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Crash Bandicoot 3

Codes and review for Crash Bandicoot 3

Review: Crash Bandicoot 3 is a drop-dead gorgeous game. The textures are impeccable, the animation is top-notch, and the special effects rock. It sounds great too. Play-wise it's the best action-platformer. The time trial mode really does a lot to increase the game's longevity. Anyone who enjoyed the first two games won't be disappointed, and if you've never played Crash before you will still enjoy and might want to try the other two games out. Crash Bandicoot 3's graphics get a 9 out of 10. The animation and texture looks great! Crash Bandicoot 3's sound gets a 9 out of 10. Good music and sound effects. Crash Bandicoot 3's gameplay gets a 9 out of 10. Reponsive control and the ability to free roam around the levels gives is a good score. Crash Bandicoot 3's lasting appeal gets a 7 out of 10. To some expert gamers the difficulty level might not be hard enough but the time trial defentily makes it last.