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Zone Name: EURO_Hakkuhlaar

Hey EURO_members, I am 20 years old now and born in Dordrecht (Netherlands) where i still live. What does i do in my life? I am now following education at Shell Chemical company. And in opposite of Collet i love to eat meat. By the way collet ain't a real vegetarian. He still eats a lot of sheep, boars, dears and fish. I like drinking a lot and going out. Always doing things and when i am not i play AoE TC, becaus i am kinda addicted to it. I have no girlfriend at the moment thats because i am going on hoilday to Malta in 2 weeks. U probably understand that all. Free life is the best way of life when ur young. Cya ppl hope to cu a lot in the zone, Greetings EURO_Hakkuhlaar