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EURO Clan Rules

These are the rules all EURO members are expected to follow. Rules stated to result in a members ejection from the clan are the rules which are 100 % neccesarry and must be followed. other rules are just guidlines to aid "clanspirit"

1) U must log using ur EURO name several times a week. using old names with old friends is tollorated to a limit but not at the expense of regular EURO clan activity (failure to log on regularly as a EURO when u are able to do so results in ur ejection from this clan)

2)Be polite to other members on the zone (non euro members included). do not start abusive arguements with opponents or other clans (and if they start the abuse try to limit ur retaliation or not retaliate at all). when u have to boot somebody from a game u are hosting try to say "sorry" rather than just give them the boot. and after u lose a good game try not to be bitter. try to say "gg")...("very extreme" bad attidute will result in ejection from the clan)

3)Please give ur email adress to EURO_collet or EURO_Hakkuhlaar

4)Please give EURO_Collet notice before u go on holiday for longer than 2 weeks so we know u are still with us.

5)Try to join in the conversations taking place in the forums (at least once a week prefered)

6)If ur asked to join By EURO_Collet. U have a trial membership of 2 weeks. If ur living the rulzz above as they r meant to be u r a EURO member.