JULY 29, 2007


- - Standard Match - -


- - Hardcore Crown On A Pole Match - -


- - Canadian Rules - -


- - Hawaii Fire Walk Ladder Match - -


- - Standard Match - -


- - Shark Tank Match - -


- - Ladder Tag Match - -

- - Leap Of Faith Rafter Match - -


- - Best of Three Submissions Only - -



- - Inferno Match - -

The wisps of sand curl young bottle-blond couples toes, themselves lazily strewn along the shoreline, not far from Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, Hawaii...

An upkick of dust shoots into the air, a close-up vision focusing in quickly. We follow this grain of sand as it quickly streams across our vision... we snap our eyes toward it, in chase.

Over lush gardens and palm trees, sickly sweet tans and a gloss of plaster-white smiles, we follow...

Through a parking lot of traffic backed up far into the city, as a literal army of XWF fans, crowd the streets, hoisting signs cheering their heroes and banishing their villains with words. They reach around block after block, slowly moving as onlookers file into the maximum-capacity packed crowd, on this day... on this day of movement...

This particular grain of sand wafts into the backstage planning area, where it slowly, softly.. floats downward to the ground, finally landing in a puddle. It spreads the sands around in a torrent of dissolution that is quickly quelled... by a shoe.

A silk, black-leathered shoe smashes into the puddle, throwing everything back into the wind, without regard. We pan up, but merely see the side panel of a stretch limousine, he length of which in itself is surprising.

The figure's calloused, tough hands rest at his sides, as h makes his way into the arena, his reflection catching for a moment on the glossy aftermath of a palm leaf...

... it is in this moment, we have discovered... that you don't barrel into greatness, it doesn't take you from behind... it is something that must be obtained, captured. You must be able to have that championship fortitude, that lamentable viciousness that inhabits every single man on an XWF roster, in order to survive. It is in this moment of recognition and chilling impasse, that we know, beyond anything we have ever known...

... we must take a Leap of Faith.


- - Standard Match - -

AMY and JOSE lock up in the center of the ring and JOSE takes her down with a mat slam. JOSE then locks her into a sleeper hold, but AMY hits a few shots to the ribs, then a few slaps to the face. AMY then hits an enziguri. JOSE falls to the mat, then quickly gets to his knees, gathering his bearings. AMY then runs at JOSE, but JOSE takes her down with an armdrag. AMY gets back up, but JOSE takes her down again with an armdrag. JOSE then covers. 1.. 2.. AMY kicks out! JOSE then picks her up, but AMY hits a knee to the gut, then manages to hit a quick snap suplex. AMY covers JOSE. 1.. 2.. JOSE kicks out. JOSE quickly rolls AMY up. 1.. 2.. AMY kicks out. AMY hits a running head scissors, locking him in a pin. 1.. 2.. JOSE kicks out! JOSE gets to his feet, but AMY runs up and hits a dropkick, sending JOSE into the ropes, and he comes back with a shoulder tackle. He then locks her into an armbar, but AMY manages to stand on her feet, then reverse the hold, and lock in an arm hold of her own, but JOSE hits a stunner. He then covers AMY again. 1.. 2.. AMY gets the shoulder up! JOSE picks AMY up and hits a snap suplex as well.

JOSE picks AMY up, whips her into the ropes and hits her with a dropkick knocking her down. JOSE runs over and gets on top of AMY and starts head butting her in the face over and over, and then starts choking her. JOSE backs off a bit and relaxes in the corner as AMY gets up. JOSE walks back over to her kicking her in the gut and delivering a vicious powerbomb. JOSE smiles as AMY shows signs of pain and little movement. JOSE drags AMY by the hair over to the turnbuckle, and goes up top. JOSE jumps off dropping a knee right into AMY’S throat. JOSE lies over top of AMY and the ref counts 1… 2… KICKOUT!

JOSE starts stomping away at her. JOSE lifts her up by her hair, and starts smashing her face off the turnbuckle. JOSE lets go and AMY just drops to the ground. AMY rolls to the outside to get away, but JOSE runs toward the ropes and dives over them tackling AMY down as she is standing up. JOSE lifts AMY up and drags her over by the ring post, and starts slamming her face off it repeatedly until blood starts pouring from her forehead. JOSE looks behind him at the camera, and drops AMY walking over to it. He grabs the cord and walks back over to AMY, wraps it around her neck and starts choking her immensely. AMY lets out cries of pain as the blood from her forehead trickles into her eyes; she tries to wipe it out, but JOSE starts elbowing her in the face adding insult to injury. The ref starts a 5 count after telling JOSE to release the cord…1… 2… 3… 4.. JOSE loosens the cord and picks AMY up off the ground and rolls her into the ring. But AMY bounces back and hits a running DDT. She goes for the cover. 1.. 2.. but JOSE kicks out! AMY runs off of the ropes and leaps at JOSE, but JOSE catches, then hits a sidewalk slam. He then picks AMY up and hooks her, and flips over her, sending her head first into the mat with a piledriver, as JOSE hits the Tornado. He then goes for the cover. 1.. 2.. THREE!!! JOSE WINS!!!



- - Hardcore Crown On A Pole Match - -

Our two competitors are ready and waiting to go at each others throats, as our "special referee" JEREMIAH ROSS struts his way down to the ring, with a huge smile on his face. He slides in, looking at both men. Immediately, DARKHAN rushes towards RIZZA and spears him down, as ROSS then calls for the bell, what a cheap tactic! I guess we couldn't expect anything else from those two, though, as this match is under way. DARKHAN begins to pound on the head of RIZZA, closed fists and knuckles from rights and lefts. RIZZA can't even get out of the gates, as DARKHAN stands and begins to kick away at RIZZA, with ROSS just yawning in the corner. Despicable referee, that JEREMIAH ROSS. DARKHAN begins to climb the corner, but RIZZA is able to slowly make his way to his feet, and grabs the foot of DARKHAN. He tries to yank him down, but wait, what's this? ROSS just came over and booted RIZZA in the back! DARKHAN jumps down from the corner and begins helping ROSS kick away at RIZZA. DARKHAN instructs ROSS to go get some weapons, to soften up RIZZA. He happily climbs out of the ring, and begins throwing weapon after weapon, chair after trash can, table after table into the ring, until it's filled, as he even comes up with the kitchen sink! He slides in the ring, as DARKHAN picks up RIZZA to his feet, and holds him in place for ROSS, who still is holding the sink. He smiles, winds up, and bam! WAIT A MINUTE! RIZZA MOVED OUT OF THE WAY, ROSS HIT DARKHAN!! DARKHAN falls down hard to the mat, holding his head, as RIZZA kicks the sink back up into ROSS' face. RIZZA, low on energy already in this match, tries with all his might to climb to the corner. ROSS is shaking off the cobwebs, as RIZZA inches closer and closer. Ohhh, but he's too late, as ROSS is able to deliver an elbow to the back of RIZZA. DARKHAN, with blood trickling down little by little from the sink, slowly makes his way to his feet, as ROSS begins to pound down on RIZZA. DARKHAN grabs a chair and a trash can, and makes his way over towards the two, as he tells ROSS to pick up RIZZA. DARKHAN quickly throws the trash can over his head, as ROSS grabs a chair, and they begin swinging the chairs at RIZZA's head, connecting with a loud BANG. RIZZA stumbles around, as he bounces into the corner. He comes back towards the two, as they swing at the same time, sending RIZZA down to the mat hard.

They still continue to hit him with the chairs, and then DARKHAN makes his way towards the tables, and sets two of them up next to each other right near the corner, and heads towards RIZZA again. ROSS picks up RIZZA and takes the trash can off, as DARKHAN taunts to the crowd in his shine of glory. All of a sudden though, RIZZA kicks DARKHAN in the ass, and sends him flying forward, and then turns around with an elbow straight to the nose of ROSS! RIZZA is coming back! He nails ROSS again and again, elbows to the head, some to the gut, as he finally breaks free of his grasp. ROSS stumbles backwards, as RIZZA picks up the chair, and runs at him, hitting him full force in the head, sending him over the ropes. DARKHAN tries running at RIZZA, but is stopped by the same chair to the gut, and then to the back. RIZZA tosses the chair away, taunting to the crowd. He drags DARKHAN to the corner near the tables and sets him onto. Wait, what is he trying to do here? Is he going to try to do the RIZZATUDE ADJUSTMENT off the top rope!?!? He's got him up! Wait, DARKHAN begins to punch RIZZA in the gut, causing him to set him down. DARKHAN has hold of RIZZA now.....no...don't do it!!! DIVINE DRIVER! DIVINE DRIVER FROM THE TOP ROPE, THROUGH BOTH THE TABLES! Both men are down, with ROSS still out on the outside. After a few moments of no motion, ROSS finally is able to slide back in the ring, running over to DARKHAN trying to revive him. Giving up, he just lifts him, putting his arm over his shoulder, and drags him lifelessly over to the turnbuckle, trying to push him up. RIZZA is able to come to just in time, as he slowly makes his way over to the two, and lifts them up on his shoulders! DARKHAN IS RIGHT NEAR THE CROWN THOUGH! He tries to grab for it, but RIZZA moves backwards, and drops both of them on their backs! No wait! DARKHAN was able to slide of before he could drop him, and he quickly jolts for the corner. RIZZA heads after him, jolting out and pulling on his legs to make him drop. Holding his head, ROSS makes his way over, taking RIZZA and throwing him outside the ring. DARKHAN climbs the opposite corner of the crown, and hits a flying elbow! That looked like it hurt BOTH men. DARKHAN stands back up, rolling RIZZA into the ring. ROSS meets him with a trash can, and begins beating his gut over and over again. With blood flowing out of what could be a broken nose, ROSS kneels over RIZZA pounding him in the head with the trash can, yelling, LETS SEE HOW YOU LIKE A BROKEN NOSE, DAMMIT! DARKHAN sets up another table, as ROSS lifts RIZZA up, and throws him into the corner where DARKHAN awaits. DARKHAN grabs RIZZA around throat, lifts him into the air and CRACK! CHOKE BOMB RIGHT THROUGH THE TABLE! ROSS quickly runs over to DARKHAN, whispering something into the now smiling DARKHAN's ear, as they high five. ROSS checks on RIZZA's forehead, lifting him to his feet. RIZZA now bleeding from the trashcan shots, is met with a steel chair to the head from a running DARKHAN. ROSS yet again checks RIZZA...no, he can't. Is he going to force the match to stop because of blood loss?? DARKHAN whacks RIZZA in the head again, and again. He then orders ROSS to power whip him into the corner. He tries, but RIZZA fights it off! He tries again, and yet again RIZZA fights it off! DARKHAN has had enough, as he nails RIZZA in the gut with the chair, and helps whip RIZZA into the corner. RIZZA smacks into the corner hard, and falls to the ground. Wait, what's this? ROSS is calling for the bell???

Announcer: Special Referee JEREMIAH ROSS has called for the match to stop due to blood loss. RIZZA cannot continue, therefore your winner, and ANARCHY KING, DARKHAN--

Wait, another ref is running down to the ring. He's pointing at RIZZA....WHO HAS THE CROWN!!! The ref instigates an argument towards ROSS, and then speaks to the announcer.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed that when RIZZA was whipped into the corner, the crown fell onto RIZZA’s head before ROSS called for the bell. THEREFORE! YOUR WINNER AND KING OF ANARCHY, ZACH! RIZZA!

ROSS and DARKHAN are outraged! A replay appears on the X-Tron, as it does prove that RIZZA's lifeless body caught the falling crown, making him the king! RIZZA HAS WON THE MATCH IN AN UNUSUAL FASHION!


The match is finally over and DARKHAN heads over and grabs the microphone as JEREMIAH ROSS is in the ring and ready is to attack ZACH RIZZA again! Referees and officials look confused as to whether or not the match ended correctly. The crown was never actually taken from it’s perch, it fell..

As the officials discuss the outcome, RIZZA is barely able to stand, but is ready to defend himself against ROSS if need be. He stands up, but immediately stumbles over to one knee, the crown falling off his head and rolling over to DARKHAN’s feet.

The crowd screams! DARKHAN looks down at the crown and looks back at the audience. DARKHAN bends over and grabs the fallen crown between the two. He looks at both competitors..

DARKHAN: Really. It could be said that nobody won this match. The crown fell.. And even though it happened to land on RIZZA.. It really wasn’t WON.. It just fell upon the man. You know what.. I thought both of you guys would have been worthy of this crown, you know? I should not let you even touch this crown in my possession. But you know what I have to pass the torch to somebody you know. I have thought long and hard for this but you know what I have came to a decision already and the man I will give it to the crown and pass the torch to is?

DARKHAN hands ROSS the crown as RIZZA looks in shock..

..But DARKHAN kicks ROSS in the stomach and hits him with the DARKSIDE BLUES! RIZZA is in shock at what has happened has DARKHAN picks up the mic and hands the crown to RIZZA!

DARKHAN: You know what RIZZA what I did to you is wrong. I never knew you had a family to take care of in the first place. I am a family man myself and I know how it is. You are one hell of a wrestler and I respect you man. But as for ROSS.. you do not deserve the honor of taking my place, you NO-TALENT LOSER. You will never be in my league after what you have done! So ZACH.. take that crown and honor well my friend as I pass the torch onto you.

DARKHAN puts his hand out and ZACH looks to the crowd to see if he should shake and they cheer and he does! As the police come down to take DARKHAN away the lights go out and they come back on and DARKHAN is gone! The police are in shock as well as RIZZA where DARKHAN has gone. But ZACH is in the ring hands raised high as he stands over ROSS with the crown in hand.




- - Canadian Rules - -

As the bell rings, the two lock in a grapple, until STEVO serves a knee to the stomach of DEFAULT. As DEFAULT crotches over, STEVO bulldogs him face first into the mat! STEVO walks over to pick up DEFAULT, but is greeted with a low blow! The ref seems to have not seen it, as DEFAULT clotheslines STEVO onto the canvas. DEFAULT goes for a couple of hard stomps, but STEVO rolls out of the ring to safety! DEFAULT walks up to the ropes, and looks down to find STEVO, who slid in the other side, and forearms DEFAULT from behind. As DEFAULT falls on his knees, STEVO rolls him over for a school boy! The ref counts the pin, 1..2.. DEFAULT KICKS OUT! STEVO throws him into the ropes, As DEFAULT is on his way back, he is powerslammed to the mat! The crowd goes nuts, As STEVO grabs DEFAULT by the hair, and lifts him up! STEVO then raises his arms up signaling his finisher. DEFAULT serves a few elbows to the stomach of STEVO, As STEVO releases DEFAULT, he's caught with a swinging neck breaker. DEFAULT quickly runs to the turnbuckle, and goes up top! He leaps off, and LANDS A FROG SPLASH! DEFAULT goes for the pin, 1.. 2.. STEVO SLIPS HIS FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE! DEFAULT stands up, with a look of desperation on his face! DEFAULT runs back against the ropes, as STEVO barely rises! DEFAULT jumps high in the air, and kicks STEVO square in the chin! As DEFAULT falls with a puddle of sweat under him, he puts an arm over the chest of STEVO! The ref goes for it, 1..2.. STEVO leaps up with a burst of energy! STEVO picks DEFAULT up, and hits “The Best Around!” DEFAULT collapses on the ground from the punch to the heart! STEVO kneels down and covers mildly.. 1..2.. THREE!


The New Dawn’s BRAD PIERCE and AMY VIXEN are backstage, talking about their various matches, as a figure comes up behind them, putting his arms around both BRAD and ERIC’S necks. Both men turn around in shock to see… it’s JEM WILLIAMS! He walked up to them from behind in the hallway!

JEM WILLIAMS: How’s it shaking?

BRAD PIERCE: Get the hell off me!

BRAD stoves JEM away, whom casually backs off with a grin, looking at the two of them before AMY VIXEN. She looks confused at all of it. BRAD still looks pissed from JEM laying a finger on him.

JEM WILLIAMS: Look… I can’t stay and chat like at MASSACRE, as much as I know you’d like to. To be honest, I don’t need to say anything else. I know you guys have made a decision already. I know that tonight, that decision will be revealed. That’s cool. That’s the way it should be. Hiding thoughts is pointless.

BRAD and the others stare at JEM, he looking from one to another again, having a grin on his face.

JEM WILLIAMS: Tonight is the night where dreams are made and broken, destinies are fulfilled or destroyed. Tonight’s a big night in this business. You guys should be happy to be here and part of it, part of the XWF as it’s all going down.

JEM looks at them again and backs away, all them still staring.

JEM WILLIAMS: We’ll see how things go. See how that supposed leap of faith we all take turns out, eh?

With that, JEM turns and walks away, leaving The New Dawn standing there, staring off even after he’s left. After a moment, BRAD shakes his head and sighs, AMY blinking. Looking to AMY, BRAD takes her hand, still shaking his head.

BRAD PIERCE: Yeah, whatever… let’s go AMY.

With that, AMY and BRAD walk off

Will the New Dawn give their answer tonight? If they do, what will it be?

Outside in the parking lot, a pit filled with coals is shown with a ladder in the center.. It’s quite obviously not lit, and the fans in the arena let out a cheer, ready to see the X-Treme Title match between BRIAN and DAULTON LANCE. DAULTON is standing there next to JONATHYN and the crowd is beginning to wonder what’s going on..

JONATHYN: Well. Unfortunately, BRIAN is not here right now. He’s at the Straub Clinic, a local burn facility, receiving treatment for the injuries he sustained at Anarchy. His plan to burn his brother backfired. Here, let’s roll the footage. This is pretty graphic, so be warned.

The X-Tron lights up with footage from Thursday.

BRIAN runs to a stack of chairs and drops it in front of his charging brother, and DAULTON stumbles over it. BRIAN grabs a broom and tries to hit DAULTON, but DAULTON blocks the shot and continues forward. BRIAN reaches a door to outside and runs out!

A new shot outside shows DAULTON bursting out the exit door, and BRIAN catches him in a leg scissor which sends DAULTON crashing to the ground, RIGHT NEXT TO THE BURNING CHARCOAL BRIAN SET UP BEFOREHAND! BRIAN tires to push his brother into the hot embers, but DAULTON struggles to stay put! DAULTON and BRIAN fight on the ground right next to the hot coals, and the crowd is screaming!

DAULTON catches BRIAN with a poke to the eyes, causing BRAIN to cover his face. DAULTON pulls BRIAN into a small package pin.. ON THE COALS!! BRIAN screams out in pain!! ONE.. TWO.. THREE!! DAULTON lets go and BRIAN launches off the coals, his shirt singed through to his skin!

JONATHYN: So BRIAN was badly burned on his back and neck, and will need to undergo some treatments before he can return to action. When all is said and done, though, this was DAULTON’s brother, and I’m not about to force him into action tonight with the condition his own flesh and blood is in. Therefore, I am going to award this belt, the XWF X-Treme Title, to you, DAULTON LANCE.. And ask that you be prepared to defend it this Thursday.

DAULTON takes the belt from JONATHYN and nods his appreciation. It’s obvious to both men that the match would have been outstanding, but this outcome is needed, considering the situation.

JONATHYN: Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW X-TREME CHAMP.. DAULTON LANCE!


The crowd applauds with forced enthusiasm, knowing they were cheated out of a huge match.. DAULTON walks out of the shot, presumably to his car to go visit his brother in the hospital.


- - Standard Match - -

SHAWN and JARED lock up, with SHAWN taking JARED down with a small German suplex. JARED gets back up and catches SHAWN with a right hand, then whips SHAWN into the ropes and plants him with a spinebuster. He then goes for a quick cover. 1.. 2.. SHAWN kicks out! JARED picks SHAWN up and hits him with a clothesline, then picks him up again, then plants him with a spike DDT. He goes for another cover. 1.. 2.. SHAWN kicks out! JARED locks in a quick crossface, but SHAWN quickly rolls out of the hold and catches JARED with a powerslam, before going for the pin attempt.. 1.. 2.. JARED kicks out. SHAWN runs into the ropes and nails JARED with a sliding dropkick to the face. SHAWN then lifts JARED up and nails him with a few knife edge chops, before a rapid superkick to the jaw. SHAWN then goes for the cover once again. 1.. 2.. JARED kicks out! SHAWN hits an armdrag, then JARED catches him with an armdrag and locks in another armbar, but SHAWN leaps out of the hold, hits a fireman's carry, then locks in a sleeper hold, but JARED powers out of the hold and hits a belly to back suplex for the cover. 1.. 2.. SHAWN kicks out. JARED whips SHAWN into the ropes, but SHAWN comes back with a flying forearm smash. SHAWN then whips JARED into the ropes and JARED connects with a surprise spear! SHAWN is down, shaking the cobwebs from his head, and then slowly stands as he looks at JARED already regaining composure, and on his hands crawling back up. SHAWN smirks and yells as he kicks JARED in the ribs. JARED rolls over onto his back, clutching his ribs. SHAWN strides over to the top rope, and jumps on the top ring rope with ease. He signals to the crowd, holding his arms wide...and as JARED slowly stands back up, he begins wobbling. JARED stumbles around, just as SHAWN launches himself off the top rope....BOOM! Their bodies collide....and slide all the way to the other side of the ring, where they fall out into the ringside area. The cold cement does not give any leeway to either man, and both are prone for a strong moment. Soon enough however, they are both back on their feet, as JARED uses the ring apron for support, and SHAWN tugs on the steps. JARED gets up quicker though, and delivers a vicious kick into SHAWN's mid-section. SHAWN bends over, and seeing a quick opportunity, JARED hits a quick snap DDT on SHAWN, driving SHAWN One's head into the cement. SHAWN's legs stiffen, as JARED gets back up, hurling insults at his opponent. SHAWN is seemingly out cold, as JARED tugs on his body. Seeing that he can't lift SHAWN's 'dead' weight. JARED slides back into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. He stands on top of the turnbuckle, looking out at his legions of fans... all screaming wildly, and then he jumps off the rope, flying through the air...headed towards SHAWN....


He’s not there!


SHAWN had rolled over, and JARED had impacted with the ground, in a simultaneous blast. SHAWN lays on his back absorbing the DDT from earlier, just now showing signs of life. JARED is cradling his knee as SHAWN stands back up. SHAWN drags JARED back up to his feet, and then punches him straight in the gut, and as JARED folds, SHAWN holds onto the weight, and hits a GERMAN SUPLEX OVER THE RING APRON! JARED's neck just rolled up like an accordion on the sticky cement! JARED lets out a howl, as he holds his neck. SHAWN does not relent though, he jumps on top of the ring apron. He signals as the crowd boos, then hits a 450 SPLASH ON JARED'S SKULL!!

SHAWN gets up, feeling good about putting this youngster in his place.. He then picks JARED up again and goes for THE ICON! BOOM!! SHAWN quickly goes for the cover. 1.. 2.. THREE!!! SHAWN holds on to the title!


“Cult of Personality” begins to play across the arena, the fans instantly starting to boo. The lights turn to a purple color, while smoke fills up the ramp way to lead up to the entrance. Before too long, ARCHANGEL, along with the Guy Fawkes mask on, emerges from the back. Though his eyes can’t be seen, ARCHANGEL appears to be looking up at the cell, which hangs over the ring, the Shark Tank! Raising each arm in the air, pointing a finger out, ARCHANGEL poses, much to the crowds dislike before ripping the mask off his face, looking around at the crowd. ARCHANGEL makes his way down to the ring then, sliding up with a leap to the side of the ring and posing out again. Leaping over the top rope, he goes to a turnbuckle and climbs up it, looking out across the crowd. The entire time boos fill the arena…

But then…

The lights in the arena suddenly go out, but darkness doesn't settle. For as soon as the lights fade, dark blue starts to strobe out across the arena and "Invisible Wounds" by Fear Factory begins to play. The fans know the theme all to well and are already starting to cheer even before the dark blue lights engulf the entrance ramp and JEM WILLIAMS makes his way out, pumping his fists quickly against his chest, then out into the air, screaming and yelling out at the crowd! The fans go insane at the sight of THE REALIZATION! Nodding his head, having a cocky strut with each movement, he looks out at the crowd for a few seconds before heading down the ramp toward the ring. Upon getting to it, THE REALIZATION takes his time walking up the steps and onto the side of the ring. Pausing for a few seconds, JEM WILLIAMS goes to enter through the middle and top rope, but pauses again, leaning out to yell some more too the crowd, getting another huge pop! Finally getting into the ring, THE REALIZATION heads over to the turnbuckle opposite of where he entered and climbs to the middle rung, pumping his arms into the air and taunting the crowd again! Standing there for a few seconds, JEM WILLIAMS climbs down and heads to the center of the ring, where the lights begin to fade back to normal and his theme fading off with the sound of the crowd's cheers deafening the arena!

JEM, in the center of the ring has his eyes locked on ARCHANGEL. The referee talks to both of them, looking back and forth, explaining the rules. JEM only nods his head, never giving the referee a glance. His gaze is just on ARCHANGEL, just on the man he wants to defeat and end the score with here tonight! ARCHANGEL has the same gaze in his eyes, but here and there looks to the referee, saying he understands everything. Running a hand down his beard, ARCHANGEL looks back to JEM, the Shark Tank slowly being lowered down around them. JEM doesn’t look right away, but finally gives a gaze up to the cell, taking a look for the first time at the SHARK TANK… BUT A BIG MOVE!!

ARCHANGEL BLINDSIDES JEM WILLIAMS WITH A HARD CLOTHESLINE!!! THE REFEREE seems to freak out and backs away as ARCHANGEL lays on top of JEM, grabbing his head and delivering punch after punch to the top of his skull! But JEM isn’t going to take this! He rolls ARCHANGEL over, pinning him down! LEFT! RIGHT! LEFT! RIGHT! Punch after punch rocks ARCHANGEL’S jaw and eyes! JEM IS GOING BERSERK ON ARCHANGEL! Raising up, the cell about to lower completely around them, JEM arches back and gives out a hellacious roar, looking down at ARCHANGEL as he tries to stand and waits, stalking his prey by standing behind him. The cell drops completely and the referee rings the bell…



- - Shark Tank Match - -

ARCHANGEL, already dazed, backs up into JEM who grapples him by the waist… GERMAN SUPLEX ON ARCHANGEL!!! RIGHT FROM THE START! JEM doesn’t hold on, however. He quickly gets to his feet, mouthing off to ARCHANGEL, giving him the finger and instantly going for a weapon… over to the STUDDED BAT!!


He unwinds the wiring keeping it up and pulls it free! Raising the bat into the air, already having a weapon, the fans go CRAZY! JEM turns around, however, and receives a hard kick to the jaw that causes the bat to drop to the ground and JEM to stumble back into a turnbuckle. Rushing JEM, ARCHANGEL leaps up and plants a hard knee to JEM’S face before grabbing his head and leaping off the second rope… planting a hard BULLDOG! ARCHANGEL is already back into the mix of things, yelling at JEM, getting on his hands and knees, lifting JEM’S head up by the hair to cuss at him! Dropping JEM’S head, letting him recover, ARCHANGEL stands up, taunting the crowd and getting a heavy set of boos…

BUT ARCHANGEL GRINS! Leaning down, he picks JEM WILLIAMS up, grappling with him to set him up and grabs him by the hair… rushing… thrusting… THROWING JEM FACE FIRST INTO THE STEEL METAL MESH!!!

JEM stumbles back, but keeps his balance, ARCHANGEL going for a kick to the jawbone again, but JEM backs away, grabs ARCHANGEL’S foot by the ankle and turns, twisting ARCHANGEL to fall on his knee… and locks in an ankle lock! He falls back, trying to lock it in a vice grip, but ARCHANGEL kicks away and rolls out of the grasp before it locks in completely. Both men get to their feet at the same time and stop from going into a grapple, staring one another down! A HELLACIOUS START TO THE MATCH!

JEM and ARCHANGEL circle around one another for a few seconds, ARCHANGEL stopping right on top of JEM’S bat. JEM rushes ARCHANGEL, but ARCHANGEL has a plan to take into action! Using his foot, he thrusts the bat up to his hand, grabs it, sending the tip hard into JEM’S stomach! THE REALIZATION doubles over, ARCHANGEL taking the edge of it and ramming it harshly down on the back of his neck! JEM DROPS LIKE A SACK OF POTATOES, holding his neck! Dropping the bat, ARCHANGEL cusses at JEM again as the referee slides down to see if he’s okay. ARCHANGEL meanwhile heads to one of his own weapons… going for the one used last on STEVE JASON… HE PULLS THE TASER FREE! Turning it on, a small shock of electricity can be seen, he turning around and grinning… slowly stalking toward JEM! JEM’S hand is resting idly on the bat while another to the back of his neck… ARCHANGEL inching in… getting closer… closer…

JEM MUST SENSE IT!!! Rolling over and having the bat in hand, JEM swings wildly… swings… and HITS THE TIP OF THE TASER!!!



It must have, however, sent a shock through JEM by the bat because he throws it away, holding his hand that held the weapon, rolling from the stunned ARCHANGEL!

JEM slowly gets to his feet, but ARCHANGEL has recovered, working on freeing his second weapon… the hockey stick! With JEM vulnerable, back turned to ARCHANGEL, THE ARCHANGEL has a second to size up his opponent, just as he turns, to send a harsh smack right to the kneecap, dropping JEM to the mat again! Using the end of the stick, ARCHANGEL puts it across JEM’S throat… he’s choking JEM out!


Pushing down with all he can, ARCHANGEL keeps going for JEM’S throat, THE REALIZATION fighting less and less as ARCHANGEL tries for the black out! After a few more seconds, ARCHANGEL releases, hitting JEM in the ribs a few times before dropping the Hockey Stick, instantly going to the ropes to leave the ring and look under it… looking for… pulling out…

THE LADDER!!! HE’S GETTING THE LADDER OUT! Sliding it into the ring, ARCHANGEL reaches back under and pulls out… A TABLE!!! THIS MATCH IS TURNING INTO A TLC!!! Pushing the table into the ring as well, ARCHANGEL slides in after it, watching as JEM has recovered enough to get to one knee. ARCHANGEL doesn’t give a second of breath for JEM, however, rushing and planting a harsh knee across his opponent’s head, dropping him back to the mat! Not even wasting a second, ARCHANGEL leaves JEM laying where he is to go for his third weapon… going for the last one he revealed… THE LIGHTER AND FLUID!!! WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO!? IS HE GOING TO TRY TO END THIS ALREADY!?

A lot of the weapons have been freed already, ARCHANGEL kicking JEM a few times before walking to the table. Setting down the items in hand for a few moments, ARCHANGEL picks up the table and wedges it up against the turnbuckle, Setting it up to keep itself up right, ARCHANGEL backs away for a few seconds before picking up the lighter fluid and lighter. JEM is still down on the ground, recovering, as ARCHANGEL opens the fluid… and oh god! HE’S SQUIRTING IT ALL OVER THE TABLE!!! HE’S DRENCHING IT IN THE FLUID! Grabbing the lighter, ARCHANGEL stands back as far as he can and flicks it… once.. twice…

BOOM!!! THE TABLE CATCHES FIRE WITH AN EXPLOSIVE BLAZE!!! ARCHANGEL PULLS HIS HAND BACK! Holding his hand, possibly having burnt it, ARCHANGEL throws the lighter away, along with the bottle of empty fluid and turns to JEM. Slowly picking him up, ARCHANGEL hits on the back of JEM for a few seconds, trying to weaken him down, setting him up right in the path of the burning table… ARCHANGEL MALCOLM GOES FOR THE WHIP!!! HE’S GOING TO THROW JEM INTO THE FIRE!!! HE’S GOING TO BURN JEM ALIVE… BUT WAIT… WAIT…


ARCHANGEL JUST CRASHED HIMSELF INTO THE CORNER OF THE SELL, ROCKING IT ON ITS FOUNDATION!!! HOLY S***!!! HOLY S***!!! HOLY S***!!! ARCHANGEL JUST SUICIDED HIMSELF TO QUITE POSSIBLY SAVE HIS LIFE!!! JEM is still recovering in the ring, holding his throat and ribs, looking at the fire. The referee has no idea what to do with the hazard, staying as far away as possible, while JEM rolls to the outside of the cell, going to where ARCHANGEL had crashed at and picks him up… ARCHANGEL IS A BLOODIED MESS!! HE MUST HAVE MET FACE FIRST WITH THE STEEL OF THE CELL!! Rolling ARCHANGEL into the ring again, by now the fire has quickly put itself out, the table looking very charred and burnt! Getting to his feet, JEM pulls ARCHANGEL with him and sets him up… going for a whip to the table… BUT AGAIN A REVERSAL! ARCHANGEL SENDS JEM INSTEAD!!!


Burnt pieces of wood explode as JEM’S body crashes!! Ashes and small pieces of charcoal erupt, JEM screaming in pain as he feels the weight of the table give away! Laying motionless, JEM is covered with the burnt pieces of wood, ARCHANGEL keeping on one knee for a few seconds before dropping to the canvas, trying to catch his breath, blood rolling into his eyes!


The referee, seeing the fire is out, checks up on ARCHANGEL and JEM both! JEM is holding his back, having a huge red mark across it, though not looking to be burnt! ARCHANGEL is bleeding badly from the head, trying to wipe it out of his eyes, but to no prevail! JEM rolls out of the ring, stumbling against the side of the cage and falls to the ground again. ARCHANGEL forces his way up to a knee, taking a breather and stumbling, landing across the second rope, looking down at JEM though the blood has to be painfully blinding him! JEM pulls up to his feet, stumbling as he reaches up… going for yet another one of ARCHANGEL’S items…

Going for…

THE STEEL CHAIR!!! JEM pulls it down and blindly swings, knowing where ARCHANGEL’S at, the general direction…



Slowly reaching up, JEM goes to pull down the sharpened fork and sack of thumbtacks both at the same time! Holding them in his hands for a few seconds, JEM tosses them into the ring, stumbling over before rolling back in! Already the carnage is getting to both of their bodies! Neither of them will be the same again! NEITHER OF THEM!

Slowly walking over to ARCHANGEL, JEM goes to pick him up, but his attempt is failed by ARCHANGEL raising up a hand… SENDING THE FORK RIGHT INTO JEM’S FOREHEAD!!! ARCHANGEL HAD PICKED UP THE SHARPENED FORK, USING IT TO STAB JEM IN THE FOREHEAD! JEM stumbles back as blood instantly starts rolling down his face, he stumbling to a knee and looking… ARCHANGEL somehow standing and rushing JEM, sending the fork again, hard enough into JEM’S skull to drop him to the ground! The other cuts start bleeding, ARCHANGEL lowering himself over JEM and sending the fork again… and again… and again… into JEM’S forehead… BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!! BOTH ME COVERED IN IT ALREADY!!! The fans still can’t believe it as ARCHANGEL finally throws the fork away, grinning a sadistic smile at the crimson red covering JEM WILLIAMS face!


ARCHANGEL slowly walks over to the bag of tacks, picking up and raising it into the air! The fans scream for him not to do it, but he grins that sadistic smile again before opening the bag and pouring the thumbtacks out across the arena. Looking at JEM for a few seconds, then back at the tack, breathing heavily, ARCHANGEL looks up at the barbwire hanging high above the ring, holding out on the only exit from the cell! Waving JEM off for the time being, ARCHANGEL carefully walks over to the ladder and picks it up… setting it up… IS ARCHANGEL GOING TO TRY TO ESCAPE!?

Slowly climbing the ladder, JEM finally rolling over, catching another wind, ARCHANGEL makes it up each step along the way… slowly reaching up… carefully… carefully… grabbing the barbwire? Yes! HE IS! He’s grabbing the barbwire! Giving it some painful tugs, ARCHANGEL pulls his hands away a few times but goes back to it… finally… HE GETS IT!!! ARCHANGEL HAS THE BARBWIRE PULLED FREE!!! THE MASSIVE CHUNK OF IT LAYS IN HIS HANDS!!! Looking as if he’s going to lower back down the ladder, ARCHANGEL has no chance as JEM sends his bleeding body crashing into the ladder… ARCHANGEL dropping the barbwire and falling… falling… falling…



HOLY S***!!! HOLY S***!!!

ARCHANGEL’S back is a bloodied mess now as he tries to get the tacks out of his back. JEM, however, takes the time to slowly slide out of the ring and go to where some of his weapons are. Reaching up, only having the power to do that, JEM pulls down both the wire cutters and brass knuckles! Keeping each small item in hand, JEM turns back to the ring and enters it! Sliding into the ring, slowly pushing himself to his feet, JEM tries to his best to ignore the screams of pain coming from ARCHANGEL, who is still struggling to get the tacks out of his back! ARCHANGEL IS COMPLETELY DESTROYED!!! TOTALLY ANNIHILATED HERE, WITH JEM NOT TOO FAR BEHIND!

JEM slowly walks to the dropped barbwire and uses the cutters to snip off a piece… reaching down, he starts molding it, breathing heavily while finally shaping it… into…

A crown!? What is JEM going to do with that! What is JEM GOING TO DO!?

Walking over to ARCHANGEL who is trying his best to stand, his face, and entire body covered with cuts… HE DOESN’T SEE IT COMING… JEM REACHES BACK AND RELEASES!!! HE PUNCHES ARCHANGEL RIGHT IN THE JAW WITH THE BRASS KNUCKLES!!! ARCHANGEL DROPS LIKE A ROCK TO THE GROUND, ON HIS STOMACH AS JEM LETS GO OF THE KNUCKLES! Stumbling to fall down on his knees, JEM finally places the crown of barbwire around ARCHANGEL’S head, pushing tight so that the thorns cut even more into his nearly scalped skull! Pushing one final time, only getting a weak cry of pain from ARCHANGEL, JEM WILLIAMS finally reaches down… sliding ARCHANGEL INTO PLACE!!!






ARCHANGEL IS OUT COLD!!! THE REFEREE HAS NO IDEA WHAT TO DO!!! HE KEEPS LOOKING AT ARCHANGEL WHILE JEM PULLS IN THE REALIZING PAIN!!! Finally, FINALLY, JEM releases the hold, realizing he isn’t going to win by keeping ARCHANGEL knocked out! Pulling the crown off ARCHANGEL’S head in a harsh manner, JEM tosses it to the side, sighing in frustrating and simply catching his breath, trying to think of what to do next!

After a moment, ARCHANGEL still not moving, JEM finally rolls out of the ring and stumbles over to where one of his final weapons are still attached. Reaching up, THE REALIZATION pulls down the last weapon he showed to the world this past MASSACRE… the glass bottle of vodka! The fans start cheering as JEM grins, popping the top off and taking a swig! The fans almost laugh as JEM winches while swallowing down the vodka, stumbling as if already drunk!

He shouldn’t be drinking when bleeding like that!

Getting back into the ring, JEM looks down at the lifeless body of ARCHANGEL MALCOLM, slowly stalking over and tipping the vodka more and more… finally… it’s pouring over ARCHANGEL!!! GETTING INTO THE CUTS!!! IT THROWS ARCHANGEL AWAY, HE CRYING OUT IN PAIN FROM THE BURNING SENSATION OF THE LIQUOR HITTING HIS WOUNDS! Getting to his feet out of sheer will power, wanting to get away from the madness. ARCHANGEL doesn’t realize where he’s going… stumbling forward, right into JEM! JEM stands tall though, holding ARCHANGEL up, patting him on the top of the head… HE’S PETTING ARCHANGEL! Taking one more swig of the vodka, though, JEM spews it right into ARCHANGEL’S face, causing him to stumble back! Taking that moment, though, JEM sends the vodka bottle right across the back of ARCHANGEL’S head… shattering it!!!

Vodka and glass goes everywhere!!! VODKA IS EVERYWHERE!!! ARCHANGEL COLLAPSES INTO JEM’S ARMS AS HE HOLDS HIM… AND INSTANTLY, RIGHT OVER THE GLASS… THE REALIZATION!!! THE REALIZATION!!! JEM JUST HIT THE MOVE RIGHT ON TOP OF THE GLASS!!! SHARDS OF IT HAVE TO BE GOING INTO ARCHANGEL’S BODY!!! JEM CRIES OUT IN PAIN AS A FEW PIECES STAB INTO HIS SIDE!!! Instantly, JEM pulls the pieces out of his back and side, crying out in pure agony as blood covers more of his body, he having to give it everything he has to roll ARCHANGEL over, his body stabbed multiple times with glass!!! JEM pulls the pieces out of ARCHANGEL’S body, blood rolling from them, as JEM tosses them to the side, giving him a safe way to pin ARCHANGEL!!!






“Invisible Wounds” begins playing as the cell is automatically starting to be raised. JEM rolls off DAN, careful where he’s going and tries to get to his feet… but he can’t. The fans are going insane for him, giving a standing ovation for the efforts seen tonight… not only by JEM WILLIAMS, but ARCHANGEL as well. Simply laying on his back, JEM doesn’t realize the cheers are turning to boos as two people are walking down the ramp way... a man and a woman.

The New Dawn.

JEM finally looks over to see them coming down, each of them getting into the ring. AMY seems shocked at the carnage in the ring, BRAD’S face is neutral, both though looking over both DAN and JEM WILLIAMS. “Invisible Wounds” is continuing to play, though the wounds are clearly visible on both of these men! Finally, though, the crowd keeps on booing, even as they walk over to JEM… helping him up!

They’re helping him up! BRAD and AMY try their best not to get blood on themselves, but doing their best to keep JEM WILLIAMS on his feet! Looking at him for a few more seconds… they raise…



THE NEW DAWN HAS MADE THEIR ANSWER!!! THE NEW DAWN IS TAKING JEM UP ON THEIR OFFER IT SEEMS… THE NEW DAWN SEES JEM WILLIAMS AS THE LEADER THEY NEED!!! DAN looks up just for a few seconds, seeing JEM being raised up in celebration before collapsing to the ground once more, his head surrounded by a pool of blood!

JEM grins, not knowing where he’s at as the NEW DAWN continues raising his hands, looking out across the crowd! NO ONE CAN BELIEVE THIS!!! The insanity, the entire match coming down to an amazing victory… with an amazing ending!!! The EMT’S are coming down with stretchers to assist both JEM and DAN!!! JEM REFUSES IT THOUGH!!! JEM’S GOING TO WALK OUT ON HIS OWN TWO FEET, WITH THE HELP OF THE NEW DAWN!!!


The cameras pick up the new X-Treme Champ DAULTON LANCE headed to the parking area with his gym back over his shoulder and the title around his waist.. Before he gets a chance to get into his car, someone straight rushes DAULTON LANCE! He spears DAULTON into the driver's side of his car, crushing the door and shattering the window. Glass is all over the place! A referee runs out as this person makes a pin attempt on DAULTON! 1....2....NO! DAULTON kicks out, tossing his opponent with such force that the guy is hurled over the hood of DAULTON'S car and straight through the windows of JONATHYN BROWN'S limousine! DAULTON hurriedly slides through the driver's side window of his car and drives off. The camera moves to JONATHYN'S limo, and finds that DAULTON'S assailant is none other than..

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???? KRAZZY KIDD hasn’t been around in years! And now he’s back to take the X-Treme title! HE stands there, cursing his near-fall….

When all of a sudden..


KRAZZY KIDD is speared clean out of the shot!

The camera shakes and turns quickly to see yet another unknown assailant working on KOLD KILLA! The camera can’t even tell who it is as the two men struggle on the floor of the parking structure.

Finally, KRAZZY KIDD manages to push the man off and yells at him.

KRAZZY KIDD: What the HELL, man?

The man stands up and faces him, with his back to the camera.

You think you’re gonna get the title just like that? Not as long as I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT IT! I was PROMISED A SHOT when I got back, and I’M BACK, so NOBODY gets a piece of the champ before ME!

KRAZZY KIDD: You’re out of your friggin’ MIND, dog! You don’t get ‘promised’ a shot at the X-Treme title, it’s ANYONE’s game, dude! I don’t care who you are or how long you’ve been gone! If I want that belt, I’m gonna GET IT!

KIDD pushes past the man and heads off to the arena, leaving the man to finally turn around..

Revealing his face to the camera for the first time.

MISTER 518: I didn’t come back here to get shown up by that idiot.. This Thursday, I GET MY SHOT.

The fans are cheering as MISTER 518 heads off camera..


- - Ladder Tag Match - -

Once all four men have made their way to the ring, the bell sounds and the action begins with GRAVY and AIDAN COLLINS both starting things out for their teams. GRAVY locks up with COLLINS and quickly uses his quickness to get behind COLLINS and takes him down with a reverse double leg takedown. GRAVY quickly throws COLLINS into an early STF submission but it doesn't last long as DRAKE is on the ball and runs right in with a huge elbow to the back of GRAVY's head. DRAKE yanks GRAVY up off his partner and begins to lay into him with rights and lefts when suddenly KORE enters the ring and tackles DRAKE down to the canvas. DRAKE and KORE both fight and roll to the outside while COLLINS and GRAVY begin to go at it again. COLLINS knees GRAVY in the gut and then easily throws the much smaller GRAVY over the ropes and right on top of both KORE and DRAKE who were slugging it out on the outside. All three men on the outside now spill to the ground hard as COLLINS begins to exit the ring. Within moments, it’s obvious that KORE and DRAKE are hurt, and will be offering very little in this match.

GRAVY grabs COLLINS and Irish whips him into the guardrail. COLLINS screams in pain, and GRAVY grabs out a metal chair from under the ring, and charges toward COLLINS and clocks him with the chair across the side of his face. GRAVY then goes and grabs the 10-foot ladder and puts it inside the ring, slide it to the center and then opening it. He motions to start the journey to the top. But COLLINS slides in and low blows GRAVY as he starts up the ladder. COLLINS picks up GRAVY and stands on the second step and gives him a spinning DDT. As GRAVY lies on the mat, COLLINS goes and grabs the metal steel chair GRAVY pulled out earlier. And COLLINS places the chair into the middle and top turnbuckle. He then walks over to GRAVY and Irish whips him into the metal chair, and GRAVY drops to his knees in pain. COLLINS grabs GRAVY up and drops him with a body press slam. Then he proceeds to climb the ladder. But BOSTONGOD comes from the crowd, and slides into the ring, grabbing COLLINS from the ladder. Looks like BOSTONGOD wants the tag titles to come to Anarchy!! But before anything could happen, the ref grabs BOSTONGOD and sends him backstage. COLLINS is extremely upset; BOSTONGOD distracted him from climbing to the Tag titles. So COLLINS begins again, but making it only to the third step, as GRAVY grabs him and powerbombs him to the mat. GRAVY stumbled about but manages to grab hold of the ladder and start his climb up to the Tag titles, COLLINS slowly crawls to the other side, to begin his climb to the top, and GRAVY slowly begins to come eye to with the Tag titles. But then COLLINS punches him in the gut. And GRAVY almost falls, but then he punches COLLINS back, and he almost falls, and then they begin a huge punch battle, first GRAVY punches COLLINS, then COLLINS to GRAVY and the ladder slowly jiggles in the ring and then falls, GRAVY falls to the outside and COLLINS falls straddling the top rope and then falls to the apron, then rolls to the floor on the outside of the ring. The ref rushes to the side of GRAVY and AIDAN. The ladder lay on the top rope and the wreckage outside tells the story of what just happened to the just tuning in visitors. GRAVY is showing signs of life, and COLLINS slowly gets to his feet. And then GRAVY slowly rolls inside of the ring, and sets the ladder back up. And COLLINS gets to the apron, and climbs into the ring. GRAVY notices COLLINS entering the ring, so he grabs up the chair still in the ring in the corner, so he grabs it and tosses it toward the standing AIDAN, and COLLINS catches it, but GRAVY runs and dropkicks the chair into the face of COLLINS and he flies up and over the top rope to the outside. GRAVY, looks up to the Tag titles and the crowd cheers, as he goes and climbs up to the belt, first step, second, fifth step, sixth, and then finally, seventh and eighth step. He then reaches and grabs a hold of the belt. But COLLINS rolls into the ring and charges the ladder, and knocks the ladder from under GRAVY, and he stayed hanging onto the Tag titles, and he swayed into the air, 12 feet above the ring, and COLLINS decided, to open the ladder up, so he opened the ladder and spread the legs out so if GRAVY would fall he’d land on the ladder, and then COLLINS rolled out and grabbed another ladder and placed it unopened in the middle of the opened on. So that it covered the whole ring. GRAVY started to lose his grip by on a last and final pull; he yanked the titles down as he falls crashing into the ladders below. GRAVY has managed to hold on to the belt!!

But is KORE going to be able to maintain his role in the tag team?


As the camera pans around we see HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD running full speed into JONATHYN's office. Pretty much out of breath, HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD keeps pointing and trying to catch is breath at the same time. JONATHYN just looks at him trying to figure out why he just barged into his office.

JONATHYN: What is it boy? Did Timmy fall down a well?

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD: Boss, you'll never believe who I just saw duck into a cafe down the street.

JONATHYN: Whoa. Wait a second.. Why are you even HERE?

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD: I have friends around here. My name is “HAWAIIAN.” I live here.

JONATHYN: Great. You live up the street so you’ve had your whole life to service the security guards so they could finally repay the various favors.. Gross.

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD: Look. You want to hear what I saw or not?

JONATHYN: Sure. You saw something. I can’t wait. Was it a large red “L?” Because that’s just something that follows HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE around now. It’s actually gotten so big, he has to check it as baggage when he gets on planes now.

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD: No man, be serious. It was someone you would never believe..... NICK NITRO!

JONATHYN: NICK NITRO. Okay. You can go now. That’s not funny.

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD: I’m not kidding. Why would I do that?

JONATHYN: Look, HEAD.. We all know damn well NICK died months ago in a convenience store robbery.

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD: I'm telling you I saw him. I was walking down the street and I saw him walking down the road with a beautiful blond. The minute he noticed me he went running into a cafe. But by the time I could get in there he was gone. He must have run out the back door or something.

JONATHYN: Listen.. I hated NITRO as much as the next guy, but still the guy is gone, plain and simple.

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD reaches across the desk and grabs JONATHYN by his collar pulling him face to face.


JONATHYN: I am going to give you two seconds to get your hands off me.

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD lets go of JONATHYN's collar and takes a few steps back.

JONATHYN: Ok listen.. Maybe you did maybe you didn't that doesn't matter. Faking your death is a federal offense and if anyone ever found out NICK would be in deep doo doo. So just let it go.. You never saw NITRO got it?


JONATHYN: Never saw him...


JONATHYN: He’s as dead as your career, HARDHEAD. The day I see NICK NITRO alive is the day I let you come back to the XWF full time.

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD: Well then you’d better get my locker ready, because I WILL BRING HIM TO YOU.

HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD leaves JONATHYN 's office just as JONATHYN starts thinking a rubbing his chin wondering. JONATHYN picks up his cell phone.

JONATHYN: Hey.. It's JONATHYN.. Yeah.. Listen.. Do we still have that security camera footage of NICK NITRO?.. Yeah.. I need to check that out again.. Thanks..

JONATHYN drops the phone and just stares off into space.

The shot returns to ringside with special cameras, reinforced with padding for high-impact situations, nestled high atop by cranes in the rampways, holding two rampways of rafters high above the ring, nearly 30 feet! Nestled on either side of the walkways above the ring, are scramblings of chairs, ladders... tables, and many other an assortment of weapons. The announcer in the ring, is holding a shuffle of cards, with each entrant's information which he will read off as they come out in specific order... After a moment, he begins his announcement as the first entrant is introduced!

- - Leap Of Faith Rafter Match - -

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and Gentleman, we are now at our Hart Championship Rafters match. A gruesome, grotesque peek into the horrible creations of the X-TREME.. WRESTLING... FEDERATION! The first man to successfully ascend the rafters, and manage to pry the HART CHAMPIONSHIP BELT, from above them and then descend back into the ring, will be declared the victor! Having said that, allow me to introduce to all of you, our first combatant.. the.... HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE!!!!

At that, a HUGE chorus of boos flows from the crowd as a collective siren song. The sheer volume of distaste evident in their voice is enough to drive away anything in existence.

As HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE makes his way to the ring trash is instantly thrown at him. Stray pops, bits of chewing gum, small children throw their dolls at him. He seems to be cowering behind the curtain, looking up at the cranes and the rafters...

Is HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE.... quivering?

Actually, shaking in his... boots?

He finally seems to muster up enough courage to step out from behind the curtain, only to immediately be smacked in the face with a slice of pepperoni pizza thrown by an irate fan who frantically boos him.

The announcer quickly announces the following competitor, SEAN SYNN, who steps from behind the curtain with an exceptionally stony face, barreling down the rampway, only pausing when he bumps into HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE.. however, as he makes his way to the ring and the scaffolding that leads to the rafters, HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE raps him on the shoulder.

As he turns around, HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE, marinara sauce dripping from his chin and all, pokes him squarely in the eye.


SEAN SYNN, holds his eye... and looks... stunned! A grown man just poked him in his eye!

HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE seems to be afraid! As he turns to run, SEAN SYNN grabs him by the hair and hauls him back... he hits a VERTICAL SUPLEX OFF THE RAMPWAY... THROUGH A TABLE... ONTO THUMBTACKS....


And amazingly as coincidences go, a stray fan throws a cigarette into that exact spot, at that exact moment, lighting HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE, ablaze! The man is rolling on the ground, screaming... tears streaming down his eyes as he cries for his mother.

SEAN SYNN merely looks down at him from the rampway, shaking his head as if disgusted.

He quickly clambers up to the ring, awaiting the next opponent.

GLASS CASKET quickly emerges from the backstage, running down the rampway, sliding into the ring and immediately going on the offensive! He shoulder tackles SEAN SYNN, knocking him backwards into the turnbuckle, which is propped side by side with the scaffolding that leads to the rafters.

After a moment, GLASS CASKET Goes to hit a running spear in the corner, but SEAN SYNN inverts his body and begins unloading on GLASS CASKET! GLASS CASKET is rocked by the sheer power of SEAN SYNN! After a moment, Sean climbs the turnbuckle and begins stomping on GLASS CASKET'S FACE, bloodying him already, so early on in the matchup. He kicks the man away and begins to climb the scaffolding, smirking as he makes his way to the rafters.

GLASS CASKET quickly gets back up to his feet, even as another combatant joins in on the action!

BOSTONGOD IS PLOWING DOWN THE RAMPWAY! He steps on HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE's chest and extinguishes the small fire that had begun on the man! By the time HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE is able to whimper, BOSTONGOD is already in the ring and climbing up the scaffolding, trying to reach SEAN SYNN and GLASS CASKET, already heavily engaged in a fist fight on the rafters!

GLASS CASKET ducks under a thunderous haymaker and hits a dropkick on SEAN SYNN that almost sends him careening off the rafter to the floor, far down below.

SEAN SYNN though grabs hold of one of the industrial wires holding the rafters suspended, and whirls around and catches an uprising BOSTONGOD unaware, with a crescent kick to the jaw! He stumbles back into GLASS CASKET who hits a subsequent German suplex! The impact rattles the floor they stand on, creaks and moans of the cranes, barely withstanding the pressure.

At that, a large bullhorn goes off as another opponent reaches the ring! It's JIMMY DARRELL! He looks around for a moment, before quickly climbing to the rafters, ducking underneath a clothesline from GLASS CASKET to run straight into a spinebuster from SEAN SYNN! JIMMY DARRELL winces in pain, even as in amazement, BOSTONGOD quickly hits a bulldog on GLASS CASKET, CARRYING BOTH MEN ACROSS A 3-FOOT SPAN... ONTO THE OTHER SET OF RAFTERS!



In apparent confusion, both J.R BLAKE and O’BRADY run down to the ring at the same time, both of them looking at the other and arguing about the order in which they were supposed to arrive. However O’BRADY settles the dispute with a quick superkick to BLAKE 's jaw! He crashes to the ring canvas, as O’BRADY clamors up to the rafters to join on the carnage! He plucks a chair from the side of the entrance and runs immediately at SEAN SYNN, who merely ducks under and turns around to punch the chair directly into O’BRADY's mouth. Blood flows freely from the wound as O’BRADY stumbles backward, his arm wrapping around one of the industrial wires, the only thing keeping him suspended!

At that same moment, JIMMY DARRELL hits a flying crossbody onto BOSTONGOD! But JIMMY DARRELL catches him in mid-air... almost!

The force of the jump, sends DARRELL spinning wildly back, crashing into O’BRADY...

OH........ MY GOD!






The combatants are screaming, clutching their bones as EMT's rush wildly down to the ring, loading each man up onto a stretcher and promptly escorting them from the battlefield.

At this, GLASS CASKET attempts to take advantage by charging SEAN SYNN! However, SEAN SYNN merely turns around and hits a European uppercut on GLASS CASKET! The warrior shrugs it off however and hits a Mongolian chop on SEAN SYNN!

From the entranceway, we see that several other superstars have filled the ring! SULLY SILVERA and POGO seems to be battling it out, as HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE is crawling away from the ring, towards the entrance way! As another bullhorn hits, PROTOTYPE hits the scene, walking from behind the curtain! He sees the pathetic HONKEY laying a this feet and grabs him by the legs, dragging him kicking and screaming into the ring!


POGO, however, sees this and begins to talk to PROTOTYPE, after a moment, PROTOTYPE walks away, clotheslining SULLY SILVERA!

POGO turns to HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE... propped in the corner, and shakes his genitals at him!

He stomps toward the LIGHTHOUSE, and begins...


He's bitchslapping the living crap out of HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE!



He quickly dumps HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE off the rafters, watching as the bleeding little man screams and cries about YouTube, as he crashes to the ground, smacking off of a popcorn vendor, frying his face on a grill and rolls to the floor.

An EMT goes to make his way to HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE, but another paramedic whispers something in his ear.

They just leave HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE where he is, bleeding.

At this, PROTOTYPE, has dragged SULLY SILVERA to an awaiting SEA SYNN, at the top of the rafters!

They both have him in a double powerbomb position!




At this, the last entrant in the match, Matt Sharp, runs down the rampway sliding into the ring... watching as POGO and PROTOTYPE, alternatively wail on SEAN SYNN, who attempts to block them!





POGO and PROTOTYPE bound on SEAN SYNN, glaring at him with white, gleaming teeth!

POGO takes the first action, jumping at SEAN SYNN with a dropkick, CONNECTING!

SEAN SYNN stumbles backwards, hanging off the bottom edge of the rafter, feet dangling down to the earth, in his left hand the sledgehammer! As POGO goes to stomp on his left hand, he rears the hammer up and away!


Blood spurts from POGO's head as he falls backwards, limply falling off of the rafter! He smacks into one of the cranes, forcing it to rip the rafter off of one it's wires... the entire rafter dangles on one dangerous side, as SEAN SYNN and PROTOTYPE jump at once, holding onto the HART CHAMPIONSHIP, above the rafters, as the rafters themselves snap and fall to the ring, draping it with a loud crash!!!


After a moment, PROTOTYPE, takes a risk and rears his skull back!


With a HUMONGOUS headbutt, SEAN SYNN falls off of the rafters, PROTOTYPE FOLLOWING HIS DESCENT INTO THE RING! As they fall, PROTOTYPE dropkicks SEAN SYNN, propelling himself into the air and cushioning his fall!





After a large celebration in the ring for PROTOTYPE, JONATHYN BROWN makes his way down to the ring with a very somber and serious look on his face. The moment he climbs in, a mic is handed to him and he wastes no time in addressing the fans.

JONATHYN: Alright… As most of you know, things in Anarchy locker room have gotten quite out of hand. Now this is no surprise with a name like Anarchy, there is a line and numerous members of the Anarchy locker room have crossed it. I’ve got guys running around in the back and I can no longer control it. Even TONIGHT, I’ve had HAWAIIAN HARDHEAD getting in without a problem.. MISTER 518 showed up unannounced and attacked our new X-Treme champ DAULTON LANCE.. You all know me and know that no challenge is too great for me and I’ve overcome numerous obstacles thrown before. But… I’m the first one to say that Anarchy has become too out of hand for even I to handle alone. With that said, I have decided to appoint an Executive Assistant to Anarchy. Someone I could trust to keep things in order in my absence and someone who will be able to handle the Anarchy locker room if needed. I thought long and hard about who I could appoint to this position and I’ve finally came to one. This is a man who has spent much time in XWF. Someone who has seen the highs and lows of this company. Believe it or now, when it came to this job, I didn’t hesitate for one moment when I offered it to him. I can say however I was quite surprise to know hear him accept it. I know the suspense is killing you all and I don’t want to keep him waiting much longer myself. Ladies and Gentlemen… The Executive Assistant of Anarchy….


The crowd erupts as the lights start to give that familiar flicker and the sound of SEAN’s sadistic laugh fills the arena before his music starts. And then the man himself appears on the stage and the roof almost comes off as THE DARK PRINCE is back in XWF! GRAVES flashes his trademark grin as he makes his way down to the ring. He climbs into the ring, walks right up to JONATHYN and the two embrace in a handshake. A little tension can be felt in the air as the two stare each other down. JONATHYN hands GRAVES the mic after the handshake and soon exits the ring. GRAVES waits until JONATHYN is completely out of the ring and up the ramp before he looks to the crowd and flashes his smile again.

GRAVES: I bet none of you saw this coming. SEAN GRAVES… Executive Assistant to JON BROWN and Anarchy. What a title! As a matter of fact, I think this is the only title I think JON would want me to have in XWF. But I must thank JON. Now only did he bring me back to XWF, he’s appointed me to be his personal enforcer. Seems as though things as gotten a little out of hand between the boys in the back. Nobody knows how to play with one another without causing controversy. Understandable. I was all about controversy during my tenure in XWF, so who better for the job right? Now I could stand in this ring and babble all night long about what this job entails and what I have in store for Anarchy, but why bore you people and most importantly, why bore myself? XWF has never been about talk. It’s all about the action and I’m going to let my actions speak louder than any words. Just know that I’m going to do my job as only I could do it. But I do have a message for the boys of Anarchy. Some of you know me, some of you don’t and those that don’t know me will get to know me very soon. I am The Dark Prince of XWF. Always have been and always will be. I will follow whatever proper protocols I must when it comes to disciplining those who get out of hand. But for those special few he may forget their place… Let me assure you that I have no problem lacing my boots back up and stepping into the ring so we can settle whatever… differences we may have. So with that said… I’ll see you all Thursday.

GRAVES drops his mic and his music hits as he once again flashes his trademark grin and climbs out of the ring towards the back. JONATHYN disappears to the back as well, feeling confident in his choice..


- - Best of Three Submissions Only - -

BRAD and DYNAMITE lock up, with BRAD hitting some high knees to the ribcage of DYNAMITE. He then plants him with a reverse STO. BRAD then locks in a reverse chin lock. DYNAMITE quickly powers out of the hold, lifting BRAD up with him and slamming him down with a belly to back suplex. DYNAMITE then locks in a standing leg lock. BRAD tries to roll out of the hold, but cant. He then begins to kick DYNAMITE in the abdomen then nails a kick to the face, forcing DYNAMITE to break the hold. BRAD gets to his feet and clotheslines DYNAMITE, then hits him with another clothesline. DYNAMITE gets to one knee, but is met with a high knee from BRAD. BRAD begins to drop big elbows to the back of DYNAMITE’s neck. BRAD quickly locks in dragon sleeper, driving his knees into the spine of DYNAMITE. The ref begins to check DYNAMITE, but the champ refuses to give. BRAD begins to slam his knees into the spine of DYNAMITE, and tugging on the neck of the champion, but DYNAMITE still refuses to tap. DYNAMITE begins to drive his elbows into the ribs of BRAD, finally forcing BRAD to break the hold. DYNAMITE gets to his knees but BRAD is ready for the kill. BRAD hits a dropkick to the face of DYNAMITE, then begins to drop more elbows to the back of DYNAMITE’s neck. BRAD then locks in a full nelson, applying more pressure on the neck of DYNAMIC DYNAMITE. The ref once again begins to check the champ, and DYNAMITE still refuses to submit. BRAD lifts DYNAMITE, but DYNAMITE surprises him with a taste of X Rated. DYNAMITE lifts BRAD up and hits a powerbomb. He picks BRAD up again and nails him with another powerbomb. DYNAMITE nails BRAD with a big boot as BRAD rises to his feet. DYNAMITE picks BRAD up and goes for another powerbomb, but BRAD hits a few elbows to the face, then flips over DYNAMITE, pulling DYNAMITE’s legs out from under him and BRAD locks in Levity!!! DYNAMITE powers out of the hold, but BRAD meets him with the Groundhog. DYNAMITE gets up and BRAD runs towards him, but DYNAMITE catches him with a powerslam. DYNAMITE takes a moment to catch his breath; he then turns back towards BRAD who is getting up. DYNAMITE hits him with a flurry of punches, before lifting him and going for X Rated again, but BRAD reverses and somehow manages to lock in an armbar, hit a Russian Leg Sweep, then a backbreaker, then a neckbreaker. BRAD then hits a jawjacker, then a DDT out of nowhere, before locking DYNAMITE into a guillotine. DYNAMITE tries to fight out of the hold, as the ref consistently checks him, before DYNAMITE finally taps out, giving BRAD the first fall.


BRAD breaks the hold and turns his attention to the crowd, only to have DYNAMITE hit a chop block. BRAD falls to the mat and DYNAMITE immediately begins to work on BRAD. He picks BRAD up and nails him with a spike piledriver. BRAD holds his head in pain as DYNAMITE continues to shake the cobwebs. BRAD gets up, but DYNAMITE meets him with a big boot to the face. DYNAMITE picks BRAD up, but BRAD hits a double underhook suplex. DYNAMITE gets up and BRAD hits him with a running forearm smash. DYNAMITE gets up and BRAD charges toward him, but DYNAMITE catches him with a Samoan drop. DYNAMITE locks in a dragon sleeper and BRAD reaches for the ropes, but cant reach. DYNAMITE squeezes his legs around BRAD’s waist, trying to squeeze the air out of BRAD’s lungs. BRAD begins to elbow DYNAMITE into the ribs and back hand him in the face and DYNAMITE finally lets go of the dragon sleeper. BRAD gets to his feet, but DYNAMITE whips him into the ropes and plants him with a spinebuster, before locking in a Boston Crab. BRAD begins to yell in pain as the ref checks him to see if he wants to submit, but BRAD refuses. BRAD begins to push himself up from the mat and begins to crawl towards the ropes. BRAD reaches out, only a few short inches away, but DYNAMITE drags him back to the center of the ring. BRAD once again refuses to submit, and once again begins to drag himself towards the ropes. BRAD edges closer, reaches out and lunges forward, grabbing the ropes. DYNAMITE breaks the hold, then drops an elbow to the spine of BRAD, then another, then another, then an elbow to the neck. DYNAMITE lifts BRAD up, and BRAD hits an uppercut and hits DYNAMITE with FADED GLORY. Both men lie limp for a few minutes. Both men then begin to climb to their feet and both make it to the center of the ring at the same time. BRAD begins to hammer away at DYNAMITE’s face, until DYNAMITE hits a knee to the gut and then hits BRAD with Creative Control! DYNAMITE then begins to stalk BRAD as BRAD slowly comes around. BRAD turns into a boot to the face, then DYNAMITE proceeds to lock BRAD up for a reverse DDT, drops him into a backbreaker, followed by another backbreaker, then locks a choke hold, completing Menage-A-Trois! BRAD tries to fight out of the hold, but he cant seem to make it to the ropes. He rolls around, but DYNAMITE keeps the hold locked in tight. BRAD tries in vain to break the hold, but there is no use. BRAD fights for a few moments longer, until he finally submits, giving the second fall to DYNAMIC DYNAMITE.


DD breaks the hold and taunts the crowd, who begin booing him. BRAD gets to his feet and backs into the corner, holding his neck. DYNAMITE charges at BRAD but BRAD gets the boot up, then hops onto the top rope and connects with a bulldog. DYNAMITE gets up but BRAD nails him with DumbStruck. BRAD then quickly locks in a sharpshooter. DYNAMITE immediately begins to yell in pain. BRAD locks the hold in tight, but DYNAMITE refuses to submit. DYNAMITE begins to pull himself towards the ropes, but BRAD breaks the sharpshooter and locks in the Angle! DYNAMITE reaches out but can not reach the ropes. BRAD begins to yell for him to tap, but DYNAMITE just shakes his head no. DYNAMITE pushes himself up and manages to lunge forward, grabbing the bottom rope. BRAD refuses to break the hold. DYNAMITE begins to try to power out of the hold, but BRAD refuses to release. After about five minutes, BRAD breaks the hold and begins to stomp on the back of DYNAMITE’s legs. BRAD picks DYNAMITE up, but DYNAMITE hits an uppercut, then hits a vertical suplex on BRAD. DYNAMITE then stumbles back to his feet. He picks BRAD up and whips him into the ropes and hits with a sidewalk slam. DYNAMITE then locks in a sharpshooter of his own and BRAD presses up and begins to writhe in pain. DYNAMITE begins to yank back and forth, trying to apply more and more pressure, but BRAD shakes his head no. He begins to crawl towards the ropes, but DYNAMITE breaks the hold and locks in a crossface. BRAD presses up and rolls DYNAMITE over and begins to drive his elbows into DYNAMITE’s ribs, forcing DYNAMITE to break the hold. Both men get to their feet and lock up in the center of the ring and DYNAMITE powers BRAD into the corner and begins to hammer away at BRAD’s face, before whipping BRAD into a clothesline. DYNAMITE then lifts BRAD up and hits him with X Rated. He picks BRAD up, but BRAD hits a left to the face, spins DYNAMITE around and plants him with Divine Resolution.

BRAD begins to hammer away on DYNAMITE’s face, before whipping him into the corner and catching him with a high knee to the face. BRAD then picks DYNAMITE up onto the top rope…

BRAD begins to hammer away on DYNAMITE’s face, before whipping him into the corner and catching him with a high knee to the face. BRAD then picks DYNAMITE up onto the top rope, lifts him onto his shoulders. DYNAMITE begins to elbow BRAD in the face, but BRAD doesn’t let go. BRAD then leaps off of the second rope, sending DYNAMITE face first into his knee, as BRAD hits Fall Into Sleep. BRAD then scrambles over to the prone DYNAMITE and locks in Fade To Black. DYNAMITE tries to fight out of the hold, hitting elbows to the ribs, but BRAD doesn’t break the hold. BRAD begins rocking back and forth, applying more pressure. DYNAMITE reaches out, but the ropes are nowhere around. DYNAMITE yells in pain, before finally submitting.



BRAD PIERCE HAS DONE IT! A star who was once brushed off as a “paper champion” has proven himself at the biggest event of the summer!

BRAD poses in the ring with the belt, and while half the crowd is booing, the other half lets him know they are proud of his accomplishment! He heads up the ramp, holding the belt tight to his chest.




“The Pursuit” by Evans Blue hits the speaker system as blue light bounds around the arena from strobe lights. A man steps onto the stage. He looks down at the ground, as white sparks shoot out around him. His head is covered by the hood from his sleeveless blue and white top. The sparks die down and the face of JUSTIN “RAZIEL” JONES looks up from behind the hood. The XWF Universal Title, recently stolen by him, glimmers around his waist. He raises something up in his hand. A flamethrower! He fires it off into the air as the audience applauds. Lowering the flamethrower, he strides towards the ring. He carefully places the flamethrower by the stairs, before he leaps up onto the ring apron and steps into the ring. Ripping the top from his body, he tosses it out to the side of the ring. “His” Universal Title then gets unhooked from his body, and he poses with it on the second turnbuckle. The referee asks for it to be handed over, and he does so unwillingly.

Suddenly the lights in the arena begin to flicker between black and normal.




An explosion goes off in the middle of the ramp as the lights in the arena go completely out. Fire erupts from all four corners in the ring, barely even fazing RAZIEL, as Killswitch Engage - "The End of Heartache" begins to play. The crowd knows that FAMINE OF THE VILE is on his way out. As the lights come back on, FAMINE stands at the entrance and takes off his shades to look around and the crowd. The reaction is deafening as he begins to walk down to the ring. The Vile One slaps a few hands on the way down and smiles at a few ladies. He gets to ringside and sees RAZIEL’s flamethrower. Taking it in hand, he sets it off in the air as the crowd erupts once more. Smiling, he places it down, now against the guardrail, and enters the ring.

With both men in the ring, a clichéd stare down commences. The poor referee, after drawing the short straw to be thrust into the middle of the coming inferno with two hungry animals out for blood (and flames) raises the Universal Title in the air to show what is at stake. He hands the title to someone at ringside as RAZIEL and FAMINE OF THE VILE continue to stare at each other. But unlike your standard confrontation, it is interrupted by actions on the outside of the ring. This match is anything but standard. As if the prestige of the Universal Title wasn’t enough, the stakes have been raised even further. In one moment, the two competitors are standing in the middle of the ring, but in the very next instance, that same ring becomes a ring of fire. This is an inferno match, and the flames have just begun to engulf the ring. Immediately one can feel the heat radiating off them. This isn’t trick fire like they use to shoot out of their mouths at carnivals, this is real folks. This fire can burn you. Tonight, somebody must get burned.


The bell rings and this match is ON!



- - Inferno Match - -

RAZIEL and FAMINE OF THE VILE circle each other cautiously. In any match, one mistake can be the difference between winning and losing. Here, it can be the difference between life and death. This is serious, and no matter how far these two are willing to go to come on top here, both must think every action through thoroughly, because if they don’t the consequences will be dire.

They lock up: a shining light of technical ability inside a hellacious battlefield that demands a different course of action. Regardless of the stipulation, this is still a wrestling match. Regardless of how the styles of both RAZIEL and FAMINE are perceived, they are still wrestlers. They know what they’re doing.

They jostle for position for a moment, before FAMINE manages to overpower RAZIEL and drive him right towards the corner. Realizing the danger he is in, RAZIEL springs out as fast as he can. The flames were only inches away from his body, and he realized it. The crowd roars, showing they acknowledged it as well. This sold-out audience could prove to be the most daunting obstacle in this match. Neither man can rely on them to provide fuel for the fire. The crowd just wants to see somebody get burned.

FAMINE smiles wickedly. With both men in peak physical condition, his slight size advantage gives him the edge in terms of power. That one factor could prove to time and time again send RAZIEL towards the outskirts of the safety of the ring, near the fire. RAZIEL isn’t intimidated though, and smiles right on back at FAMINE. He moves in and they lock up again, but RAZIEL had it all planned this time, driving a quick knee into the gut of FAMINE OF THE VILE. Another now, harder. A third knee is delivered with huge force, showing FAMINE that RAZIEL has some power of his own. FAMINE staggers backwards, and is met with a driving back elbow from RAZIEL that drops him. RAZIEL mounts him and starts laying in punches to FAMINE’s head. Using his head, FAMINE covers up pretty quickly, and while RAZIEL sends a couple of shots into FAMINE’s body, they don’t have the same effect, so he ends that game plan.

RAZIEL gets to his feet, with FAMINE following one pace behind him. A European uppercut staggers FAMINE once more, but he remains on his feet. RAZIEL winds up a right hand, but FAMINE blocks it, and punches RAZIEL instead. Following the stereotypical rule of three, two more punches later, RAZIEL is dropped to the ground. He rolls to his feet quickly, but FAMINE is there waiting for him and a charging forearm puts him back to the mat. Again RAZIEL shows his resilience though, only to be met with a thunderous clothesline that keeps him down for longer. FAMINE is on top of him now, raining in the rights and lefts just as RAZIEL did to him. What goes around comes back around. RAZIEL covers up in time, and FAMINE gets off him as well, but he adds his own little quirk to the series of events as he kicks RAZIEL right in the abdomen, causing RAZIEL to flip over onto his stomach. FAMINE wastes no time now, mounting RAZIEL once again, this time locking in a Camel Clutch. A submission may hold no standings here in this match, but it sure is a great way to wear RAZIEL down to make it easier to throw him in the flames.

RAZIEL winces in pain as FAMINE wrenches him backwards, trying to fold his body in two. To his credit, RAZIEL doesn’t tap out. Perhaps he realizes how futile it is in this match type, perhaps the lure of the Universal Title is enough for him to fight against his natural wrestling instincts, or perhaps he’s just one tough son-of-a-bitch. Whatever the reason, it seems to have an effect on FAMINE, who after one huge wrench back, lets go of RAZIEL, allowing him to collapse to the ground. It’s not over yet though, not by a long shot. FAMINE hoists RAZIEL up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. The flames just miss RAZIEL’s body as he bounces back towards the waiting FAMINE OF THE VILE. A spinebuster puts RAZIEL back on the ground, and now FAMINE rolls him over, and he goes back to the Camel Clutch! RAZIEL is trapped once more! He grasps at FAMINE’s leg, the supporting beam holding up the monster. Staying firm like a tree trunk though, it doesn’t budge, as RAZIEL is yanked backwards, his back and neck burning with pain. FAMINE raises himself, still with the Camel Clutch locked in but turning into a more common chinlock now, but he has a plan! FAMINE places his knee right in the spine of RAZIEL, between his shoulder blades, and he drives downwards! RAZIEL’s crashes face first into the canvas, with FAMINE’s knee drilling into his back. That’s got to be excruciating!

RAZIEL writhes with pain on the ground, rolling around. FAMINE keeps him still by dropping an elbow across the back of the head. A side headlock then puts FAMINE in firm control of RAZIEL once more. He drags RAZIEL to his feet and then plants him with a bulldog, all the while keeping the headlock locked in. Again he gets to his feet, but this time he’s met with an elbow to the gut. A second elbow from RAZIEL, showing that there’s life in him yet! He grabs FAMINE around the waist, and plants him with a back suplex! Both men are down now but the referee can’t start a ten count, the match doesn’t end that way! FAMINE is moving, having taken less punishment so far. RAZIEL is moving too! It’s FAMINE who gets to his feet, but as he grabs RAZIEL by the head, a low blow comes out of nowhere and RAZIEL takes control! There is no disqualification, so it’s perfectly legal!

FAMINE clutches at his crotch as he falls to the ground. RAZIEL takes a few steps backwards and then hits a running leg drop. As soon as the leg drops across FAMINE’s throat, RAZIEL spins around and hooks FAMINE in a Half Nelson, using leverage to bring FAMINE to his feet. RAZIEL drags FAMINE now towards the edge of the ring. He pushes FAMINE’s head between the ropes, where the fire waits about a foot away. Using his free hand, FAMINE manages to grip the ropes and fight himself away from the edge, but in doing so, he allows himself to still remain under RAZIEL’s control who plants him with a DDT.

RAZIEL locks in the Half-Nelson once again, but now positions himself on top of FAMINE, so that there’s nowhere for him to move to. Forearm smash after forearm smash is driven into FAMINE’s side until RAZIEL is sufficiently convinced that FAMINE is in substantial pain. He lets him drop to the ground and steps away. RAZIEL circles his prey now, crouching, watching, waiting. FAMINE clambers to his feet, facing the direction away from RAZIEL. RAZIEL springs forwards and uses a reverse DDT to put FAMINE down on the ground once more. Now RAZIEL rolls him towards the fire! He’s trying to end this quickly! FAMINE moves closer and closer towards the fire, and soon realizes where he is. RAZIEL doesn’t have a firm hold on FAMINE, so as he attempts to shuffle away from the fire, he succeeds. But RAZIEL isn’t going to let him off the hook that easily. As FAMINE gets to his feet, his head is practically taken off with a lariat delivered with an exclamation mark. He hits the deck immediately, no unbelievable backflip, no obvious acting. Just pure and simple hurting.

FAMINE is down, and now RAZIEL adds insult to injury with a fist drop. A hand then gets placed firmly around FAMINE’s throat, and RAZIEL is choking FAMINE OF THE VILE! With no rules to keep him in place, RAZIEL is letting out his vicious side here tonight! The referee steps in now, not to disqualify RAZIEL, but to try and get oxygen to the face of FAMINE which is slowly turning a shade of blue. RAZIEL lets go to confront the ref. The referee backs away, and RAZIEL shoves him into the corner while reminding him that there are no rules here, so he can do whatever the hell he wants. The referee agrees and tries to explain himself, but RAZIEL simply places his hand over the ref’s mouth and then points behind him. The referee turns to see the roaring flames. He panics and leaps away from RAZIEL and the corner, panicking. RAZIEL laughs, as he turns his attention back to FAMINE, who is on his feet once again. FAMINE fires off first though, sending a right hand to the cheek of RAZIEL. RAZIEL sends a right hand back at FAMINE though. FAMINE hits RAZIEL. RAZIEL hits FAMINE. They trade punches in the center of a ring, engulfed in flames! The crowd is roaring, just waiting for somebody to get the upper hand. And it happens! FAMINE blocks one of RAZIEL’s punches, and hits him twice in a row! Another block! Another punch! FAMINE builds some momentum as he kicks RAZIEL in the gut and floors him with a headbutt.

FAMINE throws his arms in the air as RAZIEL rolls back to his feet. The crowd is feeling it. The Hellseeker! Wait a minute, NO! RAZIEL flips out of it and onto his feet! INTROVERTER! FAMINE JUST GOT HIT WITH THE INTROVERTER! The crowd explodes! RAZIEL rolls FAMINE over now. And again. He nears the ropes! He nears the flames! But FAMINE is fighting! Something takes control of FAMINE and causes him to fight back! The will to be the Universal Champion is so strong that even RAZIEL’s Introverter isn’t enough to keep him down! RAZIEL rains down clubbing shots to FAMINE’s back, but he’s still fighting his way to his feet. An eye gouge! If RAZIEL wants to fight viciously, so will FAMINE! A fist to the face… no... to the nose blurs RAZIEL’s vision. It’s enough for FAMINE to grab him by the back of the head, and throw him over the ropes and through the flames!!!


He crashes down onto the outside and men with fire extinguishes prepare themselves. But one of the referees on the outside rushes over and tells them to stop.


The ref is signaling that RAZIEL is not on fire so the match goes on! A wall of flames separates the two combatants, but this match is still going! RAZIEL gets to his feet and looks around for FAMINE, until he finally realizes what’s going on. He points at the silhouette of FAMINE, standing still in the ring behind the fire and he laughs. Hang on a second… that wasn’t FAMINE in the ring! RAZIEL saw the in-ring referee’s silhouette! FAMINE OF THE VILE is soaring over the top rope! HE GOES THROUGH THE FLAMES AND HIS BODY CRASHES RIGHT INTO RAZIEL!

The nearby ref studies the scene, and he deems that FAMINE was not on fire either! Both men have passed through the flames so quickly that they did not ignite!


The bodies stir at ringside. The crowd is so deafening that one cannot hear themselves think. FAMINE is on one knee. RAZIEL is on one knee. RAZIEL stands. FAMINE stands. They both look dreary. They both simultaneously punch each other! They both stagger backwards. But wait, FAMINE’s hand reaches out. He’s got the ring bell!


The ring bell smashes over RAZIEL’s head, busting him wide open!

FAMINE drops down to one knee, breathing heavily, as RAZIEL collapses on the ground. RAZIEL is not moving! FAMINE drops the bell with another ding on the ground and takes another moment to breathe. Then, he pushes himself to his feet. Grabbing RAZIEL’s by the neck, he pulls him up, and thrusts his head between his legs. He rolls RAZIEL right up and then throws him out. Hellseeker! RIGHT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCER’S TABLE!!! That’s got to be it! RAZIEL has got to be done! But FAMINE had to sacrifice himself to get the job done, sending his upper body through the table, while his lower body crashes onto the thin mats. Again we have a stalemate. Neither man is moving!

Both referees on the outside of the ring check on the men, while the one poor soul in the flaming ring looks on helplessly. There’s nothing anybody can do though as the “HOLY SHIT” chant spreads throughout the arena.

Minutes pass until the completely exhausted FAMINE twitches. He rolls over onto his stomach. Crawling towards the nearest guardrail, he uses it to lift himself to his feet. His eyes are glossy, barely able to focus on where the body of RAZIEL lies, still motionless. He nods, a small hint of a grin beginning to cross his face. This match is his. He can feel it. He stumbles over the wreckage of what used to be a table, and reaches RAZIEL’s carcass. One hand grabs RAZIEL. Two hands. Now he uses every ounce of strength he has left to bring RAZIEL to his feet one last time. This is the end.


What the hell? RAZIEL just hit FAMINE with…


RAZIEL is still in this thing, and was hiding the Universal Title under his body, just waiting for FAMINE! How are either of these men still going?!

FAMINE falls to the ground, joining RAZIEL with a crimson mask covering his face, as RAZIEL falls back onto the security barrier. The title drops from his hands as he has the same glossy look in his eye that FAMINE just had. He wills himself upwards. He wills himself to his feet, but falls back down on his belly. Crawling now, he inches his way towards FAMINE. He’s determined to put an end to this.

One hand. Two hands. He grabs FAMINE OF THE VILE, and presses down on him to assist him in his rise to his feet. FAMINE then gets pulled up afterwards, but on instinct alone, because nothing else is left, drives RAZIEL back first into the second announcer’s table. RAZIEL’s battered body rolls up onto the table. His head hangs over the edge. FAMINE now pulls back the protective mat, exposing the concrete underneath. RAZIEL finds himself in a front face lock. No… don’t do it FAMINE.

FAMINE OF THE VILE is going for The Fall from Grace on the concrete. This could put RAZIEL in the hospital PERMANENTLY!

FAMINE looks out into the crowd, and then back at the flames. But he takes too much time! RAZIEL throws his entire weight into FAMINE’s body, pushing him backwards into the flames! NO! FAMINE stops himself just before the fire. He turns around.


RAZIEL just leapt off the announcers table, and hit the Lights Out in midair. FAMINE falls backwards, INTO THE FIRE!!! He pulls himself out with the reflexes of a cat, but it’s too late!


Both outside referees see it!

The bell rings!



FAMINE is quickly extinguished, and the EMT’s surround him.. But FAMINE pushes them away.. He sees RAZIEL with the Universal Title in his hands, and he limps over to him..

He extends an arm to him..

The lights in the arena very suddenly, very harshly go black.

Dark black.

The crowd utters a collective gasp followed by a lulling hush. In that moment, the ring is completely enveloped in the darkness, only the hot, rapid breaths of the competitors the only thing audible.

After a moment, a thunderous and distorted voice, pops through the live speaks. It speaks in a harsh, cut-out tone, and its words are sharp.

"FAMINE No More..."

The words are crisp, yet truly frightening, as following them, spotlights of bluish gray and crimson red, shoot to the rafters, high above the ring. Nothing is immediately visible, yet after a moment, we believe we see movement.

"Demon-King... meet..."

The ominous voice intones across the arena, seemingly shaking the ground.

A stray beam of spotlight catches FAMINE OF THE VILE, seemingly looking everywhere, preparing from an attack, motioning to the rafters, for his enemy.

The crowd is on its feet, wild eyes roaming everywhere, trying to find the source of the disturbance.

The voice returns, but as it does, all hell breaks loose.

"... THE DEVIL-GOD!!!!!"

At that, we hear ropes snapping from the rafters, as that slight movement is finally visible, as people begin screaming!


It's a THRONE! A SOLID GOLD CHAIR! It must weigh a ton!

It dangles from one, quivering yet remaining rope, but after a moment, it buckles and begins a long, slow-motion descent....



With a crack, the lights come back on, just in time to witness FAMINE OF THE VILE and RAZIEL, diving to either side of the ring as the heavy missile from the sky, literally... ..


It's THROUGH the ring! The ring is collapsed! There's metal and canvas and carnage everywhere!!!

FAMINE OF THE VILE, gets back to a standing position, as RAZIEL slowly makes his ways to his. They both seem to have the same amount of shock on their faces.

Who could have orchestrated this?

As FAMINE walks toward the center of the ring, RAZIEL does as well. They move slowly, cautiously... finally making their way to the hole in the ring.

When FAMINE reaches the devastation, he leans down to look into the architecture of the ring itself wiping a sweat drop from his forehead. RAZIEL leans back for a moment, opting to stand in the corner.

Apparently satisfied with nothing beyond the chair begin in his company, FAMINE turns back to the crowd, throwing his hands up in the air, pointing to the heavy, golden chair... laughing.


The monstrous voice returns, even as MORE chaos breaks out in the ring.

A spring load seems to snap, as we hear a large click, as if a gun being prepped to be fired.

Then... it happens!




A dark figure flies what must be 10 feet into the air, from BEHIND FAMINE of the Vile, landing directly in line of sight with the combatant!

He just ripped a second hole in the ring! The ring looks completely ridiculous!

The figure steps forward, his face unseen to us, and reaches his hand forward!

He has FAMINE by the THROAT!

And then... we see it...


With that, The Sickness... The BloodKnight Rogue, the devilish embodiment of the XWF, plucks FAMINE OF THE VILE up from the canvas and holds him in the air! FAMINE's feet are dangling!






With that, CYREN turns to RAZIEL, shoots him a wink and jumps into the crevice, a microphone in his hand.

CYREN lifts FAMINE's bloodied, weary head up by his hair and looks right into the man's eyes, even as he pressed a button on the side console of the heavy throne.

CYREN: FAMINE OF THE VILE, your time as a King is over. However, we're going to do this night a little differently... we're going to end it.. with TWO CORONATIONS!!!

At that, a thin, brace like bar, in a half-circle rises from the golden arch of the throne's back, resting right on top of FAMINE's head... it seems electrified. There are small pentagrams etched into the marking's on the throne, and even smaller versions on the... 'crown', itself.

As it slowly begins lowering, onto FAMINE's head, CYREN locks wrist and ankle clasps into place, turning locks shut on the chair.

As FAMINE's eyes bounce wildly in his head, they roam upward to find heady sparks of blue lightning quickly falling down upon him.

CYREN merely smirks, and laughs at the man.

CYREN: I pity this fact, FAMINE. We could have been so close once, but you had to defile...a GOD! And like a very particular GOD , such as Thor, I punish those who wrong me with...

As CYREN, trails off, the 'crown' of bluish electric rests perfectly on FAMINE's head.

Sweat is dripping from his brow, as he screams obscenities at CYREN.

CYREN merely shakes his head, as he rests his finger on another button on the throne's side console.

"... THUNDER!"




Puffs and wisps of smoke billow out of the center of the ring, RAZIEL looking down and grimacing as the smell of charred flesh and the sound of screaming, fills the arena.

After only a few short moments, CYREN presses another button on the console... the loud, buzzing noise of the chair ceases and winds down.

As smoke dissipates, an airborne camera peers directly into the hole and... at a horrifying sight.

FAMINE OF THE VILE is barely breathing, blistered blood pools down his face, from his eyes... down long, black hair and pools on his own lap, which has pants so electrified, they light ablaze before smothering.

CYREN pulls a cigarette from his breast pocket, and runs a hand through reddish-gray hair, as he motions for RAZIEL to clamor into the ring.

As RAZIEL jumps down, CYREN lights his cigarette off a burning ember in FAMINE's hair.

He puffs hazily, as RAZIEL lands next to him. He motions RAZIEL to strike.

He does... but does not need to.

With a thunderously heavy kick to FAMINE's chest, the man screams and the throne rocks off it's hinges, the heavy golden chair, rocking on a piece of broken ring, before completely toppling over..

The crowd can do nothing and say nothing..

The program fades to black…


AUGUST 26, 2007

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