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Dragon Court
Dragon Court Help
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2.1 Billion Item Limit
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DC Mail Guide
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Gems Guide
Guild Skills Guide
Healing Guide
Increasing Pack Space
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Item Shops
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Gems Guide
There are seven different types of gems in the game that have the potential to be useful items. Gems are basically counterparts of other existing items in the game, but unlike their counterparts, the six basic gems can be bought at the Gem Exchange store at the Mountains. However, gems are completely useless if you don't have the necessary amount of Mage skills to activate their abilities. In any case, it probably isn't worth the trouble to get Mage skills for the sole purpose of being able to use the gems and they should be sold for marks instead. On the other hand, you may want to keep Diamonds, which are by far the most elusive of the gems in the game.

Gem Mage Skills Function Dropped By
Quartz 2 Acts as an Identify Scroll - it allows you to identify unidentified weapons in your backpack. Basilisk, Centaur, Dungeon Mage, Field Wizard, Goat, Golem, Mage, Miners, Pirates, Sea Serpent, Warlock, Wyvern
Opal 4 Acts as a Healing Salve - it can heal 12 injured guts in and out of battle. It can also be used to peer other characters. Anaconda, Basilisk, Dungeon Mage, Field Mage, Giant Rat, Golem, Gryphon, Kabold, Mage, Mounds Miners, Pirates, Sea Serpent, Warlock
Garnet 6 Acts as a Seltzer Water - it's able to cure any status effects/diseases that your character is suffering from. Basilisk, Dungeon Mage, Elf, Goat, Goblin Vault, Golem, Gryphon, Mage, Pirates, Warlock, Wyvern
Emerald 8 Acts as a Panic Dust - it forces the monster to run away. Dungeon Miners, Basilisk, Giant, Goblin Vault, Golem, Gryphon, Unicorn, Wyvern
Ruby 10 Acts as a Blast Powder - it inflicts 120 damage against the monster. Anaconda, Dungeon Miners, Dungeon Troll, Forest Snot, Goblin Vault, Golem, Gryphon, Mountain Troll, Priest, Wyvern
Turquoise 12 Acts as a Blinding Dust - it prevents the monster from being able to use items against you. Dungeon Miners, Dungeon Snot, Dungeon Troll, Golem, Mermaid, Sea Serpent
Diamond 14 Acts as a Mandrake Root - it gives you one Berzerk-like attack during battle, heals 180 injured guts, and subtracts 3 wits for the rest of the day. The Wheel Guy

Gems and Golems
The Golems at Hie Brasil are a great source of gems. Golems offer the six basic types of gems that can either be used or sold.

Lost in Shangala
Don't bother going to Shangala if you're looking for some gems because none of the monsters there will drop any. While you're at it, don't bother venturing to the Abandoned Mines either because there aren't any gems in there.

Gems of the Distant Past
Although gems are one of the few items in the game that actually haven't changed much since they were first introduced to the game, Rubies used to act as Blinding Dusts and Turquoises used to act as Blast Powders.

All creature images and related insignia are ©1997-2007, Fred's Friends, Inc. This help site
is maintained and written by randomorange of the Wizards & Warriors clan. Please send
all inquiries to randomorange through in-game mail. This site is not affiliated with Fred's Friends, Inc.