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Races of the Forgotten Realms

A brief rundown of the races found in Faurun. This list is not meant to be inclusive and excludes many of the monster races and societies found in the Realms. This information was compiled from A Grand Tour of the Realms and Demihuman Deities

Humans are the dominant race in the Realms. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Individuals sometimes show the height of a halfling, the slenderness of an elf, or the stockiness of a dwarf, but are completely human. Human skin color varies from the pale, almost translucent Lantanese to the dusky, dark-eyed natives of Unther with ever shade inbetween. Humans are one of the most aggresive of the major races. Humans have a spoken and written language that is accepted as Realmspeak and Tradetongue even among the nonhuman races. Humans seem to provide equal chance to men and women; while there is a tendancy in many Realmsian societies for women to occupy a domestic role, there is little resistance to a powerful female leader or proficient wizardess, should a woman choose such a position as her goal in life. The Faurun pantheon is wide-spread across much of the main continent, worshipped by humans and to a much lesser extent by other races.

The dwarves of the Realms are a short, stocky people who seem to be part of the earth itself, ranging in hue from a rich earth-red to a granite stone gray. Both male and female dwarves have beards, although dwarven women usually shave. Dwarves are dour and mistrustful of magic beyond that which a magical axe can lend. The dwarven written language, rarely used, is known as Dethek Runes. The Stout Folk of the Realms worship a pantheon collectively known as the Morndinsamman led by Moradin.

The elves of the Forgotten Realms are human height but much more slender. Their hands and fingers (of which they have four, not five) are half-again as long as a human's, and delicately tapered, and their bones are light and surprisingly sturdy. Elven faces are thinner and more serene and their ears, like the ears of elves in half a hundred known worlds, are pointed. There are five subraces of elves in the Realms. Elves call their own race Tel'Quessir (translated as the people) and nonelven races N'Tel'Quessir (translated as not-people). In the Year of Moonfall (DR 1344), the decision was made by the elven court after 500 years of deliberation to begin The Retreat. Elves in Retreat make for Evermeet across the sea or to Everska on the edge of the Great Sand Sea of Anauroch. The elven nation of Evermeet is ruled by Queen Amlaruil. The elves of Evermeet do not allow other races to her shores and consequently are the strongest sea power in the Realms. There are rumors of great magics and extradimensional gates that are used to expediate the passage of elves out of the human world to Evermeet. The moon elven alphabet is known as Espruar. The elven pantheon is the Seldarine, led by Corellon Larethian.