get CYREN out of harm's way? DYNAMITE is now irate at having been robbed of the chance to end CYREN!

At this, DYNAMITE turns toward STEVE, and attempts a clothesline, yet STEVE JASON nails a kick to the gut, and reveres! OH MY GOD!

IT'S AN S3! AN S3 into the hole in the ring, from earlier! DYNAMIC DYNAMITE JUST GOT BURIED AGAIN! STEVE JASON turns around, yet is nailed in the head with a chair from JUSTIN JONES, but just as the former RAZIEL, turns around, he is hit with the 'EXTREME STING', from EXTREME WARRIOR! JUSTIN JONES IS OUT COLD! STEVE is shaking his head as he stumbles to his feet, yet not before LEE STONE hits the STONE CUTTER ON EXTREME WARRIOR!


STEVE JASON, CENTURION, EXTREME WARRIOR, AND CYREN ARE ALL HOLDING EACH OTHER UP, EXTREME WARRIOR AND CENTURION ATTEMPTING TO KEEP CYREN ALIVE, as they prop him up on their shoulders! JEN JETSON waltzes down to the ring, however not before, taking the time to kick LEE STONE in the ground! She joins them, standing next to EXTREME WARRIOR.

STEVE merely smirks, sliding back out of the ring- and sliding the surfboard out with him. He rummages through a pack attached to the back of it and produces another New Wave shirt, handing it to EXTREME WARRIOR, who along with CENTURION prop CYREN up and slide the shirt on him. STEVE now has a microphone and stands before the three men, speaking.

STEVE JASON: Sorry, DYNAMITE, Stone, JONES, but I can't allow you to take CYREN out right now. He's proven to be very vital to us... and once we get him cleaned up and back into the game, he's going to help us usher in 2007 the way it SHOULD be. You want to talk about how you're going to dominate Anarchy and the XWF at large? You want to go on about how we're going to be crushed under your heel and how we're going to do everything you want? I THINK NOT, pal! It's about damn time that you and every other punk like you remembered exactly where the hell you were. It's not about you, just like how it's not about the SAVIOR. Hell, it's not even about me, and I'm pretty damn tired of you selfish pricks trying to MAKE it all about you! So I contacted some like-minded individuals... and we're looking for many more, trust me... who are going to make this year a golden one STRAIGHT FROM THE START! No Black Order or Blood Hound-style takeovers... because they won't have a damn CHANCE to! If you, or ANY punk like you wants this federation, you're going to have to TAKE it... and to do that, you're going to have to get through something that's a little bit of old and a little bit of new. Re-engineered and re-modeled for 2007, tailor-made for the Third Era... the NEW WAVE, baby!

As STEVE says this, he raises up his World Championship into the air, then suddenly brings his arm and the belt slamming down, and no sooner does that happen than a series of rapid-fire white and blue pyros launches around in a bright circle from the scaffold ring at the top of the arena, and suddenly 'Five Is A Four Letter Word' by Lostprophets blasts over the PA system, leaving DYNAMITE scowling at the four men in front of the entrance ramp, STEVE standing with one fist clenched in the air while EW and CENTURION prop the rescued CYREN up, JEN JETSON standing tall with them, it's official...

New Wave is BACK!

After all of this, however, we see someone standing on the rampway, with a microphone.

It's a man holding the XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP!

CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY: And what am I? Chopped Liver?

As CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY grins, the show fades to black.


JANUARY 28, 2007