XWF: TURNING POINT – February 25, 2007





- - Elimination Match - -
- - First two men eliminated will be reassigned to ACW



- - Tag Turmoil Qualifier - -


- - Steel Cage Ladder Match - -


- - Tag Turmoil Qualifier - -


- - Guest Referee: TBA - -



- - Tag Turmoil Finals - -


- - Anarchy Finals - -


- - Standard Match - -



- - Caged Birdie Match - -

As the show beings, FAMINE of the VILE and BRIAN SENTRICK are seen walking down the hallway. All of a sudden TWILIGHT walks out on crutches as FAMINE looks and laughs. SENTRICK begins walking towards her when all of a sudden a feathery dart hits his neck. FAMINE tries to react but before he can do anything a dart is in his neck as well. The two of them fall over as TWILIGHT throws her cast and bandages off. HARDCORE SMITTY, STONE, and RABOIN all walk out and surround the two who are sleeping on the concrete.

RABOIN: I told you FAMINE, that you would pay.

STONE: Lets cure him SMITTY once and for all.

STONE and SMITTY begin to drag SENTRICK into an unmarked room as MIKE picks up FAMINE and puts him on his shoulder. Twilight opens up a door that read, “To The Roof”…

What does this mean for FAMINE and SENTRICK?




- - Elimination Match - -
- - First two men eliminated will be reassigned to ACW

As soon as the bell rings, everyone gangs up on the much larger PROTOTYPE. Pushing him into a corner, the three other competitors pummel him in the corner until he’s beaten down into the ground. SHARP continues to stomp down onto PROTOTYPE while BECK turns around a kicks HOOD in the gut. HOOD drops to a single knee, as BECK takes a step backwards, then hits a rising knee straight to HOOD’s jaw! He makes the cover, but only gets one. SHARP picks PROTOTYPE up from the ground and whips him towards the turnbuckle. He then charges but PROTOTYPE gets a boot up to his face. PROTOTYPE follows it up with a clothesline, and bounces off the rope to hit a jumping elbow drop. HOOD has gotten the advantage on BECK and holds him in a sleeper hold tightly. BECK seems to be losing consciousness, but he fights back to his feet. He then charges towards the ropes and uses the momentum to launch HOOD straight over the top and to the arena floor! On the other side of the ring, PROTOTYPE picks up the former MR. WS and puts him in a bear hug. He squeezes tightly, but SHARP refuses to give up, fighting out of it with a double ear clap. PROTOTYPE releases the hold, holding his ears in pain as SHARP leaps in the air and hits him with a hurricanrana. On the outside of the ring, HOOD has gathered himself and gotten to his feet, but BECK comes flying from the ring through the middle rope with a suicide dive that takes HOOD straight down! Both men are hit hard by the move and it takes them a while to get their bearings but they eventually do and exchange blows. SHARP sees them open for attack from his position inside the ring, though, and he charges towards the side of the ring, leaps over the top rope, and connects with a flipping senton onto both of the men! The crowd pops loudly as all three men are down! Inside the ring, PROTOTYPE gets up from the hurricanrana that was hit on him earlier and is baffled to find no one else in the ring. He looks around all corners of the ring and finally sees all men starting to get up. He gets a devilish grin across his face, and climbs the corner turnbuckle. As all three men reach their feet, PROTOTYPE launches himself of the turnbuckle with a body splash to the outside....... BUT MISSES BADLY, CRASH AND BURNING! BECK, HOOD, and SHARP pick up PROTOTYPE and roll him into the ring, all three laying on top of him for the pin... but he powers out at 2, it’s going to take a little more to put him away. PROTOTYPE, ever the opportunist, tries to quickly roll up HOOD, but HOOD kicks out and gets up angered. He swings wildly at PROTOTYPE, but misses, as PROTOTYPE ducks through and behind HOOD, trying to launch him with a German suplex... but somehow he’s launched straight into BECK, who locks in a rear naked choke, THE BECK-OUT! HOOD swings his arms around, trying to do his best to get out of the move, but he slowly drifts to sleep till he’s no longer moving. The ref calls for the bell!

HOOD is eliminated and is going to ACW!

SHARP tries to take advantage of BECK, who was on the ground for the BECK-OUT, by stomping down onto him, but PROTOTYPE bursts towards SHARP and hits a running DDT! SHARP hits the mat stiffly, as PROTOTYPE quickly scales the turn buckle and prepares to go airborne. SHARP crawls to his feet and sees PROTOTYPE waiting so he tries to get out of the way... but he walks straight into a superkick from BECK! SHARP drops to the ground, as PROTOTYPE leaps off the top rope and hits a tremendous shooting star press! He covers... 1...... 2..... 3!

SHARP is gone to ACW, as we’re left with our final two!

PROTOTYPE gets to his feet and looks at BECK, as they exchange looks. They both know that the other person is the only thing in the way holding them back from the HART TITLE. Even though they’ve earned their spot on the XWF roster, they’re only focused on taking the HART TITLE tonight. They circle each other, and BECK shoots for a double leg takedown, which he succeeds in, but PROTOTYPE quickly rolls to his stomach. In what looks like more of an amateur wrestling bout, BECK tries to get a half nelson on PROTOTYPE, but PROTOTYPE keeps his hands in tightly and BECK settles for a headlock instead. PROTOTYPE fights to his feet but BECK keeps the headlock on tightly. PROTOTYPE swings some elbows, hitting BECK in the gut, forcing B-4 to release the hold. PROTOTYPE runs at the ropes and comes back, hitting a shoulder block that sends BECK down. PROTOTYPE hits the ropes again and jumps hitting a senton. He rolls on top of BECK, but BECK kicks out early at two. PROTOTYPE keeps on the offensive, picking up BECK and hitting some chops into his chests that sends him barreling towards the turnbuckles. PROTOTYPE continues to strike BECK across the chest until it’s beet red. PROTOTYPE then backs up and charges forward, but is STO’d straight to the mat! BECK jumps up to the second turnbuckle and waits for PROTOTYPE to get up... but is shocked as MATT PROTOTYPE kips up and hits a big open palm strike to BECK’s jaw, leaving him out on his feet on the turnbuckle. PROTOTYPE takes a step backwards and prepares. He steps forward, leaps off the second rope and goes for a springboard hurricanrana on BECK... But BECK catches him on his shoulder, then jumps off and hits a giant powerbomb! The B-4 BOMBER! It’s over! BECK covers... 1.... 2.... THREE! THIS THING IS OVER AND WE HAVE A NEW HART CHAMPION!



The camera cuts backstage with SHAWN HUNT carrying his luggage down the hall. CENTURION walks out of nowhere cutting SHAWN off. He stops in his tracks looking CENTURION into his eyes, tilting his head back a little.

CENTURION: Congratulation on winning the battle royal Thursday night. Good Luck tonight as well. You’ll need it really bad as you go for those tag team titles. Shadow and Mr. Amazing really have it out for you guys.

SHAWN HUNT: Let them have it out for us. Matter of fact, before you walked in my way. I was actually heading out those doors. I refuse to wrestle tonight! I came by to get my pass for Anarchy next week for my title shot. If Fran wants to fine me. Let him fine me for not showing up. I don’t care. All I care is that one shot at the belt.

BRAD PIERCE walks into the scene.

BRAD PIERCE: If it wasn’t for KILLJOY. I would’ve won the Battle Royal! I almost had you over those ropes. You better be glad that KILLJOY showed up to help you win. That contenders’ shot is supposed to be mine. You know it, I know it, and CENTURION knows it.

KILLJOY shows up into the scene.

KILLJOY: Ha, Ha, Ha. Everyone wants to throw my name around like I’m a bad guy.

SHAWN HUNT: You too? I thought it was just me.

KILLJOY: Ha, Ha, I dropped you like a bad habit.

BRAD PIERCE: If it wasn’t for you. I would be going to Anarchy for a title shot.

BRAD gets into SHAWN’s face.

BRAD PIERCE: If I got to beat it out of you right now. I wont be responsible for my actions!

SHAWN turns around and starts to walk off a little before turning around catching BRAD PIERCE with a super kick to the jaw knocking him to the ground. SHAWN stands over BRAD PIERCE bending over getting in his face.

SHAWN HUNT: And I’m responsible for my actions either! If you want this piece of paper than you are more than welcome to take it. It appears that you won’t be doing that any time soon!

KILLJOY leans down over the helpless Brad.

KILLJOY: Ha ha! Look at you down there all knocked out! Get used to this position, because this is how I’m going to leave you tonight!

TONY CAPRETTI and AMY VIXEN come running into the arena, hurrying to the dressing rooms before the get counted out. An official stops them.


CAPRETTI: Not now, dude, we’re already late as it is!

OFFICIAL: Yeah, EXACTLY. You guys are out.


OFFICIAL: New policy for Massacre stars. You show up late for the event, you’re off the show, period. As Massacre stars, this pertains to you. So don’t bother getting ready, the match is being changed as we speak.

CAPRETTI: That’s BULLS***! We have a match for the tag titles! The fans want to see us!

OFFICIAL: If you don’t like it, talk to the General Manager!

CAPRETTI: And who the hell is the General Manager?


The first two men are CENTURION and DOMINATOR. The bell rings and the match starts with both men dead-center of the ring, immediately tying up with each other, with neither man having the upper-hand at first. However, CENT is able to lock in a tight side-headlock on DOMINATOR, which he soon escapes from, sliding out and then pushing CENT into the ropes. CENT returns with enough force that DOMINATOR attempts a backdrop, only to have CENT use his ring smarts to stop himself short. As a result, he is able to deliver a hard kick to the face of DOMINATOR. DOMINATOR stumbles around for a moment, nursing his face, before turning around and walking smack-dab into the forearm of CENT. After a quick exchange of attempts and reversals, DOMINATOR somehow pulls out a hip-toss, putting CENT down on the mat for the first time in the match, which he soon tries to take advantage of. DOMINATOR locks in a tight sleeper hold, trying to wear CENT down, but after a few moments, DOMINATOR releases the hold and gets back to his feet, eyeing the situation to try and figure out where to take things next. This lapse enables CENT the chance to regain his stamina and get back to his feet. As DOMINATOR moves in for his next flurry of moves, CENT quickly counters with a strong European-uppercut, followed by a snapmare takedown. With DOMINATOR in a daze and in the sitting position, CENT uses the ropes to his advantage and lands a hard kick right to the small of DOMINATOR 's back. As DOMINATOR is sprawled out, holding his back in pain, CENT drops down with a hard fist right to his face distributing the punishment on multiple parts of DOMINATOR's body. Not wasting any time, CENT brings DOMINATOR to his feet and locks him up in a side bear hug, wrenching back as hard as he can, trying to make DOMINATOR tap-out. However, DOMINATOR has too much fight left in him, as he sends several punches to CENT 's head, trying to free himself from his clutches. Unfortunately for DOMINATOR, though, CENT turns the bear hug into a huge belly-to-belly suplex, which sends DOMINATOR almost halfway across the ring. Scrambling back to his feet, CENT jogs over and flips DOMINATOR onto his stomach and applies a tight ankle lock for another submission attempt. Having no luck, CENT falls victim to a mule kick from DOMINATOR, which sends him stumbling back into the corner. Struggling back to his feet, DOMINATOR throws some elbows and knees to make sure CENT is worn down before propping him up onto the top turnbuckle. Landing another forearm shot to CENT 's head, DOMINATOR locks him into the Fisherman position and then falls backwards into a devastating super fisherman buster. Knowing very well he could have the win, DOMINATOR covers the downed CENT. ...1...2... CENT is barely able to kick out, but nevertheless, DOMINATOR looks quite annoyed and gets back to his feet, where he complains to the ref. Unfortunately for him, this gives CENT proper time to get back to his feet and catch his breath once again. When DOMINATOR turns around, he notices CENT back on his feet, so he charges at him, only to be met by a hard spinebuster that knocks the wind out of both men. Neither man moving, the ref begins his 10 count. At about the seven count, CENT is able to find his way back to his feet, allowing him to roll back inside and break the count. DOMINATOR isn't too far behind him and after a moment of each man pacing around the ring, DOMINATOR is the first to attack; sending a series of punches and forearms to CENT. Seemingly, the flurry looks weak and worn down and doesn’t have much effect behind them, as CENT manages to take them, hardly being fazed, his intensity shining through. As DOMINATOR rears back to try for one last punch, CENT is able to counter and use his strength to pull DOMINATOR into him and up onto his shoulders in fireman's carry position. After pacing around the ring with DOMINATOR on his shoulders, CENT landed his Death Valley Driver. He rolls over onto DOMINATOR... ...1...2...THREE!

SAVIOR immediately comes out and CENT starts this one off with a side headlock takedown. SAVIOR is quick to his feet only to walk into a snapmare. After this, CENT pulls SAVIOR to his feet, shoves him into the ropes and launches him to the other end of the ring. When SAVIOR comes running back, he's taking out and down by a monstrous clothesline. For a quick moment, CENT soaks up the cheers from the crowd before going back to work on his opponent with a dragon sleeper. SAVIOR fights to stay in the game as he reaches for the ropes which he eventually gets a hold of, forcing CENT to break the maneuver. While SAVIOR sits, facing the corner of the ring, in hopes to catch a few breaths and recollect himself, CENT dashes to the opposing corner and goes for a baseball slide, hoping to hit the base of SAVIOR's spine. Unfortunately, SAVIOR quickly moves, making CENT slide into the corner post. In a panic to stop the slide, CENT ends up grinding his knees into the post rather an his feet. SAVIOR hooks his arm around CENT 's head, dragging him out of the corner and to his feet. Still having CENT in a headlock, he immediately goes for a DDT. Following the DDT, SAVIOR pulls CENT up for a superplex. After this, he decides to work on the knee CENT had rammed into the post earlier with several kicks. He grabs CENT 's foot, flipping CENT onto his stomach in the process. He then lifts up his leg to ram his knee into the mat several times, each time making CENT cringe in pain. After receiving a chorus of boos from the crowd, SAVIOR grabs both of CENT 's legs, flips him back over and applies a sharpshooter. CENT writhes in pain and yells out, but not submitting. Slowly, he begins to inch towards the ropes, dragging SAVIOR with him ever so slowly but SAVIOR manages to pull him back away from the edges of the ring. This doesn't deter CENT, though, as the fans cheer him on eventually allowing him to get to the ropes and cling to them. Hesitantly, SAVIOR releases the hold and rises to his feet. CENT goes straight to nursing his knee before SAVIOR yanks him to his feet by his hair. With the two face to face, CENT locks his hands behind SAVIOR 's head, going for his move Sweet Dreams, an inverted lung buster. With them both now laying on the mat, SAVIOR gasps desperately for air and CENT hurries to his feet, limping a little. He waits patiently as SAVIOR gets to his feet and walks blindly into a Fall of Rome, causing him to drop flat onto the mat, giving CENT the perfect opportunity to pin him, and he does! ...1...2...THREE!


The announcer’s voice fills the arena.

ANNOUNCER: The following match has been changed. Due to SHAWN HUNT dropping out, and TONY CAPRETTI and AMY VIXEN breaking the new Lateness policy, This match will be a SUDDEN DEATH Tag team match, with the winners taking on SHADOW and MR. AMAZING later tonight..


- - Tag Turmoil Qualifier - -

THE OUTSIDER STONE and MASTERMIND start out in the ring. THE OUTSIDER STONE drops MASTERMIND quickly with a nice dropkick as the bell rings. THE OUTSIDER STONE stands back up as MASTERMIND gets to his feet quickly too. THE OUTSIDER locks up with MASTERMIND and spins to his back and suplexes him. MASTERMIND gets up looking very frustrated. MISTER 518 tags himself in as THE OUTSIDER taunts him. MISTER 518 swings but misses and THE OUTSIDER STONE hits a reverse DDT’s him into the mat. THE OUTSIDER STONE gets up and tags in TWILIGHT ROGUE who immediately goes to the top rope and cross body blocks MISTER 518, she holds on for the pin 1…2.. MASTERMIND gets into the ring and pulls up TWILIGHT ROGUE by the hair. MASTERMIND sidewalk slams her, but THE OUTSIDER STONE hits the ring quickly and spears MASTERMIND out of the ring as he follows. MISTER 518 suplexes TWILIGHT ROGUE hard to the mat. MISTER 518 lifts up TWILIGHT ROGUE but she jaw breakers him hard, and THE OUTSIDER STONE pulls the top rope which makes MISTER 518 topple to the outside of the ring. TWILIGHT ROGUE bounces off of the ropes and then jumps over the ropes on the opposite side to splash onto of MASTERMIND and MISTER 518 who are standing next to each other. THE OUTSIDER STONE gets up on the apron and waits for them to get back up. They stand and THE OUTSIDER STONE runs and double clotheslines them both back down to the ground. THE OUTSIDER STONE goes back to his corner as TWILIGHT ROGUE slides back into the ring to tag him in. THE OUTSIDER looks at his imaginary watch as MISTER 518 slides back into the ring. MISTER 518 drops THE OUTSIDER STONE with a right hand that catches THE OUTSIDER off guard. MISTER 518 leg drops THE OUTSIDER STONE and then covers him 1… THE OUTSIDER STONE kicks out quickly. MISTER 518 tosses THE OUTSIDER STONE into the corner of the ring. MISTER 518 charges THE OUTSIDER STONE, but he gets his two feet up into MISTER 518’s face. MISTER 518 staggers back and turns around, THE OUTSIDER STONE gets up to the top rope quickly, jumps off and flying bulldogs MISTER 518 to the ground. THE OUTSIDER STONE pins. 1…2.. MASTERMIND breaks up the pin again bring TWILIGHT ROGUE back into the ring she jumps up and hurricanranas MASTERMIND! TWILIGHT ROGUE is on fire! She quickly gets up onto the top rope and hits a flying neckbreaker on MASTERMIND! MISTER 518 hits TWILIGHT ROGUE from behind! MASTERMIND chokeslams her hard! THE OUTSIDER STONE super kicks MASTERMIND hard. MISTER 518 forearms THE OUTSIDER in the back of the head sending him down to all fours! MISTER 518 kicks THE OUTSIDER STONE in the rib cage! TWILIGHT ROGUE sneaks up behind MISTER 518, he turns around TWILIGHT ZONE! He staggers back just a little, THE OUTSIDER STONE is on one knee. He jumps up and grabs MISTER 518, SUDDEN IMPACT! THE OUTSIDER STONE pins. 1… 2… THREE!!! They are moving on into the finals!!


The scene cuts to the roof of the Arena Joondalup in Perth Australia. Near the edge of the Roof you see MIKE RABOIN putting FAMINE OF THE VILE into a casket. TWILIGHT hands him a nail gun as he begins to nail the lid of the coffin shut. TWILIGHT takes the nail gun and watches MIKE back as he looks around. You can hear banging and screaming form the coffin as FAMINE is regaining consciences MIKE looks down and begins to speak to the coffin.

RABOIN: You thought you were smart FAMINE last week didn’t ya? You thought you could have one up over me for attacking TWILIGHT and trying to bury her alive? You think I wouldn’t get my revenge? You think I wouldn’t come after you like I promised? I told you if you hurt her you were a dead man, now look at you. Locked and nailed shut into a coffin. Do you even know where you are? Do you hear the wind? You are going to pay for putting my girl in a coffin. You are going to pay for putting her under sand. I warned you. I told you not to do it, so FAMINE, goodbye and good Riddance. Your days of bullying over the roster are over.

MIKE RABOIN kicks the coffin SENDING IT OFF THE ROOF OF THE ARENA. RABOIN salutes the coffin as TWILIGHT walks over to him. The Coffin is falling in the air flying to the ground. All of a sudden a tour bus drives around the corner right under the coffin. THE COFFIN CRASHES THROUGH THE TOUR BUS! TWILIGHT hugs MIKE. MIKE just looks down at the shattered bus roof with a sadistic smirk on his face. He looks over and kisses her forehead as they walk back to the roof entrance.



The X-Tron lights up to a previously recorder segment on a stage set.

STEVE SAYORS: Welcome everyone to my sit down interview with Former XWF United States and Tag Team Champion SEAN GRAVES. For those of you who don't know, SEAN GRAVES' career in XWF has been one of... interest. He's been a part of the company on and off for almost 3 years. He's gone through a number of ordeals all while in the XWF spotlight. And now, after months of seemingly disappearing, SEAN GRAVES has agreed to once again stand in front of an XWF camera and talk exclusively to me. SEAN, thank you for agreeing to do this.

The camera cuts over to an obviously pissed SEAN GRAVES.

SEAN GRAVES: I agreed to an interview. The management's obviously ticked at me for numerous reasons and thought he would get a kick out of sticking me with you. Funny... Funny...

STEVE SAYORS: I see you still have the same love for me you've always had SEAN. It's nice to know you haven't changed a bit.

SEAN GRAVES: What's that suppose to mean SAYORS? You think I'm still that guy whose mind was so messed up, he had to create multiple personalities for himself, alternate realities to live in and make up powers he knew he didn't have and didn't exist?

STEVE SAYORS: Well... Yeah.

SEAN GRAVES: News Flash SAYORS, I'm not. Whether you want to believe it or not, my time away from XWF has actually allowed me to live a normal and much more successful life. I don't have to worry about twin brothers coming back to kill me. I don't have to worrying about XWF's Golden Boy STEVE JASON over shadowing me with his good looks and charm to sweep the only woman I cared about off her feet. And most importantly, I don't have to deal with people like you and the XWF management judging me every second of every day.

STEVE SAYORS: But SEAN... This interview is supposed to be about your return to XWF. Remember?

SEAN GRAVES: Of course I remember. I'm the one who set this all up. I just don't want you to think I'm still that weak pathetic SEAN GRAVES you all got a kick out of humiliating week in and week out.

STEVE SAYORS: Well why don't you inform the people exactly what's been going on with you SEAN. Help us to understand who you are now compared to who you were then.

SEAN GRAVES: You know SAYORS... I really don't like your tone... So guess what? This interview is OVER.

STEVE SAYORS: I figured you would pull something like this. Alright guys... Let's wrap it up.

SEAN GRAVES: What in the hell do you think you're doing? I said this interview was over. I didn't say I was done. I just don't need you around cramping my style.

SEAN GRAVES grabs SAYORS by the throat and tosses him off camera. SEAN goes off camera as well and you can hear quite a bit of wrestling and SAYORS yelling for SEAN to stop. There is then a loud THUMP and then silence. SEAN returns to view, dusting himself off. He takes his seat and has the camera turned to him so he's the center of attention.

SEAN GRAVES: Now that I've cleaned up that mess, I can have a real conversation with you people. I'm sure you all are wondering why I've been gone for so long and why I've chosen now to come back. Since my time away from XWF, I've had more than enough time to think and reflect on my time in XWF. And one person to help me realize how I wasted my career away was JONATHYN BROWN. I read the interviews where he talked about how I couldn't handle the pressure of a huge company like XWF and when I didn't get my way, I ran to the first promotion with no talent to make a name for myself. Truth is... He's right. I did run. I did cop out. I couldn't handle the pressures of XWF and the success that came with it. At one time, I could. But then I left the business and came back and everything changed. I didn't know how to keep up and by not being able to... I ran. There. Truth is out there. SEAN GRAVES couldn't cut it in XWF... At one time he couldn't. But now, everything's changed. See... You people look at me and probably think I'm saying the same ol' BS that I did back in the day and tomorrow I'll be bitching and moaning about not having my way. Well that's all behind me. For once... I realize that I'm going to have to bust my ass in XWF if I want things the way I want them. Was I up for it then? Hell no. But now... Now I'm up for anything the XWF suits throw at me. And that's why March 17th is a day you all should remember clearly because that will be the day that darkness once again falls upon XWF. That's right. I'll be making my in ring return at the next XWF House Show. And the beauty of this match and the one thing that shocked me about all of it... FRAN DAMAGE has actually allowed me to pick my opponent for the match. Shocking I know. But this whole interview thing got me thinking a little bit... Why should I wait until the House Show before I back in an XWF ring? I should be talking to you people face to face in the middle of the ring and interviewing the superstars you all want to know more about. And guess what? That's exactly what I'm going to do. Next week on Massacre, I will be back in the middle of that ring and I will be conducting my own style of interviewing... Let's just call it... The Dark Side. And my first guest... None other than the XWF World Champion HARDCORE SMITTY. And trust me... This will be an interview you don't want to miss. So XWF... There's only one thing left to say... Darkness is back!

The camera pulls back as SEAN walks away, showing STEVE SAYORS’ legs sticking out of a trashcan, wiggling helplessly.


- - Steel Cage Ladder Match - -

KILLJOY and PIERCE start wailing away at each other. Both giving alternating punches across the other’s face. KILLJOY gets the advantage and then punches PIERCE up against the ropes. KILLJOY then grabs PIERCE by the hair and ramps his head into the steel cage a couple of times before he goes to throw PIERCE into the ropes, but PIERCE reverses and throws KILLJOY instead. KILLJOY bounces back with a shoulder block knocking PIERCE down to the mat. KILLJOY then goes to bounce off the ropes again. Thinking KILLJOY will jump over him, PIERCE rolls over on his back, but KILLJOY instead hits an elbow drop across PIERCE’s back. KILLJOY then stands back up and hits another elbow drop across PIERCE’s back. With PIERCE down, KILLJOY quickly grabs the ladder and sets it up right under the title. KILLJOY wastes no time hurrying up the ladder, but PIERCE is back to his feet as well and he quickly pulls KILLJOY down and goes to climb up himself. KILLJOY starts delivering shots to PIERCE’s back. KILLJOY then grabs him and slams him back down to the mat hard. KILLJOY then picks PIERCE up and forcefully throws him into a corner. PIERCE’s back hits the turnbuckle so hard, when he connects with it, he collapses almost instantly. KILLJOY then goes over to PIERCE with a cocky grin on his face. KILLJOY picks PIERCE up by the hair and then gives him knife-edge chops in the corner. He connects with about five or six before he forcefully throws PIERCE into the opposite corner and again, PIERCE falls to the mat on impact. PIERCE climbs to his hands and knees, but KILLJOY runs over and kicks him across the face. KILLJOY picks PIERCE up and then executes a snaps suplex continuing to work over his back. Feeling PIERCE is done, KILLJOY sets the ladder back up and begins his climb for the title. PIERCE scrambles back up to his feet and seeing how close KILLJOY is to the title, PIERCE bounces off the ropes and dropkicks the ladder, sending KILLJOY flying off the ladder and face first into the steel siding of the cage. KILLJOY goes down hard and PIERCE staggers over to the ladder to set it back up. Holding his back, PIERCE starts climbing the ladder slowly. KILLJOY makes it up to his feet after a while and staggers over to PIERCE. He stands beside the ladder and gives it a push, but PIERCE jumps off before it crashes down to the mat. KILLJOY grabs PIERCE’s arm and then goes to throw him into the ropes, but PIERCE reverses, grabs KILLJOY and applies an arm wrench. KILLJOY struggles for a little while, but then uses his strength to back PIERCE into the corner hard, hurting his back more. PIERCE loosens the grip and then KILLJOY goes to work on PIERCE with consecutive punches. After connecting with 9 punches, KILLJOY does one of his taunts to PIERCE, but PIERCE grabs KILLJOY and puts him in the corner and starts wailing with punches of his own. After 10 consecutive punches, PIERCE throws KILLJOY into the opposite corner and then follows it up with a clothesline. PIERCE grabs KILLJOY’s arm again and throws him into the opposite corner and again follows up with a clothesline. PIERCE then back off and gives KILLJOY a little room to fall down face first. With KILLJOY down, PIERCE sets the ladder back up and starts his ascent towards victory. KILLJOY stands back up as well and climbs the opposite side of the ladder. The two men meet at the top of the ladder and start punching each other back and forth. KILLJOY grabs PIERCE’s hair and sends them both flying off the top of the ladder with a face buster. PIERCE is out and KILLJOY is down as well. It’s a moment before either man starts moving. Soon both men are at a vertical base at the same time. KILLJOY has his back to PIERCE and when he turns around, PIERCE hits him with a punch to the face. PIERCE punches him continuously trying to knock him down, but nothing seem to be working and KILLJOY remains standing dazed. PIERCE then bounces off the ropes and hits KILLJOY with a diving shoulder block. PIERCE stands to his feet and drives a forearm into KILLJOY’s chest. Now PIERCE standing. PIERCE grabs the ladder and waits poised in a corner and waits for KILLJOY to stand back up. KILLJOY staggers to his feet and when he turns in PIERCE’s direction, PIERCE runs at him with the ladder and smashes it right into KILLJOY’s face. KILLJOY goes down hard and PIERCE immediately mounts KILLJOY and begins punching. KILLJOY somehow rolls over and starts punching away at PIERCE now. KILLJOY then stands up to his feet, staggering and with blood now coming down his face. KILLJOY picks PIERCE up by the hair and then executes a jumping DDT on PIERCE, right onto the ladder, busting PIERCE open. That move takes everything out of KILLJOY as he falls to his knees. It takes him a moment to catch his breath and when he does, he picks the ladder up and sets it up under the title. KILLJOY slowly starts climbing towards the title. PIERCE is still out cold from the DDT and not moving. KILLJOY is within arms reach of the title, but suddenly, PIERCE kicks the ladder hard enough for it to shake KILLJOY off. KILLJOY falls right into the ropes, snapping his head back. Both PIERCE and KILLJOY are down again, both men bleeding over the mat. PIERCE makes it back up to his feet first, with KILLJOY right behind him. They both stare at each other with blood in their eyes, weak and barely able to stand. They look up above their head at the title and the ladder that’s standing right under it. Both men pick a side and start climbing up the ladder at the same time. KILLJOY reaches for the belt, but PIERCE reaches ABOVE the belt! What is he doing? KILLJOY gets his hands on the bet, but PIERCE rakes his eyes, causing KILLJOY to lean back and grab his face in pain! PIERCE reaches up and grabs the chain that the belt is hanging from, and he pulls on it, getting as much slack as he can. He unhooks the belt and removes it, but then WRAPS THE CHAIN AROUND KILLJOY’S NECK!! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING? KILLJOY grabs the chain, but it's too late! BRAD leaps off the ladder with the belt and KICKS THE LADDER OUT FROM UNDER KILLJOY! NO!!


KILLJOY IS DANGLING FROM THAT CHAIN BY HIS NECK!! BRAD looks up at him with a sadistic smile as KILLJOY literally hangs on for dear life! The fans are creaming as their favorite funnyman is hanging by his neck above the ring!! Officials run down to help him as BRAD holds the Cruiserweight title high above his head and parades around the cage before leaving through the door the officials just opened to help KILLJOY!


In the back, the camera picks up OUTSIDER STONE and SMITTY dragging BRYAN SENTRICK’S body down the hall way. The camera follows closely to see where they are all going.

OUTSIDER STONE: I’ve got it all set up in here! SENTRICK’S days of spreading the cancer are over!

SMITTY: I wonder if we will be first wrestlers to cure someone of cancer.

SMITTY opens the door to the dark room as OUTSIDER STONE drags SENTRICK in. The light switch comes on showing the OUTSIDER Stone placing SENTRICK in a metal chair. SMITTY grabs some ropes and ties SENTRICK securely to the chair.

OUTSIDER STONE: It’s time to cure you!

OUTSIDER STONE pulls off some black sheets revealing two huge X-ray machines.

OUTSIDER STONE: I’ve seen this done a hundred times on documentaries!

SMITTY: Where in the hell did you get those X-Ray Machines?

OUTSIDER STONE: E-BAY! It’s got everything, oh don’t you worry I got you something nice too! Now if my calculations were right all I have to do is leave these X-ray machines on pointed directly at the point of cancer for 5 to 120 minutes.

SMITTY: Where’s the source of the cancer?

OUTSIDER STONE: That’s the tricky part, I don’t really know. So to be on the safe side I plan on just aiming for his whole body.

SMITTY: Yeah, that would be for the best I guess, you wouldn’t want to miss the cancer.

OUTSIDER STONE: Exactly. Ok let’s get this done! Put this on.

OUTSIDER STONE takes out two large lead body suits for STONE and SMITTY to put on.

OUTSIDER STONE: Safety first my good man!

SMITTY: Let’s get this started.

OUTSIDER STONE and SMITTY duck behind this large barricade with SMITTY holing a device with a large red button.

SMITTY: Fire in the hole!

SMITTY pushes the button and the room lights up to the point that all you can see is whiteness.

OUTSIDER STONE: You think he’s cured yet?

SMITTY: We better give it a bit more time! Really let the radiation set in!

OUTSIDER STONE: Good point, I’m sorry I even asked.

Another minute passes and SMITTY finally stops the X-Rays. SMITTY and OUTSIDER STONE come out from behind the barrier and take off their lead suits. The camera zooms in on SENTRICK who is red as an apple.

SMITTY: SENTRICK! How do you feel?

SMITTY pokes SENTRICK a bit but he’s not moving.

OUTSIDER STONE: You think we should do it again?

SMITTY: I think he’s dead! We better call someone!

OUTSIDER STONE: You think they have 911 in Australia?

SMITTY pokes SENTRICK one more time.

SMITTY: I hope so!

THE OUTSIDER STONE runs out the door looking for a phone but thank god he sees some paramedics. OUTSIDER STONE runs over to them signaling for them to come quick. They all rush into the room.

PARAMEDIC: What the hell happened here?

SMITTY: He was like this when we got here.

OUTSIDER STONE: I think he just kind of fell into that chair and the rope got tangled around him and somehow he hit that big red button over that turns on those two huge X-ray machines.

PARAMEDIC: He must be suffering from radiation poisoning.

The PARAMEDICS bring in a stretcher and get SENTRICK up onto it. They start to wheel SENTRICK away as STONE and SMITTY just watch.

OUTSIDER STONE: You think he will still have cancer, doc?

PARAMEDIC: CANCER? Well if he didn’t have it before he has it now!

The camera fades to black as the PARAMEDICS wheel SENTRICK off to the hospital.

It’s time for the X-Treme title match, and ZACH RIZZA is already in the ring when “HB” begins to flash on the X-Tron.. The crowd looks to the ramp, and THERE HE IS!!

HELMUT BLOK walks out and down the ramp pointing at RIZZA the whole way down. RIZZA is foaming at the mouth as he stands in his corner. HELMUT BLOK stands on the outside of the ring as “Remember the Name” By Fort Minor begins to play in the stadium. MIKE RABOIN walks out wearing the X-Treme Title as the crowd begins to cheer. RABOIN finally makes his way into the ring, where he immediately begins taunting RIZZA. Having had enough, RIZZA springs forward, laying a haymaker right across RABOIN's face. The match is ON!


- - Guest Referee: HELMUT BLOK - -

RIZZA wastes no time, grabbing hold of RABOIN's wrist and sending him across the ring with an Irish whip. Bending forward, RIZZA awaits RABOIN's return, preparing for a back drop. However, RABOIN manages to counter the attempt, lifting a stiff foot into RIZZA's upper chest. A loud crack is heard as RIZZA stumbles away, nursing his aching pec. Quickly moving into position, RABOIN grabs RIZZA from behind, placing his head under RIZZA's left arm. Soon lifting RIZZA up into the air, RABOIN successfully hits a belly to back suplex, going so far as to bridge for the pin. 1.. 2. KICKOUT!!! That was a quick pin by HELMUT trying to make MIKE RABOIN screw over ZACH quickly in this match.

Both men reach their feet at about the same time, locking right up. RABOIN manages to come out on top, applying a side headlock on his opponent. However, following a few well-placed elbows to RABOIN's body, RIZZA is able to heave RABOIN off of him, sending him into the ropes. Following just behind RABOIN, RIZZA soon clotheslines RABOIN out of the ring. With the fans cheering wildly, RIZZA drops down to ringside. There, he lays a few vicious boots into his RABOIN's leg, preventing him from standing. Forcing RABOIN up to his feet, RIZZA whips him into the steel ring steps. RABOIN's back arches as he smashes into the steps full force. RIZZA smiles widely, taking in the support of the audience. RIZZA goes under the ring and pulls out an assortment of weapons such as bats, chairs and a steel chain. RIZZA spins the chain around for a moment before whipping it against RABOIN’s leg, causing RABOIN to cry out in pain. RIZZA whips RABOIN with the chain again as RABOIN tries desperately to crawl away from the shots. RIZZA climbs over RABOIN’s back and wraps the chain around RABOIN’s neck, choking the life out of him. RABOIN struggles to fight back, but to no avail. Just when he appears as though he is about to pass out, RIZZA releases the hold and RABOIN falls face first onto the floor. RIZZA rolls RABOIN back inside the ring, throwing a couple of the weapons in there as well. RABOIN lays on his back in the ring, RIZZA lays the chair across RABOIN’s chest before he climb out onto the apron, and then scales the turnbuckles. Atop the highest turnbuckle, RIZZA stares out at the audience, sending them into their loudest uproar of this match yet. RIZZA flips backwards, sailing through the air quite nicely for a man his size, in what appears to be an Asai moonsault -- one that doesn't exactly connect, that is. RABOIN rolls out the way and sends the chair into RIZZA’s face. RIZZA hits the mat hard and covers his face as he rolls around in pain. Having rolled out of the way just in time, RABOIN gets to his feet, anger written all over his face over RIZZA's treatment of him outside the ring. Taking hold of RIZZA's leg, RABOIN drags him to the center of the ring. From there, RABOIN proceeds to apply a STF, wrenching away at RIZZA's neck and back, using the steel chain for good measure. HELMUT BLOK checks in on RIZZA, asking if he gives up, but RIZZA refuses. Instead, he continues screaming and clawing at the mat, trying his best to crawl to the ropes. Nearing the ropes, RIZZA throws his arm out as far as he can manage, but falls just a little short. His hands held over his head, trying to block out the pain, RIZZA prepares himself for another attempt at escape. Mustering up all of his strength, RIZZA throws his body forward, this time managing to grab the ropes. HELMUT BLOK walks away ignoring RIZZA for as long as he can before he walks over and yells at RABOIN, demanding he break the hold, but RABOIN completely ignores him, keeping it locked well in place. Not willing to end the match so quickly, HELMUT tries to rip the chain from RABOIN -- and does. Annoyed RABOIN shoves the HELMUT, knocking him flat on his back. As if on speed, HELMUT BLOK leaps right back up, getting in RABOIN 's face. His attention back on RIZZA, RABOIN pulls him up on up to his feet. Whipping him across the ring, RABOIN soon lifts his leg into RIZZA's rebounding body, causing him to flip over and land on his back, via a kitchen sink. After dropping an elbow across RIZZA 's sternum, RABOIN points to the corner. Taking his sweet old time, RABOIN ascends the turnbuckles, parking himself up top. RABOIN sails through the air and successfully connects with his version of the shooting star leg drop. RIZZA ever-so-slowly climbs to his feet, turning around just in time to see RABOIN moving toward him at lightning speed. His foot snapping into the air, RABOIN thrusts a Big Boot directly at RIZZA 's jaw. And misses. Before RABOIN even has time to realize what has happened, RIZZA lifts him up onto his shoulders, A second later, RABOIN 's cranium is buried deep in the mat due to Impact Driver onto the steel chair placed right in the middle of the ring . RIZZA goes right for the cover. 1…… 2……… KICKOUT. That was a slow count by HELMUT. Just barely, RABOIN is able to kickout; the long count definitely helped him out. RIZZA gets up taunting the crowd. HELMUT walks over and pushes RIZZA. The two of them are finally going to square off. RIZZA pushes HELMUT back. Meanwhile, RABOIN uses the ropes to help him up to his feet. From there RABOIN surveys the situation, noticing that RIZZA 's back is to him -- and HELMUT is on the other side of him staring him down. The two of them are staring a hole into each other. Smirking, RABOIN picks up the steel chair and RIZZA gets pushed by HELMUT making RABOIN miss. RIZZA goes under the ring as RABOIN and HELMUT are arguing in the middle of the ring. RIZZA has now set up a ladder and a table while MIKE and HELMUT are arguing. RIZZA begins to taunt RABOIN who looks and sees him on the ladder. RIZZA climbs to the top as MIKE RABOIN runs and jumps climbing up after him. The two of them are going punch for punch on the top. RABOIN gives one huge uppercut making RIZZA teeter on the top of the ladder. RABOIN grabs him signaling for a HIGH IMPACT. Goes to lift him but RIZZA REVERSES IT INTO A RIZZATUDE ADJUSTMENT THROUGH THE TABLE!!! RIZZA has his arm over RABOIN but HELMUT yanks him up off him! WHAT? BOOM! Oh my god! HELMUT just clotheslined the hell out of RIZZA! Why? RABOIN is lying motionless in the table shards as HELMUT now swings away at the fallen RIZZA. HELMUT now gets up and stares at RIZZA, who looks very angry as he is up in the face of HELMUT BLOK, but all HELMUT does is point to his referee shirt. RIZZA knows he might be disqualified if he lays a hand on the ref. RABOIN comes in from behind and grabs RIZZA, locking him into an armbar, but RIZZA is able to dodge his way out of RABOIN’s clutches. Instead it’s RIZZA who gets the upper hand by executing a flip toss, which downs RABOIN to the mat. RABOIN stands up, a little surprised by the RIZZA’s quickness. He gazes towards RIZZA and runs at him with a spear attempt. RIZZA runs at RABOIN at the same time and they both hit each other hard, shoulder to shoulder. They are both down on the mat now.

HELMUT begins a ten count. 1…2…3… RIZZA tries to get to his feet as RABOIN begins to get to his as well but HELMUT kicks RIZZA down. RIZZA is furious as the count continues. 4… HELMUT stops as he sees that RABOIN is now on his feet. RABOIN is able to take the lead and the advantage. He quickly picks RIZZA up and hits a side slam. RABOIN however doesn’t go for the early pin fall attempt; instead he scoops up his opponent and lays him across his knees. RABOIN hits three rib breakers before dropping his opponent. RIZZA falls back to the mat as RABOIN covers him, hooking a leg. ONE.. TWO… RIZZA kicks out from the quick count and gets into HELMUT’s face again. RABOIN remains focused and goes behind RIZZA hitting a back body drop and bounces off the canvas in a bad way, but amazingly RIZZA tries to get to his feet. In doing so, he leaves himself vulnerable to a RABOIN bear hug. RABOIN is able to lock it in REAL tight. He squeezes away on RIZZA’s back. Slowly RIZZA takes as much energy as possible and begins to power his way out of the bear hug. He’s almost out when RABOIN decides to lift RIZZA up into the Torture Rack. Somehow RIZZA is able to slither out of RABOIN’s grasp. On RIZZA’s way down, he grabs for RABOIN’s head and snaps it forwards. RABOIN now hits the canvas and RIZZA rolls him over for the cover. ONE……. TWO… RABOIN doesn’t bother to exert much energy as he’s able to roll the shoulder with ease due to the extremely slow count by HELMUT BLOK. RABOIN punches RIZZA in the jaw, before getting back up. RABOIN now gets to his feet and proceeds to whip RIZZA across the ring. RIZZA’s back hits the ropes with a good enough impact to make him keel over. RABOIN grins as he begins to stalk his prey. He holds his hand up and waits for RIZZA to rise. RIZZA finally does slowly, with his back turned to RABOIN. Once he turns around, RABOIN chokes RIZZA’s neck, but RIZZA is able to kick away at RABOIN’s ankle. RABOIN lets go of the chokehold. Frustrated mostly, RABOIN rolls out of the ring to where the announcer’s table is. He grabs a chair from under the ring now.

RABOIN slides back into the ring but RIZZA waits for him. RIZZA gives RABOIN a clubbing blow to the chest area with only his fists. RABOIN seems to lose his air for a moment as he falls back against the ropes, still with steel chair in hand. RIZZA seizes the moment and nails RABOIN with a missile dropkick. RABOIN falls over the ropes, leaving the steel chair behind him back in the ring. RIZZA rolls under the bottom rope now as HELMUT begins a ten count. ONE…TWO… RIZZA picks RABOIN up by the body and breaks RABOIN over his knees, much like what RABOIN had done to him moments earlier. RABOIN is a bit in pain, but not very much so. He is able to get back up and slam RIZZA against the side of the ring post before rolling his challenger back into the ring at HELMUT’s count of seven. RABOIN rolls in after RIZZA and keeps stranglehold of the current advantage that he was able to muster up. RABOIN is able to punch RIZZA in the back repeatedly. Each time RIZZA screams all that much louder until he finally falls forward. RABOIN turns his opponent over and covers him. ONE.. TWO… Again RIZZA kicks out from the quick count, but RABOIN remembers the chair. He grabs it and HELMUT just stands back and watches. RABOIN plants the chair across RIZZA’s back once, but isn’t satisfied. He goes to roll RIZZA over, but RIZZA leap frogs back to his feet as the arena bursts into cheers for the challenger. RIZZA punches RABOIN right in the head, but it seemingly has no effect. Both men are now standing, RABOIN still with the chair. RABOIN swings it, but RIZZA ducks and spears RABOIN almost out of his shoes! RIZZA begins hitting a massive load of flying fists to RABOIN’s chest, neck and face. RABOIN tries his best to cover up, but to no avail. Finally HELMUT restores some order and backs RIZZA away from the Extreme Champion. RIZZA gets around HELMUT though and goes for another spear. Unfortunately this time, RABOIN gets the chair up and RIZZA spears the chair instead of his opponent!!! RIZZA’s forehead is shown to be busted open a tiny bit. A little bit of blood trickles down as RABOIN really grins now, having RIZZA right where he wants him. RABOIN chokes RIZZA’s neck again.

RABOIN hooks both of RIZZA’s legs, not taking any chances whatsoever of having him kick out, but he fails to keep his challenger’s shoulders to the mat as HELMUT starts the fall. ONE… TWO… RIZZA gets both shoulders up and seethes with anger toward RABOIN. RABOIN looks backwards and grabs the steel chair, but RIZZA quickly grabs the chair away and hits RABOIN in the ribs. The blood continues to come down his forehead, even more than it was seconds ago. As RIZZA steps back to take a deep breath, RABOIN climbs out of the ring once again and tosses one set of the steel steps into the ring. He then digs underneath the ring and comes up with an ice pick!

RABOIN also dislodges a table from underneath the ring and slides it under the bottom rope just as HELMUT starts to count. RABOIN was out there for over 20 seconds and HELMUT just started the count? RABOIN comes back into the ring at the count of three and walks toward RIZZA who is bleeding from the forehead and catching his breath. RIZZA quickly gets the jump on RABOIN and kicks him in the gut. He tosses RABOIN into the turnbuckle, RIZZA picks him up and places him on the top. BOOM! A modified Razor’s Edge off the top turnbuckle sends RABOIN crashing to the mat head first. RIZZA now slumps over and covers….ONE………………. TWO………………………. THR…NO! RABOIN is able to get out of the pin attempt. RIZZA seems to be really pissed off here as he picks RABOIN up and tosses him toward the ropes. RABOIN comes back and is met with a spinning heel kick right to the mouth causing him to bleed. Both men are down but RIZZA really seems to have his energy now. RIZZA runs toward the ropes and jumps off the second one, landing a beautiful moonsault. He goes for the cover again. ONE……………….What the hell is HELMUT doing? He stopped the count at one. This is completely unfair, RIZZA could have possibly won this match twice now and HELMUT is screwing him over. RIZZA gets up and tosses RABOIN to the outside and then gets in the face of HELMUT. RIZZA and HELMUT are now trash talking each other back and forth as RABOIN is on the outside and now has the ice pick in hand and puts it right to the leg of RIZZA. RIZZA’s leg is soon completely red as the blood is gushing out now. RABOIN then tosses the ice pick down and administers a pump handle slam. RIZZA hits the canvas and blood can be seen over it. RABOIN moves over to the table now and quickly sets it up before returning to RIZZA. He sets his challenger on to the table and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. RABOIN jumps off landing a picture perfect leg drop on his neck! RABOIN drags himself over to RIZZA and goes for the three count. ONE…TWO… RIZZA is able to somehow raise a shoulder up and put his hand to the heavens as the crowd is all beside itself, believing that RABOIN had the match easily won.

RABOIN slaps his hand against the ground as he angrily stands RIZZA on his feet. RABOIN hits the High Impact and goes for another pin fall. ONE… TWO… RIZZA somehow powers out once again. He begins to try and get to his feet, but again RABOIN is right on top of him, this time with punches to the gut. The wind seems to be taken out of RIZZA’s sails and this time RABOIN tosses his opponent back into the ring now. RABOIN picks his opponent up and puts him into a torture rack once again as RIZZA sees that the two of them are now in the corner and flips out of the rack, now standing on the apron. He grabs hold of RABOIN’s head by surprise and yanks it back over the turnbuckle padding. RIZZA then lets RABOIN go by downing RABOIN’s head right on top of the turnbuckle. RABOIN’s jaw hits it and more blood can now be seen dripping from RABOIN. RIZZA scales the turnbuckle and gets to the top rope. RABOIN turns around to see where RIZZA is. RABOIN runs to the corner but RIZZA jumps off hitting a hard dropkick right to the chest of RABOIN who falls back about three feet. They’re both down on the mat now as RIZZA crawls over slowly toward RABOIN and lays an arm over his shoulders.. ONE……. TWO……THR… RABOIN is able to kick out, using a lot of his leg strength to do so. RIZZA can’t believe it. Both men have gone back and forth and neither wants to call it quits. Suddenly RABOIN is up, so is RIZZA. RABOIN runs toward the ropes and hits a hard shoulder block. RIZZA is on his back as RABOIN picks him up now. ANOTHER High Impact! RABOIN slumps over RIZZA and goes for the cover but HELMUT shoves him off. He’s got a crazy look in his eyes. RABOIN just stands back and watches. HELMUT picks RIZZA up with a sadistic look on his face. What is he doing? NO! DON'T DO IT! BOOM! DRESDEN DRIVER ON THE CHAIR! RIZZA has got to be seriously hurt here folks. HELMUT stands there pleased with his handy work as RABOIN now covers.. ONE… TWO… .KICKOUT!!! HELMUT can’t get to three!!

Suddenly, the lights in the arena begin to flicker..




I thought he was dead after that fall he took!!

FAMINE: MIKE RABOIN! I’m sorry to tell you that your little plan backfired. I told you, I told everyone. You cannot stop me, and you cannot kill me. You think that you won, but you only won a battle. I won the war. You couldn’t get the job done and all you have to show for it is a title that I beat you for and gave back to you. You could never beat me and you never will. Our feud officially ends here and now. Remember for as long as you live, that FAMINE OF THE VILE is the one disease, you…. CAN’T…… CURE!!!!!

Suddenly, that red viscous fluid begins to fall on MIKE RABOIN, covering him in it. The lights flicker once again and FAMINE is now gone. RABOIN slips in the goo and falls on his back, his legs kicking HELMUT’s legs out from under him! With RABOIN down and HELMUT face down next to him, RIZZA dives on top of RABOIN and grabs HELMUT’s arm! He slaps his own three count with HELMUT’s hand! ONE.. TWO.. THREE!! RING HE BELL!! ZACH RIZZA WINS!!


HELMUT gets to his feet and calls for the match to start over, but RIZZA scrambles out of the ring and grabs the X-TREME title off the announcers’ table! He holds it high as the crowd cheers, but HELMUT is climbing to the top turnbuckle! With ZACH celebrating on the floor, HELMUT dives off the turnbuckle and spears RIZZA into the announcers’ table! He falls on top of him and slaps his hand down.. 1.. 2.. THREE!! He calls for the bell, but there’s no bell! HELMUT runs up the ramp with the X-Treme title in his hands!

DID HELMUT BLOK just win the X-Treme Title??


In the back, STEVE JASON is having a last minute discussion with ARCHANGEL.

STEVE: Hey, good luck tonight.

ARCHANGEL: You too, man. I just hope..

STEVE: What?

ARCHANGEL: I hope you’re gonna be okay. I mean, I was originally supposed to be out there as an enforcer in your match, and I..

STEVE: You did what you had to do. Don’t worry about me. If I lose tonight, it’s my fault, not yours. Same goes for you. Go out there and get that belt back.

ARCHANGEL: Yeah, I just.. Yeah.

ARCHANGEL walks away, feeling a bit uneasy about letting his friend down.


- - Tag Turmoil Finals - -

OUTSIDER STONE and MR. AMAZING start it off with a stare down by the two men. MR. AMAZING slaps the taste out of STONE and STONE spears down...STONE gets up and kicks AMAZING right in the back. STONE’s begging for JAMISON to get up, and he does. JAMISON looks in shock as he goes and takes a break on the ropes. STONE goes for a clothesline, but JAMISON DUCKS AND OUTSIDER STONE LANDS ON THE APRON, BUT HOLDS ON! JAMISON looks at STONE, grabs STONE and then BRINGS STONE BACK IN WITH A SUPLEX BACK OVER INTO THE RING AND THEN ROLLS OVER FOR A PIN! 1... 2.. TWILIGHT ROUGE BREAK UP THE PIN AND THEN GOES BACK! Outsider Stone gets up, goes for a clothesline, BUT JAMISON HITS A FISHERMAN’S SUPLEX INTO A PIN! 1...2....NO! JAMISON looks at the ref in shock as he gets up and starts arguing with the referee, without looking at OUTSIDER STONE who’s getting back up. Right after JAMISON turns around from a short argument with the referee, STONE CONNECTS WITH A HURRICANRANA! STONE makes the tag into TWILIGHT ROUGE, who goes to the top rope AND CONNECTS WITH A SENTON BOMB ONTO AMAZING! SHE GOES FOR THE PIN! 1....2...AMAZING KICKS OUT!

ROUGE brings AMAZING up off the mat and whips AMAZING into the corner. When ROUGE comes charging at AMAZING, TWILIGHT IS MET WITH A HUGE SUPERKICK TO THE JAW! AMAZING holds the rope for support and tags in SHADOW gets in, knocks STONE off the ramp and locks in a CAMEL CLUTCH type maneuver, putting pressure directly on ROGUE’s back. ROUGE, however, is too close to the ropes as she gets her foot on the bottom rope! SHADOW gets up and waits for ROUGE to get up on her feet and is met with one clothesline, she gets up again and REVERSES ANOTHER CLOTHESLINE WITH A FAJITA ARMBAR! BEFORE SHADOW COULD TAP OUT, JAMISON COMES IN AND BREAKS UP THE HOLD!

OUTSIDER STONE COMES IN AND JUMPS AMAZING AND TAKES HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE! STONE picks AMAZING up and connects with an INVERTED DDT! AMAZING’S BACK CRACKED AGAINST THE PADDING ON THE GROUND! STONE is about ready to go for a devastating heel lock, but AMAZING counters it sending STONE into the steel steps so hard that STONE flips over them and lands on his back holding his rib cage! On the inside, ROUGE whips SHADOW into the corner and charges BUT IS MET WITH A HUGE CHOKESLAM BY SHADOW! AMAZING gets on the apron and hits a FLYING CLOTHESLINE onto OUTSIDER STONE, who’s on the outside! AMAZING gets in to help SHADOW out. AMAZING holds up a lifeless ROUGE and HITS A RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX, AND ROUGE’S HEAD NEARLY SNAPPED IN HALF WITH THAT MOVE! AMAZING goes for the pin...1....2....SHADOW pulls him off of her and smiles as to say "We’re not done with her yet!" AMAZING gets into the corner and waits for TWILIGHT ROUGE to get up! JAMISON goes for a SUPERKICK, BUT ROUGE DUCKS AND HITS THE REFEREE, WHO GOES OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR! JAMISON looks over at the referee in shock, but then is met with a LOW BLOW by TWILIGHT ROUGE AND A HUGE BACK-CRACKER! STONE gets up sets SHADOW up for a SUDDEN IMPACT....BUT STONE HOLDS ONTO THE ROPES AND THEN HITS A HUGE CLOTHESLINE TO TWILIGHT ROUGE!





DEVASTATOR picks up the microphone and has a demand. He speaks over the boos of the crowd.

DEVASTATOR: MR. AMAZING... MR. AMAZING... Last week you took me out of the Battle Royal, destroying my chances of winning the World Title.. However, though you may have won the battle between us, the war is still being waged. So this Thursday night, I propose the DEVASTATOR versus MR. AMAZING in that very ring. So unless you are a coward, I will see you this Thursday.


- - Anarchy Finals - -

Before the match begins, DRAKE whispers in the ref’s ear that he would like to check both AIDAN and STEVE for any possible weapons. The ref has no problems with it and steps aside. DRAKE pats AIDAN down pretty quickly, giving him a thumbs up. He then goes to check STEVE and spends quite a bit of time checking his boots and tights and with his head down and back turned, AIDAN takes advantage and clothesline STEVE hard, sending him straight to the mat. DRAKE tells the ref to signal for the bell and the match is underway. AIDAN continues to stomp and kick away at STEVE’s chest while STEVE tries his best to cover up. STEVE is able to grab AIDAN’s foot and trip him up. This gives STEVE enough time to scramble out the ring and catch his breath. AIDAN is in the ring with a grin on his face as he looks over at DRAKE who is also grinning. STEVE notices this and keeps a close eye on both of them. The ref is starting his count on STEVE and once he reaches 5, STEVE slowly slides into the ring and cautiously climbs up to his feet. AIDAN moves in quickly and the two lock up. STEVE overpowers AIDAN and is able to put him in a headlock. AIDAN pushes him off and into the ropes. When STEVE goes to bounce off the ropes, DRAKE hits him square in the back, sending STEVE stumbling into the arms of AIDAN who hits him with a belly to back overhead suplex. STEVE crashes hard and AIDAN immediately goes for the cover, but is only able to get a 2 count. AIDAN picks STEVE up and starts chopping away at his chest, beating him back into the corner. Once STEVE is trapped in the corner, AIDAN continues to chop and punch away at him. STEVE is completely helpless and can barely protect himself. Seeing this, the ref gets in between AIDAN and STEVE, pushing AIDAN away. With his back turned though, DRAKE climbs the apron and executes a number of attacks on STEVE himself. Just as the ref turns around, DRAKE jumps off the apron and walks away as if he did nothing wrong. AIDAN grabs the out of it STEVE and smacks him across the face to have him snap out of it. AIDAN is right in STEVE’s face screaming for him to fight back. Without warning, STEVE punches AIDAN across the face and starts gaining the advantage over his opponent, but that is soon interrupted after a knee to the gut. AIDAN grabs STEVE and hits an earth shattering suplex. AIDAN immediately rolls over to cover STEVE, but again only gets the two. Frustrated AIDAN picks STEVE up again and again hits a snap suplex. He goes for the pin again and again, STEVE somehow manages to kick out. AIDAN punches the mat a couple of times before picking STEVE and with a head full of hair, he tosses him over the top rope to the outside. STEVE land right at the feet of DRAKE. The ref tries to keep AIDAN in the ring and this give DRAKE enough time to whip STEVE into the ring post shoulder first. He then picks STEVE up and whips him into the post once more before sliding back into the ring. STEVE’s body had taken a massive beating and AIDAN is loving it. AIDAN picks him up, smacks him across the face a couple of times before whipping him into the ropes and connecting with a clothesline. STEVE crashes to the mat and just lies there. AIDAN continues to grin and puts a foot over STEVE’s chest. The ref drops to make the count and only makes a very close 3 count. AIDAN walks over to the corner and just sits back as he waits for STEVE to scramble to his feet. STEVE crawls over to the opposite corner, struggling to make it to his feet and the moment he does, AIDAN comes rushing at him full steam for a splash. STEVE moves out the way just in time for AIDAN to meet the ring post headfirst. AIDAN goes down for the first time in the match and this is the moment STEVE needs to get back in this. AIDAN is down covering his head and DRAKE is yelling for him to get back up to his feet. STEVE is on his hands and knees, trying to take advantage. When it seems as though STEVE will make it up to his feet first, DRAKE climbs up to the apron to get the ref’s attention. The ref struggles to get DRAKE off the apron, but DRAKE isn’t budging.

All of a sudden, DYNAMIC DYNAMITE comes running down to the ring, grabs STEVE’s feet and pulls him out of the ring. STEVE tries to fight back, but DYNAMITE overpowers him and executes his X-RATED on the outside!! STEVE is out cold and DYNAMITE rolls him back into the ring before running back up the ramp.

DRAKE finally jumps off the apron and the ref turns around in time to see AIDAN walk over to the unconscious STEVE and watch him execute The Cool Down! That’s the final nail in STEVE’s coffin as AIDAN covers his opponent and the ref makes the 1.. 2…THREE!!!


The match is over, but it doesn't look like the members of TRUTH UNTIL DEATH are done! DRAKE KOMODO slides into the ring alongside AIDAN COLLINS and reaches into his jeans pocket... And pulls out an electric shaver? AIDAN lays into STEVE JASON with some stiff shots, and it's obvious that JASON is nearly out of it. The fans boo loudly as AIDAN finishes beating JASON into the ground, and pull him up into a sitting position. AIDAN holds STEVE straight while DRAKE takes the shaver... And cuts one of STEVE JASON's eyebrows clean off! The crowd continues to berate TRUTH UNTIL DEATH as they embarrass the hometown hero!! DRAKE reaches down and shaves the second eyebrow off as AIDAN continues to laugh loudly. Finally, they let JASON slump to the ground and stomp into him a little more for good measure. The pair leave the ring to massive boos but in all, it was a tremendous victory for TRUTH UNTIL DEATH.

AIDAN COLLINS moves forward in the OPERATION:TAKEOVER tournament, with help from the man he’s going to face! But did DYNAMITE do what he did in an effort to eliminate the stronger man?


- - Standard Match - -

SMITTY and ARCHANGEL are standing nose to nose in the center of the center. The two men exchange a few words before the ref pushing them apart the signals for the bell. SMITTY quickly nails a clothesline taking ARCHANGEL down to the mat. SMITTY then grabs ARCHANGEL by the head and goes to lift him up but is punched in the gut causing him to double over. ARCHANGEL then bounces off the rope and hit a running knee lift knocking SMITTY down to the mat. ARCHANGEL then grabs SMITTY and goes to lock in a STO but SMITTY manages to grab the bottom rope. ARCHANGEL let’s go and SMITTY slides to the outside. SMITTY taunts ARCHANGEL by pointing and shaking his finger. SMITTY then quickly slides back in the ring and is met by ARCHANGEL stomping him in the back. ARCHANGEL then lifts him to his feet and whips SMITTY across the ring into the far corner and follows him in very a huge splash. ARCHANGEL steps back and SMITTY collapses to the mat. ARCHANGEL then goes the pick SMITTY up again but SMITTY racks his eyes. ARCHANGEL grabs his face and stumbles back as SMITTY climbs back to his feet. SMITTY then bounces off the ropes and nails ARCHANGEL with a powerful clothesline. SMITTY then bounces off the other ropes and nails a knee drop to ARCHANGEL’s forehead. SMITTY grabs ARCHANGEL and hits a DDT and flows over into the pin ONE…TWO…Kickout. SMITTY quickly gets to his feet and kicks ARCHANGEL in the gut then picks him up again. He then whips ARCHANGEL into the ropes and nails a hard Spine buster slam. SMITTY gets to his feet and plays to the crowd a little before grabbing ARCHANGEL and lifting him up. SMITTY grabs him by the arm and goes to whip him across the ring but it’s reversed and he is sent chest first into the turnbuckle. As SMITTY stumbles backwards out of the corner ARCHANGEL grabs him by the head and hits a reverse DDT. ARCHANGEL gets back to his feet and grabs SMITTY by the leg and starts kicking away at his knee. SMITTY starts screaming out in pain as ARCHANGEL continues to kick away. He then stops and grabs SMITTY’s other legs and catapults SMITTY face first into the corner. ARCHANGEL then picks SMITTY up by the head. ARCHANGEL lifts him up into a stalling Brain buster and slams him down and goes for the pin. One… Two… Kickout. ARCHANGEL Gets back to his feet and picks SMITTY up again. He then whips SMITTY across the ring into the ropes. Upon returning ARCHANGEL goes for the clothesline but SMITTY ducks and bounces off the ropes and hits a cross body block. SMITTY quickly locks in a rear naked choke. ARCHANGEL starts gasping for air and trying to getting SMITTY off his back. ARCHANGEL’s face is starting to turn a deep red but he still refuses to quit and with a surge of strength manages to grab the ropes causing SMITTY to break the hold. SMITTY backs off and ARCHANGEL slowly pulls himself to his feet just in time to get nailed by SMITTY sending both men flipping over the ropes and landing hard on the floor. One…. the ref starts counting. Two…. both men still laying on the ground in pain. Three… SMITTY starts to move. Four… SMITTY manages to pull himself to his feet using the railing. Five… SMITTY grabs ARCHANGEL up off the ground and whips him into the ring post. Six… he then picks ARCHANGEL up off the floor and rolls him into the ring. Seven… SMITTY slides in to the ring stopping the count. SMITTY taunts ARCHANGEL while he circles him. SMITTY reaches down towards ARCHANGEL but gets caught in a small package. One… Two… Thr.. NO!! SMITTY just manages to kickout. The two men then scramble to get to their feet. ARCHANGEL is first up and he quickly grabs SMITTY and sends him into the far corner. ARCHANGEL then walks over to SMITTY and lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle. ARCHANGEL steps up and grabs SMITTY setting him up for a huge Superplex but SMITTY starts punching him in the gut. ARCHANGEL fires back but SMITTY dodges it and manages to trap ARCHANGEL across his shoulders. SMITTY stands up with ARCHANGEL struggling desperately to get free but it’s too late! SMITTY twists and nails the SMITTY632!! SMITTY quickly covers ARCHANGEL for the pin. ONE…TWO…THREE!! A surprisingly easy title defense for SMITTY! It’s almost as if ARCHANGEL gave up!




The shot cuts to a filmed segment from earlier in the evening. FRAN DAMAGE is in a makeshift office with TYGER LILLY.

FRAN: Congrats on your pregnancy LILLY.

LILLY: Thanks FRAN! I’m excited!

FRAN: Not sure how you’re going to finish your contract though. You can’t just keep going from show to show doing nothing but walking around claiming someone is the father of your baby.

LILLY looks at FRAN DAMAGE with a little bit of shock.

LILLY: Well at least I show up!

FRAN: Tell me LILLY do you enjoy running WpW?

LILLY: Of course. I love wrestling but I like the other side of the business as well. I understand how much you go through actually, since I’ve been on both sides.

FRAN: Well Massacre is looking for a GM. What better way for you to be able to finish out your contract while you’re still pregnant?

LILLY: Well that’s all fine and dandy there FRAN, but how do you expect me to have a healthy pregnancy if I’m committed to a job like that I’ll need help for when I’m unable to work.

FRAN pauses for a moment as he thinks. CHRISTIAN Connolly knocks on the door quickly then opens it before anyone has time to answer.

CONNOLLY: Boss, look, sorry to interrupt... but we need to talk cause right now, I have a problem with the way things are going.

FRAN and LILLY both look at CONNOLLY who's pulled up a seat at the desk and gotten comfortable.

LILLY: Um we're kinda busy here...

CHRISTIAN looks at LILLY, then up at FRAN, then at LILLY's stomach

CONNOLLY: Oh I'm sorry, or should I say congratulations?! I'm sure you two will have a beautiful baby!

LILLY rolls her eyes then turns her attention back to FRAN.

LILLY: Anyways as I was saying…

CONNOLLY: Look FRAN, I totally understand that you won't let me out of my contract, but you have to understand that right now, I'm not in the right mindset to be in that ring. So unless you plan to let me out of my contract and lose a lot of money, we gotta come to some terms of my employment here.

FRAN: CHRISTIAN are you interested in helping run Massacre?

CONNOLLY: See Now ya talking boss. I new what the rest of the roster was sayin’ ain’t true. You a smart, smart man.


FRAN: Then there you have it. LILLY and CHRISTIAN you two will run Massacre together.

LILLY looks at CONNOLLY then back at FRAN.

CONNOLLY: Ah hellll naw I said run Massacre not baby-sit the Slut from Babylon.


FRAN: The way I see it is two stars under contract. Neither can work whether it be mental or physical. Both of you need to finish your contracts. You’ll work together. Is that so bad?

LILLY and CONNOLLY in unison: YES!

FRAN: See you’re already agreeing. This is going to work out great!

The crowd is stunned!


As a TEAM?



- - Caged Birdie Match - -

DYNAMITE and SUPERBALLS eye one another as the bell rings. SUPERBALLS starts it off with a knife edge chop. DYNAMITE returns the favor. Another chop from SUPERBALLS. DYNAMITE chops again. The chopfest goes on for a minute until DD stops it with an Irish whip. SUPERBALLS collides with the cage wall and staggers backwards. DD hits him with a big boot to the back of the head, sending him back into the cage. SUPERBALLS falls to the cage floor. DD pummels the fallen SUPERBALLS with a series of right hands. SUPERBALLS fights back with rights of his own. DD is reeling. SUPERBALLS gets to his feet and continues the assault with a series of elbow blows to the face. SUPERBALLS hits a DDT, causing the entire cage to shake. SUPERBALLS stomps DD hard on the chest. DD clutches his chest in pain. SUPERBALLS isn’t letting up as he drops an elbow. SUPERBALLS grabs DYNAMITE by the head and pulls him to his feet. SUPERBALLS swings but it’s blocked by DYNAMITE. DYNAMITE twists the wrist of SUPERBALLS and locks in a top wrist lock. DD applies pressure by twisting the wrist. SUPERBALLS hits an elbow to the gut of DD. SUPERBALLS runs towards DD and spears him. SUPERBALLS stands over DD and hits some strong lefts. DD turns the tables and pummels his opponent. SUPERBALLS rolls over again and smashes his elbows in the face of DYNAMIC DYNAMITE. DD blocks an elbow and turns SUPERBALLS over once again. The two men are dangerously close to the hole in the middle of the cage. SUPERBALLS dodges a punch and DD’s fist hits the cage floor. SUPERBALLS shifts his weight so DD falls over the hole. DD catches himself so that his chest is above the hole and his arms and legs are on either side of it. SUPERBALLS stomps the lower back of DD. DYNAMITE is holding on for dear life as he grips the cage links. SUPERBALLS hits another stomp to the small of the back. SUPERBALLS goes for the trifecta, but DYNAMITE rolls out of the way. SUPERBALLS’ right leg goes through the hole as he falls forward. SUPERBALLS has one leg in and one leg out as he holds on tightly. DYNAMITE stomps the right hand of his opponent, hoping he’ll lose his grip. SUPERBALLS holds on despite the extreme pain he’s in. DD lifts his left leg to stomp and SUPERBALLS grabs his right heel, causing him to fall on his butt. SUPERBALLS uses all of his strength to push off the grating and sit up on the edge of the hole.

SUPERBALLS rolls away from the hole as quickly as possible and gets to his feet. The fans cheer as DD also gets to his feet. Both men breathe in deeply, knowing full well that they were close to falling. DD walks around the hole and takes the fight to SUPERBALLS with a kick to the gut. DD hooks both arms of SUPERBALLS and tries to lift him. SUPERBALLS resists and tosses DYNAMITE over his back and onto the steel floor. SUPERBALLS follows up with a knee drop to the face. SUPERBALLS rubs his forearm on the face of DYNAMITE, putting pressure on the back of his head. SUPERBALLS knows he is in control at this point and the fans cheer him. SUPERBALLS locks in a rear naked choke and DYNAMITE escapes by rolling out of it. Both men are on their feet. SUPERBALLS pushes DD into the cage wall. He charges his opponent but DYNAMITE avoids it, sending SUPERBALLS into the cage wall. A dazed SUPERBALLS is hit with a clothesline. DD drops a leg on his fallen opponent. DD spits on SUPERBALLS in disgust. SUPERBALLS wipes the saliva from his face and sits up; obviously furious. DD kicks him in the chest, sending him back down. SUPERBALLS sits up once again in defiance. He looks at DYNAMITE and challenges him to try it again. DYNAMITE shrugs his shoulders and kicks again. This time SUPERBALLS is ready as he catches the leg and pulls DYNAMITE down. SUPERBALLS stands up and administers an ankle lock. SUPERBALLS looks intense as he twists the ankle. DYNAMITE reaches out and walks along the grating with his hands. SUPERBALLS tightens his grip. DYNAMITE grabs the edge of the hole with both hands and catapults SUPERBALLS off of his leg. SUPERBALLS lands next to the hole in an awkward position. DD edges away from the hole and dons a sadistic smile. DYNAMITE does a few pushups to show off. SUPERBALLS stands up and tells DYNAMITE to “Get up!” DYNAMITE knows he means business and does so. The two men stand face to face and lock in an intense stare down. SUPERBALLS calls for a test of strength and DYNAMITE obliges him. SUPERBALLS overpowers DYNAMITE and pushes his shoulders down to the cold steel floor. Still with interlocked fingers, SUPERBALLS mounts his opponent and slams his knuckles on the floor. SUPERBALLS hits a hard head butt on DD. He follows it up with another one. After a third head butt DYNAMITE is bleeding. SUPERBALLS loosens his grip and wipes his hand over DD’s forehead, collecting some of his blood. SUPERBALLS wipes DYNAMITE’S blood on his own chest and lets out a sadistic laugh. DYNAMITE backs away from his opponent until he runs into the cage wall.

SUPERBALLS runs and hits a knee to the face of the seated DYNAMITE. SUPERBALLS helps DD to his feet and lifts him for a suplex. SUPERBALLS turns around while still holding DD and suplexes him into the cage wall. DYNAMITE falls to the floor and SUPERBALLS falls to a seated position. SUPERBALLS looks out at the sold out crowd and they answer him with cheers. SUPERBALLS stands up and flips off DYNAMITE. He follows this up with a mudhole stomp. DYNAMITE slowly makes it to his feet and tackles SUPERBALLS. DYNAMITE lets loose with alternating lefts and rights. His frenzied attack leaves SUPERBALLS bleeding from the face. Both men now don the crimson mask. DYNAMITE lets SUPERBALLS get to his feet and they face off once again. DYNAMITE goes for a clothesline, but SUPERBALLS ducks it. SUPERBALLS gets DYNAMITE in reverse DDT position. DYNAMITE reverses it and now has SUPERBALLS in the same position. Creative Control! Creative Control! Creative Control! Both men are down. DYNAMITE is up first. He grabs his opponent by the hands and drags him over to the edge of the hole in the middle. DYNAMITE tries to let go, but SUPERBALLS grips his hands tightly. SUPERBALLS uses DD to pull himself up. SUPERBALLS lets go and says “Thanks”, much to DYNAMITE’S disdain. DYNAMITE hits SUPERBALLS with a forearm to the face. SUPERBALLS returns the favor. DYNAMITE hits a punch to the gut of SUPERBALLS. SUPERBALLS kicks DYNAMITE in the gut. Left hand from DD. Right hand from SUPERBALLS. The two men lock up and are jockeying for position. DD slips and takes SUPERBALLS with him. Both men fall into the hole. Both men grab on to the edge. It’s down to the wire as SUPERBALLS and DYNAMIC DYNAMITE both hang on for dear life. Who can hold on the longest? Blood drips from both men’s faces down into the ring. It’s so far down that you can’t hear it hit the mat. Their feet dangle precariously as they both tighten their respective grips. DYNAMITE kicks the back of SUPERBALLS’ leg. SUPERBALLS tries hard to hang on while he teeters there. DYNAMITE gets a back kick to the knee and lets go with his right hand. DYNAMITE hangs now by only his left hand. DYNAMITE gives SUPERBALLS a right hand shot to the chest. SUPERBALLS’ left hand slips and now he too only has one hand holding on. SUPERBALLS attempts to kick DYNAMITE, but loses his grip with his right hand. SUPERBALLS falls to the ring and lands back first in the middle with a sickening THUD! DYNAMITE grabs on with his right hand again and pulls himself into back into the cage.


Paramedics rush to the ring to take SUPERBALLS out on a stretcher as DYNAMITE watches from above. He managed to hold on to his title, but will he be able to defeat AIDAN COLLINS and OWN THE PPV?


MARCH 25, 2007

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